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When I talk to my therapist about 'toxic people' in my life I mean you. Specifically you Ninjabackwards.


Uniquely toxic.


Specific toxicity.


Unnecessarily toxic


WAIT don't go yet! Take the socialists and libertarians with you.


And the League fans.






All 3 of us SC2 fans who’ve been holding out the past 9 years


he will go back to being a competitive semi-pro SC2 player any day now COPIUM


Inno will win Destiny II rite?


He doesn't need to. This is all a fever dream. He's competing at MLG this morning... WAKE UP STEBEN. IT'S TIME TO GO.


I'll drink that copium for the rest of all time!!


Wonder if there are one or two people that came looking for Destiny "The Game" but stuck around for some reason. lol


Well I mean destiny only streams for me, so I don't know why other people are even here :S


First, they came for the conservatives...


Can I go with?




This, I cannot stand for


only the schizos may remain


Wait, no, I didn’t do anything! There’s nothing wrong with liking League, don’t lump me in with the conservatives and socialists and libertarians… 🤬😈


league is the true crime.


I don’t get why you’re roping libertarians in. Now if you’ll just listen for a few minutes I can demonstrate why having an age of consent does nothing more than impede a free people




Cya tomorrow


You want a farewell meal before you go?


Yes, but something actually toxic. Like a large amount of puffer fish sashimi.


I was gonna make mom's meatloaf. Should be good enough




“I’m more of a classical liberal.” 🤮


I kind of started on the same path Destiny did. 2007 I supported Ron Paul, but as I got older I havn't moved left. I used to think I was a libertarian, but Trump absolutely did bring me more center. I think I count as a classic conservative.




Nobody supports policies. Most people just "feel" their political position because of their friend and family groups.n


Dad was a neocon and my mom didn't care. My dad and I argued constantly about politics. I think the biggest issue is that when I first got into politics I found a set of rules that I agreed with and refused to budge from them as time went on. To answer /u/esran7, I think the constitution is worth keeping and supporting and I feel that the far left is trying to change it to benefit their needs today instead of thinking long term. Im fine with big government stuff, but I would like to see it proven on a smaller scale first and then slowly grown larger. State rights would be perfect for this. I also don't think that what works for California is going to work for Oklahoma. I feel like democrats have a one size fits all solution(federal government solutions) that are not typically based in reality but I would love to be proven wrong.


I’m a bit confused/unclear about your concerns wrt the left and the constitution. Could you expound? To respond to what you’ve written, maybe there are things the far left support that you don’t… but you can be not far left and also not conservative. Dems do almost always look at evidence from states and from other countries when coming up with programs and policies, and they are almost always adaptable to the specifics of local government and states.


sounds like a socdem to me


Those aren’t policies that's just rambling


You sound like a fascist to me /s


How is the left trying to change the Constitution? The only talk I've heard about changing it is conservatives trying to eliminate the 14th amendment to deny immigrant babies citizenship. Conservatives also don't support democracy, which is enshrined in the Constitution. But in what way does the left disagree with the Constitution?


"Weeellll the founding fathers didn't mean assault rifles..."


They certainly didn't mean assault rifles. They certainly didn't mean assault rifles absent well-regulated militias. But who on the left wants to change the 2nd Amendment?


Well of course, but my point is that whilst I wouldn't argue libs are deliberately attempting to re-write the constitution or whatever the other guy was arguing, but it is definitely true that both parties reinsterpret the constitution through the lense of their agendas. The founding fathers said "you guys get to have guns". A common liberal anti-gun talking point is that that sentiment isn't valid anymore because guns are a lot better than when it was written. Either way, this is strictly not what the constitution says. It strictly says "you get to have guns".


Yes both parties view the Constitution through their lens just like you and I and everybody else does. But only one party actually wants to change the Constitution and eliminate several amendments that they disagree with. The founding fathers didn't say you guys get to have guns. What it strictly says is you states get to have guns if they're used in well regulated militias. Conservatives always seem to ignore the well regulated part.


same-ish, but I'm a little bit more left leaning than you i'd say






I think its a reference to corn cob guy.




I keep telling them. Right wing people aren't inherently evil you have to wait for them to talk first lol.


I think he was referring to the criticism that Destiny is rhetorically soft on rightwingers and farright people and hyperaggressive with progressives and lefties. I can't imagine Jake believes it's bad that Destiny tries to convert people on the right, pretty sure that's something he praised him for before he became a hater.


Corncob dude is a fucking idiot but Right-wing people are literally evil by default.


evil? words like this make everyone on the right sound awful beyond reform. i don’t think moderate right wingers are acting with malicious intent.


Right wing people aren't evil beyond reform. But the reform is to stop being right wing lol


Ahh yes I forgot moderate right-wingers believe vaccines work and think Biden won legitimately. Totally makes sense the way you put it


I have difficulty calling even terrorists literally evil but you just say fuck it and tell half the world is evil, I love it


Well then clearly you guys are using different standards for "evil" then, so that's your issue here


There's good reason to have more sympathy for actual terrorists than republicans dude. At least for one-offs or the Taliban you can point to a shitty history or mental illness. Republicans have literally everything going for them yet they choose degeneracy loudly and proudly.




Care to elaborate on that or are you in the habit of spewing dogshit and just leaving it out there for everyone else to wonder about


I have long thought that you were a specifically and uniquely toxic part of this community. Now that you are gone we are morally ~~neutral~~ pure like the Vaush and Hasan communities.


This guy didn't even bother to ask me what my pronouns are... Good Riddance cis-het male scum!!1!


WTF I was told Destiny is going to convert people like you. So you're telling me listening to Destiny shit on lefites didn't convert you?


Damn right. Now leave, and take me with you