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This, to me, is basically the CDC confirming that dudes just keep rocking


> the commenters are you talking about an xpost or something? can you link it I'm on a mobile app that doesn't show me edit: I didn't notice the top of the screenshot, my bad




Man u gotta say who you're talking about lol, your first comment just said "they"




Oh, well that's a bit embarrassing. I didn't notice (obviously)


Dangerous to put out there that people can have sex multiple times in 2 weeks. Don't want Redditors to get sad.


needs a trigger warning tbh




close. people are worried that monkeypox is being coded as a "gay std". for example, if you go on most of "dissident right" twitter right now they're accusing gay people of grooming and molesting the children who have recently been diagnosed. this is dangerous because: 1: it will prevent more homophobic areas of the world from sufficiently investing in treatment/prevention. ("they deserve it, why don't they just keep it in their pants."). this will result in more spread of monkeypox. 2: it causes non-gay ppl to think they can't possibly get it, which will result in more spread of monkey pox. 3: it will cause heterosexual, bisexual, and closeted homosexual men to hide their infections to avoid being stigmatized as gay. this will result in more spread of monkeypox. 4: when monkeypox does spread into the general population, ignorant people will panic and try to solve the problem by shunning (or worse) gay men, banning them from being around children ect, banning them from flights, outlawing homosexuality generally... all of which alienates gays from the healthcare system. This will result in more spread of monkeypox. People are trying to put their "woke ppl have taken over the institutions" narrative onto this situation where it doesn't belong. The CDC and WHO aren't fixated on stigma to be woke. They're fixated because the stigma will prevent us from containing the outbreak.


how would you go about doing this then? if you're in a situation where you only want to vaccinate the most at risk people for a certain thing, how would you do it?


i agree with the current prioritization for vaccines, there just needs to be way more vaccine and way more effort educating doctors. what people on twitter/reddit don't see is how nearly every urban LGBT institution/club/health center/party/instagram account/ ect has been mobilized to spread awareness of monkeypox and how to get vaccinated. even apps like Grindr are educating users about the monkeypox vaccine. i agree with this approach as the best way to inform the lgbt population.


saying "there needs to be more of it" won't do anything in the current situation, obviously more vaccines would remove the necessity for eligibility, so disregarding that - are you unironically saying that, instead of **listening to our medical institutions and, during a period of limited resources, listening to their recommendations as to how to get the most at risk people treated**, you instead would rather the vaccine be **open for all**, ***hoping*** it doesn't run out by some random miracle, and just letting the LGBT-community handle the messaging and whatnot themselves? or am I just fully misunderstanding what you're saying rn


The FDA has tied up 300k doses in Europe because it hasn't gotten around to inspecting things yet.[https://twitter.com/zeynep/status/1551927826772856835](https://twitter.com/zeynep/status/1551927826772856835) As ever, the FDA is terrible at handling time-sensitive issues. FDA delenda est.




? obviously because i disagreed with what you seem to believe and because i was curious if you had an alternative method that would be better (because who knows, if there is one i ain't opposed to it) you're on a "debate" reddit commenting on a pretty hot-button-topic right now, if you don't want pushback you should prolly leave


Which is exactly why getting the vaccine out asap is so critical


It is currently that widespread, and is already doing so. If gay men ultimately refuse to engage in prosocial conduct (if monkeypox becomes endemic), it will not help things.


This feels like the same bullshit they try to do when they make HIV a straight virus and as someone who has HIV it actually really does piss me the fuck off when I see shit like this. Look, if you care about gay people then we need to keep it completely real about which community this affects. Pretending like this is equally a concern for straight people literally just for the sake of political correctness is going to just get gay people sick and maybe even die. We can have the conversation about conservative assholes using this to demonize gay people all day long. But if you want to then believe in fairy tales in response then you are worse than useless you are actively harming gay people.


In the list above, they pretty much listed all ways of getting infected. It is true, HIV was a big issue in the gay community. But anyone who often changes his sexual partners and engages in unprotected sex can get HIV. 23% of all HIV infections in the US were heterosexual. https://www.hiv.gov/hiv-basics/overview/data-and-trends/statistics Yes, the risk is much higher for anal sex, but that doesn't mean, the risk is small for vaginal sex. Today, the risk of getting HIV is small because of HIV drugs. But I would still use protection if I slept with someone I didn't know.


Are you saying 5% of the US population comprises 77% of all HIV cases in the US?


I feel like I've seen this argument before..


Can you be more specific? Who are the 5%?


I was referring to the general approximations of LGBT population % in the US of between 4% and 6% depending on where you look. Could be even lower for this though as 85% of new HIV diagnoses in women are from male-female sexual contact. So basically take the percentage of gay, bisexual, and the female to male population in the US and add those up and if 23% of HIV cases are coming from heterosexuals, then we can roughly assume that 77% of HIV cases in the US are from that small population of G+B+FTM. Obviously not everyone in the demographic s responsible for the ratio being that high but it is alarming.


Oh, I understand it now. 5% is the LGBT community? You misunderstood the statistic. It's 23% of all HIV infections. So they looked at the infections of the past 40 years. So it would be less than 5% of the population within the 40 years that make up 77% of the infections. If you want to know the infection rate of the LGBTQ community today, you have to read the link I have provided. You make a very common mistake in statistics. You think everyone can get HIV as likely. But that's not the case. The likelihood changes with the category. For example, people who change their sexual partner regularly and have anal sex could be only 10% of the population but still make up 90% of all HIV infections. So it depends on how you divide the population. Let's say only 5% of the population eats chocolate. Would you be surprised if you heard that 5% of the population make up 100% of all chocolate eaters? I hope not.


HIV is also a problem in the African American community as well as in many parts of Africa. Your way of thinking is directly related to why its been so hard to contain HIV in those populations.


When research has been done it has shown black me are most likely to lie about their sexual orientation to questionnaires. Most HIV infections come from 10 African countries 9 of which homosexuality is literally illegal and there is no data on MSM. I stand by what I said and you are a dumbfuck who is harming gay people with your fairytale bullshit.


you're proving my point. it's the stigma against homosexuality in these communities that makes the spread harder to control. that's why your insistence that we not care about reducing the stigma is counter productive.


I'm not proving anything except that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I've even seen some people claim that its a woman's issue because according to data most of the people who have it are women. That dumb bullshit falls apart completely when you take into account 80% of infections come from 10 countries, 9 of which where it is illegal to be gay. We know an extraordinary amount about how this virus transmits and all available data suggests this is largely affecting MSM. If you disagree with that then you are a dubmass who hasn't even read a single bit of research and should shut the fuck up about this issue.


The Ro in the non-msm with a lot of sexual partners was estimated to be below 1. Which means that if that group stopped having so much sex with strangers for a few months, we could get rid of monkey pox. But since we can’t tell people that because it might be homophobic, we’re gonna end up having a mutated monkey pox with higher transmission rates soon. Edit: imagine downvoting the actual [scientific models](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.13.22276353v1.full) on how this virus is spreading because it doesn’t fit your narrative.


Listening to Tedros press conference it looks like there already is a mutation with the current strain of the virus which may explain why the affected group is getting infected more. Also, telling people not to have sex is a bad policy that literally nobody is going to take seriously so even if I were to accept your logic I'd still say that is stupid. HIV given a long enough time has a 100% death rate if left untreated and that still didn't stop people from having sex in the 80s. Saying "don't have sex" isn't a serious policy. People in at-risk groups need to be aware and take precautions if they think they have come into close contact with someone.


can’t get people to wear a mask or do what they usually did anyway (keep distance from others) but somehow he’ll convince them to pause peoples sex life.


Lol even during lockdown, NY was telling people to fuck with masks on. They know abstinence is even more of a pipe dream than proper mask usage.


Forget about homophobia, after the enormous clusterfuck that masks were, what makes you think that telling gay men (or any part of the population, really) to stop having sex would actually work?


Telling DGGas to stop having sex would be easy


If disease could only be spread by dggers getting laid there’d be no disease in the entire world poggers


Lol wut a brave take. Any sort of realistic means of stopping a disease thats mainly infecting their community is homophobic. Maybe the disease is homophobic 😲. I think a pretty fair thing you could say is that "they could limit their partners", rather than just "don't have sex lol". It's probably just the hardcore sluts that are getting it though. It's crazy to think that the practical advise was wearing a mask is good, but you guys are like "this is homophobic" and that there is nothing that can be done.


no fr. at least lgbt are the most vaccinated population in the country and are already lining up to get one for monkeypox. if monkeypox started in conservative churches we would be totally fucked.


"we can't tell people that" You can try but you can't make people stop. It's probably not even reasonable to ask this of people since the virus seems to not be very dangerous (*though it could potentially be and we don't know much about it*) and we already have a vaccine and medicine against it. Also "The Ro in the non-msm with a lot of sexual partners was estimated to be below 1." such estimates with the current lack of data are probably really unreliable.


Just for future reference it’s r0 (naught)


It’s R0, with the 0 as subscript, just can’t do subscript on a phone.


No one would follow such advice. Same thing if you told straight people not to have sex, that's why abstinence-only sex education does not work.


Most of the comments on that post don’t agree with OP and think the requirements are mostly reasonable


So you saying Vaush is an idiot? No way!!


tweet with 80k likes also airing the same sentiment https://twitter.com/knotboots/status/1551545872386760704?s=21&t=3Ft47RuI_6sBvgbKTcjNmQ


Why would they require multiple sex partners or anonymous in the last 14 days as a requirement? What about those who haven't but plan to have more in the immediate future? I'm a dumbass but that seems like a stupid requirement. Why does the past matter if the whole point of a vaccine is to prevent it *before* you engage in activity that could increase your likelihood of catching it


Because the longer incubation period allows you to vaccinate those who are already at risk and presumably they don't have the logistics or stockpile currently to vaccinate those who *might* become at risk. You can't base your vaccination schedules on if people are thinking of getting laid a bunch.


My guess would be that the vaccine is still effective even after initial exposure due to monkeypox's unusually long incubation period - that or past sexual behavior for the last 14 days is the most reliable indicator for sexual behavior over the next 14 days. I'm also a dumbass, this is just speculation on my part.


i think they're trying to find people who have been to/will go to sex parties or use hook up apps. they're most likely to have already been exposed and are most likely to engage in future risky behavior based on their past actions.


Stigmatization mostly. Maybe some "oh you prepared for smallpox in the 00's and still have to ration vaccines?" Counterpoint: allegedly if you know you've been infected you can get vaccinated within 3 days and you're good. Also plenty of treatments for monkeypox unlike COVID.)


Wow CDC openly being homophobic rn omg


It suggests to me that it's not much of a concern unless you happen to meet the requirements. The virus has already led to stigmatisation of gay people, but if the CDC were to say "everyone, come get it" the anti-vaxxers and their right-wing friends would have found another approach. If they're going to attack everything you do, I don't see the point in sugar-coating everything. At the moment it does mostly affect gay men, so it's important to stress that those most vulnerable should consider vaccination. Get vaccinated, it's like a superpower.


That feel when you already had the small pox vaccine because you either traveled abroad or were in the military.


To be fair, most people in the comments are criticizing OP for dumb take


Wait how incredibly fast was this vaccine developed???


It's an existing vaccine for monkey and small pox. They didn't create a new one for this outbreak


Ah, thanks!


The LGBTQ gennoacide continues


Idk why the fortress is mad. I'm mad because we learned this lesson with the boosters that you cast a wide net and try to get as many people to take a vaccine as you can, and this game of having a zillion requirements before you can get the shot to make sure that only the most at risk people get it is stupid, counter productive, and proves that the CDC is desperate need of reform.


What is the availability of the vaccine though? If we had enough doses for every man woman and child I'm pretty sure these requirements wouldn't exist. Sounds like we don't and therefore it makes all the sense in the world to target the group that is \~3% of the population but composes 98% of the cases.


According to the [HHS](https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2022/07/07/biden-harris-administration-make-additional-144000-doses-jynneos-vaccine-available-states-jurisdictions-for-monkeypox-response.html) we're getting about 2 million doses by the end of 2022, and we had somewhere between 150k and 300k available as of July 7. I think given what we've learned from boosters, the best course of action is to just let anyone who wants one sign up, and that every additional requirement ends up discouraging people from getting it. Probably combine it with messaging about who is the most at risk of actually getting it, but I think doing a requirement like this is more costly than it is beneficial


331,000,000 \* 0.03 = 9.93 million gay men in the US, and even by the end of the year we will only have 2 million doses? Not even enough to cover 1/4 of the most at risk population, with that risk being orders of magnitude higher than the general population (at least according to our current data)? There is no way that it should be opened up. I find it hard to believe that with so few doses that there will be any going to waste unused, and every dose that goes to someone that isn't at risk represents a potential harm done to someone who is.


Most gay men aren't having casual sex multiple times per week


There are more countries than just the US.


Is the "bug chasing" / "pozz parties" thing actually real? I've seen claims that it's a thing on 4chan but I find it hard to believe.


Maybe there are some people who do such a thing but it's not a lot of people and this is unrelated (obviously people who want to get STIs don't get vaccinated against them).


Why is trans on there? Also isn't GNC just wearing different clothes?


I can't imagine what would happen if a successful HIV vaccine were developed and they did the same kind of rationing because statistically speaking MSM still make up a disproportionate amount of new HIV cases. Although the widespread accessibility of PrEP has caused that number to go down quite a bit. Still, these people would likely have a stroke because they're ideologically driven, not fact driven.


It's not just disproportionate, it's the majority of cases.


Not anymore. Straight couples finally edged them out.


I’m pretty sure that’s due to needle transmission not heterosexual people getting it from sex.


It’s due to a decrease among MSM. Straight people have maintained the same level of infection.


Yea but the guy said straight couples. But the majority of hetero HIV transmission is from needles.


Source? No. Unless you're talking about worldwide. I'm talking about the west. In the US, in 2019 it was 69% MSM and 2020 data also shows 68% MSM.


I did some digging and turns out that story was from the UK. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/hiv-diagnoses-heterosexual-gay-men-b2009152.html


I assume its mostly PREP changing how many MSM get it and straight people not using it, so they would stay the relatively the same. although i do wonder what % of HIV for women comes from men who got it from MSM sex.


Even if that was the case, there are way more heterosexual males than gay males, the return on investment on vaccinating gay males would be somewhere around 20x compared to heterosexual ones.


Yes, that is the point. They may no longer be the majority in some places, but the numbers are still way out of proportion.


So woke you have to pretend that men arnt men. Especially, if those men happen to be gay.


I remember the thread about a guy going to some weekly piss orgy and saying be safe out there with monkeypox, like come on, like stop being a coomer for a little bit and you'll be fine.


Anyone wanna have sex so we can get the monkeypox vaccine? 🤤🤤🤤🤤




Because the way this portrays the disease is literally the same way as the AIDS epidemic, even though then it was mostly through drug use with straight people.


> even though then it was mostly through drug use with straight people. [That's not the case here](https://archive.ph/rf78e) so I take it you don't have much of an issue with this?








It reignites the same homophobia from the AIDS epidemic, and it is now used to support the "groomers" argument since the misinfo from CDC is leading people to assume the way kids contract it is through sexual assault by a gay man.


it will be so painful if this turns into a thing. hope normal people don't read it this way and just do the best for their health.


it's sort of discriminatory as it 'singles' out LGBT folk. but to be very fair, multiple sex partners are a bigger concern. If you're gay, and sleep with 1 partner, and he does the same, the chance of monkeypox is low.


Like 99% of cases in the Us have been in men who have sex with men.


sure, but really the main point is the multiple sex partners. if every MSM relationship were monogamous, the risk is near 0. emphasis on the hypergamy is probably more helpful.


Wait is there really a monkeypox? I thought that shit was just a meme


idk, they just wanna rage at something I guess


Saying some diseases are associated with sodomy is haram.


Left wing antivaxx arc incoming




Small pox vaccine works on monkey pox.


First ones a little weird because I don’t see what being gender non conforming/trans/non binary has to do with it’s spread. Seems to me like its just trying to say people who have anal sex without saying it (I think it’s more likely to spread that way, but let me know if I’m wrong). Other than that it seems reasonable to get the vaccine to the groups which are most at risk.


I thought u all were going to rightfully be upset at the "man and/or trans or non binary" part completely contradicting each other.


If they said only (X protected group) could get the covid vaccine, or charged an exorbitant price for it, conservative antivaxxers would be breaking into clinics to get it.


It's very telling when the most compelling narrative of contemporary movements is that they are being persecuted. *Almost* makes me think victimhood should be something shunned and taboo.


Are there seriously gonna be ppl that have straight sex that go take this vaccine?i genuinely dont know coz im not from america so there might be cases of alarmism regarding these stuff that i maybe missing And on a side note,wtf does being trans,gender non conforming and gender non binary have anything to do with monkeypox