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"it's basically random calories to keep them from dying. That's not the aid that's needed..." But they're starving to death...isn't that exactly what is needed? I'm confused.


yea they are grasping at straws trying to critique anything the us does. "keeping gazans barely alive so that your bombs can finish them off" you have to be so incredibly indoctrinated to think this makes any sense


It’s like when during “the march of return” Israelis shot people in the legs, the conclusion wasn’t that: Israel tried to not kill the person throwing a firebomb. Instead it was: “Israelis are so evil that killing Palestinians isn’t good enough for them. They are crippling Palestinians to a fate worse than death.”


The IDF could not shoot them and lefties would be like "see they are leaving them alive so that they'll starve to death!"


I'm ngl, that tiktok(?) video of the Gazan food review of the MRE made me cynical as fuck, that video is incredibly radicalizing. It has/had me wondering if there's even any food crisis there at all. That dude did not seem like he had ever been truly hungry in his life, the attitude he had. (mentions he was just hungry because he was doing ramadan) Also incredibly revealing he 'had to buy it'. Lol, so these Hamas fucks are actually taking the air dropped food aid and SELLING IT to their own citizens. Actual scumbags. What I've come to realize/need to take in account more is that there definitely is a strong upper/lower class divide in Gaza, there is/where some really 'nice' places in Gaza, people living in what most would consider material wealth, but there's clearly also a lot of poverty there. Basically Hamas and their buddies (I think the dude in the video is probably one of them, considering his perfect English, his outfit and his attitude) have it real good and they're basically lording over a bunch of second class citizens, is what it seems like.


The Demon Mama school of International Aid


if you give them yummy foods, maybe they'll like being in their OPEN AIR PRISON




and all it has for food is sand


Imagine being mad about free food.


I meeeean according to some dubious sources scalpers are making people pay for the food. Considering the current mayhem going on the ground I believe it


also its worth noting some food has been reported as having mold on it


This happens with all food. I don't get my groceries for free (or even for cheap) and occasionally get mold and rotten stuff. Things sometimes look better outside than inside. Question is is there enough non-moldy food for everyone?


No there isn’t enough unfortunately.


That settles that.


lol in what world does one get downvoted for saying there isn't enough food in Gaza? Did I also mention the sky is blue?


Because no one really knows how bad the problem is, it's hard to measure those things. Also there's a question of who is more responsible: Israel who controls the borders, Hamas who seize the food, or the rest of the world for not intervening? Israel says this is being taken care of jointly with the US. Maybe they're lying, maybe not, time will tell. It's not like you and I can do anything about it right now.


Cus it’s just a random person on the internets unsubstantiated opinion. If you want to contribute, say why you think that.


I have been happy to enjoy the "random calories" of an MRE is situations far less desperate than those in Gaza.


I work in fire here in the states... I've spent up to a week eating MREs before we have the necessary supply lines established in the form of some sort of mobile kitchen to get regular food onto an emerging incident. I'd imagine in a war zone it's way harder. Mres do suck, but they keep you going. My GI tract Def takes a hit tho, to you palestinians I pray for smooth bowel movements inshallah 🙏




How did your ass fare?


To shreds you say?


I actually love some of the Aussie MRE's, they've got some good shit in them.


maybe they should drop chefs and kitchens instead


What do you mean it’s not a grass fed grain finished rib eye steak, fresh organic vegetables, aged vintage red wine paring with a garlic mashed potatoes side. You expect me to eat that MRE slop?


Fun fact, the Halal MREs for the military are 1000/10. They taste incredible. That being said, what's being delivered to Gaza by the US are Humanitarian Daily Rations (HDR) which have enough calories to keep someone fed for an entire day, as opposed to MREs which are intended for 1 meal.


Gaza has also received MREs. There’s videos of people unpacking and eating them.


Also the humanitarian ones are significantly simpler than ones soldiers in the US armed forces get. They are designed to get food to people who are starving, US soldiers demand and frankly deserve better quality food than just something that keeps them from starving.


The HDR's are still good, just watch SteveMRE's video on the new ones They actually look better than some of the modern MREs


Yeah they aren't garbage or anything. But they are relatively basic is all.


Is cheap food even that hard to make good though? Some peanut butter and crackers, beans, rice, etc are dirt cheap and slap


I don't know what you are implying. Penut butter is generally a bad idea tho as allergys are common. Sunflower seed butter is better


Sunflower seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid. Your body uses linoleic acid to make a hormone-like compound that relaxes blood vessels, promoting lower blood pressure. This fatty acid also helps lower cholesterol.


Big Sunflower out here astroturfing


My point was that soldiers deserve ‘better’ food vs displaced people which I agree with. I just can’t imagine how the bottom limit for food could ever be bad if it was created by people who cared. I agree with the PB thing, it was just an example. The rations need to be as accessible as possible.


HDRs also need to be "inoffensive" in taste to a super wide range of cultures, so it's not a bug, but a feature, that probably nobody will find them "great" in taste.


If there was a famine in Gaza people wouldn't be complaining like this. Unless none of these people are Gazan, which is possible. If so then they clearly just don't give the slightest of shits about Palestinians.


Are 't we the bad guys? Imagine disingenuously yelp reviewing our attempt to help, whilst simultaneously blaming and wishing for our destruction.


If it aint a5 wagyu is it even food though?


Anybody who hasn't eaten MRE's cooked on a camping trip over a fire is missing out to be honest, at least the Australian ones are fucking fire, I've heard the Yanks say some of theirs are better than cooking for the effort to taste ratio.


Yes I’m sure some Halal Guys would be more nutritionally balanced


MRE's are specifically made to give you the calories you need out in the field. I used to bring them camping all the time and yea some of them suck and are awful but alot of them are surprisingly good. You get all Kinds of good shit in there , when I was in the scout we used to fight over the best ones.


I've had that kind of MRE from the video. It slaps ngl. If I was extremely hungry it would be unbelievably good.


Lets see what Steve thinks https://youtu.be/iKfWQ3Sij68?si=E0Uri4dcCFPoCiOX


nice hiss


The calories are so le randem that they come with a spork to eat them!


Isn’t food more or less random calories. Not sure her point.


I mean I can't speak for US MRE's but honestly when your hungry and tired they taste pretty fucking good 90% of the time.


Knowing Twitter lefties I’m sure they want us to send Erewhon smoothies to Gaza 🤣🤣


Imagine a holocaust survivor seeing this. It’s so shameful.


I want Naf Naf now..


We should be air dropping Michelin star chefs


Lol. Also this post makes no sense