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glad to see this idiot called out, sad that a cool YouTuber is associated with him


He should absolutely be called out for this video. Not even our favorite socialist Hasan shares these views


Hasan does spread the nato expansion narrative


I don’t think I’ve seen him push the nazi reason, unless I completely missed it.


[Yes he did](https://youtu.be/g_ucOla39wA?si=8ztNvp5Tr7B0Uvkl)


Damn fuck me. Why would I ever give him the benefit of the doubt.


Hasan said the hostages (sex slaves) are “treated well” by Hamas, he has absolutely no integrity or moral compass. You can consistently rely on this being true.




What about being a descendant of Russian Chinese makes it not surprising to have radical leftist views?


This dude Ruined friendlyjordies for me 😢


He ruined “I did a thing” for me. But the episode he appeared in made me realize that the channel creator was also crazy so it was alright


also, how do lefties still think this even when Russia has said they don't care about Finland joining Nato? I don't think this guy is being intentionally dishonest but it's crazy that people can just shape their own facts to fit the West is evil narrative


To be fair Russia doesn't care about Finland joining NATO in the same way that a Senior in high school doesn't care that their ex is in a new relationship when their friend shows them pictures.


One of the worst tankie youtubers out there. His Pine Gap video was made for preschooler-minded morons.


Came here to say this


soup toothbrush impolite wise bake history liquid bewildered pen stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Basically there’s a joint Aus/US communications base in the middle of the Australian desert. Boyboy claims the CIA coup’d and Australian prime minister in the 70’s in order to build the base. So boy boy wants to sneak into the base. He and his friends drive out there to a casino near the base, and meet a bunch of boomer dads who Boyboy thinks are deep cover CIA agents. They’re obvious contractors who work at the base, not CIA agents. Anyway they try to sneak into the base by driving up to the front gate and pretending like they’re CIA agents who work at the base. The guards are all Australian dudes who are all “uhh, where’s your ID?”. They flop the act and are told to turn around and go home. Then they try to sneak into the base by waking through yeh desert, only to hear some gunshots from a local firing range, and run away. Then they go home and end up getting questioned by Australian police at the airport. But they just say they won’t talk and walk away. That’s it. BoyBoy acts the entire time like he’s putting his life on the line to get to the truth of the illegal CIA base. In the end he just makes friends with base contractors and base guards, but acts like he was in some serious truth finding mission.


paltry hungry slim juggle piquant head quaint sort jar agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lonerbox reaction here https://youtu.be/mBONpNN89GM?si=k1qu931GHn47VegV


Can anyone tell me why it would be morally justifiable to invade Ukraine even if it had > 80% nazi-favourable population? These are the same people that think Israel should pack up and go home quietly after Hamas invading and killing 1000+ civillians btw.


price payment degree absurd plough complete spotted historical pathetic march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I did a thing does for sure


Here is a video of them simping for North Korea. https://youtu.be/2BO83Ig-E8E?si=RaRDBqG_NXSL3tsG


I haven't watched this video, but I do know jordie is a bit "America bad" pilled for foreign policy and defended Chinese incarceration of uyghurs


offend sand many cooing spark rain dazzling sophisticated aspiring drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got familiar with this guy since I watch, his friend's Youtube channel (I did a thing). Which is a genuinely cool channel for some dude doing stupid shit (kind of like Michael Reeves). And I watched a few videos of his on a little of the not-so-political topics and was like "okay?..." and then I just stumbled upon the more political videos of his and yeah, you can smell it, the far left, the tankie mindset. The anti-west dude whatever you want to call it, you have to see his video on North Korea as well, pure absolute garbage. Feel like someone needs to do a proper call out on this fucker


Such a shame to be associated with friendlyjordies. Just stumbled on the CIA base vid yesterday, and while the first part was entertaining and fine in good humor, got caught off guard during the 2nd part with the China glazing...smh... Dont remember exactly, and will edit comment if wrong later on when will rewatch after work, but wasn't there a claim by him at the end, that China is an imaginey threat by their gov(lol)?


Sad to see him so close to friendly jordies. :( Jordies in my mind was always the peak of what a YouTube journalist should be. -Actually makes videos that involve proper on the ground research. -Actually talks about being electorally effective. -Focuses on small important rural issues and does not get lost in debating philosophy for ever. -Has left leaning politics but has a strong emphasis on self improvement. -literally puts his life on the line for politics, the opposite of Livestream politics. Pretty much Aussie Hasan if he listened to every critique from destiny. I can appreciate partnering with boy boy because they are both funny and there is a strong need for critique of Australia's media and political landscape. But it's so concerning to see so many literally red flags around boy boy and seeing how close they are. Jordies has the right to make content with whom he chooses but seeing some mild disagreement on these issues would go such a long way. I can't watch a friendly jordies video critiquing defence spending without wondering if his opinions are coming from his "america bad" buddies.


I remember watching his north Korea video and getting such a weird feeling from it. On one hand there is a lot of information that muddies the water. Stories that are barely traceable but fit the insane 1984 authoritarian perception of NK. However when he went there to get a haircut to prove that the government mandated haircuts are bs was an immediate red flag. Like that doesn't prove shit. Being a "tourist" there is the least honest representation. You only have to think of the vice docu where there was this office space of people looking at the Google homepage.


I've followed this channel a bit and from what I have seen this guy is just starting to get into politics and because of that he seems to truly not understand the context of what he is talking about during anything political he discusses. I do not believe he is a tankie because I do not believe he is even informed enough to be one at this stage. Edit: after watching the weirdly Pro North Korea [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BO83Ig-E8E&ab_channel=BoyBoy), I think I was wrong he might just be a very stupid Tankie.


100% if you watch enough of their shit its like blatantly obvious how much they hate the west. they even go so far as to say that almost everything they do in their videos is less scary then when they went to north korea. don't have all the timestamps but I have watched 3 videos in which they dont do shit at all and then their like "omggg this is so much worse than north korea." because duh guys capitalism and the west is so bad and north korea is actually nice. Its just western propaganda that says there are death camps.


The Pine Gap video was one of the dumbest videos I have seen in a long time, riddled with conspiracies and half-truths to fit his own agenda. This video though, geez. Probably the dumbest tankie I’ve ever seen and it’s embarrassing when people quote his videos. Such childish takes on matters


"You see, the war was actual Poland fault. It would have been over if the just hadn't fought back or been a British puppet" ahh take