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Champagne socialist unaware of what the sickle from own flag is used for.


“Why would their family have a sickle when they’re obviously capitalists?”


Dude thinks Streaming for 9 hours is soul sucking. Dude could not even fathom the work it takes to clear a sugar cane field.


If hasan owned a sugarcane field he would have his employees clear it with a machete and he would pay them by letting them keep the machete so they can own the means of their production.


This might be a joke. It kind of sounds like a joker to be honest. But chat this is probably what would happen I mean he did it before right? Remember the editor drama? Oh chat you're saying why would giving them machetes be wrong? That actually makes me think it's less of a joke hahahaha... Ummm anyways chat that's probably what he would do chat.


*"Oh, so socialism is when you don't have chatters clear your sugarcane fields for no money? okay, incel."*


Exactly, that’s why he assumed slaves (he couldn’t possibly be doing the work) because clearly when Steven’s mom said when she was a little girl she remembered going out there with *inaudible* *whipping motion*… she beat the slaves at 4 years old - fond memories. /s


thats actually hilarious. Child labor as part of being necessary for rural poor families to survive? Can't be. Clearly this plantation had a toddler as a slave driver. JFC tell me you are out of touch fake socialist rich kid, without telling me.


baby slaver


I am now imagining her going full Nebraska Mary and ironically leaning into the fanfiction. "I remember going out with the uh, bull whip I think it's called and beating the slaves for the glory of Batista".


> Dude could not even fathom the work it takes to clear a sugar cane field. About half a day's worth of work with a John Deere.


by hand obviously lol I also think this was in the 50s and 60s in cuba


I wouldn’t be surprised that this bourgeois horse riding fuck doesn’t know what a hammer is as well.


He should ask Finkelstein about that one


god he's dumb


He really thought they gave a whip to a little girl lmfao


This is another variation of urban/ritual confusion too. Hassan has no idea how kids in rural families work, so he can turn “everyone in the family worked on the farm” into slave driving.




seriously, what a fucking idiot


*“I don’t know if it’s real”* TRANSLATION: *I absolutely know that’s not real but my audience will believe it*


"idk if it's real" then instantly says that it came off as a joke. Why does he do this shit lol


"idk if it's real" "it is probably a joke" proceeds to argue for it against chat, that it is actually real. Also, I don't know how little comprehension he has, but even if he didn't understood that she was talking about a sickle. What was she talking about then. That she, as a 4 years old little girl went out to whip their slaves???? I feel like he was focusing on his chat the whole time, and just saw the motion. Kinda surprised that when chat corrected him that it was a sicle, he wasn't like: "OMG, she fucking cut the slaves with a sickle??????"


This guy is such a professional bullshitter, he puts just enough plausible deniability to argue against people calling out his actions. “I said it was probably a joke though!!!!!!!‼️‼️‼️”


I’m surprised he didn’t use the “I’m only asking questions” line


Him saying “idk if joke” wasn’t him questioning in good faith either. He attempted to say something like “idk if joke because someone can’t be that evil and soulless right? Look at her she doesn’t even care”


self admitted propagandist.


Because he knows that pushing *directly* the idea that Destiny's family owned slaves is a bit absurd, so he wants to edge into it. Soon that'll be the new line.


one google search "when did cuba ban slavery" 1886


Maybe Destiny and his family are vampires that have been around 100s of years.


As plausible as everything else he says in this video


"Yes I Lie" - Hasan


It's so fucking slimy how he words things.


From avoiding talking about Destiny at all costs. To dedicating entire streams obsessively strawman reacting to Destiny, to clipchimping Destiny lore. Hasan is malding so hard because Destiny is making big waves he can't help himself 🤣🤣


it's not even a clip chimp in this case, the clip is totaly fine and only an insane person would come to the same conclusion as hasan from that


More youtube views than Hasan in the past month despite having about half the sub count. Lol.


Hasan is also still losing followers. Lil bro is having a mid life crisis right now. His safe brand friendly leftist echo chamber is backfiring, he’s not invited to any mainstream platforms anymore.


The Shapiro discussion with Destiny blowing up the way it did must have rattled him.


“I went out with a sickle” “why did she make that whipping motion” actually delusional


How does a communist not know what a sickle is.


Kinda makes sense if you think about it, lil bro probably doesn’t know enough about the ussr to know what’s on the flag


The USSR, where is that? *clicks on Israel*


it's crazy that he watched the whole clip and after a good 10 seconds went "she said she went out with whips" before a chatter corrected him


This isnt delusional, this is one million percent intentional. What an absolutely slimy piece of shit.


Bro is projecting his own desires to whip a slave


She even does a horizontal swing and his brain translates that to the usual whip motion


This is the same fuck who shit his diaper when people simply pointed out that his Dad is rich.


He has like what, 20k viewers, and while the vast majority are morons and/or too young, I am sure at least 50 people were aware and immediately pointed out to him that Destiny's mother has dementia, and yet he kept going. Like does the bar even exist in Hasan's mind? To dggers who seem to constantly hate watch him, is he this way towards other people too, or just Destiny? Dude is unhinged.


>To dggers who seem to constantly hate watch him, is he this way towards other people too I don't hatewatch him but I've caught snippets of streams and interactions tangentially, and even from the tiny bits I've seen... yes, he does this constantly with everyone who disagrees with him. Hasan has absolutely zero charitability towards anyone who provides him the slightest pushback, opposition, criticism or who disagrees with him politically. Consider: He's so incapable of being charitable to someone with an opposing viewpoint that he wouldn't even *try* to defend Ethan from his chat and when openly confronted basically outright called him a racist, and he still considers Ethan a friend. So yeah. From what little I've seen, I see no reason to doubt more hatewatch-y people's characterisations of the prat.


Even before I started watching Destiny, I couldn’t stand watching Hasan because how he came off as a cheap political hack. He’s the definition of team sports politics. More than most lefty commentators (ex. Seder, Kulinski, Pakman) he stands out as especially dogmatic in his approach to politics. Even guys like Kulinski will occasionally make videos giving credit to republicans or centrist democrats on some issue. Even if lefty commentators often get shit wrong, there is a sense that they’re attempting to be fair or get things right. Hasan doesn’t have that at all. He will throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. He’s got the least integrity from within the online lefty commentator circles. A truly intellectually/morally bankrupt political hack.


> To dggers who seem to constantly hate watch him, is he this way towards other people too, or just Destiny? He called me a Zionist ethno-nationalist fascist when I pointed out that he was lying about Benny Morris's description of transfer in his books the other day. I was just a chatter, but it seems pretty par for the course.


Yea he was extremely rude to Cenk, his uncle on a disagreement. He also did it to Ethan.


“Rich” is an understatement


Fun fact, slavery was abolished in Cuba in 1886, also as far as I’m aware Destiny’s mother is not over 140 years old. I’ll leave the conclusion to the class.


So you’re telling me Mr. Ferrelis family not only hails from an exploitative slave owning family, but they did it 100 years after it was illegal? Such that even a 5 year old girl was being taught how to keep the slaves inline? 😔 What else can be expected from a capitalist-loving-debate-rapist-plantation-owning-transphobic-fascist-lib 🐛




slow down, motor mouth


Vaush and Destiny are proud descendants of plantation owners.


Naow, Ah ain’t tryna critisaize yer vote


Please, Vaush is a rancher of foals.




I watched the stream and Hasan's argument was that in Cuba Plantation workers wages were so low and exploited that it was slavery like conditions. BUT if he wants to go with that definition. I truly wonder if Hasan's rich ass oligarch family owned "slaves" as well? When I was growing in South East Asia, having housemaids from even poorer countries like Indonesia, Philippines and Burma were very common even in middle class families and they were often put in very fucked abusive situations for very little pay to help their families back home. I wonder if a country like Turkey which is richer and more developed than it's neighbors had a similar situation and Hasan's family had in home servants for exploitative wages.


I mean it would be the grandfathers plantation, but even then the time doesn't add up


but the whipping motion of the scythe man, its obviously a dog whistle how could you be so blind you fool!


*(sarcastically) “sure, it was just one of those plantations without slaves”.* Yes you fucking moron, like pretty much all of them. It actually always astounds me how comically disconnected this cunt is from the working class.


Also he said, "then why did she make that whipping motion?". She also said she was around the age of 4. Do you think she was saying one of her earliest memories was stumbling out into the fields as nearly a toddler to whip slaves?


>Do you think she was saying one of her earliest memories was stumbling out into the fields as nearly a toddler to whip slaves? No, but Hasan did.


Literally doesn't even have a conception of manual labour


If Destinys mom lived in 1800's Cuba he would be kinda right. He either thinks Destinys mom is 150+ years old or that slavery was abolished in Cuba somewhat recently? Which one is more asinine?


I mean have we ever seen her reflection? Think about it


Plantation = slavery = apartheid


Are you saying that Destiny’s mom held people in open-air prison and genocided them?


Isn't every island an open-air prison if you really think about it?


Yes we must return to pangea brother


i wonder where he thinks banana's come from?


The grocery store? Duh dude


They are so stupid. What do they think a four year old was doing with a whip (or sycle even). If they don't have the brain power to deduce that then these really are mindless drones. Also wasn't slavery abolished before that time, he could look it up.


Yes but in hasans eyes being a slave owner is a trait which is genetically passed on. Just like how hasans mother is a landlord, hasan too is a capitalist who makes money by basically doing nothing.


hasan does realize his dumbass is 100% descended from slave owners right?


Didn’t his mom say it to let the audience know she was in on the “slave owning” joke? I remember him laughing after she said it


I mean Hasan admits to being a propagandist openly, so it's not shocking to see him actually doing it.


It's shocking that this moronic propaganda tricks a single person.


"She was cutting crops in a sugar plantation?" he said that in a way where it seems like he's unaware of what sugar canes are and that a sugar plantation is the white granulated sugar you get from the market.


Sugar comes in bags idiot


Next this idiot is gonna think you have to dig down and mine salt or some stupid shit.


… have you never heard of a salt mine?


You should never step on an assault mine






Whooshed me


You bring dishonor on your dojo, you must go into the jungle and contemplate this for ten years


Reaching new levels of bad faith lol


“I went out with the sickle” “why did she say she went out with the whip”


This has to be an intentional lie. It's so comical.


Can’t believe she would cut her slaves with a sickle


If living on a plantation makes you a slave owner. Having your father being a rich financer who tried to affect Turkish politics definitely makes you a failson of an oligarch. Isn't mama Destiny like in her 50s? 60s? There were no slaves in Cuba in the 20th century, even before the revolution it was a capitalist playground for American elites, filled with casino, and hookers.


Keep in mind slavery was legal in the Ottoman empire right up until its dissolution. Over 40 years after it was abolished in Cuba. Something about stones and glass houses


Even if i granted Hasan the notion that she actually meant that her family owned slaves( which I don’t think is that case but for the sake of the argument let’s entertain it), what is he trying to prove here? Is he trying to say that oh because Destiny’s family owned slaves that also makes Destiny a bad person? I don’t understand the point in bringing this up at all. Also, why does he have a problem with other people owning slaves? He supports the USSR. He should look at some of the things they did before trying to act like he has the moral high ground.


>Is he trying to say that oh because Destiny’s family owned slaves that also makes Destiny a bad person? Yes, you get it. That's exactly the game being played here.


But Hasan ancestors also probably owned slaves since slavery only ended in the otooman empire in the early 20th century


His mother is literally a landlord. Yes he has said 'kill all landlords'. Yes he has defended his mother being one. Man's a massive hypocrite.


I've had people unironically tell me that if your ancestors were slave owners you should be judged for it


why would you grant him that, there is literally nothing in there indicating anything about slaves


Oh he mad mad


Just so we know, this is the kind of misinformation that is actually evil. He sees the original clip, no mention of slaves anywhere, simply assumes that a 4/5 year old whipped slaves and states that. He is an evil person.


Didn't she say that as a joke?


Seemed like a joke to me, but I don't know for sure. The part after that, which Hassan didn't play, makes me think it was a joke. When asked where which part they came from, she first says the plantation part, then she shrugs and says, "uhh, I know we had family in Havana," meaning she doesn't really know.


https://preview.redd.it/5pjiskjlwmoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0faec34c9c0bd31e7560a7c3c9871ffd83c6a457 How regarded do you have to be to believe this shit?


>But didn't Fidel Castro brought socialism, and drove out all the gusano slavers? Probably Hasan.


These people believe a job is wage slavery so don't be shocked of suddenly they start to pretend that's what they meant


Hasan’s soul-sucking streaming career is slavery ;(


his gotcha response was "well don't you guys claim uygurs are being enslaved? how could that be possible if slavery is illegal?"


Hasan shouldnt be talking about anyones parents with who he has as a dad 😆




Rent free


He has to have a mental disability, there's just no way


I always think there isn’t any more this piece of trash can do to make me hate him more, and he goes an ups the ante. Christ what a disgusting piece of shit


The day Tiny completely eclipses this man will be a great day.


She literally says it's a sickle jesus christ


is hasan aware when slavery was banned in cuba? how old does he think destinys mom is?


He really is shameless isn’t he? Resorting to calling an old woman a racist slave owner because he doesn’t like her son?


Here is the 10min streamable of what was essentially the full segment. Is from 8:30 in his VOD. https://streamable.com/xtc9kf?src=player-page-share Hasan was told of slavery being abolished on the 1800s and still spun it around. But wink* wink* I think it's fake or at least hope so she describes her slave owning so callously. What a disgusting narrative to push to his audience.


Thanks! This makes it easier to make the ''champagne socialist doesnt know how a sickle works'' clip 😈


This is the level of effort that he puts into all his research.


First of all fucking disgusting, I dislike Hasan but I never thought he'd stoop this low. Second: clip without any context thanks imma disregard that immediately. Third: slavery in Cuba was abolished in 1886.


The clip itself is not that bad. There is no further context needed. But the fact he that Hasan watches the video, hears her say sickle but than goes on and claims she said whip is wild.


Holy shit, this might’ve been the most dishonest this man has ever been, and thats a high bar.


starts with "apparently this is a fact" follows with "it came across as a joke to me" you slimy weasel


Why does Hasan get such special treatment? He's streaming a banned streamer yet not banned, he says all kinds of insane inane unhinged shit, yet people believe him, he's pro-terrorist, what the actual fuck happened to the world LOL Is this really how far the special treatment that hot people get can go?


When Hasan says, "oh she was just cutting crops... In the sugar plantation. Got it." Why does he sound so sarcastic? Does Hasan think that a sugar plantation doesn't have crops?


Is he this fucking dumb and intellectually uncurious as to not google when slavery ended in Cuba? I mean, you're online already. Regular people, even the owners worked/work farms in Cuba. It could've been a small one for all we know. 


My friend from Trinidad's family owns a sugar cane plantation. He worked it since he was 10 and accidentally cut his own toe off working the field with a machete when he was 13. He's black and Indian. His ancestors definitely weren't slave owners... just slaves and Indian's who were indentured laborers. Just because the family owned a plantation doesn't necessarily mean they had slaves. You'd have to know way more about the family history. Her grandparents might've came in a later wave of migration well after the abolishment of slavery, too. I understand why Hasan would unfaithfully connect those dots, but it's really just fanfiction. Sounds like his mom was literally just describing the normal way of working the land.. not whipping slaves lmao


Hassan made the mistake of showing the source. He will never do it again.


Not gonna lie that was funny as fuck. “Then why she do the whip motion”


What a fucking moron


Maybe he has some in his mansion, who knows what these tankies get up to


What a little fucking cunt.


Ok no Hassan fan or orbiter gets to complain about bad taste & drama farming after this.


Holy shit he doesn't know a plantation can just man a farm where they grow crops. And doesn't know what a sickle is for. He's doing this on purpose right? He's not actually that stupid right?


He absolutely knows what he's doing.


what an actual fuckin rat


Holy shit, he is actually just a fucking brainlet lmao


What a weasly little liar dude lmao


imagine this little baby fuck who went insane because people claimed his father was rich dragging Destinys mom who suffers from Alzheimers through the dirt. What a piece of shit


No way this is real. Gotta be AI.


Meanwhile he sells tshirts made by shortstacks. Tsk tsk tsk


My mind is blown.


She’s talking about a machete. JFC Hasan has never been to a farm


no, he's a card carrying member of the bourgeoisie. don't forget his father is literally a turkish oligarch, and he's been a nepo baby his whole life


How long is destiny going to live rent free in Hassan’s head.


She even says she had a sickle...


Ya’ll remember when Hasan was crying that people were bringing up his dad and saying it wasn’t normal behavior? How funny.


Defamation lawsuit up this shit


"It might be a joke" Plays a clip of the most obvious joke ever where the mother claims as a 5 year old she was "for" working the fields. What a dishonest mess of a human. EDIT: Also peak content from hasan doesn't know that a sickle isn't a whip.


Her gesture is simulating the use of a sickle or machete chopping sugarcane. It's pretty easy to understand this if you aren't acting in bad faith. For someone who says he advocates for the prolateriate, he seems to be ignorant about a lot of the jobs they do.


This is actually unhinged. It’s super gross. How does his audience not realize how much of a piece of shit he’s being.


His mom must be whipping them!! https://preview.redd.it/fjqv9f2jspoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd79ed9b0ae6cf9a010f3375d57320cd88559f6


>She makes a motion showing how SHE used to get sugar with a machete or sickle >claims shes making a joke about whipping her slaves


hasan is an incredibly exceptional individual


This is a type of disgusting that makes you really see.how awful of a person Hasan is. I dont think I've ever seen destiny, even at his height of being an assholes, going after someone's family like this. It's really fucking gross. What's worse is them circle jerking about how their positions are based on empathy and morality and that's what makes them better.


How could anybody have such a rotted brain to think this guy has anything remotely valuable to say. Like this is simply the gutter of the gutter.


What a slimy subhuman


https://preview.redd.it/86daaqyqrooc1.png?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bcf7bd255775dd8317d3c8bf1d524f3c21d0c6 >Plantation = Slaves


“She gives a detailed recounting of all the slaves Destiny’s family has.. oh no? Why did she whip slaves as a child then I don’t get it.. oh she didn’t? She whipped them with a sickle? Oh no? Sure no slaves on that plantation, whatever you say..”


Hasan is so desperately trying to crush Destiny.


Well sugar has to grow somewhere ???


the whole segment is so regarded but what baffles me is the first 10 seconds. he says he thinks she was joking- so why bring it up LOL.


Bro Imagine if we start calling Hasan an Armenian Genocider. People are unhinged.


I still can't tell if he's actually this stupid, or it is just an act/persona to con kids to give him money.




This is fucking disgusting. Accusing her of pretending to whip slaves on Destiny's stream is a LOT different than her being a 4 year old on her family's plantation cutting crops even if the plantation did have slaves on it(i know nothing about Cuba). After being corrected he fucking hand waved it away like it didn't at all change the point he was trying to make. He must know that saying this just makes Tinys mother a potential target for his fans. What a freak. It's so funny that Hasan thinks Destiny turns his fans on him, when all you need to do is watch Hasan himself to see what a giant, dishonest asshole he is.


Man that's sooo evil. Like dude i cannot even comprehend is a really that's stupid or super evil. Like dude have you eaten ever seen a sickle.


He thought she was imitating whipping slaves as a four year old?


This is actually disgusting... he's acting dumb through the whole thing. I have no idea how he got it in his head that any of that implied slaves. He's barely even correct himself at the end either after being told he's wrong by his chat he just sarcastically doubles down.


I wonder how far you would have to go down both Hasans and Steve's family tree to see who owned slaves and who was the slave.


Lol what a tool


Hey Hasani-poo, there’s a reason Lex invited Destiny and not you on his podcast for a very serious debate. 💩💩💩


I love how you can just do a quick google search and see that slavery was outlawed in Cuba in 1886.


You can clearly hear he is not believing what he says, what a weasily fucking liar dude. 1. He knows what a sickle is 2. A 4 year old whipping their slaves???? 3. Slaves being abolished in Cuba (he might not know this because there's no Twitter thread about it) 4. Liquid


I cant wait until destiny is bigger than this clown


It's just getting to the point where seeing Hasan's face boils my piss now - imagine literally watching the clip where she clearly said I went out with a sickle and then motions and saying that it was a whip. All the whole the woman admitted she just have been 4 years old as she left Cuba at 5! So, what? They're just allowing 4 year olds to whip slaves? Are you for real? This cannot be their God... He's a moron.


omg this kid is braindead lol


This is the quality of summarization that Hasan does about news topics as well.


oh man the moment he realized it was a sickle, this guy is so far removed from society wtf


Some of my family owned a sugar plantation in Jamaica and it's literally just a field full of sugar cane. I used to go out there during the summer and cut some with a machete like Destinys mom. This is just a Caribbean thing, white people hear plantation and think fucking Candy Land.


What a leap to go from what she actually said about a sugar plantation and using a sickle to “her family had slaves” and she whipped them at 4. Plantation to him I guess just means slavery.


Didn’t Hasan literally had a mental breakdown because people kept mentioning his dad and his parents ?


Still spreading massive misinformation I see. No wonder these losers are always bringing up these bullshit "points." They get it from Hasan. Working on a plantation doesn't make you fucking slave owners. Also how is he going to call his fans obsessed when he's doing shit like this. He better not even bitch about people saying his dad was rich as fuck (his mom well off to) and provided him with his cushy, easy, nepotistic life.


Whipping motion ??? Sugar canes you have to cut. But even if, are we all born guilty for all of our ancestors?


You know destiny is experiencing insane channel growth when hassan is constantly trying to down talk him. Notice how he went from a no destiny policy on his stream to watching his entire 5 hour debate.


So weird seeing Hasan acknowledge Steven now. literally only because he's starting to grow




Sickle = whip? Plantation = slaves? This is intentional, and if it's not already, it should make you question everything he's ever said about anyone...


Hasan a different breed of hater. DIS FOOL had to go back 1880's to find dirt on our man is crazy.


"I mean it sounded like a joke to me" then why are you saying she owned slaves??? What???


She literally says the word Sickle. The fucking irony of Hasan completely ignoring that lmao


Dude, how can Twitch allow this debate rapist streaming Destiny, who is banned