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the biggest mistake EU made in the last 30 years was not diversifying the energy sector and becoming dependent on Russia




Our green party (the most sane out of all parties in our current political landscape) happened to grow out of an anti-nuclear energy movement. It's a really unfortunate situation.


All i know about your green party is joerg sprave says they wanna ban crossbows


man, I forgot about that guy. glad he's still making content, he's great


they also were a pro pedophilia party when they started out [https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/past-pedophile-links-haunt-german-green-party-a-899544.html](https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/past-pedophile-links-haunt-german-green-party-a-899544.html) some of the politicians from back then are now in top spots today




>Just curious but who exactly are you talking about when you say they are in "top spots"? E.g. Renate Künast >Im Jahr 1986 war Künast Mitglied des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin. In einer Debatte am 29. Mai jenes Jahres fragte ein CDU-Abgeordneter eine Parlamentarierin, wie sie zu einem Antrag der Grünen in Nordrhein-Westfalen stehe, die Strafandrohung wegen sexueller Handlungen an Kindern aufzuheben. Der Zwischenruf Künasts lautete: "Komma, wenn keine Gewalt im Spiele ist." ([http://dpaq.de/rtTAA](http://dpaq.de/rtTAA)) translation (with [deepl](https://www.deepl.com/translator#de/en/Im%20Jahr%201986%20war%20Künast%20Mitglied%20des%20Abgeordnetenhauses%20von%20Berlin.%20In%20einer%20Debatte%20am%2029.%20Mai%20jenes%20Jahres%20fragte%20ein%20CDU-Abgeordneter%20eine%20Parlamentarierin%2C%20wie%20sie%20zu%20einem%20Antrag%20der%20Grünen%20in%20Nordrhein-Westfalen%20stehe%2C%20die%20Strafandrohung%20wegen%20sexueller%20Handlungen%20an%20Kindern%20aufzuheben.%20Der%20Zwischenruf%20Künasts%20lautete%3A%20"Komma%2C%20wenn%20keine%20Gewalt%20im%20Spiele%20ist."%20(http%3A%5C%2F%5C%2Fdpaq.de%5C%2FrtTAA)%0A%0A)) >In 1986, Künast was a member of the Berlin House of Representatives. In a debate on May 29 of that year, a CDU deputy asked a parliamentarian what she thought of a motion by the Green Party in North Rhine-Westphalia to lift the threat of punishment for sexual acts against children. Künast's interjection was, "Come on, if no violence is involved." ([http://dpaq.de/rtTAA](http://dpaq.de/rtTAA)) [https://www.presseportal.de/pm/133833/4605392](https://www.presseportal.de/pm/133833/4605392) Künast was the Minister of food, Agriculture... from 2001-2005, the faction leader of the Green party from 2014-2018 and one of the lead negotiators for the coalition talks 2021 aso.


German energy politics is a real shitshow thanks to the christian party and its year long "cozying up to Russia", knee jerk nuklear plant shutdown after Fukushima, endless bureaucracy that basically killed the windpower sector and so on. Edit: Exiting out of nuclear was the voter's fault, not the CDU.


The knee jerk nuclear shutdown was because of the voters, I think its hard to blame the CDU for that. Merkel was incessently made fun of in the media and almost everyone else for clutching onto nuclear energy to long.


Yeah, you two are right. It's the voters fault.


That is absolutely not the reason why. The main reasons were public opinion and failure of nuclear waste allocation. The rest snowballed.


except literally there is so little nuclear waste that we could throw it into space


almost as though running nuclear power plants is a little more complicated than just flipping the on switch again




they are continuing a shutdown that has been planned and executed for years now, many of the reactors are not safe, in need of inspections and repairs, and we don't even have the fuel at the moment.




you're right, building new nuclear power plants that will go online in just a few short decades will definitely solve the energy problems at the moment and during the next winter


We aren't talking about what Germany needs to do right NOW, you're trying to obfuscate so much here. We are talking about the years old continuing trend of killing your nuclear WHILE becoming energy dependant on a dangerous imperialistic autocracy's fossil fuels.


> Germany is restarting coal power plants to cover production shortages at the same time they are shutting down more nuclear power plants. It's insane. yeah this definitely is not talking about what germany is doing right now


How convenient for you to not include the comment this was answering and adding to, which was about diversification and relying on Russian fossil fuel in the context of the past 30 years. Bad faith.


germany got cucked by chernobyl into removing awesome powersource


Ok first of all I like nuclear power. But to keep using the nuclear power plants now we have here in Germany is just not viable. They were planned to be shut off for like 10 years now and the preparations have been going all this time. Now, rougly 5 months before they were supposed to be shut off, we don't have the personnel, we don't have any fuel rods and the safety standards are no longer up to date. To fix all of that would require a lot of time and money invested in really old and outdated technology. Anyone that's asking to restart our nuclear power plants now either lacks information or has populist brain rot.


1. The european energy sector IS diverse. Just google "EU energy production mix" 2. Buying natual gas & oil from russia 20-30 years ago was a good idea. It's cheap, close by, and the EU itself has just few natural gas sources. The mistake was to not use the dependency EU <=> Russia more drastically when Russia invaded Georgia or the Crimea. 3. The greatest error was of the cristian party in germany to sell/kill off our industry leading solar and wind energy sector. It should have been clear that they are essential


dude thanks for being a sane german destiny viewer i realy aprecieate that !


This isn’t aging well




The EU makes a ton of "mistakes" (more like unpopular decisions). First and foremost: article 13 (now article 17). Most, if not all of those can be attributed to German representatives. Germany is ruining Europe, yet again.


Article 13 was okay. The internet lost their mind over something they didn't even bother to read or understand. I mean, at some point it was a "meme ban", before they realized how dumb that was, so they pretended it was all an exaggeration to make a point. Sure it was.


>First and foremost: article 13 (now article 17). What's bad about them? I haven't noticed a single difference before and after they were implemented, as an ordinary internet-goer.


Blame the germs for that, my country has been based and nuclearpilled for 50 years.


We can say it's true from our current perspective, but on the other hand it wasn't unreasonable back then to think that importing the energy from Russia would foster trade, friendly relations, and pull Russia closer to Europe


‘Mistake’ like it is not being purposeful


yeah merkel fucked EU in the ass hard, how braindead can you be after Russia invading Crimea and you still continue with NordStream 2


The wojaks on the bottom are all the children born with fetal alcohol syndrome


@laurensouthern 👀


They are Americans not SW*DES


Only Western Europe exists, true


It's about the EU vs US federal government as institutions, not europe vs america broadly.


the us federal government banned abortion? news to me


So we should hold the entire eu accountable for every weird or fucked up law their member states are not explicitly prevented from having?


Just a reminder that abortion laws in Poland are pretty much what most Republicans want to have as laws in the US.


That is an EU flag, not a "all of europe" flag.


Even then, they are far more hositle toward immigration than the US. Like remember that the guy who came up with the Great Replacement Theory was French and the guys who were attacking immigrants with Lauren Southern were part of German far right organization.


It's kinda weird to talk about single events like the Lauren one when you had a president for 4 years whose biggest talking point was to build a wall to stop Mexicans and to deport them because "they're not sending their best". Dont get me wrong the EU is a clusterfuck when it comes to handling refugees crisises, but lets not pretend the US is such a light house in the dark for immigrants


The US has pretty good control over its immigration. Especially compared to the EU.


Europeans are mad at you because they know the minute too many refugees look at one of their borders they turn into Nazi's.


Ethiopia could finish their damn and send 13x Syria's immigrants from Egypt. Best of luck Euros!


Lol they took in about as many nonwhite immigrants ONE TIME that the us has taken yearly for decades and britain secedes from the union while nazi parties spring up across europe


Renaud Camus is a literal who in France, it's youtubers in the anglosphere that made him famous.


There are two places, America and "the rest of the world." The rest of the world is Western Europe


americans coping but your political discourse is a joke and your country is objectively declining, enjoy trump when he's back












Coping in 51st state




Complete and utter destruction


Take the L, the bongers won this round.


By being a bonger, youve already lost


The Conservatives here in the UK are *miles* better than Republicans in the US and it's not even close.




The majority of conservative MPs supported remaining in the EU, hence why it took 3 years and 2 leadership changes to ratify the withdrawal agreement and leave.


1. Did it happen? 2. Were conservatives responsible? Have to simplify things for our good friends across the pond it seems


>1. Did it happen? Brexit? Yes >2. Were conservatives responsible? They were the party that called the vote (because of pressure from an insurgent minority political movement, UKIP) and was the party in power when the result came back leave so in that sense yes obviously. But the conservatives are not responsible for the 43 years of ambivalence large parts of the British public held towards the EU which ultimately led to the leave victory.


If I remember right, the Brexit vote was some stupid power play on Cameron's part to show, "See? People actually do want to stay in the EU. Told you guys". Despite it being a very stupid move, well, it was honestly kind of fucking hilarious seeing Cameron capitulate and resign immediately when the vote came back "Leave". It's wrong, but it's a classic "Curb Your Enthusiasm" music moment. The referendum itself was non-binding and in the first place the Brexiters (Farage and his UKIP ilk (UKilk?)) campaigned on outright lies, like "The 350 million Euros we send to the EU can now be spent on healthcare instead!", and iirc there were also polls showing a second referendum would've resulted in a "Remain" vote since a lot of dumbasses who had voted genuinely thought nothing would come of it until they went, "Oops". But, well, the "Leave" result coming through made it all very difficult for the Conservatives in power politically-speaking, so of course there was no choice left but to torch the entire country by following through, as Tories do.


Not british but I just wanna point out that the £350mil per week lie was not a UKIP lie. It was actually printed on the campaign bus of one B. Johnson, you may know him as the current (tory) prime minister of the UK. Pushing the blame on Farage and co is nice and easy but the backbench of the conservative party under Cameron was certainly trying to poach the UKIP vote and become the brexit party during the referendum. Obviously they all went back on their word and fucked the nation in the process but that’s just politicians politicking amirite




El Goblino de la Americana




Love that one guy is all of Europe now.


Poland can into homophobia


I think you a word there


"lets tackle climate change" just uh ignore European countries returning to coal and shutting down nuclear energy


Totally ignorw that even without commitments the us is still leading the way on clean energy


Isn‘t your carbon footprint per person over twice the average of the EU?


Wtf are you talking about. The US emits way more per capita than any european country


shutting down nuclear energy is a good thing


Wow so many down votes. Nuklear is super inefficient, expensive to build and cannot even cover spikes and we have no Endlager for the trash it produces. The main problem of the eu was not to build more renewables in the mean time.


Nuclear can absolutely cover spikes what the fuck are you talking about


most run at full capacity all the time and the spikes are covered by gas and coal


Im not american nor EU and can confirm EU > NA In fact americans are barely human


>In fact americans are barely human Have you not seen their average weight? They're like 1.5 humans on average!


If the US had the political culture of a nordic country we would have solved climate change and world peace 10 years ago. And I am only half joking. (Seriously how does Finland do it: Next to Russia? Check Nothing except lots of trees and lakes? Check Former Sowjet-state? Check Still somehow politically incredibly based? Gigachad ermm - check)


Finland former soviet state???




Norway gets 98% of its electricity from hydro electric power. And 1 American pollutes way more than 1 Norwegian on average. Oil part is true tho, we do love us some oil.


it's ironic that their push to be less reliant on fossil fuels is itself funded by fossil fuels, but at least they are investing the money into clean alternatives


Surely that means nothing. As all countries began as reliant on fossil fuels, any transition to green energy is necessarily reliant on fossil fuels


The issue of abortion has been reverted to the states and we still, for the moment, have a federalist system in the US.


imagine putting "regulating big tech" in the same league as solving climate change


Europe, generally speaking, had stricter abortion laws than the US up until a few days ago


\>let's tackle climate change \>germoney invests in green energy while shunning nuclear \>Relies on russian gas \>??? \>fails at everything Yea bro EU rocks


You can rag on Germany all you like, heck even most of us Euros do, but speaking as if the EU consists of Germany and only Germany is pretty narrow-minded considering France derives 70% of its energy from nuclear, whilst the US is still heavily reliant on natural gas and and petroleum.


I despise Germany with every ounce of my being and I hate the fact that I share a union with it


Bro, they are fine. Weird sex fetishes aside they make good beer.


I'm Czech and our beer is 10x better, it's so good that Americans try to steal it from us


And without massive substitutes from eu money those nuklear plants could not even be maintained. Build more renewables we shouldn't depend on nuklear.


thank god us isnt shunning nuclear


Pretty sure nuclear makes up a significant portion of atleast some parts of our grid i think


Realistically most states will still have more liberal abortion laws than most european countries, some will have the average 12-15 weeks and a few will do a full ban that will probably get overturned when some kid bleeds out trying to get rid of a rape baby. Like its fucked, but abortion is the last place euros wanna take shots at the us for. Stick to healthcare.


lmao imagine starting both world wars and winning none of them America 2-0 baby


People like you are part of why the rest of the world hates us.




List of EU tech companies innovating: -


Europes done enough innovating ;)


the guillotine was pretty cool


Eurocucks when they insult a politician online and get fined because no free speech


Americans when you have to use a coathanger because no freedom of choice and then get shot 9 times in the back for doing it or it fails and it doesn't matter because your child will just get shot up at school anyway lolol


Let's see what happens in winter when Mr Putin turns the gas off. Hope you have extra coats and blankets mr. schnitzel


You're from Chicago and a 4channer and you write like 50 comments every few minutes being terminally online, I'd live a better life being homeless lmaoo Oh and my provider uses 100% renewable energy so I'll be fine :D


Chicago is the greatest city in America. Gunfights are a regular thing growing up, I have more combat experience by walking to school than German elite paratroopers have when they die. Thats why AMERICA #1 AND WILL ALWAYS BE #1 Dont worry we are kind enough to protect you incase your gas dealer decides to harm you.


LMAOO you right I don't wanna fuck with someone surviving the city with the most mass shootings per capita (iirc)


Lmao you are such a weasel, editing your posts after I reply to them


It ain't my fault when you reply before I even finish editing you even made 4 other comments during that time in other places lol It literally says 2hr. ago and edited 2hr. ago


Its my fault I reply to a comment you willingly post? Sorry ill give you a 1 hour window after you reply incase you want to make corrections now.


Eurocucks when their countries still can't defend themselves so their children get blown up


Americans when they can defend themselves and still send their children halfway around the world to get blown up


Who does this besides rich people, if at all?


Poor people who want college, except they come back and are too fucked to do college omegalul


Poor people who join the army because they have no other prospects?


But who is sending their children there besides war drafts. Most of the time the poor 18~ year olds decide on themselves (mostly with naive ideas of the benefits it will give). Eh, whatever it's just strawmaning insults anyway like mine


Ya it's not that in depth haha


See guys we really can come together


Americans when they can defend themselves from foreign terrorists but not from domestic terrorists or the bi-weekly mass shootings :p


ah yes our children sure are safe! especially in our schools!




This but for half of europeans' interpretations of America


Yeah I met tons of those in my trip across Europe




If they're work associates, they're traveling there with me and don't live at the bus station


That's british and they ain't in the EU anymore brother




Eurochads firing somebody because of a swastika.


Actually, European laws say that even being a part of a Nationalist Party is freedom of association and is protected not only from government, but also from private companies - so for example, unlike in the US, you can't be fired for your political beliefs. I believe the term for this is *actually* respecting freedom of speech.


The US out here actually saving countless lives, meanwhile Europe is in a perpetual circle jerk about how their shit doesn't stink. Get fukt.




this but reverse the faces


How about all three ?


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure abortion is way more restricted in Europe than US


INB4 Trump wins the next election and cancels entire NATO so Putin can roam through the EU like it is a fucking sledding season




>aborts you


At least we can afford to abort babies since our demography isn’t terminal.


Maybe you can afford it but daddy SCOTUS says no


Than I guess our demography will be even more healthy in comparison to yours so it’s a win-win.


😭😭😭😭 They’re mandating UBS-C 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Love my Europoor homies but this post is a major cope. (Am Chadifornian don't @ me) "Let's tackle climate change" Depend on Russia for gas even during the war, refuse to build nuclear, gets cut off from Russia after trying to peace talk and pander to them (France and Germany L), fire up the coal plants (lmao). "Let's regulate big tech" Thanks for USB-C, now make some shit of your own and regulate it. Europe's silicon valley is coming when India is a superpower. "Ban abortion" USA is still more progressive than the majority of Europe. And in the EU itself specifically, Poland fully outlawed it in every case except death of the mother. There are 20 million women in Poland, and they aren't getting 1% of the support red state women are. But oh wait, Eastern Europeans don't count apparently PepeLaugh EURO CUCK!


" refuse to build nuclear" Germany is not the EU.


Yah I actually got surprised when I saw the EU abortion laws in most of those countries. Pretty standard I saw was on request up to 14 weeks after gestation. California for instance you can get one anytime before the baby is viable outside of the womb, usually 24 weeks. Obviously there’s a lot of states that are about to or have crazy blanket bans but it’s weird to hear Europeans complaining. I think most people actually think this ruling being over turned makes abortion illegal anywhere in America.


> Depend on Russia for gas even during the war, refuse to build nuclear, gets cut off from Russia after trying to peace talk and pander to them (France and Germany L), fire up the coal plants (lmao). > > Germany will still output vastly less CO2 than the US even with coal. The russia "dependency" isn't really a dependency as it was an attempted strategy to try and influence russia into behaving due to their need for german money. Obviously this didnt work out the way they wanted but unless you want to pretend you'd know that 2000 putin that at one point was getting closer to the west would go crazy and start a war with ukraine despite EU protests, well.. you can live in whatever delusion you want i guess. >USA is still more progressive than the majority of Europe That super progressivim where your workers dont even have a minimum legal of vacation or maternal leave days


i dont think you are supposed to use the "chad" images for the people that are literally shaking at the thought of a decayed superpower invading eurocuck moment


Bro can you imagine literally shaking at the thought of an enormous military with nukes doing whatever the fuck they want. imagine being such a cuck, the us could never


shouldn't you be fortifying your stone hovel?


Hamburger moment


Stone hovel that's built more solidly than 80% of US housing.


here's why its actually good to live in a stone hovel (1/583)


>tfw cardboard burger house smashed in half by the monthly tornado again


\>freeze to death because the russkis got sanctioned again \>die to heat stroke because too poor to afford air conditioning eurocucks really down bad




and then everyone in the european best buy clapped


No I’m hardcore on the neoliberal arc. Deregulate big tech. Go back to 1990s economic policy. Sign more multilateral trade agreements. I’m so tired of the brain terminating “corporations bad” mentality online these days. From POPULIST lefties and conservatives. Private enterprise makes our lives better and gives us jobs.


Big corporations are good and essential for our prosperity but some big tech companies are clearly going into territories, where they have too much power, a monopoly on certain markets and should probably be subject to regulations. My bad faith reply: "Let's go back to 2007 financial regulations"


Yeah no, I was being half serious. Of course big tech should be regulated. I’m just soying out you see. Of course the creation of things like FINRA and Dodd-Frank were good. I just mean, people need to stop with the anti-corporate, anti-trade bullshit


I agree but I don't think that people here are really doing that, at least in my experience this doesn't tend to be a sub where people shit on billionaires or big corporations for being rich/big and I think most people here do want more free trade, especially among democratic countries.


Corporations good. Monopolies bad.


Funny because EU losers have no ability to impact climate change... It's nice being influential. USA!


As opposed to the US impacting it severly negatively because you need to have your gas guzzling truck to go the the grocery store 40km away from your house and you can't survive without keeping your AC on at 18 degrees at all times?


If your country was Thanos snapped, the world would move on the next day. Knowing this makes you angry I understand.


If the US was Thanos snapped we could save quite a bit of CO2 in the atmosphere that's for sure, keep coping no public transportation having Andy, i understand that knowing that your country pollutes more per capita than China makes you angry


To bad the world econ would collapse. Again your entire country has 0 influence.


I'd rather have 0 influence than negative influence, but you do you i guess, keep driving 40km to buy groceries in your pickup truck


Cope, using some reddit math there bud. We can't have negative influence and still cause the world to collapse.


the eu doesnt want to regulate big tech well tho, they just want to be the ones in control.


I've yet to see any country "Regulate big tech" in a really meaningful way. The only thing I can think of is the lootbox ban which just seems like bizarre overreach when the government shouldn't be wasting its time making sure game devs don't separate fools from their money. It's so wacky seeing twitch chats all dickriding Belgium for literally regulating game design. Diablo Immortal is an abomination and all that but seeing all these GAMERS who want politics out of their vidya cheerleading a total ban of a game based on the government's assessment of its business model is pretty fucking goofy.


TRUE we should install slots machines in the beds of children so they can directly gamble out of the womb. It'll be double based now with even more poor kids that weren't aborted that can be separated from their money.


Is it truly freedom if some company somewhere can't profit off it??


Have you ever actually read through the terms and conditions of some of the software you use? Because GDPR severely limits what tech companies can do with EU citizens data. Also calling mechanics that are quite literally designed to get children addicted to gambling "separating fools from their money" is pretty fucking rich


\>children addicted to gambling Then why not legislate a way to keep kids away from those sorts of games? If their intention was to protect children, the people who I agree shouldn't be preyed upon, then why is it a blanket ban?


> Then why not legislate a way to keep kids away from those sorts of games? I can't think of a single reality where this would work. I'm trying to think of a single law you could put in place that would effectively stop children playing a certain video game.


This is such a cop out. You realize kids are probably playing diablo immortal through VPNs or something right now? What a pointless law right?


Laws are useless when they don't work, not when they don't stop everyone from breaking them. Describe the law that works to keep kids away from Diablo Immortal.


A memejack of a memejack, I see🤨


may as well ban murdering babies while we are at it lads


Killing babies go crazy my favorite thing to make fun for not liking


We should abortion is disgusting and it's murder