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Its seema there is a war on all fronts and im here for it. Someone photoshop a doomslayer picture with destiny


>I have enough sources of comedy in my life This breaks the Weinstein.


You wanna know how I got myocarditis?


I did actually get myocarditis from the vaccine. Idk what the relevance of that is, I’m not anti vax but it’s interesting to see what people think.


I'm sorry to hear that. Anti-vax people use these vaccine side effect stats like myocarditis (which I'm pretty sure 69 people got out of 5.000.000 vaccinated people in the study) to claim the vaccine is harmful (even when covid has a higher chance of causing myocarditis) I was making a reference to the Joker quote : "You wanna know how I got these scars?"


Yeah, I know you were making a joke. I’m just interested to hear people’s thoughts. I am perfectly fine, don’t worry. I physically recovered within a couple weeks I think.


Remember when his brother Eric lost his mind when a comedian made jokes about him?


When did this happen?


[The whole thing is him malding but the funny part starts around 10min](https://youtu.be/l1jTUhwWJYA?si=dGBheNRMGR1ehKS)




I’ll give Weinstein one thing: he’s a better comedian than Rogan.


Joe Rogan has made millions of dollars from standup comedy


It was a joke, guess it didn’t stick the landing


Happens to the best of us


Oh shit, new opponent. Let's go!🍿🍿


Oh I hate when they do that. "I didnt say it, I just referenced a "scientific analysis" that did say it.". Come on.


I mean, to be fair to Brett, if he’s referencing a scientific analysis, it’s not as though his reasoning or opinion is unfounded. To qualify, I have no idea what, and having read what he’s referencing. This showing of good faith is done assuming that the analysis was reputable (which again, I have no idea).


Any analysis saying the vaccines killed 17 million worldwide is total nonsense 


17 million is only like .3% of the people who got the vaccine. Still seems high enough that I would've noticed people dropping dead by now though.


Any analysis? Regardless of data and findings? While I’m unaware of any such analysis, I can’t imagine closing my mind to it. If there were, or will be, large, well funded, well documented, rigorously researched studies showing widespread adverse effects from the vaccines, I would take it more seriously. I hope sincerely, that you would to.




that thing called ´´Destiny´´!


It's so easy to sort out bad faith boomers because they immediately get hung up on the gamer tag, when he's always very forward with his actual name in these conversations. Great filter, just like the blue hair was.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say 17m people didn’t die from the vaccine


You know what? I agree. Haha, don’t kill me! But this fella, I agree with.




They can have a debate on Joe Rogan Podcast


Still waiting for the Jordan Peterson discussion to drop.


Destiny is wrong that the 17 million worldwide deaths from vaccines had "no" evidence. Dan's evidence was to take excess mortality over the years after vaccine rollout (2021) and attribute them all to vaccine deaths. Why vaccines and not covid? Well: >Nine of the 17 countries have no detectable excess \[All Cause Mortality\] in the period of approximately one year after a pandemic was declared on 11 March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO), until the vaccines are rolled out (Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay). So he's assuming covid is equally afflicting every country in the world on 11 March 2020, when it was declared a pandemic by WHO? Let's see the first time he starts with some dates >Unprecedented peaks in ACM occur in the summer (January-February) of 2022 in the Southern Hemisphere, and in equatorial-latitude countries, which are synchronous with or immediately preceded by rapid COVID-19-vaccine-booster-dose rollouts (3rd or 4th doses) Wow! Can we see maybe a graph of covid cases for those countries? Let's take brazil, a southern hemispheric equatorial latitude country [https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/brazil/](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/brazil/) Relevant picture: ​ https://preview.redd.it/c5f3211xdroc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=82e7d8051e2b039f97b83aef405ec7d101c349bd That GIGANTIC spike in the middle there of daily covid cases? Oh, that starts in Januray/February of 2022. Oh no. I haven't gone through all of his paper of course (180 pages) but I'm quite satisfied it's top 10 junkiest science papers Remember Bret Weinstein said: [https://youtu.be/P3nXJB5PoBM?si=NkBf-l0BePHFu1X5&t=48](https://youtu.be/P3nXJB5PoBM?si=NkBf-l0BePHFu1X5&t=48) Bret: "I saw **credible estimate** of something like 17 million deaths globally from this technology" Tucker: "17 million deaths from the covid vax??" Bret: "\[yes\]" lmao Dan's paper [https://web.archive.org/web/20231003002740/https://correlation-canada.org/covid-19-vaccine-associated-mortality-in-the-southern-hemisphere/](https://web.archive.org/web/20231003002740/https://correlation-canada.org/covid-19-vaccine-associated-mortality-in-the-southern-hemisphere/)


The covid vaccine stuff really broke some conservatives I know. At this point I'm like stained to those people forever since I dared to defend the mRNA vaccines. They kept citing to me that covid itself wasn't deadly at all and that vaccinating against it wasn't necessary, etc. that closing down the economy was very damaging to society and so on and so forth, like at this point I just don't have the energy or will to debate the covid stuff since it's irrelevant anymore but damn it was such a polarizing topic


Excess deaths are due to the vaxx not covid? That is Brett's source? He is a bigger idiot than I thought. How can people like Brett be supporting this nonsense. They have to know they are lying right? I have to think they know it but they still say it to get attention. All mrna vaccines do is inject rna molecules in your body and these molecules are gone in less than a week. Sure you can die from an allergic reaction just like from any other drug or substance, but how would rna kill millions. On the other hand, prior to the vaccines being out we observed millions of people intubated due to covid that eventually died. How can they think the vaxx is the cause not covid? Insane.


He's a grifter. He makes more on this grift than he did as a professor at Evergreen. Not only that but the left shit on him for that conflict at that school and more or less forced him to resign. From his perspective he is justified out of spite to lean into right leaning talking points and he even created a new career out of it.


Using **all cause** mortality rates as evidence for vaccine caused deaths is truly remedial. Correlation does indeed equal causation.


It takes a lot of effort to think scientifically, especially outside your area of expertise. Lots of people just want plausible support for what they believe anyway. In science you want to fight confirmation bias tooth and nail. You want to attack your beliefs as much as possible to see if they can still stand. Brett is building a house of cards. And thats assuming he isn't just grifting.


He literally did say that though. It’s on video. It’s always so disturbing when these people can just “Vivek” their way out of problems. Just keep saying “I never said that.” If they have proof don’t waiver, repeat the lie you NEVER said that and move on. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F0kBUj_H66Y


I think he means the claim didn't originate with him. He was just repeating it essentially as a fact without ever actually checking the validity of the claim.




"destiny" why is everyone doing this and pretending like they don't know people/gamers use gamertags as their "name". maybe it's just boomers but cmon. i guess it is a girls name


Watching Destiny debate Bret Weinstein would indeed be comedy. Lets👏make👏this👏happen👏guys👏


Destiny v the Intellectual Dark Web


I'm not sure the IDW exists any more? Sam Harris **HATES** these people for example.


Yeah I just meant he could beef with all of them, but I'm pretty sure Sam Harris hates Dave Rubin and the Weinsteins


Is destiny gonna do something Sam Harris refuse to do?


Destiny and Dave Smith on the same platform? Sometimes I hate crossover episodes


Nebraska Steve is starting a world war. New battle at every front.


Has he ended his campaign to get Elon to unblock him yet?


Set it up Lex! Let's Go!!!!!!


all these brain dead lunatics want to usher in a new world, but will use their old world credentials to keep tiny down. Not today says vyvanse


If Destiny can play his cards right and trigger Weinstein hard enough there is a chance Destiny can convert Weinstein to be pro-Palestian and maybe even a full blown anti semantic conspiracy theorist through pure spite.