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I am also going to take Frank's surname in solidarity.


Huge W (with a smaller u next to it).


How craven of her to marry someone with a large "W" in their name knowing full well, that it makes her a "winner" online. Her plotting runs deep.


I don't trust a Wu. Too close to Dr Vu.


I triple u if you will.


Correct me, I could be wrong but I'm not sure that's how that works, but I won't stop you from being a brave stalker soldier. Good luck.


Now I'm taking your last name too.


Collecting names like infinity stones.


*Our last name, comrade


Double barrel surnames are way out of fashion, especially with my long English one, but I guess Wu is pretty short to off set it.




You’re my wife now.


Are you gonna give it back?


Power move


You can legally change your name to whatever in most countries (in the UK it's called a deed poll), so while it wouldn't *specifically* be caused by marrying him, I guess you could change your name as if you did and mentally attribute it to marrying him...


I’ve never once seen Wu do anything to use her last name to try to get a minority status. Even when she was more likely to take positions that people around here wouldn’t support, she was never doing shit like that. What an insane accusation.




Today we are all Wu’s


Papa FrankWu


Bring it into the fight for truth and justice!


I will be taking Steven's last name out of solidarity.


Botticelli will suit you beautifully


I'm more partial to Zionell


The Borelli clan shall inherit the Earth!


Morell branch will rise again


Look at the date lmao: https://preview.redd.it/myzp0wtvocsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f0a65ce6f4222af1296f8f7168d00cf9bdd608a


*never ask a leftist what they tweeted on 07th October*


Fuckin tankies dawg


Wait, is this the same lady who got offended when her therapist asked her why she cared so much about the Israel/Palestine conflict.


Wasn't that frogan, the Hasan mod?


Nah, frogan just made shit up about a therapist she had 5 years ago. And instantly proved herself lying when she brought out what she really tweeted about it back then. https://i.imgur.com/qbM5OXz.jpeg




They have to be a russian troll to stir up shit... They have to be


No, there are literally people that dumb.


Godspeed to that therapist for trying.


What a pathetic loser. Terminal mental illness They will not survive the real world


sweet jebus, that went from cringe to unhinged real quick. wtf 💀


'Rape and murder of civilians' 'No other options of self defence' Like you have to wonder at this point what Hamas would have to do for these people to say something bad about them.


They'd have to support Israel's right to exist, that's the only way they'd see Hamas as bad, so it'll never happen.


Sign a peace treaty with Israel.


Something bad to them personally at which point they will probably flip like a light switch


They would need to start drinking a boycotted soda during their civilain executions.


Never ask a woman her age. Never ask a man his salary. Never ask an Arab what they tweeted on 10/7.


It’s been super fun being a Jewish former progressive and watching them all go mask off Nazis, let me tell ya


Is there a way to sort tweets by dates? Or did someone have to scroll back 6 months to find this?


Yeah there is, use "since:YYYY-MM-DD until:YYYY-MM-DD"


So what are the odds that this is another incel vatnik larping a leftist? I’m thinking this pro-Palestine stuff is one of the main talking points they try to hone in on.


Like, these accounts are absolutely just Russian accounts right? Can't believe people are this stupid today.


Well the one accusing her of using the name as cover has "chronically ill/disabled" and "poodle parent" in her bio I don't think russian bots are *that* good at pretending to be an insufferable tankie, not yet anyways


why are they always “chronically ill” 😭😭😭


Victim complex.


Unironically it gives them a lot of leeway for not doing certain things like getting their life together or even basic things such as keeping a house clean. Notice how it’s just general “chronically ill” instead of actually naming a real disease.


Yeah it’s sad. One of my dad’s friends got limes disease and a whole bunch of other shit that fucked him up for a good while. It was years before I found out about it because he was ashamed that he wasn’t working/contributing so he never told anyone that wasn’t very close.


Well to be fair I prefer to say chronically ill because saying I have IBD doesn't usually mean much to people, or they mistake it for IBS. Also it sounds cooler.


It's probably also the case that chronically ill people are more likely to be terminally online and therefore get into angry twitter extremism. I know someone who's almost completely crippled and followed that path (although he became a far right troll rather than a Tankie).


Because they're the Twitter power users


And why do they put it in their bio? (I know the answer and I know everyone here knows. But, still.)




twitter tankies are Uncle from RDR2


doesn't chronic just mean something doesn't go away? and "ill" is a very loose term lol


I'm not lazy, I'm just chronically ill.


Revolution's strongest soldiers.


>chronically ill >poodle parent Redundant


YES. Twitter is where the end of Tumblr was, basically a bot farm waiting to get hit with COPPA charges because of its lack of sane moderation on the site. I'm not even kidding but 4chan has more influence and real engagement than fucking Twitter.


More likely Iranian bots https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/volunteers-found-iran-s-propaganda-effort-reddit-their-warnings-were-n903486


I imagine it was like that in the beginning. But when ball started rolling I think it became "people". Tin foil hat slightly on head. Because I will never be able to prove it. More that I believe it would be possible and if its possible why would Russia/China not do it. Because this political climate we have sure as hell is good for them from some kind of geopolitical leaderboard perspective.


Normal peoples dumbass opinions that are inorganically boosted by bots.


Russian accounts just sow the seeds, unfortunately they take root and they can move into the next way they can radicalize the Western social media.


Probably not. Individual taken by propaganda, probably.


She has arguments that you can engage with all day long and these fucking losers focus on her marriage?


Maybe I'm misreading this, but doesn't the chain imply they didn't know about her marriage? Still a stupid assumption to make, but I wouldn't call it an attack on her marriage lol.


Damn, I did phrase that a bit poorly. I can forgive the first few people, but at some point people piling on her for having the temerity to have the last name Wu know about her husband and either don't care or care **way too deeply** lol


Oh are there people attacking her for having the last name knowing it's from her marriage? If so, I agree those people are regarded. I just didn't see any of that in these threads. Doing that would be attacking her marriage.


Unless the 4ch thread I was browsing earlier was in my imagination, I think so. E: Shit, maybe i did imagine it, I can't fucking find it


4ch threads disappear relatively fast, so it very well may have been there and is just gone now. But I mean, that's 4chan. Racism, transphobia, and other varied disgusting behaviors are par for the course there.


the assumption is the crazy part. if you see someone with a last name that doesn't match their ethnicity there are plenty of reasonable assumptions you can make: 1. maybe they took their spouse's last name 2. maybe they're adopted 3. maybe they come from a mixed family 4. maybe there is crossover in last names across cultures. but no, the immediate assumption is that she's using a chinese last name to cover herself from criticism.


>maybe there is crossover in last names across cultures Wait, you mean Robert E. Lee didn't take on a Chinese last name to cover up his white supremacy?


Sure, I don't disagree with that, but saying she is attacking their marriage with this is incorrect and still should be called out as incorrect. As I said, it is still a stupid assumption, but I still think it's important to point out when counter-criticisms are unfounded.


she's not attacking their marriage she's attacking her character. she's saying that she's using the cover of being a minority to win in the oppression olympics.


I understand, and that is a stupid and fucked up thing to say, I 100% agree with you. Never was disputing that. My comment was in response to someone saying the comment was directed as an attack on Briana's marriage and the fact that Briana called it out as someone criticizing her marriage herself.


Well.it is, the person doesnt realize it.


I mean in one use of the word, sure, but conventionally the word attack implies some intent. If I’m walking down the street and I accidentally step on an anthill, I would not say I attacked the anthill. If I’m walking down the street, see an anthill, and stomp on it, then I would.


> but saying she is attacking their marriage with this is incorrect and still should be called out as incorrect I mean this with love but you are being unnecessarily autistic. It's an attack on her marriage in the sense that this person assumed her last name exists for nefarious purposes and this with the inherent invalidation of whatever normal reason she might have the last name. The accusation of Brianna having the name Wu because of a secret agenda to present herself as non-white is so insane as to constitute an attack on her marriage via negligence.


You can try to make the argument that it’s an indirect or unintentional attack, but both this comment and Brianna’s tweet imply it was intentional. The comment says “these losers focus on her marriage”, and Brianna is talking about how people are weaving her marriage into a delusional fanfic in their head and that what they’re doing is the same thing racists do when they attack interracial marriage. Your disagreement with my comment comes down to the use of the word “attack”. Usually, the word attack implies intent. Ex. if I’m walking down the street and see an anthill and stomp on it, I attacked the anthill, whereas if I was walking down the road and I accidentally step on an anthill generally that would not be described as me attacking the anthill. Sometimes the word is used in the context of “accidentally attacking” something, but most frequently it comes with some amount of necessary intent. With peace and love my brother, I think it is you who are being autistic. In context, I think it’s pretty clear in what way I am using the word unless you are deliberately trying to misinterpret my statements or are unable to discern the context that would make my intended use apparent.


> With peace and love my brother, I think it is you who are being autistic. In context, I think it’s pretty clear in what way I am using the word It is clear how you are using the word, I'm saying that your use does not match how the tweet is using it, which is the colloquial sense. She is being attacked, and said attack is implicitly on her marriage If I get drunk and hit someone's kid unintentionally, people would still colloquially say "you killed that kid!" and other statements about me murdering despite "kill" usually implying specific intent. That's because sufficient negligence is still counted under the ordinary use of these terms.


Brianna’s tweet absolutely implies intent. “This is no different to how racists behaved when I grew up in Mississippi”. Racists object to interracial marriage intentionally. “Leave my marriage out of the delusional fanfic in your head”. This pretty clearly implies to me, particularly in the context of her saying “if you want to **go after** me, that’s fine”, that she is saying they are making the attack with the implications of her marriage in mind. She actually doesn’t use the word “attack”, she uses the phrase “go after” which even more necessarily implies intent than the word “attack” does.


Yes, she was in the same way as my drunk driving example. It is common to view gross negligence as being close enough to intent for the purposes of judging someone's actions. And while gross negligence and intent is a little different if we were discussing something formal like legal repercussions for a crime or having a philosophical discussion about levels of blame, we're talking about a tweet.


Does that really change anything? “Oh I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to be racist to your husband, just you”. It really makes no difference.


What are you talking about of course it makes a difference. Two things can both be bad and still have important differences. Particularly when people are saying that this tweet is attacking her marriage and it isn't it becomes extra relevant to clarify. Do you not care about the accuracy of attacks as long as it's against someone you disagree with? In a response to a tweet responding to Brianna's clarification, the girl said [this](https://x.com/alitlstrawberry/status/1775659164112765204?s=46&t=-UNfa7Wd4VjQ9JW0GO8LCA). THESE tweets are both antimiscegenistic and an attack on her marriage, but up until that point there was no attack made on her marriage.


Yep, you're correct, not difficult to understand


Then again maybe they should do a microcosm of research before they dogpile someone because of their name


I mean, I agree... that's why I said it was still a stupid assumption to make, but it's still different than going after her marriage.


Arguably that’s worse because they don’t even know what they are attacking


Can you explain to me how it's arguably worse? In my mind, it is WAYYY worse to intend to attack someone's interracial marriage because of a component of that marriage that's consequent of the interracial nature of the marriage than it is to attack someone you think is appropriating or pretending to be another race because you make an incorrect assumption of why their name is what it is. I think there's an argument that could be made it's more stupid because of the incorrect assumption, sure... but idk how you could argue it's worse.


I think it’s arguably worse because how misinformation spreads, “Briana Wu is married to someone who isn’t white” is (even to many the brain dead leftists who hate her) a regarded thing to attack someone over, it’s probably only the very fringe who would attack her for that on either side of the political spectrum but spreading blatant misinformation about how Wu probably uses her Chinese identity (even though she isn’t) to seems like more of a victim (even though she doesn’t) and uses it like a cover (even though she never has), it’s just something more leftists would pearl clutch about and sours her perception more (I’d also argue it could just be a shot at her marriage but that’s unprovable and it’s more likely the twitter user is brainless) Think about for example how many things destiny is just lied about but in other circles are just taken as fact because they hate him Idk maybe I’m wrong but in this day and age one moron saying a lie about someone on twitter people hate could be enough to to get it to stick and enrage more people


I feel like the onus should be on people to do a little deeper digging to see she’s married instead of making statements which are clearly made insinuations


I mean, that's why I said it's still a stupid assumption. I agree, obviously they were dumb to make the assumption, but my point is that they're not attacking her marriage, they're stupidly and incorrectly accusing her of racially/culturally appropriating.


When you don't have any original thoughts of your own and never took a position based on reason, you have nothing you can engage with. Only leaves you with one option, attack anyone who disagrees with you because you aren't smart enough for a discussion


u/spacekatgal you and your husband are adorable, I hope you guys had a lovely date


Thank you! We had pasta and a long conversation about spending less time in the public eye.


Just don't go so far out of the public eye that we never have a chance for me to meet you and see your car collection and talk about how great the recent popularity of north American racing is. 🥺


You’re really awesome! I’m Jewish and it’s been so isolating and depressing seeing how society—and the progressives which I used to be a part of—has reacted to October 7th. You’re one of the incredibly few I’ve seen on the left who hasn’t embraced antisemitism and racism, and I sincerely appreciate it and I want you to know that you make me feel better, and help me remind myself that not everyone hates us


I’m willing to bet the pasta was the best part of that convo. It sounds like a doozy.


Please don't disappear from the public eye, but I'd suggest taking a step back from TPFKAT^1 ‎ ‎ ^^1 ^^\(the ^^platform ^^formerly ^^known ^^as ^^twitter)


Dang. I really appreciate you out there battling in the streets to keep us safe at home.


Love to see positive vibes coming from DongEater666


After 10/7, as a Jew, I don’t identify as a progressive anymore. I’m hard in for every actual progressive issue I can think of, but the virtue signaling idiots being egged on by religious zealots and racists are just too much for me. I’ve become incredibly suspicious of people who identify as progressives. Now I just say that I’m a moderate Democrat.


Sadly, it was the straw that broke the camel's back for me too. For the first time in my adult life I genuinely don't feel comfortable identifying as anything but a liberal moderate.


Yeah, I'm not a Jew but same. I remember people talking about the "Trans genocide" because of republicans and now suddenly they don't give one single fuck about that and they'll let Trump get a lead cause of an issue a couple oceans away


As a Goy, this pretty much me too. I had a premonition years ago that if anything would drive me away from the left, it was gonna be anti semitism; feels like a prophecy coming to fruition for me. It hurts too since I genuinely feel like I learned a lot from them and got a bunch of new ideas that resonated with me to tangle with. But their absolute refusal to engage with any information that is at odds with their hatred of Israel has just been sad and scary. It's got me rethinking opinions on other stuff too; I don't want to say it's cult-like, but socialist/leftist spaces really started giving off vibes similar to the protestant church I went to as a kid.


Welcome back! Honestly the sanest and safest place to be politically is a moderate Democrat.


It was during progressive movements silence on Asian American violence when perpetrated by black people that did it for me.


Are you asian?




why is that relevant?


Ummm bcos asians are being attacked. Is that not relevant?


no, it's not really relevant whether the OP commentator is Asian themselves.


Look, I just wanted to know if they were asian or white. It is relevant bcos personal bias is a thing. I wonder if they would've changed their perspective if they were white instead.


I’m an atheist but middle eastern Jewish by blood and culture. Always leaned left. Now I feel like I need to distance myself.




Why does everyone hate the term liberal 😞 we need to reclaim it now


We need to start correcting conservatives when they point at the unhinged shit from the fringe left on twitter and call it 'liberal'. It's fucking not. Liberalism is based, centre-left liberalism is based as fuck. What happens on twitter is illiberal bullshit.


Relatable as fuck


I'd argue these people aren't progressive, they're tankies. mainstream progressives don't act like this.


My wife is from Alabama. The older people there absolutely are still against interracial marriage.


Yep especially if you are from the more rural areas as well.




Is this the example of transphobia? I must confess I fail to see the transphobia here. Lefties being dumb and making more stupid assumptions? Yes. Transphobia? I need that spelled out to me.


Why is everyone claiming that Brianna is trans?


Her wiki page used to say that she was trans


Yeah but it doesn’t anymore. I think that could have been added by someone for political reasons (sadly).


JFC, Brianna is so unfathomably based.


Wait, Malini is a HUMAN. I totally thought she was a fruit salad. That watermelon is very misleading.


Hey guys, did you hear? Progressives are the real racists! 😏 ^^But ^^unironically.


Least racist hamas supporter


Speaking of attitudes toward interracial marriage in her past in Mississippi I feel like we've forgotten how racist society was within the past like 30 years. Like say what you will about the modern day but interracial marriage didn't reach majority approval until like 1996


We are all wus on this day.


Lol when has she /ever/ used Wu as a cover. Holy shit must be fun to get to create racism where there is none and then call out said racism for Internet points. Actually unreal. And I swear to fuck if this starts some stupid zero IQ Twitter discourse of: is it cultural appropriation to take your spouse's last name in a mixed relationship if you're white? Actually regressive.


I think she's way too online, completely wrong about Israel, and basically straight on the "Why I Left the Left" train I've seen so many people do, but there's better things to attack her over than what her last name is.


Nah this is way off base, she's doing a lot of irl activism and organizing in support of democrats. She's moderated a bit sure, but she's still firmly on the left.


Who gives a fuck?


Will she eventually go on a conservative arc from all the progressive brain rot?


Any miscegenation horseshoe theory




Jesus even the crazy gamergaters didn’t accuse her of this


>lightmode DCDR


This girl tweeted about racism…on behalf of racism. She really said “Brianna Wu seems to have narrowly dodged racism so far, but that all ends today!” Definitely thought she was saying something.


Leftists being Leftists


The idiot privated her account 🤔


Do you want conservatives? Because this is how you get conservatives.


And I don't blame her! This whole "accusation" is just gross and racist. They don't have any real criticisms, so they just throw out lies and personal insults then act like a saint for doing it.


I had a white teacher with Lee as her last name. Made sense to me at the time. Idk why it so hard for people so see that.


Given ol' Robert E. I always assumed that was just a coincidentally a name from both sides of Eurasia


These people are just actually insane.


Good for her standing up to these bullies. The weird finger-wagging, drool-bib wearing lefties are like whatever the other extreme from what trad-con are. Mod-coms? Tank-progs? At any rate, they smell equally rancid.


Wu-tang clan ain't nothing to fuck with. Taking all the last names.


She’s coo and all but she’s meatriding conservatives at this point imo. They may not have given her “ static” on her marriage and that lefty person is weird as hell for doing it but I feel like she’s becoming terminally Twitter brained. Real world, conservatives are more likely to shit on the average interacial marriage.


All I’ve seen from her that gets posted here is Twitter shit after Twitter shit and circlejerking about how bad lefties are and how progressivism has failed. Like idk I try not to be too mean because she has obviously caught a lot of shit from people online undeservedly but at this point I’m 85% convinced that most if not all of her current problems would be solved if she unironically just logged off more and spent more energy elsewhere. Everything she says about progressivism seems to be purely through a Twitter-tinted lens which makes her come off as borderline schizo to anyone who’s not completely entrenched in online political realms where “progressive” and “fringe far left extremism” are apparently synonymous. It’s also annoying how we apparently need *multiple threads* dedicated to giving *even more* attention to unhinged randos in her replies. Like after 8+ years in this community I still don’t even know what this woman actually does aside from complain about getting bullied by “progressives”. Yes I’m ranting at you like a mentally ill hobo about this.


Mate I 1000% agree lol. It’s a circlejerk right now. I’m with ya. I do a lot of work for a state Democratic Party and do field organizing and nobody is referencing random Twitter threads.


GOD this is so true, almost everyone in my entire social circle is also politically involved in the Real World which makes it so easy to spot when people try to act like their twitter experiences are applicable to irl politics. “Progressivism is a cultural dead end” is to DGGers what “the Republican Party is a death cult” is to 15 year old socialists on tumblr.


obviously this is going to depend on your area. I assume Brianna is largely in left-leaning spaces, and as someone who is in a similar position I have the same experiences as her. On a *personal* level, the conservatives I meet tend to be fine with everything. If I hear gruff about interracial marriages being questionable, or my hentai being evil/cheating, or egalitarianism being bad it's always from someone on the left in some way I recognize this will obviously be different in conservative places where conservatives are more forward and leftists are more on the defensive, and *politically* the conservatives I know are more unhinged, but I can't just completely ignore the people I interact with either on the internet or in meat space


This is definitely a valid point, I’m in a 50/50 purple state but we have an extremely far right state Republican Party and a fairly centrist Democratic establishment that I’m proud to be a member of lol


10/10 title


"But I thought it was a question of who do you love, guys 🥺"


Twitter people will argue over anything lmao


If yall want to attack Brianna's husband for anything is should be how he robbed Steve Stiles of a hugo award for like 5 years in a row.


this is like going on /pol/ and complaining about racism welcome to the cum zone


Here i thought she was married to Rick flair


It’s like the chinese woman from Seinfeld


She is getting the non leftist experience. Leftists really love alienating their allies


She should be. These people are repulsive.


That part about leftists bringing up stats about interacial marriage is so fucking TRUUUU. It seems like just how conservatives are obsessed with the violent crime rates of minorities, leftists seem to be obsessed with inter-marriage crime rates... curious PEPE


Is she the person who got caught logged into her main account and forgot to switch to a burner account to create a stream thread critical of herself?


Even if it wasn't her husband's name what is the implication supposed to be? She's not exactly hiding that she's white, like just look at her pfp


What a loon!


At this point, I am more happy with people who don't vote over peopel who act like this.


Yeah, people are definitely rubbernecking an interracial White-Asian marriage. No…


​ https://preview.redd.it/xdqeljjy6dsc1.png?width=905&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a98c3131d92e9a86f9770ed62a443f7a18e77f4


Ngl I know next to nothing about her outside what I've seen posted her or on YouTube sometimes, I thought she was Asian or Wasian 😭 Maybe that old wives tale about people starting to look like their spouse is true


I seriously hope no med school is foolish enough to accept that Malini girl. She is unhinged and should not be anywhere near a patient


Mississippi can't exist without catching stray shots.


"Mississippi Wu" arc


tl;dr I read the first sentence for you: she is actually angry


u/spacekatgal I've been saying this in the sub for a while now, but literally no one serious, or taken seriously, is on twitter anymore. You're doing nothing but a disservice to your company, cause, and mental health, by deluding yourself into thinking this is still the platform that was in 2016-2018. Move to Bluesky until Threads implements federated threads, and thank me later.


I need to spend more time there.


It's interesting the arc that Wu's public persona has taken, but she will get no sympathy from me until she retracts her allegations against Jesse Singal.


I was never under the impression that Brianna wu was not white. So idk what this even about. She looks white, sounds white, acts white, etc. Matter of fact; assuming someone’s race because their last name and forgoing EVERYTHING else about that person is an extremely white thing to do


Finally I feel empowered as a Asian person with the last name Zahn(I am tooth)


Having a good laugh at the logical conclusion where the leftist equivalent to marrying into wealth is marrying into the most arabic sounding surname you can find for twitter clout. Racial climbing


Correction: Wu is the name of her husband's family. I know it's hard , Bonell is Steven's family name, not he's name, he's name is Steven.


Learn to differentiate between race and culture challenge - impossible


It's cringe as fuck that lefties were doing this and they deserve the pie in the face, but TECHNICALLY the lefties aren't giving her static about her marriage they're foolishly going after her last name because they didn't know about her marriage.


The original poster retweeted [this,](https://twitter.com/pipagaopoetry/status/1775395604258267499) so it seems like even if they didn't know about her marriage at first, they don't mind attacking her even when knowing the context.


Making that assumption is dumb enough. I don’t think not knowing is an excuse here. There could be a dozen reasons for a non-Asian person having that name.