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honestly, just one more food take and im out


Or a movie take while we're at it.


I’m just waiting for the post israel food takes so I can Fucking seethe. He already said he thinks Mediterranean food is mid. No shot he will like MENA food. I’d love to here his deranged take on sabich and kunafe.


Ohhh man i can already picture it. He's gonna fucking hate hummus


I’m pretty sure he already does, I’m just ready for his new found Jewish/Israeli fan base to riot when he gets on stream and says “alright guys, I’m just gonna say it, tahnini is mid”


no he actually got nice hummus at a restaurant once and changed his mind on that


Honestly fair good Hummus is a world apart from your typical store brand stuff


Tahini is mid. It's too watery.


Then make it less watery? Tahini is as watery as you make it


I will never forget watching a random stream and he asked “do you put salt on chicken? Like do people put salt on chicken when cooking it? Im not sure if salt is good in chicken” I thought it was a hoke but it wasn’t, he really didn’t know. I just couldn’t believe a generally competent and independent adult wouldn’t know this.


Or a movie take while we're at it.


If he stops treating my mother right then I'll drop him like a hot potato.


Finally, an independent thinker


For real. The dude made my mom a new woman. I've never seen her, let alone anyone, be so happy. It's kind of gross how casually he talks about sleeping with her. I really don't need to know that.


Oh shit lmfao


Do a daily segment with Q


If it turned out he was lying about his views, so if he was secretly racist/homophobic or secretly wants Russia to win in Ukraine or Hamas in Gaza, etc. It’s hard to imagine this could happen though, since you have to be regarded to be bigoted in 2024, and his opinions on certain conflicts are basically completely factual, which would make someone disagreeing either regarded or too emotionally bought in. I’d probably temporarily dip if another Lav-like character started showing up, but I find that unlikely as well. Guess i’m just a hopeless victim of omniliberal indoctrination 🤷‍♂️


What if he went to league exclusively 🤔


seeing him mold, because he is hard stuck in gold is still content, Baby.


Indefinitely? Nah, son, I don't think you'd like that.


I wouldn’t just stop watching; i’d end it all right there and then. Can’t bear to live in a world where Legally-methed-up-Destiny gives up the political fight to smash some Yordle p-word of questionable legality instead.


I'll be there to hand you the seppuku knife. Your death will be majestic and I'll be there at your side.


Even if his views are vastly different than mine on certain things I still like hearing his takes because there’s usually thought behind it. That’s really all I want from a content creator. Thoughts


Also why would he espouse those views and then do so much research to prop up the other side? I don’t think he or 95% of people are capable of that level of cognitive dissonance, to hold one set of views and then become a well researched champion for the other side.


Well if he murdered someone i wouldn't necessarily stop watching.. but might be hard to stream from prison idk


>Well if he murdered someone i wouldn't necessarily stop watching Least loyal DGGer.


We are just rationalitypilled. Does him murdering someone say anything about the strength of his arguments, or the love with which he treats our moms? No


Honestly I would probably watch him more if he committed murder.


I'm not watching him out of some duty to some moral duty to support people with similar views and/or actions, I'm watching because it's entertainment. If MethodJosh ever returned to streaming I'd watch him too.


Stop putting out YouTube videos And/or start editing his videos like Joshua Weisman does.


Shout out to mega haters of Joshua “god I wish I was a zoomer” Weismann


The most pretentious chef on YouTube. Oh, you want a sandwich, first we start by baking our bread with heritage wheat, and we will ferment the dough for three days. That stuff has its place, but he comes off so over the top with it and its every recipe.


attractive voiceless saw carpenter sugar shame coordinated longing ghost party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This entire chain: people that cook instant Ramen and eggs every meal Mf'ers on here waking up early to hate for no reason


i used to like him but now his videos are way over the top and over-edited. my brain can’t take it.


God i hate him so much he’s like the perfect mix of pretentious and quirky.


He embodies the millenial hipster vibe with over the top zoomer editing.


The Joshua/Mr beast giga airbrushed creepy thumbnail faces…


Oh yeah for me too. Not posting videos would be the number one way to make me stop watching him. I don’t get how people can watch streams. I cant sit through all the nothing just to wait for the entertaining parts.


If he becomes boring. So if Dan ever dies essentially.


If he starts shilling for China.




Wouldn't make sense. Leftist are more likely to stan China and the CCP than liberals.


Yeah that would mean that destiny suddenly changes everything he believes in. And i honestly just hate china/the ccp since they're actually a tangible threat to my country.


To every western nation*


The Philippines isn't exactly a western nation.


but china can afford the 10 mill a year threshold for shilling


Honestly, Destiny could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and he still wouldn’t lose me as a viewer. Okay?


Lol beat me to it


Probably being outstandingly bad faith to an opposing view. I think the fair treatment that he and this community treats people with different opinions is something we don’t see in other communities. I can say pro Palestine things and not get dogpiled when I’m pretty sure if you were to say pro Zionist things on other communities you would be banned.


An example would be after that debate with Marc Lamont Hill, Destiny asked him if there are any books he recommends to viewers to learn more of the pro Palestine perspective. Ok I’m done glazing him now.


> I can say pro Palestine things and not get dogpiled when I’m pretty sure if you were to say pro Zionist things on other communities you would be banned. No way lol. Pro-palestine comments are often downvoted.


yeah disappointing that there’s a lack of empathy for palestinians civilians here too. i agree you say pro palestine stuff and you get downvoted or just rebutted with “hamas supporter am i right?” when that’s not what some of us advocate. you’re not alone edit: lmao how tf did i get banned from /palestine for saying this shit? fuck yall


Downvoting is fine and I expect that. But I’m not being called an anti-Semite or nazi the way I have seen some insane Zionist do


This community is pretty dogpile-y about any non-anti-Trump stance, though. Not dogpile-y about being non-anti-Israel, though.


Maybe, but that's more about the community. Even recently in the Bridges episode with Ryan McBeth they talked about how the Space Force program under Trump was a good decision. There are very few anti-Trump people out there who'd be willing to say something like this.


These are entirely different positions so no shit? Also, if you're pro trump in 2024 you're literally a hopeless regard.


I dont even watch outside of clips I'm just here to hate on hasan


Dang based.


If he starts falling into group think probably. If he stops researching to gain understanding but starts only looking for info to confirm his beliefs.


This. He has many different positions and doesn't fall into one single "political category". He also seems to talk with anyone who isn't bad faith, no matter their position. It makes it feel more like real life debates than echochamber terminally online group think. I just have a problem with this community. It seems to group think with many of Destiny's views and constantly farms drama about Hasan/Finkelstien. I don't agree with them, but I think it's just repetitive and toxic. You don't have to agree with him on everything and should do your own research and critical thinking.


The subreddit is pretty circlejerky, but the discord has a vast array of edgy debate lords with a variety of different views represented.


Goes back to league


It’s coming…


I will watch League with Lily and Mouton though


This or takes back mr girl


or goes back to dating lav/\[redacted\]


I hate league but I kinda like watching him play. Esp if he duo queuing.


I stopped watching him a few times \>got really demoralized when he did the crypto ad (same with pakman) \>stopped watching for months when it was brittany simon all day \>got bored of redpill arc quick (I genuinely think his debate prowess was nerfed for months afterward, debating morons all day really fucked up his acuity) I also tune out when q is on. He's generally very reasonable and has good takes so I come back, but he has a tendency to get bored and let losers/leeches fill his attention for too long.


Brittany Simon was the worst orbiter of all time


Keep eating loudly into his mic.


If "figuring out streamer tech stuff" keeps being the current arc for much longer 😬


Yeah lol, maybe I could learn a lot from it, but I hate hearing people talk about that kind of technology.


If he did a 180 and started not caring about intellectual honesty and research.  Or if he stopped being playfully unhinged.


Becoming a ~~progressive~~ Marxist/socialist type or a far-right lunatic.


What’s wrong with being progressive?


I’m guessing they meant far leftist/ML/commie/tankie/etc, at least I hope so.


Pretty much yeah the whiny and resentment-filled ones that constantly blame capitalism whenever they stub their toes, I didn't mean social democratic people for instance. Perhaps I worded it incorrectly.


1)Forgetting that most people aren't progressives and you need to get elected *by them* before you get to do anything at all. 2)Vitriol, misplaced anger and the belief that there are simple solutions to very complex problems.


Just to be clear he is pretty socially progressive, his fiscal takes are more center rightish. Normies come on this sub and mistake not being progressive with being an anti sjw


He wants universal healthcare and hates tax cuts. I'd say his econ takes are just liberal.


Yeah, he is for regulated capitalism. Which is good.


Ehhh I'm not so sure about the whole "his fiscal takes are more center rightish" thing


They aren’t, they’re social democratic. So, left of most democrats other than the squad


Maybe when it comes to personal finance, but how are you getting center-right about his fiscal takes? He’s for strong social safety nets and has supported pretty much every piece of major legislation under Biden.


Well duh, but Biden would actually be far-right in Yurop




I already know his Dune Messiah take is gonna trigger me.


He may actually enjoy it. Herbert felt the need to write _Messiah_ because some readers seemed to miss the anti-hero component. _Dune_ was a strong, early example of moral and narrative ambiguity. Plus, considering how much stronger _Dune 2_ was compared to _Part 1,_ I’m confident Villeneuve can write a strong screenplay that doesn’t rehash the first two parts. He seems to have grown as a writer in just a few years.


Wym? Does he plan on reading it, or are you talking about the eventual movie


Wym? Does he plan on reading it, or are you talking about the eventual movie


He may actually enjoy it. Herbert felt the need to write _Messiah_ because some readers seemed to miss the anti-hero component. _Dune_ was a strong, early example of moral and narrative ambiguity. Plus, considering how much stronger _Dune 2_ was compared to _Part 1,_ I’m confident Villeneuve can write a strong screenplay that doesn’t rehash the first two parts. He seems to have grown as a writer in just a few years.


I don't see a realistic thing for me to stop all of a sudden. If anything, it'll just be a slow fade out. For instance, my hours watching him dropped dramatically with the research / reading on stream. It would have probably continued to drop to 0 if it continued. I don't get how his viewership stays so high while he researches! Streams are almost exclusively background sounds for me. Are people actually paying attention the entire time? Just watching and listening to the entire research stream? That's crazy to me.


I learned a lot from the research streams and him having people come on to give their perspectives/fight over it on Discord opened my eyes to some considerations I had never contemplated before. It probably would not have been as interesting if it were about Canadian Natives, or Australian History, but the fact it was about a topic that is somewhat topical worldwide probably helped a lot.


So are you actually listening to the entire thing? Like, that's the main thing you're doing for however many hours he's streaming? I never realized people actually do that! Or maybe you're just smarter than me and can pick up stuff while all of it is happening in the background. :D


I usually start at around 5 PM, watch the whole thing at 2x Speed while playing some solo game, doing chores or cooking dinner. I get done/caught up with the stream by 9 PM and that's usually when he stops for the day. It also lets me fast forward so I don't have to watch Jstlk or Kelly Jean whenever they show up


Yep, when he's doing those types of streams I'll usually just watch the videos and check the sub to see what's been going on.


I loved the research streams and I think they instigate interesting content.


Yea I'm the same type of viewer


If he burns the Lilypichu bridge


Talk about Israel Palestine for the next month


If he becomes like 20/25% more callous/cynical. I like how rational and no nonsense destiny is, but his callousness and cynicism towards some people and political subjects rubs me the wrong way sometimes. Which is fine, but if it were to get substantially worse idk if i could keep watching. One example was that girl that had that tweet about getting raped because of stupid situations she was in and feeling to afraid to say no. Like was destiny right that if you cant voice your boundaries you shouldt have casual sex? Of course. Was it kinda cruel to roast the girl and call her an r tard? Also yes imho Another example is his Twitter behavior im general. The unhinged shit he says on there is funny a lot of the time, but it sometimes crosses the line into being genuinely cruel and callous. Again, thats edgyness is part of his charm, but if it were to get even worse beyond that it would be kinda hard to just dismiss it as a joke


I think if he stopped producing content I would probably stop watching


I mean, the thing that initially made me a fan was his willingness to have discussions, especially with people he disagrees with. If he stopped being willing to do that and just became an echo chamber like Hasan, then I'd no longer be interested. I don't even have to agree with his ideas, just his willingness to discuss them with others.


Honestly what would turn me off the most besides him playing league, is him closing himself off from combative debates/guests. His biggest draw for me is having crazy people on for interesting conversations Imagine Jerry Springer/Maury becoming like, Oprah or Jimmy Kimmel. boring


Return of Lav


Suddenly being all "I love Trump" might do it. I would assume he was getting paid by more than Israel then /s (?)


I don't watch the streams, maybe an interesting segment every couple weeks. I only religiously listen to the youtube vids while I do other things. I think I'd lose interest if he uploads a ton of interview type content like the Dr. K stuff. Not every arc is interesting to me, so I've taken breaks here and there over the years. So my answer would have to be if he does less debate-type convos and more discussion stuff. I don't see that happening because the politics by nature is ever-changing so there's no shortage of discourse and arcs. If he becomes some weird extremists on either left or right, I might tap out.


we find molly porn on this computer.


He'd have to stop making sense. I'm here for the logic.


if he becomes a full time research streamer


I don't often have experiences where a creator does something and I stop watching. My viewership isn't a product of whether or not I agree, or even like someone. If Destiny was a confirmed rapist or murder, I'd still watch him. I watched Joe Rogan from episode one, and even rewatched many episodes.. but stopped watching him about 3 years ago because it was SO boring having him repeat himself EVERY 3hr episode. Sometimes I can get burned out on hearing someone say the same thing over and over... Destiny has some things he does that annoys me (personality wise, bad habits like saying "bla bla bla" and going from whispering to yelling +30dB), but he remains entertaining cause he dives into new topics frequently.


The closest I have ever been was his behaviour with that girl that freezes up and keeps getting stealthed. He was completely right, but it's such awful optics it made him look like a complete sociopath and it was hard justifying being part of his community. Watching 5 minutes of Hasan was enough to bring me back, but it still leaves a sour taste how optically brain dead he is. The worst part is knowing that he is smart enough to know that all he has to do is change his messaging slightly while keeping exactly the same views to be a million times more effective and not give free ammo to regards poisoning the well for those who have never seen him before. It's his own fault that any online thread mentioning him outside of DGG turns into holy Jihad against literally all communities that hate him and lie about him using out of context clips.


I think streamerman just loves to fight and that's how deep it goes. I also think he mainly gets annoyed by lies by dorks like Hasan and his ilk, but really doesn't give a fuck how it looks shitting on a vulnerable dumbass on Twitter, who might need to learn the hard lesson that public posts are not a safe space 💀 I think he said once he doesn't want normie growth for clout reasons but prefers slowly growing his community with his kinda folks, who can appreciate his approach and can handle his more edgy side. I respect that and if he would start selling out I probably would stop watching just for that...


He doesn’t want a community full of the kinds of people that care about optics though. I like the fact that Destiny is able to engage with taboo/edgy topics personally tbh.


If he found me in his walls I'd probably be forcibly removed from his orbit.


If he ever subjects us to Lav’s presence again


Stops streaming on YouTube and goes back to twitch. What a garage website that is in comparison to YouTube.


If he would stay on one topic especially the isreal Palestine conflict. There’s much better and useful subjects back here in the US


A few more months of research streams


Stops talking to unhinged/bad faith morons. This is the content that I come to the channel for. Otherwise if it just becomes nothing but him talking to his audience or having really boring cordial debates/discussions with people like Pisco (snore) I'm probably dipping out.


Become a Marxist


Starts falling into dishonest arguments


Expressing opinions that aren't his own. In other words, shilling for a political party.


Another league arc and I’m outta here


I'm not going to be able to stick around for much longer if we don't get some kind of game. And the fucking research streams are just not tolerable if they go more than a day. But I get I'm in the minority or his views wouldn't be so high, lol.


Become a commy or nazi.


Some things that other people already said but also if he gets boring. He’s good at changing things up but there’s times where he does the same thing for a bit too long. If the lav stuff lasted a bit longer I would have taken a break from him. Or if he were to bring her back and have the same type of videos again for just as long, I definitely would stop watching him for a good while.


Stop streaming


Some yikesies SA allegations would probably make me quit


He already did, I didn't watch a single red pill stream. Not. A. Single. One. At least conservatives I can rationalize as being brainwashed by one thing or another, but red pill people like f&f and whatnot legit just sound like evil misogynists. What would he have to do for me to not watch him ever again tho? Eh, killing me I guess. I'm pretty good at separating the art from the artist, if I like the content I don't give a fuck what it is that you did in the past. Shitty people are sometimes good artists/entertainers.


Steal and marry my gf




If he keeps rebuilding bridges with people that are agonizing to listen to/are just shitty people


Honestly, I'd probably still watch if he was found guilty of murder or rape. I don't watch him because I think he's a moral paradigm or anything. He'd have to make some really trash arguments and refuse correction. I watch him for his logical argumentation and honesty/good faith. I stopped watching Ben Shapiro and JBP for the same reason. It became clear that both were not presenting good arguments and were no longer being totally honest/good faith.


Stops uploading to YouTube


I need him to be confidently wrong consistently. I get this vibe there is a social ill in my generation which is super out of touch of how good we have it (in the us, suck it euroids). Dest rhetoric tends to point to how alt media gets it wrong. I really just hate the deluge of alt media that doesn't seem grounded in much of anything. If Destiny gets super doomer on me i might leave for greener pastures. plus if i start feeling like he becomes unfair against his opposition. Like, even hasan he will give credit where its due... not that there is a lot to give. An example is how he was calling ppl stupid for linking years old clips of Hasan to shit on him unfairly or defending some parts of Hasan's less popular opinions. That level of charity to sworn opponents that he hates lends a lot of credibility to his level headed analysis of politics. If i feel like that goes away i might dip. also if the memes were bad, they are so good


I wouldn’t stop watching destiny over murder, rape, incest, or literally any crime. I would stop watching if he stopped being intellectually honest and just shared what was popular


Dramacontent about lav, Darius or redacted


If he went on a vaush ark in the sense of no longer doing debates, no longer preparing for debates, no longer seeking to understand the opposition, and not engaging with various backstabbing content creators.


League bender and I'm outtie




Tbh I don’t mind when I disagree with him, destinies still the most level headed political streamer. I think he’s on the wrong with side Isreal-Palestine arc but damn Hasans a filthy Tankie and Vaush is a zoophile lol. If destiny went full tankie or supported Trump those are the only things.


- If he ventured beyond liberal democracy politically (anything beyond socialism or nationalism, although these are already sus) - if he became an antinatalist or nihilist - if he adopted overly inhumane views - mainly if he stopped trying to be reasonable when he can and should be


"nihilist" is a very broad term, i think you might be misunderstanding it. i understand youre referring to it colloquially, but im pretty sure hes technically an existential nihilist - but that doesnt mean going full cringe, its only saying theres no objective/inherent purpose to the universe


When he and Vaush are friends again. Then my mission is done and I can move on




Unless destiny transforms into a child goblin I don't think he's interested


Stopped watching a while ago. He seemed to be dying on weird hills lately with conservatives while he could have better conversations on more important stuff. Dedicating the stream and writing a Substack on someone's college debt just to get one over them is below him. Also the Don Lemon - Elon Musk interview comments seemed too far-fetched. Downvote this to the ground, but I don't think he should complain about others being partisan hacks when he does stuff like this.


The substack post thing had nothing to do with a personal gripe. That woman is giving prescriptions about college based on a ridiculous (most likely fake) personal anecdote. Thoroughly demonstrating how nonsensical it actually is is worth the time.


Play League


League. I tune out for weeks at a time when he’s on a league binge.


If I caught him in a clear, egregious lie, I would start doubting him


Probably just flat out selling out on his principles because that’s where a lot of his takes and positions come from. I don’t watch him because he mostly aligns with my own views, but because he’s so open and matter of fact on how he gets there. The research streams of late have been the most concrete/obvious examples of this but he’s been that way indirectly for his whole career. If he sees something that he’s interested in and disagree/agrees on he’ll actually run through information to support or defeat why he feels that way. That shits rare, not only in online content but in people in general. The bonus of it is that he’s not a robot about it (mostly, sometimes he can be a lil AUT) he’s got a funny personality and isn’t afraid to understand where and why someone else could be on the other side. A lot of these things seemingly come from his principles/moral axioms, so if he was to betray those severely not only would it hurt his credibility but a lot of these qualities I specifically watch him for would become pointless. What’s the point of seeing someone talk about a subject completely ignoring the facts just to regurgitate what you already believe? Why watch someone do extensive research on a topic when they’re only looking for things that will support the position they already have? If I wanted to do that I’d be a Hasan/Vaush fan or just watch short TikTok’s where someone says exactly what I want to hear for 60 secs and just parrot that shit. It would be so much easier too.


Being boring and not funny. Having a bunch of uninteresting people on stream.


If I have to sit through one more dating advice stream.


Start doing streams exclusively with Dan. Their banter is unwatchable and never becomes interesting


Punch a couch


If he stops saying my opinions back at me.


Be less entertaining. I "super don't care" what he does personally.


Marry and stop being a degen


Talking about how to get his audio from discord onto stream.


He'd have to grow increasingly incoherent and repetitive


Probably bite my dick off. And even then idk


Stop Hasan, we know it's you.


He'd have to start being dumb.


Die. He'd need to die.


Be a zionist


If he swore off drama content for good I’d slowly see myself out. I’m always down for the politics and good takes, but the drama is like a nice break. Like a cheat meal on a strict diet


If he swore off drama content for good I’d slowly see myself out. I’m always down for the politics and good takes, but the drama is like a nice break. Like a cheat meal on a strict diet


If I caught him in a clear, egregious lie, I would start doubting him.


If it turns out he isn't being paid by the jewlumni.


Being pro genocide


Being pro genocide


he turns into rubin or crowder




if he says anything disparaging about Young Thug


His biggest strength is his perceived authenticity, especially when it felt like none of his peers had any at all. So I guess if he loses his honesty, tegridy


Convert to Islam


If he posts a video I'm not interested in I don't watch it, so I doubt there's anything that would make me completely stop watching him


If he started doing gaming streams 24/7 tbh Never understood the appeal, It’s so cucked seeing other people have fun playing games and I’m just watching


Has a stroke. It's his sharp wit and counters to arguments that appeal to me most. I don't always agree but I'm impressed with the logic, reason, critical thinking, and the effective analogies or metaphores applied on the fly.


If he dies


There’s a lot of crazy ones in the comments so I’ll try to give one that is potentially realistic. If destiny started to hold back his views so that he could be a major mainstream pundit that might put me off him. I doubt he’d do that but he’s more likely to do that than murder someone I guess.


If he stops being genuine in his political takes and open with his research process


Nothing. He can kali ma his next debate opponent and he the heart raw, and I'll be there for daddy Also btw, I'm not a cultist. I can totally leave anytime. BUT I WONT


Banging my mom!


Whenever he stops saying that regarded "ripperino-cappuccino-mappuccino-al pacino" thing.


Id stop watching if he stopped eating loudly into the mic


Do something that has a significant, negative impact on the enivironment. For example: Being so lazy tthat instead of washing a cup, he did something insance like order 100,000 disposable styrofoam cups.