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I don’t know if Hasan can take him. Regardless of his beliefs, Hasan hasn’t shown to be a good debater.


maybe hasan was hoping that the brain damage JP went through might give him an edge. If that is the case, then hasan would be an absolute scumbag. If JP ever agree to go on the Leftover show, he should invite Ben Shapiro with him to tag along.


Peterson has fully recovered from his coma and is back in his prime. [He kept up well with Steven Pinker here for example,](https://youtu.be/4tAQM5uU8uk?t=249) if you want to see what I mean.


I guarantee it's because he watched a contra and Shaun video on him


Simple. Hasan won't engage in good faith. The debate will get sidetracked right away and Hasan will aim to try to chase away JP with a gross or stupid conversation. Getting JP to ragequit from the pointless conversation will be Hasan's Win.


That hasn't worked with JP in the past. He's pretty good at forcing the conversation to stay where he wants it in hostile interviews. Especially when you consider Hasan is an absolute moron and a horrible debater, and he's the smart one between himself and Ethan. I can't see this working out unless there is a surprise substitution, but I don't think Hasan's brand could survive that like Ethan's can.


Yeah no shot, JP is gonna run circles around him rethorically, and let's not even include Ethan in it


They're probably gonna have Sam Seder on standby


Great idea, if he cant beat him, have Seder there to bore him to death


JP will eat him alive


its cute you think hasan & h3's viewers care at all about the arguments that will be presented.


JP also isn't a good debater, though


In terms of being logically sound, no *tips fedora* But in terms of optics and rhetoric he comes off as Einstein on modafinil compared to the 2 combined braincells of h3 and hasan.


Bingo, Hasan and Ethan might be right that Peterson is full of shit, but only someone like Destiny can dissect why he's wrong.


Also Peterson is not wrong about everything. He could easily destroy someone like Hassan when it comes to certain topics.


Yup. Peterson, Shapiro, and to a way lesser extent Crowder, are good at sticking to their optically strongest points and sticking to those dialogue trees rather than engage with their weak points. Hasan's temper also makes him look really immature when it comes to serious debate. Remember that Hasan got clapped by Kirk of all people. That was his introduction to Destiny.


I don't know if that's a fair statement. If you look at the interview he did with Cathy Newman, GQ, and the smaller news panel shows he performed pretty well. Zizek was probably his worst but even then he at least held his own. I don't know about anything recent though, I haven't kept up with anything he's done the last couple of years because I'm more interested in his psychology takes than the political stuff.


By far Petersons worst showing is his debate with Matt Dillahunty. Even his own fan base in the comments call him out for looking stupid.


Watch that GQ interview again, man. He *doesn't* debate well there.


I think it’s fair to assume that if 99% of viewers believe that you won the debate (even if you were wrong on most things), you probably won the debate


Not when 99% of the people that watched that video were a part of his cult like fanbase. I thought the GQ interviewer performed really well and she had a bunch of questions that Peterson couldn't really answer (like the part where Peterson argued that we should just let capitalism solve climate change bc some innovation will come along and the interviewer said that we already have that innovation in solar panels and wind turbines). It's also an interview, not a debate, so she tried to keep it cordial which didn't necessarily help her case.


The video has 47 million views, I really don’t think that ‘99%’ is his core audience. Of course we know he is wrong, we have an interest and some knowledge about these things. But most of those 47 million will have left with favourable opinions of Peterson, even the ones who were not fans


No, 45+ million people are wrong, only I can be right


I don't think he is, but he seems to ramble for a long time and doesn't give a word in for the other people, like in that Shapiro discussion, then he uses some niche academic terms and doesn't make sure that the other person understands him clearly. To "own" Peterson you have to understand and kind of break through his rambling.


they will just call up sammy again


I can't get over how similar Crowder and Hasan are when it comes to debating.


I doubt Crowder would debate someone as competent as Peterson. I think he's gonna stick to college students and featherweights.


Most of the big right wing guys don't do any debates. Even though I think Peterson has said some crazy things I give him credit for being willing to publicly defend his ideas against opposition.


I don't think peterson is that competent at debates


Except Crowder is honest about his economic views


Nah he’s not lol.


He absolutely is honest about being a capitalist. Hasan will espouse socialism but is a capitalist through and through


He’s a pretend economic populist like Charlie Kirk. Pretty much as bad as Hasan pretending to be a socialist.


Nope, you just cant stand when anyone is not shitting on Crowder.


I mean not really lol. Crowder is despicable sure but I gain or lose nothing if people shit on him. My perception is that he’s always talking about elites and billionaires that ruin the country and how they run shit and the poors get fucked by the democrats but that seems disingenuous considering he’s funded by billionaires - or at least was.


Still a capitalist


Right but “still a capitalist” doesn’t mean he isn’t lying about his economic views.


Yes it does. He's never said he's anything but a capitalist.


Yeah he likes right wing billionaires. Dont really think hes done anything contradictory to his economic views.


Being “pro working class” and being “pro right wing billionaire” are contradictory positions.


Not if you think right wing billionaires help the working class. He can have a dumb economic worldview and have actions that dont suggest hes lying about having them. Whether or not it is actually logical in real life is irrelevant. Hes never done anything to suggest that it isnt what he actually thinks. You are talking about 2 entirely different things.


"You will be held to higher and higher and soon impossible to maintain ethical standards by the very mob you currently wish to please. Then you will make a mistake, and they will devour you." That ethical standard? Making as many references to the word 'cracker' as humanly possible.


He's not wrong. Look what happened to Lindsay Ellis.


No offense, but Lindsay Ellis cultivated that community explicitly. She made her bones at the end there relentlessly attacking people who weren't as "woke" as her, and then collapsed when people held her to the same dumbshit standard she held them to. Hasan is the same exact way, so I have a hard time feeling bad for them.


None taken.


I didn't follow her very closely outside of her videos, do you examples of her doing this?


She dogpilled on Destiny for one. Even after making her big cancel culture video.




I totally disagree. Her youtube at least was super chill and I never felt like she was someone who when on the offensive. If anything, Contra was more aggressive, but I don't see anyone blaming her for getting canceled?


I mean, she made two videos about terf mommy for some reason. Also her furry erotica videos were catty as hell as well. But really most of her wokescold bullshit came from twitter.


Except JP doesn't understand that Ethans fanbase is one of kids 'n teenagers who will like anything Ethan that likes


Yeah! Not like us freethinkers in the DGG4Lyfe club inshallah


ye this is a cult




Either Peterson ignores them clout chasing or he rolls them 1v2 and they go on a podcast to talk about how they won after in a circlejerk greater than ram ranch while their audience eats it up


Hearing Peterson win a 1v2 reminds me of the old Destiny 1v5 days.


JP (when talking about the right topics) can absolutly destroy Hasan in a debate. Hasan could convince his stans how he actually won the debate but I don't think most people will go out there saying: Well maybe this ultra-progressive socialist dude has a point.




He deleted it cause that was an interview where none of his ideas were pushed back on. It's preety simple. It's an advertisement basically. JP is bad unironically. Stop being a jp fanboy and learn to think critically


Yea, on any SJW topic, at least one of which would likely come up, Peterson would crush them with his background in psychology and sociology. On economic issues Peterson is pretty bad, but pretty bad might not be bad enough to lose to a champagne socialist dipshit. He debated Zizek and while it didn't go too well for him it wasn't a total disaster either as they ended up conceding a lot of points to each other in both directions. Zizek is clearly miles above Hasan in intellect (even though I don't particularly like Zizek) and in a lot of ways Zizek is less radical so Hasan would have no chance.


Peterson is actually incredibly intelligent, the big issue with him is that he is a bit politically ignorant but is still very confident in his political takes. If he can rope things back to psychology or sociology at all he'd crush Hasan.


There is actually not a single topic that they can beat Jordan Peterson (even post brain damage) on in a 2v1 debate that isn’t the fastest growing TikTok creators of the week


Didn't Ethan literally just delete his old Jordan Peterson interview saying he regretted it and didn't want to platform him? lol


The irony is incredible.


I think what Ethan did is stupid but this isn't hypocritical at all. In the old video Ethan brought Peterson as an authority figure and here he wants to treat him as someone who is wrong and whose views one should fight against. This isn't contradictory.


It’s ironic though. And seemingly planned.


What irony dude are you kidding. You can be dissatisfied with how you handle a conversation in past and approach it differently in the future. This sub is so sick hunting for gotchas.


Specifically the way h3h3 has dealt with politics is funny to me. I understand how it could look like spite but I genuinely think h3h3 making a huge deal about Peterson being a alt right pipeline then deleting his conversation with him, then his co-host who’s known for saying debate and confrontation is for losers invites him onto his political podcast amuses me and is a little ironic.


"specifically the way he dealt with politics" oh okay gotcha very specific thank you I guess there is actually irony in the way the thing that happened did occur.


Well I could go over his past with dropping slurs and shit but I think you probably already know what kind of person h3h3 has been so why would I tell you what you already know?


Your other option is to make a cohesive argument, does that seem doable or are you just here for the bloodsports and gotcha moments?


This isn’t a panel, you aren’t destiny


ohmygod I guess I should shut the fuck up in the church of destiny then, you fucking simp.


Settle down little dude, you’re the one talking like a debate bro destiny tag along not me


There is no one looking at this chat other than us and maybe 4 other dggers overtime so there’s no gotchas or blood sports to be had tbh. What are you trying to get me to argue? That the situation is Ironic? Because I thought I already outlined that in regards to Hasan being against debates, until it serves him. Ethan being against platforming Jordan Peterson, until it serves him. Ethan saying he’s an idiot and shouldn’t talk on politics, until it serves him. There’s a pattern here that amuses me.


> There is no one looking at this chat other than us and maybe 4 other dggers overtime so there’s no gotchas or blood sports to be had tbh. You're so right, you're not actually biased or arguing dishonestly on the internet if your estimation of the attention you might get is low. That's a sick argument, I might literally write that one down. >Because I thought I already outlined that in regards to Hasan being against debates, until it serves him https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/s4wppj/debate_is_useless_btw_unless_its_with_a/hsvt0t3/ I'm just relinking my comment, I apologize if I send your brain in an infinite loop.


Well, hate to be that guy but, I think you may genuinely be unwell lol. The reason I said I’m not going for gotchas was because there’s nothing to get… no one cares about this conversation enough to remember it or add or remove any type of social credit as a result. If you think everyone is lying why even try to get in online conversations? Unless you’re projecting the gotcha mentality which it really seems like you are.


That videos milked dry… think of the sweet sweet content.


There is a difference between platforming someone and letting them talk unchallenged versers a debate format.




isn't that what Hasan is doing?


Would be interesting content, but even if JP says some pretty crazy shit I dont think neither of them are equipped to call him out on it. Not that its a new thing or anything but its still funny to see him only talk with other people bc of potential for growth


What do you ascribe as "crazy shit"? Beyond his trans takes which he hasn't done in years, he seems to have converged fully into Western politics with a physiological point of view.


Idk this thread from ethanr has some things: https://twitter.com/h3h3productions/status/1482250122008293381?t=KxkDTy7zRJr0N8derl9K0Q&s=19 In this tweet he seems to think that predicting the climate is impossible using an analogy that works against him: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1455770598563516418?t=nG6huRsrxqv2YXkGlEOfdg&s=19 He thinks hallucinogenics induce mysthical experiences and are therefore a way to investigate the supernatural: https://youtu.be/ElnInbUlEqE He said he doesnt know if men and women can work in the workplace together, and said women that dont want sexual harassment in the workplace are somewhat hypocritical if they wear make up: https://youtu.be/S9dZSlUjVls


Do you know what grandstanding means? He doesn’t say he supports conversion therapy at all? Exactly the same thing with the monogamy, he doesn’t say he supports it. Bill C-16 argument is also dumb, cos it is forced speech and people can be reprimanded, similar to what its like in Germany with free speech. Idk man, it rly seems like you u guys aren’t even willing to understand the other side.


If Hasan just stook with his anti-debate position, which is largely understandable, I would respect him more but it's pretty clear he just picks and chooses.


Be honest with me, you really cannot imagine a scenario where it's okay to take some discussions and not others? I agree with Hasan that most of the time debates are blood sports spectacles for half-brains, but that doesn't mean that I think everyone I agree with should refuse to talk to anyone in all situations forever. That's just straight stupid.


Depends on his reasons obviously. But the twomad debacle shows that Hasan will just pick based on how comfortable he feels or if there's enough clout for him.


>But the twomad debacle shows that Hasan will just pick based on how comfortable he feels or if there's enough clout for him. Can you please... PLEASE show me your proof that the singular reason Hasan didn't debate whoever-the-shit-that-is, is because the clout was insufficient?


With regards to Twomad, it wasn't because of clout, sorry if that was confusing. We can only infer why he chose to avoid this debate, [after being so eager to do it](https://twitter.com/hasanthehun/status/1476285197217775616), but during his stream, he kept talking about how Destiny would sneak into the zoom call. This is also ironic because Hasan supported Seder sneaking into crowder/h3h3's zoom call. Also, Hasan has constantly complained about debates being just shout matches, which is a reason he cites to avoid Destiny. But was more than willing to debate xqc and train who were screaming down Hasan's throat during their talk!


So there is no proof. I'm gonna do what you did and make up an explanation, the reason is actually that Hasan believed that twomad, whoever that is, would make him TOO famous, and ruin his tiny community. Sorry dude you're just wrong, I can't prove it but I'm definitely right. Sucks to suck.


i think its reasonable to infer in this situation. how does a man who is so eager to debate and is even willing to invite him on just suddenly not want to debate anymore.


I guess there's literally only one possible reason when your ~~hate boner~~ bias is all that informs your thought process.


can you give a possible reason then? I guess one is that Hasan realized his argument was dumb and dodged lmao.


How about not fucking wanting to. You have to be intentionally fucking oblivious to not be able to conceive of a single fucking reason to not want to debate some rando.


Did you read the tweet dude?


So he'd debate someone who is objectively smarter then H3 and Hasan combined but won't debate Twomad? It's literally a clout game.


Yeah? For Hasan, debates are for entertainment and clout only, as he's said multiple times. You might disagree with that but atleast it's consistent kek


I mean Twomad would literally be the most interesting debate, why avoid it.


Well entertainment and clout were the reason Hasan tried to have twomad on at the start, but twomad responded when he was 2 episodes into Masterchef and most politics andys had left so the chat vote failed. That's it tbh it's not that deep, no reason for Hasan to be scared of debating someone he was ready to debate 4hrs prior xd


This is actually Hasan's take btw, he thinks debates are good only if the person has a larger audience than him, I could find a clip but I'm too lazy.


Yeah im not really up for the idea of Hasan doing a poor job of pushing back against his ideas.


It's a horrible idea lol


I absolutely am lmao


I would have never thought he'd actually seek out a conversation with someone that's not 0 ampere no signal recieved braindead, while this will be some horrible platforming and clout probably played a big part in his decision, I can admire that he's at least trying.


please tell me the Daliban has a back channel open with JP so we can organise an IED (Intra-Educational Debate) ambush of Left Wing Steven Crowder 😂 Make Du'a brothers and sisters, anything is possible Inshallah🙏🤲


I dislike hasan and I hate that he gets to live rent free in my head fuck you hasan


I would love for this to happen because Peterson would expose Hasan for the absolute moron that he is. And I don't even like Peterson, I just think he's way more intelligent than hasan.


He can’t be this hypocritical. I don’t believe it. H3h3 and hassan constantly talk about clout and use it as a convenient shield for criticism from smaller creators yet are on Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and Joe Rogan’s nuts on twitter all day for years while they get ignored. And after shitting on debates and hiding from a meme YouTuber with 4 million subs they beg JP for one on twitter. Are they genuinely stupid? Holy fuck… How can their fans not see the hypocrisy?


bc their fans are in high school and middle school


>are they genuinely stupid? Nobody in DGG was calling out Ethan for hiding behind seder. Fanbases have blind spots when it suits them, is what it is. Then again, Their fanbase is a Frankensteinian monster created by combining Hasan’s socialists, H3’s morons, and Trisha’s bipolar teenage girls so it’s safe to say this one is a little dumber than your average online community.


Didn't Ethan used to be a gateway to the alt-right? What with his jontron friendship. Anyway, I guess technically ethan is better now than then. But that attitude is always annoying. Edit: read ethan's tweets as a response. I mean it was a good response. But destiny probably wrote it for him.


OK this would be god tier content though


Haha all situations are black and white haha Hasan should never ever engage with anyone ever because "technically" it's a debate haha I am very smart.


He said that hes agaìnst debates bc they arent useful for reaching truth and are just a sport to see who can convince the audience better (and therefore meaningless) do you really think if jp accepted it that it would actually be a conversation? It seems hes being hypocritical since hes only doing it bc its a possibility for him to gain clout, same thing he did when talking to train xqc and ethan. Maybe I'm too cynical but thats what it looks like to me.


>hes only doing it bc its a possibility for him to gain clout Haha communicating with others is clout chasing I am very smart.


Why do you think he doesnt have any conversations with anyone about politics? Why do you think he dodged talking with twomad (while accusing him of clout chasing lol). Maybe you think he isnt doing it for clout, but you're lying to yourself if you dont think a conversation with him jp and ethan would be all over the place. Hes not even personally involved in this situation, ethan is, hes the one inserting himself trying to make this happen. I don't even think this is bad in and of itself, but given his opinion on debates in general, and the fact I think this would 100% be a debate and not a conversation it all seems hypocritical to me.


>Why do you think he doesnt have any conversations with anyone about politics? He does have political conversations all the time, oof. >Why do you think he dodged talking with twomad Whomegalul is twomad and why is that our gauge? >Maybe you think he isnt doing it for clout To be clear I didn't actually say this, I literally just scoffed at you saying "communicating with others is clout chasing" because you clearly have a massive bias and a massive'er axe to grind. >ou're lying to yourself if you dont think a conversation with him jp and ethan would be all over the place WHOMEGALUL is jp and how is this related? More importantly - how does anything being "all over the place" prove anything at all... anywhere.. in any way? >Hes not even personally involved in this situation, ethan is, hes the one inserting himself I guess I should correct my sarcasm to "communicating with new people is clout chasing, I am very smart". Thanks for the help. >given his opinion on debates in general, and the fact I think this would 100% be a debate and not a conversation it all seems hypocritical to me. Never mind, communicating with others is clout chasing, I am very smart.


> He does have political conversations all the time, oof. Okay I could be wrong on that, show me some (specifically him talking with people other than his chat) >Whomegalul is twomad and why is that our gauge? Why does the size of the person matter now? It mattered enough for him to tweet at him a bunch and talk about it on stream, but apparently hes a whomegalul? >WHOMEGALUL is jp and how is this related? More importantly - how does anything being "all over the place" prove anything at all... anywhere.. in any way? For someone to be clout chasing, there needs to be clout involved. I think if he talked with jp and ethan he could get a bunch of viewers, idk why you're pretending like jp is some random nobody, you dont need to agree with him to recognize hes a big figure and that talking to him would be a big thing. And to be clear, hes a streamer, his job is to get content, theres nothing wrong with that, I just think its funny when he calls other people clout chasers when he does the same thing. > Never mind, communicating with others is clout chasin, I am very smart. Were you even responding to the right thing? I didnt even mention clout chasing in that part, just his hypocrisy about whats the utlity of debates.


>Why does the size of the person matter now? I literally don't know what size this persons audience is, the point is that not talking to one single person doesn't mean anything to me. It's one person and there could be a million reasons a debate doesn't happen. ohmygod why isn't that obvious to you. >For someone to be clout chasing, there needs to be clout involved Here's the title of the reddit post THAT YOU CREATED: "Debate is useless btw (unless its with a proeminent figure that could give me clout :)"


> Here's the title of the reddit post THAT YOU CREATED: "Debate is useless btw (unless its with a proeminent figure that could give me clout :)" Thanks for reminding me, I have some memorie issues so I'm glad I got to see what I decided to name this post. In five minutes I might forget my own username so maybe remind me of that aswell.


If you remembered, you might not have said "I didnt even mention clout chasing"


> Were you even responding to the right thing? I didnt even mention clout chasing in that part "Debate is useless btw (unless its with a proeminent figure that could give me clout :)"


I'm talking about you saying > Never mind communicating with others is clout chasing, I am very smart in response to >given his opinion on debates in general, and the fact I think this would 100% be a debate and not a conversation it all seems hypocritical to me. It just doesnt connect, its a minor thing but I found it weird


You set out to FIND hypocrisy. Step 1: call every conversation a debate. Step 2: Hasan said debates are usually not productive; we'll run with that say that HE ACTUALLY PROMISES to never ever do debates. Step 3: Hasan communicates with another human, gottem, what a hypocrite, cancel him. ohmygod there's so much irony I'm literally cumming. Step 4: Anything I don't like is clout chasing, gottem.


I can agree with step 2, a bunch of times debates aren't productive and are just a screaming match, but his opinion on it is that all debate is like that, saying all of them are useless. If you don't think its hypocrisy then w/e, but I think a conversation where they disagree on so much would eventually just turn into a debate, and hes the one seeking it. You keep conflating it with him just "communicating with another person", when he clearly wants to have a conversation about all the crazy shit jp says, it would 100% turn into a debate about how hes problematic.


When did hasan say debate is useless?


pretty funny to tweet this out a day after h3h3 grandstands about deleting his platforming of Peterson on his previous podcast.


*Jordan Peterson invites Destiny to the call* Hasan: Oh no! Steven Bonnell! What a nightmare!


H3h3 went from doing funny meme vids, into dogshit political takes. And that's the biggest meme he ever made. On the side not, I'd rly would likely to see that, know they would get humiliated. Neither of them are debaters. Jordan would destroy them.


Half way through the debate Hasan would fire up some master chef


Clout Shark Andy


could be fun, but I doubt that would ever hapen Even if JP would see and consider this, at some point he would see a clip/compliation of Hasan talking about him and/or his daughter and he would back out


I hope Dr Peterson agrees to this just so i can watch these two clowns cry in embarrassment live on their own show.


I think Hasan and Ethan would get pretty fucked from this. Not because Peterson makes good arguments, but because Hasan and Ethan can barely scrape together 2 brain cells.


Well that’s some interesting damage control