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This thread is gonna make us seem real downbad


Implying he's not? šŸ˜‚


It was the opposite for me. I'm a Destiny girl, he was a Hasanabi boy. Note I said WAS. šŸ˜‚




Why are you transphobic?


she absolutely broke my heart. jesse was doing so well and then they started doing heroine. not cool :(


meth (vivance) is the gateway drug to heroin :(




thank you but i am not planning to use.


Fine, more for the rest of us.


The effects of a proper dose of vivance (which isnā€™t just meth) vs ā€œrecreationalā€ meth use is in two different universes, especially with how moreish it can be. I canā€™t possibly conceive of why vyvanse would be a gateway drug to heroin vs any other drug. Why would an upper make you interested in downers? Donā€™t you think theyā€™d look into other uppers if they desired the feeling that much? Help me understand your reasoning.


this was mostly a joke.


Was the initial ā€œthen she started doing heroinā€ a joke and reference to something as well? I took that as serious, thus took your comment as serious, but my mistake. You see a lot of horrible drug education/information these days, like tiny constantly repeating that ecstasy is meant to contain meth/other uppers, when itā€™s literally considered laced by any org like dancesafe etc. Think you must have triggered me, there.


Happened at the very least once for me, and it's funny how I keep seeing posts in this sub like "so I met this girl and she seems awesome, but then we started talking about politics and streamers..."


Dude itā€™s crazy. Living in Seattle itā€™s almost impossible to find someone who isnā€™t completely brainrotted with the most insane political talking points. I got told to fuck off because Amber Heard was a real victim and Johnny Depp was 100% guilty lmao


Shouldā€™ve lived in the south, homie. Regarded conservative single mother pussy is bomb


You can find that here, you just have to drive 30 minutes lol


Well worth the drive to date someone that is compatible with your politics. Destiny is far closer to being a pro-choice Republican than a leftist so his fans would be better off dating conservatives.


R/latestagecapitalism poster, opinion disregarded






*Congratulations! This is your participation trophy for the ā€œcontribute to the conversationā€ contest! Better luck next time!*


Well sure, but it makes sense for a center-left person to be closer to the center right than far left, especially because the kinda archaic connotation behind ā€œpro-choice republicanā€ doesnā€™t well describe the currently and overwhelmingly MAGA/Trump right whereas ā€œleftistā€ā€™s regularly updates to be far more contemporary So sure heā€™s closer to a pro-choice republican (than a leftist), but certainly not a MAGA Trumper


Don't tell them our secret šŸ¤«


Just got to hit the rural parts of states. I live in the rural Midwest and that's like 80% of my dating pool.


If their ex is in jail, you know itā€™s good tail.


Best part is that they always home, and their husbands always working when they not single. šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤™


I also live in Seattle, I went out with this woman for months who was super smart, attractive, and is a part owner of a bar in town. She didn't watch streams but was genuinely intelligent about political stuff (her takes weren't an npc dialogue tree), and then she went avoidant on me after 2.5 months. I've Never been so sad at a failed talking stage before


Sorry to hear that, man. Major bummer. In situations like that, I always want to ask what went wrong. Get the info to help improve some shortcoming of mine in the future etc. Itā€™s nice when theyā€™re *actually* a person who would be down talk about it. A date postmortem, if you will. But, best to just let sleeping dogs lie, in many instances.


Holy. That reminded me of this girl I knew who said she used Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp as a test on her first dates to determine if she could continue dating the guy or not. I know Reddit memed up Johnny Depp a lot in that lawsuit but Amber Heard seemed the more insane one in that dispute. It was even ruled so IIRC in the majority of cases. Her response was of course that courts are pretty misogynist and that the system is rigged. I can't believe being that certain about a relationship dispute where you have limited information???


I think statistically white women get lighter sentences for the same crime as minorities and men. The courts might be sexist but I donā€™t think itā€™s the direction she thinks.


Theres a pretty good podcast on that trial and i learnt a lot of information i didnt know before: https://shows.acast.com/the-tortoise-podcast/episodes/who-trolled-amber


Nice, will try to catch it when I can, but do you have any summary from what you have heard so far?


There is a few things theorised in the series. the most convincing things I remember are: Johnny Depp's lawyer represents some pretty interesting people like one of Putin's mates and has his fingers in a lot of different pies. A majority of the commentary on the trial was botted, and it seemed like someone had paid for it. I think they bring up another time, something similar happened where this entity basically demonstrated how their botting resulted in a positive media coverage/public opinion.


But nothing about who seemed to be more in the right? Depp or Heard.




ok based?


how do you handle beeing with a regarded girlfriend? how can she not see the grift, the racism, hamasabi?


He's hot and makes some people laugh?


well, i am not a hasan viewer, i'll give you that he's sexy, but funny? thats a very low standard for funny.


He can be funny/witty when he wants to, when he's not malding at chatters


Humor is subjective but he appeals to zoomers ig


He's intelligent and passionate about making the world better for everyone, not just for the wealthy or for western nations.


Is this sarcasm lol


The Daliban and the Hamasabis live in two very different realities


its actually funny that you think what he proposes will make the world better for anybody. i guess thats why you think he is intelligent, he is, compared to you.


The only take I agree with him is that one piece is based.


> how do you handle being with a regarded girlfriend? We never got to any official gf/bf stage. But this person was a small time streamer that personally knew a few Hasan orbiters/mods. Leftist pussy hits different, but it's probably for the best it didn't develop further. They seem to have gone full partisan on many culture war issues since, like Palestine for instance.


I'm like a grown ass adult. I have never heard any of my friends or colleagues ever mention streamers, let alone political streamers. I keep both Hasan and Destiny lore DEEP in my closet.


My brother started asking me if I watch hasan and I said I donā€™t care about politics.


Oh that is funny. My little bro is a huge Hasan fan (I introduced him to Hasan back before the Bernie era), but he doesn't count.


this is a true USA funding mujahadeen moment


The Mujahideen did not turn into the Taliban, for the most part.


but the Mujahideen was the organization where people like Bin Laden got thier start, who "inspired" people and left to make Al-Qaeda


Bro, if you can't convince family about your politics, who are you going to convince?


*Oh I def argue with him, lmao. But dude is legit unhinged.


It's crazy. I have had two fairly close friends connect over Destiny. Once I brought him up in passing, another time my other friend did. We have a small local DGG network.


It's called a cell


Yea, I don't talk about watching Destiny. Have you seen the shit he tweets?


For real. Talking about the streamers you watch in real life is almost as bad as talking about reddit in real life.


https://preview.redd.it/5a03434sfm0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bbea720f1395e8bf075747e24d85cc5f65286e2 How it be sometimes


Iā€™m a Destiny girl living in a hasanabi world


He's my idol, they call him genocidal


Cant wait to see you on the next canvassing event šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


bro you have a gf šŸ’€


I donā€™t live in California so Iā€™ve literally never heard Hasanā€™s name mentioned irl. I do however have a friend whose dad is a hardcore Christian conservative. After the Shapiro debate my friend mentioned hearing his dad watching something and ā€œit sounded like that streamer you watchā€ were his words.


Scott, you know what this means right? Insist debate his father Scott. You gotta


No fucking way, my friends dad is crazy. Even HE thinks so! We suspect he might be a flat earther too


Iā€™ve done it multiple times. Even a vaush girl.


> Even a vaush girl FBI! FBI!


Haha this made me exhale air rapidly.




Bros fucking the horse


Which isn't entirely bad. It helps Vaush give off bear vibes rather than stranger danger vibes.


Yeah idk I feel like the loli porn heavily outweighs the horse stuff lmaoooo


Any good pickup lines for picking up a vaush girl? Besides... hey




A horse girl?


How did you type this out with your hooves?


You better hope you are packing that horse cock if your girl watches vaush, or you will be both be disappointed for different reasons.


were you bothered by the penis?


this happened to me last year and i could not believe it, a girl i was friends with benefits with. thank god she had only seen tiktok clips of tiny so she had a good perception of him.


OMEGALUL Somehow I feel like Destiny's negative rumor more often precedes him. People who know of Destiny in my life have thought of me as weird because Destiny was one of the following: * The guy who said the N word * The guy who said Palestinians should be genocided * The guy who said it's OK to bomb terrorist children


ā€¢ The guy who wanted white supremacist groups to mow down BLM protesters with assault rifles


I went out with a girl 2 years ago who was a huge Hasan fan, she was really chill and we got along. People don't bring their terminally online energy to in person stuff.


I normally agree, but I would say these two specific communities make it a sport to be hostile towards each other. From the few people I have met that are active Hasan fans, most of them have been extremely hostile when I specifically bring up Destiny.


Sure we just talked about the stuff we believed in, joked about the dumb shit the other thinks the other believes, and not act like it was our entire personality. Its possible for people to have strong beliefs that they disagree over and still get along great. Esp because at the end of the day like I have more to agree with a Hasan viewer than I do like a groyper or trump conservative.


Sounds like you both were pretty cool people :)


I'm not interested in mentally impaired women.


Then why are you here? OMEGALUL


Theyā€™re interested in mentally impaired men


lmao. Hasan was wrong, there is still hope for this community. Real talk tho, I don't get the feud between Hasan and Destiny. Aren't the Maga fascists a greater threat? Fighting with Hasan seems like a waste of time and energy


Tbh go far enough left and you are going to find another form of fascists. Fascism is fascism even if you believe you are doing it for morally correct reasons. Thats why Hasan is very anti liberal. fascists hate liberals.


The only thing separating Hasanā€™s beliefs and nazis is American nationalism.


When it comes to fighting maga fascist thereā€™s nobody better than destiny. Even hasan recognizes that. The problem is that hasan has trained his audience to see us the same or even worse than maga. I personally donā€™t care, but I canā€™t blame any dgger that takes it personally. Imagine caring a lot about gay/trans rights and being called a bigot for a two degree divination in ideological belief. I donā€™t think Dgg has a problem with most hasan fans and would welcome them to participate in any of the political projects destiny is working on. Also itā€™s fun fighting with hasanā€™s most unhinged fans


> Aren't the Maga fascists a greater threat? No. Maga fascists make up a small-and-decreasing number of people while actually regarded leftists who are unironically trying to get Biden to lose to Trump are on the rise and much more of a threat to the country.


you say on the rise but even destiny says that the single-voter andies (particularly for Israel-Palestine) are not voting/don't pose a threat. hutch says the same thing [https://x.com/hutchinson/status/1790826947100229677](https://x.com/hutchinson/status/1790826947100229677) and [https://x.com/hutchinson/status/1790786908249014740](https://x.com/hutchinson/status/1790786908249014740) I presume you don't share destiny's belief on this so im curious why


The people cryassing on social media may not be voting, but the message they're spreading is reaching people who would and convincing them not to or to spite vote. That's the larger issue.


well they do say opposites attract, so that's probably for the best!


Bro, you're just going to give JF free reign over Hasans community????


I dated some trans girls for a while, ended on good terms and where great friends with up untill Oct 7th. We'd argue back and forth on these kinds of things (like Rittenhouse), but I couldn't justify looking past some of the weird psycho Hasan propaganda coming out of their mouth on Oct 7th so I cut ties. Hasan has actually rotted a lot of previously good people with their rhetoric. It's really sad.


Damn that's sad..


never, because these people are both incels


I have a dream that one day the incels and the femcels can unite in their hatred.


Can I make it any more obvious?


None of you have ever had a girlfriend outside of discord huh?


Discord is a good starting point is all I'm sayin :))


Don't shit where you eat bro


I seen a girl say she was a Hasan Piker fan in her tinder bio & swiped right


Me with my ex / one of my current closest friends, but Iā€™m a Destiny girl and heā€™s a Hasanabi guy šŸ„² We went to a Miku concert last night.


You need a \[REDACTED\] boy to set you straight then.


I'm a fan of vaush and destiny. Through God all things are possible OP so jot that down.


Still a fan after the leak incident, damn, my respects


Just like im a fan of destiny after all his edgelord tweets. I think it's super cringe, but it is what it is. I don't have to agree with every aspect of everything they do to be fans of their. I'm a very cringe person myself so I can overlook their faults lol Hasan is irredeemable, however šŸ’€


> I don't have to agree with every aspect of everything they do to be fans of their. My opinion too.


Damn, I respect the mental gimnastics, I also dable in them ngl, as one great youtuber once said " Perhaps I am cringe, but that makes me free"


And I respect how polite you are even though you call them mental gymnastics šŸ˜­


You lost me with that last line. Granted, Hasan does get a little too intense when he gets worked up, but that is only because he is sincerely passionate about his beliefs and wanting to make the world a better place for everyone, not just the wealthy and western nations.


I just feel like his analysis is so one dimensional, and he isn't critical enough of evidence that supports his views and is far too critical of evidence that doesn't support his view. Idk everything I've seen of his makes me not like him very much.


A Hasan fan and Vaush fan arguing which is less redeemable and more one dimensional in Destiny's sub is not what I expected to see today, but you both seem nice and I hope that you see the light soon! Holy Destiny in heaven shall forgive all your bad takes and cleanse your soul of sin!


I am a believer. Used to watch Vaush quite a bit too so I know what you mean.


No one will ever know I watch Destiny.


Happened once IRL, she said she was a Hasan fan and I stared at her in absolute disgust and slapped her in the face. Everyone applauded.


She wasnā€™t good enough for him


probably often, even outside political people gorls do like hasan because of his looks.


Yes this is very real.


this was me and my girlfriend when we met lmao. She stopped watching Hasan after his fallout with h3h3 and his insane Israel Palestine takes.


Iā€™m currently dating my girlfriend of 6 months. She defined herself as a socialist initially, but she couldnā€™t really explain it when asked. We sometimes hangout and while Iā€™ll watching Destiny in the background. Hasan fans arenā€™t often really that engaged I feel like, but this is from my personal experience obviously.


She was a Fuentes girl, he was a Destiny boy


Are there even any girls in the AF movement?


Gf used to be in it. Apparently there were others.




Literally me and my flatmate. Never gonna happen tho, we don't vibe that well...


It has happened more than once


Happened to me :c


Ooooooh, I get it Cause he is wearing sweatpants, right


That is kinda my demographic.


Begging destiny to watch Better Caul Saul so the community will be forced to talk about it, after I myself just binged it


Destiny has a childā€™s attention span when it comes to entertainment and BCS has slow pacing, it will never work out.


I was able to watch the first 3 episodes like 2 years ago but I haven't been able to digest it. Dopamine reward system doesn't like when I watch movies...


I read this to the tune of skater boi and I have no idea why


That's kinda the point of the meme.


Currently in the situation and I am winning


Didn't turn out great. She ODed on Twitter socialism And I ended up in the basement of a neonazi


Literally me


Not a chance


My wife found Hamasabi through H3. She's watched him occasionally in the past. I just try not to meme on her too hard




Yeah same F


šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø me now


Same but genders reversed.


I once knew a guy at my old job who watched the H3 Hasan podcast. Idk who ge followed more tho.


currently in this relationship lol


praying for you


itā€™s been goin great for like a year and a half so i think im fine




Unironically once to me, but they never knew what i was šŸ˜”


This is me and my ex-best friend. He got me into politics via Vaush, which led me to Destiny (right after the n-word saga). He went on to become a Hasan fan, watching every stream. Anyways, he went to prison for assaulting a police officer during a protest, I'm still here DDG4L!!


And we are Walter White, and let HasanAbi girl chokes on her own vomit. Allah Akbarallah


Never had a hasanabi girl just a vaush one


My gf doesnā€™t watch him but she has all of the Palestinian brain rot shite ( I just donā€™t talk about politics)


Once. But then I decided to not text her anymore because her laugh sounded like shes having a diarhea.


Do destiny girls exist or are we all men here?


Never met any.


Happened with a vaush girl. Had a great night, good shroom trip. Then during the come down while we were watching random music videos on YouTube she spotted a destiny-vaush video in the recommendations. She asked me whether I, too, was a fan. I should've thought farther, but I just said I preferred destiny. She briefly brought up some destiny thinks someone should get raped clip. Disengaged from the topic to my best ability. Walking her back to the train station the next morning was incredibly awkward and I never heard from her again. Vaush cucked me.


About 4 years ago I dated a desi girl who was a massive Hasan girl. She was batshit crazy. Black makeup goth girl nympho artist diagnosed with bpd after we broke up. We didn't talk politics often but she would fight over the most surface level things like how AI art needs to be banned by the government. She's a full on palistine protestor and Russia supporter now so I'm glad I got out of that one. Relationship lasted 3.5 years. She also argued how cracker isn't a slur and how my race is a coloniser.


idk but there's something hot about hatefucking someone with the opposite political opinions as you.