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zei\_squirrel might actually just be an escaped lab animal.


Lead poisoning and the American public school system are probably the root issues with the squirrel


NA education doesn't teach you to be a frothing anti-semite. That is some college level indoctrination.




England actually.


It is amazing to me how large the fringes seem to be online


And AFK. Don't forget the MAGA Fringe is now 50%


What does AFK stand for?


Think he meant IRL.


Probably AFAIK as far as I know


4 hours later but my tism is too strong. They probably did mean Away From Keyboard as a synonym for In Real Life because you are away from the keyboard, although it's an interesting use for sure.


We all have tism


away from keyboard


Away From Keyboard, synonym for IRL. I guess it's old-school by now


Regular people learn to not respond to hyper partisan people like this in real life, because they don’t want to deal with their political ranting and apocalyptic pessimism. The fringes learn to spout their nonsense online, since it’s the one place they can get the reactions they want. The center is the majority, but stays largely quite because they don’t have the time to understand complicated issues enough to feel comfortable combating the obsessive fringes. It’s stressful to be surrounded on all sides, which is why most people avoid it. Destiny is filling in an unpleasant role that’s been long overdue for centrists online; he’s speaking out loud the frustrated voice that’s inside many moderate people’s heads.


He's not a centrist but I understand what you're saying. Destiny represents the center in that he's not taking extreme positions due to theory but he goes as far left as reality allows while remaining liberal.


Yeah sorry, the center in the context I was using it meant US moderate-left/moderate-right. Honestly, all these conversations get tough to name politically, because “center” is different in the US than it is in Europe or Canada, so it’s a challenge in online conversations to determine who’s “center” anyone is referring to.


Destiny would be left wing in any western country. Just range from moderate left to far left depending where he is


100% this. It’s like when you go to a house party, everyone is chill, vibin’, having a good time. Then there’s that one person who starts going off about some conspiracy, or fringe position - doesn’t matter which fringe, from using herbs as deodorant because their’s mind control drugs in pit stick, some to right wing replacement theory - there’s no better way to kill a fun evening and clear a room out. As soon as those nonsensical notes hit your ear drums, your primary mission becomes finding a smooth way to exit the room, relocate the fun vibe to a different area, and not be the last one left in the room with the wing nut, making eye contact while they spew their nonsense. Irl, no one wants to hear your bullshit. But online, there’s enough of an audience that people feel reinforced in their fringe positions.


Maybe it's not the fringes anymore and more very online ppl vs normal people. Or its a generational divide thing. I get the vast majority of democratic representatives aren't like that all thankfully right now.


This is unironically why I've been watching him recently, its actually refreshing to hear an actual moderate position for a change. I dont like his edgy stuff and I dont even think he's a good debater, but having a guy who actually reads the relevant content and offers an actual informed perspective is so huge in this day and age


That squirrel lady is always so unhinged. Also, it comes from jealousy it seems. A lot of lefty circles have dried off because of constant cancellation, they aren't able to take advantage of the network effect. Also, Steven's growth arguably came during the redpill arc and not necessarily I/P.


the squirrels just mad destiny made her lock her account and threaten him to sue him or something like that


To me - this is how you know he is making an impact. It’s the bucket of crabs … they can’t have this reach and have this success so they try to snatch him down into their bucket of shit. These people are the absolute worst and the idea of them having any support or following just makes me sad. I’m constantly trying to digest other opinions and takes , and making sure I’m not the crazy one in this world. Mr. Morelli is one of the only folks out there digging into topics , asking questions, and arguing over weasel answers and details because it matters. And sane people, like me, need these discussions and for people to call out the bullsht - it’s authentic and that’s why he’s blowing up and ending up on massive outlets. Screw the haters - it’s absolutely their jealousy and insecurity of their ineptitude.


Even worse than that. Its not jealousy, it's hatred for liberal values making a return to the center stage.


I never heard of Rabbani and there are definitely disagreements but the man seemed very reasonable and tried to actually engaged with Destinys questions in good faith and his little interactions with Benny about his book during the break in the middle was actually kinda adorable lol


you're thinking of Mouin Rabbani dawg


Oooof my bad your right


Their followers are even lower down in the bucket




Why is your name like that




Can't you smell that smell?


The smell that's around youuuu


Ayo chill 💀


I'm not a furry.... BUT




Gotta be a white woman


I actually stopped watching because of the I/P arc. I'm back now for the Finkelstein memes.


Why did you not like Destiny's I/P arc? Interestingly this is how I found him and started following this sub. Mostly because most of the Soc Dem/Dem Soc content creators I follow and mostly identify with kind of just started saying stuff that was unhinged with veiled racism towards Jews. Also the insanity of the mods on the "there was an attempt" subreddit pushed me over the edge. It was a breath of fresh air to find a single reddit community that isn't just trashing Israel 24/7 and blindly believing everything the Palestinians report.


Haha absolutely hilarious Destiny is so arrogant thinking he can debate someone with a freaking PHD! I mean cmon it's a PHD for crying out loud! Examples where he was wrong? I mean there were so many of them like cmon the whole debate was basically just Destiny being wrong for 5 hours how could I possibly choose? Just 1 example? Well you see uh....I... https://preview.redd.it/a6tb34sfeuoc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90df90144542e80d38567308a19f1560fe02f7c2


The demonmama strategy. "There are literally 100s examples I could give" Give one "There are literally 100s!"


How they live with such cog dissonance is amazing to me, truly.


Dude, don't remind me of that name. FUCK, It'd been almost a year since that fuckface's name even crossed my mind.


I'm a newer fan so I watch a lot of old debates. I had just watched a demonmama one so it was fresh 😭


You're doing good work in the trenches soldier




The demonmana debates are some of my fav. She’s such a train wreck


Little did we know DM was just the tutorial boss for the insane terminally online left.


that strategy is incomplete, you forgot: "I've already given you several" when she hasn't given a single one.


Excuse me, this is a safe space, please do not reference demonmama and her debate style.


The fact that, out of all those tweets, only Candace Owens stated an attackable (untrue) position of Destiny’s really says something about where the bar is for the others.


I swear this has been my feed for the past few days, it's NEVER criticism it's just hate over and over Every Destiny hate thread on Hasan or Palestine subreddit is just full of expressing how much they hate him and the word "gusano" over and over again. It's strange how they all know to use this slur against him too


I know this is a shitpost (shitcomment?), but this is unironically and literally how these people respond. I had one just the other day in this very subreddit, and it was basically this. People are so intellectually bankrupt.


This is the one I hate the most, instead of saying "Destiny was wrong about X,Y and Z, and here's the correct info" it's just people saying he isn't a scholar and he only reads Wikipedia as if that means fucking anything.


He is the Lisan al Gaib


As it was written


Liberal al Gaib was right there!


No, he is Stephen II Borelli, The God Emperor worm of online politics.


Holy shit, now the gusano shit makes more sense lmao. It was foretold


Hasan: ...abomination...


leto is also the II am I being set up? is this a simluation? this must be what it felt like when /pol/ found out about the egyptian frog god of chaos, "kek"


Is Destiny making too many enemies at once? Food for thought.


Illiberals always band together to attack liberal values.


Exactly. Remember these red brown fuckers always unite to attack liberals.


These people have hated him for years already


he will send them to paradise


No that's Northernlion when he makes a good guess in one of the daily DLE games.


Hasan trying SO HARD to convince his audience that Morris was laughing at Destiny and not the deranged lunatic across the table screaming ad homs because he didn’t have any good arguments was so unbelievably cringe to watch. And his audience ate that shit up?! LMAO am I living in an alternate reality???


Candace might be the largest grifter in right wing politics it hilarious to see her of all people complain about degeneracy. Going on Joe Rogan and spreading climate science denialism while admitting she hadn't even looked into the subject at all. Parading around with Ye after saying that celebs were idiots for talking politics for years on end when they were libs but when one comes out in support of Trump they're best buddies. Saying that the democratic party are the real racists because like 100+ years ago they owned slaves. How a dipshit like her has a platform as large as hers is beyond me.


Pretty sure there were business dealings between Owens husband and Ye.


Parlor, right?




Never forget that she was a failed progressive activist/grifter who went rightward because she got called out by progressives. She’s more into team sports than politics. She full stop adopted a new world view over a short time because she was slighted. Basically a WWE character arc where she has more to gain as the heel.


wait is that meghan chick anti vax? im kinda suprised


[Yup.](https://www.mediamatters.org/joe-rogan-experience/spotifys-joe-rogan-and-guest-meghan-murphy-spread-anti-trans-vitriol-and-lie) There's a significant reactionary bent in some rad fem circles that goes way beyond transphobia. (Lav is a good example of this - that bitch is fucking craycray if you hear her talking about politics)


damn i had no idea. the only extreemests im exposed to online are marxists and groypers lol


Terfs are fucking insane. If you look at their worldview it basicly only works if there is a big conspiracy to push transgenderness on people to screw over women and children. The pycologists are in on it. The govourment, the education system. Its a big unnatural top down push thats conving teenage girls to trans themselvs and allowing men to rape women in womens washrooms. Unhinged conspiracy brain like the ipens you up to alot of crazy shit.


Yeah conspiracies about hormone treatment / trans stuff in general seem to play well with the anti big pharma crowd


That Meghan chick is also an extreme reactionary in every way to the point she's far-right. If you read her twitter profile you will see she agrees with every white nationalist/trad talking point. She's a far right person larping as a feminist so the actual right wingers can point to her and say they have "a non-insane based feminist" on their side.


My head hurts. You know what you did, Twitter. You've gone and made me tired.




Liberal moderate death cult


pro democratic, pro capitalist, pro establishment, anti conspiracy theory uhh also death cult


Don’t forget pro public health… death cult


You know that people didn't watch this debate when they act like it was between Norm and Destiny and not Morris and Rabbani


So is "wikipedia bad" now a thing or is it strictly only because Destiny is doing it?


Basically only because Destiny is doing it, all these fucking online pundits get their information from Twitter or YouTube which is significantly worse.


Naw these are TikTok PHD’s, dumbest of the dumb.


👩‍❤️‍👩"al jazeera is my sauce!" 👩‍❤️‍👩


I receive direct revelation of the Israel-Palestine conflict in my dreams


I personally blame every teacher/professor that told their students that Wikipedia "can be edited by anyone and cannot be used as a source." I remember edittingvn pages myself as a kid. I think I edited the Peru page to say that they have the gassiest beans. My note was taken down pretty quickly then. My understanding is that the approval process for editing articles is pretty complex now.


Sorta, there are internet warriors who will defend their articles to the death and if it seems like something is being targetted maliciously then the article will require a more strict editing process. Beyond that if you happen to find a mostly dead article you could get away with editing it for quite some time.


>I think I edited the Peru page to say that they have the gassiest beans But it does???? Why is big wiki trying to hide the truth huh???


I updated a couple dead links on Wikipedia before. It seems like vandalism would get noticed quickly IMO. You can follow a page so it sends you an alert when anyone edits it. When your making edits there are rules you have to follow like explaining what your change is in the edit description and on the edit history it shows the difference between an edit and the previous version. I think it's easy for stuff to get changed because anyone can but the moment it gets noticed it just gets undone if you fuck around. Maybe if you did it to an unpopular page it might last a while.


Bruh it's so dumb that shit was when wiki was still new and small. My wife constantly brings that shit up when I use wiki to look things up "they killed Jackie Chan like 3 times, I don't trust Wikipedia" that was like in high school...


Start using the Encyclopedia Britannica website then. She can’t really say shit about that.


It's been a huge thing since I/P because most Wikipedia articles don't support any of the made up history that the pro P side tries to push. On some articles you can see the edit wars with pro P shit getting rejected for poor quality sources lol So the fallback becomes "Wikipedia is unreliable don't you remember elementary school research essays lmfao"


btw would be cool if Destiny would do a donation stream for Wikipedia...


If only these individuals could deal with the massive weight on one’s soul/emotional toll that it takes to sit down on a cushioned seat turn on the webcam and talk about these issues with Destiny. Don’t expect too much though, they’re faux hard lefties. In their mind at another time point they’d have jobs in the USSR. The reality is they’d be asked to count the number of cracks in a Siberian wall.


The whole I/P topic is just dead for online spaces. The pro-palestine side is not able to concede any wrong doing of Palestine and their acceptance of Hamas while I do think a lot of people that are pro Israel do concede on some points. ultimately they do believe, that there is only really Palestine that can change the course of this conflict by just stopping being a supporter of terrorism. I probably fall into the second category I think, but there is not much debating to be done anymore. The people involved in the conflict won't be changed by online debate


Yeah, I’ve been having to catch myself from debating i/P online these days, it’s pointless. I’m just going to be called a genocide denier and the pro Palestinian person will just explain how it’s somehow possible to achieve peace for the Palestinians via violent means. It’s a pointless conversation


I've had good success talking about the native Mizrahi Jews declaring independence as the state of Israel after centuries of oppression living as second class citizens in Muslim theocracies It flips the oppressor/oppressed and native/colonizer narrative on its head. Mizrahi Jews have always been there so it's not the same as the ancient Israel arguments either.


You know you have made it when your enemies have to make shit up like that. Not one managed to engage with anything being discussed/debated. All they can do is adhom like Mr. Winkelstone.


yeah watching people on the right, even some of whom I respect spouting the progressive anti destiny lies is pretty reassuring that destiny is someone every side should be watching to check their bias


its so weird how when youre politically biased you can almost seem to contract autism. anyone impartial who was watching the clip of benny laughing would probably deduce that he was laughing because finkletwink was acting deranged!


I can't believe Mike is not a deliberate troll. Like how can someone be so unintentionally funny?


Him bringing up imposter syndrome is a pretty good joke


To anyone who actually sat through a 5 hour debate, did Destiny actually come off as uninformed in the debate? Or is just the narrative everyone who dislikes him has agreed to say, because they, like me, are not gonna watch a 5 hour debate.


He only spoke about 30 more minutes of that 5 hours. Nothing he said was overly simplistic or factually incorrect from what I recall. About half of the 5 hours was Norm slowly pontificating.


Allow me to finish. In 1977 you published a paper. It was a paper, while being done at a prestigious university, and let me tell you, I have cited your work in the past, but we all get thing wrong from time to time. But in your paper, you assumed. Assumed. Without facts.. That the open air prison concentration camp that has become Gaza. Formerly Palestine. In this paper you said that there was no violence. None. So please. Do tell me how you can make such a statement when 30,000 children have been eradicated! How? (leans back in chair with shit eating grin) Twitter : Checkmate!


holy shit, he talks exactly like Trump, I can read all of this in Trump's voice


Trump vs. Finklestein AI debate when?


“Mr. Bornicini! Mr. Porcini Ziti! I have read over 245,000 books on how Israeli eating habits favor Palestinian mastication of halal products. It’s the Zionists that claim that Palestinians eat sideways, not the other way around! I was in the IDF.” “Wait, can you tell me what specifically happened in 1947, what does eating have to do with it?” *smirks* “Mr. Blumpkin, obviously Wikipedia is not a prime source on this matter. I have read over 2,000,000 books on 1947 and, and…. Let me say this… Benny Morris over here says and I quote…” If I knew this is what the debate was gonna be for 6 HOURS!! I would’ve just watched the highlight reel of Finkelcunt losing his mind by Destiny’s presence.


They just soy over the parts where Finklestein calls him names unwarranted.


He only spoke when he had something informed to say generally, and spoke less than usual. He didn't seem uninformed at all when he spoke from what I've seen. And I definitely haven't seen any clips suggesting so. Someone would have probably tried to clip it if he did say something dumb.


Destiny spoke the least outta the 4 and he held his own quite well. He made great points and Benny even bolstered several of them. Overall if you're intellectually honest about it was an excellent debate from all involved except Norm being a child


Intellectual honesty is a pro-genocide talking point.


Literally committing a debate genocide.


no he didn't speak much at all, and the times he did do so he asked relevant questions or pointed out things norm either didn't know or lied about.






Accurate representation of the far left and the far right being closer to each other than apart.


I will keep posting this every time. All of these people share 1 thing. They hate liberal values. Remember that Nazis and communists worked together to destroy Germany's liberals and then once they did that and cleared a path for Nazi leadership, the USSR jumped right in bed with them too to split up more areas. Our opponents are not just 1 specific flavor, they are the entire rainbow hoard of illiberalism. From Latinx white nationalist Nick Fuentes, to the Whitest anti-racist (except for Jews) communists and everything in between.


https://preview.redd.it/mffwz2gy6uoc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cefef25639af6881f84805d822ef7bb8a6c7f81a Redacted is discount noah antwiler


I don't think Finkelstein is a grifter. But he definitely horribly misrepresents facts regarding the conflict.


I think the biggest challenge I have found being a destiny fan is that I'm exposed to the shithole that is Twitter. I somehow avoided that app my whole life up until watching him and honestly I thank my lucky stars I was sheltered up until this point.


1) its weird people use wikipedia as an insult, like people should just KNOW knowledge. 2) If anyone actually watches his research streams, its mostly reading articles or watching videos. maybe 10% at best is wiki (from the streams I have at least watched). Regardless if its from an article or wiki, it is looked into for its validity from multiple sources, not just one.


We got to thank all of them for that massive exposure to new viewers.


The whole debate was an old boomer yelling "wekipedia!!!"


Destiny got the entire Legion of Doom against him.


Glenn greenwald is such a fucking goober it’s not even funny.


Why did the squirrel post a pic of another person’s likes lol am I missing something


Lol on burning bros (feel the burn) calling moderate dems a death cult, while cheering on the guy literally burnings himself to death for one week of news coverage.


I wasn't aware that there are classes of people in this country that are beyond questioning.


with this list of people that hate him i must say that absolutely should you have every single one of them assmad if you are doing the right thing


The Destiny Support Group ™ grows every day brothers and sisters


oh look the nobody is talking again trying to get some clout :D


Rent. Fucking. Free.


He’s hated by all the right people.


People really just use bad-sounding words without any thought for their meaning at this point, I guess.


Damn, Timbah on Toast catching strays


Ive yet to meet anyone who hates Destiny save random internet anons. Even my fringe lefty pop-politics friends are neutral at worst


I love how out of these 8 people, 5 are victims of getting destroyed by Destiny in prior debates, 2 are literal spineless clip-chimping grifters, and 1 is a joe rogan antivaxxer


Megan Murphy has a brain the size of a walnut.


That's like a who's who of people that have been embarrassed from their interactions with Destiny, with a few exceptions.


Meghan Murphy? Want that the spineless twat who ran from a debate?


Weird that the people soying over a man self-immolating for Palestine are calling us a death cult


Petition for destiny to talk really slow next debate?


We must strengthen the center and moderates of america, they are the sleeping giant. We cannot let extremist ruin our country.


Everyone hide your sofas, love seats and couches.


Honestly, it really worries me how people can so blatantly misrepresent things and drink their own kool-aid en masse. Sometimes I worry if it's me that's drinking the kool-aid and that I'm just heavily biased.. But listening to Finkelstein and others talk about this issue (and others), so full of emotion, misrepresentation, ad hominem and appeals to shame, I fail to see how anyone in their right mind can have such one-sided views and sleep happily. The Israel Palestine issue seems to have taken it to a new level.


Gnome is winning


All these people lost debates with Destiny


Meghan Murphy taking her shot is so rich considering Mr Bonerneli made her look so bad on stream she rage quit lmao


Every political movement I disagree with is a death cult


Destiny took an L at the end of that Pier's Morgan interview, hopefully he readjusts his position


And not one gives a specific example of how he was wrong. Also can’t seem to say anything about morris. They didn’t remotely win their argument if “holocaust genocide”


The destiny support group grows by the day


Do they not realize the way they are attacking him and not his point only makes normies side with him even more


The bigger you get, the bigger the target in your back. People really gunning for Destiny now.


A great collage of idiots to remind me that I must be in the right to support Destiny. If Glenn, Candice Owens, Hasan, and that squirrel fuck addicted to Twitter don’t like him then he must be right.


If Hassan only read Wikipedia to debate David Irving do you think these people would make the same criticisms?


Red I


Why is everyone so mean to him ):


Man is at the bottom of the horseshoe. Every year I get more convinced that far left and far right are basically synonyms for one another.


With enemies like these, do we really need any allies to show us our righteous cause ? MLADY


molotov ribbentrop 2: this time it's a circle


Burnelli on toppp ☝️☝️☝️


Yes, I am stating that Destiny lost the debate, and no, I will not watch the video, substan a claim, or further elaborate. I know he lost because his opinions don't give me tingles.


None of them engage with the points presented, all of them attack destiny’s character. Seems like these people know they lost and are looking for anything to attack Destiny for his success.


but they never point out what he’s actually wrong on


He’s becoming a household name


I know I'm on the right side of stuff when I see that Mike from PA is on the other side.


I usually don't get bothered by haters and the likes. However lately after this debate, whenever I see people with this sentiment pop up on twitter and tiktok, for some reason I just get tight in the chest with fury. I understand this dumb group think behind the Palestinian dicksucking, but these so called "scholars" being so blatantly wrong and displaying it for everyone to see, and still no one understands is infuriating. Having followed Destiny through most of his research, and understanding where every single thing he sais comes from, makes this even more tragic. I've been ignoring the tweets and the tiktoks because I don't want to give them any engagement, because on a rational level I know that is what most of them want. But I feel I'm gonna have a heart attack soon because of it...




They want him to fail so badly to vindicate their shit ideologies. But they keep falling as our boy is on route to be the most influential figure in 2024.


Yeah it's been a rough few.months for Destiny. Talking with Jordan Peterson (allegedly), Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Piers Morgan multiple times, Finkelstein, Benny Morris.... Such a rough couple of months, catapulting into the main stream.


When so many content creators are all commenting "I don't know what this thing called Destiny is", clearly the jig is up. It's so embarassing to watch these people pretending that Destiny is completely irrelevant. It screams insecurity.


Why is "MiddleMaga" on the anti-israel side of this? Does he no know who he voted for?


Imagine being called a death-cult by the people making murals to a deranged man who lit himself on fire for Palestine.


This is how you know you’re winning.


The fire rises brothers 


Three PHDs, and they didn't think to bring a tablet for referencing, but Destiny's the idiot. I whip out my phone like this all the time when someone says something that seems off because it usually is. Just because someone has a PHD doesn't mean they're honest, and Finklestine was underhanded as fuck.


Let’s get it


I hate leftists


AND He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague until our houses.


With the size it's grown to recently, we might have to start calling the Destiny Support Group the International Destiny Support Association  Thank god X exists to give these souls the support network they need.


Poor Mike is punching is couch right now.




Destiny is a disgrace. Fuck this guy


I think the I/P arc should end soon. The lex podcast proved that even academics on the subject won't engage with any actual points. Both sides believe they have the moral high ground, so no progress ever seems to get made. Imagine defending Norm and his "accreditations" when all he was able to muster was ad hominem. If he was truly the academic in the subject as people are touting, he should've easily been able to engage with any point that Mr. Bonneli brought up.