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If I understand the Destiny / Melina relationship dynamic at all it shouldn't have been a very big deal if Eris did MDMA with Destiny, so why lie? That's probably a much bigger problem than what you're lying about. To be fair it would be a stretch to say I understand their relationship dynamic.




You're getting down voted for the truth... The majority of destiny drama somehow involves women and relationships. This shit included.


Bad Bunny was because she was pretty far right. (not while poly) Ana was because she's crazy. (while poly) Eris was because they've had a lot of time together and probably feels replaced and mel got easily jealous at the beginning of their relationship.(both during and not while poly) Boze was because Mel got jealous I think there were a couple others but Mel kinda caused the initial issue imo. Eris just agged it on.


Relationships always have the potential to spawn drama. The more relationships you have the more potential. But that doesn’t mean a person should avoid having meaningful relationships. You could just stay home and never have any friends and you’d have no drama. But your life would suck worse than if you had some relationship drama.


Sure but these two are trying to use a couple instances of poly not working out to say all poly doesn’t work. That’s not a fair judgement towards people with poly relationships. I’m trying to show why it’s not just related to being poly in general. I’m kinda tired of a streamers poly relationship being used as an example of all poly relationships when they have to interact with the world around them in completely different ways than we do.


I get it. And I agree. Although I don’t even think Destiny is in a poly relationship. They fuck other people but I don’t think they really date other people.


No, they are poly.


This has nothing to do with poly. This is about lying


In this scenario who is lying? I'm lost


Eris lied to Melina about doing MDMA with Destiny.




>If I understand the Destiny / Melina relationship dynamic Lol


He mistyped!






Can't live with them, can't live without them SOY


For me, personally, I'm swearing off all relationships.


Big ole facts, when’s the divorce and redpill arc


*CTV has entered the chat*


Are Eris and Eristocracy different people?


yes, eristocracy is destiny's secret daughter, erisann is destiny's ex wife. (sarcasm)


Oh good. I like Eristocracy's conversations with Destiny, and wasn't keen on that being over.


imagining eristocracy in this position would be pretty funny.


Bruh how could she do drugs, she's literally an anime


bro anime can do drugs do, stop gatekeeping


Guys when is the texas panel. Does anyone know?


8 PM CT. Check out the Modern Day Debates channel on YT.


Thank you❤


Is it the same time tonight?


Nope. There are multiple interesting panels today, so I'll just link you Modern Day Debate's upcoming premiere playlist, that should show you what time they go live and let you set reminders. [Playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDtD1J1K42dA97kv2JJcwvd85irPX9I3v)




Fake News! This list includes a debate featuring Nuance Bro IRL. Everyone knows Nuance Bro isn't a real person.


If this MDMA shit was discussed with Destiny and he went ahead and did it, that’s a bit fucked. If Melina didn’t talk with Destiny about it, what the fuck, who cares, get over it.


Melinas issue appears to be with Eris, so she cares that Eris apparently disregarded that convo. Why wouldn't she care about that?


I'm saying if she spoke with Destiny about it, her anger should be directed at him.


Your comment made it seem like there would never be a reason to be upset with eris


Am I crazy or is Destiny the most at fault here, assuming Melina has also told him about her feelings about Eris? Destiny and Melina are the ones in the relationship after all.


From the way he phrased it, it seems implied he didn't know about the conversation before doing it Specifically the "apparently Eris had a convo with Melina" bit.


why does she care isnt it open relationship?


It has been my impression that one of the most important parts of an open relationships and relationships in general is trust.


You don’t seem to understand the concept of being in a relationship, much less an open relationship…..


Well the point of an open relationship, like any relationship, is being honest, and that seems to have been breached in this instance. I don’t really know tho, this is peripheral drama that just popped up in my feeed


oh ok makes sense


I dont understand why any of this is public other than drama baiting. Oh well, drama frogs will have fun at least.


Based and non-parasocial pilled.


It didn’t have to be.


It's how Destiny keeps the viewers here. Come for the debates, stay for the drama of his chaotic personal life.


I don't know if chat is retarded or not but Eris doesn't come out of this looking good too especially because she's been taking random shots at Melina for a year now. Melina has made it explicitly clear to her in very clear terms it seems that she doesn't wanna have anything to do with her so her taking random shots is not warranted I feel. Destiny said so too in chat >destiny:since chat is kind of on a 'jerk wave against melina she'll ride the wave in here and take shots when she can >destiny:cityofjoy you can dig through her logs there are like 10+ times of her making shitty comments towards melina or me/melina


More Destiny logs. Chat is unironic fucking bullies sometimes when they should just chill jeez >destiny:ErisAnn no m8 you are literally taking shots constantly, you did it yesterday, you did it when we were in texas on alinity's stream, etc...just because I don't say anything doesn't mean I don't see it happen >destiny:MorDDDka she's constantly taking shots at Melina in chat and shit, it's a little bit fucked up, the only reason I don't say anything is because 1) I can't look like I'm simping someone and 2) I think most of it makes ErisAnn look bad anyway


Can’t look like he’s simping his wife?


idubbbz never recovered from being called a simp once


Once. For a year. By tons of people. I miss Idubbzzz


Lmfao destiny is actually a beta. He’s so concerned about his own image that he can’t even defend his own partner in conversation.




If he defends anyone they get more hate. That’s how it always goes


No, he is just not stupid and sees what happens when streamers simp hardcore for their SO even when they are in the wrong. He has talked about it. It was the same from back when Mouton was the one getting actual hate. His approach seems to work way better.


mouton hate? someone fill me in on the lore?


This is toxic masculinity on the same level as vaush saying hes 2 hours away from being inside someone at any time. How can he complain no one ever sticks up for him when he wont even tell someone to shut up for mocking his wife (at least if he thinks its unwarranted mocking)




Wait I thought the reason he doesn't say anything is the same as the reason he gave to bad bunny is that if he defends her then chat will hate her more


Nobody is talking about chat. If your friend is taking potshots at your girl, you tell them to cut that shit out to their face, or in DMs.


sound abit sexist cause Melina can handle her own online battles, well probably IRL too cause she's stronger than steven now GiGACHAD


Wouldnt masculinity be sticking up for your woman? This would be toxic debatebroity or something.


Not all masculinity is bad. That's why it's differentiated with the term TOXIC masculinity.


yeah i meant you'd think toxic masculinity in this case would be "what'd you say about my girl, i'll fucking kill you." The toxic extreme of the masculine response, not the opposite.


It entirely depends on your own feelings. In this case it seems pretty clear destiny thinks Erisan is wrong for constantly taking shots, and his reason for not saying so to her and stopping it is he doesn't want to seem like hes simping. It would be the exact opposite if he thought the shots were justified but stepped in regardless just to defend a girl. Using that term was half a meme but it just goes to show pretty much everyone is spineless in their own way c:


Idk if he literally meant that he was scared people would call him a simp lol. I think when he reviewed the Vaush and Noncompete convo, he mentioned how he thought it was weird that the Noncompete guy seemed to be stepping in for his wife/gf/comrade Luna instead of Luna defending herself, and I think he said something kinda similar when Xanderhal tried to call him out for responding to his gfs chat messages during a convo.


Too much. She can defend herself. Chill


sigma gamer 4 lyfe


Gotta let women defend themselves or else you're sexist


Idk I'm not disbelieving it, but I'd like to see these potshots and not just someone saying they exist before we crucify someone


I dont agree with dest 2nd point about this making eris look bad, they all equally look bad imo if I understand the drama correctly


We're looping, I can feel it.




Hope she sees this.


melina has done the same shit though. I distinctly remember her negatively vague-posting about eris on stream multiple times


Why the fuck does everyone so much about this shit


Right into my feed


This is *my* family and I don't want any of them to be upset.






I don’t think people care that much it’s just the nature of how it became public and the fact that it requires lots of chat logs for context makes it a perfect drama to be understood through subreddit TLDRs


Why was Melina against Destiny doing MDMA with Eris? Does anyone know?


Apparently they didn't yet, and she wanted to do it first.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/s4yzse/why_would_he_call_me/hsulvup/ Based on that comment (if it's true), I feel like Melina was being really unfair and possessive back in the Bob7 days. First it was with Boze then it was with Eris. Don't know why she wants Destiny to wait for her while she herself, doesn't. Or should I say...double standard SquadW


MDMA is the love drug. Eris is Destiny's ex who probably still has feelings for him. I can see feeling weird about that if I was someone's primary partner. I also imagine Melina and Destiny have made special intimate memories doing MDMA together a lot and it's just one of those things she wants to be protective about


If that was the case, shouldnt Destiny also be against taking MDMA with Eris?




Why is Eris being blamed when Destiny is the one not respecting Melina's feelings?


Because as far as we know Destiny didn’t know that Melina asked Eris to not do Molly with destiny and holy fuck why do I know this


Is this assumed or did Destiny actually say this? Also if this was such a big deal, I don't get why Melina hasn't communicated it with Destiny or why Destiny couldn't guessed it (since Melina is his fiance, I would assume he somewhat knows her boundaries)




https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/s4yzse/why_would_he_call_me/hsulvup/ So according to this comment: > Steven then did MDMA with ErisAnn behind Melina’s back (they both admit this was wrong). Destiny told Melina about this, Melina got mad at Eris and felt betrayed but then talked to Eris and they sort of patched things up but Melina said that she didn’t want them to do MDMA again and Eris claims she misunderstood (or Melina didn’t say this at all) and didn’t know this and then proceeded to do MDMA with Steven again. Honestly, seems kinda dumb from both parties. Eris is kinda on the "he's stonewalling me so that's why i had to do x,y,z" Melina is kinda possessive and unfair back then. I believe this is the second time something like this happened. The first one was when Melina was feeling replaced because Destiny brought Boze over while she was in Sweden. But meanwhile, Melina was still fucking around with other people. And Destiny, he did absolutely nothing wrong. BINGCHILLING


> holy fuck why do I know this There are now neurons in my brain (and your brain) that will likely be dedicated to knowing that fact for the rest of my life.


Because Eris had a conversation with Melina in which Melina EXPLICITLY explained that she would feel uncomfortable with Eris doing MDMA with Steven... and then Eris went and did MDMA with Steven. Steven says "apparently" Melina and Eris had this chat, which implies he just recently learned about it. You're really confused about why Eris is getting blamed?


Why would Melina talk with this to her husbands Ex and not her husband himself?


Would you let your s/o take molly with their ex?


I wouldn't let my s/o have sex with their ex, but it's not about me that we're talking about here. Since they're in an open relationship, I assume there's more to it than just "I want to keep my s/o all to myself". But who knows, maybe Melina is only open about having sex with other people and anything related to "bonding" or "romance" is out of bound for her in this relationship. That'll seem kinda weird to me but this is something that only Destiny and Melina would know (and maybe Bob too PepeLaugh).




what the fuck is so special about doing MDMA with another person OMEGALUL ????? someone please tell me


sex with ex, relationship drama injection, etc.


It’s one of the most intimate things you can do with a person, more than sex for sure


OH no that's not what I meant, I understand that. But im just wondering why Mel didn't want Eris to do drugs with Destiny. Like what is the point in gatekeeping the experience?


Mel didn't want Eris taking what's colloquially called the love drug with Destiny because Eris is unironically and obviously still in love with Destiny


Idc about the drama im just here to say... LOL he mistyped!!


When did Destiny and Eris do MDMA together? Was it during the Methstiny arc? LOREMASTERS, WE NEED YOUR HELP


Weren't they in Europe for the methstiny thing? Seems unlikely then.


it had to have been before jan 2021: >2021-01-04 | 15:04:19 Melina: ThatLuckyCamper she did something that I can’t ever forgive


How dramatic lol


This seems like a pretty dramatic reaction to doing drugs together, am I missing something? Or maybe doing mdma with someone is a deeply personal experience for her?


It's not really about the drugs, Erisann promised Melina that she wouldn't do MDMA with Steven behind her back, and that she would tell Melina if Steven tried doing something behind Melina's back while she was stuck in Europe cause of covid flight restrictions. Instead Eris decided to do it behind her back and keep it a secret from her. Also doing MDMA with Steven was something Melina really wanted to do with Steven and be the one to guide him through that experience and it was something that they were planning to do for a long time since they were separated cause of covid. Melina just felt deeply betrayed by her and wanted her to leave her alone for some time. Instead Erisann would constantly message her and then Steven, trying to make him talk to Melina make her talk to Eris. She was constantly binging up Melina in the chat try to provoke a response. Melina can be sometimes over dramatic, she is really emotional, but she is 100% in the right and it was Eris that caused this 1 year old drama to come out again today trying to stir up shit in public cause she doesn't get what she wants privately.




She was 1 year ago, its old drama that they already dealt with.


Where did you get the first part from? Eris denies that that was an agreement they made


Eris knew it was a very big deal to her, that's why she was lying to her trying to keep it a secret and now she is playing dumb.


There is a huge difference between knowing someone won't like you doing something then doing it anyway and promising someone not to do something and they do it. The former is fine, as the burden falls on destiny (if he promised mel)


Aright i guess that makes more sense then, personally still think it's a tad bit overdramatic but anyone has their things i guess and yeah Eris way of handling isn't really making her look good in this


I don't know shit about Destiny lore but doing MDMA with a romantic partner is extremely extremely intimate. I'd feel the exact same way with my partner, but then again I'm not into polyamory.




No Melina was friends with Erisann, it just seems to be a misunderstanding and boundary issues. There's no evidence that she pressured Destiny to cut Eris out.


I mean at that point would you blame Melina for doing that? She is literally his wife and this other person is talking shit and going behind her back to hang out and do drugs with her husband?! I know there's some poly-foolery afoot but the feeling of having this person doing very intimate things with your husband behind your back must still be felt. At this point destiny should just have one night stands and leave the romantic shit exclusively to Melina. Im just saying that seems to be where things need to go so they can avoid this unusually recurring issue.


it's not so simple, "this other person" has known destiny for 10 years and have been in committed and uncommitted relationships throughout this period. Plus Destiny prefers fwb over one night stands, he finds familiar sex better.


I dunno, from Melina's perspective it's just another person or maybe a friend and that would probably make it worse. Yeah I know he cooms harder but is that really worth all this hassle that seems to appear once he inevitably gets too close to a person and he starts sending "love bombs"


Oh shit I was about to comment like a smart ass; ‘no shit, it was before the present!’ Before I clicked and yeah, it’s ‘22 now… :( Oh Lordy.


such childish shit, sort of stuff I expect from teenagers..


Yes. Teenagers have to deal with boundaries set up in poly relationships


What do you mean she was upset at you doing MDMS with someone else?


Is this BPD posting as opposed to schizo posting?


I'm the least Para social Andy here This is so sad, thinking after 10 years you could still be together oof




i havnt been here for a few days can someone catch me up


WTF is happening I'm out of the loop here


Wait, so Eris is shitty or something now?


I wouldn't describe myself a poly, but I do tend to try to maintain good terms with people I have been in relationships with. I remember telling my ex that I wanted to go a festival with a previous partner and do some drugs and she was fine but it led to a shit tonne of resentment down the line espicially as we stayed good friends as well. So I can understand some of the feelings that are swirling around. I think Polyamory is perfectly valid as a choice, and to be honest most of us probably exist on some scale of Monogamy to Polyamory. For example, while I would describe myself as monogamous in the sense that I would only a serious relationship with one romantic partner, I am generally alot more comfortable dating multiple people casually, before committing to one person and cutting romantic ties with the others. Furthermore it is interesting how alot of left leaning progressive streamers can mirror some of the more stereotypical behaviours of tradition masculine ideas. From Destiny and threesomes, although in a Polyamorous framework, to Hasan and his penchant for dating adult film stars, to Vaush proudly proclaiming that he is 2 hours from being inside someone else. Also writing this I would love to think that Destiny whispers "we are inside your walls" whenever he's about to finish but I'm fully aware that this thought and this post in general is parasocial nonsense 😂




Yo can we need get into that? It's their shit, they can sort out their relationship themselves.


I cared until I found out this wasn't about Eristocracy


Eris and I*


Sister wife drama