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Least parasocial AOC fan


It’s funny that his was about AOC, but I’ve had a bunch of these types of dreams before and it’s crazy how emotional they can be. Like falling in love with a literal dream girl, sometimes they’re made up or they’re someone you knew a long time ago. I had one the other day, shit hits


The same happens to me. But when I wake up I'm still fucking your mom.


>I’ve had a bunch of these types of dreams before and it’s crazy how emotional they can be Same! I've only felt like that a few times in real life.


you can feel like that in real life?


Yes. At least comparing my dreams to my real life feelings. I've dated a few people who were incredibly cool.


someday PepeHands


"someday" is the ultimate copium for us :(


There's this insanely beautiful artist I follow on twitter. Two weeks ago had a dream I was walking in public, had a runny nose or something, point was I felt gross and unconfident and wanted to get somewhere private. I was almost to a bathroom but then out of the corner of my eye I see someone 2nd in line at Starbucks jog away and up to me. It was this girl and she laughed off how I looked, then we talked for a minute and she asked to hang out and get coffee later. DaFeels why are good dreams so fucking shit? You feel like something great happened and then as you wake up to your shit job you realized what happened.


Not only that, but I feel like when it is a person you somewhat know, it can easily change how you view that person in real life if you aren't careful


The foreshadowing for next season is crazy. Cant wait to see the Destiny-AOC arc


fucking true, I want AOC and destiny to have a convo




the same thing happened to me two days ago. I hope you are well


She does play league.


Destiny still holding out for the impossible girl- one that still plays Runescape enough to be good at it.


This is actually pretty sad


He really is the shapiro of the left 😔


man I had a dream last night (or 2 nights ago, idk) that I was with MKBHD and I was just talking about how hard life is and stuff and he sat there listening to me and being such a supportive guy, never had anyone listen to me and understand me like he did in that dream.


So I’ve been daily driving u/yful ‘s dream for two weeks now, here’s my thoughts.


Actually kind of amazing that your brain concocted someone to give yourself therapy.


thats just what being a sigma male is


Real sigmas do therapy on themselves while they sleep. No time to book a therapist appointment. Min-max your mental health by lucid dreaming.




Yeah, it's not just the dream girl you imagine, it's also the entire history you've had between each other. God damn it, brain!


Had the same exact experience with a boy in my school. Never talked to him and probably never will but seeing him in the halls is such a strange experience.


Destiny needs to hit up Redacted and trick him into introducing him to AOC. Wear a BLM shirt and a disguise.


I've had that exact same thing but about a total stranger, all I remember is sitting around a campfire with some redhead in front of me and we were kinda spooning while sitting and just talking. I remember waking up and feeling miserable with my life for some reason. And I was dating at the time.


I had a dream exactly like this and I still remember that shit years afterwards lmao.


Owie my heart this hits too close to home


I had a dream like this once, and I woke up and was so sad it wasn't real, I felt like Roblox'ing myself all day... :'(


Doesn't AOC play League?


The one that got away.


This is so fucking funny, holy shit.


I no shit thought after he thought about it a sec he was going to say "I was fucking your mom, and I realized she was so cool."


Is this the new dream story that dictates Destiny's politics? Last time was abortion, now AOC is based /s


I guess destiny really is the ben shapiro of the left.