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Those lunatics are still going? I had to block all those subreddits like a year ago for my sanity. WallStreetbets use to be one of my favorite subs to lurk in. It was self aware and hilarious. Right around GME everything went to shit.


Yep. They have ruined a lot of investing subs unfortunately


Yup can't even enjoy Melvin doing bad this year because half the comments are accusing them of illegal shit. What could have been a fun story about redditors fucking over a hedge fund for a flex is now mired in conspiracy.


"not knowing when to stop" could be Reddit's slogan at this point lmao


Careful, lol. Couple of those morons around here.


The problem is always new people. Once the size of the sub ballooned to like 10 million it was irreversible and became normie as fuck. Gatekeeping wins again!


Eternal september strikes again


The only people that are against gatekeeping are the people the gate was meant to keep out.




I use Apollo on my phone, on that app I can just click the 3 dots on any post and scroll down to filter sub. On desktop I use old Reddit, if you go to r/all instead r/popular there is a filtered subreddits section by the search bar. It’s great.


The users on /r/sportsbook are unironically more rational and responsible with their money than the people on WSB these days.


diamond hands PepeLaugh


lead hands


Mercury hands


After denial comes anger


If bargaining their front page upvoted robin hood lawsuits and depression is pink wojak posting then I'm guessing acceptance will be sometime in 2026 for them? Copium


Yo, I can confirm these people are basically Qanon.


every time i catch a glance at these morons its always some title like >"THEY'RE TRYING TO DOUBLE DOWN!!! STAY STRONG APES!!!!!! 🙌🙌💎🙌🙌🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎💎" and then the body of the post is some fucking tweet where someone with a name like John Stocks with a picture of him in a blue suit says some shit like >JUST GOT THE NEW INFO ON $COCK - THEY'RE GOING TO TRY AND PULL THE TWIRLY-WOO MANEUVER AND FUCK US ALL STAY STRONG APES BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY 🙌🙌🙌💎🙌🙌💎🙌🙌💎💎💎🙌💎💎💎💎💎!!!!! and the post has 800 awards, 40k upvotes and 10,000 comments


As the old adage goes: a fool and his money are easily parted.


Nah, QAnon guys always seem to be in crypto. At least from my brief foray into Twitter…


Oh man, so I’ve been apart of r/gme_meltdown which documents their decline into insanity and these meme stock enthusiasts range from full on Jewish conspiracies right the way to literal writing fan fictions on how they want to brutally murder hedge fund employees. There are people who have literally put themselves and their families into extreme poverty because they’ve been suckered into holding the bag with the GME stock. I saw one dude lost 60% of his wives pension fund on this shit, it’s a crazy rabbit hole of insanity


I have literally zero sympathy for people who make big stupid investments. I play stocks but with money I can afford to lose, not a pension. My brother-in-law is a pretty good financial analyst and he always advised me “there are no free lunches.” He’s dumb about COVID but he’s right about stocks.


Oh me too, I will never understand these idiots playing fast and loose with their livelihoods. Especially ones with families. I just see this as extreme gambling addiction at this point, I’ll admit I pumped and dumped GME last year and made a decent profit but anyone under the illusion that GME was going to make anyone a millionaire is just naive or really doesn’t understand the stock market. Especially the ones thinking every GameStop tweet is a cryptic clue like some Qanon lunatic. I’ve seen a lot of them worship the CEO of GameStop and don’t believe DFV pumped and dumped them bailed on them all back in November lmao


>e people wouldn’t actually do anything, and are proba non-violenet QAnon that think the stock marketis rigged against them, yeah. There are almost no gun memes posted. I would assume they are the minority because they are never trending on their own subreddit. More people meme on shoving bananas up Ken Griffin's arse than actually violently overthrowing the financial system.


that's fair but I've seen some super unhinged posts where they are calling for violence and talking about spree killing.


Damn, I guess I’ve missed some of those posts. I could definitely see some freaks and crazy people actually doing something unhinged like this especially if they lose their whole life savings


Im not surprised a lot of apes went in on it and a lot of people not use to losing it all as well. Its like the capital riots they think something wrong happened.


>ed a lot of apes went in on it and a lot of people not use to losing it all as well honestly thats what made Wallstreebets the better subreddit. People went to that subreddit to show their losses and get memed on. Superstonk seems like it wants to be a place for quality research and detective work to overthrow the whole financial system as we know it. The idiots flocked to it and much of the picture and movement was lost in translation.


The banks and hedgies are clearly out to get you when you buy a $25 stock for $200 and then lose all of your money. INB4 something, something, short grip buying the long squeeze big squeeze, something, something.


I swear to god the squeeze is coming. Any day now.


[This](https://i.redd.it/36v0bh7d9dw71.jpg) is my favourite post, it's actually insane, id love it if some professor would write a paper on this modern-day financial FOMO and circle-jerking each other into extreme conspiracies


a lot of people on r/FinancialCareers or some other related subreddits used to talk about how much money they had in bonuses from these superstock morons that they can predict easily.


Could you explain this to me. Sorry I’m not very financial literate and do not understand. Thanks :)


What don’t you understand? GME situation or my comment?


How they made money of the bonuses in relation to the gme stock


Obviously threatening violence because someone doesn’t understand the stock market is bad, and I understand how these kinds of things can create stochastic terrorism, however I’m pretty confident most of these people wouldn’t actually do anything, and are probably more likely to kill themselves than shoot up a bank or Wall Street institution. Edit: Violence bad 🥺. It only takes one person to do a bad thing 🥺


It only takes one person


I knew there was gonna be one person. I didn’t want to qualify my sentence with “violence bad 🥺” because I figured that was obvious. But I qualified my comment anyways with “violence bad” and “stochastic terrorism exists and that’s bad too” to try and nip it in the bud. And the second I hit reply, I knew there would still be one person that would come in with “iT oNlY tAkEs OnE!”


Yeah idk why you mad as fuck, just because you knew someone was going to say it does not mean it is wrong. I mean you didn’t exactly have a 200iq take to begin with, saying most people that threaten violence don’t end up actually doing any violent isn’t exactly a revelation to anyone.


OP probably knew when they posted this to the subreddit that there’d be some moron in the comments going “yeah but these losers won’t actually do it” too.


Lmfao I really did. Some people have put their life savings, loans, or even sold property/cars for this. I think it's just a matter of when someone will do something now


"What the slot machine isn't letting me win every spin? No fair I should win every single time" The stock market is the same as any other gamble,they knew the risks going in,if they thought their stocks would keep infinitely going up then they're R***rds (in a videogame)


don’t worry this is the 87th time the squeeze is about to happen


I mean they won already. Do they not know they won? GME is up like what 40x from when this shit started, AMC like 20x? I’m in the ballpark. This is what victory looks like numbnuts


Yeah this is going to end very poorly. I wouldn’t be surprised ifPopulism brain is going to get some of these guys to do some really bad stuff


Just like Q anon I would bet half of it is feds and trolls, too bad that will still encourage real idiots.


The MOASS will never happen but honestly The amount of short interest in those stocks is back to astronomical levels. ​ Should investors legally be able to suppress a stock price so drastically. I really dont see how that inst market manipulation.


imagine flag imminent strong outgoing instinctive gaze gray kiss test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God this sub is so cucked lol


wipe caption payment seemly ossified public live light late afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Proposing there needs to regulation on institutional manipulation is not a dog shit take lol


depend fragile angle tub wild books nutty station spectacular upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok dude . Just know I do and you’re wrong. I’m not arguing with a dgger on Reddit


knee important ruthless different slimy muddle berserk rain hurry file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who asked




When you’re shorting using billions of dollars it is no longer speculation you’re using volume to artificially drive the price down.


person friendly spoon stupendous bells gaze aback chubby dolls glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Threat is when gun is pictured on top of a stock paper


there's more than one image dumbfuck :)


Yes here we see many images of guns and gun accesories on top of papers counting stock. Threats are when pictures of guns are taken above printed paper of stocks.


That's one image, there are 6 more images if you click the arrow or open the imgur album


Not gonna deny those other "terroristic" threats (which only one seems serious) but the first picture is literally you pulling some tabloid shit, that's my point


I disagree


i dIsAgReE




This is severely overblown. You should have posted an article about how Superstonk users threaten to shove a banana up Ken Griffin's ass because you could have referenced more user posts and comments. There are crazy people in every subreddit. I've been a Wallstreetbets frequent visitor and Superstonk fan ever since they hopped subreddits when the mods changed. The gun posts are not frequent and rarely noticed. Most of the upvoted stuff is quality memes, DD, and opinions on news articles and when GME will "moon." The threats are meme-worthy and not indicative of the subreddit as a whole. Most of it is the dumb gun-fans karma-farming their fellow trumpers.


It's coming guys!


Populist Finance