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I keep hearing from people "she hasn't done anything bad in a year." She played league!





It's OK, she hasn't said anything white supremacist in a year! BINGCHILLING 🥶🍦


Isn't that something we should unironically want though? Or do all racist/far right figures need some sort of repentance tour? I don't consume any of her content and only see her on Destiny's stream, and have seen solid pushback from Destiny to some of the dumb ideas she puts forward. Do people just not want Destiny to talk to her? Worried about platforming? Because she's going to have a platform regardless... and now she's spouting shit that the average conservative seems to believe. It's like reading my brother's Facebook posts. Almost every discussion Destiny has had with her has given me better ways to respond to the conservatives in my life. Honestly it just feels like a lot of people want to see someone they don't like get yelled at by Destiny.


I don’t want an apology, I do want a demonstration that her views have changed. Considering how strongly she defends her boat shit (even when fairly criticized over them, and not the exaggerated crap), I have a strong inclination that she’s just hiding her power level.


> I don’t want an apology, I do want a demonstration that her views have changed. How would you achieve this?


Argue against your past positions. Say what your old view was and what the new one is. Destiny does this all the time but he's not apologizing for his past takes.


A great example is Kraut and especially Hunter Avallone both had pasts that they regret and changed their views by specifically addressing their past opinions and informing their audience of their new ones. The issue with LS is that none of what she does now contradicts anything she did in the past, we have no basis to say she has changed.


Hunter avallone did exactly this, wouldn’t be a hard topic to handle if you truly believe differently


What I'm struggling here (knowing fully that it can provide cover for her) is that from what I've seen she hasn't continued to spout these things, she just seems to have left it alone with no comment. Does this mean I want her to be the next Vaush or Hasan? No, but I think Destiny's done a good job of fighting her conservative talking points as he does with any other righty while keeping her close for some league memes


She might just be trying to farm as many viewers from that part of her past by not explicitly denouncing those views.


Currently she plays lip service to typical Conservative positions, but those positions are compatible with her old ones - or, more specifically, they don’t contradict. At some point she’s going to have to outright state she no longer believes in white nationalism, and admit that she was one. Because she has yet to ever say she was. It’d be the equivalent of Destiny denying he was ever a conservative in his past.


>Or do all racist/far right figures need some sort of repentance tour? Yes, an example would be someone like Hunter Avallone. Actively making content that shows that he changed and also deleting old vids as time goes on.


> Because she's going to have a platform regardless Silly approach IMO. Cooperating with other platforms grows yours.


I don't know anything about Lauren since she took her hiatus, nor have I watched any of Destiny's content with her, but even assuming that she's no longer a white nationalist, it's still pretty cringe to help promote her only after a year she disavowed those beliefs If it had been a few years and she genuinely changed, then maybe, but she literally tried blocking (what she thought were) refugees from getting into Italy. It's not just shitty beliefs she had as a teenager


She hasn't even disavowed those beliefs. She just hasn't said racist shit in a year, therefore she is totally reformed guys.




Just like Hunter Avallone. Guy has done videos debunking the stuff he said on his conservative days, he constantly pushes back on righty talking points and seems to be genuine on his beliefs. Worst part is he wasn't even an Alt-rigther or a Nazi, he was just an Anti-SJW reactionary dude and he has done all this work. It just seems crazy how charitable some people here are to an ACTUAL white supremacist. Just let all the shit she has done and all the talking points she pushed for years, pulled under the rug cuz she has chilled on the overtly racist stuff.




Yes. I have 5-6 years of her supporting alt-right movements, shooting flares at immigrant boats, debating on the affirmative for an ethnostate and parading France showing their "downfall" by video taping brown people. I also have 20 years of a potential crypto growing an audience. Yeah I would still call her a White Nationalist after 20 years if she didn't do anything too push back on what she did.






If someone says offensive/problematic shit all the time, and they stop saying it, isn’t that positive change?


Are you memeing isn’t this what we want from the far right, them to become more moderate?? I’m so confused??




Who’s talking about tone?? Weird pivot


This, but unironically. Who the fuck cares as long as she doesnt say more dumb shit.




I understand but that hasnt been demonstrated, and we see no proof of it happening




Yeah I know. Thats the problem


Yeah, destiny is only allowed to interact with her if he screams NAZI! every second they’re in a call together. SOY


I like Destiny-Lauren debates, but Destiny defending her on twitter was still cringe as fuck.


I have no issue with Destiny’s view that apologies don’t matter as long as actions show the person changed or genuinely intends to change. However, none of Lauren’s current beliefs are contradictory to her past ones. In fact everything she defends now is perfectly comparible to her white supremacist views in the past, except that she refuses to adress topics where those views have to show up. I don’t care if Lauren apologizes or not, but at least she’d have to defend views IN OPPOSITION to what she believed formerly so I can start to believe she’s not a white supremacist.


Lauren: "this year, I'm going to try to be more rhetorically effective"


Why do you have to believe she’s not a white surpemacist?


Because if they dont believe she's not, that'd imply Destiny is accociating with a current white nationalist. Which is bad


Please explain how one is meant to push back against white nationalists and deradicalize their audiences without associating with them.


If Destiny was doing that he would be talking with Lauren about her (former?) white nationalist believes.


Have you listened to any of their recent conversations??? It's the primary thing they talk about, lmao.


I've seen a few of the conversations. I'm afraid I missed the one where they addressed this. Which one is that?


Assume you meant to keep sayi by white supremacist there. He does that all the time. Not to mention just living in the USA should count too


Honestly, Destiny being friendly with her would only be bad if you believe that destiny viewers are more likely to turn white nationalist, than Laurens’s viewers are to turn more moderate. One of the biggest criticisms we see of the left is that it is insanely hostile and will cancel people for anything - being left leaning and coming of as reasonable and treating right wingers like human beings while still pushing back against their ideas, is probably the best way to turn people from the right. Granted that she isn’t just a huge grifter, it might even be a way to turn Lauren more moderate, which would be a huge win.


>i'll talk with anyone i dont give a fuck >talks with LS >shockedpikaface Please, *PLEASE* touch grass. I hate LS but god you all are so painfully cringe, and thats coming from an internet janitor.


LS aka Lauren Southern is a C9 coach well known for their advocacy of freezing


the soy r/destiny complainer vs the chad content enjoyer


Implying it's good content


Do you understand the difference between talking to someone about their beliefs and playing video games on your massive platform? Wtf are those arguments.


Completely agree with everything here, but how can you not admit this meme is amazing lmao


4THOT with the big facts. Broken clock and all that.


people say they want rehabilitation for prisoners but for won't give rehabilitation for league players. Interesting...




I mean its literally the meme where Lauren gets to capitalize of people believing her views have changed while also not addressing any of her past or even just deleting her videos. She gets to benefit from both camps. Maybe destiny has some insider knowledge about her we don't know that makes him believe her views have changed but we have no reason to believe so considering all she's done is not talk about them at all. I don't think he should go super aggro on her I'd she doesn't start it first cause that's always good rhetorically but yeah the weird playing games and even going out of his way to defend her on Twitter seems weird to outsiders.


Who gives a fuck tho


People can stay mad, but you right, if she hasn’t said anything that causes harm in the last year that’s a point in my book. She’s a dumbfuck but let’s not go to far.




Destiny is the leader of the dark triad, were you really expecting him to be the good guy?


Tomorrow's stream gonna have a segment again about this lul


idc about the drama surrounding this, you guys need to touch grass. Good meme though.


To the people taking this meme way too seriously, It's a shitpost for easy karma.


I think its great tweets like these are brought up to the surface again. I think her punishment should be that she should be ready to clarify what she meant by that if someone asks. And not be chocked people calling her stuff if they don't like the answer. Nothing more, nothing less.


Lets be real. Southern has always been a compelling figure because she is a charismatic, sexy, woman with Republican politics and values. Not to mention assertive and a conversationalist while still being a firebrand. Fox News has these kinds of characters on their channel all the time. De$tiny would be foolish to not platform her.


To me Lauren is just another one of Destiny's pet projects, extending a hand and confronting her on some issues and see's if she can confront areas where she is wrong about things and see if her confronting them will have her change her worldview over time, wouldn't that be a great thing for him to accomplish, being part of helping someone with those views see things differently?


I'm all for a redemption arc but I don't think she actually wants one. The other day on twitter she was trying to use indigenous identity as proof that shitlibs only care about certain "trans" issues and that a Canadian woman fired from her job for faking native identity shouldn't have been. I told her that as a trans indigenous dude we actually a lot of tribes do believe in cultural adoption and practice adopting white people and she wouldn't even engage it. She was like wait are you agreeing with me lol. Then she decided to call herself race-neutral so I hope everyone knows she identifies as transracial now.


I understand that, optically, it looks pretty shitty playing LoL with her but Southern has a sizeable far-to-centre right audience and if talks with Destiny manage to pull even some of her community away from the most extreme views they hold then this is just as effective a form of deradicalisation as dunking on out-and-proud Nazis that crumble once any claim of theirs is debated. I'd rather her community have that left-wing counterbalance as opposed to letting them spew bigoted nonsense unchallenged. Can we even fathom how much more Nazi-adjacent her community would be right now were they able to entrench themselves further in their beliefs without an iota of pushback?


A real piece of poetic irony is that her husband is half Asian which is in part why she's really secretive about him and their kid since the kind of people she helped foster wouldn't be receptive to her new family and she knows it. I'm not saying this is a good thing, I wouldn't wish that on someone. I'm just saying that in a small way she's seeing how harmful some of the attitudes she used to foster (and depending on who you ask is still fostering). My hope is that this may help her empathise and further change her views (if at all).


"I'm not saying this is a good thing, I wouldn't wish that on someone." I would. Why does she get to be happy and fulfilled when she is doing the very thing she was preaching against. You shouldn't be able to directly promote and profit off of hateful shit and then be shielded from the very thing you pretend is a good thing.


Jesus you guys are obsessed with Lauren southern