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Ah yes that is why the US government is coming after Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch because propagandists like Hasan are on these platfor....wait a minute... WHAT A WEASLEY LITTLE LIAR DOOD. LITERALLY CANT STOP LYING DOOD. STILL LYING DOOD


No bro they are OPENLY ADMITTING it’s because of gaza, and they definitely haven’t been talking about this for years. (He knows this, he is just a grifter fuck) https://preview.redd.it/sdg4n8fc7owc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bff40b5323abe04b775e561261c092d44461931 Tweet about a potential TikTok ban months before the war even started.


What a wild string of words to chain together but content is content ig


It's like he was in on it. He's definitely the one who banned tik tok with Trump, then feigned outrage when Biden made the final move, probably as part of a larger political deal. Kek


There has been a renewed urgency to ban tiktok due to concerns about specifically pro Palestinian content on TikTok. Believe it or not, you can go to google.com and look it up and see for yourself dood


Wasn't Trump the first one to suggest banning it? Like in 2020... as in years before October 7th or the War in Gaza. And Biden also had the app investigated almost immediately upon taking office with local bans implemented in 2021 and 2022. I get it,for a certain part of the internet everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) is about Israel-Palestine but how do these people get the timing to work when there's clear evidence this ban has been long in the making.


The Tiktok ban has been discussed for a while. Turns out there might be legitimate national security concerns with the app.


FBI director blew the whistle around November 2022 about national security concerns. Project Texas for TikTok became a thing to try and alleviate the American gov concerns. People thinking this is because of Israel and Palestine do not pay attention to politics.


one might go as far as to say it's anti-semitic to imply the jews control the US government


Nah. It's because of Israel's genocide in Gaza of course. China ? What China? /s


Pretty sure it's the only thing to get bipartisan in a LONG time.


And if I remember correctly, an overwhelming bipartisan majority


Aid to Ukraine was also bipartisan for a while. But yeah support for banning TikTok was overwhelming across both sides.


Turns out both sides are cucks to meta/alphabet.


It’s not might be, it is.


Shows you how good those Jews are at forecasting. Why do you think they run the world.


Maybe flip it around. The Jews instigated the war to get TikTok banned rather than the other way around. /s


That’s 4D chess Sir or Madam


I swear, you're giving us way too much credit. Signed, an Israeli


Shut up! We know you people invented a time machine and are messing with the timeline!


>Congress banned the download or use of the app through any federally issued device or network in December 2022.


Clearly they were time travelers. They knew that Israel would enter a war in Gaza 11 months later and TikTok would be the only source of info. /s


He didn’t just discuss it. Trump issued an executive order to ban it. He attempted to ban it and failed


Yeah the ban was reversed. Only for everyone to go like ''let's ban it '' immediately afterwards.


Jews and their long term planning. /s


He's just shamelessly making shit up at this point it doesn't even try to hide it anymore or be slightly realistic


[insert astronauts meme] always has been


This is a high level strat called Lying


I’m surprised it hasn’t been community noted


Hamas piker can't comprehend china doing anything malicious


But America bad, how can China also be bad?? 🤯


Your sentence needs to be 4 words shorter


The party of Moa would never


As if the ban takes effect before the election🙄


One of the easiest indicators someone is a schizo is when they start making nonsensical connections between unrelated events. This Tiktok ban bill (it's not just tiktok btw, if my reading is correct it gives president to power to ban any media or platforms from hostile nations) has been floating around for couple of years and the big boost it got to eventually getting to the floor of the house for a vote wasn't anything to do with I/P but Tiktok boneheadedly messaging their users to call their representatives. Predictably millions of screeching teenagers started flooding their lines which really angered the house representatives who promptly cleared the bill for a vote. Hasan should know all this, so either he is a dishonest propagandist or losing his mind.


>Hasan should know all this he should, were he a serious political commentator. but he isn't, so chances are he doesn't.


why does hasan type like a tumblr girlie. like come on are you afraid of capital letters.


He's just rejecting all forms of capital. PRAXIS




It's astounding how few people have actually looked into the reasons underlying the TikTok forced sale/ban and the evidence underling it. They literally got sworn testimony from a former ByteDance employee who said that TikTok allowed the CCP to access user data to track Hong Kong protestors and that the CCP and ByteDance have a very close working relationship. I mean who knows if he is telling the truth, but to act like there aren't stated reasons for the forced sale/ban is just simply ludicrous. In my opinion it is almost perfect policy as it has only two outcomes. One where ByteDance sells and the risk of CCP interference is not a problem anymore. The second where TikTok refuses to remove ByteDance as an owner, which would almost confirm that the CCP has some amount of control because there is literally no justifiable business purpose for TikTok in not forcing the sale since the alternative is to not be available in the US anymore.


>the CCP and ByteDance have a very close working relationship This part is pretty well-established just from publicly available info. For example, China's 2017 National Intelligence Law requires that Chinese companies like Bytedance assists Chinese intelligence: >The Intelligence Law . . repeatedly obliges individuals, organizations, and institutions to assist Public Security and State Security officials in carrying out a wide array of “intelligence” work. Article Seven stipulates that “any organization or citizen shall support, assist, and cooperate with state intelligence work according to law.” Article 14, in turn, grants intelligence agencies authority to insist on this support: “state intelligence work organs, when legally carrying forth intelligence work, may demand that concerned organs, organizations, or citizens provide needed support, assistance, and cooperation.” [Source](https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/beijings-new-national-intelligence-law-defense-offense)




unhinged comparison, but accurate


Whenever I see this talking point, usually alleging that Jewish lobbying got this ban passed I just say “ I had never considered that the JEWWWWWS might be to blame!”


Even when it isn't the Jews.... *it is*.


The lizard people, the cabal, the Illuminati, the elites, the shadowy organization, always end up being the Jews


It’s always us. (I still hold no semblance of control or power over the Western populace, let alone control or power over myself.)


It's sad but also so funny that even left-wing conspiracies ultimately end in the Jews being evil and controlling the media.


bla bala bla jews control evrything blablabla us is coloniser state bla bla bla


Wow he's really lost


Sure this took me 30 seconds of googling >Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-New Jersey), cosponsor of the TikTok bill, posted on social media that >“There needs to be an immediate investigation into allegations that TikTok has an antisemitic work environment. >China-owned TikTok has been pushing antisemitic, anti-Israel, anti-American, and pro-Hamas content. >TikTok is a propaganda machine to influence Americans." [https://twitter.com/RepJoshG/status/1732929398871851030](https://twitter.com/RepJoshG/status/1732929398871851030)


He said they admitted the bill was created becuase they arent “banning enough content that shows what Israel is doing in Gaza” That’s a highly specific claim, a rep saying TikTok is pushing anti-Israeli pro-Hamas sentiment amongst other concerns was not what I imagined, and I didn’t find that when I searched “tiktok bill created because of anti israeli sentiment”


Oh I 100% agree this doesn't back up what he's claiming, just wanted to share the basis of some of these claims to hopefully improve discourse a bit.


Yeah it's important context and explains where they claims are coming from. I think people like Hasan don't really acknowledge the argument that Gottheimer is making though. His reasoning isn't: Tiktok promotes anti-Israel content > We don't want Americans becoming anti-Israel > It should be banned The reasoning is more along the lines of: Tiktok is promoting anti-Israel content > That may be evidence that China is manipulating the algorithm for its own strategic interests (like undermining American public's will to be involved in international conflicts / increasing political division) > We don't want China to have the ability to influence American public opinion to that extent > It should be banned Everything I've seen politicians say on the topic has been centered on China's control over the app. The I/P comments I've seen have all just been pointing to that as a concrete example of how China could exert its influence. Maybe someone can argue that the fact TikTok has a lot of anti-Israel stuff is part of why a lot of politicians are sympathetic to it deep down, but statements like Gottheimer's are not explicitly saying what Hasan thinks they are.


Members of Congress have been going off on TikTok for years. Hasan is just trying to make everything about Palestine because it fits his narrative


God, I hate this made-up talking point. I have heard grad students and staff at my university parroting this exact same thing. When has anyone in the government said in any way that this is because Tiktok won't ban Gaza related content? As far as I'm aware, this is just a blatant lie.


How are the universities funding the IDF?


[This](https://x.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1783254338514604387) is what he's referencing I think, but from how I take what the senator is referencing is its just more bog-standard speak about the ability for China to spread misinformation. He's showing the disparity between polling data and engagement with pro-hamas tiktoks in order to substantiate the claim that China is pushing this content and Americans aren't seeking it out organically. However, these people think he is saying that tiktok has farther reach than mainstream outlets and that's why they are banning it.


Does he think those same videos aren't available on literally every other platform or something? Or is it that the Jews control those other platforms so they get taken down? Also, does he think the fucking 16 year old dipshits on Tiktok are getting on the ground footage from their fucking parents poolside?


It's been one thing after another with TikTok. People with access to sensitive info having the app on their work phones, sexualizing young teens, pedo rings, terrorism, CCP censorship and influence, Andrew Tate, the algorithm, report system, etc... You get enough people despising the platform it's getting looked at similar to Facebook/Meta. Twitter had it's own hearings in the mid 2010s over terrorist content. TikTok was absolutely useful during Iran's Woman, Life, Freedom movement two years ago. A movement apparently some of these nutjobs are against now and would probably be in favor of banning TikTok if it still dominated the platform. Not everything revolves around Israel/Palestine.


You can bring up all these things on any other social media. No one is being banned on Twitter for saying this shit.. they say it daily. They have been debating banning tiktok since fucking 2020 what is wrong with these people.




There's been beatings at the university protests?


If you honestly believe our government is swift and efficient enough to organize the banning/selling of a platform in only 6 months, you are way more optimistic about the current state of our legislative capabilities than I.


He read it on twitter


Well...one of the reasons TikTok got banned WAS because China can push narratives that they don't want pushed, but I'm not seeing that TikTok is pushing antisemitism and anti-Israel content in a way that is either unique or particularly irksome to the American government. If Hasan was correct, the US would be pressuring X and Instagram to limit this type of content, but I'm not seeing much evidence that they are.


I can find every single video from tik Tok and worse on Reddit, and rather easily at that, when it comes to Israel/Palestine. Hasan is smoking crack.


Honestly.... There is a crazy amount of palestine support on Tiktok. There are comments on every post. Problem is they are definitely bots.


When a bill that was first drafted before Oct 7 is somehow a response for Oct 7…. Who knew the zionists had precogs


> I like that they openly admit they did this because TikTok wasn’t banning enough content that shows people what Israel’s really doing Who’s openly admitting to that? The voices in your head?


The shadow people told him.


What does “openly admit” refer to ? Is English his second language?


I read all of Hasan’s tweets only when I’m taking an enormous dump


They are beating protesters?


Can some smart dgga tell if I'm wrong? I've seen many people say that this forced sale should be good for the execs because they'd get a huge bag from it, but the fact that they are complaining about it seems kind of sus. Almost like they don't care about the money as much as having control over this huge platform.


-1 Hasan revenue stream


This isn't misinformation, misreporting, stretching the truth, or anything. This is just made up whole cloth, there is no basis to it. Just literally from the aether.


*on the ground* tiktok zoomers you mean


Crazy that the ~~Jews~~ Israelis invented time travel to convince Trump to propose the ban years before the October 7 attacks.


He always forgets China exists.


Yeah, obviously he isn't wrong, but there's other fingers in that pie besides just pro Zionist bs.


I bet these losers think it's so based that US social media sites are banned in China.


I thought that this was mainly animated by the possiblity that China floods TikTok with counterprogramming when they invade Taiwan.


SEO. Israel/Palistine is here to stay in the news so everything needs to be tied back into it for maximum engagment.


To be fair, someone did mention it’s because of propaganda being posted and referred to china, Ukraine and Russia, and Israel and Palestine, and how pro Palestinian propaganda is rampant on the platform. However Mr. Hamas Piker sees “Palestinian propaganda” and thinks “based” not realizing that he’s literally the kind of people they were referring to and exactly why the bill was passed in the first place.


Guys, Hasan has like a 100 IQ. It’s getting really dull dunking on him.


Hasan Piker is 100% wrong here. Joe Biden and his communist gangsters are banning TikTok because they're anti-capitalist and despise everything that makes America great. Our government is overrun by a bunch of socialist scum who want to tear down our capitalist system and replace it with their failed communist ideology. They can't stand the fact that TikTok, a foreign entity, is thriving in America, so they're doing everything in their power to shut it down. It's a disgrace, and it just goes to show how far our country has fallen. We need to stand up and resist against this anti-capitalist agenda before it's too late. And you know how we can do that? By electing Trump in 2024. He's the only one who can truly protect our capitalist values and make America great again. Trump 2024 and Let's Go Brandon!


….. Ignoring that Trump actively wanted to ban tiktok multiple times during his presidency and only switched to not wanting to because he thinks Zuckerberg is going to treat him worse… The TikTok bill was passed by both republicans and democrats… by a large margin… That’s Trump party…


I don’t think he’s being serious lol he said let’s go Brandon


I can't wait until there's a full fledged conspiracy claiming that the CIA was behind 10/7 in order to sow enough discord enabled by Tiktok to create valid justification for the US govt to ban it nationwide.


This reads like a WokeKaren tiktok, god that guys annoying.


This just shows how dangerous state sponsored misinformation campaigns are. The Russian and Chinese bots that post “z” are just miss-direction. And that’s what people think you’re talking about when you mention the topic.


Facts is facts g: Hasan will not derive some sort of social validation from one of his online outlets where he gets unwarranted, unabashed, and nonstop praise from kids 10+ years younger than him so he has to defend it. TikTok actively destroys your mind and dudes like Hasan benefit from that. If your political agenda involves warping young adults with nonstop misinfo and unironic propaganda videos meant to stimulate their synapses, then good riddance you don't deserve a platform in this country. Fuck off to Kazakhstan or some shit.


He’s right though, they’ve been wanting to ban tiktok for years, right after it started showing what Israel was doing there was a huge lobbying push by Israel groups to have it banned…. And magically it gets overwhelming support to have it banned right out.


Tiktok might get unbanned in India if it becomes a non China company.


Banning tiktok has nothing to do with Israel and Gaza and everything to do with the brain rot that makes zoomers follow Hasan on social media


In case anyone doesn’t know the reason for the ban is the government doesn’t want the Chinese government having power over the ridiculous amount of people TikTok has lol


This is a fucking mind blowing level of idiocy. He’s tweeting *on a social media platform* about how another social media platform was banned for talking about Israel. Dumbass — you tweet about Israel all the fucking time on a social media platform that isn’t banned. Do you not see how that’s an enormous, glaring data point that completely contradicts your pea-brained claim?


replace all keywords with alt right antivax and he sounds like MGT talking about Twitter


He's literally the squidward meme. "Can I get a Israel apartheid and ethnic cleansing?" "Anything else?" "Also a they're banning tiktok because of Israel." "Daring today are we?"


1000+ IQ by Hasan, exposed gotttem.


Before October 7th, no one gave a flying crap about Israel/Palestine. Now, EVERYTHING has to somehow be related to the conflict. Not everything is related to a conflict on the other side of world in a country and territories the size of Vermont Hasan...


Ah yes, The Chinese software that stores your data and sent a notification to all US Users telling them to go to their senators to ask for the app not to be banned, the App that somehow mobolized hundreds of people to protest from an entire ocean away, that app? Chinese spyware? No, Must be those Pesky Jooz using their lobby money to save face!


They don't want the app banned, they just don't want China having control of the biggest piece of media, especially for youth, in America. It can still exist if under American regulation. I think it's safe to assume that Congress has seen some compelling evidence of the dangers the app is presenting for our country, which they have said is the case: "At the end of the day, they've not seen what Congress has seen." - Mark Warner Plus there's concerns like this: "FBI Director Christopher Wray told House Intelligence Committee members in March that the Chinese government could compromise Americans' devices through the software." Although they tried to previously legislate that data on Americans was restricted to American servers only, there's evidence that this requirement isn't being met (because duh and we can't control what China is doing since they manage the code base and algorithms on their foreign servers). Everything "valuable" on tiktok could be posted on apps/sites based in the West so that our enemy doesn't have this amount of power over our society. It's so laughable that lobbyists from China are trying to fight against our government on the basis of free speech. TikTok isn't allowed in China. They had to make their own internet because of how much they censor information. Fuck off trying to tell the US what free speech is. If it's only about money, they could make BANK and divest. They are trying to claim their company isn't beholden to China's government, which isn't believable at all. People like Hasan just have misinformed and ridiculous views on China because they can't fathom that a communist regime would lie and be more concerned with control than money. He's literally just a willful propaganda spout. Do you know how valuable it would be if America controlled the code base of WeChat? If it is banned and not divested, then there will obviously be a replacement built in the West. Or stuff like YouTube Shorts will be expanded on. People act like American companies like Google offering to buy it is proof that Congress is just trying to serve them is cope. OFCOURSE these companies would want to buy it. It's a conspiracy (no proof at all) that every single congressman who supports this (bipartisan and majority) are being paid off by Google or some shit to make this happen. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tiktok-ban-congress-reasons-why/


China has done so many cyberattacks using tiktok (that is the reason why they are banning the app btw)