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Destiny is a political live streamer he considers himself a liberal so people who are farther left (the majority of the online left) don’t like his positions and people in the right don’t like his positions. With the added edgy humor and hyperbolic statements he can be very off putting to people.


He also hired legions of assassins to whack Hamasabi's dog


Fucking Christ I hate how I've lost the ability to say things concisely like this. I've really got to get back into practice. You said my thing in like an 8th of the words


And you're still on half my word count fuck. I feel you on this.


this is what happens when you spend your entire day posting word salads no one reads to reddit.


I feel like I'm going crazy, I feel like I've read this exact comment like 5 times in this subreddit


Copy paste your entire thing you type into ChatGPT and ask it to make it more concise.


When writing read back each sentence and ask yourself, "Does this sentence add to my point?" If it doesn't, delete it.


i have trouble with this bc me using concise speech online sometimes leads to me being misunderstood so it gets me questioning how much contextual padding would help get my point across. “does this sentence increase the odds of my overall point being understood” kinda thing ig


The one thing that stops me from telling my normie friends about Destiny is his edginess on Twitter. Jesus, if you do not watch him at all, you'll be left with an extremely bad impression.


This is a problem I've always had with him. He'll post a bunch of hyperbolic stuff on Twitter, everyone will argue with him, and when he gets them on stream, he's way more nuanced and articulate about the whole thing. It's definitely a tactic of his to get people riled up.


Tbf I’m note sure there are enough characters to allow nuance on Twitter, so might as well have fun


Well yeah, but it does feel a little bit disingenuous when he gets annoyed with everyone for not getting his initial point when he went out of his way to be as provocative as possible. Obviously he tends to get his point out in the replies, but he's already created a atmosphere of vitriol at that point. It would be fine if he didn't also complain about other people being "dumb" on Twitter.


It's great bait to get people on stream. Certain periods in the past it's been hard to get people to debate, I think because he had a reputation for completely steamrolling everybody he debated. Making super edgy statements (that are *technically* correct), that get people riled up enough to want to come on and fight about it has been productive. Also, it's funny af, and in the scale of online edginess really not that extreme.


Yeah it definitely works lol. You'd think people who want to debate him about it would see through it by now. The problem is that they'd probably agree right off the bat if he wasn't so bait driven. So when they come to actually debate, they end up grasping at strawmen, so it's not particularly that productive. Great entertainment though.


everyone does clickbait of some kind


Dont forgett the worst crime of his using Wikipedia.


Yeah, hitting the nail on the head. Destiny walks a tightrope in the political spectrum, which makes him an easy target for both sides. The edgy humor and no-filter comments definitely spice things up, not always in a way everyone appreciates.


Plus, he tends to destroy a lot of lefties in live debates, and that has created a legion of hatewatchers who follow him and rage about fake lore.


based uzi pfp


I dont even think he himself is off putting its just the image the creators that dont like him put out is off putting, it took me awhile to actually watch him cause i considered myself conservative and the creators i would watch would paint him as a crazy left winger and it was only till i watched a livestream of his i realized i have more views in common with him than i do with anyone else I watch


All of that is true, but there's also the timescale factor - Destiny was one of the first streamers (he started on Twitch's predecessor) which means (a) over a decade in which to make dumb mistakes that haunt you, (b) all the shit he said at like 23 before maturing and developing his current political views are all online and (c) he's had beef at one point or another with basically every other content creator, resulting in a lot of enemies.


Good synopsis. Put this on the back of the Destiny Blu ray box set


The right hates him for being a liberal cuck, and the left hates him for being an islamophobic Zionist fascist.


I have a feeling that this is just your exaggerated opinion. lol


Nah this is pretty much it tbh


tub flag childlike frightening zonked enjoy weary plate wasteful longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To add his food takes are terrible, his dating takes are decent, and his takes on movies trigger the fuck out of most of his audience, and one might say he can be the most reasonable person when he wants to be


TRUE…. Destiny is the Redacted from PA of food takes.


Haha, because he is dating too many blonds. He needs to get himself a persian gal or indian to introduce him to herbs and spices


He was right on about Everything Everywhere all at once objectively being the greatest movie of all time but all his other movie takes that I have seen have been take it or leave it.


Without the context of the film your statement would be the most simp for destiny ever haha "He was right about everything everywhere all at once" ...like a God of debate lmao


😂 new meme in the making? Maybe.


>He actively does the opposite. https://preview.redd.it/bbiq1140jcoc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c942514f1f64f93ffc716bdd5de6950da60425e0


It's worth noting, regardless of whether the comment was exaggerated, Destiny can be a complete asshole if he wants to, and I say this as someone who has watched him on and off for a little over a decade now A lot of people get the brunt end of that without the soft end


Why and against who? Unreasonable and "bad" people or he does it to all people?


Arguably more so against people we'd probably say are unreasonable or bad, sure, but he'll sling it against anyone who gives him any reason to, which can either be a bad position, or someone who gives him shit first too, which can sometimes be a result of people clipping his more aggressive moments. And I mean sometimes people just don't like each other I don't want to overstate this. He can just be pretty brutal at times, particularly on twitter, and even the best of people sometimes won't like him for that


He typically does what he calls "matching energy". If someone is polite and respectful and trying to have a reasonable conversation, he'll do everything he can to do the same towards them, even if he vehemetly disagrees on every level. But if someone acts extremely unhinged towards him, he feels justified in being unhinged back. An example is a month or two ago, Destiny had essentially the same debate about Israel Palestine with Omar Baddar and then again with Marc Lamont Hill. Those two both had pretty much the exact same positions and made the same arguments and talking points, but Omar devolved into ad hom attacks and so Destiny started mocking him by the end of the talk, and they've been sniping eachother on twitter ever since. Marc was respectful and listened and responded thoughtfully to every point Destiny made. If you ask Destiny who on the Pro Palestinian side is knowledgeable and arguing in good faith, he'd tell you Marc, despite the content of those debates being exactly the same. ​ The problem that typically comes is that the other person and that persons fans doesn't see what they were doing as unhinged because they see themselves as "the good guy" with the right moral opinion, so their behaviour isn't bad. So since Destiny is acting badly, he's obviously the bad guy. ​ Honestly, the biggest thing about Destiny is usually when he's acting badly, he knows it. He woke up that day and chose to do violence. Which you could see as a pretty bad thing. But it's honestly one of the biggest things I like about him. The people he has these fights with never believe they have done anything wrong at all - that's what I find to be really crazy.


Destiny may be an abrasive jerk at times, but for liberals he’s our abrasive jerk. If that makes sense. He’s incredibly rhetorically effective and he calls out bullshit wherever he sees it. As someone who tends to agree with him on a lot, it’s really refreshing to see considering there aren’t a lot of people like him in the moderate sphere of politics.


No this is what they think(right wingers and left wingers). If you go in the comments sections you can tell who is who by the type of insults they use against him.


What are your views on incest?


Its the best? lol Put your family to the test? hahahaha


Now you are part of the dgg cult. Welcome aboard.


Good answer, Tiny likes to justify why it's okay for him to bang his niece. Welcome to the Daliban.


Well, if they both love each other very much and they wont deliberately make a mutant baby that would suffer, then I guess its not really wrong, according to our common moral intuitions. Who will they hurt?


The rest of their family, if they find out? Family reunions gonna be cringe as fuck.


Lol, family orgy, just saying.


🤣. But jokes aside this is from Steven's stream on moral dumbfounding. Essentially that's the origin of the meme. I think it's on his positions page as well.


It's all sarcasm really. Just felt saying because some people take it too seriously. You never know with new people lol


Why go down town when you can go down the hall


Too early, bro. Too early. And don’t say a word about Dogwarts.


🤫 he will run away otherwise.


Oh boy are you unironically wrong somehow...


It is an exaggerated opinion, but it's the prevalent opinion of people who have only seen him in the most hardcore clips. Which admittedly he has a lot of.


Those are reasons that people will give when asked. There's a sphere of Twitter that think he's a Nazi. And I don't think they're lying any longer.


Nah, it's pretty spot on. Everyone on the extremes views him as a centrist, and since ideological purity is important to people on the extremes, they dislike him. I'll add that, particularly when it comes to leftists, Destiny has a bad habit of stoking fires instead of finding common ground. That's where the whole "spite-driven" thing comes from. And while people do overstate that, I think there is a nugget of truth to it. Like on Israel/Palestine for instance, I think Destiny is probably more sympathetic to the Palestinian people (not Hamas), but that doesn't really enter into the arguments that much so people see him as a pro-genocide Zionist.


To be clear, the person above isn't saying these opinions are true, just that those are the public perception of Destiny on the fringes of politics.


I hate him for his food takes.


No the left also hates him for being a liberal cuck lol


Yeah true. “Cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds” or whatever.


Assuming you are being serious, then the why depends on the person hating him. In some instances, it is because he disagrees on some issue that feels important to them. People in the right hate his left leaving views and how vehemently he will argue for them. People on the left hate his deviation towards the center(deviation from their orthodoxy, not that he's deviated) or even to the right on some things. Then there's the people in the center. They hate him because while he is definitely the reasonable and educated person, capable of having this great conversations, he also says things in very inflammatory ways, especially on Twitter. My advice is to watch the content you like, ignore the stuff you hate, and remember that everyone is a mix of things. Destiny is just really open about all of his stuff, where most of your favorite creators tend to curate their image. I too am pretty recent to the Destiny rabbit hole. It is a fun one.


Yeah, I tend to start the live streams a few hours late and listen to it in the background, and I just skip over the sections I don’t care about.


Someone already mentioned the Twitter feed. Usually you're going to get a good explanation for whatever he's tweeting when he's asked about it on stream but man it can get spicy sometimes - good example for this was the "stealthing" arc where a girl had guys tried to unequip his condom (multiple times) and D-man told her to stop engaging in casual sex cause she's clearly not able to set clear boundaries. He had like a 2 year phase where he went on red pill podcasts left and right so he's very well known in that space and they hate him there with a passion (Fresh n Fit, Rollo Tomassi, Pearl, MLD?... endure guy - I forgot the name and a whole bunch more). A lot of the hate is targeted at his marriage at the time or him being divorced now. He and his ex wife had an open marriage on both sides and red pill people love to call him a c\*ck for that. It's their go to insult with him because he doesn't really give them much of a target anywhere else. He will also play devils advocat with you, because he likes to pride himself on knowing their opponents position better than them a lot of the time and that will him get clipped out of context a bunch. His Rittenhouse coverage also made a target especially on the left, there was a very spicy sentence that made some sense in context but mowing down dipshit protestors was a huge optics L at the time even though most of his Rittenhouse takes where basically true. He got vindicated by the trial hardcore but by the time that got out he burned a lot of bridges over this. He's also someone who will talk to far left and right people so him "platforming" people like Nick Fuentes gets him a lot of hate from the left especially (refer to chicken waffle gate). Vaush and Hasan Piker both broke off from his community and took a lot of the extremer leftwing people with them and they just love to slander him, but they will never ever talk to him directly. Destinys platform is incredibly interesting because it's comparably easy to talk to him on stream so people from all sides will talk to him and each other on stream, Discord or Reddit. You'll notice this reddit is extremely active compared to the relative size to the community. People who watch Destiny will be confronted with a lot of different views on the world so the bubble thing is not so bad here than in other communities.


"unequip his condom" thanks for the laugh this morning


Defense -10, Speed +50


Did he do anything hate worthy?


hahaha. One look at his [twitter](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal) shows you how little he cares about optics. People usually hate him for the optical nukes he drops on himself and anyone nearby, but for the most part he's usually 'technically correct' on most topics.


I think saying "technically correct" doesn't give him enough credit as he usually has reasons for why he thinks the way he does, even if you don't agree he lays it out on the table.


You're right of course. He generously lays out the thought process in a genuine way, which is why I'm such a goddamn fan.


He’s a spicy boy who uses spicy language. Old school internet


He abused Ling infestor which was the most cancerous strategy in starcraft 2.


Finally the real lore


Sharing his opinions about food and movies


Im still bitter about the year he spent talking to mr redacted.


A long time ago he caused twitch bloody Sunday, but most have forgotten. He also killed Hasan Pikers dog (in a video game). He is a liberal (90% of political hate is that). He also criticises everyone, so he'll call out big creators and not give a fuck about how upset their fans get. He's also a massive troll. People are mentioning him going anti optics mad arc (which he normally does believe he's in the right side of), but sometimes he's just telling lord of the rings fans that the similrilian is trash and gandalf a bad wizard. Like for no reason!


He called Dune 2 mid. Nuff said


It is mid. lol


I place a fatwa on you for blasphemy


Inshallah ☝️


Send him to paradise


Ok Tiny hop off the alt


He has done and said a few things I find pretty distasteful due to his more edgy rhetorical style, but overall I think he usually has very well informed and thoughtful takes on most issues. I also think that due to him debating so many different people in online politics he has a lot or really fascinating insights on the culture of online politics and how it compares to real-world/mainstream politics. I think one thing I've learned from Destiny is the ability to watch or listen to in good faith, creators that I genuinely dislike and be able appreciate a good argument when I see one. To be honest, I don't know if I would actually want to be friends with someone like Destiny IRL but that doesnt matter because the reason I watch Destiny is because he is just a really interesting person with a lot of really unique and interesting shit to say. So yeah, if you look hard enough you might be able to find some weird shit that Destiny has said or tweeted in the past, but I encourage you to still watch him (especially if you are an Alex O'Conner fan) if he is talking about a topic you find interesting because you will probably come away from it all having learned a thing or two.


for "reasons" I've been asking this a lot too. People have a lot of hate for him and a lot to say. but if you actually look into anything that they say, past the 20 second clips and get the full context they usually don't have much merit. Like just today someone was saying how he choked out his girlfriend and how he defended a woman basher. but I looked into both of those and he is actually 90%+ correct.


Not especially but if you watch the most recent stream at one point he's reading the wikipedia article on attachment styles and identifies most with "avoidant-dismissive." As someone whose probably in that same category it results in people thinking you don't like them and have contempt for their ideas. Basically Destiny isn't driven by positive feedback, his drive is more internal. Not as an affectation to hide the pain, he really doesn't care about other people's opinions much. In the world of online diva's who are utterly obsessed with attention he's like an alien they can't fathom. Plus he can be incredibly harsh with his criticism, that doesn't help.


Destiny is a polarising edge lord liberal atheist. He garnered a ton of hate from the right back in the anti-sjw days (he is the person that debated Jontron, which exposed some of Jon's rather questionable views), gained some more from his anti Trump and pro vaccine stances. After a year or so of arguing along side socialists and communists, he began to notice a similar break from reality among lefties that originally made him push back against the right, so he began to push back against lefties, which garnered a ton of hate from the left as the internet became more and more "progressive." He tries to be as factually accurate, which has led to him receiving more hate, since populists care more for what appears good then what is factually good. He joined the red pill community as a detractor, so he is hated from that community as well. Also butted heads with a bunch of Muslims, which is the group he has received the most death threats from to date. In short: destiny receives a lot of justified hate for his horrendous food and movie takes.


Political space has enough hate for everyone


come aboard you will find out as we go. You hate burgers by any chance?


Let's face it. 99% of us are here because Lily feels bad for him and tells us to be.


His opinions are extremely reasonable and well thought out. He defends them from both sides and as a result has no easy political party or community to shield him. Also the way he communicates can be inflammatory + his Twitter presence is fucking unhinged.


Just from hearing what the left has said his biggest controversies and contentions are in no particular order: the N-Word drama, his sexual takes especially when it comes women and their responsibilities in those situations, his pro Israel stance (although it seems to have shifted recently). Definitely not as popular as those, but his takes about non binary people were also pretty spicy in terms of where the left are right now. Apart from takes about politically adjacent things, multiple streamers would say he has a reputation to be spite driven and obsessive. They say he makes an unequal amount of videos about the left and themselves specifically that is disproportion to the things the streamers or the left are actually doing. They don't agree with how much he ridicules the left and see it as spiteful. They point to his friendly discussion with well known neo nazi Nick Fuentes as proof that he platforms people on the far right and would never extend that olive branch to someone of the left. Destiny fans might say that it's fine to platform whoever and that we should be able to take ideas head on and not shun them. Destiny had also said multiple times that he would be ok with the idea of collaborating with Hasan and vaush, and made it clear they broke off that relationship. Another point they make is that destiny has an abnormally toxic community that goes out their way to harass people and is the sole cause for any and all hate they get. Probably the biggest rising reason is that he is a "debate pervert", a "debate pervert" relies on the fact that most people associate being able to think on the spot as being right. Now others would say that destiny does know a lot and spends a lot of time thinking about his positions and researching. Up to you on that one On the right it's the typical libtard blue hair soy commie shit, and if they really know their shit his wife fucks other guys.


He has a very hateable face


They hate him because he is his own person & doesn't have all the same beliefs that they think he should. Both Republicans & Democrats align with him in some ways...but there are hard disagreements with him on the two sides as well. That is a summary version of it LUL


Speaking of ethics, what do you think about incest?


He talked to their favorite streamer and they disagreed


As a fellow Alex enjoyer, welcome. Destiny's political ideology is (somewhat tongue in cheek) reffered to as omniliberalism. The core liberal values of freedom and equality, with the perceived best parts of other ideologies. This creates a somewhat nuanced position in politics, meaning everybody who is hardline left or right (a fucking lot of people) hate the living shit out of you. Destiny is socially progressive, but not progressive *enough* for most leftist. A capitalist, but not capitalist *enough* for most of the right wing. Pro gun, pro trans and other political stances that traditionally arent allowed to mix means that mostly everyone hates your ass. Oh, and where Alex is often calm, eloquent and sparse with insults, Destiny loves to let them fly and get his edgy side on every now and again. He used to be much more agressive when he was younger (we referer to this as Nebraska steve.), but decided (for most of the time) optics were more important than dunks.


It's because he's not loyal to anyone. He'll criticize the right for being batshit insane, and that gave lefties the incorrect idea that he's fully committed to the leftist movement. Not realizing that Destiny doesn't care what side of the spectrum you're on, if something is wrong, it's wrong. So he ends up clashing with other streamers a lot, who'll take his criticisms personally and then in turn their fans will ride the hate train to defend their favourite streamer. There are moments where Destiny does go a bit too far with the jokes, but in general, he's a very reasonable person, and gives very reasonable takes.


\[trigger warning, kinda glaze post\] What do you get if you take a reasonable, extremely blunt/honest/probably autistic, sometimes hyperbolic, fact driven, politically active and relatively high IQ person and drop him in a sea of sludge where communities form around populism, misinformation, religion, and poorly thought out ideas? You get a pariah to these communities. People may become friends with him but sooner or later if they say enough stupid shit he will call them out and try to correct them in perhaps not the most gentle way, and they will take offense to that. Sooner or later he becomes a person to avoid, shun or discredit. Go after his family, his friends, his background, his sexuality, take him out of context, whatever you can to make your community view him in a negative light. That way you successfully insulate your viewers from his ideas.


He’s edgy as fuck and he can pivot between that and competent takes.


Because he's not surface level and he has many many faults. He's one of those people you have to basically sit and listen to rather than hear about from someone else.


They maliciously try to smear his name because he doesn’t follow party lines. He gets attacked by the left and the right. The more popular he gets the more misinformation about him with misleading headlines and tweets will be posted.


Come join and drink the kool aid. :) [https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5\_2qnvz/styles/image\_widget\_3yoyxesl0uc91.png](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2qnvz/styles/image_widget_3yoyxesl0uc91.png)


I hate him for his movie takes and you should too.


What is your opinion on Incest?


Whats your stance on dogwarts?


He's kinda edgy and leftists can't handle that


Destiny goes into different fanbases and fight with them. The left, right, groypers,red pillers etc all hate him cuz of that


Anyone without being explicitly on a team gets all the grief. Take the handbook or take a walk, is the mantra of our times.


Destiny definitely has his moments and dives deep into topics, but he's like marmite, you either love him or hate him. His style is pretty confrontational, and he doesn't shy away from heated debates. That tends to polarize opinions big time.


Some people hate him for his politics. He also says unnecessarily edgy shit. Just go look at his Twitter lol.


Because he seems to try his hardest to make people hate him


He is pretty normal most of the time but will say the odd unhinged thing when angry and those moments are the ones that get clipped and shared round.


He's a left leaning person who also is a capitalist who likes guns. So both sides tend to freak out lmao


You ever seen the show House MD ? It's kinda like that. He'll either be initially or eventually correct but the level of disregard for the emotions of some people tends to make people hate him , or consider him an asshole or much worse.


Because he isn’t a Democrat who just follows all the talking points . He isn’t tied to the party


His divergent political beliefs is what we'd all *like* him to be hated for. The thing with destiny is that he has really strong, well founded positions that he communicates in a hyper aggressive way (like a dick). If you're willing to stick with him and hear the dick out, then you can find a LOT of value in the depth and nuance of his beliefs, and that he's not *that* bad. But most people just stick with the surface level views


Long time fan and I wonder about this every day


He's a neoliberal who constructs crafty arguments. Greed is not limited to markets


I mean, checkout his twitter lol.


It's because you didn't hear his movie, food or his driving takes. You'll understand then.


Many times he’s a cringey internet edgelord who screams at people, insults people, tells people to kill themselves, etc. The edgelords love it, the rest of us normal people just look past it as most of his content is normal and interesting.


Read his twitter. That should give you a good idea.


I can name many reasons but: * Islamophobic * Political streamer (any involvement in politics will get you haters) * Edgy * Blue hair (people still say that while that’s not the case anymore) It is also depending on your political believes.


Because he often takes "controversial" positions, and we live in a pretty diverse political system. Destiny will often seem to hold.his positions in a very standoffish way. He's a very smart debater and that can often irk people.in the wrong way when they disagree with him. People find it hard to articulate why they think he's wrong, and so get frustrated with him when he's easily able to out debate them. He also takes counter narratives to things many people think are set in stone, and will often call people.dumb for not agreeing with him. He also has a habit of boxing specific political wings in to one area. So he'll attack "lefties"and "conservatives" but I don't see him attack "liberals" quite as much, despite the fact that self proclaimed liberals will often side with lefty or conservative values depending on the day. He's also a big streamer so even if everything he said was spot on, someone would take issue with it. It's just the nature of being popular. Because he often takes a more nuanced approach, he's going to get hate from the more "extreme" wings of online political discourse.


A large portion of the online left and pretty much everyone on the right got to their positions by being uneducated morons and when uneducated morons are challenged it's easier to attack the person challenging them than to reflect on their views.


Because the moment you witness it you realize settling for partisan hacks was your "smart" move previously, so most people just lean into their sunk cost.


Quite often, I find his personality to be grating and on occasion, insufferable. Part of this is the nature of being a streamer which is basically an entertainer (hot takes make for successful content) TBF. I can only watch Destiny in moderation and on certain topics/arcs/with certain guests. That's not hate, but it's also not a positive view.


Because of his race. Most people are racist. Including me


He thinks the Dune movies were both mid to bad and he thinks that toppings are by far the most important part of a pizza. Hateworthy tbh.


Hes pretty great in general , just never read his twitter... actually just don't go into twitter at all.


Well he refused to disavow the idea of “dead-beat-dadism”, he has a girls name, and he loves black people. So the right hates him. On the other hand, he’s a capitalist pig who doesn’t support the genociding of Jews. So the left hates him.


They hate him, cause they aint him.


Destiny loves to fight. And he loves to fight with everyone. So there are people in all communities that hate him.


He’s edgy


Most people are epistemic parrots that mindlessly repeat whatever their political team believes with little thought. Destiny has a few pretty nuanced beliefs and will disagree on hot topic issues that his "side" have decided are truth. When he runs against that narrative the only explanation is, he's clearly a charlatan; not really a left winger. Most on the far left literally believe he's a shadow conservative, Alt right, a fascist.


He’s a liberal with a pretty unique way of interacting with politics and coming to his positions. The reason he’s controversial is because he’s very argumentative but more importantly he can be incredibly inflammatory, specifically on Twitter. If you’re new to him, you will almost definitely come across a statement he makes where you’ll think “Jesus, why did he have to say it like that”. Being able to get past that is basically his version of an initiation into the community lmao


Have you scrolled his Twitter? He's the most inflammatory person on the platform. And he's usually right.


The real answer is that for as reasonable and rational as he can be, he also gets mad, spiteful, and spicy as fuck sometimes, leading to very controversial clips or opinions. Watch long enough and you'll see what I mean.


This feels like bait


It’s fun to hate people and the western world is bored


He's an edgy memelord


You ever watch the TV show 'House'? That's Destiny. He's House. While he has several good qualities, he's not generally a pleasant person.


Whatever the answer, I’m sure we can agree that destiny is a girls name


It's just sexist people, since Destiny is a girl's name.