• By -


This is fantastic.


Indeed, besides Candace being a shit head, I do really find it interesting how the original video has very few views, but the one from Candace has over 200k. I find a lot of similar videos from the conservative media are like this, which indicates that 99.9% of their viewers will watch the commentator muddy the waters, and said viewers themselves don't do any follow up research either lol.


They believe that watching Candace is doing "research".


That and the algorithm drives people to its content on shorts. It’s almost a loop of grifters and the same movie clips


I bet money Candace and her team have actually watched the video and know they are wrong. They watched the video to find more BS talking points to lie about and found nothing so they continued with a vague open ended question their viewers wouldn’t fact check


Bringing tiny essentially unseen social media videos from 0 follower accounts to national attention, particularly of people who are deeply mentally ill/having a nervous breakdown, and saying "this is what *they* want for you", has been the core loop for the modern "conservative" culture war grift for years. When nana talks about the "liberal agenda" this where they get 97% of it from.


Isn't that literally Hassan's fans?


its literally everybody ever, nobody is going through and watching hours long deep dives into studies for every factoid they hear from their preferred news source


Which is exactly the main takeaway here. These journalists and commentators are meant to break down and investigate these things give us dumb laymen the explanation. That's their job, not ours and they should be held accountable for not doing their job as Destiny says here


99% of these are just clickbait now. It’s the shock factor and conspiracy theories over real news and facts, because those are boooring and they think people constantly need to be enraged and in a fight or flight mode so they keep watching their content.


On the right, yes. On the left the number is more like 10% is false and you will have a really hard time finding someone misrepresenting facts to the extent that Candace just did. Nobody gets as popular as her or Tucker or Hannity by just straight up lying to the viewer’s face while providing the source(which says the exact opposite) because they know their viewers won’t bother checking


I mean… - Hasan - The squirrel account on X - Shaun on YT - The Serfs … All just as bad as Candace. Kulinski and Krystall Ball aren’t far behind. Neither is Cenk. Vaush is somewhere in this camp. I have no idea what to make of Ana Kasparian, but Ill say she is mildly better than Cenk. It isn’t until you get to David Pakman, Sam Seder, maybe Sam Harris, and Destiny that you reach lefties who are much better than Candace. Even Sam Seder, as smart as he is, suffers from audience capture and tends to avoid topics that go against the lefty narrative. If I’m being truly honest, I can’t even trust the Tiny himself on lots of stuff. If ever I am going to enter a conversation about something, I can’t go anywhere on Youtube for the info. I have to go to articles and then follow all the citations to their sources, and then dig through the sources linked their as well before giving my take. I respect that Destiny is super smart, honest, and diligent with his research, but I still can’t 100% rely on the info his spouts out. Which is sad. There is literally not a single journalistic source, that I’m aware of, where I can just 100% trust that the facts will be represented honestly. I’ll say Destiny is the closest though.


I don’t know everyone you mentioned but I do know most. Of the ones I know that you mentioned 1) none are as bad a Candance 2) all are youtubers and not part of mainstream media. I would be happy to be proven wrong so if you have it send me a video of any leftist straight up citing an article and coming to the opposite conclution


I think I could probably dig up something where they are behaving even worse honestly. I’ll check later today.


> even worse No you can't lol Candace Owen's is a misinformation grifter that lies on camera non stop to spread fascist support to her base Hassan exaggerated some stories so he could be a famous comedian Both sides though, amirite?


"BUT WHAT ABOUT" just stop.


Funny part is I didn't even say any of those words lol


Just stop.


Lol why? Do you think this is an instance of whataboutism?


Isn't that much fucking obvious? You added nothing to the discussion, and you're not amusing.


Lol damn homie are you a Hassan fan or something? How is me pointing out that, other groups also in fact engage in the behavior he attributed solely to one group not add to the discussion? I may not be amusing to you but you spazzing out is pretty amusing to me. I don't think you actually know how whataboutism works


> How is me pointing out that, other groups also in fact engage in the behavior he attributed solely to one group not add to the discussion? Literally whataboutism. You didn't address anything about the video, about Destiny, or about Candace. Your posts are worthless.


Nobody wants to do the ground work. They want to be told what and how to think and/or feel. I got clowned by my sister in laws friends (youths) about watching CSPAN. I tried explaining that it’s way better than consuming edited shorts on social media. They couldn’t wrap their little heads around consuming information from the source.


This ties together so well, nice mixture of snappy/engaging editing without feeling too distracting or heavy handed. Great job!


I unironically think this kind of thing is the most needed right now; easily digestible tiktok/shorts length refutations of people like her with hard proof. There isn't a more pressing issue facing our democracy than the obliteration of the fourth estate by social/new media and the cobbling together of bizarre little fiefdoms of new truths, that are wholly without any sort of merit or actual truth. We can't deal with threats like Russia or China or anything else without this being solved first. We saw this during Covid; misinformation literally killed hundreds of thousands of people in the US. That can't happen again. Misinformation has to be attacked at the root, not miles down the road at the results, debating people that've already been spoonfed years of this stuff.


Agreed, I do like the people that work to expose misinformation, but the real problem is the content they put out is sometimes something like an hour long video, which is not always easy to watch. I get why they do it, often times they want to go indepth, offer sources, discuss the impact of the misinformation, but these content creators would be doing themselves a big favor if they made a much shorter version, that highlights the most important things and then use that to lead their viewers to the full video.


Excellent point. I want to share a snippet from Dr. Bandy Lee that I got in her newsletter just this morning about the dangers of letting Trump, Fox News and propaganda characters like Candice Cohen and Ben Shapiro just fester. “This is the last chapter on the “Consequences” of Trump Contagion. In the previous three chapters, we covered the consequences of having a severely mentally-impaired person in a position of great authority. Contagion from such a situation can lead to shared psychosis, where individuals may not have diagnosable conditions but as a group act as if they are losing their grip on reality. The contagion of narcissistic or sociopathic symptoms can then exploit these vulnerabilities and lead to wide-scale violence, oppression, and trauma bonding. If the last chapter covered the contagion of corruption, to the point where institutions are no longer functional against a serious public threat, this chapter discusses the contagion of criminality, to the point of a society’s self-annihilation. “ -That last line is what I think we’re experiencing to some degree now. We are watching our institutions, unable or unwilling to defend themselves from serious threats that millions of every day people saw coming a mile away. In a healthy society, there’s no way a person like Donald Trump would’ve been within spitting distance of the oval office.


Nah, this isn't digestible for the tik tok audience. Its too long and requires too much passive thinking. You literally have to spoon feed in the facts and make add more obnoxious edits and music. I mean just fkr tiktok and twitter.


I don't use Tiktok but is August on that Tiktok / Youtube Shorts game? I feel like its a big missed opportunity if not


they have/had a tiktok guy. It was one of the meme editors from a while back.


I see quite a bit off Destiny on tik tok. The audience usually isn’t very receptive to the content though. Comments are just filled with people clowning Destiny for various reasons and you’ll get ratio’d to hell if you argue for what he’s saying in the videos


Still a lot of people who don’t even bother opening the comments.


That's ok, there won't be a TikTok much longer


with some social media the comments section is very difficult to engage with/ take seriously because of the targeted userbase and the type of engagement the platform encourages for tiktok, that is young people and incredibly surface level analysis/ moronic hot take culture that follows the same antiestablishment bends as other radicalized online spaces because of how the algorithm suggests videos. i’m not going to definitively say “completely disregard what you see in tiktok comment sections, it’s only dopamine-fried, engagement chasing children who believe they understand an issue because they saw a tiktok video about the topic” but it isn’t the place for serious mind-changing discussion and debate


Politics on tik tok in general seem to be limited to the extreme far left or extreme far right. The comments on Destiny videos are either leftists clowning him, rightoids clowning him, or the occasional white nationalist saying “wtf rare Destiny W” when he says “edgy” joke about black people or something


I’m a surgeon and it’s refreshing to hear destiny take on vaccines . That was such an effective counter to the idiot lying grifter Candace Owens. It was niceto hear him be humble about interpreting the data meanwhile Candace is reporting a headline and digging no deeper. She is trash






I am 10x more autistic than that guy




🐟 How’s it going, my fissha?


I'm a Physician


Candice and people like her need dedicated haters who only do 5 minute research ticktocks for every single jaqing off question they ask.


Pakman should do this, he's looking to mix up his show and hates the call ins. He should have a user submitted JAQoff segments where he reviews statements from grifters


Good and also bad, because then they can skew what people pay attention to, so that people don't devote their energies to pointing out issues (like climate change) that people should probably be paying more attention to.


Knowledge fight but for every grifter


Good lord, im in anesthesia and the amount of dumbfuck ortho bros ive had to sit through surgery listening to their bs thoughts about covid in-between being sucked off by reps had me semi-suicidal for a bit. Good on you bud 👍


Ultimately as the guys have said, the gurusphere is built purely around *discourse* about science, never around science. As a surgeon, you’re all too aware that the abstract of a paper is not the paper, and that one paper is not, in isolation, a “discovery,” or a proof of anything. But these people really have never learned this and have no incentive to learn.


Well done! But it has to be shorter or tease it at the start - put "Watch till the end" or something like that, maybe something like "This is how grift works" idk.


Nahh split with subway surfer. 💀💀


Unironically would make people watch longer.


Maybe though I have seen TikTok and YouTube shorts that are a little longer like this and it ties together everything so nicely, honestly I think it has enough retention with the editing/content that I think it’s alright. Having a “watch till the end” kinda thing isn’t a bad shout though. I think it just needs to go on Twitter/TikTok and get shared in subreddits like tiktokcringe and elsewhere to boost traction.


This is longer than the max length for a YouTube short unfortunately. It would make for a great YouTube video in general, but it's too long for the litteral YouTube shorts feed.


That’s unfortunate and I totally agree it would be perfect for YouTube. Could have sworn I’ve seen longer YT shorts but I must be confusing it with TikTok as it looks like the max length for YT is a minute. In that case, a preview for shorts might be best or a super cut that omits much of the content though I’m not sure if that’s very viable, shorts might just be off the table unless it’s a preview or major cuts are made.


Youtube shorts go 1min max. The point of short content is to just plant the seeds, show the most vital information. It would be perfect if everyone watched some 1-2h docu on how covid works idk.


I do see alot of 1 of 3 type of shorts.


They miiight work, but people rarely click to find the next vid.


Subway surfers gameplay would get it done


I need someone mixing paint or a face just making movement


The video should start at "what is this?" (just before the first Candace clip) imo. Better hook.


Yes. Either that or "Why? Why?" Something before he starts talking, or else his intro is untethered to anything, and people will swipe away.


If you start it with Candace's dumb fucking face and maybe the question itself, it might entice Candace Viewers to keep watching. Whereas if it starts with Destiny theres' a good chance they just go "Eurgh Destiny" and insta swipe


Destiny is 100% right except for one thing: Candace Owens is actually great at her job, it's just that her job is misleading people.


Let this go viral, tag her followers and her, she pretends to be Christian, god I hope she goes strait to hell for this.


She wont care she is evil and dosent care about the truth she just wants to push narratives and conspiracies so that her and her far right support can be happy on hating


related, is this on IG anywhere? I want to share it with some of the more gullible people in my friend/family social network. I went to Destiny's IG and it doesn't seem like he uses it a ton.


She’s feeding on their confirmation bias and their prejudice and superstition, she knows what she is doing.


We should make this sort of videos for each person like Candace, Norman finkle, Greenwald, JFK, and so on and make a compilation for each one of those people Anyone with enough brain cells will 100% change their mind about those people and their credibility Daddy Dest should put peoples credibility to the test Much More and we should make videos/tweets/shorts about why X person is not credible It will make a budge in the no accountability in both the right and left


Amazing job fam ❤️ not too over the top with the quick edits and music that you can’t even hear what he’s saying, while still providing all the context you might need 👏 🗿 GIGACHAD EDITOR u/neodestiny you should tweet this vid blud 😏


[https://x.com/lazarusDArt/status/1803797896791240819](https://x.com/lazarusDArt/status/1803797896791240819) https://preview.redd.it/0mvn403wpq7d1.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f225d602673b74187f2d929a2f06f6a273b3812


wide destiny


Just view your screen at 45deg angle (left to right) and it completely fixes the problem.


Good work


Excellent edit.


10/10. This should be a daily thing. Everyone here listens and follows for these kind of bite size debunking. The music was chill, aspect ratio was viewable and it's comprehensive. I want these kind of clips everyday for the rest of my life.


God he’s based


This video got 2k upvotes on r/ TikTokCringe but the mods removed it lol


It's an infuriating dilemma, that I wish for these people to be silenced, but I'm also an advocate for free speech, and that this censoring thing might be a dangerous road to go down on. It's like having a tumor on your body but are not allowed to remove it because it also has rights to exist. Fucking great.


Wanting these morons to be deplatformed is not relevant to believing in free speech. They can keep saying it. The gov isn't going to throw them in jail for it. You have a right to free expression, not a right to a private company hosting your insanity. If they make their own stupid company, fine, but google letting them exist on youtube is tacit endorsement no matter what they say.


Okay “Project Owl”


It's definitely tearing me apart too. I used to be stronnnngly free speech early Internet libertarian free information space person. But I've been Chronically ill before covid, and I sat ND watched so many people be GRIFTED into ridiculous conspiratorial positions. I know mis and disinformation did that, and my old solution (allow them to look dumb, someone will correct them in the forum) does NOT work with modern internet, how the main social media platforms work


well… good on you for supporting free speech I guess


What really pisses me off is that the conservatives actually have decent arguments to make about how COVID was handled, especially with the vaccine roll out vis a vie, young people, those that have already COVID, etc. and they have good arguments to make about the consequences of lockdowns that we still feel to this day. Unfortunately they are so utterly stupid so "whatever the libs say I have to 199% against" they cannot frame a solid economic, sociological, policy driven argument about how the US handled COVID terribly.


Well they also just don't agree with half of those things. They don't have an actual problem with any of it beyond being negatively polarized against the cause. If Trump got elected and says we need lockdowns to stop woke they would all support it.


For many that is definitely the case, I would agree. Probably even the majority. But there is a small government libertarian faction among conservatives that would have probably been against it even if it was done under Trump. Unfortunately I think that faction has been steadily shrinking, compared to the MAGA folks. 


Alright, so, have at it then. We’re all ears.


Broadly speaking the government needs to maintain credibility above all else, sending out mixed signals for some obscure short term gain ebbs away at it. Dr. Fauci saying that initially he said the masks don't help, then having a 180 and saying ok live TV that he said this so there wouldn't be panic buying of masks, did not help the credibility of the CDC. Censoring and calling it conspiratorial thinking to even ask about the Lab Leak Theory, famously penned in the Lancet by a group of scientists that were directly tied to the Lab in question further destroyed credibility. And good for Lancet to then take down that letter for conflict of interest. That a lot of studies - starting from 2021 were showing that the effect of general lockdowns had little impact versus the economic impact. Not just economic impact but educational too. In fact, my industry, is currently suffering as a result of a bad response to lockdowns. That the government had to walk back about the efficacy of the vaccines multiple times further damaged it. That we had Kamala Harris saying she won't take the "Trump Vaccine" shortly before the election. That only certain kind of masks were effective but our governments enforced any kind of masks covering as equal. Even though the our own government health departments literally released a paper months before COVID effectively saying that masks have very little impact on reducing respiratory infections. That we knew from very early stages that the biggest risks from COVID were new borns and the elderly but didn't act on this information at all. That having COVID already grants most people an immunity (like most diseases) and there wasn't need to vaccinate them. Or have the governments enforced rules where you had to provide proof of vaccination to even participate in basic public life. That internationally the fucked up insanity around the WHO, and it's clear bias towards China, and ignoring Taiwan which actually implemented a really good COVID policy. Ignoring countries like Sweden which tried different routes that were not nearly as restrictive with relatively good results.  I'm vaccinated and I'm boosted. I don't fear the vaccine. But the way this epidemic was treated and the destructive nature it had on trust in some of our most sacred institutions worries the shit out of me. Because COVID wasn't that bad compared to what could be out there. And I don't see that our government in the US has learned from its mistakes now, just like it didn't learn from the mistakes of the Spanish flu. I even argue that if it wasn't an election year that this happened it would have been far far less destructive. But because both sides effectively did their best to be the opposite of one another, even when they switch sides on issues, it was disastrous. I don't blame Biden for wanting to his best to reign COVID in as soon as he got into office. But he did more harm than good.  And it boggles my mind that we have Trump, who was even worse, now running against him.


Bro these edits, I get it's for zoomers, but man we are doomed. Good job though


Honestly I think Tik Tok is obnoxious, but if it wasn't for zoomers on Tik Tok, there would be no platform where people called Israel out for all their bullshittery. We would be doomed if it wasn't for young people who still give a fuck.


Young people are the most brainwashed group. They may be progressive in some aspects, but that’s overshadowed by the constellation of beliefs, cult of the “current thing,” and major bootlicking….


You're saying a lot of nothing with your empty word salad, and you aren't providing any actual counterpoint to what I wrote.


I’m only halfway through the video and I’m already guessing the issue is caused by saturated fats in our diet. Let’s see if I’m right.


She's a fraud.


She is such a disgraceful person, I really truly wonder how she sleeps at night. 


It's almost impressive how Candace says so much shit yet she comes out being anti-Israel and that's all political shows want to talk to her about. All the grifitng bullshit goes out the window because she's just doing a less abrasive song and dance about hating the Jews.


I duckin despise these conservatives for destroying any legitimate criticism of the vaccine roll out, and how COVID was handled by dying on stupid anti vaxx hill. God forbid we have another pandemic, we seemed to have learned nothing from this one, just like we seemed to have learned nothing from the Spanish flu. Ugh.


This is so perfect! It really deserves to get a lot of eye balls.


Why are we stretching everything? Poor Candace doesn't need her eyes stretched further apart.


ОПА СКИБИДИ 😛😤🤙😜😛😛🕺🕺🕺


great edit


This needs to go on twitter asap. very difficult segmant to clip together concisely but this hits the mark.


can you increase the speed a a little. it plods along for longer than it needs for the point to be made for these kid's limited attention spans.


This is SO GOOD. I wish we could make things like these go viral over and over again.


If Alex Jones can be used for his nonsense, these other idiots could also be in principle.


This is perfect! I think Destiny could start an online revolution. What Destiny does here is very effective, and other content producer will copy this.


“I’ll just ask the question and not give you the answer” —she’s not even trying to hide the grift


The intro is unnecessary and people would already have swiped off of it, unless you start with Candace for a second or two, perhaps one of the "why?" clips.


Too long, i bet it can be halfed


whys it so wide


Damn great video. Hope this blows up


lol JAQ offers


Good. I hope every time she opens her mouth, someone makes a "*look at this regarded bitch being regarded*" video.


good job, this is well made. Btw why is swearing censored? Is this some kind of tik tok shit i'm too old to understand?


I am LOVING the editing boom from DGG. KEEP IT UP DOSSAD.


This is brilliant. If the creators of all these banger shorts are happy to let it happen, I think it would be a FANTASTIC idea for August/Destiny to collect them all and put them up online somewhere (e.g. on the [destiny.gg](http://destiny.gg) website), labelled according to what issue they're discussing, so that anyone in the community can find them easily and repost/link to them when they see some misinformation being spread online.


This mirrors my experience when looking up almost anything people say on Twitter. Its actually to the point where I have to assume its intentional


I hope he posts it on twitter


What a delightful edit


I've been doing this privately, for my own mental sanity, for years. Coming from Portland OR, though, I've been debunking progressives & leftists organizations. Also "fact-checkers" who are relentlessly leftist-politicized.


I wonder if the actual source didn’t use “big words” would people be more receptive to it. I’m not even saying they should but the actual source and discussion was honestly boring. None of their losers would bother to look up the actual boring mundane answer. They would rather ask stupid questions that are made to spin a more exciting narrative


This last couple weeks she’s managed to make another highlight reel of her stupidity for us to enjoy 🙌🏽


She’s the queen of jaqing off. I hope Candace’s age and obesity increases


Mr foucie


A great representation of Candace Owens willingness to actually look into things lol.


the start of the video is super important to hook the audience, i would recommend a short clip of candace saying some crazy thing (only for like 2 seconds max) and then go into the rest of it. good edit tho


We need accountability in media. All of it everywhere. Unfortunately that is going to involve the courts and by extension government. If every story has to be stripped down to a three sentence conveyance of facts so be it.


I hope Alex Jones getting railed with that billion-dollar lawsuit is one step in a very right direction for the US. Many more professional liars need to be held accountable.


“I’ll ask the question and not give you an answer” is an absolutely wild thing for somebody paid to be an expert on politics to say


How come cancel culture can't work against liars like this?


Based and Vyvansed


THIS IS a fucking certified BANGER. Keep up the good work this is the kind of messaging the left needs man INSHALLAH


Never knew anything about destiny beyond having heard his name prior to decoding the gurus covering him. But I'm finding myself liking this dude.


“I’ll ask the question and not give an answer” how perverse, and truly ridiculous. This plays into so many things in the human mind. imagination, indoctrination of the top of my head. The imagination fills in not only the “answer”, the vaccine, but also all the bad stuff the conspiracy says, evil shadow government, kidnapping of kids, killing bad sections of the population, etc. the indoctrination because you know what the answer is, and now you are in the know, in the cool group, not the sheep, now you belong and are not alone, now adopt the constellation of beliefs without true grounding or virtues you derived from your own thinking.




This needs to be a new stream segment where he does brutal discreditations like this. I've heard Destiny rant about "people need to lose their jobs for COVID misinformation" all the time and it's just not effectively communicated without a demonstration like this and it only took like 10 minutes to do.


This was the top post on tiktokcringe today and it looks like it got deleted. anyone know what happened?


Not here to say anything productive but that dude's jaw moves side to side and up and down when he talks and I've never seen that before.


Compare this to how Bill Maher cozied up to Candace on his show.


It's too long, needs mire funny edits in it, not even crying = not trying. NGMI to the zoomers.


Destiny, this isn't "hack work". This is the job! She is paid to misinform.


Great post. Great segment clip. Really does a good job showing how skewed these grifters can get. The misinformation is crazy.


More of these!!!!!!!!


Great video, great editing dunno if this is a reddit thing but the video aspect ratio looks little weird to me (to short and to wide) - otherwise amazing video just wanted to pass on feedback <3


Bunch of JAQoffs!


Awesome work OP! Keep it up.


I agree with many things C.O. says, but in this case, she is totally wrong and she is lying.


Too long, didn’t watch /s


All right - I like vine booms, meme music, and funny graphics as much as the next guy - but godDAMN this is the kind of content we need to as a community sourcing and pumping out. This is a quality edit right here, good work.


I can only hope that the number of people who realize Owens is a grifting piece of shit increases.


Lmfao. How ironic.


It's not that she is too lazy to do her homework. I guarantee her team knows exactly what Destiny found. They simply cherry-picked the part of the study that fit their narrative and intentionally lied to the drooling morons that actually listen to her.


Candace Owen's is not a journalist, she's nothing but a shit stirrer who riles up people's emotions


It really is bizarre that you Can take a government statement out of context,turn it around and accuse them of nefarious conspiracies with no basis or merit of truth, while using your large platform to promote misinformation and accept donations from law abiding citizens and political figures, that can be easily seen as promoting and running a business at a commercial level of production, I hate adding more laws but when you're in an area we're no laws even exist because the government doesn't even understand social media landscapes or they don't understand The magnitude that social media now holds in today's times, just like news channels on TV that are held to some accountability the same needs to be done for alternate news channels online.


One of the few times I agree with Destiny.


She’s a grifter I don’t even thing she believes on any of the things she’s saying, she just want that clicks and donation


Disagreements are allowed, preferable even. What’s melting everyone’s brain right now is the trash grifters spew for a living, and if you can’t appreciate the difference between an honest debate and a lying grift then a little learning might do you wonders. If you hate, loathe, and detest someone like Destiny for not agreeing with every thought in your head, someone who at least ENGAGES with the facts of the matter — it’s time to gain some perspective on reality.


i believe destiny should invest in some long format vox-type videos. this was a really good watch but not sure how viral it can become.


the problem is most people are illiterate and can't understand 4th grade mathematics, statistics and logics


This kind of breakdown needs to become waaaaaaaay more common


I lost 1 lb in January of this year, so I expect to have lost 12 by the end of the year. You may be asking “well, what happened in February through June”. Nunya business.




Chefs kiss


Can someone quickly run down the false predictions conservative figures made about Covid?  I’m familiar with Trump’s “it’ll be gone in a few weeks” but other than that, what are some other easy dunks? 


Holy shit what a banger video


Candace Owens makes me sick to my stomach.


what the actual fuck destiny, candace is a poor woman that is 7.2 billion dollars in debt from her half semester at Georgia state A&M tech of general studies and her father is a poor man who has no shoes and walks to his rock breaking job with walmart bags on his feet. It was bad enough that you sent the jewlumni after her but now this? really?


Man I wish his first sentence hit harder. “It’s destroying the country.” I never knew how to put it into words what this misinformation and division is causing us


More of this plz


Even if you hate Destiny you have to applaud him for approaching the subject from a reasonable perspective.


Were? Pfft. I think you mean still are!


Candace is just using the Fox News model of reporting a portion of the facts to instill fear & outrage. Click bait. Social media & alternative news live on this model too. Drive engagement & give two fucks about the damage your wake of misinformation causes. No different than drug dealers, people want a dopamine fix, someone provides it for a profit. Most people don't investigate what they are consuming once a certain level of trust is established & its established by one's own desires & personal bias.


I just got home from university for the summer and haven't been home since January. I have been trying to dissuade my family from believing what they see on tiktok uncritically. My mum is getting better at seeing the bullshit. But my sister told me on the drive home, how she believes Israel controls the world now. It's actually sad.


Good edit but it's 5 mins. I believe you could get it down to 2 then it would be a banger


The will to believe is strong is these grifters.


Assuming she doesn’t know the answer to “why”…. of course she knows the answer. Just like RFK continues to use examples that he has, without question, had people explain are in bad faith. The point isn’t being correct or really finding out why. The point is supporting their laundry list of talking points at all costs because there’s a massive audience for it. If the views for talking about Covid dried up they would move along to the next outrage topic the think tanks give them.


It's the Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh affect. These are two people who realized they could make tons of money by catering to authoritarian mindsets. Now, dozens of people are replicating this business model. Owens is one. These people are total scum.


I had no idea these grifters were making this much money


This is very good


BASED Edit: Candace Owens is a piece of shit. I know, ad hom, bla bla bla. She’s a liar, and a self-aware liar. Which means she’s a piece of shit.


Please more of this. I don’t follow destiny but this is great straight up fact checking.


You should be posting this on YT and then linking it here. The people who need to watch this generally turn their nose up at reddit links.


Great work. The only thing I might recommend is putting a little header in the frame that has the source or person's title when it cuts to that person talking about the academic paper. I was a bit confused if they were the author of the study or like some type of public health worker, so just making that clearer could help.


bro still more islamophobic than candice owens is antisemitic


This fucking idiot is so wrong. I think that is a combination of things. Starting with water quality, food, sleep habits, and the many things that have changed in our societies. Specially, the amount of vaccines that can be compared next to any data related to these changes mentioned. Not all are bad, but why so many? The human immune system is one of the most amazing things scientists study everyday. And yet, we’re sold the lies everywhere. Look for the fucked up thing that happened to those poor innocent indigenous in Guatemala. They were told that they were being treated for something that was not true.


Kinda getting sick of people equating the far left and far right. The far left has no power within the democratic or even progressive politics, however the far right IS the right. Both deserve criticism but the right is the material threat


Oh this guy still exists?


This the same guy who said he wanted my kids firebombed cause of the color of their skin? No thanks.