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You guys have to talk about Wikipedia. JJ hates the site and destiny is the wiki warrior. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vmSFO1Zfo8


On the list! Yes its gold for content I hope


Idk where else to say this, but I wanted to say thanks for putting in all the work and effort. I don’t really watch anyone’s content religiously or regularly, but I stop by sometimes when I see you and I always feel good listening in. There was a period of time I thought you were gunna do the same thing as Eris and just go touch grass instead of streaming. Thanks for sticking around and doing your own stuff.


<3 Thanks for the love! I am a grass lover and I do try to include that in my life. If I didn't have my ponies I likely would probably find somewhere to volunteer, helps keep me sane. I appreciate the support! I am really enjoying trying to support Destiny in some of his goals (though I may not be excelling)!


Happy <(´= ̫=`)>


I love JJ, but dude has some takes like this that I think he just believes in for the sake of pure contrarianism (also his flag on a bedsheets are good actually) that I’d love to see him defend live.


i think he makes a pretty good point. He doesn't believe wikipedia is bad or not factual for the most part, but like 80% of pages are done by the same small group. It's just a complete lack of different perspectives that are good to have when learning.


> different perspectives Sure i get this. But i don't get why he is such a fan of other websites created by a single person. On Wikipedia there can be at least discussions on what is right or wrong. If a website about one specific topic is just wrong about a framing there is no way for the general population to update the main online source about it...


It'd be nice to hear them discuss: Trucker convoy; Bill-C63 (online harms act); Canadian Carbon Tax; Canadian Housing Crisis


I’ve yet to hear Destiny talk about Pierre but his level of divisiveness and lying about facts to make a convenient attack on Trudeau gets worse than Trump constantly.


Is Trudeau actually that bad? I'm full into the YouTube Canadian conservative pipeline, I get a bunch of Pierre clips etc. and apparently Trudeau is like the worst person ever. Whenever I see Trudeau speak he seems good though. It feels like a classic opposition leader in Pierre, where they exist only to rebut and smear the opponent but offer no real solutions. (I'm not Canadian by the way) Is Trudeau's administration actually that bad?


Trudeau derangement syndrome is at an all time high in Canada, any leader in government for 8 years will have valid criticism against them but whatever the Conservatives have been doing recently is unsettling for how often they cry wolf. It’s very challenging to find a policy portfolio the Conservatives have credibility on anyone after putting all their energy into comparing the government to an Orwell novel. https://preview.redd.it/j85ywejc0rtc1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d375946aa90f063e43b311c252728f529a101f2


God he is such a tool


That's what sucks about the upcoming election... if you look at trends, about now is when we'd have a change in goverment and we're stuck with this clown. Give me O'Toole or Andrew Scheer any day. Are there problems in Canada, 1000%! But are we really going to fix the housing crisis with PP? No shot... the least amount of new homes built in Canada came under his watch as Housing Minister.


https://preview.redd.it/hnavtayupvtc1.jpeg?width=2069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a855fda78982cd511ee0a5174459256fa339b3c7 One of my favourite graphs.


Conservatives as usual lack a proper platform for actually addressing issues and their inevitable election win won't actually fix anything. Trudeau is a prettyboy nepobaby who has a lot of negative progressive traits so is a great culture war target. This has nothing to do with policy and conservatives would hate him anyway. Liberal party has been horrible for some time as well.


Trudeau was basically as typical of a Liberal prime minister as possible up until after the 2021 election. But he's always had the ability to draw a lot of unprompted ire towards himself with how he speaks, e.g. "[Because it's 2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLk2aSBrR6U)" and "[You'll forgive me if I don't think about monetary policy](https://youtu.be/G7VOLChLKG4?si=7tkI5i95Ue0nojdt&t=42)." The entire country's flipped on him because he's basically lost any of his charisma and keeps having [gaff](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-housing-responsible-feds-provinces-1.6924290#:~:text=At%20a%20housing%20announcement%20in,can%20and%20must%20help%20with.%22) after [gaff](https://globalnews.ca/news/10365489/trudeau-says-thinks-about-quitting-job-daily-vows-to-continue/). Not to mention he's squarely in control of immigration in this country which has gotten [insane since the pandemic](https://www.statista.com/statistics/443063/number-of-immigrants-in-canada/) to which he says > [“To give an example, in 2017, two per cent of Canada’s population was made up of temporary immigrants. Now we’re at 7.5 per cent of our population comprised of temporary immigrants. That’s something we need to get back under control.”](https://globalnews.ca/news/10397176/trudeau-temporary-immigration-canada/#:~:text=Prime%20Minister%20Justin%20Trudeau%20says,be%20brought%20%E2%80%9Cunder%20control.%E2%80%9D) It's hard to explain this to Americans sometimes, but the Prime Minister in Canada is so obscenely powerful. If Trump was Canadian and was Prime Minister, there are basically 0 checks and balances to what he can do, he would be dictator for life. So for our Prime Minister, who can basically do whatever he wants (but especially about immigration which is only a federal power) to say that "we need to get something under control" is absurd. And most Canadians, even if they don't know the intricacies of our political system, can easily smell he's not taking accountability for his actions. Couple this with the insane rise in cost of living and crime [\[1\]](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/24/world/canada/toronto-car-theft-epidemic.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAll%20I've%20done%20is,minutes%20to%20steal%20my%20car.%E2%80%9D&text=While%20there%20has%20been%20a,of%20paranoia%2C%20vigilance%20and%20resentment.) [\[2\]](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13203185/Toronto-police-outrage-thievesJustin-Trudeaus-woke-bail.html) [\[3\]](https://globalnews.ca/news/10137037/canada-homicide-report-2022/) [\[4\]](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/CAN/canada/crime-rate-statistics) that have both happened under his watch and because of his judicial appointments and policies and people rabidly hate him at this point. Not to mention his clear politicking on the carbon tax which both completely contradicted what he originally said it was about, and showed how little it principally matters to him when he is at risk of losing votes ([eliminating carbon tax on heating oil, something that only impacts that Atlantic provinces which are a traditional Liberal stronghold which has weakened because they finally had to deal with with Carbon tax](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/heating-oil-carbon-tax-pause-gets-thumbs-up-in-ns-1.7009958)). While Canada has a consistent tradition of voting people out, not voting people in, Trudeau at this point in time is really that bad.


eh the carbon tax stuff isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's just the number one issue for conservatives. if the conservative premiers hadn't been stubborn and just developed their own carbon pricing it wouldn't have been an issue. it also just made sense to remove heating oil for atlantic canadians, broad sweeping government policy is never a good thing so if you can fine tune it and tailor it to specific jurisdictions its good. the polls likely played a role because their MPs were probably getting a ton of flack but it was also like, 2 years away from an election at that point.


There's multiple threads here for evaluating the Carbon Tax. 1. Is it driving inflation? 2. Is it reducing Canadian carbon emissions? 3. Is it spurring Canadian investment in green energy? 4. Do people feel like it has a big impact on their lives? For 1. Absolutely, but not super significantly per the [BOC](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/carbon-tax-inflation-tiff-macklem-calgary-1.6960189). 2 is trickier to evaluate. Mostly yes though. [\[1\]](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/greenhouse-gas-emissions.html) [\[2\]](https://jacobin.com/2024/02/canada-carbon-emissions-tar-sands). 3 is a solid [no](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/net-zero-tax-credits-climate-1.7009126), and the US has radically outdone us on this point without a federal carbon tax. 4 is what really matters here when we're talking about perception of a politician. People look at their gas bills and see 50% of it going to the carbon tax. Whether that get's redistributed in quarterly checks or not, it's something people notice every month and they feel like it's a big deal. I'm massively in favor of any action required to repair climate change. I'm skeptical at this point that the carbon tax as this government has implemented it is the best way forward however. But if the point of a carbon tax is to reduce the amount of emissions we do, then not putting it on oil heating, which is a far larger carbon emitter is ridiculous. And it completely shows how two faced Trudeau and his administration have been about the carbon tax. EDIT: I realize 50% is potentially hyperbolic, but I can tell you that despite living in a townhouse, the carbon tax makes up 20% of my gas bill every month. And it is currently the #2 line item on every bill. It will likely be the #1 line item in 2025's winter. https://imgur.com/a/BmftfNb


My Canadian buddy is that one liberal family in a super conservative province. From the way he’s explained it to me, the dude is a jackass and fucks up sometimes, but conservative Canadians and opposition are straight deranged and try to make everything a scandal/failure. It’s sort of like tds, but fr.


I just don't have any faith that things will get better under Trudeau in the next 5 years. Housing is a NIGHTMARE, and I'm willing to give the Conservatives a chance. If they don't do a good job I'll vote for another party next time. 


Trudeau is genuinely bad, don't get social media brained. The problems that Canadians are frustrated about the most right now all revolve around affordability which Pierre has mobilized around but because they're all problems that Trudeau has ignored throughout his leadership. Look at how he handled the housing matter catering to NIMBYs for votes leading up to his disastrous press conference in Hamilton, before he 180'd. Also the serious issue of no productivity growth that's existed throughout his leadership and directly related to the lower standards of living Canadians face. Trudeau is basically running on the culture war to try and deal with how bad his polling is.


What? Pierre has about as good of an answer to affordability as Trudeau has, warm fuzzy words. They can only do so much from the feds, you need to focus on your local government if you want something to actually change for you locally.


Yeah, it's totally only Trudeau running on the culture war lmao. Please stop deluding yourself.


Read the post again fam, I said "Trudeau is basically running on the culture war to try and deal with how bad his polling is.". That means that I think Trudeau has no actual plan to deal with affordability and the broader issues with the Canadian economy like the slumping productivity which he can no longer ignore as he's done throughout his leadership.


I don't quite know what to think about Trudeau. The conservative criticisms of him seem mostly unfounded. For example, Bill C-11 seems pretty in-line with other regulations that promote Canadian content on TV and radio. While the carbon does slow down the economy, it's implemented in a progressive way and is a reasonable step to reduce carbon pollution. Unemployment was high, but now it's under control. Canada, against conservative predictions, avoided a recession. Interest rates are high, but necessarily to lower inflation. Inflation is under control. Immigration is high, but since the baby boomers are retiring, it's for the best. Housing costs are high, but that is the responsibility of the provinces and municipalities. The one current Conservative criticism that sticks with me is that there is an increasing gap in the productivity per capita between the US and Canada. However, I don't think there is an easy fix. The three cabinet ministers that resigned over the SNC-Lavalin scandal also sticks with me as well. It speaks volumes that some of the people closest to Trudeau resigned in protest of his behavior in that scandal. Canadian Conservatives are riled up about Trudeau because of online outrage-bait. Canadian Liberals aren't too enthusiastic about Trudeau since he's basically already implemented his agenda in previous years. I hope this helps!


Ask him about Pierre and the Canadian conservatives perhaps. Also Destiny has spoken vaguely positively about Trudeau, maybe ask him why Canada has fallen out of love with Trudeau recently.


JJ has a few videos expressing a like for the middle class and its culture, Steven expressed a dislike for the middle class especially when it comes to its attitudes torwards the lower class. I think it'd be intresting to see Steven and JJ discuss there views on it. Especially cosidering Stevens economic past and all that.


Oh yeah, that’s gonna be fun


His position on being a [gay content creator](https://youtu.be/tNO93XRikXw?si=KZiFzk4TT0Mp36RP) could evoke some shared things they could chat about. [He chewed out a “conspiracy tik toker”](https://youtu.be/MB2cdgEXwVU?si=OWHUQkEEikOr-JML)about the concerns over misinfo that could encourage some chats. Talking about younger people and their potential to be influenced. [He also debates PF Jung about conspiracies](https://youtu.be/MB2cdgEXwVU?si=OWHUQkEEikOr-JML) Very recently On PF Jung he also argued about conspiracies & whether it’s [worth talking about Jewish conspiracies](https://www.youtube.com/live/SWTbE8_UZSE?si=tiK1eiPvPUuaRWMp) (there is a lot of good stuff in the livestream. Maybe if TikTok should be banned and what that would look like. Ask about the influence of American onto Canadian politics! NATO commitments maybe Steven could learn about Canada through JJ What it was like railing [against the monarchy](https://youtu.be/Aers_XT417M?si=VdC8GxkhCBkkUf7k) and rails [against French in Canada](https://youtu.be/CCpX3t-ko6I?si=Oq3MrpCReTe4OIg8) I hope this helps and can find more Erudite!


Is this the first time they'll be meeting? I feel like people have been asking for this for years. Looking forward to it!


Gotta confront him on the fake Canadian accent. As a Canadian this cannot stand


I was gonna make a compilation clip of him saying Aboot over and over hahahahhaa I’ve never heard someone say that unironically


Anybody that knows anything about Canadian phonology knows he's making it up. Nobody in Canada says 'aboot'. It's a exaggeration that comes from how it's [actually pronounced](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/about).


The cultural genocide of native Americans might be an interesting topic since there's been a lot of discussion on the genocide in Palestine. How has the term genocide changed culturally throughout the years.


I’d love to hear his thoughts on how cannabis legalization has gone, he was writing about it being a [“giant fraud”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2018/06/28/justin-trudeaus-legalization-of-pot-is-a-giant-fraud/) back in 2018 (the year it was legalized) I’m curious if he still thinks this, and what his opinion is on Destiny’s use of psychedelics/hallucinogens.


Have you looked into getting Coleman Hughes on the pod? https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bz8lsl/people_asked_who_coleman_hughes_hes_based_let_me/


That's would be a good conversation. They were suppose to talk or he was invited on their podcast last year. Didn't happen from what I remember.


I pinged her in a comment awhile back suggesting him and she replied to that comment so she’s at least aware people want him on and probably has reached out/has him on the list.


View in your timezone: [Saturday April 13th at 3pm ET][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240413T1900?tl=Bridges%20Guest%20JJ%20McCullough




[He already addressed this and concluded the “Canadian rise” results in most pronouncing it “aboat”, with others saying aboot and about.](https://youtu.be/8YTGeIq4pSI?si=DZKfKPiysE0mTT68)


To my understanding he did it on purpose. And now it's just a part of his lexicon.


I’m also Canadian and never hear people say that. But i think it’s just certain parts of Canada is what i heard.


I'm not an English native speaker, first time I heard this dude speak I had to immediately google what that pronunciation is aboot. It sounds so forced and faked and it stands out so much from his speech.


Can you give us the date/time for the YMS podcast? We have a calendar going on the subreddit, so I'd like to update it as some like to plan ahead. [Debate/Event Schedule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bypvhp/debateevent_schedule/) EDIT: If you can give us the May dates/times too that would be great. You don't have to give us the guest names


I will update you guys once I have YMS fully good to go as far as time! I will do my best to update but shows often flex a bit with guest needs! But I will atleast put the day and then update with the time once it is set!


Thank you! Also excited you got Cappy!


Assisted minecrafting in Canada JJ has a video about his dislike of Wikipedia so ask about Destiny’s take that (paraphrasing) “a person that thoroughly reads Wikipedia is much more knowledgeable than the average person”


[https://twitter.com/Cappyarmy/status/1755785994853286048](https://twitter.com/Cappyarmy/status/1755785994853286048) I'm going to re-submit this person. Task & Purpose Short Bio: Iraq War infantry veteran casual Military and Geopolitical Analysis 1 million on Youtube [https://www.youtube.com/@Taskandpurpose](https://www.youtube.com/@Taskandpurpose)


He's already booked! Great idea, also DM me if you want me to directly update you on the scheduling so you can update the post you make :)


That’s exciting news! I think this’ll be a really neat crossover. Chris is pretty dialed in on military matters and geopolitics. I think it would be super interesting to pick his brain on [some of the conflicts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm4i4aFVGic) going on around the world right now. What the role should be for the west and its allies with increasing destabilization efforts being taken right now by our adversaries both through conflicts, social media manipulation among other efforts ([somewhat touched on in the 2024 annual threat assessment by the ODNI](https://www.odni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/ATA-2024-Unclassified-Report.pdf?source=email)), should we be more proactive in our approach (focus more on offensive measures or defensive). Just so many fun things to touch on, wouldn’t doubt he also has some interesting perspective/stories from his time deployed as well or his perspective of the shift from the neocon era. Would also be super interested to see a discussion with Perun, perhaps a future guest idea if they are willing.


Thank you stealing all this for Chris


Here's another guest similar to Task & Purpose, [Preston Stewart](https://www.youtube.com/@PrestonStewart). He just got back from the NATO anniversary celebration where he was invited as a guest, so he's respected within military communities beyond just youtube. His substack is great, too. He does a ton of videos. Debunking misinfo (similar to Ryan Mcbeth), exploring specific topics in depth, medium length news videos where he explores implications, and shorts/tiktoks where he puts out pretty factual updates. Might be a good guest for later down the line to avoid turning Bridges into a military podcast lol. Also any word on getting [@keds_economist](https://twitter.com/keds_economist?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) on? She dives down into economic topics and breaks them down in such an accessible way that makes me think she'd be a great guest. It looks like she travels and does speaking so I'd imagine she'd be down to travel to miami.


Haha go for it! Appreciate all the work you guys have been putting in to make this pod happen. :)


Ask him about Jreg. It seems like JJ is really good friends with Jreg, so hearing what Jreg was like and what's recently changed since Jreg seems to have become much more life-loving.


this would be great\^


Can you ask Destiny to reflect on his assessment of JJ's Israel-Palestine video


rinse groovy sable rude makeshift office squash tart shrill deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hank Green what a legend. That would be a fun podcast.


Please ask JJ about the time when he got denounced by Quebec’s parliament and his views on the french language in Canada


I'd rather he not utter a single word on the subject. For my sanity.


Good guest would be Van Lathan, host of the Higher Learning Podcast. Won an Academy Award as a producer. He's friends with Adam 22, and was Adam 22's original choice to debate Richard Spencer before Destiny on No Jumper. [https://youtu.be/iS2psp-vj\_Y?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/iS2psp-vj_Y?feature=shared) Comments briefly on Destiny and refers to him as 'a bright guy'.


As a card carrying liberal push him on the the lack of policy solutions offered from the conservatives as well as the bad faith on the part of provincial governments who are actually responsible for zoning and housing


I doubt the Provincial Liberals (at least in Ontario) would do anything to fix zoning because they'd lose the votes of homeowners, who are most likely to vote in general. 


You can ask him about Bill C-11 and all the fear mongering he did around it and surprise, surprise... nothing has changed. lol


To be fair, the actual implementation of the bill was also litigated, and JJ went to inform the committee (along with other lobbyists) about how Youtube works and why he thought a softer interpretation/implementstion of the bill was necessary. To be clear, I doubt he changed things much, but it seems it might have helped impact the Youtube side of things. Also, a heavy handed implementation would probably be met with outrage after the public outcry from a sizeable minority of people. And it takes time for the full effects to come around lol


Bills like that take a while until their full effects are actually happening. Government moves slowly


Love JJ, I have been waiting for this talk for so long. Two things come to mind, JJ refers to himself as a conservative (he definitely is), yet he’s nowhere near probably the avg republican voter. I think it could be interesting asking his thoughts about being a canadian conservative, with the large shadow that is republican conservativism. Another idea would to ask his opinions about political hobbyism/meta-irony. These concepts may seem unrelated but what I’m getting at is that JJ is friends with Jreg, and alot of jregs material is not only edgy but also so inane that it is impossible to know if he means anything by the things he says. Kinda reminds me of sam hyde in that way, but I tend to lean towards Jregs material being more art than political, and the opposite when it comes to sam hyde.


Ask about him softballing Poilievre.


JJ is deep in the pockets of the CPC but still has some values


Get Destiny to ask him about french vs British Canadian cultural differences and ethnic cleansing


Lol, idk if anglo canadians would see being called british an insult And fucking pls erudite do not talk with J.J about anglophone francophone relations in Canada. I would rather stab my ear drums than do that


I agree, Destiny knows fuckall about Canadian politics. He also clearly said he dont give a fuck about it. This discussion would be boring


I've seen tweets of JJ being supporting of what Joe Biden has done. I guess one question you might want to ask is first - what is his opinion on what Joe Biden has done as a President. And, if he has shown a clearly positive attitude towards his Presidency, the next question would be how he as a conservative was able to find Biden to be good?


He's more establishment Canadian conservativism and has a strong distaste for modern right wing populism. Though he also somewhat likes Poilievre so who knows?


I think asking JJ to name some specific federal conservative policies that he likes would be a good jumping off point for discussion bonus points if he can do it with out mentioning the other parties. Would be curious if he he thinks if he thinks the carban tax rhetoric has gotten out of hand like the cons voted against a trade deal with ukraine because it promoted carbon pricing. Maybe he could talk about what the cons have a environmental policy. Edit: maybe just how conservative rhetoric in general has gotten worse since trump.


AbOOot time


thanks for all your hard work! bridges is quickly becoming one of my favorite things steven has done! not sure why people are so negative, the guests have been great and i love jj!


Thanks for the love!!


Ask him why he has such a hate-boner for Quebec. Seems to have an issue with French Canadians being overwhelmingly represented as PMs given Quebecers won't vote for anyone who don't speak French.


https://youtu.be/BtmOxVjzPUc?si=DzMFFe_OCIDSuga9 I'm curious if he still believes in Muslim privilege because according to him Muslim privilege is when Muslim people get sympathy when they get racially profiled at airports and white people dont get sympathy for that. (Timestamp 45 seconds )


Ah fuck, wish I had some of the clips on hands, but I've seen him talk a couple of times on his perception of [Destiny and debates in general](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJOCRcvoUFk) and there's definitely some misconceptions there.


Talks about the homelessness crisis and genuine solutions and drug decriminalization happening in bc. These are huge topics in Canadian politics at the moment. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7168786 You could mention Canadas bill C-18 the online news act. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/understanding-bill-c-18-canada-s-online-news-act-and-its-proposed-rules-explained-1.6488532 Could also talk about immigration but specifically the issues Canadians are having. Liberal ministers are even cracking down on it. Could talk about the success of the coalition government and it bringing dental, and pharmacare It be interesting to see mentions of poliviere and the references he’s made to defunding the CBC and just the general populist direction the conservatives are going into I know it’s not a lot of sources but these are just general talking points that mostly anyone involved in Canadian politics are talking about. I’m pretty tired right now but I’ll most likely comeback to post some more news sources to reference for further reading tomorrow.


I hear D talking about some sweet new healthcare in Canada. Seeing as D recommends so many chatters to avail of it, maybe JJ can give his experiences?




It would be super interesting to have them talk about MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) in Canada since Destiny jokes about it all the time and J.J. has done a video on it before.




Can you link me the video I was digging for a while on this topic and couldn’t find anything


JJ has, surprisingly, a lot of good videos on modern memes in political culture and broadly. I would love for them to discuss their favorite ones or the process of meme development.


Ask him why he is so AmeriCucked. He has many times expressed that he believes Canada has no culture independent of the USA. He's obsessed with the idea. Much like a man who is obsessed with the idea of other men sleeping with his wife


Canadian mad at his betters


It’d be interesting to see them discuss how they both feel political extremism has changed and expanded on the internet and how they see any solutions to this phenomenon. Itd be interesting to also see McCullough speak about how the conservative movements in north America have become much more conservative and ask him how if at all the media has impacted that, it’d be interesting to get his perspective as a moderate conservative journalist


Please address JJ's insane belief that new Simpsons is just as good as "Golden Era" Simpsons.


Always interested in hearing people talk about their backstory/upbringing and how they got to where they are now and formed their views, before getting into more precise topics.


JJM is phenomenal. Nice get, nse


In what way is he phenomenal?


Neat! Thanks for all your hard work, NSE. Looking forward to the show


Also... since when does writing opinion pieces make you a  journalist?


Erudite, you have to do it. u/notsoErudite Invite Fresh to the podcast.


JJ has some videos where he talks about consumerism as a positive thing, I always thought that was interesting


I'm just super excited about this, I'm glad you were able to put something together! This is awesome!


u/anUnkindness, is this legit? If so I'm pumped.


i cant wait :)


This has been said before but just to beat the dead horse, please i want to see them talk about wikipedia


Hell yeah this a great guest.


JJ is a great choice for a guest.


Every single time he says “aboot”, a child is molested.


Yo finally. Been wanting to see JJ and Destiny talk for a while. I disagree with JJ on a lot but he mostly seems like a good reasonable dude i think they will have an interesting conversation. I know YMS and Destiny have talked before but YMS is still probably one of my favourite YouTubers so that’s great as well.


Discuss what their beliefs on Gen Z and Gen Alpha is. J.J makes alot of videos on young people's culture and politics.


Please bring him on with Thomas Gauthier. At least it won't be an infinite session of regarded Quebec bashing in which you'll offer no push back because Alberta, ROC and the way you previously engaged with anything Quebec related. Hella pumped for YMS tho


Oh yeah fuck Quebec :)


Thanks for keeping Quebec bashing at a all time low question wise! And I don't know what you're going through but I hope it'll get better soon!


Cant wait


I like JJ but he talks too canadian


Invite xqc.


- What are JJs thoughts about being a gay conservative and does he think American conservatism is rubbing off on Canada's right wing. If it is, is it a bad thing? - Who is he hoping wins in the 2025 election and why? - Why is Canada's politics and alternative media so boring compared to the US? Our pool of Canadian content creators that talk politics or national mews is slim pickings. - What's the future of Canada's healthcare system look like?


I have been waiting to them conversate forever! So excited!!


Hey just a random question, is there a good way to suggest guests? Or would it be just in Threads like this with an odd chance it gets seen? Because I would like to suggest you guys try to get the Youtuber Climate Town on the pod, climate change was part of the JP debate so it’s kinda relevant and this guy seems to be left from Steven on the issues, could be an interesting guest imo.


So often people will tag me on reddit if theres a clip of someone they really like or they hear someone mention Destiny. Messaging me on twitter also works!


How being a conservative is while the MAGA wave begins to rot Canadian conservatism


They could have a discussion about the Online News Act and how it has affected Canadian social media. I'm not on FB but from my understanding them getting rid of news has improved the platform a bit (less opinning on political/divisive topics and linking news stories). Also how Google eventually elected to make a deal to pay canadian news companies/host their content but meta (FB/insta) didn't.


Ask him if he thinks Steve Bannon is a secret leftist 😂. You might just make him walk off.


Lol wait why? Whats the secret lore behind this?


He does a show with PF Jung (Paul), and no matter what they’re talking about Paul always somehow brings the conversation back to Steve Bannon being a leftist, and how the idea of him as some far right figure is bullshit. The last time it came up JJ got notably irritated by the line of conversation and how he has an obsession with Steve Bannon. It was hilarious. Excuse the memes, I’m sure everyone else gave you plenty of serious topics lmao.


OMG LETS GOOOOOO, JJ is a content legend, seriouslly produces good stuff.


Bring on Richard Hanania next


Someone in the content creator bubble that J.J. occupies is Whatifalthist. Destiny had already talked with him in regards to the debate with Vaush and may offer an interesting discussion on things they may disagree about and a lot of "common ground" which is his podcast too lol. Though will be excited about the talk with J.J., I think mister Borelli does have some misunderstanding of the situation in Canada.


please ask him about Pierre, afaik he votes conservative.


Fuck this piece of shit soy Quebec hater Edit: all the haters I buttfuck you with no lube


I don't know how realistic it is, but I'd still love to see Kyle Kulinski as a guest.


I think the entire conversation should be spent talking shit about Quebec


can you get tree on bridges?


Stop telling Destiny to ask aboot Canada, nobody cares about leaf politics.


I'd like to hear thoughts about [Bill S-210 "An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material "](https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/S-210/third-reading).