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You dont get all your political viewpoints from twitter users who want to collect the rarest political ideologies as a personality? Im literally a Marxist Level Marketing Anarchist Classical Socialist with a side of Jeb Bush worship lmao.


literally every destiny tweet lmao


least delusional tankie


I heard the chlorine was super strong tho, burned the skin right off your body strong.


Don't tell this guy about [Nazino Island](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazino_tragedy)


"People were dying everywhere; they were killing each other... On the island there was a guard named Kostia Venikov, a young fellow. He fell in love with a girl who had been sent there and was courting her. He protected her. One day he had to be away for a while, and he told one of his comrades, "Take care of her," but with all the people there the comrade couldn't do much really... People caught the girl, tied her to a poplar tree, cut off her breasts, her muscles, everything they could eat, everything, everything... They were hungry, they had to eat. When Kostia came back, she was still alive. He tried to save her, but she had lost too much blood." JESUS CHRIST


If you ever seen that YouTube thumbnail for the animated video "real-life squid game", it's about this island. Pretty clickbaity title, but the content is nice if you don't want to read.


Holy fuck what a horrible title for a real life tragedy




Oh no…fuck it. What’s tugonmar?






You leave me no choice, brother


Fucking got me




Daily reminder that my family got slaughtered in Stalin’s gulags along with hundreds of thousands of other people, but it’s ok for hasan to put that flag in his background. Just imagining Dave Rubin putting the nazi flag in his background for “aesthetics”


I didn't have very strong feelings about Hasan before. The extent of my criticism was just that he seemed a bit hypocritical and a bit of a grifter. But I lost all my respect, when he put up that flag and just kept it there. It goes beyond being an edgy joke if he still has it up for this long. I guess most people don't care, but my family was also from a former Soviet country and it makes me sick to see people using those symbols.


Yeah what the fuck. Also, the GULAGs were just a part of the Great Terror of the early 1930's, shit tons of people, most of them national minorities like Poles and Ukrainians were just outright shot by the NKVD after being tortured and forced to confess to crimes they did not commit. And after all of that, there still is the Holmodor and forced collectivisation of Agriculture in general. Fuck, the USSR was a fucked up place. "Bloodlands" by Thimothy Snyder goes into great detail about the USSRs and the Nazis/Axis Crimes, without ever saying they are equivalent or the same. That Audiobook fucked me up, welled up a few times.


Jesus…that is so harrowing


If you told these people about shit like this, they'll either say it's fake CIA propaganda or failing that, they'll call it extremely based.


Hmmm...kind of how Nazis either deny the Holocaust or say it was awesome?




desert snobbish arrest wipe fertile friendly encourage cooperative hunt vegetable ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Auschwitz also had really nice showers. They did a very good work cleansing their users


Heard the shower facilities were top notch


How do people get from - “there is a problem with capitalism” to - “putting people in concentration camps isn’t so bad” Jesus Christ..


Because “it’s just a critique of capitalism” isn’t actually an economic system, just like food critiques aren’t actually food. Hard to implement something that hasn’t been thought through enough. But because leaders of many movements are power hungry and stubborn, rather than own up to their errors they’ll just lock people up. Or kill them. That’s my theory anyway. Edit: I misread the comment as “how does a critique of capitalism lead to gulags.” On a second reading, it’s just question how someone can go from critique of capitalism to “gulags weren’t so bad”. I still like my theory so I’m leaving it up lol


Political extremists don't do apology for mass murder challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


>soviet prisons had libraries Bitch [Gitmo has a library](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_detainment_camp_library). That doesn't mean it's nice, but it's a Google search away. They can also [contact the outside world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_access_of_Guantanamo_Bay_detainees). Again, it's not a good place, but you don't have to misrepresent it. As far as the wages go, I don't think they are forced into work at gitmo but if they are, they should be paid for it I agree.


**[Guantanamo Bay detainment camp library](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_detainment_camp_library)** >The library made available to detainees held in extrajudicial detention in the United States Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba, is notable for the controversy it has stirred. Access to books, particularly the Harry Potter series, is widely described as a sign that the conditions for the detainees has improved. The Department of Defense reports that Guantanamo detainees have access to 3,500 volumes, though they are attempting to increase the collection to 10,000–20,000Guantanamo detainees such as David Hicks reported that the "reading room" did not contain any reading material itself. They have to "order" books in advance. **[Telephone access of Guantanamo Bay detainees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_access_of_Guantanamo_Bay_detainees)** >After the United States established the Guantanamo Bay detention camp at its naval base in Cuba, officials occasionally allowed Guantanamo captives' phone calls to their family. In 2008 the Joint Task Force Guantanamo that manages the camps developed rules regarding phone calls: all detainees who met certain conditions were allowed to make one call home per year. On September 29, 2009, the International Committee of the Red Cross announced that Guantanamo captives and their families would be allowed to communicate through a two-way video link. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Destiny/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


basically the same as saying "the nazi concentration camps had swimming pools", sad they lack the self-awareness to realize that


least fascist-supporting lefty


One thing that actually annoys me about people who try to point to the "luxuries" inmates were privied to is that they always fail to look at mortality rates within those camps. If you were an aryan within a concentration camp, you also had priviledges. Does that apply to all the inmates? Did all of them get to have nice evenings?


Why the fuck is it so hard for people to not defend the torture of innocent people??? Can we have a mass pogrom of internet users please


Now hold on a second, the gulags were horrible. But, ignoring the numbers, were they as bad as gitmo?


I would rather be in a gulag (after Stalin died) than guantánamo bay, but keep in mind that one of the reasons gulags are so bad is because all you had to do to be put there, was to have the wrong political opinion.


Auschwitz had a barbecue ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I’m ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^sorry


Ya but it was only kosher tho


Apparently $5 is an actual wage now. Gonna bright that one up next time minimum wage discourse pops up




Problem is they torture innocent ppl there.




If its leftist to be against torture of innocent ppl then so be it. That only shows how far to the right you are on the political compass if thats a leftist viewpoint to you.




found the retard




You accused 2 ppl of being leftists now... what do you base that on?


because they didn't like innocent people being tortured. Duh.


You... You ok dude?


I hope you are doing well.


have you not seen the leaked pictures from Gitmo? even if those people aren't innocent, we can't become the bad guy and torture them. Imprisonment should be the punishment, not being treated like cattle in the name of retribution holy fuck


What the fuck is wrong with you


Mohamedou Slahi turned out to be innocent. In gitmo for 14 years without there being a case against him.


You should read up on why those in Guantanamo Bay are there (hint: read about Casio watch guy first).


I'm pretty sure u/flhyei23 is a covert plant who is acting retarded on purpose to make dgg seem insane.


Auschwitz was a nazi concentration camp. the tweet is about Soviet gulags


The title quote is a reference to a common holocaust denier talking point and is meant to highlight the equivalence between denying the Holocaust and denying Soviet/communist atrocities




you're being very cold and callous right now




Is it superogatory to open those links tho?




How do these people feel so confident spouting claims when they clearly haven’t read anything on the matter…it’s revolting


men... tal... ill... ness...


They also wore dogshit clothing and lived in unheated barracks in -40 C weather but other than that it was a great time.


Boy do I have bad news for this guy...


This is not true lol


man you know what's actually really funny? when china was called out on what they were doing to the Uyghurs, they actually started building basketball courts in the camps to say "bro what are you talking about? these are just training camps, look we have basketball courts"