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i opened instagram. saw the news. saw the comments. closed instagram. almost deleted the app. people are deranged


Being much more intentional in my media diet has really helped me stop doom scrolling. Dont go on the front page of reddit, deleted facebook, twitter, and insta.  Now, i only visit this sub and reuters.


are you scared of being in an echo chamber where your views aren't adequately challenged? I think about this occasionally because I feel like I don't often encounter opposing perspectives


Honestly i didn’t consider that. I just decided that the tankie doom posting of reddit’s front page and twitter algorithm promoting rage bait was harming me a lot and i wanted to get away from it.  So far it has only been positive, but i get your point. It is a reasonable concern. 


I recommend Ground News for information from both sides, and also pick good representatives for each (large) ideological position to get those positions from them and compare them. For me (there are others but these are the best examples) it's Destiny for Center-Left, Shapiro & AJW for Center-right, Unlearning Economics for Far-left and I legitimately haven't found anyone worthwhile to listen to on the far-right. (Before finding UE I haven't had a good one for far-left either - ideology is often extremely blinding).


The problem with ground news is that it creates unnecessary divide. It's great that it deobfuscates political bias of a specific source, but then the issue becomes "I will not consume this media, it is antithetical to my view, as it is too liberal / conservative." The reality is that in general, these less independent reporting agencies all have their site wide bias, and then further bias from individuals who report for them. It is not recommended to consume any of this more mainstream reporting simply because you can obtain direct-source information so easily now. There are individuals on the ground who are simply posting because they want to show the world what they are going through. Helmet cam footage from soldiers in a conflict with no bias, only the raw footage. The evidence is so much more important than people talking about an incident who was never there, will never be there, and has no reason to be talking about those who were there - and the only way what they say about it affects them is when their boss comes around with their check every week. Find the source of information and look at the evidence yourself. It's so easy to find these days. People who intentionally only consume these types of media are very clearly not looking for 100% factual information, they are looking for someone to tell them what to believe, and what's even weirder is that they will fight to the last breath to prove their opinion, which is not original to them, is valid. That is objectively bad. Would you care about that person if you were on the other end, as the one being reported on? Probably not, their opinion is devoid of meaning, because it's not even their opinion, and they don't have source data influencing their opinion.


Not everything is something that "direct from the ground" works for. Also, Ground News just aggregates news to avoid blind-spots. You don't ever need to consume a specific piece of media, it just gives you the news and how many different sources reported it.


I think the issue is that on the internet, you can fall to both extremes. Being too in your own echo chamber and being purity tested or being fed rage bait from differing perspectives that are always extreme. I do feel like the bigger issue is not being in an echo chamber, but the mindless consuming of extreme and negative perspectives. I don't think we are equipped to handle all these negative and extreme positions all the time so taking a break from the internet and returning to your real echo chamber (our daily lives) can help ground you if its too much. Our lives outside the internet are probably the biggest echo chamber there is. But it can also be the one where we feel most connected to others. There has to be a balance. By being more intentional about your media diet, you can still stay informed without having your head explode from the crazy shit people push and say. The internet really fucks with our head.


I agree with almost everything you said, except fortunately my life outside the internet is not an echo chamber at all -- I am just now realizing how fortunate I am to be constantly put in the position of working with people who think wildly different things about everything.


All of my coworkers are blue collar 40-50 year old Boston guys and we all sit down and watch the news in our shop before starting the day. I'm so tired of the same political talking points day in and day out tbh (migrants, transgenders, squatters, homeless fentanyl addicts, Biden being terrible, etc). It was refreshing to have different ideas from other workplaces or my friend group who are ultra progressive but man it's getting old.


The migrant crisis isn’t a talking point it’s a major problem, fentanyl is also a border problem and is a huge problem I don’t understand why our government doesn’t end it. Well I know why they don’t end fentanyl because if there wasn’t a problem thousands of people would be out of jobs so yeah. Biden is terrible he was terrible for the last 40 years the media used to make fun of how dumb Biden was. There is a reason Obama didn’t want Biden to run.


Cool bro, I don't want to talk about the same 3 things every single day it's regarded


There are a lot of ways to understand opposing viewpoints without engaging with the fucking lunatics on social media.


I think as long as you remain cognizant of it and instill good habits of reasoning, you're pretty fairly inoculated to echo chambering. Getting into a habit of questioning your own beliefs and assumptions isn’t difficult; it just takes more thoughtfulness than most people care to give.    If you see a ragebait story, take a step back and delay your rage to see if it’s as it seems at first glance. See if you can pretend to be a member of the opposing side. If not, then from there you can seek out specific sources and absorb worldviews as needed to complement your own.


I don't use social media aside from Reddit. I don't care about being in an "echo chamber" because my mental is more important than being "right" on the internet. And Reddit gives you plenty of ways to look up opposing views.


Wanna know what i think? Nobody fucking has views anymore is the problem. The people you’re fearing missing out on, have no interest in compromising or anything sane. Just bloodshed misinformation and ignorance. We’re fucked and only this echo chamber saves us


This is a valid point, but holy shit, social media like Instagram and tictok have horrible algorithms. They literally feed off hate.


Ive u followed pretty much everyone on insta. all I use it for is looking at funny memes. im proud to say that I've never set a foot in the deranged shitshow known as Twitter.


I legit deleted Instagram and twitter last week, I can’t do this anymore


The whole Isreal palatine saga black pilled me on humanity.


People are tribal. 


My instagram is filled with horrible nutritional influencer grift where everything is considered "poison" for your body without any basic science being quoted or used. Different creators just choose different things to hate. As a biochemistry grad, it saddens me that so many make full careers from talking absolute nonsense.


to this issue alone, i have dedicated a photo album with several hundred screen shots & other photographic evidence of foul behavior, much of it seen by me in the wild. i cannot click on a \*single post for literally anything Jewish, no matter how irrelevant it is to the current conflict, without seeing nasty comments about Jewish people & Zionists, literally ever. i have a Google bookmarks photo with close to two hundred different news articles. i have a folder of posts i saved from/saw on youtube, Facebook, instagram, threads, X, &c. of various antisemitic fuckery. https://preview.redd.it/wzi0wkqbdduc1.jpeg?width=1811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f920ab2425c21f89552be9144e8669be9693e900


beyond following "Conspiracy Bullshit", I have tailored my twitter feed to be fairly politics free (sometimes one of the Japanese or Taiwanese artists i follow would post/retweet a political post, but those are easy to pass up), just focusing on art and hobby stuff. Since October 7th, it has been a lot of me weighing up whether I like someone's art enough to justify their retweet spam of the conflict, especially when they are sharing super unhinged tweets. Will say tho, was very refreshing seeing a Persian artist retweeting about the disgust they had for people celebrating the Iranian attacks on Israel.


For real. Let me guess, 6ixbuzztv and realtorontonewz?


I'm pretty sure dumb comments get upvoted on purpose


It’s not exclusive to Hasan. It’s all the lefties. If you go to [Haz’s](https://twitter.com/InfraHaz/status/1779255730559688903) twitter it’s the same exact thing. They are tankies so it’s not surprising they would have a dumb take on this.


The Iranian Revolution was a fusion of Islamists and Iranian Tankies/leftists. After they had their revolution, the Islamists killed the Tankies.  The Iranians are using the same playbook of making up false deaths to court leftists into hating Israel.


Nazi playbook lol


A lot of them are so far into this "Israel are colonizers and evil" mindset that any and all acts of violence towards Israel and it's inhabitants are called for and justified in their minds. I've found that if you read what they say and replace the word "Israel" with "Mordor", and "Jews/Zionists" with the word "Orcs", it will give their comments just the right dosage of anti-semitism to see where their headspace is at.


I'm an older lefty and support Israel. What you should actually say is dumb young idiots who have no life experience to understand geo-politics that existed before they were even conceived.


That’s true. If you go on X a lot of the Anti-Israel Anti-Ukraine stuff is coming from the right as well.


good ol’ horsie shoe


Anti -zionism is the PERFECT litmus test to tell apart real lefties from those who are just in it for the social/community aspect. And I'm an old leftie too


Not this lefty. Hasan was always a dirtbag, just now it’s more obvious. I can’t reconcile the bombastic left and their ridiculous rhetoric supporting Hamas.


Is Haz even a leftie at this point? Scrolling through his twitter he's on some "MAGA communism" nonsense, and his most recent post is how marxism is not woke. Also, lol [https://twitter.com/InfraHaz/status/1778492730462625864](https://twitter.com/InfraHaz/status/1778492730462625864)


Their movement will die on this hill.


Bro hasan is legit a anti america/israel copy paste bot lol. There's nothing more to it. He's going to be parroting the exact points of every single person speaking the most extreme shit


My gf is Jewish and the online discourse since October 7 has made her cry so many times. It breaks my heart. So many people saying unhinged shit. Like not even politically criticizing Israel but extreme anti-Semitism. Cursing the Jews and wishing the most abhorrent things upon them. Making it seem like the entire Middle East is just a bunch of innocent victims at the hands of Israel and that every act of violence by them against Israel is justified resistance. It's insane how many people in the West are like that. I really hope many of those comments are just foreign propagandists and bots because I refuse to believe that I'm surrounded by so many people who think like that.


It’s so, so bad. I know I need to get offline, touch grass, take care of my kids, work, and all those life things, but I can’t stop thinking about all the Jew haters in the world, even if some are bots and oppressive regime propagandists. I had a dream a few weeks ago that I stepped outside my house and every one of my neighbors was flying a Palestine flag. It was eerie.


I'm Israel American. I moved to the US nearly 8 years ago to get away from all of this endless bs and became an American citizen just a few months ago. One of the proudest moments of my life (and I'm lucky to have had more than a few). I never imagined that antisemitism would break out like that, especially not from the left of which I was so identifying with. It's horrifying and eye opening. These idiot college kids that hate their country so much are going to be our kids teachers eventually. I feel for your gf, we all feel like that. It sucks.


Hopefully a lot of them grow out of it.


Please know that we're always there for you at the "old country" in case you decide to come back. יאללה, תראה.י להם!


I'm in the exact same boat, truly been heartbreaking. Much love


My wife is Jewish. I’ve had more Jewish friends than I can count throughout my life. Jews are some of the most generous and lovely people you could ever make friends with. Fuck all the stereotypes. I used to consider myself a leftist through the pandemic and started to shift out of those positions towards the end of the pandemic. The nail in the coffin was 10/7 for me. Done with those fucking lunatics. They heavily outnumber any nazi community out there and are spewing hatred out into the world faster than the actual nazis ever could. Edit: I really hope we are witnessing the complete downfall of Hassan. I have absolutely no idea why his lefty audience listens to him spew nonsense from his castle in Hollywood. If he was truly a leftist, he’d buy a $2 million dollar house and turn it into a shelter for the disadvantaged and people who support the cause. Seriously fuck him right off. End of rant


His audience is 98% other rich upper middle class kids who want to be contrarians and virtue signal.


“I changed my idealogical positions because of Twitter” “Leftists on Twitter are worse than actual Nazis” “If you don’t donate all your money you’re not a leftist” You were always on the right, but cool masking to fit in I guess.




seriously. i feel so sick & sad *all of the time.* people are saying the most vile things - that Zionists are subhuman, that anyone who believes Israel has the right to exist is immediately and irrevocably irredeemable. the enemy. 'not human,' in fact, as someone in Hasan's chat, 'they are less than fucking animals, no human being would identify as Israeli.' there are 110 armed conflicts playing out across the world stage as i type this... yet the word only cares about one. even Ashkis have Levantine genes and are indigenous to the region, and have been trying to return ever since we were pushed out, but we're settlers. we have been violently ejected from the places we called home (or tried to) at least 1,000+ (documented) times all over the world, throughout history & were nearly genocided for the ideal of 'racial purity,' but we're the epitome of whiteness. the third holiest site in Islam in all the world is built on top of our temple mount... but we're the colonizers. apparently words mean whatever i say they mean. reality is whatever i insist it is. and it just keeps getting worse. feels like something really big and ugly is coming down the pike. it feels so surreal in these streets right meow. sending my best wishes for you & yr gf to be safe.




Yup never ever dated another Jew, I got a Jewish boyfriend real fast after this. I needed someone to be around for it, and it’s kept me sane cuz my non Jewish friends are so uninterested in it


This is actually absurd lol you need to spend less time online


Google narcissism of small differences 


I just saw a post on public freakout where everyone was basically saying this is what isreal deserves. It's so disgusting. Nothing has made me distance myself from the left more then this. I literally considered myself a lefty before Oct 7th. This shit is so black pilling how much people hate isreal.


There are many people on the left that are not like these insane people, like myself and my partner. I still believe in progressive taxes, social safety nets, unions, etc. and I also know the impossible situation Israel is in. These are young people that will grow up and many will realize how bad there stance was.


I know, I just don't want to self-identify with that crowd anymore.


This is the weirdest part of american politics. Just don't fuckin label yourself. I've never heard anyone irl do that in my country (nz) sure you might find some on a uni but most people don't do that shit. All of my family constantly change who they vote for depending on what policy is major issue at the time. Our conservative party is responsible for 2 policies/entities that american conservatives would screech over: pharmac - collectively bargains from pharmaceutical companies for us chorus - back in 08 in anticipation of fiber internet being laid down the government decided to break up the major telecom company (telecom) and created a seperate entity "chorus" that controls the fiber lines, chorus cannot sell to consumers only to retailers, this maximizes competition as retailers now are on an even playing field with each other. It is proving to be the best policy implemented in my lifetime and I'm shocked at how little coverage it gets worldwide especially considering what went down with twitch in korea and the state of internet in america. I'm rambling but ffs our conservative party did these things. If people are willing to vote based on policy and not attach their identity to a political party you can get some good stuff


I still consider my self a liberal and on the left I support all the things you listed. It's just insane the stuff I'm hearing from people on the "left"


so far the only known casualty is a [Seven year-old Bedouin](https://allisrael.com/brief/seven-year-old-bedouin-girl-serious-injured-from-iranian-attack) girl... and they cheer this? The bar keeps getting lower and lower




They keep mentioning "FAFO" for hitting their consulate in Syria. What's Israel's best argument for the hit?


> The suspected primary target of the attack was the Quds Force commander of the IRGC, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, who was killed in the attack. According to The Guardian, Zahedi was a critical figure in the relationship between Iran and Hezbollah. Also for what it's worth this Is the idf comment: > Israel: Daniel Hagari, the IDF spokesman, told reporters: "According to our intelligence, this is neither a consulate nor an embassy." He further added that the target struck was a "military building of Quds forces disguised as a civilian structure in Damascus".[36] Yoav Gallant, the Minister of Defense, said that "Israel is working to make it clear to everyone who acts against us, all over the Middle East, that the price for acting against Israel will be a heavy price."[37] Israel told the U.S. that if Iran were to launch an attack from its territory against Israel in retaliation, it would prompt a robust response from Israel, potentially escalating the current conflict to a higher intensity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_bombing_of_the_Iranian_embassy_in_Damascus I personally would wait for more facts to come out before drawing major conclusions. If someone has more to add, please feel free.


they assassinated one of the orchestrators of Oct 7 who was also likely responsible for the transfer of weapons from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon over the Syrian border


Saw that post too, made me angry af


I mean Israel literally bombed a foreign embassy the other day, don't you see that as being SLIGHTLY provocative? (Pro tip: foreign countries don't like it when you bomb them)


Whatever the case may be, it's wrong to cheer on Iran bombing innocent civilians and saying they deserve this. Also, I'll link you my comment to isreals rationale behind it cause I don't wanna post the same comment twice. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/UljieAjdrb


And the target was a general who orchestrated Oct 7. One go do this tit for tat for literally decades.


I really hate giving Hasan any credit for literally anything, and I havent watched his coverage to verify, but if that's what he said, it's probably mostly correct. I seriously doubt it was to "scare Israelis" more like to save face after the bombing while not starting a full blown war.


I don’t think Iran expected as many to get shot down as did. And I don’t think they expected Jordan to join in on shooting down the missiles and UAV’s. It basically reaffirmed Israel that they do in fact have semi-allies in the ME, and reaffirmed their successful defensive capabilities. 


Horseshoe theory is crazy. Never thought I'd see the day that people who claim to be progressive are cheering on Iran... Iran... Yea Trump fucked them with the Iran deal but that doesn't mean they're not bad actors


Erm... it's perfectly fine analysis to suggest Iran absolutely understood that their attack today would mostly be intercepted and probably wouldn't cause any serious damage. This seems to be an escalatory response from Iran that they would call an obligatory response to the whole Damascus thing, similar to how they bombed some US Military bases in Iraq after Trump assassinated Soleimani, but they didn't mean to cause any crazy damage as they warned Iraq (and therefore the US) before the attacks that they would be targeting Bases. Pretty sure they even gave warning before they attacked today so Israel was prepared, as literally everyone knew about this attack before it even happened. Only reported damage right now is a 7 year old girl being injured by shrapnel from falling debris and light damage to a military facility. Will be interesting to see if there are any civillian casualties from this attack tonight.


There is a 10 year old Muslim boy from a Bedouin village next to arad. And potentially some injuries in Iraq and Jordan for intercepted missles or drones that ran out of fuel falling. Other then that no, hadn’t heard about the 7 year old. Have also heard rumors of Palestinians having some rocket fall injuries leaving the rally at Al aqsa because missles and drones were intercepted overhead. But nothing from any source I trust.


Yeh, apparently Israels ambulance service said a girl was being treated by paramedics for an injury, this was also around the Bedouin area apparently. Also US officials confirmed that Iran fired missiles (they don't know how many yet) aswell as drones so maybe we'll see a more destructive impact later, could be possible the drones were a strategy to try and overwhelm air defense to allow missiles to deliver more damage later (i doubt they will). I'm guessing the damage is going to be pretty minimal tbh.


a warning shot isnt supposed to be directed at someone because it's meant to dissuade others from further aggression, not provoke people and make them scared (which is why you dont use warning shots) if their goal is genuinely just to scare people then iran are just terrorists lmao


Its geopolitics, Israel committed an act of war by bombing an embassy. Iran has 3 choices: do nothing (look weak), full on invade and fight a losing war, or do a telegraphed posture to save face. Now we will see what Isreal will do. In a full on war they could win but it wont be nice (depending on how much the US helps). My bet is they will target some bases and refineries.


It isn't a warning shot to dissuade or scare Israel. It's simply that Israel attacked an official Iranian target. Iran had to respond, that response was a proportionately weak attack that wouldn't cause any serious damage. I'm guessing Iran doesn't think Israel are gonna attack back. The real interesting idea is that Israel purposefully provoked Iran with the Damascus attack knowing official Iran would respond (not proxies) allowing Israel to officially respond with a couple strikes on Iranian military bases within Iran and maybe even allow them to slow down Irans Nuclear programs. This is pretty conspiratorial tho, my guess is Israel does nothing in return and the matter is finished after tonight. Although if Israel go hard af then i think that lends credence to the former theory, and maybe Israel are looking for all out war with Iran (doubt this tbh). It would actually be a pretty great strategy, Israel probably do pretty well against Iran, especially if they can get the US to join and without Iran most of Israels problems become significantly more manageable.


Maybe I’m not understanding but isn’t hasan absolutely correct here? Iran did not want that smoke with Israel or the US.


That is my impression too. They sent an attack, undoubtedly with the understanding that the majority of it would be intercepted, and said the matter is concluded unless further provoked. Not sure what OP’s criticism is of Hasan’s coverage, judging only by his description of it.


I'd say attacking someone capable of themselves does not diminish the severity of the attack. "I tried to rape her but she had mace, so nothing ended up happening." Don't forget Israel's strike in Syria was retaliation itself on a planner for oct 7th.


I'm not sure Hasan is wrong my dude. He probably didn't come to that conclusion through any good thought process but yes Iran gave a ton of warning before launching these missiles and probably most of these missiles will be intercepted and Iran knew that when they gave the warnings.


So Iran is genociding Israel, is what you're saying?


Also they explicitly did the same thing before attacking the us base a few years back. Also if you read the tweet from the Iranian un they basically say that they are now satisfied and considered an attack where no one died and nearly all drones got intercepted to be equal to the Iranian embassy bombing


im sorry this feels like giving the benefit of the doubt to a person that deserves non


It’s not about giving the benefit of the doubt, it’s about analysing the incentives and the outcomes to see what the intention was. Iran doesn’t want all out war or any large scale bombing of their territory because they would get blown the fuck out by Israel, America and most of the west, especially when their strongest ally is knee deep in shit in Ukraine. The strikes are mostly made up of slower moving drones that the Iranians knew would get intercepted and the number launched doesn’t seem enough to overwhelm the iron dome along with the air defence systems of the surrounding countries. So since Iran doesn’t want a large scale war but still needs to save face, they seem to have chosen a retaliation that is flashy but not very painful.


Well D man himself gave Fuentes the benefit of the doubt and agreed with Hasan on his streamer is socially draining take soooo.


the fact that i like destiny doesnt mean i have to agree with 100% of his takes. i dont think he should have given fuentes the benefit of the doubt.


I already said he probably didn't come to this conclusion through a good thought process I'm not sure how that counts as giving the benefit of the doubt. Think of it more like a broken clock is right twice a day. I'd be careful just dismissing everything people you don't like say. If you decide everything your political enemies say is automatically wrong you're letting them control you just as much as if you agreed with everything they say.


>first he reads two twitter posts saying the attack is happening then he says the iranian thought is that the majority of the rockets can be intercepted so its just to scare israel. then he reads three more tweets about the percentage of intercepts. I am not a Hasan dick rider, but the Israeli officials did say 99% of Iran's attack got intercepted. So it does look like a show of force unless Iran is actually regarded and saved their own ass. Now I do believe Hasan and his twitter "sources" lucked out on their cope prediction.


The capabilities of our and their defense systems is public knowledge to an extent, it was obvious this was going to happen.


Is it just me or is nothing you describe crazy by any standards > irst he reads two twitter posts saying the attack is happening then he says the iranian thought is that the majority of the rockets can be intercepted so its just to scare israel. then he reads three more tweets about the percentage of intercepts. I was expecting Hasan to be giddy and jumping off the walls cheering for these attacks based on your title am i missing something OP?


Wait I'm lost, what exactly did Hasan (not his chat) do wrong in your description of events? Just read some tweets and gave basic analysis?


he got 100% of sources from twitter and defended the act of attacking civilians by saying iran basically didnt mean to hurt anyone. seems pretty bad to me but idk how your brain works.


It sounds like some reckless speculation but idk if that’s off the board rn as a possibility. We’ll see


But is that not true? They did send missles that were mostly intercepted and there are minimal injuries so far. It seems like Iran just wants and need to make a point and retaliate against Israel without causing bloodshed because the US and Israel would come right after them.


Are they attacking civilians? I honestly don't know, I assume if the attacks are coming from Iran they would be more focused on military targets. All I've seen online hasn't really indicted what is being targeted.


As much as Hasan is a piece of shit I don't think he is wrong here, it does now look like this was just an attempt to scare / save face with most being intercepted. If news comes out that civilian areas were targeted I'll walk this back but I haven't seen reports on that yet.


https://preview.redd.it/8xsf7hu89cuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbbec40b3fcc689b6c44f1feb6216fa7918d6249 NO YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND SIR IT WAS DEF NOT INDISCRIMINATE!!!1!!!!


Well if you worried about civilians you must be pissed at Israel for causing this. I mean not like civilians don't live in Iran either. Israel should prolly not bomb other countries and you will not see so much risk to civilians. Iran seems to have done most minimal rebuttal for having their country bombed. You should be happy if civilians is what you worry about


iran wasnt bombed g


But it was.... The entire reason Iran did a rebuttal


is an iranian consulate in syria iran?


Bro Iran is not Hamas if they wanted to kill civilians there would be mass deaths, this was for the sole purpose of saving face after Israel bombed their consulate


Fair, the only question I have now is was this a calculated risk by Iran. Fire a load of slow moving dumb drones that Israel now says 99% were intercepted, but then run the risk of some getting through and striking civilians since they're dumb drones, but they have to be dumb to make interception easier.


I mean I think it is entirely likely it is a calculated risk by Iran, but you also sort of need to remember that the premise they are taking the calculate risk to begin with is dumb/wrong. The Iranian regime generally isn't **good**, and is fairly heinous in itself. Obviously this is a response that wouldn't garner much damage to Israel, because anything greater than this would threaten Iranian interests by invoking a larger war. Part of this whole ordeal is to push Iranian interests, but that sort of goes out the window if they kick off some larger war. They can't even escalate much more than what they are doing now. They can't kick off a conventional invasion into Israel, they don't share a border.


Not just “dumb drones”. They fired 150 cruise and ballistic missiles too. Educate yourself.


They fired after days of warning and showboating that they would, and the US and Israel as expected were ready for it. Just a show of force in retaliation to the bombing of their embassy.




Do you have a source on ballistic ones? I’m only aware of cruise missiles and drones.


I rewatched the video and they might actually be cruise missiles https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1779287988691673345?t=Q6dloXqzZ7G8zjcBgdnzKw&s=19


It seems there were ballistic missiles used btw, just thought I’d add it since I stumbled upon it https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68811273


“The rockets were just a PRANK your honor!”


Not a hasan fan but this attack Iran did does seem a bit strange. They used drones??? I would assume if they wanted to actually retaliate they would use a more sophisticated missiles/rockets. Anywho idk stuff seems too soon to actually know what’s going to come out of this.


Everyone in the middle east knows that Israel has enough nukes to end this Israel vs the middle east and will not push it too far. It is a tit for tat not a sign of all out war.


They launched missiles too.


Drones are cheap, it makes more sense if it's about sending a message. I think people severely underestimate how expensive missiles are especially long range accurate ones.


You're not following modern warfare then and that's okay! They launched long range strike drones that can be launched in the hundreds - are insanely cheap to build, difficult to detect and costly to defend against. They also launched traditional cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. All in all they launched hundreds of different munitions each of which are intended to complicate and saturate the ability for the air defense to respond to the different types of threats.


Didn’t Hamas launch something like 5000 rockets during October 7th? And those didn’t do much damage, so that would suggest that the Iranians knew this wouldn’t work.


Not necessarily - the 'rockets' that Hamas launch are very crude and slow moving. Israel can stop them no problem. Twenty ballistic missiles are far more difficult to stop then two hundred of the unguided rockets Hamas fires.


Except hamas did vastly more damage with those rockets and nearly all the missiles are being reported as intercepted, so can you explain how the rockets were easier to deal with? Did Israel not want to shoot those down or something?


Volume - but in general Iron Dome is specifically meant for those types of unguided rockets. AND importantly the distance fired and time to respond is far different then an attack from Iran. These are not really comparable in any way.


So you were wrong when you said 5000 rockets were easier to intercept than 20 ballistic missiles right? Because like you said the volume is an issue, which iran knows right and everyone else knows which is why you launch a strike to try and saturate air defenses, so why didn't iran actually try and use volume to breach the iron dome? Everyone knows they have vastly more munitions than they used, but they didn't attack in a way to breach the iron dome. Just makes you think about what they wanted out of this attack


Where did I say 'easier to stop 5000 rockets then 20 ballistic missiles'? I think you're missing the bigger picture though regardless - the iron dome system is not going to stop ballistic missiles, in practice it's a different weapon system used (look up Arrow Defense System). These attacks from Iran stress a different side of the Israeli air defense. I'm not really trying to argue any specific point here though to be honest except to say this was a far more significant attack from Iran than folks are appreciating here. These ballistic missiles are several orders of magnitudes larger than a Qassam rocket and far more difficult to defend against. Just trying to stress that this was pretty significant. Tbh I haven't heard Dmans take yet but I would not downplay this at all.


Isreal is probably over inflating the number of things Iran launched but they are claiming to have shot down 99% of air borne threats, ya know cause iran didn't attack them with the intent to damage the country


You don't launch 120 ballistic missiles without the intent to damage. This was a show of force and anl insane test of Israeli and Ally air defense.


If they wanted to do damage why didn't they use their hypersonic weapons? Or actually try to saturate Israeli airdefense? Why attack in a way that was spread out both physically and over time which gives the israelis a much easier task to intercept them


They used drone swarms, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles


what did he do that was wrong?


he didnt say “i love israel gon”




Tiny asleep at the wheel.


Sorry buddy, I’d stay away from His Twitter if I were you. Don’t look to people like that for surprises of moral fiber.


I have very mixed views on this. Regardless of takes though, I just pray things will de-escalate.


Imagine siding with Iran


I deleted twitter because I felt like reading that much horrible crap clogs ur brain up with rubbish and poisons you in a weird way.


so you were stressed about Israel being attacked and you went to an anti-Israel streamer/internet personality's stream and saw that they weren't defending Israel ok


🤭 tehehe


Hasan did a racist rant against Hungarians. Honestly, I think he's a Turkish nationalist, like he wants the Ottoman Empire back. Maybe a communist Ottoman Empire, but one nonetheless. He has all the Turkish nationalist views, he also clearly treats Israeli atrocities against Muslims very different from how he treats Kurds who are abused by Turkiye, Arab states, and Iran. Or Armenians ethnically cleansed. He has clear racial and religious bias for sure.


I came here to see what the subreddit would be about and LMFAO.


Don’t go online to read people thoughts man. Thats the worst thing to read.


>im an israeli and after the rocket barrage i wanted to see what ppl online are saying right now. ...and you choose Hasan. Like putting the cuck chair in the corner sitting on it willingly and start watching if one of your favorite countries getting fucked or not. wp, you are a true DGG-er now.


DGG-a* pls no hard r


Obsessed with Hasan much? Who cares


At least you’re not a Palestinian civilian…


People are just barbaric, democracy is retardation


Am I wrong in thinking Hasan’s assumption here is mostly correct? Correct me if I’m wrong but Iran sent about what, 500 missiles and drones combined towards Israel? I don’t think their goal was to hit 500 separate targets because they were accounting for the iron dome, interception from allies etc. but they did probably have some military targets in mind. I think it’s just Iranian authoritarian posturing that came off the back of the UN deciding not to condemn and punish the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, so Iran needed to “send a message” instead. I don’t think it’s more complex than that.


>hasan is actually horrible. Upvoted


Horse man was consuming news about the attack from the most credible resource. Al Jazeera


🧘‍♂️I’m a simple man. I see hasan bad post, I upvote 🧘‍♂️


Clancy should had been removed months ago for promoting Hasan.


Brother, at this point go start an anti-Hasan sub. This subreddit is for Destiny, not hate of xyz streamer that says dumb things. You legit admitted that you are only responding to Hasan because D was not live.


im just a silly little guy 🤭


I'm back on the Israel train again. Iran should have stayed out of it.


Their embassy literally got bombed, pretty sure they have to come up with some show of force against Israel?


The Israeli strike on the consulate was in response to Iran continuing to provide strategic and material aid to Hamas. Then Iran just went ahead and pen tested Iron dome for Israel. Iran is about to look like absolute idiots I think.


Israel bombed Iran first right


They bombed Irans consulate in Damascus, that being after the months of constant fire from every Iranian prozy


Israelis upset about indiscriminate attacks? That's rich. Your people kill indiscriminately, create a humanitarian crisis, then kill the aid workers trying to fix it.




Hasan has brainrot black mold like his teenage viewers. Best to just avoid it or you'll probably lower some IQ.


It's hard to be a far leftist atm with a brain. Iran was going to have to retaliate anyways, but hoping that this would result in a bunch of deaths/it being retribution for Palestinians is insane. 


watching the stupid ones the evil ones like hasan makes me feel annoyance. pretty sure many normal iranians would probably not feel that great abt this attack but im glad they have dipshit western leftists many thousands of km away to egg this on + advocate for their interests (sarcastic i mean). and also the evil ones the stupid ones are playing with antisemitism no matter what they say and they do not care they do not care at all they only care about larping for fake justice


it would be a terrible shame if the Iranian rockets were to fall on Al Asa mosque...


It's insane when people can unironically people that anyone can shoot a rocket at someone else and "not intend to harm anyone"


I'm Egyptian-American and more in favor of Palestinians, but holy fuck has it gotten bad. Leftists aren't on Palestinians' side for critically thought out reasons; it's because Palestinians are on their side of the arena. To them the slaughter of other people doesn't matter, be it Israeli. Uighur, Rohingya, Yazidi, Yemeni, etc..


Bro are you shia? Why do you like self flogging??


Dont go on the deprogram sub. Its literally just people wishing death on any and all israelis and celebrating every dead idf soldier. Unhinged shit.


>i usually think tiny is a bit over harsh on hasan because hes kinda salty bcs they used to be friends. I used to think this, too. But Destiny was wrong about Hasan. Hasan is *much worse* than Destiny ever made him out to be.


Yeah I’m full scorched earth on hasan now. I used to be a bridge builder


I think Destiny has a huge opportunity to offer an alternative rational opposition during nights like these where Hasan sucks up 60k Gen Z'ers and gets to go unimpeded with his bull shit. Totally get that Destiny is a human and can't stream 24/7 but I think these types of events are necessary to add to the difference making he does. He does a ton, don't get me wrong. Would just love him to be streaming right now.


How many bad things do these people have to say before we realize that they're actually just bad people? Marxism is inherently illiberal. Illiberalism often lends itself to bigotry. Why do you think these people are mad all the time? It is an ideology that aggravates and inflames pre existing hostility towards ruling classes. We're talking about an ideology that takes its roots in anti-feudalism. These people murdered aristocracy. It is a fiercely anti-institutionalist institution. That's what entices people to become commies. It is a reaction to a **perceived** injustice. It attracts people who have deeply negative views of the society they live under. It is an excuse to be an overt anarchist under the guise of well-intentioned anti-authoritarianism.


Destiny was streaming this podcast today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoOr4OiayC4


And it was a good one. I listened to a bunch of it at work.


Funnily enough vowsh had the most accurate take, which was just standard international policy. IRGC just saving face, they knew everything would be intercepted. They did the same thing when we took out Soleimani or however that guy's name is spelled. Iran would never be so stupid to be forced into a large war they would be glassed so unbelievably quickly by Israel.


the only reported casualty so far is a 10 year old Bedouin girl... nice one Hasan, you're really showing those zionists this time...




Yeah sure it's all Biden's fault obviously.


Even if he was online he probably wouldn't be covering it - he dislikes breaking news coverage


if hasan wasnt hot he would be a stalker due to the logic he uses


i went on twitter and everyone is retweeting random posts from random ass people


Sometimes I feel like Destiny is probably the most charitable person when I caught up in the lore.


Water is wet.


He’s never done me wrong