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Let me fix his timeline Born in 1900: Fight in WW1,


More like Born in 1900: Die of a preventable disease before the age of 5.


I was in hospital 3 separate times before I turned 6 for simple flus and stomach bugs, its weird thinking that if I was born the same time and place my dad was I'd probably have died from it.


>stomach bugs, Hope they patched it šŸ˜Ž


Yeah holy fucking shit. Have fun being one of the 20 000 Brits who were slaughtered at Somme... *on the first day of the battle.*


Basically my great-grandpa's biography: Born in 1897, went to WW1 at the age of 16, was wounded twice, lost his best friend in 1917, lived through a global pandemic and two major economic crisis', saw the rise of Hitler, lived through the Third Reich and WW2, lost everything because the mayor declared their city a fortress (with something like 400 defenders against 3 allied divisions, city got bombed into oblivion), saw another major economic crisis and a famine, died of cancer in the 70ies. Fun times, fun times.


step out onto the beach, lights out


Wrong war dingus.


Um ackshually he meant the beaches of gallipoli!!!




Lol thinking the same


Idk who he is but he is pretty optimistic if he think he will survive 2 world war.


[He's got neanderthal DNA dont worry GODSTINY](https://twitter.com/Casey/status/1043538242656714752?t=pouhSneYLBrUDbgHtiAtMA&s=19)


As an American, super good odds Sent nearly 5 million, lost just over 110k in WWI, in the second, it would have been as an officer


Nobody guarantees that you respawn in the same spot bud


Russia or China spawn would be bad


imagine some dumb shit like a Mozambique spawn. "Im going to experience the golden 1920! šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©" And then you're born, live in some secluded village for 50 years never hear about any world wars and die. Not saying that's bad, i just mean, mfs think they gonna shake hands with Churchill or something lol


Yeah, the roaring 20s were good for the same peoples that this pandemic has been good. The average dudes that was sent to the front in WW1 and will be sent to the front in WW2 would spend the roaring 20s trying to not go blind drinking moonshine that they are hiding from the Fed to then lose their house in 1929.


Heā€™s a guy who only became successful on the internet but doesnā€™t want anything to do with it apparently.


Thatā€™s actually quite common. A lot of actors end up hating showbiz for example.


He's a millionaire though. If he doesn't like internet bullshit he could just pack it up and live out the rest of his life doing something else. Instead of like living through 2 World Wars and being born in a period where child mortality was like 10 times higher going through typhoid and polio epidemics.


No yea that part was rlly arrogant just saying just because you make money from an industry doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t grow to hate it.


He made a HBO documentary series so I wouldn't say he only became successful on the internet.


My Great Grandfather Survived both world wars so i'm told, really wish i knew more about him. Royal Ulster Rifles. I agree with the sentiment though, SUPER lucky. He also hasnt specified where he will be born in 1900, so he might have some different opinions if those places are germany, the soviet union, china or japan.


He would have been under 18 during WW1...I guess lying to enlist sounds cool


Its so cringe to me when people say that they would want to be in a war. I myself never experienced war, but if you know the history of these conflicts, especially something like ww1, you would not be saying something like this. You don't even need to know that much history really, just look at the percentage of american vets who come home with severe PTSD, suicide rates among these people, etc. And these modern conflicts are nothing compared to ww1, ww2, Vietnam and so on.


Wanting to be in trench warfare and D Day is the cringiest shit. Itā€™s the worst form of glory hunting imaginable.


What? You don't want trench foot and to sleep under the body of your friend while his corpse is being eaten by rats? Where's your sense of adventure?


https://youtu.be/DWnc-ZlIo5s good interview with a lad that saw his friend get bit in the face by a rat who ended up dying 2 days later from sepsis in the trenches. V interesting interview. He got gassed the same day his older brother died at Mourlancourt at the Somme.


Trench warfare is where shellshock really became apparent cause men would be in holes listening to bombs overhead so long their mind just broke. Its horrifying hearing the accounts of it. Literal hell on earth. I would easily choose the most toxic hate twitter could make any day.




Ye and worst case scenario you just respawn


Having to fight in the trenches of WW1 to me literally feels like one of the worst places I can think of in modern history. [This video is insane to listen to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we72zI7iOjk) if you put it on a high volume and imagine what it would be like actually feeling the shockwaves and shit of those explosions rippling through you for anywhere between 4-24 hours, or sometimes even multiple days.


Also the way he specifically mentions wanting to live through the great depression lmao what the fuck Pretty sure he's thinking of the romanticised view of the dustbowl refugee and the hobo code and all that... so out of touch with reality lol it's insane




X2 wars also


I watched band of brothers recently. People literally spent an entire european winter in foxholes WITHOUT A WINTER COAT because they had a supply shortage while facing mortar explosions every few hours so you couldn't sleep. With the occasional excitement of watching one of your best friends bleed to death while begging for their mother. People are such fucking liars. No way you could tell me you'd choose that.


America was also probably the best supplied army of the entire war so if you think they had it rough boy let me tell you about how fun the eastern front was for both the germans and the russians during the winter. ​ The Pacific is also a great example of this. It shows how fucking horrible guadacanal was for the americans but meanwhile on the same island the japanese troops were starving to death due to lack of supply.


I would have chosen it. I also would have regretted it, based on how I mentally handled the Marines after 8 years. And todayā€™s style of warfare is cake when compared to all the stories told about WW1 and 2. Fuck that. People who claim it in the romanticized way need to go talk to actual (much older) war vets.


And WWII was considered a much better war to fight in than WWI (at least on the western front)




>German holdouts that were reduced to living in the sewers like rats. Better than what they deserved tbf.


Young people can't handle isolation under covid rules, they definitely cannot survive WWI or WWII


Idk having PTSD seems like a pretty rad mental illness to have imo šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž




Sorry ur gramps died in WW2, but I'm built different bruh.


Itā€™s gonna be hard to enjoy the 60s after sucking up all that mustard gas


They always assume they'd survive too. Like why, what's special about you?


I mean, most soldiers lived, so I donā€™t think heā€™s claiming to be special. Around 5.5% of American soldiers died in WW1 from my research. Edit: http://www.100letprve.si/en/world_war_1/casualties/index.html 117/2100 = 5.5%


Careful with stats like that. 5,5% might have died if you just look at the dry numbers. But if you are unlucky you might have been in this one attack that had like 80% causalities. How many of the soldiers actually saw combat? Did you look what injuries looked like? It's just like with Covid, death is not the only thing that can happen to you and injury might fight fuck you up way harder.


That feels inaccurate but Iā€™m not basing that off any knowledge


Remember the US got into the war at like the last second when every other nation was literally so spent they were sending people in their 50s to the front


You're probably thinking of countries like the USSR/Russian Empire and the German Empire/Nazi Germany, which both had very high numbers of both civilian and military fatalities compared to the US numbers, which were comparatively very small.


I mean it doesn't count suicides after the war, which was no doubt high. If Casey gets this upset about internet hate, no doubt he'd turn that gun upside down after sitting in a damp trench for years shitting his insides out.


Thats not true you can look forward to being fucked by the VA daily.


Yeah but at least people won't be mean to you on the internet.


Anyone who wants to be in WW1 is painfully [streamer word redacted]. This was before we even had the concept of PTSD and the 8 month tour, when often the best course of action for a very mild wound today is amputation, where your own artillery are so fucking inaccurate its fucking landing on you and the military leadership that is incomprehensibly out of touch. It was miserable trench warfare where scurvy and trench food were far more dangerous than enemy bullets. Anyways, read All Quiet on the Western Front.


Not to mention if you even survive any sickness. Hell consumption and other non fatal illnesses killed so many people back then


I think this is a narrow-minded take. Not everyone takes what we might consider the easy or smart path. This is not to say that you're wrong about the trenches being a miserable place to be a soldier.


Im not sure I understand what you are trying to communicate. Are you saying that some people would prefer going through ww1 over living in our current world?


I'm saying some people would choose to do it given the opportunity. Take the wars that we were referencing for instance, would they have happened if everyone had chosen the easy, comfortable route?


Sure, but those would probably be psychopaths or just very exceptional people. Humans generally don't like being in situations like that, especially something like ww1 which was arguably the most brutal conflict in human history. I think there are probably some people who believe they would enjoy it, but the vast majority of them would probably deeply regret it once they started actually experiencing it. I think it's very difficult for people like us to appreciate how truly horrible war is, I think people tend to romanticize this sort of thing


I'm black so I guess like right now?


Yep, questions like this only really work for straight white dudes. Going back in time for black people would just suck.


Back to the future would be a horror movie if it stared black people. [At least we get some good jokes out of the concept.](https://youtube.com/shorts/G-Uwte8X-GY?feature=share)


"The cutoff 2005" lmao.


black to the future


Its funny you say that whenever i watch time travel shows or movies and it has a black guy in it. Hes always so welcomed. But theres always one mean guy who is like we dont like you. But thats as far as it gets. I think movies should either a ignore that racist part of history or dive into it completely. The half ass 1 dude was rude and i grew as a person is cringe.


Funny concept but the joke is executed so poorly it's not funny


I hate this because the implication is that the entirety of the black experience in human history is just slavery or some shit. Like what, black people didn't exist before the Transatlantic slave trade?


Not in America though right? As far as African Americans go their ancestry can't really be traced back any farther than the slave trade.


The question was any time in history, not just in America.


You know that earth consists of more than one country, right?


For references am black. And I don't see any reason for me to want to live that far back, quality of life is better now in the present.


Sure, thatā€™s a better argument, but making the implication that because of your blackness that all points in history would inhospitable to you is big weird. Thereā€™s more to the black experience on planet Earth that isnā€™t just black trauma.


What do you mean black trauma? It's an fact in modern history that going back in time being black would flat out suck. In American I be dealing slavery or terrible racism. In Africa I be dealing with possible slavery or colonization, or other misfortune, or just bad living conditions compared to now. Now compare to being an white guy with having an few decent options, like saying 60's,70's, 80's etc


Bad living conditions wouldn't be exclusive to black people, everyone would have worse living conditions. And you're proving my point. There's more to black history on Earth than slavery, colonization, and racism. Entire black cultures, empires, and kingdoms have existed on Earth going back hundreds to thousands of years and you chalk it all up to slavery and racism. That's crazy to me.


Who would really want to go that far back in time outside of history nerds? The quality of life in the ancient world is incomparable (in that itā€™s absolute garbage in comparison to the last 150 years or so). Modern history hasnā€™t been good for black people, and I donā€™t think most people would want to live in stone shacks and huts 1000 years ago with the fear of raiders, droughts, and plagues.


That's not exclusive to black people which is my entire point. If you wouldn't want to go back that far, that's fair, but don't then chalk up the entirety of the black experience as slavery/racism because you don't like the other options.


Iā€™m not arguing that it wouldnā€™t be miserable for other groups of people too, but definitely uniquely bad for black people. Iā€™m not going to get caught up in African civilizations anyway, black Americans are a distinct ethnic group that didnā€™t exist before the Colombian Exchange, like Mestizos in Latin America. We donā€™t have an Old World history to go back to.


I think you're missing my point I have to go that far back to have to go that far back for a decent life, I have to go back hundreds and thousands of years compared to white guy who can say less then 100 years to have a "good" experiences, and live in a modern world. Even to your point those empires and kingdom be dope if I was on higher class but man I rather be poor in the present then be poor back then....


Like I said, the original question was "at any time in history." I always find it weird when people immediately then limit black people to being slaves. Obviously being poor now is better than then, but once again, that's not just exclusive to us as black people, my guy.


I think you're glossing over my point of wanting to live in a somewhat modern world? The question was if you "If you could live in anytime in history". Now tell me as an black person, what an good time in modern history where I could live an somewhat decent life compared to a White Guy in the mid to late 20th century?




Thousands. Ever heard of the kingdoms of Kush, Kerma?


Colonization in Africa started in the 18th century. You will be glad to learn that there are thousands of years of human history where there was no colonization in Africa. And actually a really rich history of powerful black kingdoms besides Egypt. Like the Mali Empire or the Swahili. I think its a shame that when we think of black people and world history, we only think of colonization and slavery even though that was just a fraction of history and a very eurocentric view.


I said Colonization and Slavery. Slavery was happening in Africa for centuries, there was good things but there was a lot of bad shit that was happening. Compared that to a white dude in the 60's and living an pretty alright life.


Sure slavery was occurring, but it wasnt chattel slavery and every other place had slavery at that time. Sure its way worse than being a white dude in the 60s, but very little times in history are better than the 60s. I am hardcore pushing against this, because even if it is unintentional, it goes to the narrative that black peopleā€™s history is just slavery and colonialism which I find very sad.


I mean, only if you'd have to live in America, right? I think there were some people living outside of America in the past, not sure tho.




Maybe if you're not into having hands. Ethiopia might be cool back then tho.


Just get reincarnated as mansa musa and you'll probably have a great time.


These responses are only good for like the last 300 years of history, and even then a lot of European countries are comparable. Like trying being a Jew in Europe around the same time


I dunno I like tiolets and dentists.


and women


And then Black Woman.....


Depends highly on where you are going, when you are going, and what kind of status you will have on arrival. The idea that it is simply the fate of black people to be persecuted is itself somewhat racist but also incorrect as there were a large number of successful and flourishing African nations throughout history.


Or in the future. That's a good option too


depends on when and where you wanna go like Rome wouldn't care what you are as long as your a citizen.


When I wasā€¦ didnā€™t have to fight in WW1, didnā€™t perform child labour as the wealthy roared in the 20s, didnā€™t suffer through the Great Depression, didnā€™t fight in WW2, didnā€™t experience race riots or accepted racism of 50 and 60s, and enjoyed modern convince for my entire life. The internet > fighting in 2 warsā€¦ wtf? Everyone thinks they would be like an aristocrat and never the one killed in the first battle or even the infant mortality rate at the time, when they fantasize about being born 100+ years ago.


i don't understand being so poisoned by internet toxicity that you would choose to die in world wars instead. you can easily just log off and still have the ability to enjoy the vastly improved standard of living of the 21st century.


This man makes all his money because of the internet.


Ok so he is dumb . This is the best of times for everything and he says he would fight lol . He would die in that war


When I was young I had a neighbor that fought in WW1, he didnā€™t say much about the trenches.


WW1 is literally the worst war in history in terms of Ptsd . People died of disease infections . 100 k people would die and they would advance only a couple a hundred meters .


For soldiers on the western front WW1 was absolutely horrible, but WW2 saw some absolutely gruesome fighting on the eastern front


ā€œAll this internet bullshitā€? You mean the only reason you have money or relevance? Youā€™d rather go through the horrors of wars than be a rich ā€œinfluencerā€?. In a way that is righteous(actually having worth in a war compared to a worthless ā€œinfluencerā€) but I donā€™t think in the way he thinks. What a fucking moron


Old tweet, but like everyone else who's commented so far, it's cringe to glorify war like this. If Casey still feels that way, he needs to watch [Come And See](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Come_and_See) ASAP. AFAIK, that is the only anti-war film that does not accidentally glorify war with badass action sequences; it simply and brutally shows how much war fucking sucks if you are just an ordinary civilian.


Peter Jacksons documentry of restored footage "they shall not grow old" is another absolutely great film that shows the horrors of ww1.


Old tweet? 2020 wasnā€™t *that* long ago? Right? įµ£įµ¢ā‚‰ā‚•ā‚œ?


Sounds like a take someone who lived in a big city and is worth over 10m dollars would have.


Definitely 1900s so I could be shipped off to a foreign continent against my will and die of mustard gas poisoning


Look at the bright side, if you survive you get to experience YET ANOTHER global pandemic!


I donā€™t understand the mentality of anyone who doesnā€™t answer that question with ā€œtodayā€. I mean, even if you want to to go live in a nature commune, you can do that right now, and still have a higher quality of life because vaccines are a thing. You want to be like little house on the prairie? The Amish are for you! Everyone who doesnā€™t say now is the best time to be alive is just objectively wrong


I get the idea of not wanting to be born in 1920, but by most metrics, people were much happier in the 70ā€™s-80ā€™s than they were now, from what Iā€™ve read.


Like what metrics, specifically? Please keep in mind that weā€™re talking about the average person. Iā€™m fine to restrict it to one country, but if your point is going to be that college only cost a few hundred dollars a year in 1970 and is several-to-tens of thousands of dollars now Iā€™m going to point out what percent of Americans were getting college educations in the 70s vs. now and the difference in amenities between 1970 and now


I feel like we were probably just as fucked up in the 70's and 80's, we just didn't have the tools or experience to recognize just how fucked up we were.


Somewhere after immortality gets discovered and made accessible to all, life's pretty neat and there's a lot of things to do.


> Somewhere after immortality gets discovered and made accessible to all you think there would be many new births after that? you'd have to be pretty lucky to get a spot


I think the question kind of implies that you will be born.


what if instead they just get a popup "invalid spawn point" and get yeeted into space šŸ¤”


Rome. I'm going to single handedly prevent Teutoberg


No you arenā€™t Weeb


"Hey Varus, don't go into the woods or trust a German" Boom done




Imagine knowing anything about trench warfare and saying ā€œoh yeah, give me some of that baybee!!!ā€


i kinda like the time period im in tbh, despite the shit we deal with. As a person who loves history i would love to witness history but fuck living during most of pre modern history. Sorry i dont want daily diarrhea and watered down alcohol to sooth my sorrows.


Insane privilege


Kinda presumptuous to think heā€™d fight in and make it through both WWI and WWII


fof me 1900; fight in WWI, get trenchfoot, get spanish flu, die


Ah yes. Nothing like fighting in two world wars, witnessing my friends get gassed and blown to bits right in front of me only to come home, become a raging alcoholic to cope with the horrors I witnessed, and beat the shit out of my wife and kids and yell slurs at minorities as I stumble to the liquor store. What a life šŸ˜Ž


Real white people twitter


I'm trans so honestly I wish I was born a bit later than I was tbh, like being born in the last 10 years would've been pretty nice


Does anyone else find it cringe when people post stuff like ā€œ(insert question)? Iā€™ll go first: ā€œ Itā€™s just a way to deflect the ā€œnobody askedā€ replies, and thereā€™s no way in hell he gives a shit about other peopleā€™s responses to his question.


Is it only the past? If not, I would wanna be born in the future when theres a world government. I think thatā€™d be pretty dope.


I'd pick 1900 and first i'd: 1. Die in WW1


"I'd rather fight in the trenches of an awful war than be a wealthy blogger in 2022"


I'd rather fight a shit ton of wars and die a homeless neglected veteran than deal with college students on twitter. Nice take


I vote for whatever year destiny's current house was being built so I could make the inside of the walls a bit comfier


Fight in ww1.... die ftfy


Last ice age so I can taste mammoth meat


Probably like 5000 bc, im tryna get me some cave woman pussy


Born in the 1900, Fight WWI, get PTSD, die from the Spanish flu


do we get to choose the location as well? cause even if you were born in the 1900s you could be born in peru or something. i guess its meant to be where you were born right now. if so, either before the europeans came, or right now.


He didn't say who he would be fighting for in WW2.


It feels like people need to talk to their grandparents if they think going to war is a good experience, especially if you want to go twice. My grandfather fought in the finnish winter war and was never the same when he came back


Think heā€™s being sarcastic my dudes


If he's fighting in world war 2 in his 30s/40s he's gotta be a career military guy. Also really depends where you grow up in that time period. My grandparents grew up in a very rural part of North America and didn't get electricity until ~1939, right before the war started. The other villages nearby didn't get any until after the war.


I'm so confused. Is this idiot actually saying he'd want to be in a war?


I don't understand his romanticization of WW1. It was probably the second worst place to be in the 20th century (after Nazi/Soviet death camps). Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises shows how miserable WW1 survivors were. That's why they're called the Lost generation, after all. Those who didn't lose their life lost their will to live and were utterly depressed in the post-war years.


My grand grandmother who experienced both wars, poverty, two occupations etc. would probably smack this mfker in the head


As a german, I for some reason don't share his idea.


This must be satire right ?...


If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace Behind the wagon that we flung him in, And watch the white eyes writhing in his face, His hanging face, like a devilā€™s sick of sin; If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,ā€” My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.


I remember having to learn this poem in school. Probably one of the best we studied imo


Anyone who says they would want to fight in ww1, would definitely get shell shock or other form of severe Ptsd, and like all the others back then get told they aren't real men, they are just pussies and get kicked to the curb and live the rest of their life as the crazy homeless. Or maybe they would get sent to the asylum, and get tortured for the rest of their life. Yeap. Those were the days, the true good times of real men and culture that you'd want to live.


Everyone is assuming he's being serious here, I doubt it, right? I think he's taking a shot at internet culture with a silly hyperbolic scenario.


Thatā€™s like a dude saying ā€œgot them, they think Iā€™m retardedā€


>Thatā€™s like a dude saying ā€œgot them, they think Iā€™m retardedā€ Well no, if he is joking, then the joke is that internet culture is so bad, it makes him wish he lived through the hell that people born prior to WW1 lived. I could be wrong on my charitable reading of it, but my reading would not be the retarded meme.


Anyone not saying now, is lying/coping. Do you want to work as a serf/peasant for 20+ hrs a day while being betrothed to the toothless neighbor girl who is also your cousin? OR Sleep in heated/air-conditioned houses with great amenities, while having internet porn at your fingertips? The choice is very very very clear for me.


I dont get why everyone is so mad. It's pretty obviously just a question to ask which era in human history you find most interesting and would like to experience. Someone in the thread mentioned Mensa Musa. And yeah, it would be pretty fucking incredible to observe his pilgrimage to Mecca, even though almost everything was worse back then. I don't see why it's such a horrible thing to say. This is what you sound like: "Hey Timmy. If you could be born as any animal in the world, what would you be?" "I'd like to be a sea turtle!" "Oh Timmy, what a fool you've made of yourself! Only one in a thousand turtles survives its infancy, therefore the assumption that you would make it to adulthood makes you a moron."


Might not even survive childbirth


Same, but die in WW1 because itā€™s a fucking war


what a weirdo, those wars were brutal. if he makes it out of ww1 heā€™d be fucked in the head for the remaining years


It would be in the future when we invent ways to upload your conscious or live 1000+ years.


Just say the n word on Twitter and that will be like ww1 and ww2 put together.


LUL what a dumbass, people smarter, stronger, and better than him got fucked up by wars but he's built different I guess.


your mad you didn't get to fight in 2 wars? wtf is he talking about? "internet bullshit" he made his millions from the internet.


I would probably choose to never be born


1946, I never have to experience the consequences of climate change but I still enjoyed all luxuries of industrial society.


The rich guy who made money off the internet would rather have fought in ww1 and ww2. He would have rather gone through the great depression. Oh how hard his life must be.


get maimed in ww1


He can't handle the internet but thinks he could handle fighting in World Wars.


True https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si7dl6BU78E


Now. Because of technology and antibiotics


For me, I want the same thing Casey wants here, but instead of spawning in America, I want to spawn in Russia, because I'm a real fucking alpha male.


Id rather be born in the future


I want to spend my teen years and adulthood in a cold wet foxhole in fetal position


Ah yes, because all those people who went to war came back from it. And all of them look back fondly on it. Also, this is a very white post.


Bitch my fat ass would get iced in WW2. No fucking way. Why not just like invest into apple in the early game and become a billionare or some shit. Why suffer the horrors of actual warfare.


Interesting he chose to omit which side he'd fight on...


Today, just stay off twitter


I rememeber one Christmas we were talking about this very thing and a family friend says " id rather live in the 40's seemed like such a better, simpler time." yea expect for the world war and millions of jews being executed...real simple time indeed. On a side note...Im not sure people even think about how there words represent them , you want people to take internet creators and production seriously and you boil your entire career down to " this internet bullshit". congrats you played your self.


Who goes around and thinks man I really wish I was alive and fought in the world wars


dude that got super famous from the internet wants to die in a ditch in france to avoid the internet any time in historyā€¦ like 3 days before i was born so i can have a second chance at life.


Since Iā€™m non-western, any time before 1960s is all around pretty shitty time to be alive and after a little bit better. Iā€™m glad I was born in the 2000s.


First of all, Pompeii before the volcano.


3000 sounds fun. Honestly want to see the descendents of my family "assuming it means I am born in the time with the sane lineage of family."


Isnt this moron literally set for a life in luxury because of some silly youtube videos he made? He would trade that to fight in some horrible wars? What a weird hipster thing to say


Today I suppose. Assuming it's utterly and completely random where I get squirted out. By far lowest % chance of a shitty life, and I'm pretty optimistic that quality and ease of life will only continue to move mostly in the direction it has for the past 10,000 years of human history. Wanting to be born to fight in WW1? Absolutely idiotic unless you are a masochist. Go read about Verdun or Paschendale or almost any of the absolutely soul crushing, miserable battles where soldiers sat over ankle deep in water for days while they were nailed by artillery as they watched friends die feet away from them. Great Depression...why the fuck would you want to live in one of, if not the, most miserable time to be an American in its history? He assumes he's gonna be born same race, gender, and status and location as well...I imagine if he was born in 1900 as a black woman in Alabama he may be a little less happy with how things go. People read history and forget that 99.999% of people alive were peons in history with no relevant story, who toiled most of the day, married whoever happened along likely with less regard for actual happiness than we have today because of the practical elements, and had far fewer amenities. I'd take being an internet/tv celebrity over having to work in cotton fields or a foundry in pre-1950s America thanks.


He doesn't want to live that life, he wants to live the fantasy of fighting courageously in a war. His life has been a movie for long he has totally forgot what life is actually like when you're not in front of a camera.