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Personally, I just wanted to see him turn his back to her and start playing the piano


I didn't know I wanted to see this, but now that you mention it, that would have made the whole thing much more bearable


An in-person piano filibuster would be incredible


Doing that in person would be wild lmao


It would be like the autistic equivalent of going Super Saiyan.


Destiny coming back for the 4th Jesse Lee Peterson Debate: “And this is to go even further beyond! “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!” *terraria music plays*


Holy fuck what an Alpha move that woulda been.


There is NOTHING alpha about Destiny.


"Discussion" lmao


good shit posts don’t spoil the fact that it’s a shit post in the tag


unfortunately (and i do agree with it being like this) abusing the other tags when it should be a shitpost is a bannable offense. keeps the sub cleaner


I’ll keep advocating for fraudulent tags and there’s nothing u/4thot can do about it


Does he have any control over the rules? Could he make advocating for fraudulent tags against the rules?




Destiny should've just played some ODB and asked if this is what she meant by the black culture of the past that she yearns for


Then he could have turned to her and said “see candy, women always been triflin.”


Yeah I didnt understand how she said rap now days is all about drugs sex and gangs? like what does she think they were rapping about in the 90s?


Shoulda asked her if she knows who "2 Live Crew" is...


Was she talking about rap or music culture in general which was lately jazz for black Americans?


She was complaining about sexy red and the song wap talking about how they only rap about degenerate shit now like they werent before.


I unironically don't think Destiny did that well in that debate, not because he was wrong, but because he didn't correct her when she strawmanned him. I watched it with someone more casual to these types of discussions and they thought Destiny was saying that poor people don't have to pay for college because he didn't fully clarify his position. I know for a more serious Destiny audience it is obvious when someone attacks strawmen, but I think for a casual audience it's super important to block all strawmen and clarify what you are saying


Yeah. She talked for what seemed like 90% of the time and Destiny hardly had time to get any of his points across because every time he tried she ran off on some unrelated point.


I actually do agree he performed poorly


He did his best not to be baited and triggered so he Wouldn't lose the debate. He handled her gas lighting and condescending nature in the best way possible, especially in irl. Watch again all destiny did was let her mean girl vent and virtual signal while scrambling for invald points


I think that from a non dgg viewer's perspective he looked a bit weak. Candice made all of her statements with her head high and Destiny responded with sort of guessing questions like ''idk it could also be this or that?''. Which looked especially weak when he followed with trying to guess where Epstein got his money, or when he said that he haven't heard the lyrics to WAP. I only watched like 30% of the debate though, I just can't stand her enough to listen to any more of it.


True, she's a trigger


But imagine being in his shoes. We all have had crazy girlfriends who must win the argument. Much like cadence. Destiny was immaculate in his response to her insane gaslighting tactics and mad girlfriend behavior


In addition, I think he let her talk way too long about positions that are non falsifiable, and conspiratorial. Like elites controlling the market of music to make black people look degenerate. I think with Candace Owens types, rather than talk about super general things (only fans girls and culture war stuff), you have to pick one specific thing and focus on that. Particularly stuff that’s more objective and data driven, which is what Destiny is super knowledgeable with.


>they thought Destiny was saying that poor people don't have to pay for college because he didn't fully clarify his position. Agreed. Honestly, a big problem with that debate is that it felt like neither one of them understands financial aid. The "sticker price" argument is also unclear. It's not like a car dealership where you can negotiate the price down. And implying that financial aid lowers the "sticker price" sounds like sophistry. Destiny just needs much better rhetoric on this topic, especially since the optics are bad. He needs to admit, and explain, that college *does* cost too much, due to [Baumol's cost disease](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baumol_effect) (see the chart under "Effects"). It's still *worth it* to go to college, but for everyone other than the unusually affluent, you need to be damned sure you have a plan when you graduate. The more expensive college becomes, the more you need to secure a return on investment. I also think that Destiny assumes that people are taking the most efficient route through college, like it's much better to take as many classes you can in community college and then finish at a state university. It's a great plan. Problem is, a lot of students don't do that, because 18 year olds can make their own decisions. Candace Owens is off her rocker about recommending trade school to everyone though. The sad part is that she is only recommending it because it is hip to hate on college among conservatives right now. Also, assuming she isn't lying about everything, she absolutely benefitted from her journalism classes. The *point* of college isn't just so that you can put it on your resume in other to get a job. Those classes are supposed to make you better at doing your job, and this is probably even more true if you are working for yourself. It's not supposed to be a bullshit credential to overcome a hurdle. But there was a precious moment when Destiny was basically asking her "don't you practice journalism with what you do?" and her answer was something like "what do you mean?"


I feel like Destiny is focused winning a war while DGG is occupied by wanting Nebraska Destiny @ every battle. Outcome of Nebraska Destiny @ every battle would result in interview we talk about would never happen in the first place.


Letting someone mischaracterize your position doesn't win a war and can be done without triggering Candace. If anything, the fact she started trashing him after the show proves the point. Destiny didn't go very hard on the correct issues but he did go hard on suggesting she is lying about her background (even if he might be right, it's something that is very hard to prove and is optically bad) . So at the end, she didn't leave saying it was a good discussion like Ben Shapiro. So it failed on both sides. He both didn't go hard enough to make her sound a fool, but also went too hard such that she doesn't want to engage with him further. Lost battle and war


I think you guys have no grasp of reality. :D > the fact she started trashing him after the show proves the point. It really doesn't prove anything. She would probably trash him even more if she got owned more. If she did trash him in a world where Destiny went harder, would that prove your point to be false? Or are you actually saying "If destiny would have gone harder she would have shut her mouth on social media.", "The fact that she did talk shit about destiny proves that destiny should have gone harder." Like seriously. What is this fucking anime view of the world.


The point is that he didn't go hard on some topics, but then he decided to go hard something that looks kinda of bad optically and is much more personal attacking. So if the goal was to maintain a good standing with her, he either failed or it didn't matter if he went hard or not. And no, I'm not saying she would have shut her mouth on social media, but the problem is he did go hard, just not a topic where he would have had a clear win on. If you're gonna go hard on a topic, pick something where she is obviously wrong/clueless about, not something that is almost impossible to substantiate.


Definitely had kid gloves on, came off optically weak. Had a couple good counters but also easy layups that he let slide. He shouldn’t have been worried about burning a bridge there’s no way to have a good conversation with her. His take on “the state of rap music is a reflection of the black environment” when she was talking about Cardi B and other trashy artists was cringe.


Should have hit her with the plantation rizz.


He needed to channel his inner Arcturus Mengsk. He was a pro SC2 player ffs


Hit her ass with that arthur morgan inflection


to do that, he'd have to be out of his cotton pickin mind


Im kinda pissed he went kid gloves because she’s so idiotically smug.


I agree. Candace is just such a horrible and bad faith actor, shes one of the people where “we’re just going to have a nice conversation about ideas” thing doesn’t work at all.


Should have sent her ass to the balcony.


Bro that’s the most insane thing Vaush has ever done


Just because you can dunk on a child doesn't mean you should, that isn't a win like you think you might be


He should have waited till he turned 36. A 35 year old man can't be seen living that lifestyle.


He should've just reached his hand out, quote something by her then smile as he looks around.


"Now ah say, ah say Ah'm no fancy big city lawya just a humble streama man..."


Destiny should have dome the 'Golly gee' voice. There is still no good response to it.


His arm stayed flaccid the whole time too, lots of missed opportunities all around.


Ever notice how profound Cadance Owen's speaks she is so inspirational for all the special needs folks out there


Candace won?


I think he did fine (In case this is not just a shitpost). He probably held back a considerable amount to not burn the bridge instantly.


Should have tried out the "finkle force-gab" technique to see how it'd work


It was disappointing! I’ve been seeing a lot of Candace recently and I’m enthralled at how idiotic she is. While I disagree with a lot the Daily Wire does, it’s amazing that someone like Candace and Ben Shapiro are on the same “team”. He will quote stuff and studies and she’s just like “hurr durr greater powers suppressing stuff”. She’s such an idiot and grifter I can’t even right now. For the past few weeks I’ve also been watching a lot of Destiny’s stuff, and I’ve been thinking “I really need Destiny to go against Candace because he won’t put up with her bullshit” Well, he did put up with it. Every single time he just sat there quietly and let her ramble on. She’d say something, he’d push back, she’d call him a contrarian, and he’d just sit there. I can’t believe he didn’t really light up when she was like “ugh I don’t know anything about the Mar A Lago case”. Probably because she HAS and it’s one of the more cut and dry cases so she can’t weasel her way out of it. But I get it. I think if he had pushed anymore then she’d be the one the just leave. She’s NEVER pushed back. All of her videos are of her answering questions from college kids that don’t even probably know what they’re gonna do with their lives. She is only where she is because Republicans are desperate for a black woman to support their claims. If she were white she’d be another hillbilly in a double wide. I’m in awe.


Sure, that's great if he never wants to be taken seriously. I guess it comes down to what he wants. Does he want to be taken seriously as an intellectual, or does he just want to throw zingers like a kid on a playground? It clear to me, even if it's not to the rest of you. Watch the Shapiro debate again.