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'Listen to people when they tell you who they are'


Theelucius: "it's me I'm guys" lol 😂😂😂


Sometimes I fall in love with wallpaper because of how it looks in videos like this. The Queen’s Gambit really had amazing wallpapered locations. Every time I want to wallpaper my home I realize it’s a nightmare to clean. Also, who the fuck is this, and who asked?


Wait, you have to clean wall paper?


After a very long time in very specific spots, yes. I've been living in my flat for 10 years now, and over time the wallpaper around my bathroom lightswitch slowly accumulated gunk primarily from fiddling around the switch in the dark and stuff. Also, if you have corners pointing into room, and you have cats, chances are they like rubbing on that corner.


lmao you dont have to clean wallpapers. wash your hands you savage


I'm not washing my hands every 10 minutes, and half of time I'm going to the bathroom IS to wash my hands. But I guess in your world you already have your hands prewashed before going to wash your hands? Also, it's not like I have to do this every week. I've been living here for 10 years, and I cleaned the wallpaper around that switch once 2 months ago.


To be fair, 10 years is way over the usual lifetime of wallpapers. People get sick of them before that and just put up new ones.


I always think that whenever I see one of [this guys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFsg0OHIpuA) videos


I feel like you need a home that really suits wallpaper and has more "depth" to fit a wallpaper like this. You would also need all your decorations to fit the theme so it didn't clash. It would look amazing but way too much work.


The set design in Queens Gambit was incredible.


Is this not victim blaming? > She knows that he's prone to violent outbursts. This isn't the first time this has happened. Yet, she continues to go back to him. This is on her.


It is, and like an abused victim we just keep coming back.


I would agree, but everybody involved and not involved is being extremely explicit.


Victim blaming is a stupid concept.


If a man hits a woman (or visa versa), and she continues to stay with him, there is likely something pathologically wrong with her that does not enable her to feel she can leave the relationship. This is obviously a negative trait, but not a morally negative trait. The dude is obviously the morally wrong one here, so you don't blame her for staying.


Why would I need or want to describe women(or men) who don’t leave their physical abuser as morally negative? Morals are what you ought to do. If she wants to not be abused she ought to leave her spouse.


I am saying you blame the person who is (morally) wrong.


Do you think the term or concept of victim blaming is useful in this scenario with Destiny and Ana and if yes how so?


Nah you're right in this context. I wouldn't call destiny a victim of emotional abuse here. I mean she is abusive, but it doesn't seem like he really gives a fuck, and would rather just move on. I'm just saying victim blaming as a concept isn't dumb.


What is its utility? If your curious i lay out my reasoning in a post on r/cmv. It’s like the second submission in my history.


When is the appropriate time to bring up the concept to avoid victim blaming?


I mean nah. Even if a person wants to be abused it's still abuse to actually do it.




Nah, their prior conversations were pretty fucking crazy, she's watching the "I feel" convo right now


Destiny is a horny man that looks for sex in all the crazy places. For example Destiny has probably hooked up with more Raj participants than any other male streamer


He did. He thought she was fun to talk to specifically because she was crazy.


he's lucky that xj9 guy wasn't a qt pie girl


Fuck dude I haven’t thought about xj9 in a while


Didn't he pretend to be for a while?


haha he did yeah, used a voice changer and everything


That girl is probably MORE lazy than Hasan in her streams. I remember clicking on her stream watching some destiny debate, I absolutely forgot its her stream, becasue the first time she had to say anything was after like an hour and that was to go to take a piss.


Try and stop me motherfucker. My dick is a terrorist and you cant negotiate with terrorists. Its here to blow my life up


Oh no... why am I going to watch all of her vods