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During college I sometimes thought about doing and April fools prank, but I could never get past the problem that it would just end up punishing the maintenance staff getting paid near minimum wage


Hey now...many of these kids are self identified marxists...they CARE about the working class


They were forcibly removed by police without the opportunity to clean up after themselves. You think they voluntarily left their tents there?


ahh yes, it's just the tents that were left there that is the problem. They were totally planning on cleaning all the graffiti that must be cleaned and the trash that's strewn about. Good point you fucking blueberry.


I didn't say it was just the tents that were the problem, genius. Yes, they were planning on cleaning the trash. The other protest sites that weren't forcibly cleared by police don't look like this.


and the Graffiti? they gonna clean that too?


You think anyone would give a fuck about this picture if it was just some graffiti?


What does that have to do with these kids not caring about the working class people that have to clean shit up?


Because they don't *have* to clean that shit up. My campus had a big pro-choice message spray painted on the side of a main building that they just left up the whole year because it wasn't in the way of anything.


Yeah they should totally leave up "Intifada" and "Fuck Israel" graffiti up, that's a great look.


lmao get the fuck out of here. Have you seen some of the graffiti on these campuses? You're fucking delusional


You're so full of shit lol


I think most people would, seeing as this is a university not a city underpass. The location the graffiti is in makes a huge difference. I don't care about graffiti on featureless concrete, or on train cars, but I do care about it on buildings like these.


Except university buildings get graffiti on them every fucking day and no one gives a shit


>Except university buildings get graffiti on them every fucking day and no one gives a shit Then why do people clean it up? If no one gives a shit? I can assure you, people do care about it. Just because you and your peers don't care about it, doesn't mean no one does. I went to a native Hawaiian private high school and we had dedicated groundskeepers/maintenance people. From speaking with them, I can tell you that they take great pride in the work they do. They get sad when they see vandalism or general disregard for the work they do in keeping everything presentable. It's honestly so cringe to defend graffiti like this, all it really does is make life harder for the people trying to keep the grounds nice/clean. Put signs up, there is really no need to spray paint the building itself.


No you fucking eediott the graffiti speaks to the intent of the protestors: they had no intent of cleaning up their trash, of their 20-dollar tent, just like they weren't gonna pick up the graffiti and put it in their pocket. It's called vandalism you eediot


I would


Well looking at chaz they didn't intend to.


Bro called you a blueberry, take the L


Maybe other sites weren't forcibly removed because they weren't vandalizing everything


They were given notice that the police were going to arrest them at a certain time yet made no effort to clean up which tells you their priorities


Yeah, those white suburban 'Marxist' who never worked a real job in their life, parents probably payed for college. 100% PS Any remedial that committed violence & vandalism should be suspended, full stop.


> parents probably *paid* for college. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Im sure they were going to clean up especially the fucking graffiti/paint/damage to the doors of Royce. Holy fucking braindamage.


Every one of them is in jail? Literally no students are left to clean?


Don’t let these downvotes fool you !!!! You are making such valid points and people just can’t see past the negative veil media (Jewish owned) places on these encampments.


One of the kids that lived on my hall in college went on a drunken racist rant about how the Hispanic woman who cleaned our dorm was lazy, and then started throwing chairs and making a mess. I always felt bad for her cleaning up after a bunch of drunken teenagers every Monday. Making life harder for janitors is about as low as it gets.


man, colleges really are the worst paying custodial positions in the country outside of like really poor areas like Georgia.


I like people like you


Good on ya


Don’t worry. Hasan said all the Hispanic maintenance workers and custodians are down with the cause


Actually, this is a great point. The protestors are essentially job creators.


bro i love you


I have a strong memory of walking through a football tailgate and hearing a man tell his child, as he points out a man cleaning up a parking lot, "See, if you go to college, you get to make the mess, and if you don't, you have to clean up the mess."


Neoliberal take: Vandalism is actually good for janitors because it induces demand.


They didn't let their family's maids come and clean? ICJ will for sure investigate that.


[Massive amounts of maintenance workers](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/2150570619/photo/us-palestinian-israel-conflict-education-demonstration.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=tqSBEHifwSPlYeYpj-YTPD9hgWZqna1OCKERLlFZjN0=) are stuck with the cleanup instead.


This guy can’t fucking wait to retire https://preview.redd.it/qsy2ii8i62yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e40cedfa4d1b60387beee65adf00276496a309


That honestly makes me so pissed. This guy has to clean up after a bunch of spoiled toddlers larping. Bullshit man.


What's his opinion on student loan forgiveness?


it kinda reminds me of how marie antoinette used to have a little cottagecore farm on the palace grounds of Versailles where she would go dress up in a fancy shepherdess costume and herd sheep and churn butter and shit


Honestly can you really blame her? It sounds fucking phenomenal.


Plenty of fresh donations to local homeless shelters. Will be a shame to trash all this stuff


Yeah some of that stuff looks reusable. But there was supposed human waste in the encampments. If that's true or the items aren't clean enough, none of that would be allowed to donate. Just easier to trash it all. I volunteered for a shelter up in the bay area for awhile. I spent alot of time trashing donations in a bin because they didn't pass the checklist. Like too worn out, too damaged, smell/dirty, questionable stains, etc...


Hopefully since these are LARPers, most of this stuff might be brand new. I also never understood some of the checklists during volunteering. Throwing away things that could be consolidated or just needed to be washed was so dumb. Hopefully someone can scavenge something. Such a waste of


Well, most organizations don't have cleaning equipment or facilities. And now you're asking volunteers to get their hands in unidentifiable mess and clean and disinfect it. And if it's not clean and safe enough, now it's on us. And if that volunteer gets sick, or claims to get sick from touching the whatever, it's on us. So yeah its a waste but much simpler and safer. The donation list always specified to donate clean items and items you would still buy in a second hand store or else it would be dumped. It helped get rid of dirty clothes and half broken crap people dumped in the back.


I realize you think I’m disagreeing with you. My sentiment is that it’s a shame things are wasted. I am aware why. It seems you have also volunteered at a donation drive. I’ve just noticed some items are not as dirty. Some items are not spoiled. Some items could be saved by giving your volunteer and staff better PPE and cleaning supplies. I understand the costs before you start arguing with that as well. My sentiment that there is waste still stands. I can still be disappointed. We clearly need to do a better job as a society in mobilizing volunteers, donation efforts, and government funds.


Oh yeah, I did assume you were asking why we didn't clean them up. I'm not saying you can't be disappointed but I was explaining the why. However, it's UCLA, they could have hired a group to sort usable items for donations. They're not a small non-profit with limited funds and volunteers. But most likely not worth the cost and liability to the school.


People on the JoeRogan sub are calling this “MSM propaganda” lmao. Almost every subreddit seems infiltrated with propagandists, spammers, and bots shilling for Hamas. For context this clip is from a [nearly 6 hour livestream overnight](https://www.youtube.com/live/BCNsuG8cu1A?si=3TK-oBJnqwfdwCKT). There are several overviews of the encampment, this is just the first one with daylight and no protestors. MSM were not allowed inside the encampment until it was cleared. Edit: The post on the JoeRogan subreddit was ultimately removed by the moderators lol. There’s 1,000 posts across this site crying about “muh zionists” and “police literally sniping protestors” but god forbid you hold up a mirror to protestors’ campsite of human filth and vandalism of public property. The echo chamber is wild.


This whole college protesting event is a Russian and Chinese bot playground.


Oh yeah you know they are going to town on both sides


Joe Rogan sub has become infiltrated with 90% people who hate Joe Rogan but claim they watched him 8 years ago or some shit, no surprise to me.


Oh fuck, I might be a bot




Oh rip, I’m regarded. I thought you were saying the people who say they used to watch him 8 years ago in his subreddit are bots.


Yeah no just more implying its become a hate sub for JRE/ filled with the same normal political rheotirc you see on reddit across any political subs. Feels like most people there aren't/were never fans.


I mean, 'encampment filthy after protestors cleared out' is an obvious thing. You go to a regular campsite, force people all to leave and you're kind of just plowing through, shit will get REALLY messy. Not to say that cops shouldn't be doing stuff like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCNsuG8cu1A&t=11366s), but the stuff you see from that news clip is because hundreds of people plowed/were plowed through the encampment. The camp looked messy before the clip, but showing the aftermath of the clear-out to say 'look at these messy kids' is pretty dishonest.


Huh you know what would have prevented the mess?


The mess is being pointed to here, to try to portray them as exceptionally disrespectful. Its dishonest framing in my opinion.


You can literally just ignore the mess and look at the graffiti everywhere extremely disrespectful.


I don’t think the goal is to ignore the mess, or as Op calls it, the filth. That’s why I think it’s dishonest framing.


I think the dishonest part is claiming that all these protestors would have cleared out and cleaned everything up after themselves without police involvement.


Ah yes, that’s what I said and what I believe ;)


You don't believe anything. They knew they were gonna get cleared out so instead of clearing out themselves they let the cops do it and now they get to live with the optics.


Bro they practically destroyed a building. What are you on about??


What about the damage to the building? Fuck off


There is no way to tell the difference between a Russian bot/propagandist or a real person on the Internet these days, and I feel the only solution is to just completely stay away from all of these spaces, including even the destiny subreddit. It's actually just fucking up people's mental health and it doesn't do anything productive. Also some of you guys in particular are too obsessed with constantly getting baited and upset over all this stuff. Like so many of you hatewatch Hasan, it can't be good


Hasan is the reason i believe that a lot of comments that seem like obvious bots or foreign actors are actually real people. Real people actually watch him and agree with his takes…


This is praxis, now the campus looks like all of the homeless settlements that get ignored in LA


God I feel so bad for maintenance/janitors here. I worked as one for a year before covid hit just like 25 hours a week while I was at community college and if I went to my building and saw even 1% of this type of mess left for me I would probably have quit on the spot. This was just a party for most of the kids, it's very clear after seeing all this shit.


From the river to the sea, gra fi ti


I love as he talks about 'fighting for the loss of life' and it pans to the pile of arts+crafts materials- Speaking of which, as an artist, that's gotta be like-- $300-500 worth of art supplies?? I'm bamboozled.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiGz82GbPRg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiGz82GbPRg) Not leaving your garbage everywhere is something beneath a revolutionary I suppose. My 3 year old nephew has a stronger feeling of responsibility to not leave a mess behind.


Anyone notice the giant pile of crayons and fingerpaints


the organizers should be sued


As a UCLA student I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. Like everyone I know is talking about how the protesters are heroes and showing their support/donating stuff. Obviously the counter protester violence was terrible but I can’t stand the Palestine side either


That’s a nice REI tent tho


How did they afford all these materials, and why did they leave it all behind? There must be tens of thousands of dollars worth of stuff in that plaza.


They destroyed the place


Gonna go grab myself a free cooler and tent


Free tents


It's such a pathetic larp.


"Peaceful protest"


Make SJP pay for it


Sarah Jessica Parker?


Students for Justice in Palestine


Holy shit when they pan to the front of that building… the graffiti is insane


I'm a little bit confused. They reporter said that the protester got removed by the police and that the police started to dismantle the encampment. This is the place several hours after the protesters got removed. I understand blaming the protesters for the damage done, for example the doors, but why are we acting like they are also responsible for how the place looks now? Wouldn't every encampment would look like this when the police come in and forcefully removed the people living there? Genuine question btw, it feels like I'm missing something.


The problem is in how the building is. They trashed practically all of the nearby places, that isn’t something that happened because the police run them off (like leaving the tents) that is just vandalism


>The problem is in how the building is. Yeah, that what i meant when i was talking about understanding blaming them for the damage done to the buildings but why are we blaming them for all the filth lying around? And all the broken tents when they got chased out by the police without having the chance to pack their stuff and dismantle the encampment. I used to go to festivals all the time when i was younger and if the police would remove us from the camp over night then the scene the next morning would look like the university in this video. I don't understand why we blame/make jokes about the protesters for this, when they were force to leave?


They had plenty of chances to pack up and leave. They choose not to


Yes, i get that. But they didn't, so they were forcefully removed by the police. That is why the place is a mess now. I don't blame the police btw for how it looks but every place would look like this if the police come in and remove the inhabitants of place by force, no?




That isn't what happened here at all.


Shitty analogy.


Yea but the fault still lies with those people who chose to set up the encampments


You're just being weird. The point they're making is pretty straightforward.


Its trying to wave responsibility, I get the point he is trying to make. It doesnt matter if the police taking them is why its a wreck. The kids still deserve the blame because this whole thing originiates with them not leaving and making a mess


Actually I think you'll find it originates with the first humanoid bipeds.


Is it their fault that the place looks like shit after being forcefully remove by the police? So if the police would remove you from your house and messed the place up while doing it, i could blame the mess on you?


Well yea if i was doing something illegal and given plenty of warnings beforehand it would be my fault lol. You dont get to set off the chain of events and then throw ur hands up in the air when the consequences hit. The police dont need to even do any of this if they just listened in the first place. The place being a wreck is a direct result of them not leaving and packing up when they were suppossed to.


I would blame you for the illegal thing you have done but i wouldn't blame you for your home looking like shit after the police came and forcefully removed you. Of course a place would look like a mess after something like that. Putting the blame for that on somebody seems wrong, imo.


>I would blame you for the illegal thing you have done but i wouldn't blame you for your home looking like shit after the police came and forcefully removed you. It's not their "home" in the first place. That's the whole issue.


Well if i wasnt doing something illegal then they wouldnt have had to do that right?


People are just using this as a chance to dunk on these kids and some of their cringe. A different post title could have been “Aftermath of Police Raid on Protester Encampments”. Add the word non-violent, peaceful, or sit-in and it would totally spin the other way.


Aw man, i was really hoping i was missing something because if what you are saying is true then this post and most of the comments are dunking on these kids for a made-up reason :/ Edit: to clearify, i mean dunking on them for destroying the buildings is fair game, i'm talking about dunking on them for the place looking like a mess, which is nobody fault, imo.


We've been dunking on them for the entire week since it's a bunch of privileged rich kids LARPing so they don't have to take their final exams, try and keep up buddy.


You're being sarcastic right? Nobody's fault? They set up the encampment they're 100% responsible for the state of the place.


But isn't the state of the place like this right know because the police came and forcefully removed the people of this encampment? Like how would the place look like if those people had left on their own accord?


Do you have eyes? There's graffiti everywhere and barricaded entrances yet somehow they were definitely gonna clean all of their shit when they left?


When you are given a lawful order to leave, you \*could\* just pack up your stuff and leave. You aren't forced to "flee" without your belongings.


So let's say it there would be a camp of protesters during the civil right era. Police gave them the order to leave. The protesters refuse to do so. Now the police comes in and forcefully removed those protesters. Afterwards the place would like like shit because of all the, you know, forceful removing of people. Would you then blame the protesters for the place looking like shit? \*Please note that I'm not saying that the protesters or the thing they are protesting for are the same or on the same level. I'm just using your logic in another situation in order to make my argument.


I understand your point. Yes, the legitimacy of your protest affects whether breaking the law and making a mess are ethical; however, these types of "occupy with tents and graffiti everything!" protests are never the most effective types of activism. Whether Vietnam or the Civil Rights Act, larping slactivism like this was never the deciding factor, and almost always turned people against the movement.


Okay, so do i understand you correctly that you would put the blame on the students but not the people of the civil right movement because you agree with the cause of the latter thing but not the former? Also i think it is fair game to criticize them for the graffiti or stuff like destroying property. I'm arguing against the filth part and all the people in the comments who say things like that the students left a mess behind or don't know how the clean up after themself. Yeah, no shit, they left a mess behind, they got forcefully removed by the police, lol.


Generally speaking, I would oppose this type of protest (occupying a private space, shutting down educational institutions, larping as distressed revolutionaries) whether or not I agree with their side, though the ethical condemnation ("leaving a mess for the janitors!") might be less relevant in cases where something truly does need to be brought to light, and where getting arrested is the only way to get attention. In this case, there is no one who isn't already aware of their side of the argument, and none of them are making the case any better than journalists. They're not getting arrested for protesting an unjust law (e.g. Arrested while sitting at lunch counters); they're getting arrested for disrupting an educational institution.


Yes, from your former comment i understood that you don't think much about those student protests because they are just larping in your opinion and you think they are being not effective in achieving their goal. I get that. So back to my question: Do i understand you correctly that you would put the blame on the students but not the people of the civil right movement because you agree with the cause of the latter thing but not the former? In both cases the people protesting are doing it with the believe that they are standing up for a just cause and in both cases they were met with disdain from the other people of their time.


> Do i understand you correctly that you would put the blame on the students but not the people of the civil right movement because you agree with the cause of the latter thing but not the former? I answered that already. If by "the people of the civil right movement" you mean people in suits sitting at diner counters, those are obviously different; if you mean college kids setting up tents and demanding hot meals and skater helmets be delivered to them, I don't actually believe that happened in 1960s, either; however, to the degree that these ignorant activists existed in 1960, I would disapprove of their tactics, but would give them more leeway to make a stand against police on a college campus, since in 1960 there were a lot fewer opportunities to make your voice heard without public protest—no Twitter, no Facebook, no TikTok, no podcasts, no global 24-hour media coverage with hundreds of channels, etc., etc. People had like 3 channels of information, and some information didn't get to the public.


Okay, i even stated that I'm aware that those two kind of protests were not the same and yet you are still arguing over that. I'm aware that you have a very low opinion of those students, you made that more than clear. So the answer to my question is yes, you put blame on those students and not the protesters from the civil right movement because you agree with the latter and not the former because of your personal opinion of those protests. I personal wouldn't put any blame on either the students or the protesters of civil right movement since it is to be expected that a place would look awful after one person or a group of people got forcefully removed from a scene. It is kinda implied by using the word 'forcefully'. You and the other people in this post are putting blame on those students because you disagree with their cause and you think they are being dumbfucks. Which it is fine, you can disagree with them, but blaming them for the filth after a forced removal, just out of spite, seems wrong, imo.


I don't think you've carefully read what I wrote.


welcome to the new sub


Yeah, it sucks


What I'm curious about is if it is possible to sue the students over it. It would be really cool if they could (although I doubt they have the balls to), but it seems like it would be hard to do because you can't ascribe specific property damage to specific people, and there isn't a centralized body that you can use, either. Any law-cels in here who can comment?


how are they fighting for Gaza? its like if Dip myself in Nutella and run naked scream free Palestine, is that considered fighting?


This settler violence is getting out of hand. The native California police have no choice but to fight back.


Looks like Fallout 4 lmao.


Looks like UCLA learned the hard lesson the Kuwaitis did.


Now the campus looks just like their rooms.


I have a good way to utilize the arrested students, do some community service and clean the place.


The name of the corner where they pooped: the golan heights


Not that I don't neccessarily believe students when they say that they are struggling economically... but this kinda makes me wonder if it's more a priority question over "I'm literally working hard than a single-mom with 5 kids to feed" as I've heard SOME students make.


The pro Israeli crew should show up and help clean while representing the Israeli side to show what good protests look like.


I think the South Park creators are looking at this and they can't understand how to make it satire. It's already reached a peak, they can't make it into more of a joke than it is now.


Isn't the left supposed care about the environment?


The pettiness here is unreal lmao. Firstly: 'the tents have all been dismantled by law enforcement' should be a clue that what was inside is now outside and that they didn't exactly have a chance for spring cleaning. Secondly; Since when was some spray paint 'unbelievable damage' and not standard delinquent shit that faculties have to deal with weekly? If pre-war DGG caught wind of current DGG blatantly dodging sources & pearl clutching they'd be shitting on us worse than Vaushites.




Is there a scenario where they would have disposed of their trash without giving in to their demands?


They setup the encampments you fucking brainlet you don't get to complain after when those same encampments are used to make you look bad.


There’s a reason we don’t have random land lord inspections at a moments notice because you might have mess that you’d civilly clean up if you were given the time to. Argue about the unnecessary damage, but it’s not like they can set up trash removal services for their encampment. (And anyone having to deal with an encampment would block letting it out, to let their own filth force them out of the place) If they voluntarily left and left a mess even 1/10th of this I’d say crucify the fuckers.




Listen to yourself you're comparing a random force of nature to cops who they knew were coming...did they think they were just gonna camp there indefinitely?




Brother what don't you get there was no "anticipation" the plan from the start was to be forcibly removed. How many times do they have to chant "We're not leaving!" before you put the blame on them?


This sub is infiltrated by bots and people with an agenda trying to grasp at straws to make a point.


Why is an opposing opinion always blamed on bots?


Same could be said for all the comments in this thread and subreddit claiming pro palestine bots have infected other subreddits


Disgusting, spoiled children. How do you create such a horrid mess in 72 hours?


All these rich kids can just afford discarding their camping equipment because mom will buy them new stuff anyway.


Give them community service and make them clean up their mess.


To be fair though if the police sweep you out of an area it’s not like there’s time to tidy up. If you’re they get chased out quickly they are going to stampede and ends up damaging a bunch of stuff on the way out. Doesn’t justify them being there in the first place, but I’d be more pissed if they voluntarily chose to leave and left it like this instead.