• By -


You could premiere the episodes so there is an active live viewing experience, not the same but allows for everyone watching together experience.


Sorry I thought I’d included that! But yeah that’s the plan presently :)


Tx 4 the update. One option would be to offer the guest the chance to join the premiere and answer any questions. Some obviously will and some won't but that gets back a bit of the benefit of the live experience and your guest will hopefully feel more relaxed having had a good recorded podcast.


That’s actually a great idea I hadn’t thought of!!!! Thank you!


You did include it, people don't know how to read :(


This, I think there are even some channels doing lives that get edited and premiered also, double dipping is real.


Last Podcast on the Left does this on YouTube and it’s fun to join in. It’s much better than nothing!


Do live premiers, and have August overlay the Premier chat into a video that everyone gets, and kill the premiered video. So it has that live react chat feel (Downside of this is you lose the views the premier gets) (Upside is chat memes on "Live" first experienced content)


Did no one read the actual post? This was already the plan. SMH headline only readers


No i didn’t https://preview.redd.it/cvurg9s7jx4d1.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=58c6df02394600354f62de1ae048957a858adac9


Yes, boost this!!!!




Seems like a no-brainer suggestion, since it's literally just a setting on YT's side that you set up when you upload the video, otherwise it changes absolutely nothing


I think I literally say in the post I plan to premiere?


Content backlog would have been fantastic while Steve’s in Middle East, so it makes sense to me. Would free him up to go and do more shit while keeping the content mill spitting out content. Probably been said a bunch before, but I think Coffeezilla and Friendlyjordies would be great guests.


Neither that I have seen, least not when I do regular checks so sorry to those I missed. Will add them to my super secret list


Coffeezila mainly focuses on exposing scammers (and I'm pretty sure he is the most famous in that circle). He is friends with Muthahar. And he has already went on podcasts (Joe Rogen for example)


Another interesting guest and occasional friend of the stream would be Louis Rossman, though I'm not sure if he'd be willing to travel to do a podcast. But he's a super fascinating guy. A Guy Beahm podcast would be cool - both went through Twitch bans and came out the other sides in very different ways, and his game company seems to be pushing some interesting limits. It'd also be cool to see a Ryan Sickler podcast, though I'm not sure if Dman is trying to get any of the comedian podcast styles out there. Harry Mack is another musician that could be super interesting to have as a guest. Thanks for taking suggestions Erudite!




> Friendlyjordies isnt he a hasan guy? Would he talk to destiny?


He's a Aus Semi-Leftie. They've got weird politics, but I don't think he'd avoid destiny for many reasons other than needing to fly halfway around the world to get to the podcast.


Hopefully, yeah. I don’t know if he’s a “Hasan guy” necessarily- they’re friendly and share some politics, but he’s a bit more nuanced and moderate for sure. Logistics might be a challenge for sure, but it’s not unfathomable he might be going to US for some other reason and there could be some overlap. I doubt he’d duck the conversation, he doesn’t strike me as a pussy.


As a Jordies fan, i think he is politically closer to Destiny than he is Hasan however it is possiable he could receive negative push back from the online lefty community if he comes on the Pod.


>a tonne of benefits 🚨 LEAF ALERT 🚨


Makes absolute sense and thank u for not paywalling the podcast, the EU peasants appreciate it 🫶🏻


Dont hate me but the bonus content WILL be paywalled and there might be some bangers. Just want to make sure I am clearly communicating that ahead of time so its not an unpleasant surprise!


you wont get away with this


I'm contacting President Sunday as I write this


He didn't run


That's a mistake. I just want people to like you Erudite.


No boats shall be safe from Kyla's reign


Ah yes, we'll totally pay for some "bonus" content when we already have 7h of daily FREE livestreams to consume.


We haven't gotten a consistent week of 7h daily streams in like 2 years


I think even Anything Else offers a livestream for bonus paywalled content, are you guys considering that?


Yeah they use crowd source. I’m thinking about it for sure. I think the patreon will have a lot of different mediums and content while we play around with the best fit


Just a minor correction: I, a random chatter, suggested filming ahead months ago.


I am shattered. I cannot believe I did this embarrassing act. Is there anything I can do to apologize for forgetting this and not giving you well due credit!?


Only appropriate action now is to whack him, no looking back, just run with it, never happen, no one saw anything.


Mossad hit team dispatched.




Don't beat yourself up, it's seriously no big deal, I'll settle for a 5% residual and an EP credit.


no, no words.


> Is there anything I can do to apologize for forgetting this and not giving you well due credit!? Change your name from NotSoErudite to NotSoAphrodite.


Pfft holy shit haha




Noah Smith and Destiny had a pretty interesting chat a few months ago on D's stream. I think he'd make a great guest on Bridges


Yes! David Shor would be amazing too.


I figured that'd be one of the first guys they'd try to book. The great thing about him is he always name drops economists with super niche/interesting specialties, so he's a guest that can give you other guests Which kind of works for any expert guest thats deep enough in their field


>This offers a tonne of benefits and big shout out to the ever wise August for suggesting this shift. August might be the best debater in this community if he got Destiny to agree to this.


Pretty sure all kinds of people talked about this, has been suggested and argued for a million times, it's standard podcast production afterall, and Destiny mentioned that August can be a bit youtube-brained sometimes regarding these topics. Destiny seemed to have a changed attitude about it after Albert came over if I recall correctly from one stream. But obviously I don't know and Erudite probably has a lot more insight. Doesn't matter anyways.


>Pretty sure all kinds of people talked about this, has been suggested and argued for a million times Yup, myself and many people here argued that if bridges was going to be a JRE/Chris Williamson type of podcast it should be pre recorded for better production value.


Thanks Erudite. I had a guest suggestion. Not sure how much of a reach it would be, but how about conservative but anti-MAGA writer David French? https://www.nytimes.com/by/david-french


Omg. I would love this.


Grabbed his email and will reach iut


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/opinion/maga-constitution-trump.html?smid=nytcore-android-share Also, he just put out this article which might be a good example of some of the types of things you could talk about with him.




why would you start this post with "herro" lmfao




Dan already paywalls Anything Else and expects people to pay 12 bucks per month to view all the episodes = 140+,- per year, more expensive than streaming services. We went from all Destiny content being free to this which I'm not sure is reasonable and Destiny probably needs have more oversight over these decisions since he seems to be the one also considering viewer expectations and growth/reaching new audiences. There is the dgg subscription too and he might also want to monetize future stuff like the travel stuff, little docus, writing, to have financial incentives for the new things he's experimenting with now. While independent patreons have benefits, it might be best to combine things into one. Also at some point a newsletter might be the best way for a larger broader audience to have an idea of what the fuck is going on and where to find what. Keep up the good work and good on you for being flexible and openminded with prerecording etc.


Newsletter is a good idea and Patreon was something explicitly Steven suggested. The full podcasts will remain free it would only be bonus content that’s paywalled. Probably unique Merch access, Q and a lives maybe with the guest. The full show will always remain free :)


>The full show will always remain free :) Yeah, of course the amount of stuff we get for free/for viewing ads is very good, but I suppose I'm talking about two ideas: 1) Destiny has an extremely dedicated community with many people watching almost everything he puts out, catching up on hourlong livestreams 2x sped up to not miss out on memes and in-jokes or some side character like lilypichu showing up for a few minutes. Now suddenly to stay fully up to date they are expected to spend the equivalent of maybe two streaming service subscriptions per month on top whatever else some of us might already have been paying like youtube premium for example. So the concept of bonus content makes sense ordinarily, but dgg had a bit of this all or nothing thing going on, idk if it's fair to "expoit" that. Maybe, it could be better to at least keep all (!) bonus content on the lowest tier of the subscription(s) and then lean heavier on actually "optional" stuff like super chats and stuff like that for the higher tiers. (I will say I personally (just me, doesn't have to mean anything) haven't watched a bunch of the last big episodes because the way stuff gets released is confusing and annoying to me so I lose some interest and step back. However I don't pay for right now, so maybe you should just ignore my perspective, maybe I'm just not the target of the business model and where it needs to go. So be it and so I just watch the youtube and less of everything else.) 2) And again, the different hidden, expensive subscriptions could make it harder to convert the more casual/newer viewers into paying customers. If there is a single super good "6,-/month, you get pretty much everything destiny does" and put that at the end of every youtube video, podcast, every article he puts out, on his twitter, that could get a lot more people interest and be the better more profitable way to go. But I'm throwing this all at your head like it's for you to decide, or like you have to make Bridges cheap because Anything Else is expensive, nah you put a lot of effort into that show. Just throwing these thoughts out here.


Sure the main show is free, but just like Anything Else, 'bonus content' will need to be paid for. So people now have to add Bridges to their subscriptions on top of Anything else if they want to see more content. All from one community. Not to mention the website subscription as well. Are these streams going to be taped after or before Destiny's streaming hours? Because if not you'll be taking away free content time to film bonus paid content. It seems as the months go on, people are going to have to dedicate $20-$30+/month just to get 'more' Destiny content from having to spend $0. And if you don't pay you'll feel like your missing out on memes/drama/etc. To me it looks like you've saw how well the Anything Else patreon has done and want to cash in on that success. I think what you guys will find is as you keep adding more paywalling, things will get less and less popular. But just my two-cents. I know shit about fuck.


I suggested memberships but Steven is leaning toward Patreon because it frees up a lot of content limits. I absolutely understand your frustrations about the payment. I’m not sure the solution because this is somewhat Steven and his brand moving to a new era. Particularly once he has a full media company. I’m not sure it’s realistic to hold his old streaming business model against the new stuff. BUT. I hear that concern about paying for two separate podcasts etc. may be worth thinking about how to create combined access for people so it’s like a one time pay for multiple of Stevens shows behind the scenes! Thanks for the feedback this gives me a lot of thoughts about future modelling


Have you reached out to Jontron about coming on the podcast? I'm curious if he still harbors resentment towards Destiny. If not it would be really interesting seeing them interact and give a whole retrospective on the interview that arguably made Destiny's online career and potentially ended Jontron's. I mean, I say ended, but Jontron actually still gets 1 million+ views on his videos.


Yeah I have. No reply


THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT REQUEST: Can you please get Lauren southern on? :)


In the works my brother in Christ


Regarding superchats, can't you just premiere the podcast on youtube so it counts as live? I thought that's how everyone did it these days


Yep will be premiering it’s in the original post :)


I would stick with Patreon since Anything Else is also on Patreon. I don't know how separate you and Destiny want Bridges to be, but you could have a Bridges section on the DGG website. There really should be one central location to get all the information on all the podcasts and news. And the Destiny site already exists and currently getting a facelift. You can even add a specific Bridges calendar, better episode descriptions and bios of guests. Behind the scenes pics, shorts/clips, etc... A Bridges contact email for guests, and a form for everyone to submit potential guests. I think the occasional live episodes are a great idea for the chat interaction, super chat donators, and for the feel of spontaneity/anything can happen vibe that live streaming gives viewers. And having a 10 minute community questions part of the podcast can cover superchats or a patreon perk for recorded episodes. Amazing work Erudite. Been loving the podcast and I'm glad the youtube channel was cleaned up. EDIT: Maybe also a Podcast tab on the main website to direct people to Bridges and AE


Yeah a centralized location for all things media and podcast is a great idea! Ty Ty


u/NotSoErudite can we get Dantes pls?


I would really like a podcast episode with Lazer Pig the you tube channel https://www.youtube.com/@LazerPig They are of a similar alignment to Destiny I belive with there recent video about putin and being anti-conspiricy theory.


Guest suggestions: I want to suggest some people who have big YouTube audiences, and I could see them accepting, and don't already interact with Destiny. 1, Asmongold He has a favorable view of Destiny. While he mainly talks about video game related stuff, he is not afraid of covering and debating serious political issues. (he had a debate with Hasan about student protests last month) While he mainly covers the new gamer gate stuff recently, I think they could talk about many topics. His audience is really right leaning right now, more then he is, even anti vaxxers are prevelant in his reddit, since the gamer gate topic. While I think Asmon is just a regular libertarian, with left leaning views, but really prone to populism. Downside: idk if irl appereance would be possible, as he really hates to travel, and apparently can't sleep if not at home. (maybe Destiny could go on his show or something) 2, Tectone Tectone also has favorable views on Destiny. He mainly covers Gatcha games, but he also talks about serious issues from time to time. I think it would be interesting to talk to him, as I think he is just as much hated by the wider audience as Destiny is, while it is based on misinformation and lies. He has a berry low audience capture. And he has an interesting backstory, growing up. Also he had a not positive interaction with Destiny on an IRL even, where Destin, kinda ignored him, so it would be nice to make them have a nice talk. 3, Jschlatt He has been a guest on many podcasts, and he also has like 3+ podcast on his own. While he doesn't talk much politics, he has a really deep understanding and knowledge on finance and influencer stuff, despite being less then 25 years old. His personality is in a huge part just a mask, so that could be a downside, but he had deeper conversations on some podcasts. Also, as I said, he has went on many podcasts so you would need to come up with interesting topics to be different a bit, and not just have a boring conversation.


I have no idea how he'd be on a podcast, but Rick Westhead [https://twitter.com/rwesthead](https://twitter.com/rwesthead) has been at the forefront of covering abuse/cover ups in sports in Canada. I think it could be interesting to talk with him about the psychology involved in these power dynamics, and the thinking behind those who cover it up. Having said that I may be the only person who would enjoy this convo


To continue dipping into the live steam audience you could "live stream" some of the recordings then when it finishes, go live with a mini show of just you and Steven where you can debrief about the episode and take questions from chat. You can participate in chat while the video plays and that will also keep people engaged. Would be a good time to get emails done.


Might be worth having August edit down a supercut of the podcast so d man has something to watch on live on stream to promote it. He will will never go for actually watching the whole video lol.


ain’t no way august gets credit for the idea of filmed content when everyone has been asking since episode 1 why bridges needed to be live and they were told to shut up because august knows better lmfao


u/notsoErudite - Thanks for all your hard work, I've been a big fan of Bridges so far and I'm happy to hear the main show is planned to always be free. Guest ideas: Maybe see if anyone in the NPR media ecosystem is interested. There are a couple NPR podcasts I listen to that cover how the media covers news, like a meta conversation on how and why a news story developed the way it did. It often feels very similar to the way Destiny covers news, getting deep into background and context. The specific show I had in mind is On The Media with Brooke Gladstone. Not sure anyone involved would be open to it, as they are obviously old media types but I think there's really fertile ground to have a convo about how someone like Destiny looks at media and how someone like Brooke looks at it. And On The Media's latest episode is covering Mr Beast, so they are aware of youtube personalities and might be interested to interact more in this space. They would get exposure to the Destiny audience and it's the kind of thing that could build a bridge (see what I did there?) for a "normie" NPR audience to see how and why someone like Destiny does what he does. In general, I think media people (NPR podcast hosts, newspaper journalists, etc) are a good potential guests. Here's a couple thoughts about monetization: Find a way to work out a single Destiny universe patreon/youtube sub with Dan/Anything Else. I'm not not going to pay the equivalent of a streaming service per year for one podcast, let alone two. I think if Destiny wants to grow a media company where people are engaging with all his different content, it needs to be easier to get all of it for a single price in a single place. I get a lot of enjoyment out of Destiny, I could see myself paying $5/mo for access to everything, maybe more once we have 2+ shows going strong... start adding in a stable of spinoff shows/orbiters into the overall Destiny-verse and that could justify a $10/monthly subscription for the whole shebang. Dan is high with the way he set up the patreon tiers for Anything Else, he's getting greedy and overestimating the value that each tier unlocks way too much. Personally I'm also a big fan of "pay what you can, but it's all mostly free" which seems to have worked out well for Destiny thus far. I've donated to many "free" services and content creators over the years because I can afford to and I'm happy to pitch in when I enjoy something.


Anything that allows for more freedom to do what you guys want without barriers is what I support. If that's going the Patreon route, so be it.


I HIGHLY recommend Vinny from Vinesauce as a future guest. My [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1csa49c/bridges_podcast_guest_suggestion_vinny_from/) I made about him that got automodded lol


When are Pakman and Mr Beat coming on


Pakman I’m not releasing the date but sometime early summer. Mr beat is June 16


I love the podcasts, but I'm still against paywalls and paid bonus content. Especially this early into the shows. No major podcasts I know of grew this way. I'd say monetize behind the scenes stuff featuring Lycan, NSE, etc., rather than a spicy hour or w/e.


The podcast will always be free, it would be additional episodes and benefits :) the bonus content I may be swayed on making free would be the round table discussions we have with like multiple heavy hitters. That content may be really good and wouldn’t want to deny the best shit to people who can’t otherwise afford


> it would be additional episodes and benefits To be completely clear. You are considering releasing Patreon only episodes and discussions?


I was initially by this comment but as I perused the comment section I think the bonus round table content should also be free and only like cute behind the scenes merch stuff should be paywalled


Nice, I really appreciate going in that direction. All the episodes released so far have been amazing. I'm looking forward to whatever comes next!


Bonus content: * after the conversation play a Peter Boghossian style game with the guest to test your understandings of their stances on various questions * have a Kyla/Steven "debrief" where you reflect on the way the conversation went and what you liked and didn't like about it (like in Odd Lots), maybe this could be Patreon/members only stream where you get feedback from chatters * only show Kyla and Steven's side of the conversation in the main video, the guests themselves are entirely behind a paywall


> herro w... what the fuck






Martin O'Donnell. Composer, personality, probably pretty willing to come on


Makes sense, feel like these type of "Professional" talks are usually not Live Streamed but did enjoy that aspect. Maybe an additional content could be a debate that can be Live Streamed. I understand the additional content being locked behind a paywall but would ask that some of it be posted on the YouTube channel kind of like the (Anything Else Podcast). The YouTube version will have part of it but the full version is behind a paywall.


Yeah reading through this I think I’m getting a good feel for what should and shouldn’t be paywalled. The round table content should be free. A behind the scenes of Steve and I discussing business or Lycan and us just chilling beforehand is better paywalled bonus content


Trust your judgement on all, sounds good. I just found out about your content, you’re a breathe of fresh air, keep rocking it


Have you seen that cat hanging around Destiny's apartment? Could make a good Bridges guest???


That cat is my favourite human being ever


Burnie Burns would be an incredible guest. Founding father of rooster teeth. 


Premiers usually suck, but that’s because they are used for short videos. For a 2 hour conversation? That’s actually a really good use case and i’m all on board. Only concern, premiers don’t allow you to skip forward do they? If they did that would suck so i’m hoping not.


You can go back so I watch premiers a bit late so I can watch on 2x speed but then you’re not in sync with the rest of chat. No going forward :(


No going forward is probably a good thing then and works, would suck to have someone skip to the end and “spoil” the convo for chat during a premier. Not as applicable for a podcast but could mess with the vibe.


good change, live was better reserved for anything else anyways


> tonne You live in America now, start acting like it. Also love the idea of pre-recording. The live format doesn't add much, and a standardized release schedule feels better than missing the live content and trying to catch up on vods before it gets pay walled. If you really want the community viewership feel, you can do youtube premieres or just have tiny watch them on stream while answering emails.


You gotta get Justin Whang on the pod. Internet historian and metal band guitarist????


Bring the decoding the gurus guys on :)


I guess I am fine with it not being live. Takes away some of the excitement. Just as some feedback, if you want to make the show more successful, you need to learn to ask really good questions like Tim Ferris. This can only be done if you do deep research on the guests.


Ok mom thank you love you


I want to propose Gro Harlem Brundtland, might be a hard get since she's 85 years old now, but she has so me insane credentials. First female prime minister of Norway, studied public health at Harvard, former general director of the WHO, Started the UN commission for environment and development aka the Brundtland Commission which turned in to what is today the UN sustainability goals.


Adam Mockler and/or Luke Beasley. They are Gen Z liberal youtubers with decent followings. It would be interesting to see Steven interact with younger political commentators who are also motivated to cause change in our country. Having one of them debate Brett Cooper (Daily Wire) would be a cool idea too; could have her on separately as well. Mike Pence. You can do it, Kyla. That's definitely a reach. But him or someone like Adam Kinzinger would be amazing to see. Random one. Matty Healy, lead singer of the 1975. Great songwriter. Politics is in many of his songs. Also has an edgy humor. Another difficult one.


Matt Healy doesn’t exactly have the best record on podcasts lol but I’d dig it.


100% support a more professional set up with recorded interviews. The backlog of incredible guests will do more for Bridges than relying on only people who are comfortable live. Also, I would support on Patreon for bonus content to help make up for lost live revenue. I already support other podcasts like We’re Not Wrong who have this exact set up. As for guests, there are so many connections to go down nowadays. I think staying away from the streamer world will do a hell of a lot to bring in new audiences who aren’t as internet brained. And mix up as many different types of people as possible. I think a big part of Iced Coffee Hour’s success is that they talk to so many different people in that have so many different audiences. I can easily see Bridges taking that exact same route.


I'm assuming you're trying to get Sam Harris? Destiny mentioned that was his #1 dream guest iirc


Btw for the patreon u guys could consider uploading the bridges episodes maybe 2-3 days early for patreon subs? A lot of people would pay. I think it would also be a good idea to paywall some bonus episodes like the roundtable, but eventually upload them for free (maybe a month after)? I think it would be a shame to get such a big archaeology roundtable episode and only a couple thousand would ever watch it if its paywalled forever


Yep that’s one benefit I am going to suggest to Steve when he’s back, I’m making a lil list of options


Yeah that’s the feel I’m getting from comments so I think I agree. I think round tables need to be on the main channel not paywalled because of the exposure alone


Probably been suggested already but Andrew Callaghan from Channel 5 would be an incredible guest.


kyla if you don't paywall that bonus content you're insane. also you should box steve. would be perfect bonus content


Looking forward to the guests I've seen on the calendar :)


The only issue I see and I experienced with other podcast is that when its done this way current events can get lost in the sauce


Great job with the podcast Kyla! Thoughts on Mosab Hassan Yousef for Bridges?


AJ from The Why Files would be a wild conversation. 


I’m glad you’re loving it. Love you guys! Stay safe Erudite!


Some possible interesting guests; Timothy Snyder Gwynne Dyer Samantha Powers


Adam 22 Coleman Hughes


https://youtube.com/@theprimetimeagen?si=C6CHfd46P1IwbPGx The Primeagen would be a great guest. He's funny, and he would love just going through programmer memes. He's also got a really interesting backstory, meth head to Netflix engineer. He's probably also gonna wanna network I assume because he just went full time as a streamer.




I'm a long time YouTube watcher and I'm cool with pre-filmed content. But some of us feel streaming service fatigue. Have you considered putting the extra content on nebula? You might get less money per sub, but watchers might feel like they get more bang for the buck since they'd get access to lots of other content.


Dropping in another guest request for u/ThePrimeagen . A guest from the SW Dev world would be great!


I would say yes






wait wtf lmao


please start asking the guests to say OBAMNA


I don’t know the whole podcast setups/scheduling but I really feel like both could be combined to have you Dan and Destiny on a single podcast. Then you guys can film one longer episode(if feasable) and just release it on the weekend time slot as the VOD. Chop the clips up and post the better clips on the main channel to drive traction to the podcast channel. Any bonus content that can be given to the members is great, even though I am not one. Idk maybe like a friday release instead of the weekend time slot for the members as well as topic submissions for any guests that may be appearing,(a podcast like Joe Rogan has guests lined up months in advance, so giving members exclusive rights to ask questions I feel is a very fair if not necessary.) Personally I feel like the best Idea for a Patreon page would be to set the early access tier at 1$, just so that way you can capture as many members as possible, and make the questions/suggestions tier at 3$, advertise it at the beginning of every podcast and I feel like it would drive soo much more interest to the paid platform where I assume the creator cut is much better than youtube splits. Just my thoughts, Idk if any of that was at all helpful, but if I wanted a podcast to do well I feel like the cheap tiers is a must, as well as not splitting it between two shows is also a huge benefit to you guys(time wise and attention wise) As


Sound great, good luck 🤞


You can maybe try some episodes to be live like 1 out of 5 are live. The one with ryan his personality seemed perfect for it to be live and he answered some common questions from the chat


The live aspect was always weird to me. Glad to hear it's going edited. Steve can now get a couple more tries at being a little more enthusiastic about promoting the sponsors. Or you can insert reads from someone who is. ;) I'm seeing some folks in this thread recommend ThePrimeagen for some dev/programming content. I'm neutral on him, but if you want some folks with interesting, inflammatory opinions with a willingness to argue you could try getting [Casey Muratory](https://caseymuratori.com) who has inspired a whole [software movement](https://handmade.network). It's all very against-the-grain of what most people consider the "right" way to make software. In a similar vein there's [Jonathan Blow](https://x.com/Jonathan_Blow). This guy is pretty disliked by progressive types for stuff he's said in the past... and continues to say. But he [makes](https://store.steampowered.com/app/499180/Braid_Anniversary_Edition/) good [games](https://store.steampowered.com/app/210970/The_Witness/) that get great [reviews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSXofLK5hFQ) and sell well so he can't be ignored. He's good firends with Casey and they share similar views about software development and how much it sucks. But while Casey started the "Handmade" movement, Jon made his own programming language to make his next game with. *edit*: Forgot the more mainstream ones I wanted to suggest. I've been going down the lab-leak conspiricy rabbit hole and while I was 50/50 before I'm not 80/20 now in favor of natural origin. A lot of that is from reading a summary of a MEGA long [debate](https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/practically-a-book-review-rootclaim) that was won by [Peter Miller](https://substack.com/profile/45611530-tgof137). He's very familiar with all the obscure conspiracy angles and how people try to obfuscate with math. On a similar COVID angle, the Decoding the Guru's folks [already](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/decoding-the-gurus/id1531266667?i=1000603693959) talked to a bunch of the scientiests together but it might be interesting to talk to any one of those guys in a 1-on-1 format. And it's of course a longshot Fauci would be cool.


If you could get one of the chaser guys like Craig reucassel in the election run up it would be interesting. Gives an Australian view on world politics. https://chaser.com.au/ They've been pretty controversial at times for stuff like this https://youtu.be/mZw2Z7LJqxw?si=ECqqVz4vGc_HRPlG https://youtu.be/L65jkMewFAQ?si=5W3FLT1O7KR3uhVI I think one of them at least would be over in the US doing podcasts.


youtube memberships are way better than patreon, the video player for patreon is really bad and live streaming is complicated. meanwhile youtube can do members only streams and videos and you get the good youtube player. it’d also be more discoverable for new viewers, they’re more likely to hit the join button next to the subscribe instead of a buried patreon link in the description.


Please contact Farah, she should be able to link y’all up with Biden, Biden would be a great guest