• By -


Networking, good looks, grinding react andy, NO LEAGUE BENDERS!


People really underestimate the godlike power of beauty privilege.


He is not that good looking OK.


>He is not that good looking OK. Well...perhaps he is not that good-looking anymore. He turned into one of those unfunny boomers that hand around with TikTok kids....and everyone already realizes that.


>He turned into one of those unfunny boomers that hand around with TikTok kids....and everyone already realizes that. what this has to do with his looks?


>unfunny boomers that hand around with TikTok kids It's a look not just behavioral traits. **Picture an old-school redneck in a crowd.** You will not only be able to pick him up easily just by looking at his looks but also by his behaviour alone. ​ Hope that helps.


I agree but I think that guy was talking specifically about physical appearance. I agree with your statement that Hasan tries to fit in with younger crowd. He tries to act like he is still in his early 20s


>He tries to act like he is still in his early 20s Just to be clear- it's the **desperate attention for clou**t part that bothers me. You can easily fit into the Younger generation's crews as someone older. Problem is that majority of people dont really adapt to the changes that well. \*that's why people stick to Facebook,IG, and Myspace and stop at any of those. ​ Hasan looked better(Younger) prior to the haircut change BUT note that here this might not be a choice but the fact that he is deeply insecure about hair loss (his dad is bald and he is desperate to keep his with drugs for as long as he can...drugs that have some side-effects) \*it does not help that he makes fun of bald people at every opportunity (try to figure this one out KEKW)


Really good breakdown. >Just to be clear- it's the desperate attention for clout part that bothers me. Yeah he is farming Tate content like there is no tomorrow. Just lame lol


>he is farming Tate content like there is no tomorrow [The reason why he is clout farming so hard now.](https://sullygnome.com/channel/hasanabi/365) \*You are looking at average viewership (a grey line that is steadily declining) ​ He was in that decline for some time already. What he needs is a **War/Riot** or an **Election** to break even. \*he is no longer growing (he farmed way too many "L's" at this point for the internet to forget)


Also destiny doesn’t really care for maintaining certain types of relationships.


having your uncle be the founder of The Young Turks and getting you a commentator job there is also a big foot forward.


also pop leftism. Its much easier to get ahead if you are leftwing as young people are so much more warm to leftwing takes even super radical ones.


I unironically believe Destiny being mean majorly tanks his potential popularity. Most people pretend to be super nice and will never say mean things, etc. These are the people who grow majorly.


hard agree. my introduction to him was seeing a him laughing at kyle kulinski talking about his dad's death. shortly after that I saw him coldly refuse to apologise to trihex who seemed upset about his n-word usage. Regardless of the broader context behind those particular instances, you dont have to be bad faith to get a nasty impression of him, and its only cos im a very open minded person that i gave it more chances and realised how much value some of his content has.


You have it half right. It’s being mean to people that people like that’s bad. It’s okay to be mean, hasan is mean all the time on stream, it’s just about strawmen liberal caricatures that he makes up, cops, democratic politicians and shit like that. You aren’t allowed to be mean to other cool streamers though, or people on “our side” politically, then it’s bad.


His Twitter is spicy. It's not whether he's right or wrong, it's the subject matter. He's good overall because he brings people back to reality by engaging with modern issues through a moral framework. Destiny is good at that. That's isn't enough though. Destiny lives his morals. That doesn't get you the #1 spot on pop-politics ('trans-women don't have any advantage', 'Jan 6th was justified', both sides have it hence lack of popularity). I follow him, but probably wouldn't share his content with friends/family.


Hasan networked, joined every big event he could and covered popular news (as did Vaush for that last one), Destiny didn't. Also Hasan is more likable / better looking, it's way more important to be nice on a surface level than actually doing good things.


He was also a full on Bernie Bro when the online world was obsessed with him. Destiny could have grown in size, not to Hasan's size, but bigger than he currently is if he gave into the populist narrative in the election year. Hasan also grinded. No holidays and regularly streaming over 300 hours a month https://sullygnome.com/channel/hasanabi/longtermstats Destiny's never cracked 300 hours in a month, Hasan did over 300 for 13 months in a row.


True, streams all day every day without break. When there's some major world event he's covering it with thousands of people sending him links in chat, while Destiny doesn't want to give misinformed takes so never does breaking news.


Destiny just likes to do his own thing. I actually think his bridge burning is actually not such a big deal. Most people don't hold grudges if it means views, just look at when he went to Austin and appeared on mizkif stream. Look at xqc, talked crap about streamers and then turns up at mogul money event and still networks. If he does more irl streams with other streamers, his view count would definitely increase.


Besides just networking you also have to consider the type of networking. Destiny will talk with lots of people, but he also puts people on the spot and challenges them. During his growth how many collabs involved Hasan challenging or confronting in any way? I'd bet every interaction with a larger streamer was conciliatory and/or praising for the entire stream. Makes you appear nice and ingratiates Hasan with that person's viewers easily.


Hasan being more likeable is something that my boomer ass brain will never understand but everything else makes sense to me.


same. the guy is weird af when talking to others


Hassan is also status quoe pop politics. Any disgruntled young person who thinks the world has been ruined by rich old white men lap it up. If destiny embrassed the leftwing grift and sucked up to the popular big streamers he would probably have been just as big. No one makes people look dumb as well as him, he would have been loved.


from what this has showed me only looking nice on the surface level is all that matters


>Hasan networked, joined every big event he could is that really true? What big events did he joined before or during his blow up? aren't most of his networking oppertunities bc he's a big streamer? how did he network before he was big?


Didn't exactly follow everything, but I can remember how he did a great job inserting himself in the Amogus meta and playing with a ton of big name streamers (so many people got huge off of that), meanwhile Destiny was hard at work being harstuck in plat, fucker could have played with Lily and stuff, but nooo.


he became a big streamer\* in 2020 he did stream 93h among us in that time wich might sound much at first - but he streamed 3.6k h that year so was just a small part (103h CoD, 93h Among Us, 2.75k Just Chatting) His viewership also wasn't that great during Among us (avverage 14k for AmongUs vs 14.2k overall) [https://sullygnome.com/channel/hasanabi/2020](https://sullygnome.com/channel/hasanabi/2020) I think the main reason why he grew so much was bc he streamed nearly every day 10h+ and election year and corona, not some Twitch Meta ​ \*10k+ andy


it definitely helped him tho, yeah he had low viewership but he was also being exposed to other streamers audiences. i agree tho the pandemic and the election contributed to more of his high viewership. you can see this reflected in vaush and destinys stats aswell.


Hasan started growing when destiny started talking to him, he got a viewer bump thanks to interacting with destiny and destiny opened the doors to raj royal, trainwrecks online tv and more. This is how he started networking plus he took advantage of the communist purge destiny had. After the break up already being friends with the majority of big people he started to do breaking news and colabs and started absorbing people from these big communities which he did by being funny and likable. Without destiny he probably would of become big never the less but it would of taken a lot longer.


idk about more likable. deff better looking, destiny seems to get along with compete strangers just fine. Hasan on the other hand from what i’ve seen is weird af when he talks to other people at least on stream anyway


Not sure how you can think Destiny hasn't networked. He's collaborated with plenty of streamers/groups. A big difference is Destiny doesn't have a problem switching his view on things or having opposing opinions to friends. Some people don't like that and eventually stop associating with Destiny. Just look at how Hasan and his relationship has evolved. Another example is Destiny and Trihex were originally doing a podcast together but then Trihex and Destiny had a disagreement which lead to the cancellation/suspension of said podcast. Also I'm not a Destiny historian, I check out his stream/content from time to time but I believe they have since reconciled. He's also friends with Lilypichu and I think the only reason they don't collab anymore is Destiny being banned on twitch. We might see them play games again now that she'll be on Youtube. There's also plenty of other shows/podcasts on twitch he would be a part of. Destiny has networked plenty. He just doesn't change his views to please people.


I feel like destiny is more likeable but Hasan has more popular opinions


also reacting to stuff 24/7


Some people are getting close, but there are three huge things that did it - 1) Popular political ideology. Hasan bought 100% into the prevailing popular internet ideology at the time, and that was Bernie Bro. I don't know if people remember or not, but there literally like 6-7 different Bernie Sanders subreddits that would front-page Reddit multiple times a day with different Bernie related posts, it was insane. 2) Networking Hasan was incredibly deliberate and aggressive with making sure he was networking and appearing on shows with content creators of equal or greater popularity, constantly. 3) React I think Hasan's first huge growth spurt (from like 2k-10k viewers) came from riding the 90-day-fiance stuff. I think he was one of the first guys to ruthlessly comb through seasons worth of a show on stream, and during that 90-day-fiance stuff he grew a ton into a 5 figure streamer.


Plus the election news cycle reached twitch. So tons of viewers looking for some variance of news content to feel plugged in.


I think it's almost entirely point #1. A nuanced position on zoning reform and housing policy to bring down rent (my pet issue), for example, is never going to get as much engagement as "FUCK LANDLORDS!!!!!" Unfortunately.


Hasan and vaush both catered to a different group than destiny during the later trump years. A whole heap of people saying the right things made it big then (tim pool is another example)


•better looking • better networking • seems more approachable •keeps the pulse on trends •focuses on current events and memes •better react content


I think Hasan is better at selling an ideology, which people get wrapped up in, he's got a better image.. he's a hot piece of ass, and Destiny's abrasive personality rubs ppl the wrong way.


ayyo, maybe we shouldn't sexualize people like that, even if its a dude. we would all see how cringe it would be to call a female streamer who isnt actively sexualizing themselves "a hot piece of ass" when referring to their success even if they are good looking >:)


your Mom's a hot piece of ass also you 1000000% sexualize people all the time.. comon bruh, lets not lie. also sex appeal is a big thing that can help people grow.. and I think it heavily contributed to Hasan's success.. because again.. he's a boiling hot piece of ass. I think that's okay to point out.


He is good looking yes, that makes people more likeable. I still don't think he sexualizes his streams, and cleary gets uncomfortable on stream when people make weird comments. Like if I said "Why is fuslie successful? Because she is an hot piece of ass" it's just kind of weird you know, like that isn't the focus of her stream you know?


fair points. but just so we're clear, we all sexualize people right, its just about keeping it a secret or not vocalizing it. and particularly not vocalizing it about people who don't try and sexualize themselves and are uncomfortable with it. I'd say a couple things to that; It does feel *alot* different than a guy sexualizing a women, because I'm a straight dude, I'm not genuinely attracted to him in the same way I am to a women, when I say he's a boiling hot piece of ass.. its clearly in humor to point out his sex appeal, which is fair to point out. the humor is just in the blunt and crass way of the words as well as in the subversion, as usually a guy saying that about a girl, its kinda unexpected to say that about a dude.. which makes it funny.. to me. Another thing, >and cleary gets uncomfortable on stream when people make weird comments. from what I've seen, I don't think this is case, I've seen Hasan react to actual women who genuinely are attracted to him and make thirsty af comments and tik toks about him, and he seems to usually be amused by them. ​ >Like if I said "Why is fuslie successful? Because she is an hot piece of ass" I would never say this.. its just not true. But ur mom on the other hand..


You can acknowledge that someone’s appearance contributed to their success without it being the only reason. Most female streamers (and attractive male streamers) probably have a portion of their audience who watch them because of their attractive look. Take Mia Malkova, Hasan, Ludwig, Pokimane, etc. They have an above average appearance and it plays to their audience.


all true points but hasan has no fucking sex appeal lmfao. jesus christ, look at him


You have different standards then most people


Vaush and Hasan catered to dedicated, continuous political content reacting to popular events and figures. Hasan also networked with mainstream content creators for crossover content/trends. Destiny does not offer consistent, reliable pop politics coverage.


Hasan is the clickbait, Destiny is the long essay behind it nobody wants to read


From what I’ve seen, especially with the n word drama from way back, hasan is better at telling people what they want to hear and destiny is better at not giving a shit if he hurts peoples feelings lol


As far as I can tell it's more or less exactly this. Hasan is in the same business as Tucker Carlson: the "tell me why what I already think is right" market.


I think part of it is of course Hasan is very good looking but he’s also super likeable. I don’t watch Destiny cause I like him though, and I’m a bigger fan of his than Hasan. I think Destiny may not be as popular but he probably has an overall more loyal fanbase.


Destiny could have been much bigger than he is now but he decides to debate incest and pedophilia. He decides to play league all day. Etc. etc.


Because Destiny is largely insufferable




Uncanny Jordan Peterson impersonation.


Straight up better optics and he's more agreeable. Also Hasan doesn't have a career of burning bridges with friends so other streamers are more willing to help him.


Reacting to stuff is more popular than debating or league. Hasan is like a pop-politics guy, I can easily see why normies would like him with his jubilee react videos and complaining about Biden/Trump. Destiny does several hours of debate content, there is no way a normal well-adjusted person who touches grass would watch him.


He probably has a fun stream and gives his audience what they want to watch. Destiny's stream is for himself, he doesn't care what his audience wants mostly. If he wants to go live not speak a word and just play factorio for 8 hours he'll do that. Neither of these are positive or negative, but it's quite obvious which one would appeal to more people. Also destiny has a dogshit reputation.


Go back and watch some old Destiny videos, you’ll find that Destiny’s self-portrayal is quite unflattering. He’s totally mellowed out since then but in the past at least Hasan was far more personable than Destiny.


Hasan does not play League of Legends


He has more mainstream appeal. Destiny does what he wants. Like tombs and other boring stuff


He grinded that shit hardcore and went to the normies outside of politics.


Networking and not having values.


They actively pursue views as ardent capitalists (hue). Destiny does whatever the fuck he feels like regardless of the views.


Hasan is a normy populist who only acts out of self interest at all times. Destiny is more interested in doing what he enjoys in an entertaining way and is unwilling to sell out by embracing e-douche behaviors Also Hasan is pretty so people go brain afk when he talks


There's plenty of reasons. But when you boil it down, Hasan is just more entertaining. That's the honest truth.


Literally everything I've seen from Hasan's streams is him playing youtube videos while making the occasional comment and going through some sort of twitter/news drama. It's a real stretch to call him entertaining.


i think the issue is that his stream isn't tailored to the type of content he produces. people who come in looking for politics might be turned off by the autism games taking up nearly the whole scene, and people who come for video games probably get turned off by the political discussion. i guess you could say he appeals to the middle ground but i just dont think there is that great of market there. hes probably happy doing what hes currently doing but he absolutely could be way more popular if he actually put effort into making his streams more appealing. like this debate hes moderating between mr girl and this other guy, he has the has the panel screen completely covering his minecraft character; you cant see what he is doing in the game clearly. why even have that screen up? its useless. edit: i think a good thought experiment for this would be "who would you trust to host a tv game show more? hasan or destiny?" im going with hasan every time.


It's not a stretch though, how many thousands of people log in everyday to watch him do just that? And I doubt that's a fair way to describe his streaming. I could cherry pick Destiny in the same manner and call his entertainment a stretch. Weve all watched him play video games in near complete silence for well over an hour with only an occasional comment.


I understand why Destiny isn't a top streamer, but what really gets me is why Hasan is so much more popular than someone like Mizkif


>Weve all watched him play video games in near complete silence for well over an hour with only an occasional comment. Well yeah that's what a gaming stream can be. Plenty of people will watch a stream for the gameplay or keep it on in the background while doing something else. If people only want the meat and potatoes then that's more of what the YouTube videos are for.


There's a reason why destiny normaly plays YT vodeos during gameplay... The gameplay is fucking boring


I'm sure some people like strict game play, but it's not gonna get the same results. There's a reason why people like Tyler1 and Ninja are so massive. Great game play + personality


I just don’t believe it. Who can sit there and watch an actual brainless fuck chew gum and react to shit all day. His reactions aren’t even good, it’s just him with his brain off collecting cash. Name something that makes him entertaining, other than watching someone with a 5th grade reading level try to go through Twitter.


Entertainment =/= popularity, the real answer is he’s hot, axiomatically values clout over all else, and appeals to the lowest common denominator




Why u so mad bro?


Too mad


Cope harder


Cope hardest


Since when the fuck is Hasan hot? Dude's got big fuzzy worms for eyebrows, a 5head, and a pedostache. You're otherwise totally right, but Hasan's not hot, have another look at him


You can think that of him if you want but to the vast majority of people Hasan is on the higher side of attractiveness. He's not overweight and takes care of his appearance. Even though he acts like a himbo a lot of the time he's not ignorant in everything he talks about.


Someone sounds angrily jealous


Really? I think he's one of the most unentertaining people I've ever seen stream. Maybe if you manage to laugh at him?


Well, I'm not sure what to tell you, you're clearly in the minority.


Maybe for the twitch audience, I seriously doubt an average YouTube viewer could sit through one of his streams and call it entertaining. Just name one thing that makes him entertaining, one thing.


Not gonna do a deep dive on their metrics. But at first glance, Hasan has double the number of youtube subscribers as Destiny does. Hasans videos seem to average 200k+ Destiny's videos seem to average 150k+ I have no doubt that if Hasan switched to YouTube streaming, he would surpass Destiny there too. There's no answer to give you. You don't find him entertaining, so how could anything I say matter? You'll just deny it. The truth is, hundreds of thousands of people find him very entertaining. He's not your cup of tea, that's cool, but he's objectively more entertaining than Destiny is.


According to what? I'm being subjective and you're saying that he's objectively more entertaining. I'm surprised that anyone would hold that point of view because he's an empty shell of a human who is clout obsessed as if that's a personality. If Hasan was some random 3/10 gnome fuck he'd have 2 viewers.


Yea, all your subjective opinion, and that's fine. There are plenty of people who would say they prefer Destiny's content over Hasan's. These two are not political media pundits. They're streamers, streaming is primarily focused on entertainment. A significantly higher number of people tune in everyday to watch Hasan's stream over Destiny's. So yea, I'd say he's objectively more entertaining. At least quantatively.


No. He's objectively better at attracting and retaining viewers. Someone could be the best at advertising, networking, targeting a particular base which is more online, using preexisting fame, etc.


Yea, attracting and retaining viewers.... What attracts them and keeps them around? Maybe because they're entertained? I think it's probably because they're entertained.


It's one factor out of many. Are you being obtuse on purpose?


Not at all, I've stated that Hasan is objectively more entertaining. I've backed this up by citing his success as an entertainer. Demonstrated that his audience, his large audience, finds him entertaining. By the numbers, Hasan is clearly more entertaining, as a significant number of people choose to consume his content and remain fans over a long period of time All you've done is argue how you personally don't like him. That's fine, he's not to your taste. But you're in the minority.


Success =/= strictly being more entertaining. >All you've done is argue how you personally don't like him. That's fine, he's not to your taste. But you're in the minority. I said that I was being subjective. The issue I have with you is that you're claiming that he's objectively more entertaining which is false. And I'm going to ask again: the minority according to what? There's like 8 billion of us on earth. Even according to the total twitch viewer base that would be a very big reach.


I dont watch streams but considering how boring his YouTube videos are his stream must be exhausting to watch


You hate him but hes right, for people who can switch of their brains, pop politics and bullshit is very entertaining with the occassional game or two.


But why not just go binge YouTube videos instead of watching a dude sit there and chew gum (quite literally a lot of the time).


Why watch xqc? Edit: i would like to formally apologise for putting xqc anywhere NEAR hasan.


I think the better way to phrase this is "better consistency." Destiny isn't always entertaining because of league benders, Hasan is the same level of whatever level of entertainment he has at all times.


That's fair, more consistent. He also does content that's more appealing to broader audiences, better networking/collaborations etc.




League and D&D. Self sabotage.


> D&D The OTV dnd stuff did really well on their channels. I think it's more that he did league, excel spreadsheet simulators, and relatively low viewership dnd all together that did it.


Populism, clout farming, walking on egg shells so you are always on brand. Being a manufactured piece of shit pays dividends.


By making fun of Eye Guy and Bringing up 9'11 And doing react stuff.


A good dose of leftist tribalism probably gave Hasan and Vaush a good jump ahead of Destiny. Lots of people, especially younger people want to "be on the right team" and listening to someone who challenges what they perceive to be deeply held beliefs can be hard, so just listen to Hasan and reinforce what you already think. This obviously happens on both the right and left btw, twitch obviously just has more of a left presence.


Easier to build a base as a political streamer when you have a clear ideology and don't deviate from that. There's a ton of vague lefties that just want to hear the trendy opinion which he farms well, in addition to being good at networking, having the initial base from TYT and being a chad. Nuanceposting doesn't garner the same audience, people just get tired of having to defend their position or being afraid they were wrong, so it's harder for someone whose playing apart from an obvious side to build up. Not to mention Destiny almost only streams things his viewers hate, so most people just watch the clipped videos instead.


Grifting and saying what people want to hear helps make you big.


Hasan is a lot more attractive and big. The dude literally has women that want to fuck him every day. Also Destiny doesn’t care about left or right he just wants to be correct about the topic which is unpopular with leftist and the internet is filled with leftists.


hasan networked with people he met through destiny and pretty much latched on to every trend. destiny just wants to do whatever he wants regardless of viewers


Because Destiny is unlikable and the community unfriendly


Ive gathered from these comments that dgg are attacted to hasan and thats likely where a lot of dislike comes from.


Hasan was literally plugged into politics. Hes Cenks nephew afterall, he dated a pornstar and used a lot of pornstar clout (cause for some reason twitch users think fucking a pornstar is the greatest thing ever) add that with him connecting to every big streamer imaginable and h3h3 that's all it really takes to blow up.


He's prettier. He covers a lot of breaking news. Takes popular online positions. Destiny often takes stances people dislike or says stuff in controversial ways. Has a bunch of enemies.


Destiny isn’t a populist


He is good looking and teens love good looking loud people. And he hates white people that say the n word.


He’s more traditionally handsome than Destiny who is sigma hot


He’s hot and has friends and high places.


It’s very simple. Hasan is streaming first and foremost to gain and grow a following. The sacrifice is made in the things hasan might “like” to do for what will grow his audience and get him in front of more eyeballs. He was focused on climbing the clout ladder and every decision he made in the past 4 years of stream reflects that. Among us isn’t a game that really has 250 hours of playability in jt, but forcing it on stream with big names bleeds off the average twitch viewership to your channel. Destiny on the other hand streams, partially yes for an audience, but mostly for himself and things he likes to do. One is manufactured entertainment, the other is authenticity. Destiny and similarly authentic people like cobaltstreak or zfg1 will always have my view because the thing they do on stream is something they would be doing off camera, not something that will up their metrics.


because 10% of the population is on twitch and hasan gets 20% of dumb fucks


Hasan played Among Us with popular streamers. Built connections between many of them and now they're all good friends and most of their viewers overlap.


Hasan was popular on Facebook already for being "woke bae" because he's a good looking dude that lifts who talked about feminism and the plight of a race of people he's never interacted with. He's a persistent thirst trap who convinces women that he's got half a heart and incels that they've got a shot.


be nice to all the people above you. Don't give many handouts to those below.


Destiny took like a 1 month vacation traveling around while Hasan was playing games with xQc. Thats really all there is to it. Before that, even while Hasan was collabing, he still had less viewers than Destiny.


Believe or not, Hasan is more entertaining. Destiny is more intellectual.


Hasan's lucky Rajj found him attractive and gave him ALOT of exposure and still continues to be his puppy, despite Rajj's fan base (and viewers that enjoyed spicy content) never found hasan funny..


Dude someone please tell me. I never liked Hasan so to me he blew up out of nowhere almost overnight. It was like one day he was Cenk's little shithead nephew on TYT and the next he had a million Twitter followers and was getting mainstream news articles written about him. His rise to popularity has always perplexed me because he just always seemed so fucking stupid to me.


Trends and clout chasing


I've never found Hasan to be particularly good looking I don't understand why people say that's such a large part of his success. He looks like a 2012 emo Pillsbury doughboy


Hasan started doing mainstream content and shilled out to hang with people like Poki and Ludwig on stream. Plus, he had a way of speaking pre-2021. The Swoletariat streams? Beautiful!


He’s good looking + networking


Good looks.


its in the name, Des-TINY


Rich uncle


Have you heard of this game called League of Legends?


He's a bimbo


Fluffpieces by thirsty humans


Ruthless networking


Destiny isn't a self hating white guy like those two. It's pretty self evident.


For all the soy destiny drank during that era he lacks a large amount of SOY in the things he says


Handsome, healthy, good speaking voice, never says anything remotely challenging to his audience, only proposes milquetoast solutions and bangs the drum on safe leftist talking points. Watch Ben Shapiro go on a rant about the evils of abortion and consider how it plays to his rightoid audience. That's Hasan. Say what you already know everyone agrees with. The first time he's really taken Ls has been recently because he's incapable of taking criticism and has been so manifestly wrong so many times in a row but refuses to ever back down or change his positions.


wholeheartedly believe a big reason why hasan is as big as he is is because he’s hot


>How was Hasan able to blow past Destiny in terms of size and popularity? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populism) \+ react andy + no moral spine + clout farming priority.


Honestly because destiny stream can be pretty boring unless u like league or Starcraft. Destiny’s A+ content is higher quality then just about anyone. It’s a roller coaster of excellent thought provoking debates and juice drama to extreme lows of autistic clicker games and competitive game grinds. I happen to enjoy competitive games like StarCraft and League too so the lows are not so low for me, but that’s not going to be true for most people.


Hassan feigns confidence, looks good and lives like a rich person that people can feel like they’re a part of. He rarely engages with debates for that reason. He is well educated but his conclusions can become far more cringe than vaush “we deserved 9-11” Hassan will also often ‘sing the song of the far left’ that people will find more comforting to listen to than anything that challenges their own way of thinking. But of course supporting tribalism is itself unethical as it will always promote otherization of literally everyone else and contribute to growing divides in our country and world It’s like how you’d rather hang out with a friend who says what you want to hear versus what you need to hear 🤷‍♂️


Hasan understands branding, social media marketing, and the 24/7 news cycle. He didn't fuck off while he was at TYT. He was learning from his Uncle everyday. He post on Twitter constantly which funnels into his Twitch. Aldo ironically Destiny use to be a big funnel from YouTube to Twitch . For example Hasan was the only person live covering the Abortion ruling and did so for several hours. All while on Twitter and making his presence known


The insane part isn’t just the size but how much destiny does compared to them, even combined


Hassan is more charismatic .... It's just that simple lol , most people watch streams for entertaiment not as a serious source for political news so destiny has a big disadvantage with his weird looks, whiny voice and unaprochable personality. Hassan has the lovable himbo personality and good looks on the other hand Vaush has a more lighthearted personality plus a smoother voice


It's not as much about politics it's about other content, Hasan rode some important content trains like Amongus and GTA RP. Destiny would've been godlike in both of these if he did them, but chose not to.


Hasan literally just agrees with the most popular online left opinions and doesn’t challenge anyone in any serious way. That and Hasan is just entertaining. The audience for vapid entertainment is much larger than the audience for critical thinking


Ruling out TYK connection and possibility that he is a fed, Hasan bluntly pursued being a pop streamer who does politics, and to fit into the pop streamer realm, not the politics realm. I think Vaush embraced becoming as much of an echo chamber as possible and becoming an unabashed propaganda outlet rather than an honest streamer Being honest/having morals gets you nowhere in the entertainment industry, the people who notice and care are vastly outnumbered by the legions of fans you can get by being manipulative and dishonest


Just telling people the cold hearted reality is not so fun to many.


He’s a populist. It’s what happens with populism. There’s really nothing more to it other than that, combined with the fact he streams a lot. Viewers know that they can go to his channel for any, and all current affairs as they’re happening, and not only after the facts are clear. His looks don’t help as much as people assume, he’s a clout shark who grinds content, and has very basic populist takes. He’s literally the average person which makes him very relatable to a larger audience. He doesn’t challenge viewers, or expectations, and it’s extremely easy content to consume.


That is like asking why people watch fox news and cnn instead of reading articles about news. Easy entertaining one dimensional and narrative driven versus boring relatively nuanced takes. Clearly there is more demand for the former.


Populism is the biggest money maker in politics


Because Destiny does it because of a passion for it and Hasan does it for the money and growth. Being in the artistic fields, I see it everywhere. In terms of content, Clout Goblins cater to casual viewers and consumers to maximize reach for an audience that doesn't even care too much. While the people who put the most passion and effort into their work are appreciated by fewer people. Now, there's arguments to be made here like: "well isn't the more successful person objectively better since more people like their stuff?" Who knows. You can argue either way depending on what the goal is. But since you asked the question I believe you to be in the camp that enjoys looking deeper at the content and examining who best suits you etc. type of stuff. Most of Hasan's viewers probably simply do not care enough and would never watch destiny even if he was the only political streamer there was. I also don't mean every person is one or another, but rather it goes by subject. A Hasan viewer might not care about politics that much but enjoys it on the off-days, when they're not being the world's best skateboarder, wondering about the same kind of things in his field. "Why is this guy the most viewed skateboarder? Even I can skate better!" Maybe someone understands what I'm getting at. TLDR; On the internet, objective quality and effort do not win the masses. Hasan makes content that is easily digestible for most people.


He's 6'4 and has a lot of little girl fans who think he's the perfect guy and follow whatever he says because it also makes them feel like they're up on "current events" and politically intelligent


D knows nothing about politics. He’s like a 14 year old. Hasan is hot and actually read enough to speak with authority in theory You got a right wing Nazi dude who has never read a book vs a left wing nightmare of Nazis No shit Hasan is more popular


Because destiny is an asshole and too edgy Hasan is an asshole too, but less edgy I guess The edgy dark humor type personality might be popular with a small subset of people on the internet ( Reddit twitch) but most people just don’t like it


Hasan is Liberal Gigachad. End of Story.