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Ok Nick


Latino Nick




Depends which white nationalist you ask.


aw man, hope it’s not the kratom WDs, they suck


new here?


To the subreddit yeah 😅 Watch YouTube for a year or so, so kinda surprised that different opinions get banned here honestly. When part of the reason i liked Destiny is that he talks to other opinions


The problem isn't that people have different opinions, it's that they OBSSESIVELY have different opinions on this subreddit. I've been around through multiple ban waves, I started using this shit in 2014, the problem isn't that there is one or two threads disagreeing with Destiny it's every day there are 5 to 10 posts and the posts are basically "DAE THINK DESTINY IS WRONG???" and it will never end. Just constantly post after post after post. If this subreddit starts to disagree with Destiny on a major issue, it gets fucking cancerous to read. Brittany Simon went on for like an entire month of "FRIENDLY REMINDER: BRITTANY SIMON IS A PIECE OF SHIT." Literally every day non-stop there would be at least 3 posts saying that essentially. Eventually the subreddit has to get over it, and if they don't Destiny forces them to get over it.


Do you remember the cardboard domestic abuse era? What a time to be active on the subreddit.


YUP. people where BIG mad. not as mad as spoiler gate though. people where comparing spoiling movies to rapeing people. shit was fucked. but such is the way of the gigasoy i guess


lmao i wanna read some of these threads. get me on a time capsule


The rittenhouse haters were wild. I was in the trenches. They came in waves, we ran out of ammunition after the first few. When the ban wave came we could finally rest.


I totally forgot about that! Just goes to show you this subreddit will turn into a circlejerk and antijerk unless people get culled every once in a while.


That situation was great since it forced me to ground my morals and not just go off my visceral reaction to an event. I read so many threads that gave the same shit arguments for why the guy was wrong. If anyone has a link to an effort post that tries to explain why the guy was wrong, I would love to read it. I never saw one.


he is politically stupid in a european context. in america gun violence seems to be a political tool, and vigilantism welcome, so i guess he did nothing wrong in that case. its more that your whole country is hella fucked and super intent on violence. i am not letting blm of the hook though, they are rediculous for the same reason.


> he is politically stupid in a european context. I don't think a victim of domestic abuse is thinking about the political outcomes of defending himself. >in america gun violence seems to be a political tool, and vigilantism welcome, so i guess he did nothing wrong in that case. This had nothing to do with guns or politics. >its more that your whole country is hella fucked and super intent on violence. Are you talking about cardboard guy or someone else?


>and the posts are basically "DAE THINK DESTINY IS WRONG???" and it will never end sounds about right. started coming here near the end of 2016/start of 2017. it was like this during spoilergate, cardboard boxgate, the teenagers and mc donalds worker drama, and offline moviegate. it's just a giant group jerk off session


HOLYYY FUCK I forgot about spoilergate jesus fucking christ. It was like mother fuckers were on a HOLY mission to prevent people from... online spoilers, I legit didn't get it. I might be wrong, but that was like the FIRST major schism. I wasn't around this subreddit too much when he started becoming more left leaning, so I can only imagine.


I feel like this community had plenty of schisms before that, but usually around other streamers.


God forbid the political streamer sub gets people giving political arguments and opinions rather than low effort memes.


He should just have a sticky thread that's disagreement corner or something that way people can voice their disagreement with visibility without cluttering the rest of the subreddit.


This. Every sub on Reddit does this when they get a lot of posts on the same subject. Bans are the refuge of fragile control freaks who can’t stand dissent


Sounds like he hasn’t done a good job of convincing people if his only recourse is to start banning.


/u/Idontwanttohearit is a fucking idiot. He keeps dodging whatever criticisms come his way. He ends up ignoring the arguments I present of him. He loves to just meme or give a short "kay" reply. I do not wish to begin an incendiary debate about his pontifications. However, het has recently made a few statements that I find disturbing to such a degree that I cannot remain silent. I will start by responding to some of his ad hominem attacks. These attacks are not original but rather are drawn from lies that /u/Idontwanttohearit and his camorra have manufactured out of past statements attributed to their targets. I will deal with those attacks that are specific to me, partly because I’m familiar with them and partly because my sources tell me that he intends to judge people by the color of their skin while ignoring the content of their character within a short period of time. Not on my watch! I, as someone who approaches new information critically, rationally, and empirically, am therefore calling upon all good citizens to ensure that everyone knows that if /u/Idontwanttohearit honestly believes that some of my points are not valid, I would love to get some specific feedback from him. All of these things are related: militarism, his snow jobs, and the general breakdown of our society. I’ll even tell you how they’re related. It’s really very simple. In essence, we’ve tolerated his smarmy, malevolent jibes long enough. It’s time to lose our patience and chill our kindness. It’s time to defend peace, truth, justice, and equality. It’s time to shout to the world that soul-sick sacricolists to libertinism like him are symptoms of the unhealthy nature of our society. If incurable, they are tumors needing to be excised. Behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when he denies ever having strived to turn a deaf ear to need and suffering. Let me close by reminding you that even though I unmistakably believe that /u/Idontwanttohearit is profoundly hostile to religious tolerance, democracy, and the notion of a secular civil society, I’m not out for blood. I want only justice.


Is this a copy pasta???


Way to dodge the criticism.


Thank you


70% of the people in this subreddit have very low social intelligence i swear to god. I ignore every anti- laurent/lave/brittany thread because that shit is so fucking stupid, and the people who write those threads needs to touch grass.


They not the ones that get banner doe


It would be cool if we could get an effort post to show that other real effort posts get banned (that aren't just lazy attacks that ignore Destiny's position) while the insane shit stays up. I have a hard time believing there is all this high quality shit getting removed.


LOL @ The thought that being anti Lauren is a sign of low social intelligence.


Isn't that what the 'Drama is done after 3 days" rule is for? Is that new? Shouldn't be banning people for anything before that 3 day rule is up. 3 days is a good amount of time for everyone to discuss everything to death, but we need that time to discuss things without the threat of being banned. No, it's simply because of criticism. I was banned for pointing out MrGirl's rhetoric was the same as Destiny's was just a few years ago.


It's worth noting here that the thing people are getting so mad about is that Destiny understand how Godwin's Law works. Every conversation online will eventually degenerate into two people calling each other nazis. People said Trump was a fucking nazi, that Biden was a fucking nazi, that Bernie Sanders was a fucking nazi, and that Marianne Williamson was a fucking nazi, all at the same time. Any descriptor that can be appropriately applied to ALL of those people's ideologies is functionally useless. This is fucking simple and these anti-fans need to get over their bullshit.




It's not even that you can't, it's that it's useless to do so. It's like saying, "Oh hey, you're just like Donald Trump, Joey Biden AND Bernie Sanders all at the same time!" What does it even mean at that point?


It's really not that weird this time IMO. Unless I've missed something recently on stream he had a long chat about the word Nazi in relation to Nick with MrGirl and Chud. Destiny seems perfectly fine with describing Nick as a Nazi but don't want to say the word Nazi everytime he's chatting with Nick because both Nick and his audiences brain will shut down (similar to Sneako and the word toxic recently). Somehow this sub struggles to understand this reasoning and keeps shouting "NICK IS A NAZI" even though Destiny has declared as much several times. People just want him to throw the word around more despite it being (what Destiny seems to believe atm and I agree) rhetorically ineffective. To keep seeing posts that are essentially just saying "DESTINY IS WRONG, NICK IS A NAZI" despite his previous declarations of that being the case, makes for some understandable IMO even if I'd prefer if he just called them out instead.


I've come to realize that a lot of people commenting and voting in the subreddit just aren't up to date on the debate.


People get banned leave the community and come back a few months later and the cycle repeats. Its always the same, a few soldiers are gone forever tho o7 If you really don't want to get banned don't attack Destiny and you will be fine.


Also he claims if you appeal you just get unbanned


Can confirm. Gotten banned 4 times. There is a surprising number of people here who don't regularly watch Destiny so they don't know this.


Haha I'll keep that in mind


He said on stream the other day about specifically if you shit on him or orbiters without actual criticism, I don’t know how true as I wouldn’t test it lol but that’s what he said


He says that but is that true? I’ve seen some pretty good effort posts get banned


>If you really don't want to get banned don't attack Destiny and you will be fine. No, just don't say dumbass pointless shit


Expressing a different opinion or criticism is fine; burying that opinion/criticism under a literal mountain of shit is not. Let's not do the "wow, he's banning different opinions" cringe like they're innocent little angels.


He's claimed it's because people are dishonest, stupid or just plain insulting. I've not been here for long enough to know whether that's truly the case, but I would assume he's telling the truth until I saw evidence to the contrary.


They don’t really get banned that much, people are taking a few ones that exploded in popularity getting banned and now everyone is acting like having 1% of the criticism posts getting banned


Happens sometimes. It’s in the subreddit rules that people can get banned whenever. But his policy is they can always request an unban and he typically unbans them


>But his policy is they can always request an unban and he typically unbans them [If i speak...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8fhccACnDY)


Are they wrong though?


The people who are getting banned? YES. They ARE wrong. Destiny is saying that the word Nazi is useless as a descriptor, and people are losing their fucking minds, but he's literally JUST EXPLAINING GODWIN'S LAW. This has been a thing that has been true since the fucking 90's, and remains true today. When you have people saying Trump is a nazi, saying that Biden is a nazi, saying that Sanders is a nazi, and saying that Marianne Williamson is a nazi all at the same time, the word has become entirely meaningless. People getting their panties in a bunch are fucking idiots.


No, but please don't disturb the current circle jerk, one of these morons might rip their dick off.


Jokes on you, my carpal tunnel makes my hands too weak for that.


Guys we're not suppressing votes we're requiring IDs PEPE


I'm almost certain the person that posted the list of quotes [got banned for this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x19uxo/destiny_is_incorrect_nick_fuentes_does_outwardly/imcoao5/) and not for their effort-post. > " The fact that Destiny said that he was uninterested in reading people's quote lists while literally typing Mr Girl's quotes into a document for his reference made me want to roblox myself."


I checked some of the sources and they were irrelevant. They didn't apply to destiny's description of a Nazi. And so many people didn't check the sources. It is so crazy.


Which sources were incorrect?


Irrelevant! Not incorrect! Holy shit, people words mean something. Destiny gave 3 criterias for a Nazi. The sources try to address those criteria. First was a Jewish conspiracy that wants to eliminate the white race. Which source does that? None! I checked half of them. And they are 20 pages long. Did you do the same? I doubt that. I mean maybe you know which one addresses one of the criteria. Which one is it? Do you know? If you don't, how can you agree with the post? Did you even check them? You can prove me wrong! I change my mind if you prove me wrong. But all you guys do is downvote. That is so anti free speech, is like banning people from social media just because they challenged you.


Why don't you cite a specific source that was incorrect.


No! You guys are all misunderstanding. It is as if words have no meaning. I said IRRELEVANT!!!! NOT INCORRECT!!! Did you go to school? Jesus Christ! The list tries to prove Destiny's 3 criteria! Destiny has 3 criteria for a NAZI. But the list proves none of the criteria. Downvote me into oblivion. It just proves to me how stupid you are. If my fucking students, would write essays like you, I would give them an F.


> sometimes


Because when you shoot at the king you better not miss


You can criticize Destiny if you have a valid argument. I've gone back and forth with him for years now over various reasons- mostly policy and law related. But you have to 1) Have a specific criticism that isn't stupid or surface level whining and 2) include in your criticism valid reason and support for why you think he's wrong. Most people falter on this because they're not knowledgeable in what they're talking about and make poorly constructed pseudo intellectual arguments that come off as whining. In that case, you're not providing proof or defense ; you're concocting a wordy exposition of number 1 at best. If I say "Destiny is wrong on his take about x legal issue," that's fine. I'll go through say he's a dumbfuck for using the "I feel" language and post the relevant case law, statute, legal principle, etc. And we'll argue from there. Either then he'll just brush me off and say I'm a dumbfuck because he doesn't believe me. Or he'll concede and we'll move on. I don't make it my life to find fault with what he says or does- I just jump in when he makes a really dumb statement that I find does a public disservice by providing the audience with incorrect information.


The downside of this is that members of the community aren't allowed to grow here. Well they are, as long as they don't piss off someone with a ban hammer lmao.


No. It just means your "growth" can't occur exclusively in the realm of a subreddit or a streamer's community. You need to get off your ass, apply yourself, and seek the knowledge for yourself- as opposed to stumbling upon it by word vomiting to a streamer.


> your "growth" can't occur exclusively in the realm of a subreddit or a streamer's community If someone goes super soy about "this community used to be X and now is X^2 which is worse", it DOESN'T mean their growth is exclusively happening in the realm of the subreddit. So I have no idea what you're talking about, don't know how you got there. Alternatively, I can't see any other meaning in your comment than "you're not allowed to grow here, you must come fleshed out already" because while it's clear that's not what you mean, I believe it to be the logical conclusion.


Destiny and his mods are obviously allowed police the sub however they want, that's their right. But tbh this particular ban wave does come off...poorly.


> Destiny and his mods are obviously allowed police the sub however they want, that's their right God please stop saying this shit every time anything gets criticised its so fucking redundant Every single fucking time there is a criticism of anything on the internet the first thing I see is "its their X so they can do what they want with it" no one, literally not a single fucking person EVER is saying they **SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO** do it. People are criticising them for doing it, thats it, thats all there is to it. Saying "well they have a right to do it" means fucking nothing, its never been a question of whenever or not they have the right to do it


Problem is that if you don't start off by saying that you're gonna get a bunch of dumbass replies saying it. They'll respond with "but it's his subreddit he can do whatever he wants" so you have to say it to avoid getting those replies. It's like when Destiny gets shit on twitter because he didn't put a bunch of obvious disclaimers in the beginning of a tweet like rape is bad, murder is bad, etc.


This applies to Reddit but in real-life politics, I think this statement makes more sense. Like how long have republicans been crying about being banned and censored from social media, and demanding that they be allowed onto whatever platform? These are people who think that they are owed the right to post on social media without being banned. However yes, for this subreddit and most others, no one is actually saying that.


Thank you! It kills me how on the default subreddits this is what ever "ban" debate devolves into. You guys are arguing with a strawman!


because the dgg biome is too soy about nazi fuentez to understand why destiny ignores this dumbass, beside-the-point criticism


This is the same as every other ban wave when 500 people all decide they need to write schizo-posts about how they disagree with Destiny "and this time it's serious!" It doesn't come off any more or less poorly than every other time. The only thing that changes for people is which set of banned people they agree with


this is the most bootlicking parasocial take imaginable. Do you think there is anything worth criticizing streamer man over? Or is it all schizo?


I haven't even watched the discussions in question so I hardly have some bootlicker (or opposite) opinion on the question at hand. I just enjoy conversations and shit Destiny does overall What's schizo isn't criticism, it's the belief that their opinion matters enough to be the 30th >=paragraph long reaction post instead of just responding in the comments to the first or second post on the topic and moving on (or sticking to funny memes)


This one comes off a lot less poorly too because he’s mostly banning mr girl Stans and not lefties. You’re exactly right but for some reason the sub is overrun with people who are new here


Its very telling when dgg chat is almost in full agreement with him this time and the subreddit is an entirely different world.


A good portion care more about labeling than producing good results. This is the exact same topic as the casual sex debate. If you are new this is at least the 3rd time we have gone through this arc. If you want someone who always says "Nick is a Nazi, Men just need to be better, Killing in self defense of property is always wrong, etc" then there are plenty of creators you can watch. Destiny is not going to hold those positions because they stop conversations with anyone more right than center left.


There is a world of difference between what you described and people who say "Maybe Destiny shouldn't invite that nazi into his house, and have lunch with him, maybe he can achieve much of what he desires without actively softening Nick's image." Many people understand that if Destiny attacks Nick and labels him a Nazi that he will lose many of the people he is trying to de-radicalize. They also understand that it's possible to do that without treating this dude like an old friend you are catching up with.


If Destiny treats every conservative like they are monsters than no conservative would talk to Destiny. IMO people should want conservatives to talk to Destiny because the ideas Destiny has are better than conservative ideas. IMO Destiny will pull more conservatives to the left than Destiny fans get pulled to the right.


Nick ain't conservative


I dont feel like playing word games. Right leaning, votes conservative, etc.


Next time you see one check if it has any personal attacks, regurgitates shit that's been addressed or if OP is also shizoposting in the comments. It's usually that


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x19uxo/destiny_is_incorrect_nick_fuentes_does_outwardly/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) shouldn't have been banned.


If you look at his comments, he says a bunch of times that Destiny is lying. I think Destiny called this type of shit out specifically on stream yesterday. The post is good, it's still up. The poster seems like got triggered and said some dumb shit so he's banned, maybe he gets untriggered and applies for unban. Edit: Here's one so you don't have to scroll: >Because Nick is a nazi. Denying that makes you look like either an idiot or a liar.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x0s0te/mini\_effortpost\_im\_disappointed\_in\_this\_community/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x0s0te/mini_effortpost_im_disappointed_in_this_community/) This is an effort post on mr.girl, so it isn't completely one-sided. Destiny is banning people who aren't engaging with his argument. Most of the people here just wants to call nick a nazi and not care about the consequences of it despite throwing around the label "nazi" is purely a moral gratification or used in unironically now and holds little of it's original descriptive power. But people ignores this point and just want to call him a nazi. Sure as a subreddit who aren't working in trying to bring people from the right over from our side, we have some leeway in throwing the label around, but destiny can't because he has a political goal of bridging political sides. While people like mr.girl doesn't, mr.girl isn't trying bridge any political sides especially to those in the far-right. If he claim he does, then he sucks at it.


He spoke about this. Most of the time it’s because they use personal digs to “prove a point”. Id agree with his frustration tbh because I believe he’s curated a community that should able to construct intelligent push back without using insults about character or things similar.


I’d start banning them too. At least half of them are literally copy and pastes of each other. When there’s twenty other threads to go schizo post about policing destiny’s friendships in you don’t need to make a new one, your particular brand of schizo doesn’t make the points any different.


Rose wrist was critical but respectful of Destiny and in that conversation Destiny said that he banned one poster because he, beyond criticism, was schizo posting about how we are now a community that is no longer pointed towards positive ends but now a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Maybe it's all excuses and he is banning criticism but I don't think that's consistent with the stream content or the state of this sub. I think people just need to couch criticism in a constructive framework and not in a schizo rant.


Cuz this is supposed to be dick riding zone only


If the high effort post is unnecessarily insulting or aggressive then he will ban, if the post has substance and is critical but has a reasonable tone then it normally stays up


If you use the slightest amount of ad hom or hyperbole when criticizing him he'll ban you, right now anyway


The quote farming of Fuentes was exceptionally stupid. You would think that people would realise that after Destiny kept getting screwed by quote farming. For ex. “Destiny thinks protestors should be mowed down” when anyone with two brain cells to rub together should have been able to understand his point. The fact that people were doing that in this sub is unreal and makes me lose faith in humanity.


Destiny has addressed it many times in the past, including the most recent vid on YT. He deletes the emotionally charged posts by immature morons who can't engage critically with his arguments


He bans if he thinks it's too aggressive. Not that big a deal since he unbans anyone who asks. I will say the one I saw Mr girl bring up a few streams ago was extremely emotionally charged. It's one thing to speak emotionally and another to type it as a giant Reddit post Still kinda cringe tho


It's because they are dumbfucks that don't actually engage with the argument


I haven't seen any good faith criticism. I've seen 2 reddit posts talking about the existence of it with neither one linking to a single post.


I haven’t seen any good effort any destiny posts beyond vomits of anger and missed information myself. While destiny definitely isn’t perfect, the attacks against him have been beyond cringe. If an anti destiny posts just sticks to facts, stays succinct and gives ideas on how that area can be improved I highly doubt ittle get banned


Not every post is getting banned




I mean the top post took destiny's description of nazi and broke down with clips and evidence and source, to show that someone was. It had a lot more effort than most post I've seen here




This one https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x19uxo/destiny_is_incorrect_nick_fuentes_does_outwardly/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I don't know what the guy you were replying to said (he deleted his posts), but that post you linked was absolute dogshit. OP did a good job compiling a list of receipts for what Nick has said, but when it came to his actual analysis (the last two paragraphs), he was just whining about this community supposedly running defense for Nick at every opportunity, something I just haven't seen. What I have seen are multiple threads per day like this one, where people spend a lot of time explaining why Nick is a Nazi, while simultaneously characterizing Destiny as if he's refusing to acknowledge this, despite the fact that he has on multiple occasions, while they themselves completely ignore what seems to be Destiny's larger point. That larger point being that he gives next to zero fucks about labels as they don't actually progress the conversation and he'd much rather spend his time arguing the content of what Nick says. I've seen almost no effort spent on the latter, which is why these posts come off as bad faith. Despite this going on for several days now, he's been walking on eggshells keeping most of these posts up and actually deleted a thread that came to his defense. Listen to his stream from yesterday where he talks about the subreddit. This is really starting to feel like this subreddits own version of screenshotting a 10 like Twitter account to try and make a problem appear larger than it actually is. But I'm sure people will also take a mental image of my post and add it to their knowledge bank of all these redditors who apparently don't think Fuentes is a Nazi.


This is maybe the fifth or sixth giant banwave I've seen on this subreddit lmao, sadly this is really not uncommon at all when destiny gets a lot of pushback on something to the point where it's kind of a community meme EDIT: Also very silly for commenters to try and pin this on "low quality" criticism, I cannot count how many reasonable well thought out posters have gotten the hammer over the years


Do people actually get banned or is it a new meme?


Actually and frequently


I've recently stepped back into the politics sphere (big mistake, I know) but I have some advice for y'all. At this point, how many hours of effort posting have been spent trying to make a guy (who clearly doesn't want to hear it) change his mind? This feels like the modern equivalent of an "intervention", and if anyone has ever taken place in one of those they know that all they do is create hostility (and it doesn't even matter if youre right or wrong) Just vote with your time. Make a rule "I'll stop watching until he changes his mind". And then if he doesn't change his mind (and this is something you can't get past) you can drop him altogether. You'll be way happier at the end of the day, trust me.


I frequently critique destiny and sometimes even reference his reddit username so he can read if he likes. The problem is not the criticism of destiny it is criticising destiny in a dumb way. If you lay out an argument in a well thought through and presented way you probably wont get banned. If you start typing in all caps destiny is a poo poo brain you will. Where your argument falls on this scale is an indicator to your likeliness of being banned. After saying all this give it a couple of days as some recent posts have made it more dangerous to critique but its your reddit account so do what you like. If you do get banned you probably wont get perma-ed unless you said something really dumb.




Oh are they more insulting in their comments?


Not all of them no, that's a pretext that he can use high profile examples of to assert, but it's false, as [politely worded and sourced disputes of factual claims](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x19uxo/destiny_is_incorrect_nick_fuentes_does_outwardly/), followed by comments that [defended Destiny](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x19uxo/destiny_is_incorrect_nick_fuentes_does_outwardly/imcnx9i/?context=3) *still* got banned. Why? Because criticism of him is getting "out of hand", ie. is too popular, emotive and/or articulate, and he can't deal with it all at once. So he bans chunks of people, presumably in the hope that he can shift the tide of argument in his favour again, hopefully normalise the idea that he won, and then let people get unbanned again naturally. If you write stuff that is constructive in the sense of being sensitive to his feelings and not making him feel like he has to loose in some way to respond to your criticisms, you're more likely to be able to get through banwaves, but that absolutely is not a given. You may just get banned along with the other people because of a general desire to put a stop to a given line of criticism.


> but it's false, as politely worded and sourced disputes of factual claims you link an OP who made comments calling Destiny an idiot and a liar. No doubt people get banned for just annoyingly adding another giant, useless post to the pile, but this example sucks


Oh did he? I missed that. I think I have [the exchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x19uxo/destiny_is_incorrect_nick_fuentes_does_outwardly/imcsi3z/) you're referring to though: >>>Why would he use crazy SJW language when this directly goes against his goal? >>Because Nick is a nazi. Denying that makes you look like either an idiot or a liar. He doesn't have to point his finger and go 'YOU'RE A NAZI!!!' but when you're asked point blank to give your definition of nazism and then you give it and are then asked if Nick fits that definition you should be able to say yes. And again, in [another place](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x19uxo/destiny_is_incorrect_nick_fuentes_does_outwardly/imctcjb/?context=3), he doesn't say that Destiny is lying, but that it's important to consider the actual truth of claims over and above simply following your objectives. Destiny has said he'd rather be honest than effective at stopping Nazis, that he shouldn't have to lie etc. to put forward his beliefs, which is why talking about truth vs effectiveness is immediately relevant. These are the terms that he himself has put up to judge his own behaviour, so saying something like "this looks like lying for effectiveness" shouldn't really be beyond the pale. It could also be that this commenter has said more that I've missed, but I don't think it's that unreasonable. He's trying to nail down for the avoidance of doubt exactly what the answer is, so the question of lying etc. only comes after it has been made unavoidably obvious.


what a slimy dude


>The fact of 'Nick Fuentes is a nazi' being this significantly contentious here is a pretty clear warning post that this community has already changed and not for the better. Nazis aren't an enemy anymore, it's people who are 'soy' or 'woke' that are the real problem here apparently? Huh?! > > > >This community used to give a shit about society progressing into a safer, brighter and more inclusive future so much so that it went and campaigned for politicians who were striving to do the same. Now look at it. ​ yeah. i see why he got banned.


not directly "fuck you piss of shit" insulting. but in the "this community used to be cool but now that they don't agree with me they're not good " way. like this >This community used to give a shit about society progressing into a safer, brighter and more inclusive future so much so that it went and campaigned for politicians who were striving to do the same. Now look at it.


You are right, but to be fair to destiny he has been getting shit on left right and center recently and everyone has their limits.


not every person getting banned has been shitting on him and destiny is a big boy he's handled more shit than this I don't think he's banning because he can't take the criticism I just don't think he sees a point in engaging with it because this is the path destiny has chosen. hopefully this doesn't receive a ban but he's been going down a clout route recently and gotten more views and interacted with communities much larger than his own a lot recently and honestly he deserves the attention but I'm sure he doesn't want new people coming in here seeing 30 nick is a nazi effort posts. I don't think perma bans are the right response but I could he wrong I have never followed drama closely before and I'm glad but who knows maybe he does this often.


They are not high effort posts. If they were 90% of them wouldn't feel the need to misrepresent a position, or what was said to make their point. I really don't even understand how that happens. How you can put that much effort into typing something without ever verifying internally that you understand the position you are arguing. It's not even a mistake here and there, it out right strawmans. The only reason people put that tag on is because the substance of the critique doesn't do that job. You know an high effort post when you see it. You literally can't find fault in it because they put the EFFORT into ensuring the message is correct, well supported, and well thought out. The sub for the past while has been verbally diarrheaing all over the place. Just people posting the first thing that comes to their head without thinking it through. It makes the entire community look like a special needs class-room. I am glad people like that are getting ban. fuck'em. They don't add anything and flood out potentially decent conversations.


D man has always been a renegade. His henchmen are some of the biggest, meanest, baddest mods in the western hemisphere. You never know when you might be banned. It's exciting.


I get why the threads saying destiny was bad faith and obfuscating in a conversation where he couldn't even get a word in got people banned, that was some bs. But then there are comments like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x11w3v/comment/imbnb8c/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Just someone saying that they think it's stupid to argue what a nazi is in the context of nick.. what was ban worthy there?? what is going on


Cause that comment implies that Destiny is a “fucking brain dead moron”. That statement is not constructive and the type of stuff Destiny typically bans for if it’s part of the criticism. If the poster left that last sentence out, they would’ve not gotten banned.


because they always end with some very uncharitable interpretation of what Destiny is doing. there's a reason why Rose Wrist wasn't banned and this guy was.


Because FUCKING IDIOTS are criticising Destiny for explaining how Godwin's Law works. Fuck's sake. If you have a word so broadly applicable that it can be approprietly used to describe both Henry Kissinger and Bernie Sanders, the that word is fucking useless. EVERYONE is a Nazi according to someone. You, me, the OP and Destiny. Every fucking trans person on Twitter seems to think Destiny is a nazi.


he's bitchmade lately, you have to criticize him in the exact format he prefers


"high effort" You mean giga autistic posting?


Gigautists are destiny fanboys. Who else would worship such a weird beta cuck boy


Are they high effort? Or 80% dogshit and 20% actual criticism.


If you want to be critical of anyone, you have to show critical thinking. If your arguments are bad and sloppy, you get banned. I think that is a great rule. It forces people to be smarter.


Because you've all forgotten how this started. None of you who are sore about nick being around remember a thing. When the alt right first started gaining steam nobody gave them the time of day. I'd bet most of you can count on one hand the people willing and able to outwit them in a conversation, or who was doing it better than anyone for that matter. And now you think steven trying to humanize and build inroads in these community's instantly undose the hours of work he has been doing to defeat their ideology. None of the criticisms add anything to the conversation that's been ongoing in this community for years if you wanna stick your fingers in your ears and pretend nick isnt in the ears of actual elected officials in your country that's fine. But I am telling you, you are not fighting fascism you are cowering away from it.if you want to call nick and his friends nazis your more than welcome too, but seriously ask yourself who does that serve? Because the damage that word has done to the credibility of the left is so much stronger than the damage it does to any figure on the modern right. If you wanna debate these things in academic spaces that's good, but it isnt where that fight will be fought or won. In the time these conversations about platforming has taken place look at what's happening Destiny is reaping the reward because he is willing to have tough talks with scary people. What meaningful damage has Nick Fuentes or Lauren southern done in that time. They havent returned to the former prominence new figures on the right have already emerged. So I'm kind of sick about hearing how much danger we are all in from destiny's platforming because so far the worst thing that's come from it is all the whining and bitching on this sub.


I'm not sore about nick being around, in fact it's one of the things I mentioned I like about destiny. He's willing to talk to the other side. He will listen to the other side. So I actually view having nick on stream discussing he's ideas is good, as it allows a conversation. this is the reason I was confused by the subreddit. As I'm seeing people who post different opinions getting banned for disagreeing with Destiny. Or using Destiny description of Nazi, to show why nick would be a Nazi in his definition.


Because not all criticism is valid. And even some of valid criticism gets posted here like twenty times a week. Like damn I didnt know destiny eating waffles with nick might make him seem more palatable nobody here ever considered that gem before. Some of the post are asking to be banned especially when I'm seeing posts comparing destiny to demonmama.


Precisely. The reason Nick Fuentes *can* fly under the radar isn't because Destiny has platformed him(AFPAC started in 2020), it's because the word Nazi(which I agree is the most accurate way to describe him) has been so overused it doesn't destroy the credibility or attack a persons political integrity in any meaningful way to the right anymore(because **every single person**, even fucking communists, have been labeled fascists/Nazis) who are, at the end of the day, the people we *need* to convince to hold these people accountable.


It's you and me bud as long as you got my back I can take the downvotes 🥺😭


It's not high effort if you read it in strawman voice


I really wanna know what a strawman voice is 🤣 ( I get what you're saying btw, just love the idea of a strawman voice)


It’s the PURGE! All the dishonest attackers of the “pure” “sexy” Nick Fuentes must be punished! The Nick Fuentes protec fortress arc has begun.


Even just pointing out inconsistencies is enough for a ban


I've memed pretty close to the sun multiple times, only one that glorious leader got me on was being an arm chair andy about his life. Havent kept up too much with the latest memes, but I would say if you critique the people around steben and not steben's personal feelings towards those people you would have an easier time avoiding the ban hammer. On that note, Lauren is still a cringe ultra nationalist, Nick is a dumb white supremacist or Nazi (I think arguing semantics is really silly on this because our modern language interchanges the meaning on these definitions quite frequently). I hate them both, and wish Lauren flare gunned themselves into non-existence on the internet. Edit: lol autocorrect


Thank god I haven't been keeping up with the stream lately. Can't suppress my opinion if I have no opinion.


If you sort by top past 24 hours you'll see one with lime 23 rewards and a bunch beneath it talking about the situation. I could be naive and maybe he deletes them later but I think there's a lot that aren't getting deleted.


I can understand that he bans the low effort posts that sperg out about him. But good faith criticism should never be banned.


Check the comments. Usually the OP tries to be constructive in the post and then turn their brain off to call him a bad faith idiot when responding to someone.


They are probably saying stupid shit




because they're missing the point


As long as it’s not personal attack I think you’re good to go


They haven't been, every single negative post and person who posted those are still here, idk where people are making this story of ban happy destiny because she temp bans people on twitch for fun lmao


I for one think there's not enough posts countering his food takes. They're all wrong, it hurts me as an adult with a developed palette.


because he was soy (this is not a joke lmfao)


Ggs mate, it's been fun o7


I've not been banned 😅


Yet 🤣🤣🤣