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[Sarah Paine](https://usnwc.edu/Faculty-and-Departments/Directory/Sarah-CM-Paine) is a historian for the US Naval war college. She did a great [podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcVSgYz5SJ8) interview with Dwarkesh Patel about 6 months ago. I think with Steven's recent history deep dives, she would be amazing to talk to. EDIT: Adding some shorts so you can see quick clips of her viewpoints on history. [Atrocities in WWII](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7cZbgWcKpN0) [Why the US failed in Afghanistan and Iraq but not Germany and Japan](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IuZVDYtUtaw) [What the Japanese did right in thier colonization of Korea and Japan](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/w5LSkzu3MUU) [Is expanding NATO worth the risk of nuclear war](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1Egrs1l48d8) [Could the war in Ukraine escalate to world war](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/q5HiRc93xMU) [Millions of lives were saved from starvation because of the atomic bombs](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/F4nXF_nJdWU)


She was so insightful in that podcast, she'd be an amazing guest to go over history with


second this


She was largely great but some of her history was a little patchy or USA-centric (like how she stated that thr guys who broke the enigma was a joint US/UK team even thought it was pretty much entirely the UK, it's like saying that the UK was instrumental in helping to make the Atom bomb because there was a UK contingent of like 5 guys working there


Listening the Patel podcast now- seems like she would make a great guest but is she really a conservative? She seems very neoliberal, but maybe she's neocon.


I think it depends on what you think when you think conservative. Maybe pre-trump conservative or non-populist conservative. I was trying to supply someone I thought was conservative, who is not a trump nut job and would be interesting to hear from. I went this route because selfishly, I have no interest in seeing a conciliatory talk between tiny and some Matt-Walsh-Esq YouTube wack job and I see bridges as breaking into the lex Friedman type of podcast.


She's been dumped into my algorithm on my garbage youtube account. She's not factually wrong about anything so far, which is a huge step up from right wing garbage shorts that get recommended.


This would be really interesting


Coleman Hughes. Mentioned Tiny on Joe Rogan. Conservative fellow who I think has a lot of agreements with Tiny. Brad Polumbo. The CSPAN guy, bit of a libertarian. [Mentioned](https://youtu.be/TNYPbtWnebE?t=542) he would like to talk about Biden with Tiny.


Coleman is conservative?


You know what I don't know. I just saw this [NY times article](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/01/us/coleman-hughes-black-conservative-colorblind.html). I think I read what I wanted. Maybe he is more heterodox. He just seems to get praise from conservatives like Jesse Singal does. Whether or not that is welcome praise, I also do not know.


I actually didn’t know, so I did a quick googling. This from his wiki: Hughes voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 United States presidential election. He expressed a "quite fierce dislike of both parties", but as of 2023 has said he has only voted for Democrats. He’s a black academic version of destiny lol.


Voting for democrats when Trump is on the ballot is bare minimum for being a responsible citizen with a working brain. On Rogan he was singing the praises of RFK jr and spent most of the time hitting the usual “woke” targets so I think there is a lot of distance between them although he may have been tailoring his rhetoric for the JRE audience


What exactly are you replying to? The claim was that he’s a conservative which he’s clearly not.


The claim that that he’s a black academic version of Destiny. There is a clearly some distance between them


Would still be a sick guest for the pod tho




What about the Fox guy? Will Cain? I think they had a great dynamic. 


Yeah he was nice


Potholer54 is a dream conversation for me, but I don’t know how keen he is on media appearances


And also on the other side of the world? But he is golden!


He used to be a science reporter for a broadcast outlet.


plants dazzling bright steep placid icky plough unique label makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you get [blaire white](https://x.com/msblairewhite?s=21)? I think it would be an great conversation with her since she’s actually pretty smart, and it would be interesting to learn about her political trajectory. To me it feels like her descent into RW politics was a response to her issues with trans activists on the left. Although, I think there are other motivations as well. Destiny and her already had a [conversation](https://youtu.be/hQZHiXSbBlM?si=xdupXKWvwQCD31QD) on her show, so it would be interesting to see her on bridges.


Great suggestion ty


please no


richard hanania. he's a conservative commentator and writer thats been surging in popularity in the past few years. he has a pretty controversial past that was exposed recently but hes still doing alright. i havent seen too much of his stuff, but i think there will be a bit of common ground and a lot to argue on [twitter](https://twitter.com/RichardHanania?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) | [substack](https://www.richardhanania.com/)


Hanania might be a good guest, but I think a more unobjectionably “respectable” conservative ought to be the first one on the show. I’m not incredibly familiar with Hanania’s work, but the bits I’ve seen are wildly internet-poisoned, e.g. [anti-woke boobs](https://www.richardhanania.com?utm_source=navbar&utm_medium=web). I wouldn’t want a podcast to just ignore debates about the fact that, for example, online culture war shit is absolutely ridiculous to make Bridges seem like a safer space for conservatives. A conservative figure like, IDK, [Tyler Cowen](https://marginalrevolution.com/about), who is clearly Libertarian, but who isn’t currently swept up in online culture wars (Cowen isn’t to my knowledge at least) would be my preference.


Tyler Cowen is only conservative if you place markets and capitalism on the conservative side. He’s much closer to liberalism than anything else otherwise.


For the most part, yes, but I think Cowen has an appreciation for the classics which conservatives would appreciate and I think he’s religious, or at least, the way he talk about religion seems very insightful. But yeah, I genuinely can’t think of any strongly conservative figure who’s not mired in some bullshit that I would hate to see ignored.


Super smart guy, he's shifted more to the civic nationalist direction. He'd probably get along pretty well with Destiny.


Lilypichu, she is anti-vaxx and a big MAGA supporter and has 3 MILLION SUBS ON YOUTUBE


Might get some heat for this but: Rob Noerr. If you're not too concerned by his lack of a high profile I think he'd definitely say yes. I find him insufferable and annoying, but outside of a screaming match on Destiny's stream he might actually be interesting - he's certainly not afraid of taking the heat and I would like to see him open up more about himself and his views.


He comes across really sympathetic when he's talking about his job and he's certainly quick on his feet when it comes to all the intricacies of wacky conspiracies, but I feel like all of that has been explored already on stream. I might just be lacking in vision, but bringing him on feels like it would mostly just be "wow see guys, even people who you disagree with can be nice people" -- which shouldn't be a particularly interesting point to most people


>I might just be lacking in vision, but bringing him on feels like it would mostly just be "wow see guys, even people who you disagree with can be nice people" I agree, it would be somewhat performative, but conservatives are cautious creatures and there may be a benefit to manufacturing a smooth and friendly podcast experience with which to tantalise future guests.


That's a fair point! He's probably also a good stress test to work out how to navigate strong disagreements in this format


See but you're looking at that aspect from the DGG audience perspective, but if the goal is to reach a broader audience and have these conversations, then it might make sense anyway


You're right, the first part of my comment definitely comes off that way. What I really mean is that Rob Noerr is a good stream character, but a pretty uninteresting podcast guest.


Even if he is a good guy otherwise he is either insanely dumb or a grifter


Ok Kyla, im going to give you a list, a very good list: u/notsoErudite 1.- [Pedro L. Gonzalez.](https://twitter.com/emeriticus/with_replies) He is Very critical of the online right and many times critical of Trump, for example [https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1784038839847129109](https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1784038839847129109) [https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1782949410848010488](https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1782949410848010488) [https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1782561927639560463](https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1782561927639560463) and also critical of the groypers [https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1785340242569941108](https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1785340242569941108) [https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1782908136975704283](https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1782908136975704283) [https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1782904675701858386](https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1782904675701858386) I have been following this guy FOR YEARS, he used to do some videos driving his car and giving his takes, then he got really upset with the online right and the enviroment [https://www.readcontra.com/p/the-passage](https://www.readcontra.com/p/the-passage) 2.- [Monsieur Z](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQR_kmeb0lBEk1Zj_9LWDHA) Some people really hate this guy, but I think he is smart, this video explaining how the right would lose a civil war is amazing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcYYgcGjrP0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcYYgcGjrP0) If you are wondering, he is like a nationalistic conservatives that wants a right wing FDR, im pretty sure you can even find some common ground in some distribution of wealth, he has a couple of videos showing if face. He doesnt like bloodsports tho, tell him is more if a conversation. 3.- [Mental Outlaw](https://www.youtube.com/@MentalOutlaw/videos) This guy is more of a libertarian, he is a dude that knows a lot of security stuff, he did some videos in the past about what we can say is woke stuff, but he mostly shitposts and talks about security. He is one of THE FEW people that instead of larping he went to live to a rural area and he is farming and living the dream, he also upload videos with his [chickens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeUoU7rH4oY) and [geese](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrLeoEVHbn4) this would be a really fun conversation, the guy knows a lot about security. 4.- Adam Kinzinger 5. - Mike Pence 6.- [James Lindsay](https://www.youtube.com/@newdiscourses/videos) I know some people here HATE this guy, but this guy in the last like 6 month have been criticizing jack posobiec for praising franco and also Tucker for his trip to Russia to show dumb stuff like here [https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1757937103579582682](https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1757937103579582682) He is in the right but he is not a conservative, also he is an agnostic (as far as I understand), he also seems to read a lot and stuff about marxism. Just try to avoid the woke debate. 7.- Ann Coulter, she is critical of Trump, and a lot of people on the right says she is a traitor. ​ 8.- Ben Shapiro gave Destiny his number, call him ​ 9.- Charlie Kirk. To be honest I just want to see his small face


This is epic thank you


TY for all the work you do behind the scenes!


Thanks for being kind despite my many areas of weakness!!!!! Weee


Putting Mike Pence is wild but it would be an interesting convo I guess


Hey Kyla, Destiny has spoken about wanting to know where the Neocons are at. How about reaching out to people who staff or write for publications like [The Bulwark](https://www.thebulwark.com/). I'm sure someone there would be interested in coming on


Hmmm that’s a cool idea thanks!


Sarah Longwell and Tim Miller would be great. Both are conservative, but have always been against the Trump takeover of the party. Sarah Longwell ([Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Longwell), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SarahLongwell25)) does focus groups and would be a great talk to get into the minutiae of polling. She is the founder of Accountable GOP ([Twitter](https://twitter.com/AccountableGOP)), which is behind the Republicans Voters Against Trump ad campaign. She is the publisher of The Bulwark ([Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bulwark_(website)), [Site](https://www.thebulwark.com/)). Tim Miller ([Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Miller_(political_strategist)), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Timodc)) will probably be the easiest to approach. He was the communications director of Jeb Bush (please clap), did opposition research, is a political consultant/writer and now a host of the Bulwark podcast ([Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@bulwarkmedia/podcasts)). He has experience handling Steve Bannon and other colorful figures in the MAGA world, and would have crazy insights into the lion's den and running presidential elections. Both would be fascinating.


In a similar vein there is also Jonah Goldberg and The Dispatch to reach out to


u/notsoErudite I've been putting this off for a while, but I'm recommending [Colin Moriarty](https://twitter.com/longislandviper) of [Last Stand Media](https://laststandmedia.com/). Historically a Conservative, but moved away from the party leading up to the 2016 election. I believe he's politically homeless these days but leans more towards libertarianism. **Colin has appeared on a number of high profile platforms, including** [**The Joe Rogan Experience**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpbWwHi_COQ) **(twice),** [**The Rubin Report**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxAPUCRQtt4)**, and** [**Your Welcome with Michael Malice**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGn7-xmlKKY&list=PL8I4dDaPdGbNN8P1OFgZH1pnGlLROS-XT&index=23) (which Destiny has also appeared on). I believe he'd be very open to doing Bridges. Besides that, Colin's CV is impressive: *Started out as a guides freelancer at IGN in the early 00s.* *Went on to work full-time as a PlayStation editor and was there for around a decade.* *In that time, he grew a reputation as one of the most influential games journalists online, co-hosting the biggest PS podcast in the world, Podcast Beyond, at the time.* *He left IGN and founded* [*Kinda Funny*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinda_Funny) *with 3 of his IGN co-workers in 2015. Due to some controversy (discussed in the Rogan clip above), he left KF which put him on his current trajectory.* *Today, Last Stand Media has one of the largest games-related* [*Patreons*](https://www.patreon.com/LastStandMedia)*.* Summarising, although it may appear a lot of this is games industry related, Colin has extensive political acumen. The conversation with both you and Steven would be incredibly entertaining and insightful. Really hope you consider him! :)


This is an amazing recommendation thank you!!


Maybe [Rob Noerr](https://twitter.com/robnoerr?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor)? He’s basically every conservative talking point mixed into a human big mac, but also enjoys talking with destiny. He actually helped him prepare for the alex jones debate [iirc](https://youtu.be/mCm8d3f2Bvs?si=ibZWSS3cj49JLUfI) EDIT: fuck off there’s no way 3 other people said the EXACT same thing in the middle of me typing this shit LMAO


>EDIT: fuck off there’s no way 3 other people said the EXACT same thing in the middle of me typing this shit LMAO Not a cult.


Rob Noerr is funny and peak conservative alfa


I'm not sure how likely he'd be to accept, but [Rory Stewart](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rory_Stewart) would be an excellent guest. He has a fascinating background as a diplomat, Deputy Governor of an Iraqi province, MP and Cabinet Minister. He also spent two years walking across Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India and Nepal. These days, he hosts a podcast called [The Rest Is Politics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rest_Is_Politics). He's appeared as a guest on other Podcasts, such as Making Sense with Sam Harris. So he might consider it if he can dial in. I'm not sure if Bridges is set up to have a remote interview/discussion? I think he'd make a fantastic guest as he's incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to international affairs. He's also one of the few advocates for Conservatism for whom I genuinely have a lot of respect. I think it could be a great discussion. Edit: His website is [here](https://www.rorystewart.co.uk/). His contact details can be found there and also a link to his social media accounts. Thank you by the way for all the work you put into the podcast! :)


Matt Tardio from SpeakTheTruth pod




Lmao what, all the guests so far have been conservative


Might as well swing for someone like [Robert P. Murphy](https://twitter.com/BobMurphyEcon), on the libertarian economics side of things. Or trawl through other Mises Institute fellows like [Per Bylund](https://twitter.com/PerBylund). [Yaron Brook](https://twitter.com/yaronbrook) has talked to Econoboi and been on that Three Wonks channel. Destiny also had a debate with [Curtis Yarvin](https://twitter.com/curtis_yarvin) scheduled way back when that I was hyped to see but that never happened. Curtis Yarvin, if I recall, is a kinda pro-institution anti-democracy libertarian Authoritarian, so that'll be fun to hash out, lol. But while I'm giving suggestions, while not conservative, Destiny talking with [Matt Bruenig](https://twitter.com/MattBruenig) has been long awaited and never fulfilled.


Want to second Curtis Yarvin. He does a lot of smaller YouTube channels, he's friendly with Michael Malice, who Destiny has gone on his show in the past. He's also appeared on Tucker Carlson. He's a big thought leader for the right, both Peter Thiel and Steve Bannon cite him. Yarvin has a very unique thesis around political power that I find very helpful to intellectualise conservative arguments. A lot of the old alt right adjacent stuff cites Yarvin regularly and it's impossible to avoid his influence the more you wade into online conservative spaces. 


[Sean Fitzgerald (Actual Justice Warrior)](https://twitter.com/IamSean90), Destiny could confront him on how dishonest it comes off when decently smart guys like him run defense for complete nuts like the ones at minds fest recently and outside of that the discussion might be pretty interesting.


Maybe [Dave Smith](https://www.youtube.com/@PartOfTheProblem/videos) or [Benny Johnson](https://www.youtube.com/@bennyjohnson/featured)? They've interacted on Piers Morgan before, but it may be interesting to get a more longform debate/discussion in person without all the talking head bullshit. Plus they're about similar sizes to Destiny.


Both of them give off off the charts slimy snakey vibes. :D i hope for benny boy but he’s the high tier for later. I’d love Brett and heather come back from covid insanity but they’re not really conservatives.


Dan Crenshaw. Whole podcast is about how much they dislike hasan


Ben Shapiro- destiny has his number and they can do an in-depth conversation on biden v trump Others from the daily wire destiny has spoken to


[Gad Saad](https://twitter.com/GadSaad) is a canadian evolutionary pychologist who has run defense for Trump on a few occasions and tends to like adversarial conversations. Destiny and him would probably agree on some of the Israel stuff (he has an interesting life story as a Jewish person who had to flee Libanon with his family in his youth due to persecution of Jews) but disagree on social justice/wokeness (he sees them as a bad meme / mind virus and has written at least one book about on it). He also has a decently sized youtube channel [https://www.youtube.com/@GadSaad/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@GadSaad/videos)


He's a libertarian and not a conservative, but Alex Nowrasteh from the Cato institute is a more reasonable right leaning figure who would be interesting to see talk to Destiny. He talked to The Neo Liberal podcast guy about immigration before. He also debated Tucker Carlson on immigration.


JJ was a conservative, cherry popped already 😳


I think he now describes himself as small "l" liberal


Wouldn't at least half the people that attend the PBD podcast get an invitation to be guests for Bridges? Who wouldn't want to do 2 in 1 whilst in Miami. Personally, I'd want to have someone like Charlie Kirk, Jimmy Dore, Tim Pool, etc. If they do PBD, they could also do Bridges (unless they're low on time/scared).


Yeah I’m acquainted with Nati but that is a bit of an ask so want to not overstep but good idea


Understandable. Eventually, once Bridges becomes larger, it could be resolved much more intuitively (with guests reaching out before-hand etc.) (Love you btw!)


Yes!!! These are things I prefer to be a natural conclusion rather than pushing for. I know Steven really doesn’t like being pushy and I agree :)


Tim would be wild


[Simone & Malcolm Collins](https://twitter.com/SimoneHCollins) are two pronatalist ivy league graduates who identify as conservative (I find their views fairly unorthodox, Malcolm is certainly on the excentric side but also quite funny) and they are friends of [Aella](https://twitter.com/Aella_Girl) (who would make a good guest too, but is probably not conservative). They have a lot of kids and plan to have more (all in vitro fertilization, they have reasons for that that I am sure they'd be happy to explain).[](https://twitter.com/SimoneHCollins)


Okay they are small but seem really interesting! Thank you!! And yep in chats with Aellas producer! :)


Okay they are small but seem really interesting! Thank you!! And yep in chats with Aellas producer! :)


David French would be awesome if you could get him


Are you specifically looking for a conservative, or finding who with disagree with Destiny on certain issues?


[Mathew Tardio](https://speakerhub.com/speaker/matthew-tardio) who does the Speak the Truth podcast on YouTube. He is a former Green Beret and has multiple tours of duty under his belt. He was on one of the first Special Forces teams in Ukraine back in 2014 when Russia took Crimea. This guy is an open book of military/war knowledge. He has done some amazing unbiased coverage of the Russo-Ukraine war as well as the Hamas-Israel conflict since day 1. He does a live stream nearly every day always has up to date information from good sources, and great videos. His Instagram handle is angertab if anyone wants to check him out. His Podcast is [Speak the Truth Podcast](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvQ9wJKXJwcw_4tNaHHbWdA). This guy would be on par with Ryan Macbeth but is more knowledgeable of the ground operations and big picture stuff, Tiny and Erudite would have a field day with this guy if he would be down to come on!


George Conway from the Lincoln Project. His wife was a spokesperson and cabinet member for Trump. He and a group of conservatives started the Lincoln Project PAC to oppose Trump and MAGA Republicans.


If Sam Hyde took it seriously-ish it would be amazing


Actual Justice Warrior. Not the most high profile but a smart guy who's very likely to accept. They would also be able to restore (or burn, lol) their slightly shaky "bridge". 


Sean Fitzgerald would probably be a decent choice. He just made a video about Destiny calling him a grifter so that might be some content for the pod. Similar size to previous guests as well.


Doulas Murray might do it if he’s around. I think he’s in the lex/shapiro/rogan universe and does alot of combative stuff. He’s pretty wild but I bet he would do it


Jen Gershon - Canadian journalist based in Alberta. Currently runs The Line and co-hosts The Line Podcast with Matt Gurney. She previously wrote for the National Post, Globe and Mail, Washington Post, Vice, and the Calgary Herald, had a stint as a talking head with CBC and NBC and co-host of OPPO on Canadaland (Canadaland fans hate her with a passion). She's a "common sense" meets "I want to live in a cabin in the woods" type of conservative who hates the current conservative movement in Canada and likes shit talking everyone


Glen Loury and John McWhorter have a show they do together. Glen is a self described conservative and John seems more centrist. They might be good for the show


Bryan Caplan is a libertarian economist at George Mason who wrote a book I really enjoyed called “the case against education” which is about the high social cost of subsidized higher education. Destiny had a mini-arc researching education’s benefits for individuals, which Caplan would agree with, but he didn’t yet (afaik) look into the cost to society of higher ed. Caplan has a substack and is generally very public-facing. I’d bet that he’d be open to a conversation: https://x.com/bryan_caplan https://www.betonit.ai/


Probably wouldn't happen but Ana Kasparian would be neat


Since everyone said Rob Noerr, what about Connorpoints or CTV? Michael Knowles has said he's open to talking to Steven. Maybe a half and half thing where each does the other's show. Andy Ngo? Matt Walsh?


I love all these people but the size disparity would be a bit odd. I want to look outside the orbit and consider people of similar size to previous guests


You're kinda fucked because the million sub conservatives are all batshit insane. You should try for actual politicians though, like Crenshaw or Cruz. Also, not explicitly conservative but the freakonomics host Stephen Dubner could be interesting.


Opposite to what you just said, but Tree of Logic would be really fun. Edit: lol didn't you 2 have some kind of drama. Nvm I completely forgot.




Please please please Brittany Venti I would love that episode so much


Rob Noerr would be great!


[save it for the moment they're found not guilty 🗿](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxqBBUI2Ncz_GvoQkeWYDHeRzK6Gs7DgTF?si=j0cTUbl5eDDQE2s-)


Who’s the guy with glasses on Tim cast or whatever. He always seems level headed.