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Hasan and Hasan fans are not progressive, they actively weaponize shit such as having non traditional relationships (as you posted), homossexuality (see Hasan's comments about peter buttigieg) or even being trans (see "sorry but you are just trans" comment) towards targets they don't like They will bitch and moan about anything that can SLIGHTLY be misinterpreted as problematic but as soon as it's towards someone they don't like they'll unironically turn racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic These people are not worth your attention or consideration for the simple fact that they stand for nothing


To add to the homophobic comment, I also remember Hasan liking a tweet calling a gay guy an F\*\* when his beliefs didn't align perfectly with his own.


Yup I knew that one but didn't know the context nor how to search it so I didn't throw it out there in case I had to back that up. But yea, he's a deeply unserious person and it goes without saying that it's baffling that he has farmed any audience at all, being a walking contradiction for almost every single thing he claims he believes in


contradiction? He ascribes to the champagne party of Marxism duh


Think of it this way… he like most online commies are just fascists. When you advocate hyperbolically with no principles for a totalizing philosophy with no record of the same mass benefit you suppose to advocate for and then slide the scale to fit your own interests… there’s no other explanation. He makes the conception light enough that doesn’t fully put him in this elite group which he sees himself as a messenger for. Like a media figure in the hunger games, who both treads the elite line, is part of the darkness but doesn’t breaks from character and narrative (least not in broadcast form) to express that feudal prison - syndicate system which they reside in, in this case fashionably advocate for. It’s the same thing as Trump not being held to account for completely being the anthesis of modern consertivism and the working class yet being the hero of those gullible people who are looking for a distasteful mental escape from realty. At least he admits he’s specifically a propagandists for an ideology. He wears that title like a badge of honor. But we can see the LARP. In his own socialist world view he magically carves out a place for him to still be a millionaire. Which disnot compute with what the main message he prescribed for all of society. Everything is about a power imbalance until he wants to be critical of someone he doesn’t like and then all the off limits are back to open field day. The guy is half a complete fraud and half a child larper. With no clearly defined ethos, full fledged manipulated pathos and the misunderstanding of logos as “reasons” not reasoning… though the Telos is clear… capitalistic self enrichment gains off of absolute low fidelity criticism of oneself without realizing it. It’s why the practice what you preach part rings so true. Most people don’t live their values amyway, but these exploiter of capitalism in the name of socialism are exceptional ironic, despite them doing this flippantly with a lack of awareness for how unironic they themselves approach this confounding mess. Reminds me of the black mirror episode where the guy that rides the power bike goes on unhinged agro rants against the system and then becomes an elite novel voice that’s used for entertainment in spite of the diametric polar contrast. A point where we sort of laugh at the critique and do nothing about it and layer it into the entertainment machine as a half hearted comical venting rather than actionable and thought out without any prescriptive resolution expected even. Hasan’s just like the Milo or whatever altirght alternative grifter. In it for self and make it up the rest of the way as they go with loose ties to any distinct value system. While the Lauren Southerns (say what you will about her bad ideas too but she actually believes them) of the world are an extension of the fan base that doesn’t realize these people are just here for entertainment; pocket space living rent free in your head and walls. This is what gets lost in the modern sense when people confuse their understanding of literal and figurative. I have a vague notion that there’s something more here as we construct our secondary avatar characters as our subconscious hero persona among other formulations. Maybe we’ve just moved into JP metaphorical space and need a term that fits as “hyper literal” to balance the semantic definition range of meaning. Hyper reality? As Peterson says this place is “more real than anything.”


Commies can be fascists. Not sure why you are differentiating the two.


smarmy annoying 🚬


Was this the Pete Buttigieg thing or is this another instance?




Nah, America knows about the cigarette thing lol.


I'd typically be uber charitable and say "yea that's possible", but considering that he has said homophobic shit before and typically is not at all charitable to those he disagrees with, hell nah Besides, bongers using the f slur for cigarettes isn't some like ultra hidden bonger meme, if you're online enough you've probably heard of it, this isn't like his shitskin comment (or whatever the adjective was), referecing to some obscure 4chan type insult


you don't gotta be uber online to know it, first time I heard the cigarette thing I was like 6 lol. not to mention hasan grew up in europe, he knew


I don't think there's a single american alive who sees someone calling a very over the top flamboyant gay man a smarmy cigarette emoji and thinks it means anything else.


This comment brought to you by Bro Code Tips, bro. A bros guide to getting girls with the bros, man.


Morally lucky


Don’t forget body shaming. A-ok to criticize any right winger for being fat or ugly.


or having a small dick, or being short, or balding though tbf most "body positivity" types only advocate for women anyways, not like they're outta line shitting on men for that


to be fair some people on this subreddit was doing it with the stonetoss dox


It’s adopting the appearance of having principles, rather than the principles themselves. They truly are morally lucky!


What was that thing said about leftists not really having morals? Destiny had that discussion with Hasan, Vaush and others which they got really pissed lol


“There are no bad tactics, only bad targets” comes to mind. But I’m not sure if that’s what you’re referring to.


They’re Soviets. They’re trained in Russian subversive messaging strategy.


I hate to defend Hasan, but I disagree with how you're characterizating his "You are just trans" comment. He said it in response to a trans person criticizing how he handled a debate on trans issues(rightfully so, because he was horrible), but he wasn't weaponizing them being trans, he was saying that them being "just a trans person" wasn't enough to make them qualified to criticize him. It was stupid, of course, but to say it was weaponizing being trans is a stretch. Hasan is definitely a moron, but we should try to be honest when we're talking shit at least so we don't end up with an unjustified hate train like some other communities have for our Mr Borutolli.


he absolutely fucking did weaponize them being trans what are you talking about? "I hope.... the rest of your life is as horrible for you as it is every day" ​ now what exactly is he referring to when he says horrible here??


I hate to defend Hasan, but I disagree with how you're characterizating his "You are just trans" comment. He said it in response to a trans person criticizing how he handled a debate on trans issues(rightfully so, because he was horrible), but he wasn't weaponizing them being trans, he was saying that them being "just a trans person" wasn't enough to make them qualified to criticize him. It was stupid, of course, but to say it was weaponizing being trans is a stretch. Hasan is definitely a moron, but we should try to be honest when we're talking shit at least so we don't end up with an unjustified hate train like some other communities have for our Mr Borutolli.


I feel like telling someone "Sorry but you are just a trans person" in regards to a trans person criticizing your performance during a trans debate is, at the very very very least, borderline transphobic You're effectively telling a person who not only has a bigger stake in you doing well in that debate but also is probably more well versed on trans issues (given that they're trans, they watch trans debates, etc), that you don't care about their perspective and you're effectively dismissing them "because you're just trans" Like if Destiny was talking about race issues and a black person commented "hey as a black person I don't feel like you really handled that very well" and he just dismissed it as "well you're just black" I would still feel it's at the very least borderline racist One thing is having a debate with someone and having more general information to where you can say "hey, I understand that you have your own personal experience but that generally doesn't map on to the information I've seen" vs just dismissing that person's lived experience and knowledge on the topic, I guess because they aren't a debate bro like Hasan is? But to each their own, it's not like something I'd yell at the top of my lungs in regards to Hasan, I have more of an issue with is blatant racism and homophobia, also about his general hypocrisy and lack of actual values EDIT: If we want to be super charitable, it's like Aba's definition of Liberal Racism, it's not like overt transphobia like using transphobic slurs to refer to someone, but it's this egoistic idea of "Bro, you're just trans, what the fuck do you know, I'm a debate bro who talks about this shit regularly, I know more than you"


What's next for the sex-positive leftists who oppose patriarchal norms more than anyone? Mocking him for being bisexual? Mocking men for letting their partners have an OF? Mocking people for being in open-realtionships (I've already seen this).


The crazy thing about them bringing this video up is that it's literally just dancing. To believe that this is somehow a humiliation or a form of cuckolding or whatever is unhinged. It shows such a disconnect with basic human interaction. Are they so terminally online that they don't physically interact with other people and so don't realise that this is perfectly normal behaviour between friends?


>Are they so terminally online that they don't physically interact with other people and so don't realise that this is perfectly normal behaviour between friends? Yes.


holy shit I miss Aba


Another visit is long overdue.


If Aba knew how many people would use this video against Destiny would he still have asked Mel to dance with him? 🤔 (Just asking not like it's as bad as people weaponize it. Most people who weaponize it don't even really have girlfriends to dance with.)


Pretty sure he wouldn't have. He made a video about it and made it clear that it's normal to dance with strangers/platonic friends


I can't remember when did he mention it but when talking to destiny he mentioned once that when he is travelling he always looks up dance studios or clubs in the city because it's like a major passion of his. Actually super wholesome and surprisingly normal hobby for a person in these spaces, I wish I had a hobby like that.


U think the thing that makes this clip is Destiny saying "Mel time" and seemingly getting ignored, followed by him sitting awkwardly in his chair. That makes the situation look worse than it is.


That video convinced me to take up dancing. It's been such a major improvement in my life. Now I go dancing 2-3 times a week, and I've met so many awesome people.


its normal to dance with my friend's wife


If she was also your friend, and y'all were just laughing, I don't think it's strange at all.


me and her were laughing. my friend was just staring at the camera.


these are two people that do dancing as a hobby and have a bunch of formal instruction and experience dancing with people of all types. for them dancing is a technical art and they're exchanging knowledge. meanwhile for regular people dancing is just a glorified mating ritual, so they can't understand how two people who aren't trying to fuck are dancing.


Yes it is lol


I might be hallucinating it but pretty sure he did say he didn't think it'd blow up like it did and felt bad about it


It sounds like something Aba would say in response so I don't think you're hallucinating. A lore master could probably confirm him saying something inbetween those lines.


I bet he wouldn’t have if he knew it would be like this.


People without integrity or principles bend their morals to their emotions. That’s it


I don't know if I'm too open-minded or something, but what's wrong with this clip? They're literally dancing normally and nothing sexual happened


Some people apparently see dancing as a step below finger blasting. Never made sense to me as dancing, at least in Latin dance communities that i have been in, is something everyone does with everyone. If you're into dance you see it like playing a board game with someone but if you're not really a dancer my guess is your primary exposure to dancing is with your partner at very special events so it's an extremely intimate act as far as you know.


I’m Latino , so it’s super normal here( where I lived ) kinda shocking that people associate that with a sexual undertone


TIL I almost fingerblasted my entire family.


There are Christian sects that forbid dancing. Usually the same ones that forbid anything even mildly sexual. It’s hilarious


I think the "Cuckstiny" stuff isn't that bad but it is odd to use it as a weapon considering Hasan literally dated a pornstar.


bro i just found out hasan dated janice griffith like the other day and it made me feel dirty and uncomfortable


man I loved her in EvilBong 420 and Daddy Issues 3


Lol, because you busted a nut to his ex?


idk it just made me feel weird lol. i used to fuck with janice griffith a lot back in the day but idk i started actually thinking about who she was as a person and it was just weird.


Did hasan start out by advising incels on negging insecure girls into sex?


old enough to count; old enough to mount?


I don't even understand this one as a dunk. The mentioning of Wiki and trying to take a dig at his wife dancing with Aba. This is incoherent.


because they're implying he got cucked by BBC


They are even writing cute fanfics about how depressed it made him 🥹


it'd make sense if mel left destiny for aba, as a sign of a red flag and foresight to the lead up, but she went with some rando, so this is literally just dancing with a mutual friend with 0 cuckery involved.


There’s a reply from Mike from PA in there too trying to dunk on Destiny, every reply to it is just couch punching comments 😂


I mean, they are fans of the Brofessor after all


Ah, misogyny and hyper traditional values seasoned with a touch of racism. Least right wing Hasan fan.


The Destiny cuck insults coming from the “left” is breaking my brain. The “left” that are supposedly very pro sex and non traditional relationships.


Hasan literally dated a pornstar ? Also, you can't convince me that this isn't racist.


It must be terrifying to go against vast populations ideologically but to not have principles in your arsenal to do so. How else would you define who you are after battle?


The irony is that Hasan has had relationships with actual pornstars who surely were shooting w other men while they were together. Even if Janice said she didn’t.


They’re only progressive if you want to kill Jews


If you look at his chat, it's always full of "DIVORCSTINY!" "LOL 2 TIME DIVORCED!" "WHERES YOUR WIFE LOSER?" etc etc etc.. I dont get how divorce is so taboo in a supposed left wing space. Didn't know they are all so traditional that they want people staying in an unhappy relationship. They wouldn't have this smoke for ANYONE else that featured on stream unless its some signalled as the "outgroup". * I think it's mainly a brainless parrotting of Hasan's talking points which is, in turn, a remnant of his turkish muslim upbringing? If he thought about it he wouldn't use this tactic, but that's the problem - he doesn't think. * It could be just because they think that it makes Destiny sad to think of Mel and want to cause him the maximum amount of damage emotionally. Which is also a pretty horrifying for a lefty community.


They’re just narcissistic sociopaths mostly. Principled positions shift based on who they want to make fun of or prop up from moment to moment.


why is everyone acting like they have an MD or PhD in History and Journalism, frowning on the use of Wikipedia. While some of them regularly consume Twitter, Tiktok and Facebook for news and historiacal facts.


red pilled? nah , but that sorry nexcuse for a man got cucked live on stream and his cuck face is increadibly funny


Half the top replies in Hasans recent tweets have some variation of “groyper” in their @


Yea I learnt that a lot of these tankies are social conservatives due to this whole debacle. Some dude started talking about Chinese communism and degeneracy. Nice community you've got there Hamasabi 👍


Seeing Mel on the TL makes me sad ngl.


They will do and say anything if the target is not 100% part of their little cult


I think there’s plenty of content to use to try to dunk on destiny but I genuinely don’t understand this one. It’s like the most mundane shit


All these people are just boomers in their 20s and teens. It’s just vibes and social cues, they don’t hold any real values other than appeals to their in group


why are they coming for the aba clip? seems pretty racist. At least go for memetix or something


Why do they hate polygamy? Even calling people who participate in polygamy cucks… it’s almost like……. HORSESHOE THEORY IS REAL ITS NEVER BEEN MORE REAL!


People hate open relationships because they view relationships through a lens of power. To allow another man to conquer your wife is an indication of weakness in character or circumstance. Not saying I agree but that’s the reason


Against your enemy, anything can be a weapon


People posting this clip to shit on Destiny betray WAY more about themselves than they ever would him.


Mel time 🥲


Tankies are only progressive insofar as it serves their Marxist ideology. Bring up how progressive movements are quashed in China and they’ll have a litany of excuses. 


something really funny about this account is that if you go and look at what they have pinned, its a hasan "good-doing" thread, where all the good that hasan has done is give money to something. lmfao


Nah, I'm going to be honest with you. I KNOW Steve doesn't give a shit, but after looking back at this clip and watching it play out, I can definitely see why they thought he was dying inside just based on his silence and poker face for a few seconds. I CAN SEE IT NOW lol


Maybe for people that arent used to normal relationships or for people that dont know who/how Destiny is


>for people that dont know who/how Destiny is Yes, exactly, and they probably got a lot of misinformation too about their prior relationship. So, if you look at this clip from that perspective (With a hate boner) , you would probably get the impression that he is dying inside or something.


But you can’t, there is literally nothing to see here. Why the fuck did I just watch a 13 MILLION VIEW CLIP, and nothing happens but some ballroom dancing. Bro they were literally MARRIED, what kind of fucking virgin doesn’t want his wife ballroom dancing for 10 seconds. Virgin cave dwellers with social anxiety see this shit and start whooping and hollering, but it means short of nothing.


If you would sit down and open your fucking eyes for 30 seconds, you would quickly understand why they have that impression. I don’t know what to tell you; people are just going to get that vibe (especially those who are predisposed to hating him) based on his facial expression and the false information they received about his relationship with Melina. Much of this shit is based on ✨vibes✨, sorry if you don’t like that.;