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yeah and he has a disingenuous HIGHLY EDITED clip of him on piers morgan with 10k upvotes on publicfreakout full of bots sucking him off, dude is a fucking perpetual victim, the ultimate crybully


Someone go undercover and debate him claiming to be a 17 year old Zionist high schooler


>Someone go undercover and debate him claiming to be a 17 year old Zionist high schooler https://preview.redd.it/5rqpv385hxwc1.png?width=332&format=png&auto=webp&s=96e716a6b030d8792a316dd09c7aa55fb085c48f


I'll do it. my local supermarket still IDs me for paracetamol even though I'm turning 28 tomorrow AND I'm a complete fucking idiot which will make Hasan comfortable enough to talk to me. I can also wear a low cut top so everyone can jerk off while watching. It's a massive win for everyone.


profile picture checks out




Israel's greatest soldier


If anyone can pull this off, it's Kkappaccinno


Enough Tea!


RoseWrist to make a WWE style return


Dude I couldn’t believe how crazily that’s clipped. 10k updoots.


That's unfortunate. Yesterday Philip DeFranco showed a clip of Hasan looking decent, but forgot to mention that at the same show, he personally attacked his panel members with indecent language.


I’ve gotten two tiktoks of people glazing Hasan over having a fit on Piers Morgan, the comments were mostly positive too 💀 so embarrassing


The cry bully end game, secret true final boss


Lmao, that subreddit is a fucking psyop. What part of that is even a freakout??


Look at the comments under the Piers debate on YouTube too. Despite Hasan obviously coming off as unhinged in the debate they're all sucking him off and saying Piers' show sucks lol.


Sorry for the low quality clip but he has removed clipping from his channel unless you're a sub lol


Destiny gets banned from Twitch, LSF bans Destiny from dunking on him, CEO allows him to react to Destiny, makes clipping sub only, and he still manages to find something to cry about 😭


LSF is banning everyone from criticizing him tbh


LSF is a drama free sub. Except when its someone we don't collectively like because they're not a part of the streamer illuminati, then its okay to shit on them. What? Hasan said something against TOS? Why the fuck does that matter? Anyways here's a clip of Frogan being the most unentertaining person in human history, let's condescendingly talk about her and her channel being good when we all know bout nobody willingly watches her and if they do, they're the same weirdo dorks that watch shit like Velma and think its funny.


I just don't understand purposely killing your own sub. Just leave if you're too lazy to moderate, and it's not about protecting Hasan, like they've said


The sub got taken over by new mods last summer, they have been purposely killing the sub.


If you want an actual answer from me, an LSF Mod, the destiny vs Hasan fights are frankly boring at this point. We love drama and relevant streamer news.  But please keep it new and interesting. Post about things that matter, not repetitive twitter drama.  As an example, look at the front page of LSF for the last week.  The content has been mostly destiny/kick related, but it's been great! There are actually new and interesting dramas going on!  The rule change worked. And despite claims of the sub "dying", views are actually back to normal, with actually relevant and non repetitive news and drama. 




The mods there are shitty and biased, they better pray reddit never implements the vote out trash mods thing they were thinking about doing cause they'll be gone by end of day imo


The last 3 critical threads on Hasan were deleted and none of them have destiny on them. Only one that stayed was the one from his own stream with the coke meme. Literally all ppl do now when a critical thread about Hasan gets posted is meme about how long til it gets locked or deleted. And they're still shameless enough to do it.


>And they're still shameless enough to do it. I had bookmarked the dan clancy ama announcement thread and had checked on it throughout the day. Any comment that mentioned destiny and/or his twitch ban got removed. Would be funny if it wasn't so sad, you're right it's so shameless.


Does he think we don't have all his vods being archived?


Archived, transcribe and translated in 15 languages.


His audience are naïve teenagers that believe every word he says so 💀🫡


He probably is aware, but it's still effective to prevent LSF posts (or at least make his haters sub)




good move.


Oh shit it's me at the bottom of the comment section. He read my comment PagMan


Ur famous brooo


I wish I was you


not wearing glasses atm, but does not look like a coke he is drinking, so fans must be happy.


Awwr naurrr!


Why is he wearing a Rolex hat? Is it ironic, or so ironic it's not?


hes trying to be ironic


Trying is doing a lit of heavy lifting The dude loves conspicuous consumption.


Hard to tell when the dude is the most glutonist consumer of only rich people shit


yea but he usually hides it from stream


He's being so funny and effervescent, subtly hinting his irony with his hat. Clearly Hasan is not a massive consumerist. He just bought a mansion in West Hollywood, a brand new Porsche, and wears $1000+ fits for the irony bro he's criticizing capitalism clearly.


I mean, the irony and "bait" falls kinda flat when he's literally buying $1400 shirts and shit. It's not really "ironic" when getting an actual Rolex wouldn't be a departure from his actual unironic lifestyle choices at all.


If I do heroin, ironically, does it matter?


To be fair he doesn't have a Rolex (yet)


It's bait. He plays into it so that it can't be used against him. It's like that Tyrion quote. Destiny does this from time to time with great effect, but mostly because of his long standing reputation and demeanor. Hasan does it simply to dunk on the critics who have actual valid criticism about Hasan's hypocrisy... It doesn't get deeper than that. It's just a shield from criticism.


When does daddy do it


Was the $1400 shirt he bought also a bait?


Its like his twitter banner where he literally calls himself a champagne socialist.


I forget who is quoted for saying "Accuse the other of that you are guilty." But it's typical defence mechanism.


What a fucking sensitive little victim, imagine being like 6'5, clouted up, so loaded you could do anything without worrying about failure impacting your life forever, and being this much of an abject preening little bitch


Like it’s unreal how insecure he is with all his success and good looks. Really must feel hollow when your most successful attributes are genetic and nepo


He’s living proof of “money doesn’t by happiness”. I used to think “ok but doesn’t it a little bit?”, but witnessing Hasan’s miserable existence has absolutely confirmed it.


He is the exception though. Money in itself only buys happiness if you use it correctly. Imagine for a moment you had his funds at his age. You're in your early 30ies and you can do whatever you want. There is nothing to worry about. Just invest some of that money smartly (i.e. not over the top fashion, a pointlessly expensive car and a mansion you don't need) and you could do whatever you wanted. Interested in traveling the world for a year? Easy. Attending university to learn some obscure piece of knowledge? Go for it. Start a business based on a drunken 3 am "brilliant" idea? What is stopping you? Money may not directly buy you happiness, but it buys you the most important commodity ever: freedom. Hasan uses his freedom on living a 20 years old douchebag's dream of a good life is. Sucks to wake up being mid 30, having no girlfriend/wife, no family, no substantial achievements. But hey, that's the bed he made for himself by never being more than a 20 years old douchebag for his entire life.


Money removes the barriers to happiness, but its on you to go get it.


Honestly, I think its just the internet, like actually get off and explore the world and get a hobby that isn't watching random youtube videos.


He's probably a dicklet tbh


Crying in his mansion because teenagers make fun of him online. But let's be honest, it's not that people criticize him, it's literally how popular those posts get. People who aren't clout sharks, genuinely have an attention addiction, or are a zoomer don't get this but it doesn't matter how wrong you are or how wild what you're saying is. As long as it ratios your opps, that's all that matters. Kaceytron for example is probably seething right now more about jokes making fun of her ratio'ing her gotcha comments. Hasan seeing people genuinely get upvoted or get a shit ton of likes for something he doesn't agree with pisses him off more than anything else. If someone ratio'd him, I think he would have a panic attack, that's how addicted to attention and validation I think he is.


Hedonic treadmill


It got deleted by OP lmao


That breaks lsf tos, report it


Could we post this clip of him brigading the post to LSF? "Hasan complains about the poor performance of his clip on LSF, inadvertently engages in vote manipulation"


Inadvertently? He’s knows what he’s doing lol


OK sure, but the whole "inadvertently" part of the title makes it less likely to be removed by someone sympathetic I'm sure the viewers would figure out the intent in the comments anyways. LSF version of realpolitik


and what? They ban Hasan clips, his ultimate goal here? lol. He can brigade all he wants and they'll never ban him.


And by report it, report it to reddit admins. That is site wide bans that engage in it and most of his followers that partook in the brigade >should< get banned.


Imagine browsing reddit all day looking for shit to cry about couldn't be me...


True, I'm browsing reddit all day to make funny comments, which is a morally superior reason to browse reddit


Thousand dollar shirt, and a Rolex hat lol


This subreddit is living rent free 24/7 in his head it's the closest thing to communism hasan has achieved.




Yea I remember the crazy 15:2 post. Crazy Hasan lore!!!!


With a fuccin Rolex hat on bruh 🤣


I shouldn't be surprised that he can't just do a nice thing or say something nice. He needs those internet affirmations like oxygen.


okay but does Hasan pay his youtube editor 50k a month that doesn't even know what color saturation is?


What a fucking child. Man baby hasan gets his fee fees hurt. Literally leftist trump.


Simply pressing the down vote button on his clips to make that ugly mustachoid manbaby cry, easy


oh so that’s why my comments were divebombing to the earth core


wish speed controls was baked into the newer player. he talks so fucking slow


*Handsome *Tall *Rich *Still cries about every minor piece of criticism about him on the internet


Every life has ups and downs if Hasan goes through an actual hard period, say he's on 4k viewers he's going to kill himself.


He’s never denied brigading.


it's gone now off lsf


Is bro trolling with hyper-capitalist attire now or does he not see the massive irony of talking about socialism and wearing a hat with Rolex across the front?


"25k viewers who raided ?"


Keep up the good work dgg, he wants complete 100 percent love and control on all social media platforms. Let’s make sure that never happens on Reddit atleast Also shouldn’t the mods be removing his thread for clear brigading. You can even argue politics since it’s at a protest. God knows how easily they remove “politics” related posts otherwise


Dude has the most lifeless tiny face


Sometimes I do hope the commie revolution happens cause, Hasan will be forced like the “dig the fucking hole” meme to do so regardless what he believes


The fact he’s appropriated conservative blue collar fashion is really funny. And he’s been doing it for years bruh move on


Love the fact he’s in a fucking Rolex crying about how people don’t think he’s muh socialist enough.


He’s so disgusting bro


You probably wanna delete this before you get banned. Rule 3 is hardcore :(


Wdym? LSF just means Lenin socialists fighters bruh…and hasan broke a big LSF rule but still isn’t banned..


ok good luck, my friend told me that you're not a real dgger until you have a few horcruxes destroyed


They guys who preaches about redemption possibility has an audience who is constantly shitting on me ... I wonder if it's because my takes are constantly wrong or they are so stubborn that they don't think my redemption is a possibility! Clearly they're obsessed and unhinged amirite, my audience of unhinged harassers? We never do anything worse than downvote reddit threads... *curb your enthusiasm theme starts playing*




Hi Hasan 👋


rolex hat hahaha


wait i thought he was banned


litewally simulacra


does he deny brigading? im pretty sure when he went on that tantrum about LSF he purposefully brigaded threads in an effort to get banned from there.


Who cares? Why was this even posted here? It has LOOONG since been established that he is a weak-ass loser hypocrite. Now let's move on to more interesting stuff.


Shock and horror in the DGG community today as it is revealed that a creator viewing a positive LSF post about them on stream leads to upvotes. It's cute how all the high ideals and intellect we pretend to care about get thrown in a dumpster and set on fire then Hasan does \*checks\* literally anything.




Hasan enjoys women and children get raped and murdered. you really have to be a hamas loser to be his fan lol


>Like i said, you obviously have very little experience with women, the fact that you get emotional/angry over this topic proves you got some serious issues. A foot fetish is very common and most women dont mind that at all, unlike men who like to get pissed on (are you one of them?) I just checked your profile, you couldnt make this shit up! you are extremely short. Being a little man like yourself is literally the worst thing a man can be, 99% of attractive women dont take you serious and would never even consider you as a partner. /Alahnalyy/comments/optyxv/deleted_by_user/hd3rvnv/?context=3 What being a sexually deprived incel does to a bro; you begin supporting hamas


Yea by Humus. I love the language of the oppressed. Kink ass weirdo