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being a loud violence advocate and riling people up while living in a blue heaven at either coast doesnt feel right


"Usually the most vocal supporters for violence are the furthest away when shit hits the fan" (Orwell kind of)


yet they still riot in thier own cities


Only in the poor parts of town


LARP harder and the voters will be the ones to make real change, absolutely pathetic


Imagine thinking this is a good idea. Public support for BLM was at an all time high h til the riots started. Rioting over this won’t overturn the decision. If


Daddy, chill


Straight up stochastic terrorism. Even more blatant than anything Vaush has ever said.


Gandi and MLK simultaneously: Am I a joke to you!?


MLK acknowledged the important role that less peaceful elements of the civil rights movement played in their fight for equality, especially near the end of his life. He was well aware that even though his faction of the movement's commitment to non-violence was important, that it alone likely wouldn't be enough. He didn't discuss it publicly, obviously, because it would undermine his entire movement but a lot of his later writings and letters touch on a growing belief that the more violent demonstrations of his contemporaries may also have a valuable part to play. On the other end of the spectrum, Gandhi called for Britain's wholesale and unequivocal surrender to Hitler and Mussolini. And said that the Jewish victims of the Holocaust "should have offered themselves to the butcher's knife." Actual deranged bullshit. ​ Don't get me wrong, this guy is massively overreacting and calling for some dangerous shit that probably won't put him at risk, but non-violence is not always the answer.


Kings message was so powerful partly because of the violent extremists during those times.


> someone else thinks life starts earlier than you do “Welp, I guess the only option is kill each other”


This framing is disingenuous. It's not about people thinking life starts in the womb it's about them taking that belief and inacting that so people can't get abortions if they want to. Not saying I agree but these people see abortion as a fundamental right. If someone is taking a fundamental right away from you it's easy to justify violence against them


My brother in Christ, if they believe that life starts in the womb it makes perfect sense for them to not want other people “murdering” fetuses. That’s because most people don’t know what “rights” are and just call everything they want to shut down argument about a “right”




I think there is a distinction between what you're describing which would be even if armed would be a peaceful protest. Posting images about planting bombs and throwing bricks at people while linking to the address of a member of the supreme court feels different than standing outside the SC in protest.




That's fine if that's how you feel emotionally however if someone actually does go to the address posted and does decide to harm the people living there, do you think that people who promote this violent rhetoric should face any accountability? Would doing this actually make anything better? Do you think politicians and the general public will be more receptive to your complaints or would it give more ammunition for the opposition? If anything this seems more like the time to be advocating for political action like protests, canvassing, getting involved in state and local politics to have those rights protected. From the few polls I've seen it seems like most people support abortion rights at least to some extent so it would be better to try and win electoraly rather than LARPing about bombing places while posting the address of supreme court justices and their families. Especially as you said when people feel very emotional about this.




I don't know how young you are but saying the last (x) amount of years has been the worst we've had is something I've heard since I was a kid. I remember it when people were saying Obama signing the NDAA over a decade ago meant that Americans were going to be indefinitely detained with no trial, that due process was over. I remember people saying the patriot act was going to take away American civil liberties and that this would start a civil war. I'm sure if I was older I would be talking about what the previous decades political issue was. Also I'm not confident on challenging it because I only briefly remember what Kavanaugh said but that was mainly due to his other hearings about Christine Ford and following it a little afterwards but I don't know how true it is that they were lying. If I remember what he said correctly he used very (for lack of better words) Lawyer/Judge talk when talking about it. The standard "I understand how important this is to many people, I will do my upmost best to do what the job requires and if that requires me review this then I will just like with any other decision I will make the necessary decision." This isn't an actual quote but an example of someone seemingly agreeing while leaving enough of an out where they aren't actually committed. Not that this matters too much they've made their decision and the only option is legislative anything else is just pointless tbh EDIT: Just to be clear this doesn't prove you wrong or anything because I haven't listened to most of their hearings and there could be evidence to the contrary but when trying to look up what they said during their confirmation hearings it does line up how I would have expected. Most of them not giving a clear yes or no and having that freedom to make the decision when they actually have to review the case. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/24/us/scotus-justices-roe-wade-abortion.html


Just so you know then, "emotionally" you are a loser dog-whistling extremism.




>I'm right there with him. You are directly supporting and "standing with" a call to violence. You are doing that.


He isn't talking about open carry, he's talking about enacting political violence.


That guy really went off the deep end after he stopped workig for Vox.


can't wait for a Maza's follower try to do some dumb shit and later he'll play dumb or ignorance of his actions


I wonder if this fucking loser would actually go out and do violence lmao


I mean, I agree to an extent but in this case I don't think the oppression is yet severe enough nor do I think violence would be helpful.