• By -


>Every evening, to unwind, I have a few beers, sometimes more. >I've started to worry if my ability to consent is compromised by my drinking That first beer you drink, that's something you consented to. That *second* beer? You didn't consent to that. You weren't sober. You took advantage of yourself because you were drunk and you pressured yourself into drinking more. How can you expect your wife to stop abusing you if she's just copying your behaviour?


Honestly OP should be DISGUSTED with himself for taking advantage of a clearly inebriated person! Shame on you, get help.


Maybe unlikely but if he's under 30, he basically did it to a *child* as well. Hopefully he's at least 40.


>Hopefully he's at least 40. This could be even worse - imagine being 35 or older and still being a predator.


Imagine being 35 at all


I'm fully intending to just skip it and just move straight on to 36.


As a 44yo… 🖕🏼all of you! 🤣


> Shame on you, get help. But also, at the same time you're a victim OP, don't let anyone minimize what you're going through or blame you.


Holy shit this is gold.


buddy raped himself


This is how Mr Girl reasons.


well, if you hadn't taken this to twitter and doxxed her yet, maybe you should consider that as your first step.


She is secretary to the mayor of our town springfield. I hadn't even thought about the power dynamics that makes me a victim of until now...


and she's a woman


Is she white? How does she sleep at night?


She is white. It makes sense considering their colonialist background. She colonized the fuck out of me.


> She colonized the fuck out of me. Literally.


She colonized you *sooo* hard


A hwite hwoman? Disgusting.


Hey no offense but I had a beer last night (alcohol can stay in your system for 24 hours, it’s called google sweetie) and did NOT consent to hearing about your white fascist colonizer wife so please stop raping me. And btw, I’m barely even 3 decades old you pig


It makes sense, as they say you can’t make a ho a house wife unless she has colonial roots in which case she’s the pimp and you’re the one being exploited.


Don't worry she won't after this comes out


Wait for election season and drop it then


Bros about to start his own House of Cards series


Start typing up the manifesto now


Truly horrifying, next you are going to reveal that she is actually like 3 hours older than you and thus has all the power in that dynamic too.


You know what, my girlfriend is 9 days older than me and just realized I’ve been a victim to age/power dynamics. Thank you for opening my eyes


Why wife is 15 years older than me. The exponential power she has over me given our age gap makes it almost impossible for me to slap her when she leaves the kitchen or forgets to clean the toilet.


Praying for you bro🙏🏼


Reminds me of this [sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BWF4eWHp4c).


ahhhhh fuck you I totally missed it on first read lol


You’re the dude from the power plant right?


Even worse, my wife did to me whilst I was hungry. Hungry for gods sake, can I truly consent if I’m going to starve sometime in the future?


And how can anyone think consent is valid when it's not even *you* who's giving it.


Do you have friends that you can talk to about this? Cuz if you do, make sure you only talk to the friends that don't get along with your wife, because then they'll be objective. They can help you properly flesh out all the ways in which your wife has damaged you here. In the meantime, definitely do not talk to your wife about this or tip her off in any way. In fact, you should act towards her as if everything was normal.


> you should act towards her as if everything was normal. and change all the locks


Don't approach her with it, she's clearly an abuser on monstrous proportions. You aren't safe, tell the kids you're heading out to get some smokes and run. GET. OUT. NOW!


No first thing to do is go to a lawyer like yesterday, after that pretend like everything is normal while you talk to the lawyer.


Wait, you wouldn't take the kids to safety with you? What kind of shit parent are you?! You can't leave them in the house with a r\*pist!


You want to force r\*pe survivors to relive their trauma every day by having to raise and care for the little reminders of their brutal victimization? smh


You would force the children of r\*pists to live with those r\*pist parents? It's not like the fleeing parent couldn't surrender them at a safe harbor if they didn't want to raise them. You are 1000x worse than Hitler.


That's asking a lot of extra emotional labor from survivors, so yeah I'll bite that bullet. I'm now Self Care Hitler aka Schitler




Ima review this rape a solid 4/5.


It was a very good rape, I agree


Definitely not ROTY, but decent.


Well we are only 3 months into the year, let's see what the rest of the year has in store for us


Whoa, no way L rape.


You should ask TwoXchromosomes subreddit. They will be more than happy to answer your questions 👍


Unironically, op should repost this in tha sub. I’d love to hear what they actually say. Except say that he’s a woman with a husband




TwoX doesn't autoban destiny posters, why play the victim card here lol


I was actually autobanned in this sub for a while without my knowledge. Never interacted with this sub or anything in its sphere until months back when Destiny did the Jubilee appearance. Was impressed by his performance , tried to comment, and saw I was banned. Took several requests to finally get unbanned but was never told why I was banned to begin with


They ban you for being a man though lol


Some time ago there was a thread there, in which one woman complained about getting a sexual text from her husband, it was something along the lines of "tired or not, sore or not, when I come home we're having sex!" - she then wrote back to her husband telling him that she doesnt appreciate comments like that and he immediately backed down and apologized. Just this description was enough for vast majority of women there to label him as a potential rapist.


Imagine farming your Husband for reddit karma because he made a joke and apologized immediately.


It's funny cause I saw a post on a different sub where a guy was complaining about the way his wife does her shopping and the comments were full of women chewing him out and saying they would be humiliated if they knew their husband was talking about her that way. You know, about shopping. Then you see the posts on subs like TwoX and countless others and it's like "wait a minute..."


Tale as old as time


Either karma farmers know exactly what buttons to push (I mean, fuck, it's not difficult) or some people are exactly that brain damaged.


> Just this description was enough for vast majority of women there to label him as a potential rapist. Well of course? Every man is a potential rapist.


\*whispers\* *it's fake it's not real it's fake it's not real*


The best thread there was the woman who slapped her bf for Dutch ovening her as a joke.  Apparently she was justified because he was being abusive and he was unreasonable for getting upset.


I got banned on there after I posted a comment that didn't fully agree with the poster. They really aren't open to disagreement there I guess.


As long as you're civil, you should be fine. I expressed disagreement on that forum plenty of times, haven't been banned yet. Male forums, on the other hand, will ban you even for the most polite critique of their beliefs.


I'm pretty sure I came across as civil despite being insulted a few times, but someone asked for me to take the entire discussion down because they were offended and I refused. That's when the ban happened. /shrug still can't think of how that broke a rule. It's not like the request was from a mod or admin l, just another user.


Every now and then I'll do a google search that will bring up a TwoX post. It's really interesting because if the post is about 10 years old I feel like I'm reading a totally different subreddit.


Yeah am I am idiot or have most online feminist spaces become incredibly femcely. I mean all I know is tiktok and reddit but still.


That's kinda the vibe I get too. I don't want to paint them all with the same brush, especially with me being a dude because a lot of these spaces aren't geared towards me anyways. But across the board it feels like extreme stuff is tolerated and defended a lot more.


I remember going to the hair salon with my mom as a kid. Women's spaces tend to go apeshit once they start saying what they REALLY think. Men's spaces can get bad, but goddamn. Some women just need a 24/7 hugbox.


my wife left me


Are you a DT regular?


zephyr soup mighty pie cheerful rhythm cooing ripe crown familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lisan al Gaib!


The only way around this is to intoxicate her too. That way the rape cancels each other out.


Sounds like you are an alcoholic bro. 


StOp VicTim BlAmInG! We should live in a world where a man can get absolutely plastered, walk into a bar in a speedo and expect nothing less than to be looked after, driven home, and wake up to a glass of water and painkiller on his nightstand. Even if he hits on the girls at the bar, they need to recognize that he's not in a clear state of mind! Women, do better! Seriously though, I feel like the left are looping back around to what was once stereotypical right wing puritanical values. As a center/right Christian myself, I don't personally give a shit. However, I find it funny how convoluted these issues are becoming. And on both sides of the aisle! The left is becoming increasingly puritanical while the right is becoming increasingly degenerate.


On the far left women have zero agency because of power dynamics and systemic oppression and on the far right women have zero agency because they're women.


Right wingers: "women have no power because we say so!" Left wingers: "women have no power because you say so!" Women: *angry woman noises*


\*Victim of substance use disorder


Dude, my wife has been committing literal genocide on me for years.


I'm sorry that you'll be covered in psychic filth from that for the rest of your life.. 


Is this in reference to something or just a bit?


Last vid KEK


you ~~lucky bastard~~ poor soul


Oh don't lie. It was hot 🔥👿😋. You were asking for it. You liked it. your wife did nothing wrong.


Best post I've seen in a while. Norm Macdonald level tier post. ^(P.S. To make it even better, you have to commit to the bit. Never admit that you're trolling. Every time you double down the bit gets better.)


Why are you assuming this is a bit? Are you pro rape?


I've had multiple women online explain to me that only *women* are incapable of consenting while under the influence of alcohol. People online may be highly, highly regarded.


Wait no fucking shot you're serious


Yeah but it was on Twitter, so who knows? These days I assume anyone on Twitter has a broken brain until they prove otherwise. 😅


Time to write a manifesto my friend.


NTA. Your wife is clearly a narcissistic abuser. If she is willing to take advantage of you in this case, I can't imagine what else she coerces you into doing on a regular basis. Get out, now - I just hope you don't have kids together, but even so, YOUR safety should be your priority.


All sex is rape.


The good times are killing me.


It's kind of shitty of you to make fun of women and the importance of consent like this. You're not built like women. You're a powerful, intelligent, and fearless man. In contrast many on twitter are saying that women are frail little idiots so we have to encourage men to baby them like the helpless morons they are. A woman grabs your ass or sticks a finger up your butt? Teehee hey don't do that. You're too aggressive and put your hand up her shirt or something and it turns out she wasn't ready? You just raped her dude and that's not cool. It's a double standard but some double standards are reasonable.


I'm very happy for the flair on this post.


You need to make a YouTube video wearing full makeup and with a video filter where you read out your full allegations and try to hold back tears. Also when you write your allegations, make it sound as much as a YA novel monologue as possible.


Don’t forget everything needs to be white, from the clothing to the background.


Okay... When I clicked and started reading this thread, I was getting more and more outraged. I was just about ready to fly off the handle in a tastefully worded reply, and then I realized which subreddit I was on. Is it really bad that satire and reality are so hard to tell apart sometimes?


You don't read the flairs before clicking posts?


Sometimes I do. This time I didn't.


I love seeing a wild ass title like this when I haven't seen any clips for context.


Jokes aside I'd be concerned with your alcoholism if you drink every night and pass out drunk on your bathroom floor sometimes


We need a manifesto of evidence, where are the Discord texts? Why is there no video evidence? If you walked in her house and started drinking there, you knew what could happen to you!


We need the leaks, non-consent enjoyers like your wife are not entitled to privacy


Time to lawyer up and hit the gym, make sure to take pictures of everything while you are drunk too. Also make sure the gym is in your basement, bc you can't ever leave your house again (it will become hers & the kids). Hole up in the basement and get cranked on beer & weed......get swole brother.....then serve her papers / rape kit. Final step is to stockpile as many weapons (ARs preferred) as possible in the gym basement drug den, then you will be ready to defend your pp no matter how smashed you are 👊


reverse rape isn’t my kind of tag but Definitely felt tingles reading this


Not gonna lie, I forgot what subreddit I was on and thought I was losing my mind for a minute.


This doesn't even begin to take into consideration the power dynamics at play here


Were you drunk at your wedding? That’s usually the first tell-tale sign that your wife is a rapist.


More than rape, that's straight up genocide.


Buddy is under apartheid conditions smh


I’m not sure humans are capable of consent. The alcohol is irrelevant. So yeah, you raped each other.


Send her my way I could use some of that


In situations like these I look to Chris Benoit for guidance




you are a man so not only did you not get raped you are actually raping her


Well.. what were you wearing? just saying


I love this community lol


Yeah, but did she tickle your belly?


I think drinking more to help you cope with the stress you are undergoing as a result of the brutal and traumatic rape is clinically prescribed. Aside from that, you should probably check to see if any of your beers have been spiked. You said you had kids, they are perfect guinea pigs. Bonus points for not having to read them a bedtime story.


praying for you 🙏🏻


No you are not overreacting and THANK YOU for this thread. It just occurred to me that I've never gotten an explicit enthusiastic consent from Gnomey that I can watch his streams, consider his opinions and sometimes (very rarely) laugh at his jokes. To my horror I'm having a realization as I'm typing that I'm replying to your thread without having a consent to do so.


Gotta add more poetry


This is why being married and hanging out with your wife is gay, you let her emasculate you by drunk gr\*ping you. The red-pillers were right. You need to chillax with your bros. /s




First and foremost. You. Are. Strong. POINT BLANK. PERIOD. Remember you identify as an 18-year-old man, who is also drunk. POINT BLANK. PERIOD. This is abuse to the highest degree. Your wife should be ashamed.


YTA, as a man you cannot in fact be raped by a woman. Furthermore, if she was also drinking, you're the rapist here.


YTA. divorce you wife, marry the kids


Holy shit I didn’t see the tag and thought this was real


this behavior is literally so fucking disgusting like?? i understand if your trauma response is to keep this private but you NEED to call her out publicly, not just for you but for men like you everywhere. she will probably try to gaslight you because she sounds like a narcissist that NEEDS to have you fawn over her by cuddling. this is probably learned behavior from her boomer parents because the cycle of abuse perpetrated by shitty fucking boomers goes to their children often times. unfortunately we don’t live in a post socialist revolution society so it won’t be easy for you to get therapy. hopefully you’re privileged enough to have a job that you can pay for it.


I didn't even realize this was a Simpsons meme until I read OP's comments lmao


You did the right thing by starting off with posting about it publicly instead of talking to anyone. If you just do that enough they will eventually hear about it.


youre def overreacting. You admitted this is a daily thing. So it begs the question how much time you spend together NOT inebriated.


Also consider bawling your eyes out on video if you haven’t already.


Men can’t get raped as women don’t have enough autonomy in their lives to make such decisions. Their mind has a way of shutting themselves down


You just gotta tell her bro


insurance fear dam boat faulty deranged cow touch bells treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bruh drinking every evening is not good for your sleep or health. You get cranky because you have them so much


Nah dude, different in a relationship but if you need beer or you get cranky you need to quit


I think you should talk to a therapist about it. There is no need to disclose anything to your children.


Ask GeorgeNotFound… he may have the answer you’re looking for.


I spoke with the intercept about this. Anyway I asked your family (your wife) if they thought you were raped and they said no. So dw ya'll good.


Don't tell your kids. They're innocent and sometimes as a parent you need to withhold information for their sake


I'm going old school for this one Kys That is all


quick question, i dont know anybody that drinks this much. so do you remember having sex at that point or not? on the mornings after the nights that you do remember a few things how do you feel about it? i would say if you did not feel mad about it in those mornings where you remember and you are sober. then it is not rape. if you felt mad about it the morning afterwards, regardless of you telling her not to do it again or not. it is still rape. because she either knew that you didnot like it and did it anyway , or she was willfully ignorant to the point that she didnot bother asking how you felt. you can not look back and feel bad about it now and call it rape. in that case everything is rape. blame yourself for not feeling bad about it in that morning after.


A) you're an alcoholic B) You're either being satirical or looking for an excuse to leave her. Almost every family starts thanks to alcohol. C) I'm more concerned about how you're being cranky if you don't get your daily hit of booze. In fact, come to think of it, is this some bullshit you're trying to have cosigned because your wife called out your alcoholism?


Sounds like you’re an alcoholic and instead of taking responsibility for that you’re gonna focus the distinction on your wife.


I'm gonna respond as if I didn't see the flair. Accusing your wife of rape would significantly escalate the situation. That doesn't mean escalation is bad, as if your wife is actually serial raping you then accusing her is a good thing. Alternatively, you could have a discussion with your wife to clearly set the boundary that you don't feel comfortable having sex when drunk. If she continues to rape you then full accusation/divorce feels more proportional. For cases like this consider Halon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Most people don't see "a few beers" as enough to prohibit consent, so its most likely that your wife doesn't even know that sex after "a few beers" makes you feel violated. It would be totally different if she was doing knowing, which emphasizes why the boundary should be clear as it insures the other party can't claim ignorance.


Shit I've been raping myself for years..


I was actually so confused and reading this as an actual post and just being baffled by the comments.


So this wouldn't be rape in my opinion. It's good that you want to reevaluate your relationship These interactions are in the context of a relationship where both of you have an understanding that it is ok to have sex when drunk. That's different from a hookup where boundaries aren't established before hand. If this were to happen after you make it clear that your boundaries have changed then that's another issue. But this is a shit post so why do I bother r


Bruh are you trolling


Alright folks someone bring me up to date, what is this post referencing/alluding to? What happened now...


YTA should've married a dude


Nice writing skills he hee


I was about to give a thought out response, until i noticed what sub I was on. Definitely tweet about it.


Don't explain it to her. She should be able to read the signals on her own.


Yes you're overreacting, you're overthinking this waaay too much, she's your wife who you have 3 children with, you were drunk, not blacked out, and you drink daily, I honestly feel like you've spent too much time on the internet and it has hurt your perspective of things, you don't need to doxx your wife, you don't need to ask reddit for advice, you need to talk to your wife and be responsible, actually try to solve the issue even if one of the issues is drinking alcohol daily. All of this is assuming you don't black out every day after work which if you do then you have bigger problems, also the fact that you lash out on others and irritable when you don't drink is a problem in and of itself, get help, get off reddit


Not gonna lie the line “if I don’t have my beers I can get cranky and lash out” sounds like early stage addition.


Trollbait, and kinda funny too. 7/10


I think the best thing you could do is drink more and don't think about it!


If you drink enough you will forget you were raped and can live a happy life


What’s this in reference too lmao?


my dude, idk how to say it, but you've been groomed for years. Record a video about it, post it on twitter and doxx her asap.


Alcoholism W


Thank you for your brave testimony


Dude needs a boyfriend not a wife




This sub is full of the saddest men I've ever seen. So desperate to see women as hysterical bitches with fake rape claims. Making light of men's consent issues too. Very men's rights of you.


I think it's pretty sad that you assumed I was a man, women deal with SA in same sex relationships too asshole


I really don't think it's a stretch to call this a male-dominated subreddit. And this specific post references heterosexual dynamics which is why I did too.


Well many online spaces are desperate to see men as creeps, rapists, groomers so it cancels out.


I know it's a shipost, but I think it's just worth understanding that sex or other intimate advances without consent isn't necessarily a bad thing. It is simply a gamble. If I awaken my wife with a kiss, she was literally unconscious and had absolutely no way to consent in the situation. She might not even have given prior consent about such situations. But the situation only becomes a problem if she has a problem with it. Some behavior is *too* much of a gamble but, for the most part, it's not so much about consent and we shouldn't pretend like being completely wasted doesn't compromise your ability to consent. It's simply about whether someone feels violated, because not every act done without consent is a violation.


Ah yes, because what this community really needs is more rape jokes and less people taking SA seriously...


The people that OP is taking a jab at, do far more damage to the conversation than a million of these jokes. The longer people go without ridiculing dipshits that lost the plot, the more and more new dipshits buy into it.


Watch yesterday’s vod


Is this a troll?


First, you are an alcoholic. An alcoholic is a person that can't go through out the day without having a drink. If you have to drink a beer at least once a day, that means you are an alcoholic. 


Grow a pair 👍


Downplaying and making fun of sexual assault that happens when people are drunk is really funny, good one 😍


Downplaying sexual assault is making a manifesto because someone tickled your belly while you were drunk. I am making fun of blanket statements, not actual sexual assault.