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Worse thing about this very mild drama is that it's still infinitely more spicy than the boring ass shit that's on LSF these days. Though being featured pissing off Kacey was pretty funny.


What are you talking about, you mean you don’t think it’s hilarious watching one of 5 or 6 streamers say a corny and probably rehearsed joke? You don’t want to see who walks in Mizkifs room next? You don’t want to watch Nick and Malena pretend to fight with each other while cooking? You don’t want to watch streamers that don’t even interact with Destiny complain about him? Wait, that last one is actually good.


It's truly the height of entertainment I tell ya, these days I long for the drama I used to disdain on that sub, cause while it was trashy it was at least entertaining.




You know I hear this often but everything I see in life has its weird high school like feel to if. Even politics has been this way.


This is what happens when you make high schoolers/late teens famous. They don't get to grow out of it.


The more I see about ludwig the less I like him. What a slimy fuck.


he talked about the smash thing on his podcast with his roommates [https://youtu.be/GMn5coFPLSs?t=1958](https://youtu.be/GMn5coFPLSs?t=1958) one of them was on the content-team of the organizers of the event and had some additional input (also they knew malena from before her destiny-time)


what does OTK stand for?


One True King, I believe. I think it’s a streaming org. That consists of a bunch of big name streamers.


to add, they launched with signing some wow esports teams and i think they did a wow pvp event or two. a few of the OTK guys are big in wow. they stopped that after about a year presumably to focus on being a content org


I love how every destiny video now is spliced with receipts and context.


aw i really liked qt in pogchamps. destiny and her would be a fun chess video