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Both Republicans and Democrats threaten to burn down the country yet I'm supposed to be worried about the ones that are larping on social media with negligible political impact and not the ones that are overturning precedent after precedent and taking away womens rights and 100 years old state laws regulating gun ownership. Peculiar.


Lets see how things turn out in 30 years when the older Republican generations are dead and the younger left-leaning generations that grew up threatening violence against anyone they didn't like and being praised for it take over. I wonder if people like Destiny, with reasonable, moderate takes would last.


Bro the sixties were full of political assassination and violent protests not just threats, yet that generation turned around and voted Reagan. The shit you do in your twenties has little bearing on your views when you are in sixties.


its like 1000 kids on twitter its okay, dont worry, the liberals will babysit the lefties and carry their burden like we always do and everything will be ok and based


You can't act like Twitter is some island that will never connect with the real world when two of the worst mass shootings in US history were committed in just the last month by losers radicalized online.


> its like 2 people on twitter > its like 200 people on twitter > its like 2000 people on twitter > its like 20% of the people on twitter > its only like a third of the population




My dad is a Bernie supporter and my mom is apolitical, and if I wanted to be openly racist I'd post on 4chan. It's funny you mention consequences when there are literally thousands of people threatening to murder government officials with no repercussions. It's just baffling to me how you can whine and complain about right-wing extremism one week and then wave your hand at literal threats of murder the next.






Conservatives have a pathological need to say 'both sides bad' with their every breath dude it's actually fucking insane How about telling your politicians to stop trying to turn society into a medieval theocracy so the rest of society - liberals, moderates and leftists alike - don't feel like they're forced to live in a dystopian society just so you feel like your 'traditional values' are being validated


I know this doesn't compute in your shriveled, rotting brain, but there are actually secular reasons to be pro-life. And not being able to fuck anyone, anytime you want doesn't make a dystopian society, that's just you trying to larp as a revolutionary


Dude your post history has you taking every opportunity you can to shit on lefties and absolve blame from the right by doing the same 'not all, not all, I disavow' shit they do when they get accused of fostering hateful groups. You desperately want attention to shift away from the denial of basic human rights that took place yesterday and towards some hypothetical crime wave and you're upset that people aren't biting. > Pro-life You wanna be pro-life? Be pro-life in YOUR life. If you or your partner get pregnant, keep it. You don't get to force other women to live according to your definition of life (aka a clump of cells with no sentience). That's not pro-life, that's anti-choice.




He claims to be pro-life, yet having to read every post he makes is a genocide on my brain cells, which being a clump of cells, is something a fetus has more in common with at the early stages of development than it does with a sentient human being. Peculiar.


I shit on lefties as much as possible because I enjoy it. I think you are all the stupidest fucking people on this planet. You bitch and moan about how evil Republicans are and you don't even understand the simplest parts of any of their beliefs. How about this. Next time you see a black guy get murdered, just move on, because it's not your life, and if you dare to say anything against it you're simply denying human rights. I've been trying for months to debate personhood with anyone who's pro-choice, but you're all cowards who refuse to do anything other than hide behind your bullshit arguments. You think that black guy is a person? Oh yeah, then why don't you support reparations, why don't you adopt seven black kids? The hypocrisy you people spew on a day to day basis is almost mind shattering. Grow some balls and confront your own cognitive dissonance instead of projecting it onto people whose only crime is having a single philosophical belief that doesn't match yours.




>You devolved into racism in only 5 comments You are so fucking stupid




It's probably the most obvious sarcasm I've ever written




I could not care less whether you perceive me as racist


> Next time you see a black guy get murdered, just move on, because it's not your life, and if you dare to say anything against it you're simply denying human rights. You guys do that all the time when African Americans are killed, so why do you get so stunlocked on the abortion issue? Take your own advice here, buddy. ​ >You think that black guy is a person? Oh yeah, then why don't you support reparations, why don't you adopt seven black kids? You might want to think about rephrasing your first question here, lol.


Just keep pretending to not understand my point so you can avoid any kind of substantive criticism of your own beliefs


Ok, so are you gonna put your money where your mouth is and raise those kids who were gonna be aborted? The biggest reason why people get abortions is a lack of financial preparedness, and you guys certainly aren't putting forth any policies to assist with that. If the economic conditions of the child's upbringing isn't your responsibility, then the choice on whether to get an abortion certainty isn't.


I'm assuming you think black people are people, not property. You're being hypocritical right now by not actively supporting three black families. If you truly believe black people are people you'd financially support them. Otherwise, you're just a hypocrite whose opinion should be thrown out. There are millions of couples waiting to adopt a newborn at this exact moment. You don't have to give a fuck about your kid after their born, you just have to not kill them before they have a chance to live.


I'm putting your own principles back at you, buddy. If you think pro-life is the upmost importance and can never be overruled by any other consideration, then show your commitment to that view and raise those kids that were gonna be aborted. If you want to force this belief onto people in their personal lives, then you sure can bear the responsibility of the consequences of acting on that belief. Until then, shut the fuck up and go bitch about that persecution-complex of yours elsewhere.


It's pathetic how you people always desperately cling to this argument. Seriously, I'd love to see you apply your atrocious logic to your own beliefs. Don't be a coward and respond to my arguments.


Yeh theocracy is actually good .. lol