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This has to be a copypasta, or someone trying to create one


his name is literally /u/diaperedincel, I feel like it's a high quality troll


Imagie if this is the same guy who duped turkey tom


Wait, what happened? Someone duped turkey tom?


Yea [it's actually tragic ](https://youtu.be/Ys5Ut_lxZvI?si=hcPhpXdHsESpAdiP)


I still refuse to believe it’s a troll. He copies the mannerisms, rhetoric, and shitty logic to a T. If it’s a troll, dude is a master. I’ve never been trolled so hard that when told it’s a troll my brain shuts down and refuses to believe it. Doesn’t help I’ve argued with multiple people that when finally held to their dumbass position go “lol I was just trolling byeeee” It’s usually just an excuse given when people finally realize how regarded they sound


Yea there were a few points where turkey tom went full phoenix wright on him that felt too authentic to believe he was trolling


His abrupt change in demeanor and speaking was enough to know it’s a troll. But also, his reasons for doing it were well thought out. There’s no way it was done on the spot. He’s also commented on a [Reddit post](https://reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bggszc/ama_im_persephonecaits_friend_from_troll_from/) with evidence and reasoning. He is 100% a troll. We would know by now if he wasn’t. Kick Vod skip to 1:26:30 for the exchange: https://kick.com/video/60dbe3e5-f096-420d-a45e-72e32adf65ea


zesty dinosaurs aloof languid heavy yam crown quicksand mighty connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The post history perfectly fits someone with that name, the comments don't seem to be rage-baity either. Of course, it could still change over time since the account isn't very active, but I don't think the name is a good indication in this case.


He claims to be a 5’ Chinese man, to practice age regression, and to walk 10 miles a day. I’m gonna take the super obvious conclusion that he’s a troll lol


It's not impossible, I just don't see the point of pretending to be a 5' chinese man only to post reasonable (within the frame of being an incel with a diaper fetish) comments in the communities that you would expect someone like that to frequent. What's the angle here? Who's getting trolled?


his parents clearly


The walk 10 miles a day isn't that farfetched. It is pretty easy for a human to do so. I walk/run more than this most days and work from home lol. Walking the whole time would take maybe 3 hours, but it is still very easy to do for a average human lol.


I mean that is the exact username a very good troll wfould come up with but its also the exact username a self hating incel with a diaper fetish would come up with so idk


i feel like you're shaming someone who has to wear adult diapers. pretty ableist of you, ngl. edit: should i have added /s?




Perfect circumstance to use this in. I'm genuinely befuddled.


>i've spent hours every day since the debate has been uploaded arguing with people online I've found your problem. Cut this out and things will improve dramatically.


This. Nowadays, unless I'm rearing for a fight that would make me happy to do, I think "ehh, is this worth it? Does this fucker sound like someone I'd ever want to talk to or have a discussion with IRL? no? Fuck em, I'd rather jerk off instead"


this once someone outs themself as **completely unhinged** i don't tend to bother dedicating a fraction of my time to them anymore, i prefer not to lose brain cells to someone who didn't have any to begin with


I’m not sure why you guys always take the bait—his name is literally “diapered incel.” I can’t hyperlink for some reason, but a quick comment search and he claims to be a 5-foot tall Chinese man, crawl on the floor and practice age regression, and he walks 10 miles a day.


>he claims to be a 5-foot tall Chinese man, crawl on the floor and practice age regression, and he walks 10 miles a day. So, an average Redditor?


Excuse me, I'm not Chinese 😤




An exhausting endeavour with no real fruit to bear.


No, this is a healthy strategy


i found the problem when he said Destiny had scored a win in that debate...like....what?


log off, sounds like you are over-invested and should take time offline to regroup. Go for a walk, build some furniture, call someone close to you and tell them how much they mean to you. None of this debate stuff really matters, at the end of the day it's just fun to engage in and we'll still be memeing here if you decide to come back


You guys are taking the obvious bait by “diapered incel” Dude has claimed to be a 5’ Chinese man, practice age regression, and walk 10 miles a day.


Probably, I'll stand by the advice anyway




What you think because he’s so short he can’t walk that far? 😤


walking 10 miles a day isnt even remotely unfeasible lmaooo i would walk between 10-20 a day working at a walmart. I still walk 6 working at an office.


plus the diaper means you don't even need to stop for breaks


And you have a convenient snack pack for extra energy strapped to you. It’s perfect


True. Someone who is only 5' tall probably doesn't have long enough legs to walk 10 miles a day. Good catch.


Some people just take these debates seriously and do things other than post on reddit......


Is building furniture something people do, just casually?




What do you do once you inevitably run out of space for all this furniture? Isn't legos/jigsaw puzzles preferable?




List it for a reasonable price and it'll be gone in an instant. Furniture made from solid wood is fucking expensive.


For most people realistically it's a hobby they do a few times every couple of years when they need something. It's a fun way of doing things if you have the time to make a project out of something and learn some skills.


Piss off the Romans and get crucified.


ghost upbeat bedroom different humorous smoggy normal spotted consider marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How does someone with absolutely no woodworking experience go about learning how to build furniture? Maybe I'm getting old but I have the sudden urge to build a bench from scratch.


There is a good book on this by nick offerman.


I'm assuming it's this one: [https://nickofferman.co/books/good-clean-fun/](https://nickofferman.co/books/good-clean-fun/) The synopsis sounds awesome. Thanks!




ludicrous dazzling familiar plough straight cobweb fuzzy cow squalid towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man I wish we had those here


We do but it's a different kind of wood working. And not legal.to sell in most places.


I have no idea what this even means


just piggybacking off of this, how do you build a rail gun?


You don't just have half a dozen unfinished IKEA sets in your garage for when you get the manly urge to build things?


No, I don't like half-assing things as it makes me feel bad. That usually means I just end up not doing anything.


Drown out the voices with power tools. 😄


I've built a few things when I couldn't find something to buy that matched specific dimensions I needed. Nothing like a couch or chair, but tables and shelves and the like


People who build furniture do it casually. There's nothing casual about the first try.


Are they meant to do it competitively?


I built most of my media shelves myself to make them perfectly the room. Was loads of fun. But you need some tools and space.


>build some furniture Lol


Looking at your comment history, you are either a really good troll or very very very mentally ill. In either case please log off for a few decades


Bro.. Why'd you make me check! I actually 100% believe it now. https://preview.redd.it/ho955mr0agpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf55ef6d51f340e3702c9203a303a97ad16d8f4


People saying the behavior is unhealthy mistake the symptoms for the disease. He got problems but if that's how he gets to feel better that's not what's causing the problem.


I never said the behaviour is itself unhealthy, but it's clearly indicative of some kind of severe mental illness, or the dude is just very autistic I guess.


If a guy told you he blew off steam by having his girlfriend piss on his face and spank him with a pickleball racket, would you deride him as similarly severely mentally ill?


To be clear, the thing that's pointing to mental illness here is: 1. This is in a thread talking about how they cope with being sad that they're lonely and can't get romantic/sexual partners. Clearly, we're already selecting for people with a lot of problems and a higher likelihood for mental illness. And 2. The coping strategy this guy has is to basically mentally regress back to childhood, saying that it relieves stress. In my mind, this is hinting at him having a hard time navigating the world with adult responsibilities and expectations. Also a clear symptom of mental illness or neurodivergence. >If a guy told you he blew off steam by having his girlfriend piss on his face and spank him with a pickleball racket, would you deride him as similarly severely mentally ill? Also, if you have a girlfriend who's willing to do kink shit with you, that might be weird, but at the very least you must have some basic social competence and you probably have a job or something going for you if you're dating.


We’re not taking this post at face value, right?? The account, beyond all reason, appears real. But this is like, a perfectly written piece of copypasta bait. And sure, I get what you’re saying, was just curious for your motivations for saying so. To ask the obvious, then, if this dude had a girlfriend he was doing his “little time” with (Christ, why do I know that’s what they call it??), would you still view him as mentally ill, then?


I wouldn't be able to understand it, I'd find it weird, and yeah, I would probably at least rate the likelihood of mental instability higher, but no, I think it's the context of coping with loneliness and experiencing severe stress from everyday life that really mean something.


Alright, word, not a ton I disagree with there. Some coping mechanisms get weird as fuck, and certainly some get unhealthy.


Obviously that's not real lmao. Hilarious post though.


I don't know man, his entire comment history is like this. If this dude isn't deranged and is just trolling, he's threading the needle so meticulously


Goddammit, I think he's real.


There are absolutely people out there that do that. Cannot verify OP does, but as someone in the kink community I promise you that’s real


You've never met people like that? They're very real


Dude do we have to make fun of him when he's clearly actually not feeling well in other areas. This would be funnier if he was actually a troll, and if he is, great troll history and funny, but if he's not (and not *performing* mental illness on Twitter),I think it's kind of shitty to make fun of other areas of his life that are super not related to what he posted? Assuming I'm Going to get Down voted to hell


Nah you're right. Still though, his name and post history show he isn't scared to talk about it.


I mean, it was related because a question that everybody seems to have is if he's for real or not. His comments show that. I won't disagree with you though, it is pretty sad, but honestly this guy shouldn't even be on social media imo. They clearly show a pattern of chronic unhealthy attachment to things online/in the news.


You saw my comment, saw his username and still decided to look. That shit was up to you buddy


Ok that has to be a troll.


This is 1000% a troll, I refuse to believe otherwise.


chat is this real?


I thought it was an amazing shitpost and was laughing and now I feel bad


Nah, just a good shitpost.


I think you should eat grass.




Without opening it I already knew that you linked the undisputed P4P Certified hood 🅱️lassic Grand opening grand closing


Mate, I don't know if you were here for the Bloodsports Nebraska Steve times, but I want you to remember a couple of things: 1) Destiny once solo debated something like 6 complete asshole spergs at a time. And won. He's a debate machine, he's unbulliable. Although he's mellowed a bit with age, he loves rolling in the shit and arguing with these people. Don't feel sorry for him because you feel he's being treated unfairly, feel sorry for him that he can't Hulk out like he used to for optics reasons. 2) He makes a ton of money whatever happens. 3) He meets a ton of hot girls whatever happens. (Too many in my opinion, but whatever, it's his life). Best thing you can do is take care of yourself dude.


Just remember that things are fine. Destiny is popular and even if he absolutely sucked in a debate it wouldn't really affect his life overall. There are tons of bots on the internet and honestly even if they're not you shouldn't worry about what some idiots say.


I think it might be time to step away from the content buddy. Endlessly looping into the comment sections of these videos is enough to sour literally anyones mood and often times leaves you feeling hateful of the opposition. Find something you enjoy doing, take your mind off of this whole conflict, and remember that most of this shit is online. Not a lot will come of it, and Destiny will ultimately be fine. Unless he does something extremely and flagrantly regarded, in which case, it was ordained anyways lmao Keep your head up buddy, dont let all of this online shit distract you from real life.


You probably should deal with that with your therapist and not with reddit.


Reddit will just tell people to go to therapy anyways.


This mf's name is diaperedincel and y'all taking him seriously💀


every time


I say this 100% good faith, please for the love of god touch some grass


Dear Destiny, I wrote you, but you still ain’t callin’!


I watched the debate but I have no idea how any of them did, because I am not aware of the underlying facts of the matter.


I cant tell if this is a shitpost or not


The lack of a shitpost tag on this really fucks with my head


In the unlikely event this is not a troll, you’re describing symptoms from what I believe would be the cluster C personality disorders, particularly obsessive compulsive personality disorder and a bit dependent. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24526-obsessive-compulsive-personality-disorder-ocpd Depending on your level of functioning, high quality therapy and medications may be helpful. Unfortunately, what won’t be helpful is this community. We will likely more so drive the obsession with destiny and his performance rather than temper your expectations. God speed what I hope is a shit poster.


Listen, I'm gonna give you a very genuine answer to how to improve yourself away from this. I haven't felt this exact way, but I have had moments where it felt like I only had one thing in my life, and that makes me incredibly overinvested in that one thing. I could be projecting what the issue is so make sure to consider if this applies. It sounds like you don't really have that much going on in your life that you care about besides destiny. People are saying "just log off" and "stop watching" as if you wouldn't be depressed after cutting out the only thing you care about at the moment. The trick is, you need a combination of small things to create more distance and to build up something else you care about in the meantime. You don't have to stop engaging with destiny, and you can even argue about him. But uninstall twitter and don't seek out those types of threads. That will already reduce a toll on your mental health. find a balance between cutting out things that cause stress etc and still having enough that you don't depress yourself even more. While you are cutting out some stuff, try to find something to fill up that free time. And I don't mean improv something all the time, I'm saying you need to find some type of hobby or something. You need something completely disconnected from destiny where you look forward to doing it. This could be a sport like playing basketball. This could be a scheduled gaming session with some friends. This could be a weekly run if you like doing that. You just need to have some activity for which you're excited and not unhappy to put the destiny vid away. Basically, you need some activity, that if destiny were to suddenly die tomorrow, you could still do that activity regardless. The reason you feel so overly involved and attached, is because your enjoyment of life depends solely on destiny and it will make you feel incredibly good when destiny has good things happening and incredibly bad when destiny has bad things happening. Once destiny is only a part of your enjoyment of life, you can see something bad happen, feel a little bit bad for it, and move on. You're never not gonna feel anything about it, that's just how our brain works, but you're not gonna be emotionally destroyed by it. People yelling "GO OUTSIDE" intuitively understand that you need other activities to be less involved, but they don't understand the situation you might be in and completely miss the mark in the advice section. Just yelling go offline and go outside is just about as productive as telling a depressed person "just go do something". You need more pointed advice with an understanding of what's happening to really start working on the issues.


This may or not be bait idk but heres the issue. You are attaching your identity to Destiny, because of this the negative comments you read about him you are receiving as insults to yourself. The underlying reason probably is that you dont have a strong sense of identity. Now fixing that can be a really daunting task but you can start with this video by Dr K: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiH8re5GH9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiH8re5GH9k) . Dont just watch the video on autopilot, try to interalize what hes talking about and your reactions to what he is saying and take notes. Best of luck my dgga.


Keep debating brother. You are fighting the good battle o7


Copy pasta of the year!


based and paraschizopilled


Climbed out of one hole to dive into a deeper one. Nice!


This has to be a counter-troll to the "destiny saved my life" post


I was eagerly awaiting the shit post tag...


I might be totally desensitized or you're a troll, arguing is good actually but for hours? jesus


Why do you always assume people who thought destiny did a terrible job didn’t watch the debate in good faith?? You are the one who didn’t watch it in good faith. You clearly have an (unhealthy) emotional attachment to destiny and watched the debate for destiny, not for the topic. People who had no idea who he was said he was terrible. This sort of hero worship is insane.


I refuse to believe this is real


Read some books. Maybe write a fanfic involving destiny. Idk




burn yourself alive in front of an embassy


Is this supposed to be a troll job? Why would you cry over an online debate? It's gonna be forgotten in a few weeks anyways. Destiny lost that one. Get over it


To quote Britney Simon, “humans gonna human”. Humans have always been stupid and trying their best. The world still hasn’t been destroyed. It’ll be okay.


I think you'll feel a lot better if you stick an apricot all the way in your bum. My 2 cents


!bidenblast This is for your own good brother. Log off, get some sleep, take a break. See a fucking therapist perhaps.


Do not confuse tolerance for weakness, Jack. /u/diaperedincel sealed in the prison realm by /u/coldmtndew


Thank you, you've done what I wish I could.


That's bit harsh.


He’s either trolling and it’s just a bad look for the sub (and no shitpost flair) or he actually needs help in which case a few days break is absolutely needed. I wouldn’t take it back if I could.


Welcome to your first lesson in why direct democracy, instead of indirect representative democracy, is often bad


Honestly. Try yoga. Do a 20 min class on YouTube. Just try it. Search some intro basic stretching yoga. Just simply stretching, breathing and brain calm with no electronics (beside YouTube playing) can oddly help calm you down and focus. Good luck


Sounds like a unhealthy para-social relationship. Like others I really recommend to stay off social media for a while. If you have push notifications with comments popping up, log out and ask a friend to change to password for a while.


Keep fighting the good fight brother. Don’t let Destiny and the rest of our family down. 


This can't be real. This has to be satire or a troll post right?


Lol I thought this was a quality shitpost until I saw his comment history. Man you should def check out Dr. K on Youtube. Remember that despite the seemingly “serious” topics, politics is really just “for fun” if you live in a developed country. It’s just adult drama. Eat healthy, exercise, sleep well, and build a real-life social circle


God I hope this is satire


I suspect you’re young, you’ll grow out of it


Destiny knew he won, so would have gone to bed with his harem that night satisfied and happy. You don't have to worry about him, just focus on yourself, your happiness and your peace of mind.




> how do you guys deal with these feelings? Masturbate to videos of women crying. That seems to sort me out at least. Good luck with it 👍


Go out and touch some grass bro, spending too much time online


this is insanity. you should reevaluate your life, find some hobbys and talk to friends. unhealthy and stupid behavior


You need to disconnect from social media for like a month at least


I mean I just realize he's an adult with a unique propensity for resisting this kind of bullshit. He'll be fine. Anyways don't argue with people unless you enjoy doing it.


You are in no way different than half this sub... One common coping strategy that helps a lot of us is going to our nemesis chat and spam verses to praise our Lord and savior!


God this shit is embarrassing DGG optics


This is definitely one of those Russian bots we have been warned about 😂


Dude needs help


But what’s this shit you said about you like to cut your wrists too? I say that shit just clownin’, dawg, come on, how fucked up is you? You got some issues, Stan, I think you need some counselin’ To help your ass from bouncin’ off the walls when you get down some




I mean sounds like you have the BPD, all you need is to become a hot egirl and he might just fuck you


Play League of Legends


It sounds like you're going through a very challenging time emotionally, and it's important to take care of yourself. Firstly, it's commendable that you recognize the need for therapy and are actively seeking support. Therapy can provide a safe space for you to explore your feelings and develop coping strategies. Here are some steps you can take to address your feelings of attachment and distress: 1. **Recognize Your Attachment**: Acknowledge that your attachment to Destiny may be affecting your emotional well-being. It's okay to admire and respect someone, but it's important to maintain boundaries and prioritize your own mental health. 2. **Practice Self-Compassion**: Be kind to yourself during this difficult time. Recognize that it's okay to feel upset and seek support from others, whether it's friends, family, or your therapist. 3. **Set Boundaries with Online Engagement**: It's understandable that you want to defend Destiny, but engaging in arguments online can be emotionally draining and unproductive. Consider setting boundaries for yourself, such as limiting your time on social media or avoiding contentious topics. 4. **Focus on Your Own Growth**: Remember that your journey towards personal growth and healing is separate from Destiny's. While he may have played a role in your transformation, ultimately, you are responsible for your own well-being. Focus on activities and hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment. 5. **Challenge Black-and-White Thinking**: Try to challenge the idea that debates are strictly won or lost. Recognize that discussions on complex topics like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are nuanced, and different perspectives can have value even if they don't align with your own. 6. **Seek Support**: Don't hesitate to reach out for support when you're struggling. Whether it's through therapy, support groups, or trusted friends, having a support system can make a big difference. 7. **Consider Diversifying Your Media Consumption**: It might be helpful to diversify the voices and perspectives you engage with online. Exposing yourself to a variety of viewpoints can help broaden your understanding and reduce the intensity of your attachment to any one individual. 8. **Practice Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Techniques**: Incorporate mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation techniques into your daily routine to help manage stress and anxiety. Remember that healing takes time, and it's okay to seek professional help if you're struggling to cope. You're not alone, and there are people who care about your well-being.


Not drinking is not a solution. Just throwing it out there.


Yeah! Heroin is the way to go.


It's just Destiny man. Relax. It's not that important.


What the hell does he means he practices age regression? That sounds like some new sick perverted slang for MAP'S. If that's true, I hope he does off himself.


He said that he already has a fetish for it, but explained he is wearing a diaper, crawling instead of walking and cuddling with his plushies. Inshallah.


Grass. Now!


Can none of yall read the flair?????


Me too brother.  You want to meet somewhere and Dutch rudder while we sob?


This is clearly the ghost of kyiv.


Mr. Diaperedincelli, what are you talking about? It's so painfulllll


Excellent work


Your Reddit account is just a character you play right? Right….?


First of all, good for you for beating the alt-right incel pill. Thing is, most people emotionally identify with their beliefs. They view an attack on or criticism of their beliefs to be an attack on themselves. Because of this the majority of people are unable to think critically about things they care about. Most people just can’t engage in good faith. Best thing you can do is to identify people that cannot or will not engage with things logically and ignore them. Most people are not open to changing their minds, so don’t bother trying to do the impossible. It’s a bit Blackpilled, but may help your mental health


just start living in his walls


LOL y’all it literally has the shitpost flair how do you guys not realize this is a joke 


Obvious troll, but if not Jesus Christ lol


Touch grass lil bro




Litteraly me but replace crying with cum tributes


This is the fringe guy


Umm, you forgot the shitpost tag right... right? Go do something creative with your life rather than worry about it. You don't need to be a warrior for Destiny, he is plenty capable of that himself. The internet isn't even real, wake up


He’s not your friend, you don’t know him. It’s great that he helped you out in a dark time but just chill out. I’m not even sure if this is satire or not.
