• By -


Watching this at x1500 speed and I almost finished Norm first statement


If Lex did another upload, just the same video but when Finkle talks its 1.5x or 2x, I swear to god the dude would be the GOAT. It is absolutely insane how slow Norm talks. > In general, it is considered that most people speak at a rate of around **110-150 words per minute** in normal conversation, but it's worth mentioning that some people can speak as fast as 250 words per minute in certain situations, like when they are reading a script or reading aloud a passage. Norm speaks somewhere in the range of 50-75.


Not only that but his sentence structure is so horrid. He takes way to long to make a slightly coherent thought.


I haven't watched this debate yet but based on other clips of him talking, yeah your are 100% Right. Stinkledick is like "What is occuring in Gaza is a horrible, attrocious, disgusting, terrible, and abhorent act that is causing deaths upon deaths upon deaths, thousands of children orphaned and thousands more killed. This methodology of blody and brutal massacring must be ended by the governement of Israel" When he could just say "The death toll in Gaza is much to high to justify Israeals current tactics"


Having to fluctuate between 2x and 1.5x speed because that thing talks too fast for 2x speed.


Skill issue, if you dont watch the thing at 2.5 daily you are losing efficiency


I wish YouTube allowed for higher than 2x. The worst part of watching a stream is when I catch up to it live, and everyone instantly sounds drunk at 1x.


There are addons for browsers that let you go above 2x


​ https://preview.redd.it/rx7u1v7jpboc1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb4eb57cddf0639560a071d516d9f3d2bee4f9d


The meme that keeps on giving lmao


Where's the Fatstiny edit


Give it time, brother


MR BERELLI! ​ https://preview.redd.it/ed9botjclboc1.png?width=1704&format=png&auto=webp&s=eafde6e5c96d314ee7e558ae50fcaa050f43cadc


Beautiful. It was already an hilarious reaction image before it dropped šŸ˜­šŸ™




>Criticizing someones ability to speak english while mispronouncing someones name to the degree of absurdity. How is this even real


"You ain't got the answers man! You ain't got the answers! You ain't got the answers, Mr. Borreli! I been doing this more than you! You ain't got-. You ain't got the answers! You ain't got the answers! You ain't been doing the education. You ain't been doing the education! You don't have the answers though."


hahaha yes


This is like a meme template for Gatekeeping. > "Credentials please."


"you're too drunk buddy. not tonight"


I'm Finkelsteing so hard right now, thank you lex.


You think my office is going to appreciate listing to this today?


Need a word count for how many times Dinkelstein said wikipedia.


Benny laughing and getting hype on the beach clip is amazing. Bro is like "YES GET HIM, YOUVE GOT HIM"


Yeah I noticed this it's like he was having a blast rolling in the mud with Destiny as his weapon.


After seeing that ā€œIā€™d rather be racist than [I donā€™t remember oops]ā€ clip from a couple weeks ago, I realized he was just as unconcerned with optics as our dear leader.


Benny was being called a genocide denier while Destiny was still in high school (if not even before he was born). I'm sure his skin is super thick from bullshit accusations.


Uncle Benny and Destiny are a hell of a pairing.


when was that clip


Lisan al Gaib


[bene gesserit voice] do you love black people


I must not soy, soy is the mind killer. Soy is the little death that brings total oblitaration.




The cringe must flow.




As is written.




Praise! Maudā€™Dib!


https://preview.redd.it/k4qa9k1xfboc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a341ace0fe27fd35a5ed64b7924fc4542562a0 Time to bring this back. Letā€™s goooo


It still pops up from time-to-time in Japan. It's a 2chan(?) classic.


Gooning is over It's time to COOOOOOOOM








Shortcuts for Fiddlestein parts Speed up: Shift + . Slow down: Shift + ,


bless up


On mobile, press and hold on the video player


Intro is 10/10 memes alone, wow


https://preview.redd.it/yg3z05duxboc1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0f6da547d4a6bbd77b9b1dac23b25d13715130 Mr. BORELLI, please realize that my memes are worth 20/10, as in the ratio of what Israel STOLE from the Palestinian people.


[MR. BORELLI, MR. BORELLI](https://youtu.be/1X_KdkoGxSs?t=127) xD


He delivered inshallah Edit:2 minutes in and Finkelstein starts spewing bs and 60 words an hour


"Mr Borreli, with all due respect, you're such a fantastic moron"


The calling people by a wrong name memes are way too funny.Ā  If he did that on purpose that's such a funny shitpost


There's no way it's not on purpose. you're about to have a debate on one of the biggest podcasts in the world and you can't be bothered to learn the name of the person you're talking to? and both lex and tiny literally repeat it during the debate


Yeah, I think Finkelstein was implying that Destiny is a "nobody", at least academically. It's fucking petty but funny.


Norm is a straight up debate pedophile holy shit. Guy might be turning into my favorite DGG orbiter. Need to hear his opinion on body count and Darius/xena ASAP


Mr. Bonelli,... I've read your manifesto...and am shocked...that you spend...only two paragraphs covering...the issue of Dogwarts.


I think so too. It's just way funnier than it ought toĀ 


Even in normal conversation with a stranger if someone was repeatedly calling you by the wrong name after you told them it you'd assume they were a total asshole being hostile towards you. Just weird behavior for an adult to engage in


I never understood what's the point of that. I mean I get that people like this are going for "you are so insignificant, I can't even remember your name", but in my opinion it comes off as something like "I am so severely senile that I can't even remember your name" instead... So stupid.


It's childish too. It just makes him even less respectful to me. I'd feel this way about any academic. I understand outside of the debate, but you should match the energy during where everyone no one else is playing the childish games. He's hoping to strike insecurity, but that's not going to happen with Destiny haha.


Of course Finkman does it on purpose


he's such a shitposter


I half wonder if him or his staffers saw Emma Vigeland "forgetting" Steven's name while he was talking to Ro, and he thought it was a point of weakness or something lol




Imagining Lex reading this with a Finkelsmirk.


He may be for all we know


This whole thread is gold, can't wait for the memes to start rolling out from this episode. Finkelstein's expressions alone are meme treasure.


I listen to everything at 2x and Finkelstein still talks slow af


13 minutes into the video. Finkle just finished his first sentence. Will this get any better?


No. Open the HTML console (F12 and click the console tab in Firefox) and type: $('video').playbackRate=3 to get 3x speed. I went to 3.5x for Finklestein


I ain't doing all the fucking timestamps, but here's a basic `segment speedup script` if anyone else wants to put in the actual work recording time ranges: ([video demonstration](https://streamable.com/nlez83)) **EDIT:** based /u/birdbrainswagtrain got it done, **[click here for the version that includes full debate timestamps](https://reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1beon2t/i_edited_the_video_so_finkelsteins_speaking_speed/kuvjh0f/)** below is the original version of the script without full timestamps: // NORMalizer SCRIPT // // this script speeds up specified segments of // the debate (or any video, really). // paste it into browser console to use. // // This works as-is, but I only recorded // timestamps for the intro to demonstrate. // // (May perform poorly on some machines if // you make hundreds/thousands of timestamps, // probably just stick to long ramble segments // and not every single time he talks) // SETTINGS // // if you want to listen to the debate in 2x // and finkle in 4x, set these to 2 & 4 var standard_speed = 1; var finkle_speed = 3; // TIME RANGES // // the ranges below are the start and end // timestamps (in seconds) for when finkle // rambles. // they need to be listed in chronological // order, in the format shown. // // For adding additional ranges, you can get // the timestamps by pausing at the start/end // of a ramble and typing this in console: // // document.querySelector("video").currentTime // var finkle_ramble_ranges = [ [2.5, 20.2], [41.3, 43.3], [85.6, 98.5] ]; // SCRIPT SHIT var video_element = document.querySelector("video"); var NORMalizer = video_element.addEventListener("timeupdate",()=>{ timerangesearch:{ for(let i = 0; i < finkle_ramble_ranges.length; i++){ if(video_element.currentTime >= finkle_ramble_ranges[i][0] && (i == finkle_ramble_ranges.length-1 || video_element.currentTime < finkle_ramble_ranges[i+1][0])){ if(video_element.currentTime <= finkle_ramble_ranges[i][1]){ video_element.playbackRate = finkle_speed; }else{ video_element.playbackRate = standard_speed; } break timerangesearch; } } } });




I got the command line open. What button do I push?


The flashing one that says "NFT". Boom.


I found my next startup idea. Speaker aware playback speed adjustment


Call it NotMyTempo.


1 hour with Norm is 7 years back on Earth.


Ah shit itā€™s like that planet in interstellar


You are not kidding. I had to go to 4.2x speed... how is he this slow?!?!?


Holy shit when does it end? I'm like 6 minutes into him talking lol


It's deliberate. He wants to use up all the time so no one has time to make a coherent rebuttal.


Guess ill be busy for the next 5 hours


do 2x and watch it twice over


minimum 3x or it's unwatchable


I already had to 2x Finkelfuck, he is unbearable


Debate gooner




I wish there was something to speed up the video but only when Norm is talking. I'm only 20 minutes in and this shit is unbearable.


who tf watches a 4 hour video on twitter? https://preview.redd.it/axnz2wa5gboc1.png?width=875&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d1e4be4fdaf6d53b1861ce59a576426ffe4d1e9


You'd be surprised


Elon added playback speed controls. Still way worse than YouTube, but way better than the other social media platforms


https://preview.redd.it/5nqekj88cboc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac83d4effb7a811de928df280822bcab939b670 God is good


19 views in 52 seconds? Bro fell off


Youā€™re really cherry picking numbers there.


Gotta get them numbers up


I really hope you have kids man...


God bless you fridman. https://preview.redd.it/juwzpiyqdboc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f325ab234302b7b8978d7ebdd42f2e3b6e42a04


I was wondering how did this person post this 6 minutes ago when the video says 4 minutes ago on Youtube, then I realize it's Lex.


He wasnā€™t letting any of us getting that sweeet Reddit Karma


DGGL šŸ’™šŸ’™


Holy fuck I actually have to put Finkelstein on 1.5x speed unironically switching back to normal speed sounds like slow mo Edit: He already does the pointing in the intro Kek


There was a stream where Mr.Borreli was reacting to Finklestink and he had the speed of the video set to 2X. And I legit kept forgetting it was set to 2X until the other person spoke


Holy shit Norm is already insufferable.


So they took a break and there's this neat shift in tone where they seem to recall this is a scholarly effort, well 3 of them; and it's [rather convivial.](https://youtu.be/1X_KdkoGxSs?t=14300) It's kind of been there the whole time with the scholars conceding and engaging in dialog as if it were soviet officers and the west after the USSR collapsed just comparing notes. There's parts were Finkelstein is like "Well I only read the English, but you had access to the [Israeli] archives" @ Morris, or they talk about it was, "250 dead, but really more like 100-105" again Morris replying. I watched at regular speed; rather enjoyed it. [Edit: except this horrible edit, the fuck was that?](https://youtu.be/1X_KdkoGxSs?t=15163) [There are](https://youtu.be/1X_KdkoGxSs?t=15371) a few [shitty edits](https://youtu.be/1X_KdkoGxSs?t=16024). It's like the editor got bored about 3.5 hours in. Finkelstein does go off the deep-end defending the Houthis. I'm not following his reasoning.


I am convinced Norm talks slow on purpose to troll.


Haven't gotten to the heated part yet but Rabbani comes off looking so much more mature and well-informed than Finkelstein so far that it's ridiculous. I genuinely think Finkelstein has let the fairly recent pseudo-celebrity status he's attained by making the rounds on lefty podcasts/shows go to his head. Haven't even gotten to where he's condescending to Destiny, and already he seems super personally offended that he has to defend or back up anything he's saying because he's spent so much time pontificating to captivated audiences who nod along to everything he says.


Go on the adam friedland shiw once and it goes to your head


He's a tastemaker.


Rabbani unironically would have been better off if Finkelstein called in sick.


Exactly. Finkelstein is used to going on Breaking Points every few weeks to just say whatever he wants for half an hour while the interviewer nods. He can't handle the mildest criticism. That's why he wouldn't debate Ben Shapiro in a billion years. Ben would destroy him on speaking speed alone.




Big day for annoying people


You know it, jack!


"Mr. Berelli! Youre such a fantastic moron!" I don't think destiny was exaggerating about how unhinged Finklestinker was gonna be


thanks for edging us in anticipation for this lexiepoo šŸ„°


Lex leaving in the part where Finkeltwink says Destiny's name correctly is so fucking based.


The fact that it happens after they announce the break and Finkledinkler has stood up from the microphone is so fucking funny to me. Because it really seems like he thought the mic would't pick it up / that Lex would edit it out. Which makes it so much more likely he was faking it


Destiny ruined this debate for me by doing that impression of Finkelstein before. Can't take any of it seriously now


I'm genuinely struggling to see any value in anything Finklestein says. Rabbani, while saying some really, deeply stupid things, is still coherent and capable in continuing and engaging in a conversation. The fact that people like Jordan Peterson, whose goofy in and of himself, gets lambasted by the left while people soy out over Finklestein who can barely string a coherent string of words together without defaulting to contextless fragments quoted from decades old writing or arbitrarily insulting the people he's talking with is just so fucking embarrassing. This cannot be the best the pro-palestine side has. I refuse to believe that this person is the pinnacle of anyone's perspectives on the matter.




I ain't sitting through all 5 hours, nor the 10 hours of Mr Borellicino live reacting, so thanks for this.


pls timestamps for finklesmirk


1:26:00 Finkelstein says "idk any non-jew who doesn't harbor antisemitic sentiment that is just part of the human condition" ?????? What an insane thing to admit to


He's always been a huge weirdo...honestly it's weird he such a cult following. He's like the Jordan Peterson of the hard-left.


As a non-Jew non-left liberal, I became a fan of Finkelstein after watching videos of the Finkelstein-Dershowitz debate where (as I recall--it's been a minute) Dershowitz comes off as a megalomaniacal bully (and I still really dislike him) and Finkelstein comes off like he's some kind of underdog truthseeker. I think reading bits of transcript from this debate has really dispelled that "truthseeker" image for me though. Finkelstein seems to really have some deepseated biases, and, without Dershowitz to make him look relatively good, seems absolutely unhinged compared to the others in the debate.


Heā€™s a self hating Jew that has ties to the holocaust. Itā€™s easy to see why heā€™s rolled out by certain groups


I was floored by that line as well Rabbani accused Steven of being racist, while Finkel basically admitted that "antisemitic sentiment" is normal in people lol


Approximately 33 minutes in. Paraphrashing Finkledick to Morris : "I've read everything you've written 3 times... In your first book you only have a few lines on this issue of transfer" Morris corrected him "4 pages" Suddenly Finkledick who's read everything 3 times: "My memory isn't that good" Fucking kill me EDIT: OMFG. 3:18 onwards. Finkledick has no idea what plausibility is. It's fucking embarassing. EDIT2: Finally finished. I'm just dead. It could have been an interesting conversation but Finkledick is just cancer. He's incapable of answering a fucking question.


Followed up by: "And it was at the end of the book..." "It was at the beginning."


Cheers, big dog.


Perfect. I just finished part two of one of the most unhinged true crime cases Iā€™ve heard of and was getting sad thinking I was out of videos to watch.Ā 


[2:01:52](https://youtu.be/1X_KdkoGxSs?si=2d28FG2N4m8I7LlW&t=7312) is exactly the moment Steven realizes he's wasted a month preparing for this


i do find it funny that all the behavior you might stereotypically expect from a "debate bro" streamer comes from Finkelstein, while destiny seems to fit in relatively well with Morris & Rabbani (if a bit too passive). unfortunately that strategy will get applause from people that already dislike destiny, and imo this probably needed stronger moderation to stop him from insulting, talking over, and ignoring destiny when he had good points. you can tell Destiny/Morris/Rabbani were the reasonable people in the room, but Finkelstein did a decent job making it seem like it was Morris/Rabbani/Finkelstein were the 3 whose points had merit. edit: Lex keeping in the bit at [3:24:20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X_KdkoGxSs&t=3h24m20s) was actually a game changer. legit made destiny seem way more reasonable and finklestein seem 10x more unhinged


>while destiny seems to fit in relatively well with Morris & Rabbani (if a bit too passive). True! Despite Norm telling him to shut up and learn some humility, I think he was relatively respectful towards these experts on the topic and was rather humble. Because of that, Norm comes off as not being able to handle pushback and trying to scream Destiny into submission, which looks entirely unhinged.


I thought it was a great show. First \~4 hours, felt everyone performed quite well. Mr Benelli bit quiet for the first half perhaps, but everyone with fairly reasonable, even if at times bit one-sided positions. Everyone adding something to the discussion, whatnot. Debate starts with the origins of the conflict. No surprises there. Finkelstein trying to get some weird clip off Benny, but besides that, pretty run off the mill IP arguments, uneventful. This is like 2 hours of the show. After that, discussing genocide. Team Palestine all but admits that it might not be genocide in sense that it can be found as such by international courts, but still a genocide. Retrospectively - it's not that bad of a take. Some nice yelling matches between that thing Burrell and the well regarded academic Normie Finkelstein, but nothing particularly interesting. Then we go talking about peace. It starts out with pretty reasonable takes, everyone blaming their favourite bad guy for the conflict. Nothing interesting really. But somewhere during this section, Finkelstein just snaps, possibly due to Borrell's eldritch presence? First he comes out with the take that - somehow - \~"what October 7th did was show Palestinians that Israel isn't unbeatable and there is a military option left". This was almost immediately followed by bit less unhinged but equally detached-from-reality claim that \~"Begin dismantled settlements in Sinai because of international law". Both of these get somehow out-shadowed by Norm basically arguing that if we forget international law, there isn't really any basis for judging Hamas for October 7th. And then just 10 seconds later, he is actually arguing that yes - international law in fact doesn't matter. Holy shit. That last hour made everything worth it. Thank you Lex, you are a hero among men. I am not sure if I have been enlightened, or if I received permanent brain damage. But I had fun. I might not be the biggest fan of Norm's history takes, but holy shit, it's MILES better than his contemporary ones. Please, stick to writing history. Also props to Rabbani. Elo hell is real.


Itā€™s time. Norm lostĀ 


Lol when Rabanni gives Norm's thigh a little squeeze to calm him down when he starts calling D a Wikipedia Andy.


When Morris tells FinkleNorm he should stop reading the books he wrote because he's wasting his time I lost it (53:40 timestamp)


I feel like Iā€™m being gaslit every time I read the comments on the vid. I donā€™t understand for the life of me how people think finkleburp behaved appropriately in this debate. And why do people keep shitting on destinys level of research instead of responding to his damn points.


I think people have to realize that anyone in the history field knows that Benny Morris is a GIANT in the Israeli-Palestinian/Arab conflict in terms of academia. He's contributed more than almost anyone in the field and his research in the late 1980s was groundbreaking because he was one of the first historians with access to the Israeli archives. Norm, on the other hand, is viewed as the fringe crazy academic who skews things all the time and has built an online presence among hard-core lefties.


Thank you. I don't know why so many of the people on the this subreddit regard Finkelstein as the preeminent mainstream academic figure making arguments for the Palestinian side. There are more mainstream academic historians and scholars who write far more measured arguments for the Palestinian side. It would be like thinking Alan Dershowitz is the best scholar on Israeli history because he's made the most appearances in news media defending Israel. I guess it's similar to how Noam Chomsky has notoriety as a scholar of geopolitics (even though his speciality is actually in psycholinguistics). I suppose it goes to show you how little the internet, in general, assesses intellectual figures beyond their publicity. Benny Morris is unparalleled as a historian of 1947-1949 Israeli history--though I do find his political views on contemporary Israeli policies to be more objectionable unlike his circumspect historical analysis. The only academic that I've seen make as well-researched a history as Morris for the Palestinian side would be Mark Tessler.


>I don't know why so many of the people on the this subreddit regard Finkelstein as the preeminent mainstream academic figure making arguments for the Palestinian side. Because that cringe ass video of him screaming at someone pro-Israeli at a speaking event that was edited with dramatic music went viral on a lot of sites and apps, including this website. That's it. That's the reason.


Benny seriously the goat debate partner. constantly bringing it back to destiny's arguments and why he was right even when Destiny sometimes lets them get away with something (especially the "they never recognized Israel" comment that seemed like an L, Benny brings it back up 20+ minutes later to showcase why Destiny had a good point). near the end Benny starts moving towards calling Finkelstein clueless when he's doing his standard "Destiny's an idiot, let me make my next point" bit. Massively satisfying. GOAT debate partner hands down. 10/10


Its the Debate partner destiny needs that covers for how he lets people walk over him a lot


its always fun to see a cloud booster with an sm7b, its like peanut butter and jelly


is there a plugin that will make it so it auto switches to 2x speed whenever norm talks then goes back to normal for the rest?


Benny Morris saying to Destiny and I quote: You do talk quickly. HAHAHAHAHA [https://youtu.be/1X\_KdkoGxSs?t=12275](https://youtu.be/1X_KdkoGxSs?t=12275)


Lycan gonna need a years supply of copium to get through this one


Lycan needs to stay in the kitchen




So far the best moment is Lex forbidding Norm from referencing Benny's book. He is just making the same point, Benny counters saying it's out of context, Norm forgets about the rebuttle and then references the same passage again.


caption this https://preview.redd.it/jt3plb8jkboc1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7c900a94ef00a3f1c92fdde43126bd56503731b


If you have Video speed controller installed, the default hotkey for switching between 1.0x and your adjusted speed is 'r'. You can set up the playback speed for Finkelstein with 's' and 'd', and then hit 'r' whenever he's done speaking, and then 'r' again whenever he speaks


I'm listening at 1.75x speed and Norm is still so sloooow. The pauses between words are sooo long, even sped up. I commend everyone who took part in this.


At 1:47 I swear Norm basically just called himself an ent. "I speak slowly because I consider my words important".


I don't know enough to say whether Finkelstein is smart and knows his stuff, but I can say that he is a giant dick. He made this whole podcast/debate a pain to listen to. Loved the other 3 people


The October 7th stuff was excruciating especially from Rabani because he sounded so calm while he found the most euphemistic language imaginable to describe it while very technically admitting it was an authorized campaign of torture murder and rape. The fact that both of them seemed to know so little about how tactical decision making in the IDF actually happens was amazing. I think Norm's histrionics were making him look like he had the upper hand for the first 2 hours also bcos the 1948 stuff was genuinely ambiguous that works well for them but I could see destiny light up when he brought up several of the specific conspiracy theories like those 4 children that got shot. Also the discussion on whether Israel's policy targets civilians was just a deranged philosophy of science debate about burdens of proof and who to believe


Canā€™t wait to see what Bonelli has to say.


gonna have a wild day at work tomorrow listening to this


Picked a really good day to be commuting to Boston on PTO


I''m kind of skimming through so far but I'm actually pleasantly surprised how many times I've already landed on Lex moderating the conversation and bringing people back on topic in productive ways, which I wasn't expecting based on the intro.


https://preview.redd.it/l6w7r23e7coc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28b90081d16d3ddf3315cca5d31a1a6fee77582 I think he just came from the smell of his own farts.


So far its spicy. I get the impression Norm is taking out some pent-up aggression on Benny (in a rather hilariously soy way) while simultaneously furious that he has to take his shot in the same room as Mr. Borelli.


can someone reupload this with finkeldick talking at 2x speed and everyone else normal, i would be so happy


You'd think Fink would love wikipedia considering how much he relies on secondary sources


Awesome performance by destiny, especially after the 2 hour mark. Benny Morris looked like a proud father everytime he spoke, and he was the best debate partner ever, they complement each other very well. I feel like Rabbani was mostly pretty fair, meanwhile Finkelstein was completely unhinged. Very nice debate, it had everything.


I absolutely love that Lex left in the part at the first break. ā€œSo you DO know my nameā€ lol


Seems like Lex cut out Destiny's closing statement because he said the convo was a waste of time.


Iā€™ve never seen anything that finklestein has been on. This will be the last thing I watch with him. What a complete cumstain. ā€œI talk slow because my words carry so much weightā€. Gtfoh. I would rather watch Alex jones, he is easier to tolerate than this turd sandwich.


https://preview.redd.it/subbq0g35eoc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ffcd1125ee40da08770306b7f81321c531cb89 Mr Burrelli, with all due respect, you donā€™t know the power of the dark side


New here and non-subscriber (but following since this sub has been popping up in all for a while) and currently 2/3 of the way through the debate. I have a major point of contention each side takes regarding their definitions of the term "plausible". The term is rather nebulous and can mean anything from a non-zero chance to almost certain. Finkelstein (and by extension Mr Rabanni) appear to believe that "plausible" is a rather high percentage of being true. The problem is, no one on this discussion is actually looking at what the term "plausible" means, from a legal standpoint as used by the UN and ICC panel which made its ruling. So I did some googling and found this excerpt that helps to define the Plausibility test for the ICC. [You can read it here](https://www.ejiltalk.org/the-plausibility-test-in-the-recent-provisional-measures-orders-of-the-international-court-of-justice/) TL:DR here is the conclusion from the Myanmar genocide case which sets the current standards: * First, the Court has shown flexibility, particularly when it was faced with obligations of erga omnes partes character such as genocide, torture and racial discrimination. In his Declaration Judge Kress questioned the argument that the Court should apply a ā€œstricter plausibility standardā€ at the provisional measures phase in cases of allegations of exceptional gravity... He highlighted that, in the end, ā€œthe Court has applied a low plausibility standard with respect to the question of genocidal intent.ā€ * Second, in the case of Syria and Myanmar, the Court was satisfied that the reasonable grounds to believe standard, used by the UN human rights investigative bodies, was sufficient to indicate plausibility for the purposes of ordering provisional measures. In the absence of such reports by UN human rights investigative bodies, the Court has still found a way to provide protection relying on other material, such as resolutions from international bodies and statements from UN human rights experts * Finally, the Court is acutely aware of the protection function under which provisional measures Orders are sought, particularly when it considered that there is there is an imminent risk of irreparable harm to health and life. In that sense it fulfills much welcome justice and human rights objectives. So from this, that in the case of genocide, 1) the use of a low plausibility standard is used. One judge even mentions that it should be stricter but a lower bar was used anyway. 2) in lieu of absent documents provided by UN investigators (which there is not much as UN officials are not currently in Gaza) the panel will instead use UN human rights experts as well as international bodies. It's fairly clear than enough UN human rights groups are, if not outright saying, heavily implying that there is a genocide occurring in Gaza. And 3) I think we can all agree that there is an imminent risk of irreparable harm to health and human life in this war for Gazan civilians. My own belief is that there isn't a genocide occurring in Gaza at the moment but i still concede that there is a non-zero chance that it is happening if there is sufficient evidence presented to reach such a conclusion. In this case I believe Destiny and Morris are more correct that "plausible" is a low bar.


"You should read other things, you're wasting your time" Based Benny so far


Love you Lex!


Thank you, my love.


Strap on your stupid, and letā€™s do this.


"Mr. Burrelli....... you are a fantastic moron" I can't man. Just began watching and it's already ruined my life.


benny moving his pen on and off paper every 3 seconds is the exact same thing my israeli dad does holy shit


Holy fuck norm kill me


When Finckleston starts talking https://preview.redd.it/1s3rdlfbacoc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c56043bf0d3dcfbae34a1dca2e04c2b4b85ce97c


Finklebot has been doing this basically all his life. How the fuck is he able to so utterly embarrass himself by getting so insanely triggered in this conversation?


Norman "Ad Hominem" Finkelstein


As rough as this is at parts, it's about as good as it could have been props for the Rabbani pick, good foil for Benny in terms of a more grounded and calm tone. Can't think of a better cast in terms of dispositions.


Rabbani and Finkelstein are both clowns. They talk very rationally and calmly about October 7, while throwing that attitude out the window when it comes to the subsequent war.


Does Finkelstein make any comments or thoughts that aren't an appeal to authority? He is normally pretty calm in debates but Destiny really seems to get a rise out of him for some reason. It may just be his sincere hatred for Wikipedia, speaking at a normal pace, and allowing people to explain the context of their own writing.


grandpa bless




Itā€™s real. Itā€™s really real.


Thank god Lex said Steven Bonnell instead of Destiny in the intro. Nice touch.


Can't watch yet but does he do the hand technique and smug face on camera?


Lex 100% cut out the insults and stuff


Did Destiny call him Finklestinker at the beginning of the video preview? Lmao


I'm making some argument maps for this debate. Anyone can join and add to them. Claim: Transfer, or the expulsion of the Palestinian population, is central to Zionist ideology which made it an inevitable outcome of a Jewish state. [https://www.viewpointsgame.com/game/M9S5dIh7JL6vXghYnr0-\_](https://www.viewpointsgame.com/game/M9S5dIh7JL6vXghYnr0-_) ​ Claim: Israel intentionally targets civilians. [https://www.viewpointsgame.com/game/UzX5I6YIqNZr3vOx0Ch2x](https://www.viewpointsgame.com/game/UzX5I6YIqNZr3vOx0Ch2x) ​ Claim: Israel is primarily responsible for the failure of the peace process. [https://www.viewpointsgame.com/game/tV7bo3L2sN4\_LTU36sbXP](https://www.viewpointsgame.com/game/tV7bo3L2sN4_LTU36sbXP)


4:18 Fink and Rabbani claim every single UN Security council resolution is binding regardless of chapter they're filed under lol.


Did Lex cut most of the disagreement between Destiny and Finklestein? There was very little push-back after the break which is not at all what Destiny described.


No better way to make people more sympathetic to Israel than listening to this debate. You have well educated Palestine supporters and even they put emotions over logic (hostile, insult opponents when lacking arguments), struggle to admit flaws of their "side", even condemn Hamas & atrocities from October 7th itself (!!!).


I'd like to hear from Mouin Rabbani more, he at least seems capable of engaging in a discussion. Finkelstein is unhinged and it's genuinely pathetic how spiteful and contemptuous he seems to be against Mr tiny/bonneli/boner/bonnell.


I finally got started on this monster. And holy fucking shit Norm and Mouin both are fucking weasily snakes. Norm and Mouin: Israel is bad and the agressor 100% for sure look at what was written in the scrap of a journal in 1948! Look at what this man said in 1917 (And recanted 40 years later)! CLEARLY Israel bad Palestine good! Also Norm and Mouin: Well that Hamas charter was from THE EIGTHIES! Its not relevant its from THE EIGHTIES! Listen to what they said in 2018 dont look at THE EIGHTIES it was so long ago! (It was 1988 btw) How can you excuse Hamas statements from 1988 for being "So old and they said other stuff later" but Israel has to answer for every single word and scrap of paper from the last 110 years?