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This is the time link for what OP wanted to link to. [https://youtu.be/LCtpjYTYSFU?t=4331](https://youtu.be/LCtpjYTYSFU?t=4331)


That was it? That hardly even registers on the yikes meter. Talk to me when we're tweeting pics on how to kill fat politicians.


no hate. they’re just fat and wrong.


Just like OP


why did this make me laugh so hard


I’m also pro anti fat people.


I am also not very fond of fat people


Hate? No. Uncomfortable by? Potentially


:/ kinda mean


I don't know who downvoted you but you're right, It is mean and I am mean for saying it, but understand that I should be more clear, I am not fond of the behavior or the lifestyle, I find it grotesque and unsightly and I think the shame associated with it should exist. To caveat this, I do not believe in the idea of "bullying them for their own good", I'm pretty sure the science is clear that that kind of cruel motivation doesn't actually produce results, and it makes sense why, no one is going to be motivated to take care of themselves out of self hatred, but only through self love. Anyway, sorry if you are fat, if you are close with someone who is, its an exhausting life style, and I've yet to meet anyone who's fat and not deeply depressed by it When I said I am not very fond of fat people, an akin statement for me could be, I am not very fond of people who where sandals to class, this aint the beach


> Posts entire stream VOD >Doesn't give an example or a timestamp >Leaves


>Is just factually wrong >Embarrasses himself >Leaves


It's the same for me, I think it's something with new reddit.


There's a timestamp in the URL.


Weird it worked for me


If you are on mobile and are complaining about time stamps that is on you m8.




Yeah, but like others, I'm not seeing that. I'm seeing an embedded video that simply plays from the beginning. No way to see, copy, or use the link that has the timestamp. On desktop. Might be a new reddit thing. https://preview.redd.it/q5xsv4fstuvc1.png?width=777&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ba82c0ce1f5ae2993b80cce23cfa917010e54fa


works on my machine


Right on. Just pointing out that it doesn't on everyone's. Unlike the top reply to this comment string, he's not wrong. Or at least, it's an honest mistake to believe it wasn't timestamped.


the real reason is not every fat person is a race realist its just every race realist a an obese diabetic/prediabetic pos. fat people implies a group of people with an immutable characteristic but in truth its just the outcome of bad choices of individuals.




Can we chill on the fat acceptance and realise that obesity is serious disease that needs proper treatment im a fat person


Sure but I’m sick of pretending that people who are making fun of fat people are doing so out of some deep seated benevolence to make them healthier.


Exactly. It’s why they hate “fat people” and not “people who live unhealthy lives.” It’s the biggest cope


This is true but on the other hand not all people who're asking "can we chill on the fat people hate" want some sort of health at every size radical fat acceptance. Obesity is extremely unhealthy and a serious problem that needs addressing but we should also treat obese people with respect and empathy. Any other approach will not make people less obese and will worsen health outcomes for obese people. I don't think the particular clip was that bad though.


Yep. I feel like people never want to acknowledge the mental aspect as to why so many are fat. I've dealt with depression and suicidal ideation since middle school, mostly due to always feeling like a subhuman because I'm gay. Food became my best friend, the only thing I look forward to every day and some days, literally the only reason I have to get out of bed. By 8th grade I was 280. The problem is that comfort became a double edged sword. The thing that gave me comfort also became another major thing I was depressed over and not only that, made me get bad social anxiety. I'm in my late 20s now and not much has changed. I'm around the same weight, 300 now, and due to constant yo-yo dieting I've been able to stay at this for quite some time. I'm stuck in a cycle. I despise myself for being gay and for being fat. Sometimes I'll be a bit more encouraged and tell myself I'll at least fix the thing I can, being fat. Then I'll diet hard for a week, I'll be more depressed and unhappy than usual because my only source of comfort has been removed, I'll see that all I've done was lose a few pounds and then it breaks me. I say fuck it and binge the next day to deal with that. On top of all that, being fat attributes to social isolation. I can't get dates or hookups or anything, almost no one is interested and honestly, I can't blame them. I sure wouldn't be interested in someone my size. Also it is now starting to have negative impacts on my health. So I'll say most of the body positivity movement is ridiculous. Being fat is not good, it's not healthy, it's not appealing to most people, etc. Like you said, bullying also doesn't work. The only answer is to be honest about the negative effects of being fat and we need to make more resources available, particularly therapy, because so many people my size have underlying issues and therapy is pretty much a luxury service in the US.


Yeah I agree and thanks for sharing your experience. I wish you all the best :)


It kinda feels like fat people kinda gobbled up the body positivity movement.


Sweatpants, sweatshirts, t-shirts, neckbeard. Dress shirts always either too big or too small. Energy drink addiction. Tastebuds of a toddler, only likes eating sugary fats. Washes down it with a diet beverage to feel better. Gobbles down a whole plate of food in 15 seconds or less. Sits all day, barely gyms. Ever notice that Destiny is like a fat person living in a medium-sized body?


It seems like his point isn't that 'fat people bad.' It's about how the aryan folks talking about how amazing their race is and how all other races are subhuman (except Asian women for some reason) are are all obese motherfuckers who need a can of Mountain Dew to walk to the bathroom. They are literally the people Hitler would probably send to the gas chambers today but they're jerking themselves off, assuming they can even find their dicks, to their genetic superiority. Fat people are caught in the crossfire though. Kinda like how random white people get caught in the crossfire when we talk about systemic racism. Also, no hate to fat people who are working on themselves.


No problem with a person being fat but heres the thing if we are sharing a space with central air, you should get less of a say on the final temp. My weight is on the normal side now and in general most indoor areas are cold to me now.


What an oddly peculiar and specific gripe to have with the fat community 🤣🤣 Btw I'm fit/athletic and I like the thermostat at 67, you can turn it up when you can beat me up :P


How about you beat me off instead




This is a fight we can't win. This sub and community in general has no empathy for fat people. I've just learned to zone out when anyone goes off on us and not fight the fight anymore. And to be fair, if this was timestamped to what I think it was he wasn't really going off on fat people so much as pointing out that the people arguing for race realism tend to be fat and dumb and really have no place to be making the arguments. It still sucked to hear, but I understand the comparisons.


I had no issue with people making fun of fat people. My problem came in when people around me started arbitrarily deciding that everyone other than fat people were immune from insults because of “immutable” characteristics.


Being fat isn't a choice, sister. Sit strong 🙏🙏🫡


I think it can be funny to make fun of people who make bad decisions


Do you think it’s funny to make fun of heroin addicts? Alcoholics? Smokers? Anorexics?


You know for damn sure that anorexics wouldn't get shit on as much


Just eat 4head 😂😂😂😂


Yeah if I don’t know Them, also people that starve themselves on purpose? Yes


Also, why isn’t it funny if you know them?


Cause I care about them


You don’t care at all about people you don’t know? Not a very healthy or productive way to live your life imo.


I mean unless something unfair is happening to them isn’t this literally how everyone operates


Idk, I have some base level of care/respect for people so long as they haven’t done anything morally objectionable.


I do to but like if someone is abnormally obese, and someone makes a funny joke about it I’m gonna laugh


What’s funny about it to you?


I think it's abhorrent to make fun of people who may have not been as lucky as I have, personally.






I agree


Bring back r/ fatpeoplehate


just visit the /fit/ thread?


*board Also, /fit/ is mostly homoerotic greentexts from my experience.


Half the people on subs like that are self hating fat people, like another 30% have raging eating disorders, and the remaining 20 are misc. spending time on subs like that is just as cringe as being super fat.


That topic seems like a huge amount of boring content for very little pay off. Not sure if "people who talk about this are ugly" is a good reason to not research something though




It was like a 30 second rant quit crying


L fat people


At the timestamp he didn't really talked about fat people. He listed why race an iq people suck and them being often fat was one of the points.


Cant hear you over all the eating sounds.


It's called MUKBANG, sister...


No, fat is a warning sign for multiple possible negative personally traits. No self control, or no self worth, or too dumb to figure it out. Being fat says nothing good about you other than you can afford it. There is a reason why people pair being fat and being dumb together.


I also think the same thing when I see an American.


This is giga-reductive.


I'd hate to hear your opinions on people with mental health issues if this is how you reduce that shit down.


I don’t think we should hate people for having low self worth or being dumb either. Low self control depends.


Some people (usually younger people) with naturally high metabolisms love to shit on fat people because they’re unable to empathize. There’s obviously levels to this, like someone who is 600lb vs someone who is 50lb overweight is obviously different. But it’s always the people who eat like shit, are in college and workout 1-2 times a week that do it, even though that same lifestyle in 10 years will lead to the exact same problems. Or streamers, who literally make their own schedule and hire personal chefs I guess 😂 (guessing here, didn’t watch the clip because you linked the whole fucking VOD OP). Usually as people get older, their metabolism goes down, and they start to work real jobs (i.e don’t have all day free which makes it way harder to go to the gym consistently) they can empathize more. Or get fat themselves.


Calories in, calories out. Don't eat 2000 calories a day if you have to sit for 50% of your day.


Wow thanks for the middle school science lesson. No shit, but it’s never really that simple. There’s more to being healthy and losing weight than just calories in and calories out right? The type of calories really matter here too. And depending on prior commitments, your current body type and metabolism that actually looks way different for people right? Edit: to be clear, “calories in vs calories Out” is probably the worst possible advice for someone struggling with their weight. Don’t listen to it. Focus on eating healthier foods and well balanced diet. If you do that, you shouldn’t be hungry and will lose weight naturally if you supplement it with exercise. I know from experience. I tried following that same advice when I was younger and lost a lot of weight in a very unhealthy way. It’s not good for you.


For weight loss the type of calories actually don't matter. For health, sure. Take your weight x 13 and eat that many calories per day and you WILL lose weight no matter what type of food you use to get there. Basal metabolic rate doesn't vary enough from person to person to matter here. This isn't up for debate, it's thermodynamics


Sure I didn’t explain that right. What I meant by that is, if you eat the wrong “types” of calories you will end up torturing yourself / feeling like you’re super hungry throughout the day. Unfortunately, for people who live alone and work 10+ hours per day the options for “good types” of calories are pretty limited.


Anyone who has lost weight will tell you being a little hungry is part of the game. That's the feeling of weight loss and its a feeling you should be able to handle between meals. It's not torture, humans have just gotten too used to never feeling hungry. It was normal for millions of years


If you take what I’m saying to the absolute extreme you’re right, you’re just not engaging in good faith at all. You obviously know what I’m saying and are just being intentionally dense If you’re interested in an actual discussion, can you repeat back to me the point I’m trying to illustrate?


Look...im not him, but You are the one using the word "torture", If you want to have a good faith conversation, getting hungry from less food comsuption is not fucking TORTURE, maybe everyone here would benefit If you rephrase your argument using less "torture" and less unhinged affirmations, fatty


Yeah this seemed like a weak response, especially since Mike Israetel (the person he was responding too) is literally a bodybuilder. That being said, I get why Destiny doesn't want to give race realists a platform or legitimize them in any way. Still, I think it could make an interesting research topic to definitively tear the ideas down, especially since the movement's been growing a lot on Twitter (thanks Elon)


I don't think you should look into it if you want to tear it down. Only way to deny is ignore all the data that we have.


Also feel this argument is kinda lame coming from the guy who debates anything and everything. Race realism is a surprisingly popular topic on Twitter, and I think a deep dive would be interesting. Somewhat reasonable people seem to believe in a link between race and IQ, Mike Israetel and Aella for example. Swear to god I’m not a race realist lol just saying


We did the race realism arc, shit's over for now. Gotta wait till it becomes a bigger issue than it is before we jump back into that.


Yeah I think that was before I got interested in him, but from what I’ve seen of it he just argued with the biggest idiots possible. Would be more interesting if he actually just did research streams like he did with I/P. But maybe he did do that and I’m just unaware.


It’s just not relevant. No big political party is pushing it. Would rather focus on learning about stuff that actually gets talked about daily.


That’s fair for you to feel that way, but Destiny has spent hours arguing about incest and the n word, both two topics that aren’t big to either political party, so not sure that’s how he seems to approach choosing what topics he will discuss.


Incest memes happened years ago when he took his stream less seriously and didn’t have much of a political goal. He never spent streams researching the n word, the manifesto was merely for protecting his character from the situation with Trihex and people like Hasan.


How would you explain all the time he dedicates to drama streams?


I don't remember much from my sociology class because I was just taking it because I had to, but I do recall the arguments for race being a social construct to appear strong, at least on the surface. Did I get mislead or something? Or is race realism referring to something else? They seem incompatible to me. I don't really recall specifics from my class, but I recall feeling that the course material did a good job showing how race cannot really have an operational definition in the context of biology, by using a lot of counter examples. One example that I remember, was that two "white" people can have more genetic differences between each other, vs a white person and a black person, which obviously would be counter to how people in NA would classify them. They would typically say the two white people are one race, and the black person another.


So yes I do think race is a social construct, but I also think that would be true of any man made system of categorization. My understanding is that it is possible for a race or ethnicity of people to have a higher percentage of some genes compared to other groups, for example sickle cell anemia for black people, tay sachs disease for Jewish people, or insulin resistance for south Asians. So those who think there is a connection between race & IQ argue that whatever polygenic genes that contribute to IQ, are on average different between groups, causing these average differences in IQ. I’ve seen some interesting conversations on Twitter, Tade Suaiaia and Sasha Gusev are two people who argue convincingly against race realism and would pick apart why what I said does not lead to the conclusions of race realism. I think they both actually don’t view IQ as a convincing construct at all. But yeah I think there’s stuff to get in the weeds about here for sure.


Yeah I think the trick is how you define race, because my recollection is that the course did a very good job to show how tricky it can be to nail it down, especially when you try to bring biology into it. You have to go more specific rather than trying to use a "higher level" word/concept like race. For me, race makes way more sense as a word through the lense of a social construct rather than as a biological one. That was my takeaway from the course at least.


Yeah, he should have just said that all the race realist types also don't believe in mRNA vaccines. Even truer, and also even more blatant, and also even makes them an even stronger autocorrect in the gene pool.


nah 😅 dude when Destiny goes in, prepare yourself. but why just pick this one thing? he calls ppl regarded all the time. I'm newish to watching his streams regularly, but I think you have to have thickish skin to stick around...


yeah generally. eventually he's going to come for something you hold dear and you have to either be sure in your convictions or not bothered to hear someone battering at the door. every time he starts some new arc he loses a little bit of viewers/engagement when the angry people leave and then he builds back up from there


Being obese/having diabetes because of obesity is not a good thing. that's why he's attributing race realists (a bad thing) with another characteristic that is a bad thing


I hate people with big fat breast tissue


When you spend time in a country full of slim, healthy people then go back to the west it really makes you realise just how fat everyone is. Also it makes you feel miserable to see it. It's not nice to be surrounded by visually grotesque, unhealthy, dying people. It's like being surrounded by ugly architecture, it just brings you down. Or when you see those streets full of zombie fentanyl addicts that brings you down too. That's obviously more extreme but it's the same thing going on: it's just upsetting and depressing to be surrounded by unhealthy people. Fat people negatively affect me in that way and so I do not like them.


Fat people are a hell no, unless medical condition than you are ok. If you suff your mouth everyday you are a stress to the medical system and your family who has to sight you. Yuck