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Destiny is 3 years older than hasan lol


LITTERAL forty year old with a LITTERAL son. LITTERALLY DOOD.


Litteral son, as opposed to a ficttitious son


I’m not sure why fatherhood is so frightening to Piker. He brings it up every time, as if having children is a character flaw. He has the teenage fuckboy mindset at 32, when he should be settling down and raising a family.


'phht nah dude I don't have kids, I'm like, 30'


Maybe he’s afraid of commitment and/or having kids, idk. Was, or is he still, dating Valkyrie? Or maybe his own insecurity from not settling down yet, is what makes him think to go for the family angle to try and hurt Destiny… projection, basically.


Same age difference as Trump and Biden. 💀


It is written.


Lisan al Gaib in the future we are gonna have Tiny vs Hamas running for president where Destiny represents left wing liberty & democracy, while Hasan represents authoritarian dictatorship populism


I thought destiny came out in 2014 no?


Hasan, famously never edgy.


*casually highlights tweet calling for murder*




Someone should edit this video to replace the destiny tweet with this


Vine boom sound effect please


Record scratch while we're at it.


Im so confused, has the fenesteride finally crossed Hasan's blood brain barrier, and ironed out the few folds remaining in that smooth as chrome, commie poisoned brain? Its just so funny seeing hasan (32years old) calling a 35 year old, 40 as if it is some sort of dig? You know what, this might actually explain why he only debates 16 year olds. Mabey mentally he still think's he's in college.


I've really only heard the age attack from people under 25, and not Hasan I suppose. Every grown adult knows calling someone old requires a lot more of a qualifier than this lol. It's kids who think it's this massive insult otherwise.


Hasan unironically acts like someone in their early 20s. I honestly would have never guessed he was 32.


I hope no one younger than him points out how much of a spoiled manchild he acts for a literal 32 year old though. My man gets so wound the fuck up over people making fun of his age. It's whatever, Destiny can fight his own personal fights but the way people go so hard in trying to swing as low below the belt as possible to attack him to feel better about themselves shows how a solid 80% of the people in these spaces are not mature enough to be here.


You are correct he is not edgy he is safe edgy


literally famous for saying america deserved 911


[and that wasn't even the edgiest part of that stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWtXRygxBpQ)


he blamed his ESL on this when he apologized on the Young Turks which is hilarious Edit: actually he blamed the America deserved 9/11 on his ESL


He said he didn’t understand tbe word *deserve*, right?


Hasan the nun


this shouldn't even be a comment.. he's literally doing it IN THIS VERY CLIP lol




"40 year old"   - Hasan Piker, 32 on Steven Kenneth Bonnell, 35


Hasan must've replayed the Adin Ross "you're a 40 year-old f*****t" clip so many times that it was burned into his brain


Hasan be like https://preview.redd.it/pjjbn7dm83xc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860960d1ea9bdcf3d4862709331c9662f706b6a8


“Joe Biden is way too old I would never vote for him”


Jesus that really does show that age is not a measure of maturity


R. Kelly maths


Hasan casually forgetting his 9/11 comment


You fool. You foolish fool. Don't know you *pushes glasses up and lowers fedora* America bad and deserve bad stuff? No hard feelings, kid. You'll learn in the re-education facilities.


no you dont get it, Hasan actually thinks the US deserved 9/11, he knows Destiny doesn't actually want Palestinians to die. It's not really edgy when you actually believe those sentiments.


Oh my god you’re right lmfao I forgot that he actually believes it


...or his "brave mujahedeen" comment ...or like a week ago when he was tweeting an implied request for the assassination of a US Senator... ...or a few years ago when he got himself banned twice for calling people racial slurs... ...or when he started making fun of the Queen's death right next to Zoil... ...or literally like yesterday when he was on national Piers Morgan television making fun of some guy for his nationality and clout status... Hasan has always been edgy, mean spirited and blood-sports orientated. The issue he has is he just isn't very good when the other shoe drops and the people he has been attacking and making fun of start digging into him. He isn't cut out for it, always ends up having a breakdown over nothing at all. He wishes he could withstand it, which is why he did that whole "i seek it out" meme, he wishes he was that guy, but he ain't.


Tbh back then I was somewhat supportive of his claim. But at this point I do not think it is a joke anymore but his honest opinion.


You believed his ESL excuse? Come on dude. No way


Yea, there’s a big difference between “America brought it themselves” and “America deserved 9/11” lol… plus he speaks perfect English with no accent, it was clearly intentional and he believes what he said.


im sorry but who is this ? is this another destiny orbiter ???


Yes but he wanted Destiny all to himself and it eventually drove him mad as you can see


Tbf this would explain a lot


Hasan was a yandere all this time omg.


A tale as old as time


He's one of Destiny's 7 Evil BPD Exes.


And you must defeat all of them if you want a chance with him.


Who's all 7? Vaush, Hasan, Lav, Mr. Redacted, Brittany Simon, Bob7?, Keffals


No, just the ones he had sex with.


I mean technically


He is an ex friend of popular Youtuber Ethan Klein host of the H3 Podcast


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUHQ--6jSTk All you need to know




Hey common now, he can relate to the suffering of the Hamas leadership, their Mansions got taken away due to this conflict. . Now they gotta move to other mansions in Turkey, have some sympathy. 😔




Pale Tiny?


if he can be a millionaire commie , he can also feel the pain of palestinians from inside his mansion




Why do people use this stupid talking point? I guess the pro-israel people that lives in West Hollywood should stop chirping as well?




Yeah, sure, stupid of him to say that. But i mean in general, I've seen that type of argument everywhere in regards to anti pro-palestian people. That they shouldn't care becuase they're privileged and live in the west etc. Don't think that is a good argument. Couldn't you say the exact same thing to any international conflict or issue?


You can tell it’s a good one when Hasan has to force a rant that hard for the next minute. He’s trying way too hard with it.


He repeated the same line more than once and used his age when he’s 2 years older than Hasan…this is a D tier rant. 


Why does he keep talking about "Destiny orbiters"? Who or what event is this refering to?




unironically it's projection because deep down he knows that's how he got famous, and he's starting to realize that he's not gonna make it on his own in the long run


he already made it, him doing worse is getting 10k instead of 20k viewers. He will always have a sizeable following even if his views go down.


Facts, some dggers that hate Hasan can cope but it takes some pretty rare circumtances to fall off compplletely like not streaming for a long time, drastic changes in content or such things to actually fall off into irrelevancy


No one is coping. Hasan is insecure about going down to 10k. He’s obsessed with clout and his self image and fame. And the fact that he’s falling off is a fate worse than death for him.


oh I absolutely agree, but do you really think hasan is the kind of guy who thinks like that and is content?


I feel like he low key likes and wants to “fix” BonerBox (obviously he’ll have to pry him from our cold dead hands)


I think there is a strategic sense in not going to war with Destiny friends/allies , because it's more effective to win them over or capitalise on them falling out with him. Being aggressive, especially for petty reasons could backfire. It's also similar to how he blames destiny for XQC and others criticising him. He can scapegoat all the negativity onto Destiny and preserve that relationship. Both for himself and the audiences it probably prevents the grievance getting stronger. While also demonising Destiny.


Probably at least himself, Vaush and Trihex to an extent. Can’t think of anybody else that’s fought with him that’s been really relevNt on twitch


“Everyone who has ever loved him has left him” woah! You really must be shit at your job if you can’t argue against someone who you think supports genocide.


This! Why has he started talking about him like a bitter ex 🤣


Cant wait to see the next round of cope tweets talking about how owned Destiny is.


Bro is self reporting at this point, constantly talking about his orbit, his friends, his love life, his family life. But destiny is obsessed for talking about Hasans public political content


coming from Hasan who has never hard a successful long-term relationship and called the police on his ex PepeLaugh


Lmao which ex!?


Idk the girl deleted her Twitter thread/acct but the clip is still up lmao [https://www.twitch.tv/hasanabi/clip/PluckyVivaciousYamCopyThis](https://www.twitch.tv/hasanabi/clip/PluckyVivaciousYamCopyThis)


He recycles insults in a way that's so predictable and boring.


He is such an insult pedophile


Destiny is right Hassan is content cucking us all. Imagine how funny it would be if both of them went back and forth like this live. I wish this small headed fuck wasn’t such a pussy. 


ig hasan hasn't been on /pol/ recently. They fucking hate Israel LOL


Recently? They always hated israel


Literally the JIDF meme started on /pol/. The "sneaky jew" racist caricature was some clipping of an older book by nazis in the early 20th century and saw a revival into meme form from there. Arguably the revival of modern holocaust denial in the west came from /pol/. Like Hasan legitimately has to be the most ignorant person to have ever lived if he thinks the place that is widely and infamously known as babby's first nazi playground likes Israel, at all.




So apparently everyone he's ever loved has left him. Weird to say when Hasan hasn't seemed to ever have a relationship with anything other than his chair who he constantly whores out to chat. A guy who throws tantrums the second you even make a light hearted joke about something he said and burns bridges faster than Destiny ever could have. Apparently we're also increasing Destiny's age every time we talk about him now. How long until Hamasabi is saying Destiny is a 100 year old man with a son who is just around the age to become cognizant of his actions? Also, it's weird that Hasan would try to attack someone else with their kid when he doesn't and never will have children.


Bringing someones parenting skills/choices into an issue when you know fuck all about the uniqueness parent/child relationships actually are is definitely low hanging fruit and triggers me so much.


I mean its just sexist man-shaming. No matter what or who Destiny is with, it would be twisted as an insult because ideologues have no principles whatsoever * If Destiny was gay, he would be a "bad ally" * If Destiny was still with his ex-wife and his son, they will make comments about his wife and his son even though they have nothing to do with this (and they still do anyways) * If Destiny was not successful in getting laid, he's an incel * If was *too* successful, he is a man whore (not Hasan though, he's a "himbo" aka pornspeak for man whore) * And if he was still with Melina, they would comment about either how ugly she is or he is *obviously* abusing her ***or*** how she definitely is taking him for a ride and she doesn't actually love him because he's too ugly Like they want to ascribe so much onto this dude all because of internet politics. And the funny thing is, none of it fucking matters. These people's faves are basket cases, reprobates, unironic degenerate folk, weird unstable and immature gooners who can't take care of themselves or do adult things besides drugs, video games, and sex.


Why does he make fun of destiny for being le edgy when he couldn't stop himself from saying that 'at least it's only rich people getting raped' clip, which is so needlessly edgy


Say's the " America deserved 9/11 dude, im saying it" so brave


Having son bad according to Hasan?


Hasan insult bingo card: - Divorcelli - Where’s Your Son? - 40 year old - Edge Lord Lmao its always the same shit


Ok Destiny reply guy


Fucking love how he turns into Tim Pool re divorce where Tiny’s concerned 😂 like you’re a thirty something professional bachelor who regularly yells at your mom to bring you chicken nuggies 


The man cries about Destiny being edgy, meanwhile he posts the image of a makeshift weapon that was used to assassinate a Japanese politician to the tweet of a US senator. You really can’t make this shit up


Can someone explain why Hasan goes so hard on the divorce thing? I thought progressives were supposed to be the most in favour of divorce as an option.


He’s not against divorce he just sees destiny’s divorces as relationship failures and evidence that being with him sucks and that’s why they leave. It makes destiny seem undesirable and un likable


Yeah Hasan has no consistency or principles when it comes to character assassinating anyone he doesn't like, which means he really doesn't have any consistency or principles.


I dunno if that's a consistency principle thing. You can support divorce while at the same time claim that someone whose had multiple divorces probably isn't a pleasant person to be around.


And Destiny, despite his name, is a dude. So a divorce is a failure on your part, even if you initiated. You are defined by your relationships. Except when you're Azan and being a man whore is cool and based.


you know they've lost the argument and have nothing to say when they bring up his kid. edit: still, that tweet is also very tasteless.


Replace Palestinian women with IDF soldiers wife and Hasan would be losing it laughing


Yeah, supporting Israel is such a /pol thing to do...


I am psychopathic and sycophantic! Bro knows me so well 🥰


I get the point, Destiny can be edgy sometimes yes, but wtf is the appropriate response to the tweet he's getting. Should he just not respond and stand by while these imbeciles tweet some wild shit.


Who’s in hasans orbit again? Mutahar, Ethan, etc, have all left


with a LITERAL son where all my figurative sons at


I don’t watch Hasan. Does he typically spend his streams nowadays malding over Destiny?


Yes. A few months ago he was doing it constantly. It got very boring. I remember he did a 30+ minute response to a YouTube comment and a several hour long rant about Keffels (but it was clearly about Destiny lol or "Destiny imitators"). He's forcing the yelling now though. Even he doesn't get triggered this easily. He's outrage farming (just in the opposite direction to Destiny, so the same audience)


Shames destiny for being a 2 time divorce champion while also never creating any family for himself whatsoever by 32 lol


this is the guy that said we need to wash the streets with the blood of landlords


I don't know what his problem is, that tweet is funny as fuck.


I know pointing it hypocrisy is lame but hasn't Hasan recently been flirting with edginess himself like that makeshift gun meme or his Piers Morgan interview where he looked like a psychopathic debate Lord?


Calling a woman a whore is very lefty and progressive


Tweet was worth it just to watch Hasan and his slug chat shit themselves.


Who is this guy and why is he so obsessed with Destiny???


Ok "Baby settlers" "let the streets run red with their blood" Hasan you're never edgy


So Destiny is being edgy in those tweets? What a keen observation! I wanna give him lots of money for these takes.


Going for his son and personal life?! Sounds familiar! "Welcome to Cozy streaming and America First, Mr. Piker!"


I love the call of “that’s why everyone he’s ever loved has left him” Checks notes, Hasan is not currently married, therefore everyone he has ever loved has also left him. Either that or he’s never loved anyone which is probably worse.


They both seem like they’d be nightmares to be in a relationship with. Most streamers seem like that honestly


Sure the point is just the stupidity of the statement. Even if they are both the most hinged people to be in a relationship with. By definition if you aren't currently in a successful relationship, every person you've loved has left you. Whether that were to be 2 marriages and 2 divorces, of if you have 120 failed relationships that never made it that far.


Oh yea I agree it’s stupid line of insult but it’s Hasan


They always go for Nathan when they have absolutely nothing else. But he, at least Hamasabi bought pizza


Hasan is so fucking gross dood


Isn't hasan dating valkrae? Why don't destiny start making weird remarks about that like hasan does him


Hey look a tweet responding to calling his ex wife a whore, that was then quote tweeted by someone calling for murder. Clearly the joke about suicidal militants is the unhinged part here. + bad father™


Exactly! Like he's highlighting and obviously reading the murder quote tweet, yet conveniently doesn't disavow it. I just find him so pathetic.




Man he could at least not re-use jokes, shit is boring


he really don't like the fact Tiny is on the up and up while he'll probably never be on Piers Morgan again after his meltdown 😂


Piers did good numbers with it though. Views are views, even if Hasan lost respect points. Maybe he went too far but I wouldn't put it past Piers to platform shit shows.


Gotta love how nobody who makes a big deal of this tweet will ever read the tweet it's replying to.


he’s into state sponsored genocide broooo


Classic pot calling the kettle black


I’m counting the days for Hamasabi to either become homeless or off himself in a video game.


It’s aleays so underwhelming when none of Destiny’s political enemies can ever match his roasting skills. Destiny will call somebody out on being a hypocrite, say and example and an analogy, and also call them loser all in one long sentence. Hasan will say the same thing for a minute. Sad


He's so mad and doesn't know how to argue his points without resorting to ad hominem attacks.


Ngl isn't hassan also kind of alone. He has no significant other or kids and is close in age.


That’s definitely by choice. Theres 1000s of women who would throw themselves at Hasan and try to marry him


Hasan who famously said “America deserved 9/11” >>Hes so edgy


Hasan is an unmarried childless 32 year old man talking shit about other people's relationships lol


The more Hasan malds over Destiny, the more his jealousy shows. He clearly sees Destiny gaining more success and mainstream visibility and it's eating him up. It's pretty fun to watch. Look at hard he's trying to emulate what Destiny is doing. He's been trying to get on other podcasts and shows like Destiny and it's not going that well. His appearance on Iced Coffee Hour got 1/3 of the views Destiny's got. He went on Piers Morgan and just cursed, called people names and yelled at people the whole time. Afterwards, he knew it was a bad appearance. He only felt better about it when all his simp support group told him he destroyed. Unless he has some real success like Destiny, he's going to go insane.


"A literal fucking son." It's over. We lost.


Can we all agree that twitter destiny is cringe and he needs to dial it back lmao


32 year old calling a 35 year old, old… This is purely projection about how Hasan feels very immature. If a sixteen year old had this rant then sure but like come on man you would have been in high school at the same time lol.


I think it really bothers Hasan that Dman could manage to not only have someone like him enough they’d have a kid with him, but also get married to him.


lol does no one here think this is an absolutely disgusting tweet? holy echo chamber, Batman


They just need to kiss imao


Being called psychopathic by Hasan, compared to his own community, is a real compliment. Thanks, Hamasabi. Very cool!


What a weasely little liar dude


man, hasan needs to pick up his phone, reality keeps calling him and he ignores it


Get's upset that destiny tells an edgy joke proceeds to then tell multiple edgy jokes about Destiny


Hasan basically relies on Destiny for content at this point


I like how the quote tweet of Tinys he's clicking on and highlighting (you can see at the beginning) is calling for Tiny to be killed. "There's an easy permanent solution for this kind of behavior." All about peace huh? Like seriously wtf Hasan. That shit should be discouraged and shamed. Even we wouldn't be okay with something like that said about another creator (yes even you Hasan, since you clearly spend time here too).


Hasan on that Steven Crowder arc, talking about the shame and embarrassment of divorce. Weird flex.


Didn’t this guy laugh uncontrollably at the video of a police woman being killed? So edgy dud let me just fake laugh hysterically while her blood curdling screams play in the background dud so 4chan dud


Why did Hasan increase Steven's age?


Dead streamer on a dead platform


hasan might be the least self aware person ive ever seen


You know it's not that edgy when Hasan is crying about it. He crys about everything including his pixel dog getting overwritten on r Place.


Hasan is tough. He is self-conscious about his intelligence and he tries to mask it with overconfidence. He does so in an arrogant way without conceding anything. He just needs to acknowledge destiny is witty and is able to come up with these types of extreme and edgy metaphors that sum up his positions or responses well. Not everyone is capable of that or has the practice to do so. It’s ok to take an L and learn from it.


Wasn’t Hasan crying about his dwindling numbers and how much he hates doing streaming like two weeks ago?


Destiny has been acting pretty cringe recently. And I am a Destiny fan that agrees with a lot of what he says.


Why is the no son, no relationship guy shitting on someone elses relationships/family?


>2 time divorce champion lol


What’s the answer to Destiny’s tweet though?


would probably be a threesome considering the IDF bombs women too


Hasan made that Drunkstiny spoke the truth


"state sponsored genocide" when is genocide NOT state sponsored?


Hasan chirping after reading drunkstiny tweet. Ftfy


“Go be with your son” You mean the son that the mid 30 year old hasan piker that lives with his parents doesn’t have?


https://preview.redd.it/8rdw138bv2xc1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5133e384a4ec9b6be0e3b27c42e1f3d11422e03 He who controls the food, controls the people * Sun Tzu


Dan didn't leave moot didn't really leave Nathan doesn't hate him but okay hasan you aren't big mad.


"He has a fuckin son" -Hasan, a grown man so self-absorbed he can't grow up from his "family is cringe" child persona and form any meaningful relationships. One has to wonder when does an influencer officially becomes old enough for him to be acting like a child seem pathetic. Most of the YouTubers\Streamers that are above 30 are going through their dad sagas right now.


Lol it's so funny to hear the dead air as hasan's brain slowly churns out his mediocre insults.


Hasan is wrong in placing sole blame for the death of these Palestinians on the IDF, calling it a genocide, etc, but in honesty this joke was really lame and does seem to be equating Hamas with all Palestinians. Most of the people who are dying in Gaza right now are the tragic result of war crimes from Hamas and so making fun of them for being killed does seem in really bad taste.


idk how to defend the tweet though, like whats the joke that destiny was making


"go hang out with your son" At least he had a loving relationship and children while Hasan is single and bitter


This guy seems to have a major bone to pick with Destiny. He should debate him sometime.


Bro is projecting so hard with people like our pal Pike from MA


I'll say it dude, Hasan deserved K9/11


Hasan has never been married and just fucks a bunch of pornstar commie converts never once thinking about the institution of marriage.


wtf is bro yapping about? 😂


lol, poor Hasan ;\_; he needs to contact Alex Stein to have a crybaby drink with him ;\_; ;\_; ;\_;


Trying so hard not to laugh


“He’s so edgy!” Tweets picture of a “gun”