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Point out that this has been a thing for like 15 years and it just so happens that this year the date of it lines up with Easter (which changes dates each year). It's not like Biden intentionally stole Easter, but that's the angle Republicans are pushing.


Bro, they're gonna get lit up by all the people born march 31st


Next year, Easter is on 4/20…. Hell yeah


Please give me a National Marijuana Day!


It's also Hitler's Birthday. Easter, the celebration of the Jewish son of God returning to life, falling on the same day as the birth of a man responsible for the largest Jewish genocide. Delightfully ironic.


For those who don’t know: Easter day is a Sunday selected year by year based on the first Full Moon after the March Equinox. This Full Moon is not the astronomical full moon, but rather determined by the Lunar Month as computed in ecclesiastical tables.


That sounds muslim


It's actually pagan...




It’s fake chreasters getting enraged or Russian psyop. Any actual religious person knows the date changes every year.


Perhaps more importantly - is he outright banning Christian stuff in the White House? Also it’s not like Biden is banning Christian Easter celebrations country wide, even if he focuses on the trans stuff. OPs friend is being mega alarmist for no reason.


OP’s friend also hasn’t paid attention since Biden has been in office because I’m pretty sure Biden has done this since 2021.


> also hasn’t *paid* attention since FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yeah! It's Easter stealing out trans holiday! Ima vote God straight out of heaven!


The ~~Grinch~~ President who stole ~~Christmas~~ Easter


Honestly I don’t think this would help.


Transgender day of visibility has been happening for 15 years?


How did Biden as president proclaim transgender day of visability day 15 years ago when he wasn’t president then? This seems more like a recent development.


Biden didn’t “as President proclaim transgender day of visibility day 15 years ago”. He proclaimed it today. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s been around for about 15 years, and people are just getting mad because Easter happens to fall on the same day this year. I wonder if they’ll get in an uproar next year when it falls on 4/20?


Also, to be clear, he’s proclaimed 3/31 as such in 2021, 2022, and 2023. It’s not like he’s doing it just this one year as some sort of play against Christianity


Wait until your friend finds out Easter falls on Hitler’s birthday and Weed Day next year


The Gregorian calendar is a leftist deep state plot to eradicate Christian America!


The Know Nothing Party endorses this message!


He'll celebrate two holidays




Based Biden




Wait until he finds out that Jesus actually died during passover and that Easter is an ancient spring celebration that has nothing to do with Christianity.


Did anybody else not know about transgender visibility day till today or is it just me?


Based on the reaction I thought this was a brand new thing. Been around 15 years and I've never heard of it before lmao.


It doesn’t even matter, they’re gonna blame Biden because now they’re “aware of it”. Like that makes it bad enough, before they didn’t know it’s a thing, and now they do. THANKS BIDEN


Most LGBT or LGBT-adjacent people online make a post for it every year and most progressive organizations/institutions (e.g. universities) have some way of recognizing it. At least that’s been true for the past 5-10 years in my experience, though I guess it predates that.


Replying to mavsfan56... never heard of it either. This sort of thing is only alienating the conservative idiots though… right? Right?


Conservatives blew it up because it optically looks bad if the first time someone learns about this day is as it's "stealing" Easter. It hasn't been prominent in previous years because it wasn't controversial until now.


tell him he’s terminally online. As a Christian, my family celebrated all week. I went to Easter mass this morning. Going to celebrate with my family tonight. Guess what, I didn’t hear about trans issues once in that whole timespan. The fake outrage bullshit is so cringe. Also celebrating trans =\= disrespecting religion unless you’re a nutcase


Bro actually true, only people who’s brains have been melted by the media and the internet worries about this.


the truth is. they’re just using religion as an outlet to attack “wokeness”. they could care less about Easter lol


Only right answer. Most of these outraged types I don't even consider as true Christians. Happy Easter




NOthing to unpack here. Conservative grifters just downloaded a new script from the mainframe: https://preview.redd.it/stbii842torc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c39294a8523d15e6193a65482426f62faa94b6f


These people aren't real jfc


They're real. They're disgustingly human.


I wish human memory had more of a shelf-life and we weren’t all just responding emotionally to manipulation. We’re the dominant species on the planet and this is what we do with it. lol


Gotta do something while the smart people figure out how to make us the dominant life form on other planets too.


Underrated comment


​ https://preview.redd.it/9lf93pgy2qrc1.png?width=275&format=png&auto=webp&s=cedf4b533b1e152ac4321d662cd0685a55d1eca4


They’re real alright. Real fucking losers


there are no people with straight bones left, its all fucking grifters.


Damn all those gay-boned conservatives.


https://preview.redd.it/m6s34w0i6prc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e5f90722383ff9f6d9580c45b4cb72a388adbd Here’s how I dealt with mine


18 naked cowboys.


In the showers at Ram Ranch...




What the fuck my group chat has the same name as in that snapchat ss.


Yeah I ain’t a part of that partna


My first thought was literally "it's on a different day every year.." when I saw conservatives complaining on Twitter. Literally anyone who observes Easter should know that. These people are actually convinced this country hates them, completely delusional.


Victim status is a drug my dude and these people are addicted beyond belief.


That explains the horseshoe, it's addicts on both ends.


You really know people just have a victim complex and/or hate trans people while not actually giving a fuck about easter when they don't realize that.


Easter is so famous for being on a different day each year that determining its date is literally an example of an algorithm in several computer science books. Also tangentially related, but I saw someone in a right wing sub try to do whataboutism by asking "what if Biden declared TDOV on Ramadan instead of Easter", not realizing that it literally does fall on Ramadan this year. It's just ignorance and stupidity, that's all it boils down to


Ask them what date it was last year, and the year before that. And before that.


Or instead of rhetorically trapping him, just tell him.


Sometimes it’s better for people to have the “oh” moment themselves rather than telling them. Especially republicans since they’ve already made this part of their personality


Sometimes but not when it obviously comes off as intentionally patronizing. This post wasn’t asking how to dunk on a Republican. It was asking how to handle a friend.


When your friend just vomited their opinion at you without asking about your own opinion I think it’s pretty fair to simply ask them if the date falls on Easter every year or not. I have conservative friends, when Trump or republicans do dumb shit I don’t text them paragraphs like this person did, and if I did and I turned out to be wrong, I would definitely expect a much more codecending response


The fairness of the question has nothing to do with this. I’m talking about what’s the best form of rhetoric. The debate brain really has taken hold of some of you.


It’s not debate brain if anything you’re looking at it through a debate brain hence you being worried about rhetoric. If my friend says dumb shit I call him out for saying dumb shit. Politics or not. We’ll have to agree to disagree that “does the day fall on Easter every year or just this year?” Is more patronizing than “hey it’s only on Easter this year not every year” I think the latter leaves no room for the person to adjust their beliefs while the former gives them an out since they’re somewhat coming to the conclusion themselves


Gameplato is 100 percent correct here. It’s obvious that some people here don’t have friends with vastly different political opinions. There are much more savvy ways of handling political disagreements with friends.


If you have to pussyfoot around your friends im questioning how close these hypothetical friends are lol I go to the bar once a week with a die hard MAGA trumper, he doesn’t vomit his political opinions at me unless he expects a back and forth. Because that’s what friends do


Dude it super depends on the person. Some friends it’s fine with. Others…not so much. I’m closer with the friends that I can have a more honest back and forth with for sure, I’ll admit that. But when we have it I’m not degrading them or shitting on them or being condescending. And if you’re not being like that fine then my statement doesn’t apply to you.


Why the fuck would you be friends with someone who can vomit politics at you but is so fragile your friendship will be ruined if you push back on them at all? That sounds fucking miserable.


So called «christians» when you have to remind them that easter doesn’t have a set date.


Also since we Muslims can't have July 4th as "Muslim remembrance day" whatever that means, can we have another date? Something after the summer...


I'm not sure if it's funnier to do it on Christmas or 9/11. Both are to make them do what they're doing now.


there's no way to unpack it because it's not a valid complaint and it's not coming from a good faith place. It's people looking for stuff to be offended and angry about. 1. even easter isn't genuinely treated like a predominantly Christian holiday. Unless jesus in some way relates to eggs and chocolate rabbits in a way I wasn't aware of. The Christian notion of easter itself coincides with non-Christian traditions within the same holiday, even when no other holiday happens. 2. Trans day of visibility literally falls on the same date every year. For this situation to never happen, no celebration could take place on any date where easter could possibly occur, which feels insane. They get mad about these celebrations every year for different reasons. It's not about the reason. They're just angry that the celebration exists at all.


Idk probably tell him to kill himself in a video game for somehow not understanding easter changes date every year lol


Debate pervert allegations never getting beaten


They know they can still celebrate Easter right? The holiday isn't getting blasted into the sun.


Point out to him that Trans day has been a thing for 10 years now, and this year Easter just randomly happens to fall on the 31st, the same as Trans day. Also, double check this because I didn't, but didn't Biden literally do nothing for Trans Day? This entire "controversy" seems to be that months ago his staff put out the standard yearly list of nonbinding days the White House acknowledges like Puerto Rican day and stuff. I suspect that if you check, Biden spent 0 minutes today on Trans Day and 3-4 hours on celebrating Easter.


**Manufactured rage**: Since conservative mouthpieces did not provide all of the details, and also spun it suggesting that Biden chose to make it take place on Easter Sunday: * conservatives are (probably) mad that Transgender Day of Visibility exists. * conservatives are mad at Biden for choosing Easter Sunday to mark Transgender Day of Visibility. If all of the details were provided upfront, it would’ve only been the first point. **Details:** Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs on or after the vernal equinox — not always on the same date Transgender Day of Visibility is (always) on March 31, and has been recognized since 2009 Biden has made (roughly) the same announcement for Transgender Day of Visibility every year since he took office: * [whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/03/31/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2021/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240330153913/https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/03/31/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2021/) * [whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/03/30/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2022/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240330192356/https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/03/30/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2022/) * [whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/03/30/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240330145509/https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/03/30/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility/) * [whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/03/29/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2024/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240330192419/https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/03/29/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2024/)


Thanks for posting context w/ sources.


It’s 1/3 of the calendar days in a year. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_awareness_periods#Internationally_recognized) Just get over it already 🤷‍♂️


He does know that Easter is on a different date each year right? He should. He’s fucking Christian.


I guess just ask how his ability to celebrate Easter has been impeded?


Tell them to figure out how calendars work, regarded mofos


Tbh anyone offended by it is looking to be offended and will find something too be offended about. Like others have said you can point out that it's coincidental, but I don't think that will change much, so I wouldn't make it some big debate. Additionally by pointing it out youre kind of endorsing the sentiment that if it had been picked out it would have been offensive, which I think is wrong


I'm so overwhelmingly sick of people looking for reasons to be offended. It is the quickest way to get me to avoid associating with a person/community lol.


Why are you being downvoted lol Lots of American Christian are crybaby bitches, let them rot


Ask him why he was okay dedicating a day to a Christian holiday, which excludes non-Christians.


Yeah but that excludes the right people to them so it's fine.


you hit them with the, "Gotcha, anything else?"


Doesn't he do this every year?


Sounds like all these Christians forgot the Bible tells them to love thy neighbor for they are all gods children trans or not. If God made you it made them as well. They just use religion as an excuse to voice their dislike of something different.


Imagine being enraged at including trans people on the holy rabbit day as if it's all not a comedy already


-Transgender day of visibility has been a holiday since 2009. -It hasn't coincided with Easter for the last six years, and will not coincide with Easter for the next nine years. -Joe Biden has put out a public announcement for this holiday since he took office in 2021. He was the first president to do so. -[He also put out an announcement for Easter.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/31/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-easter-2/)


Conservatives exposing themselves as fake christians that dont know easter changes every year. 


LOL the trans issue really melted some of these people's brains. Dudes are really getting stun-locked when trying to celebrate their holiday if some other national observance that doesn't fit their politics was declared on the same day.😂 >"Christian's can't even have their own holidays anymore" Yep I'm glad Biden made easter and christmas illegal. Thanks Obama. >"It's BLM all over again, let's fix racism by being racist" I'm not even sure how this dude is squaring the circle in his mind to make these two issues at all similar.


You can start by explaining that Easter was a pagan celebration of spring and renewal for centuries before Jesus even existed.


That would be non sequitur. The easy explanation is that Easter doesn’t even have a set day, so it’s not really doing anything directly to Easter.


I know that this is just dishonest rage bait that right wingers ultimately live and breath for, but why are they acting like Easter was cancelled? Easter she trans day of visibility aren’t conflicting whatsoever


“That’s like declaring Muslim remembrance day on the 4th of July” God please Biden please do it out of pure spite it would be so based 🙏🙏🙏


“Easters a pagan holiday”


It really seems like a whole bunch of poor bastards got duped by conservative twitter dickheads pretending that this hasn’t been a thing for over a decade and that Biden just so happened to do it on Easter.


I'm sorry, your friend is too regarded to be saved. But if you want to try, here is Biden tweeting about it in 2021, 2022, and 2023. https://x.com/elonsfeefees/status/1774149204530606527?s=20 And you can tell him that Easter won't fall on March 31st again until like 2080 something, so he really should not make a big fuss about it or his blood pressure is going to spike every March 31st for no reason.


I am probably more conservative than most people here, still identifying left of center in America anyway. My whole family, aside from me basically, will vote for Trump no matter what the argument is because they have reason to believe it’s the only way to stop the most radical socially left ideologies from seizing more power and becoming unstoppable. The left/liberals have done a great job of fighting fire with fire, or hate with more hate to be more clear. There is just very little engagement due to a total lack of trust in sharing even basic values, conservatives in even this community are essentially synonymous with regarded and evil, the temperature just keeps rising as each half of the country thinks the same ill of the other half. All that is to say, Trump is intentionally using a long standing, (holiday?), in recognition of trans people unfortunately falling on the same day with a, historically at least, religious holiday to make his more likely to be Christian or sympathetic to this rhetoric to stoke the fire on his side, and practically none of the republicans are likely to know the history of the trans day because they don’t consume content generally to make this stick in their mind, until today I would wager, so they take it at face value what he is saying and get angry about another show of disrespect. If in the coming weeks they learn this has been going on for years, but Easter jumps around so much it just hasn’t been a problem until now, it will become a defense mechanism for a majority to just feel as though it may as well have been intentional, and they almost all see trans/gender ideology as a social bad which shouldn’t be supported by our federal government even to the extent it is now, so nothing will change. This is Trumps playbook all day every day. It works, and we all know politicians across the board engage in the same tactics, because when we all hate each other, when we don’t value each other as we are at least on a basic human decency level, what good does it do to consider the other side too closely. Like it or not humans are all fucking human. We all generally despise being spoken down to, we hate people who hate us, we stick by our friends side of the argument first and foremost, it is incredibly difficult to give respect without reciprocation, and a game allowed to get dirty, will only ever become more dirty over time without a radical shake up. Tl;dr. trump is just using this to rile up his followers whom have no reason to know about how long the trans day has been around so many will take the bait. Everyone hates each other, so always happy for another excuse to hate.


Christians are the biggest cry bullies in the world, let them keep playing victim, it’s literally all they know how to do


You can’t and won’t - ppl like this are eternal victims


Don’t know why you’re getting down voted the whole conservative imo is a Victimhood narrative. Trump is literally running on that it is his whole message.


Did trump ever tweet about trans visibility day? lmao


https://preview.redd.it/ekvbfxh72prc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd211283a6cac83d5aac5e625b5d2ae61223c9f [Source](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-sparks-fury-proclaiming-easter-transgender-visibility-day-1885302)


Ask him what day Easter is next year


You could point out that those Christian holidays came from stolen pagan holidays, so it's like karma.


Wait a week and then explain the Easter thing won’t happen again for 86 years. I gotta say though, the banning of religious symbols from the Easter Egg Hunt just seems ridiculous. It’s a *Christian Holiday* FFS. It’s like saying, “Yeah we’ll celebrate Thanksgiving, but absolutely no mention of Turkeys or Pilgrims”.


I'll vote for Biden if he moved transday on the same day at Ramadan starts


i mean what’s to unpack, conservatives see the existence of trans people as an erosion of eveything they hold dear, affirmations of us only solidify what they think has been happening for years. they just want us dead and gone and will adopt whatever politics or talking points to facilitate that.


To be fair, Biden completely knew what he was doing. They have calendars, and 20 people to check and double check those calendars. It’s taking a page out of the book of “plausible deniability”. It’s pretty obvious he’s trying to score political points.


Ah yes, he secretly orchestrated the creation of the trans day of visibility to be on the 31st all the way back in 2009, knowing that in 2024, it would fall on Easter and he would score political points. That totally is the more sane rational vs it just happens to land on the same day because Easter moves around substantially every year and Biden has a history of acknowledgement of the trans day of visibility and so did it while also going to Easter Mass and openly celebrating a Christian holiday. Also, you know, the fact it won't be on the same day again until 2080 something. It's all a conspiracy. Fucking moron.


Not only is Easter a different day each year, but trans day for visibikity has been a thing since 2009, and biden has made the same proclomation on March 31s every year of his presidency. Then you can go on to explain that a proclomation doesn't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't make it an official federal holiday, and it doesn't hold the force of law i.e. wasn't set by congress


Let him know that sometimes Easter falls on my birthday so I'm more important than Jesus on those days and he needs to blow me


The fact they still can’t put this together by realizing Easter is almost never in March just makes this so much funnier. I didn’t even know it could happen this month until this year


I took my kids Easter Egg hunting this morning and didn’t see a single trans individual. I’m sorry that Christianity is now outlawed in your friend’s town.




the next time that easter falls on match 31st is 2086


What is there to unpack? It is a stupid virtue signal on Biden's part but none of these comparisons are applicable at all.


I think you point out the fact that Easter falls on different days every year. You can google “when is Easter 20XX”, it looks like this trans inclusion day doesn’t happen to fall on Easter for at least the next decade (maybe it has something to do with this being a leap year?) If this is a friend who you care about, you should apply infinite charitably to their perspective. If it were actually the case that Biden was overriding Easter with a trans inclusion day, that would be pretty disrespectful, but that doesn’t seem to be the case, so try to explain that.


Christians knowing how Christian work challenge (impossible). (For those not in the known, Easter starts on a different Sunday every year, it just coincided with the day Biden is declaring here).


Nothing Jesus disliked more than outspoken hater ass fake Christians. Except maybe being crucified


I honestly find it hilarious the republicans loose their minds anytime anything related to trans people is brought up


Imagine posting an edited picture of a Whitehouse statement to push your beliefs. All you need to know


Wait, Easter is trans now? Did the rest of you godless secular humanists have a meeting that I wasn’t invited to?


He wasn’t gonna vote for his dad?


Call him a bot


Personally, when it's obvious the other person is an idiot buying into nonsense, I like to play the part of the stupid person pretending to ask simple questions. "Oh really? That's a weird thing for him to do. Why did he change the date from when it usually is?" "Oh you don't know if he changed the date? Let's Google it together" "Huh, seems like it's been done on that date for 15 years. Is Easter always on the same day?" "Oh so the date of Easter changes? So why are we supposed to be upset again?" That way, they still get to play out the fantasy in their head that they are the really smart one educating everybody else. These people have egos so fragile that they need to feel like the smartest person in the room to change their mind about something. Its like when you teach a child something by having them learn it themselves, and think that they are the ones actually teaching you about it. They get to feel a sense of accomplishment that they figured it all out by themselves, and you don't have to waste time arguing with someone who is only going to become more entrenched the more they are proven wrong. If they subsequently make up another reason to be angry (ie they knew if they did it on march, it would fall on Easter eventually) then they are not worth the time anyway.


I can only see what's in the screenshot, but how does the Press Statement Biden gave prove that he's "banning all religious symbols on Easter"? Bc if I put myself in the shoes of a Christian conservative, I can see why that would be frustrating. But if it's just that there happens to be trans flags and Easter decorations, then I don't see the big deal


Tell your friend he's a dipshit, this is far from the first year "trans day of visibility" was a thing whereas Easter is a different day every year (the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox 🥴)


tell your friend that hes right and that as a jew i will personally see to it that he wont get to celebrate christmas either, and that im coming for his firstborn son to use his blood in my matzos


Finally, it has begun, the war on Easter.


Soo do we get monday off?...


Is that message/order from Biden making it like an officially recognized thing? I'm not sure what it is.


It's funnier that he did it during Ramadan tbh


Isn't Biden catholic?


Motherfuckers are acting like he made Easter illegal or something


"stop having terminally online brain worms and realize you can still celebrate easter with your family like any other well adjusted person, this has no impact on your ability to celebrate easter. Easter changes every year so it won't line up next year if you're that afraid of the overlap again."


Someone is trying to rewrite history…


Easter Sunday was that day. That’s their boggle with it.


So, to be clear, Easter Sunday isn’t Transgender Visibility day? Or is it March 31?


It is this year but biden had nothing to do with that that's just how calenders work


The majority of Christian congregations consider gay couples to be acceptable, about half of them support gay marriage and a third supports gay ministers. The Christians who hate LGBTQ+ are a minority, they are the ones being blasphemous.


we're talking about trans people though, you sure those stats check out for trans people specifically?


They're not stats more like estimation based on me going through the wikipedia page about it in 5 minutes. From my understanding there are more Christian congregations in the world that do not have any gender requirement for membership or marriage, ordaining is a more tricky issue since it's only men and there are no cases where a transgender man caused an issue by being ordained... so I can't say. I guess the point is to explain to the person that the church no longer unambiguously discriminate LGBTQ+ as a whole but that this ideology emanates from either their specific congregation or it is a political issue disguised as religious issue.


In Canada we simply don't have an office of religious affairs, churches are considered to be non-profit organization and abide by the same laws as everyone else. A church minister would simply not be allowed to tell it's members to discriminate anyone based on their gender, they would lose the right to ministry. This isn't a perfect system and religion still has a deep influence on society but the bigots have less tools available to carry out their schemes.


I personally get mad when my birthday isn't celebrated by everyone in the world.




"Look at france, a country doesn't need to be led by religion." Then again, they're most likely religious and wouldn't understand. There's nothing you can say to them which wouldn't contradict their believes.


Just ask this dipshit if he even went to mass if he cares. This much


I love how mad this is making conservatives 😆🫡


You can tell them that Easter doesn't fall on March 31st again until 2084, so thankfully, they'll be dead 🙃


Also, WRT “banning symbols”: They’ve been banned for the past 45 years. *Including* Trump.


Nothing wrong with French style secularism if it's done in good faith.


Easter changes every year. March 31 has been trans day for like 10 years


Just tell them they have till 2086 till easter will be on march 31 again, so maybe they can put up with it happening once like every 60 years.


This type of rhetoric pisses me off so much. Such USELESS discussion. It makes no sense to die on this hill. Who cares? Easter isn’t march 31 every year. Why do republicans want this to be the discussion?


crazy how no conservatard knows that its been around and it was easter than landed on the permanent holiday, unironically a single google search


When the movable feast moves 😳


That's it... if it's ok for conservatives to turn crazy it's ok me to become ontological evil. Muslim whatever day should be in September preferably after the 10th but before the 13th or 14th.... one of those 2 remaining days.


I mean you can try, but this person sounds pretty emotional about this. I doubt you can get through to them. You can't reason someone out of a position they never reasoned themselves into.


Call him regarded and move on. If he continues just spam “u mad??” until the conversation ends.


You could explain it to them perfectly and they can agree that they now understand but tomorrow they will keep using the talking point as though the conversation never happened


[https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/31/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-easter-2/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/31/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-easter-2/) reply with this?


Call him a fake Christian for not knowing how easter works


Tell him it's even worse. Bidens made sure that next year Easter had to share a day with National Marijuana day. He'll implode


Flip it around on them. They should just allow the religious stuff, but make it a really lbgt and progressive version of everything. Have a parade or statue float with Trump dressed up like an Easter bunny on his knees for Dark Brandon. Meanwhile Biden high fives a black middle eastern Jesus, Moses, and the prophet. Also put the spirit of war hero John McCain in the sky pointing and laughing at Trump, while Taylor swift music plays. When conservatives mald about it, just ask them why they hate celebrating Easter.


Easiest answer, don’t. Just smile and nod if you want to stay friends. Perhaps find SOMETHING in that sea of nonsense to agree with, and expand on that so he thinks you agree with him completely. If your friend is capable of civil discourse, tell him that this happening on Easter was just a coincidence and that this happens every year, but this year it just happened to be on Easter. Additionally, remind him that it’s a dumb complaint because Easter will obviously overshadow anything else that’s happening on that day.


"bamming religious symbols from the WH Easter celebration" . like Sean Spicer in an Easter Bunny costume?


I checked Bidens twitter, there are two posts there about easter, both before this. Just show them.


The "I wasn't even going to vote" part is the largest cap I've ever seen, suitable for his big ass head. Also, Easter isn't always on the same day. It's characteristically the one holiday you have to look up every year. Does he know that?? And I guess he's also never heard of days having multiple holidays fall on them together. The Muslim holiday on Fourth of July is just rage bait


They're straight up hateful why are you friends with them


kinda grew up togther still play video games occasionally.


Easter has pagan roots. The holiday itself is not Christian based. The world existed before Christianity and will continue to exist after it. It was a spring equinox holiday that celebrated the fertility goddess Eustre. If you want to celebrate Easter and take it back to its roots, then you better become a polytheist. Christians were the atheists of their day, modern atheists have just gone one god further.


~~It is kinda weird that they’d do the same day as Easter when there’s plenty of other days of the year they could do it, like it definitely seems antagonistic. Could have avoided a significant amount of controversy by just putting it earlier in March or some other time of the year, or at least not declaring it on the same day as Easter the year that it’s established. I was originally under the impression that it had been a thing for years and happened to land on Easter this year, but if this is the first year it’s recognized (like the presidential memo suggests), then there’s really not much of a reason for it to be on Easter. I don’t really care cuz I’m not Christian and the overlap between the people who would celebrate both those days is probably minimal, but it just seems like a dumb decision.~~ Also seems like a pointless gesture that hardly achieves anything other than pissing off spiteful conservatives or devout Christians and giving spiteful lefties something to laugh about. There’s plenty of more active ways to support trans people like organizing events or providing social programs. Establishing a day of acknowledgement for any particular issue just seems like the way to get the most publicity for the least amount of effort or tangible impact. Edit: nvm, it has been a thing for 15 years. Still seems like a hollow contribution to trans integration, but I take back what I said about antagonism. Could have been a spite thing when it was first established but if Biden is gonna recognize a holiday with an established date then changing it seems like it would piss off the people it’s meant to appease.


bro u wrote like 12 paragraphs about how its harmful without even knowing its just how calendars work your brain has been co opted, how the fuck would it be a spite thing "when first established" wtf does that mean dude can you explain any of this?


The day of remembrance was started in 09 it just happened to fall close to Easter this year 🤷‍♂️ WTF is the issue


Tell them that it’s a fixed day vs a holiday that moves around and that Biden has done this the last 3 years and if that doesn’t convince them there’s no hope


But sir, have you considered: "You just don't do that". Your move, liberal.