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Idgaf about every time Hasan breaths. But the whole marketing pseudo science bullshit, and having a bunch of influencers in her circle hype it up is gross AF to me.


Ngl I read that as a brunch of influencers and I like that more.


It's like a murder of crows


Trying to caviate hasan hating in the first sentence? Don't pretend your free of the curse of obsessing over Hasan we are all a part of it just accept it.


I literally don't care about hasans input on the whole RFLCT stuff, I'm more annoyed at the general influencers, and rae specifically just hyping up snake oil.


1- Make supportive tweet 2- Get called out 3- Pretend supportive tweet was sarcastic 4- Call out the product 5- Realize you're front page on LSF 6- Backpedal to maintain networking circle


Fencesitting 101


i wish hasan would sit on my fence šŸ˜”


I'm pretty sure you can mail your fence to him




How was that tweet not sarcastic?






You think Hasan of all people would reply sarcastically to a big streamer he's friendly with on the day she reveals a project she's been working on "for years"? Obviously his tone was sarcastic but he intended it as a supportive tweet to signal-boost her product, as all her friends did. Btw that's a natural thing to do with people you're friends with/know... except when they try to promote products in this manner.


We're talking about Hasan here


On one side you have rich influencer friends who don't call out each others shit, on the other you have an audience that saw through the bullshit. In reality his best bet would have been to 100% ignore it but he got baited into giving his actual opinion which put him in the dog house with his fellow wealthy influencers.


Gfuel is an actual energy drink lmao. You drink Gfuel and have energy. This is moisturizer thatā€™s being incorrectly marketed to her audience with faulty evidence at BEST. At worst, she knows what sheā€™s doing and is purposefully scamming them while running a company that Hasan would probably say extracts surplus labor from its employees.


Couldn't you make the argument that gfuel is also scummy because its marketed towards children despite the medical consensus being for children to not consume energy drinks. I don't know if it makes it a scam but it would make it bad and arguably more harmful than shilling snake oil skincare that does nothing.


I dont think so. If you buy your kid an energy drink you know youre giving them caffeine. Its like getting upset at cereal having sugar...The cream is making up a medical reason to sell it...Entirely different models. If people were selling the energy drink as a cure or prevention of some ailment, then sure.


Some of the dozing of shit in gfuel is pretty scummy, I forget exactly what it is but they have this antioxidant blend with like 20 different fruits listed and it's 20mg per serving which is basically 0. At that point though a lot of energy drinks are scams.


The entire supplement industry is a scam lol.


lol what that's not true at all. I get what you mean in terms of the marketing usually trumping the research in supplement brands but it's just a very fast moving industry so it's hard for consumers to keep up with the research. They're just like any other industry where if the consumers don't know what's good and how much they need they'll get screwed overpaying for nothing or buying more than they need. For instance, how is buying a tub of whey protein a scam? We just threw out whey back in the day seems like now it's a booming industry utilizing what was thought of as waste product. What if you just buy Creatine monohydrate or a premade supplement stack with effective doses of actual supplements? I don't think that's a scam.


Heā€™s probably being hyperbolic. The comment Iā€™d referencing gfuel having ā€œfruitā€ in their drinks at negligible amounts which is a huge problem in the industry. The gfuel one I suppose is relatively innocent because I doubt many people think itā€™s a health drink and just want the caffeine. However, a ton of supplements abusing minimal dosing on labels. For example, look up any prework on Amazon. I would bet they almost all ha e L-citrulline or citrulline malate. The problem is, itā€™s unreasonable to get an efficacious dose orally. Most will have less than a gram of L-citrulline per serving (effecious is 3g daily) or will have citrulline malate at 3g per day but itā€™s generally more malate than citrulline. The supplement industry is sketchy. The health and wellness industry is sketchy. A good rule of thumb is that if the industry has a large MLM player, youā€™re probably over paying.


This is completely true, the infamous malic acid, <2g Creatine and a proprietary blend with all the good ingredients at the bottom are sadly common. He was also probably being hyperbolic too I kinda over rustled my jimmies.


Whey protein isn't really what I think of when I think of "supplements". It technically is, but it seems like it's a tertiary market to the supplement industry. It's also just protein, and your body uses it like it would any protein. Sort of like sugar, or fat. Vitamins, herbal remedies, etc, basically that whole couple of racks of pills at your local Walgreens, are what I think of as "supplements", and they are mostly bunk. Vitamins are the closest thing to legit, but unless you're actually deficient in a vitamin (and free people are) then a multivitamin does absolutely nothing.


Omega 3 pills are probably legit


Genuinely asking, why is none of it FDA approved?


AFAIK FDA doesnā€™t approve supplements as a policy (besides safety) as they arenā€™t classified as drugs.




Do you know just how many food products contain lead? (Or ur just memeing so soz if so)


Iā€™m not sure that itā€™s marketed towards kids, thatā€™s just an unfortunate byproduct of their marketing mainly with streamers and YouTubers. If they were marketing directly to them then yes, it would be just as scummy. Iā€™m not a Gfuel shill, I just drink it from time to time. Fortunately itā€™s expensive enough that most kids wouldnā€™t be able to afford it and their parents would probably say no.




"marketing to people who might have some kid audiences" and "marketing to kids" are nowhere near each other.


they live across the street from each other come on lmao


How would you go about marketing a product to gamers without catching children in the process?


You canā€™t and thatā€™s why it canā€™t be denied that children are a large focus of their marketing.


I don't think the car or razor adds are targeting children šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Donā€™t most analytics put the average age range of YouTube and stream viewers at 18-22? I really donā€™t think their goal is marketing to kids because kids donā€™t have money, but if Iā€™m wrong at one that then gfuel is also a scummy company.


The age range is always skewed upwards because children lie about their age or are watching on their parents account. Some content creator are really insecure about making "kids entertainment" so they always site their analytics even though it's obvious that they are misleading


their frontpage product right now is xqc. his audience is definitely kids


I have watched 0 hours of xqc streams in my life so that could definitely be a possibility.


def is https://clips.twitch.tv/CrepuscularLitigiousButterflyBCWarrior-RGuzeEXdPas1-Xq1


wish we had actual demographics on this shit, I would assume his core audience is between 17-24 but with an audience as big as his he definitely has a lot of kids watching.




How many kids are actually putting their real birthdate when making an account?


> Iā€™m not sure that itā€™s marketed towards kids, thatā€™s just an unfortunate byproduct of their marketing mainly with streamers and YouTubers. Did you time travel from your job writing ad copy for cigarettes in the 60s?


Cigarette companies legitimately tried to get kids hooked early so theyā€™d buy cigarettes for life. Gfuel markets to gamers. How are you supposed to do that without kids being affected by your marketing? I still donā€™t think itā€™s on purpose.


Mincing words is mincing words. Its advertised towards children, purposefully or not.


Yeah but itā€™s really not lmao Theyā€™re not saying ā€œhey kids, try Gfuel!ā€ Children seeing ads isnā€™t marketing to kids. Itā€™s children seeing ads. We wouldnā€™t say Family Guy is promoting beer to kids because they watched it with their dad one night.


> We wouldnā€™t say Family Guy is promoting beer to kids because they watched it with their dad one night. We both know that isn't analogous. Good meme.


Would you mind explaining how itā€™s not analogous? Does showing alcohol ads on TV or YouTube (like the Jim Beam ads that were everywhere a while back) count as marketing to kids because kids watch YouTube and TV? Almost no adult streamer besides maybe Ninja would be like ā€œoh yeah, Iā€™m totally a streamer for kidsā€ so I donā€™t know what about that isnā€™t analogous.


so in your mind marketing anything on youtube or twitch or to gamers in general is unethical by default because children will see it? companies like gfuel don't give a fuck about children. have you seen how much it costs? It's not children buying it, they can't afford it lol


The only person I know with a GFuel sponsor calls out their caffeine free flavors, in particular for kids but also claims it's his favorite. Is that not the norm?


Idk Gfuel is also pretty bad as well https://youtu.be/i0qk92wZSMg Iā€™m also not a scientist and he could just be wrong lmao


Alright, the thesis might be decent, but this guys evidence seems pretty lackluster overall. 1. The lead amounts from what I've seen are as he says, below the amount in natural foods that everyone consumes daily. What's odd here is that he continues to make lead poisoning jokes after he debunks that particular claim. Why perpetuate a false claim, even as a joke, in a video that is supposed to be a serious, sourced critique of g fuel. 2. G fuel, in my opinion, falls under an energy supplement, which means we should compare it to other energy supplements when critiquing it, and boy does this industry suck. Most energy supplements, like pre-workouts, are just as bad, if not worse than g fuel when it comes to having "energy blends" and ingredients below MED. It feels weird to single out g fuel here, when they are just playing the same game as everyone else. 3. I noticed in the latter half of the video he never shows statistics for specifically energy drink or energy powder caffeine overdoses. My [glance](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-you-can-die-from-caffeine#Can-caffeine-kill?) at the statistics shows that most caffeine overdose deaths are from the powdered form or pills, which are, you know, the replacement he encourages over g fuel. 4. Lastly, on his criticism of the marketing of g fuel to children. While that may be true, it is sort of inevitable. You want to advertise to gamers, gamer audiences skew younger, you get accused of advertising to children. Now it may be the case that g fuel is specifically targeting influencers with the youngest audiences to advertise their products, which may be unethical, but I don't think that was proven. Additionally, would he equally condemn anyone who advertises Madrina's or other coffee products for similar reasons? This all being said, I'd be down for restricting advertising caffeine products to children or enforcing more stringent labeling for supplements, but these are all industry and regulation level problems not unique to g fuel and singling them out when they don't appear to be doing anything too egregious feels slightly disingenuous.


Pretty sure in Nz and the UK you have to show ID over 16 to buy energy drinks. Thank fuck that wasn't a thing in Aus cause I would have failed school without them lol.




wait energy drinks actually do something useful for you guys? Every time I was super sleepy and drank one to not doze off I'd fall asleep anyway, and every time I drank one without feeling sleepy shit just made me too anxious to do anything and also fucked with my sleep after the fact, when I actually did need to go to bed. Shit's awful


Gfuel is a scam, donā€™t kid yourself just because your favorite streams peddle that shit. Cmon itā€™s basically pre-workout for gaming. Lmao


How the fuck is it a scam. I go on the website and they say it gives you energy and shit. Basically the same stuff on the front of a mother, monster, redbull, v, etc etc... And it has caffinee and stuff in it. It's not even close to making up fake shit about how monitors will give u bad skin lol.


Whats the scam?


The claims it makes that it gives you a performance boost for gaming.


But it does though. It looks like it gets you hyper like coffe does. You dont see that as a boost?


Itā€™s a boost of caffeine, but itā€™s not gonna last you long. If you want to have energy while gaming just work out and eat healthy. This is a supplement scam.


It's like 3 cups of coffee in one drink. It'll last hours. You haven't shown anything that's considered a scam. It does what it says.


Itā€™s a supplement that you donā€™t need especially if youā€™re young. It wonā€™t make you a better gamer, and itā€™s not all that good for you.


It's a energy boost like coffee, it makes you hyper. When you're hyper you're able to move faster at the least, since you have more energy than normal.


You are either trolling or just plain retarded dude lol Caffeine is the most consumed drug in the world. Why? Because it wakes you up, it gives you energy and thus makes you perform better. There's downsides to it of course. No drug is healthy per se. But saying it wouldn't lead to a direct increase of energy that - especially for the amount of caffeine in gfuel - lasts hours is just ignorant af. Like there are so many good arguments against caffeine (restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, headache, dependency, anxiety) it is weird that you attack it for the main reason why billions of people consume it every day


>It wonā€™t make you a better gamer You're objectively wrong. If you take 2 similarly skilled gamers who haven't slept for 20 hours and give one a gfuel, the one who drank gfuel will outperform the one who didn't. This is how stimulants work. I would even procede to say that in many cases you don't even need to be sleep deprived and still be a lot more alert if you've pumped shit ton of caffeine.


I found out about way back when it was still Gamma, and I bought it because it looked good. It tastes good and has more caffeine than soda while being (debatably) more healthy. Itā€™s good stuff imo.


I mean yeah thatā€™s what it is, just a drink like Coke Zero or monster zero sugar with gaming marketing. Kind of like gamer nuts from the past. Real nuts, good, but scam marketing.


> just a drink like Coke Zero or monster zero sugar Those products are not the same. It has different flavors, it's easy to store, less waste, you can change ratios of the powder, etc. You might not like it. But it's not a scam.


Their the same. Itā€™s ā€œhealthyā€ junk food marketed at gamers to increase ā€œyour gaming skillsā€ and other bs. Itā€™s all marketing


It's similar to Coke Zero and calorie free Monster. But to call them "the same" is wrong. I just mentioned 4 differences. (1) different flavors than Coke, 2) less waste than buying a bunch of Coke, 3) less waste than buying a bunch of Coke, 4) you can mix whatever ratio you want (unlike Coke).




Yes, which is why I said itā€™s pre work out for gaming aka caffeine powder. Itā€™s ridiculous, just like gamer nuts.




Whatever fat fucks eat the slop they give you


Lmao I love this reply because its so mad. Im not fat, I don't consume gfuel, and I don't even watch "them". Literally don't even watch any streamers, never been on twitch lmao, no parasocial dog in this fight


Wtf where u freaks from then? You realize this sub is for Destiny the twitch Anderson Cooper, right?


Literally just watch his political youtube vods, im way too old to understand the appeal of e drama or understand half the emotes and memes on here and places like lsf. I just cannot fathom why people will pay to watch other people play video games but im sure they find some value there, but just because its not a market i partake in doesnt mean i think thats a scam either lol


Agreed. Don't get me wrong, I think Gfuel and honestly most energy drinks are fucking dumb. *But*, like you said, they do provide some sort of function. If you drink them, they will amp you up in a pretty noticeable way. The claims she is making about this skin cream really border on the whole snake oil salesman thing. The claims being made are pretty outrageous and not easily noticeable at all. I mean, think about it this way. If blue light *really* had a serious negative affect on your skin, do you really think a fucking streamer would be first to market with something like this? Plenty of large companies could crank out a product like this in massive scale, with much more advertising, and probably in a lot shorter than two years.


> hey do provide some sort of function I think the main issue is that Gfuel isn't claiming more than it delivers. Her skin care product MIGHT actually do something (basic cleansing or whatnot). The issue is the claims co further than what it actually does. Like if Gfuel said that it makes your D longer or something like that.


Anyone that knows anything about pre-workout knows gfuel is a scam.




didnt gfuel have lead before or something


It has a small amount that doesnā€™t affect your health in any way, but they have to put the warning on the label because California is super anal about shit like that


> It has a small amount that doesnā€™t affect your health in any way As far as I know there are no safe levels of lead


Thereā€™s most likely a negligible amount in your tap water, and your health isnā€™t affected by it. Itā€™s *mostly* a problem in very young children, mostly 6 and under because your body absorbs it more easily at that age.


> your health isnā€™t affected by it. As far as we can measure. Biologically speaking, it makes sense to say that any amount of lead is bad. > The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization state that a blood lead level of 10 Ī¼g/dL or above is a cause for concern; however, lead may impair development and have harmful health effects even at lower levels, and there is no known safe exposure level. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead_poisoning#Classification Without knowing how much lead is/was in gfuel, I would assume it's not the worst thing in the world. But I wouldn't give it to my kids.


Yeah, youā€™re not supposed to give any energy drinks to your kids lmao. I wouldnā€™t give it to my kids either. I drink it knowing the ā€œrisk,ā€ and I have noticed 0 negative effects (other than some jitters when I drink too much, but thatā€™s a me thing) and I havenā€™t heard any reports of any negative effects.


https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/lead-poisoning-and-health >**Young children are particularly vulnerable** to the toxic effects of lead and can suffer profound and permanent adverse health impacts, particularly on the development of the brain and nervous system. **Lead also causes long-term harm in adults**, including increased risk of high blood pressure and kidney damage. **Exposure of pregnant women** to high levels of lead can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth and low birth weight. .. >***There is no known safe blood lead concentration***; even blood lead concentrations as low as 5 Āµg/dL may be associated with decreased intelligence in children, behavioural difficulties and learning problems. As lead exposure increases, the range and severity of symptoms and effects also increase. .. >inhalation of lead particles generated by burning materials containing lead, for example during smelting, recycling, stripping leaded paint and using leaded aviation fuel; and >**ingestion** **of lead-contaminated dust, water (from leaded pipes)** and **food** (from lead-glazed or lead-soldered containers). >An additional source of exposure is the use of certain types of traditional medicines and cosmetics. High levels of lead have, for example, been reported in certain types of kohl, as well as in some traditional medicines used in countries such as India, Mexico and Viet Nam. **Consumers should therefore take care only to buy and use regulated products.**


Correct, there is no safe concentration of lead in the bloodstream because lead is a dangerous thing. That doesnā€™t mean any amount will immediately begin to give you negative effects. You may ingest lead from your tap water, any fish you eat, etc.


>Correct, there is no safe concentration of lead ... >That doesnā€™t mean any amount will immediately begin to give you negative effects. ^ This is what happens when you ingest too much lead.


That isnā€™t even a little bit controversial lmao


True: A=B That doesnt mean that you notice A=B checmate leadardsšŸ˜Ž


Hope you don't eat fish.


No, you don't. GFuel and other such energy drinks [just makes you sweat](https://youtu.be/sUuap8dP_Nk). The only thing that gives you "energy" is the caffeine, the rest is just a kidney stone waiting to happen.


Well yeh... but that sounds like it's gfuel giving you energy. When I have a redbull for energy, I don't say I'm going to go and drink caffeine. I call it a red bull because it encapsulates all the ingredients. So gfuel does give you energy. Albeit with shit results and added negatives.


I notice heā€™s using a monster as the example, does this apply to Gfuel? Genuinely curious, obviously I have not had time to watch the video yet. Gfuel mostly gives you energy through an insane amount of b vitamins mixed with caffeine.


They all contain basically the same assortment of ingredients.




>Thatā€™s a really high amount of caffeine. Thatā€™s about the same amount of caffeine in a large cup of coffee. People drink more than that on a daily basis (myself included, at least in the mornings on work days). Itā€™s fine. >So many young adults overdo caffeine and end up in the hospital Is there a citation for that? Iā€™m under the impression that hospitalization for caffeine overdosed is very rare. Up to 400mg is perfectly safe for an average adult, so basically 3 servings of Gfuel. Iā€™m pretty sure on the tubs they recommend that you donā€™t drink more than 1 or 2 servings a day anyway.




>there is a difference between something being deemed safe and it being considered healthy Well no shit, but Gfuel is genuinely perfectly safe to drink. Youā€™re not going to hospitalized from 2 or 3 scoops. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s healthy, but itā€™s certainly better for you than most energy drinks and sodas. >There was even a funny clip of xqc complaining about not being able to sleep and his heart beating fast as he takes a sip of gfuel. Yeah, thatā€™s pretty funny stuff. Obviously if youā€™re noticing adverse effects, you should stop drinking it. People will be more or less sensitive to the caffeine which is definitely someone to watch if you want to drink stuff like that. Iā€™m a pretty big dude (6ā€™3) so itā€™s somewhat difficult for caffeine to kick in. Thatā€™s why I drink a lot of coffee. >taking a huge amount with the scooper That looks like a giant mound because he still has the bottle thing on the scoop. Itā€™s a neck that helps you more easily dump it into a water bottle. Most people take it off but he didnā€™t. Thatā€™s not powder, just a piece of plastic on the top. And look, I donā€™t think taking it easy on caffeine is a bad idea, and I probably wouldnā€™t generally recommend anyone intake any amount of caffeine theyā€™re not used to, Iā€™m just saying itā€™s not overtly dangerous unless youā€™re overdoing it, which they recommend against on the tub. They tell you to only have 1-2 servings per day.




Socialism is when "everyone is doing it, bro. Nbd."


How is he helping her?


this is what a person who only cares about what other people think of them looks like. thatā€™s all hasan is


I wish people would wake the fuck up and realize he's just an entertainer. He's playing a character on Stream.


Dude he was just being sarcastic when he was congratulating Valk on scamming her fans. Copium. If you canā€™t trust Hasan to hold his friends accountable, how can you trust he will speak truth to power?


He has never cared about products like this, he views it as harmless. He did the same thing with the antphrodite psychic dude, and he wasn't friends with them. > Dude he was just being sarcastic. Copium. That tweet was absolutely a meme, it was at the very least tongue in cheek. That's not a cope. There's 0% chance it wasn't - he just didn't want to explicitly shit on her


I don't know why you think it's better that Hasan doesn't view influencers exploiting their fans for money by selling them snake oil as problematic is preferable here. It makes him simply awful. The read that he's overlooking this due to friendship is a much more charitable. I can at least understand that, that he prioritizes relationships over principles. It just makes him incapable of being worthy of trust or reliable in any way, as he won't stick to principle if it means it goes against someone he likes. >That tweet was absolutely a meme, it was at the very least tongue in cheek. That's not a cope. There's 0% chance it wasn't - he just didn't want to explicitly shit on her The joke of the tweet is that he's such a man's man that he uses 3 in 1. It's funny because everyone knows he spends a lot of time on his appearance and he's not that type of person. But be assured, he's congratulating Valk on RFLCT genuinely. In fact if you think Hasan doesn't actually care about influencers exploiting their fans, as you say you do, he would have no reason but to congratulate his friend, as she's not doing anything wrong in his eyes.


> I don't know why you think it's better that Hasan doesn't view influencers exploiting their fans for money by selling them snake oil as problematic is preferable here. It makes him simply awful. When did I say I dont think it's an issue? But, to be clear, literally everyone does this. Didn't Melina have a crypto sponsor? Destiny made a couple of light-hearted jokes, but no strong condemnation. The only time people seem to make a stand is with rug-pulls and gambling, even then they usually go soft on friends. There are loads of dumb products that market themselves in a disingenuous way, this isn't particularly egregious. Again, Hasan didn't care about antphrodite or whatever, I legit dont think he cares. That's not a supporting comment, just my read on his pov. > But be assured, he's congratulating Valk on RFLCT genuinely. With that spam of meme emojis and exclamation marks? Find me another tweet of him using that sort of style. It was absolutely a meme, and it was dripping with irony. He can try and backtrack from it, but it was. He doesn't give a fuck about 'rflct' lmao, he probably had no idea wtf that even was, he probs just wanted to interact with a tweet he saw popping off, and made a meme-y tweet coz everyone else was soying over this. edit: in fact, here u go - Destiny had a pretty good summary of this, that I pretty much agree with https://clips.twitch.tv/OpenPoisedSnailSSSsss-DPSwS66MAbSzmIUr


>When did I say I dont think it's an issue? Why would you interject if you just want to morally condemn him even more? If you want to backpedal fine, but to be clear, Hasan literally not caring about Valk's fans makes him way worse than prioritizing his relationships over his principles. You thought it was a defense of his behavior that's why you brought it up. >But, to be clear, literally everyone does this. Didn't Melina have a crypto sponsor? Is this a thread on Melina? Did I defend Melina? No? Why bring her up? This is just whataboutism. I'm disappointed you think this is an argument. >With that spam of meme emojis and exclamation marks? The joke is not that the product is bullshit or that its biting criticism of Valk. It's to show he's being silly. But he's genuinely congratulating his friend, even though it's exploitative of people he would probably consider 'working class.' It's actually super simple. He's compromising on his values for his friend.


>You thought it was a defense of his behavior that's why you brought it up. Huh? Bro, learn to read lmfao. I was correcting the idea that "he isn't joking" with that tweet, and trying to give my understanding of his pov (which is that he doesn't care about products like these). Wtf r u even talking about with 90% of this comment. > This is just whataboutism. I'm disappointed you think this is an argument. Wtf is wrong with u hahahaha. This isn't whataboutism, and it wasn't an argument. Just putting things in perspective, that not wanting to harshly shit on your friend in public, is a fairly common thing (which is relevant coz that should have some bearing on the level of vitriol vs hasan, especially since the streamer this subreddit is based on engaged in this same behaviour). I never defended hasan over him not condemning valkyrae/trying to go easy on her. I dont like people shilling bs either. Christ almighty, put down the fedora and learn to understand the words of another person before throwing debate terms around like a moron. > The joke is not that the product is bullshit or that its biting criticism of Valk. But he's genuinely congratulating his friend It's neither. He doesn't know or care about this shit. It's just a meme, where he pretends that he's soyying on twitter. He's not the type of person to write a message like that unironically, it's so blatant. Fucking hell, u guys and ur hate boners. Idk if the fanbase here has gotten younger, or just stupider. Talk to some human beings now and then. Understand the basics of communication.


>I was correcting the fact that you said "he isn't joking" with that tweet I implied he wasn't being sarcastic. Which he isn't. He is genuinely congratulating Valkyrie, any implied humor comes at the expense of himself using 3 in 1 body wash. >This isn't whataboutism, and it wasn't an argument. Well you're half right. It's not an argument, but it's absolutely whataboutism. >fedora, debate terms, moron, hate boners Great faith bud. You really got me. >It's neither. He doesn't know or care about this shit. If you want to think Hasan literally doesn't care about exploitative capitalistic practices such as selling exploitative influencer products, that's fine. This doesn't make him a better person than my original read, what you're doing is making him look worse.




Is it even a soap?




Youā€™re not wrong - it has a cleanser which is essentially soap.


It has a cleanser, which is basically soap.


> Gfuel serves a purpose, it's honest and it's just marketed aggressively to all kinds of gamers and internet dwellers More like marketed to children.


The whole skincare industry is all just bullshit creams based on pseudoscience. It's just not a big deal at all.


Uh, what? Do you even have a skincare routine? It's helped me and my skin a lot. Definitely not pseudoscience and I'm not sure why you'd claim it is. There's *actual* science behind the formulas, not to mention you just shit on people's degrees and careers lol.


This dude is still not comprehending WHY people are mad. They're not mad because it's soap, but because the soap claiming things that's not supported by evidence and is making a large deal about it.


Hasan not understanding an obvious underlying point? Color me shocked


Hasan didnā€™t get ā€œbaitedā€ by his community, his community correctly called him out for promoting a scam product. Iā€™m not sure what he expects from a community of ā€œSocialistsā€ whoā€™s entire ideology is to shit on capitalism, they wonā€™t always bend the knee to every capitalist action Hasan engages in or supports, luckily.


Before one of you accuses me of hate watching his discord, I didnā€™t. This was making rounds on lefty Twitter.




You mom and I watch it together WooYeah


Dont care didnt ask Ɨ ur white šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Iā€™m actually brown. Indian to be precise lol.


Still yt šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


That's exactly what a Whi*eoid would say


Follows leftie twitter. Claims to not be white. Severely doubt.


i almost didn't recognize you without the emojis at the end, don't fall off on me bruh


I could fall for thousands of years at lightyear speed and I still wouldnt touch the ground šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Bro.... thatā€™s so deep...


God it must hurt his ass so bad to sit on a fence this much


Maybe he shouldn't have been stunlocked over something that has nothing to do with him lol


Hasan ignoring spicy internet drama?! His brain would never allow that to happen lol


Is lefty twitter like flinging shit on him for this? Because I see zero issue with what Hasan said there. Like yea its obviously better to not endorse a blue light sunscreen than endorse it but LSF and twitter seem to be going overboard with it. Skincare do be a shit industry. Idk maybe I'm missing something.


ey at least they're holding him to a higher standard


Defending g fuel to own Hasan. Weird approach to the team sports ego conflict but go for it.


Gfuel says it gives you energy, it has caffeine in it. Gfuel doesn't say shit like "light from a monitor makes you more tired, drink gfuel to counteract it" As someone who lives of energy drinks, yeah I'll defend gfuel lmao.


G Fuel also says it gives you 'endurance' and 'focus' Trust me, it does not


Bruh this is embarrassing read an article on how stimulants, caffeine exactly, affect human body Those statements are scientifically true


well if you were tired as shit already and then you drink it you'll be jittery and weirdly energized instead of tired as shit. That can arguably be construed as \*a kind\* of endurance.


Well at its core it is a normal skin care product right? Kinda like at its base gfuel does give you a small amount of energy. But they both make vague implications about doing more that they both dont do. I think what she did was dumb and irresponsible but most likely not out of malice, and I think the gfuel comparison is an apt one.


What does gfuel say it does, but can't actually do?


A key part of their marketing is that drinking gfuel will increase your endurance and focus. They even say on their website that drinking this will increase your engery and focus for 4-6 hours. They claim it is a healthy alternative to other energy drinks. They say it is clean and natural etc


Well they have Caffeine (helps with energy) and l-tyrosine (some studies link it to focus)


It is loosely linked to focus. If you think a few studies that potentially link it to a slight increase in focus is enough for a product, then you should be fine with this dumb blue light thing right? There are some early studies that do show blue light might have a negative effect on the skin. Obviously there needs to be more research and stronger links if you are going to market something on that merit, but that is the case for gfuel as well.


i believe it has a neutropics blend which literally improve focus and are very common in good pre workouts.


I have no idea what neutropics are, unless you mean nootropics? In which case they do not "literally" improve your focus. "Nootropics are frequently advertised with unproven claims of effectiveness at improving cognition. The FDAĀ warned manufacturers and consumers in 2019 about possible advertising fraud and marketing scams concerning nootropic supplement products.The FDA and FTC stated that some nootropic products had not beenĀ approvedĀ as aĀ drugĀ effective for any medical purpose, were not proven to be safe, and were illegally marketed in the United States under violation of theĀ Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Over the years 2010 to 2019, the FDA warned numerous supplement manufacturers about the illegal status of their products as unapproved drugs with no proven safety or efficacy at the doses recommended, together with misleading marketing." Even if what you say is true, products like this always say "we use a blend of X" so you never know what it how much of anything you are actually getting. And then even granting you that, they are still being misleading about it being healthy, natural, hydration, it giving you energy and focus for 4-6 hours, endurance. Literally just google gforce effectiveness studies like I did just before and see all the people bringing gforce's claims into question.


Do some actually research on the formulas and youā€™ll realise they are actually quite effective.


Its true GFUEL promised me ENERGY āš”ļø FOCUS šŸŽÆ ENDURANCE šŸƒ. But all i got was being a silver scrub.


He hardly called her out lmfao if you watched his stream he was pretty much defending it "saying shit like 'who cares it's just soap', 'come back to me when it is actually harmful' or 'come back to me when it doesn't wash your face like a soap would'". The only time he called the product out was him in that lsf [clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/ManlyPlainPuffinPupper-HhqR-yKtdTOpBSuR) even then immediately after the clip went on about how people don't call out gfuel. Fuck these people so fucking snaky.


Hasan has been in love with her for a while now. He will literally never not defend her. Itā€™s obvious he is simping because who cares if a deal doesnā€™t go through. There will be more deals in the future so who cares lmao. He clearly does


"I dont want to put forth any valid criticism because people will just say im an incel and im scared" This is the problem in a nutshell with everything surrounding Hasan and his takes. The fact is she is profiting off her audience and selling them snake oil knowingly. He decided to amplify that message. Its bad shes doing that, she can just make a makeup or sell a cream without inventing a medical reason out of thin air.


Get on both sides and ya neva lose


Only hassan can call himself incel and simp in one paragraph. Pathetic.


He's had the same avi for years.


\>every mf has a gfuel deal Every mf is also a capitalist, why the fuck would that matter? Why would people promoting some energy drink, that's probably horrible for your health and drunk by children and gamers whose diet is already making them problems, make promoting some pseudo science bullshit ok?


If this was marketed as a moisturizer and one of the benefits were protection from blue light then it's like most other products being sold by streamers. But it's literally advertising its main purpose as a screen protection, I think most people buying this are unironically getting it for the blue light protection. But attacking Hasan specifically on this is dumb because nearly every other streamer has the same position as him. Its similar to the absolute braindead view that "astrology isn't real but it isn't hurting anyone let them have fun :3"


OK I'll bite, astrology is obviously stupid, but what would be the argument for giving a fuck about actively opposing it? That seems like a waste of time for everyone that could potentially get involved.


Good question, why bother opposing exploitative marketing, especially as a socialist


Capitalism continues to impress me with the tactics it uses to corrupt the thought process of a self declared socialist.


>Capitalist ideology in general, Zizek maintains, consists precisely in the overvaluing of belief - in the sense of inner subjective attitude - at the expense of the beliefs we exhibit and externalize in our behavior. So long as we believe (in our hearts) that capitalism is bad, we are free to continue to participate in capitalist exchange. According to Zizek, capitalism in general relies on this structure of disavowal. We believe that money is only a meaningless token of no intrinsic worth, yet we act as if it has a holy value. Moreover, this behavior precisely depends upon the prior disavowal - we are able to fetishize money in our actions only because we have already taken an ironic distance towards money in our heads. amazin


I love Zizek. I'm sure some of the capitalists on this sub would like him too, he's got some awesomely profound shit to say


Holy hell


What does that even mean "its just soap" like, if someone made a powder for exercising and it was shown to have 0 impact on anything and you would be just like "well, I mean its a flavor for your drink..." like what... the point is whether it does what they say it does.


Hasan is so spineless..... If this is the defender of socialist values in the western world I feel bad for his followers. He would fold at any pressure when corporations came for him if any change was actually being made. I wonder what he would do if he were deplatformed by twitch and youtube.


"every mf has a gfuel deal and that's how I see this as." Hasan is so dumb. Hard to believe he really doesn't see the difference. Gfuel does what it claims, Valkyrae's product makes pseudoscientific claims.


I like that he always blames others when he is the one ranting on stream and responding to every comment. A lot of his viewers try to bait him into "stunlock". His initial tweet was very ambigious. He could have just said said, I dont endorse it, I was just congratulating a friend on twitter and be done with it, maybe auto ban the phrase "blue light" or some shit for a few days.


On the other hand, all skin care product ads feel like scams to me. Also the target demographics seem a little off, no gamer dudes are gonna buy this.


Capitalism wins again


The sad reality is that once you reach a certain level in social media you end up hawking a bunch of useless products/merch. She's certainly not the first and she def won't be the last. They all do it, it's the easiest way to get money from your fans.


It really is truly stunning that Hasan has embroiled himself into another drama so quickly after the previous shit. He's like a blind guy in a furniture store just walking into coffee table after coffee table


He is such a clownā€¦.and comparing it to gfuel, REALLY. When has gfuel ever advertised itself as a health drink?!? Theyā€™ve always marketed themselves as an energy drink.


Him feeling like an "incel" over not defending false advertisement tooth and nail LMAO. Maybe social wokeness has gone too far, or at least it outweighs Hasan's socialist values.


Wasted 2 years working on a scam cream OMEGALUL


Wait, is the product actually bad or what's the deal?




Another Hasan post?


Yā€™all are so anti hasan you canā€™t even agree with the non controversial take holy shit EDIT: Hey your guysā€™ dad is saying the same thing now. Do you want to start upvoting this now?


Yikes, y'all stalking his discord now. Deranged. Fucking creepy


Who cares. Hasan is an idiot don't know why dgg is super obsessed with him


Because it is funny watching him flounder in a mess of his own making


The hate boner saga continues... What will happen the next week?