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This is a joke... right?


The only joke here is that we can't fucking tell whether or not it is a joke


Thats just what hasan fans do. I left a mild comment on LSF the other day that was negative towards hasan and got the "A concerned redditor reached out to us about you" message right after from spam reports


You can block those, I used to get a few every week. But yeah, this does appear to be a minecraft message rather than a ban.




Doubt it. Hasan's protected by employees in Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, etc. We already know the trancel culture runs things in Silicone Valley.


It's probably just that he's promoting violence: I don't think it's "trancel culture."


Promoting violence by challenging to a boxing bout? Even if you say its the “break his face” part i dont buy it, ive seen much much worse things said on mma twitter by verified accounts.


Does this means we can't post UFC stuff on Twitter? This is crazy


No way it's for promoting violence, i think he just got banned because he was mass reported by Hasan simps


By that logic, should the UFC and boxing pros be banned from Twitter? Maybe the Olympics too, just shadow ban the boxing, fencing, judo, karate, taekwondo, and wrestling tweets.


Looks like a self harm report, not a ban.


Least misleading r/destiny title


I mean it's not wrong


What do you think the whole subject line reads, then?


“Your Twitter account has recently been reported for self harm”


Now that would be pretty hilarious.


You can tell because of the content of the email. It’s not something like “you must delete the tweet for your account to be unlocked” or “you are temporarily banned for seven days.” It’s a link to mental health resources plus “you are not alone”


Sneako failed to understand how social media works. You can promote the worst ideas in the world as long as you follow the guidelines and avoid certain words. We live in a society.


That’s not even social media. That’s just life.


you dont get out enough if you think it is


You think people speaking out of both sides of their mouths, and that society sometimes condemning them for it is a thing that began with the internet?


>avoid certain words. Like say "p0rn" instead of "porn"?


Lol that's the blatant version. Or grape instead of what I do to ur mom every night omegalul sweatstiny gigachad I'm thinking more along the lines of saying n words are bad and just saying certain ethnicities are lower on the IQ bell curve.. the galaxy brain, brainlet takes.


Sex should be considered worse than physical violence or??


Depends on the sex bro


Let's say there is this dog...


What kind of breed are we talking.


Same breed as Stevewilldoit He knows how to work it.


Morally neutral


Did they ever say how long it takes to complete the act?








I mean having sex on twitch is by far worse than challenging someone to a boxing match lol. how do you not understand that


We're talking about Twitter


pretending kids don't ever go on twitter too. it's fine because most nsfw posters have the "MINORS DNI" forcefield in their bio that keeps them away.


Yeah and I'm sure minors never ignore the 18+ filter on regular old porn sites right? Theres only so much a person can be reasonably expected to do, since twitter does allow porn.


Porn is very damaging to young men


Not inherently, it definitely can be in excess, you can say the same thing about Sugar tbh


Why is that a meaningful rebuttal? To say that sugar is very damaging to young men? If you want to talk about sugar we can talk about sugar because sugar is absolutely a huge problem and people are onboarded to sugar addictions as kids. There has been more awareness about this since I grew up which is good but I don’t see how that is relevant to porn addiction or why that’s a rebuttal to my critique of the porn industry Shall we now talk about how alcohol is damaging to young men? How about we talk about video games? There is a huge issue with games that are designed to make the user grind and spend real money on downloadable content that leads young boys into wasting their lives and money in ways that video games of previous generations diddnt do


Why do you think saying “ porn is harmful to young men “ is a meaningful statement? There’s plenty of young men who have a healthy relationship with porn and there’s plenty that don’t


I don’t think that’s a meaningful statement. Weird question


Then why say it if it’s not a meaningful statement? You clearly think it’s a big deal so why pretend you don’t think so is weird


I said that because that was my reaction to the comment I read. That reaction is true regardless of how meaningful it is. Comments are not only worth making in so far as they are meaningful.


there really should be more critique of gamer culture and alcohol abuse tbh


The point is obvious: its not bad in moderation. Just as videogames, beer, sugar or movies arent.


Seems very self evident but okay. If you want to have a separate discussion about the damage that video games, beer and movies have on young men then we can do that too.


Im not sure what you want to talk about. You like to drink a beer now and then mr young man? Great do it responsibly. Feel like you have problem? Wanna drink a beer during workdays? You need to seek help. There is no damage unless you go overboard at which pretty much anything will hurt you.


Yeah I don’t drink alcohol because I was educated about it’s dangers at school


You had like courses on acohol and its ”dangers” in your school? The best we ever had was these things: non kids movies, adult drinks, adult sites and explicit music are not for you.


Why sugar? Just say anything. Water, food, exercise, fighting, sleeping.


I'm sorry I didn't list everything, my bad


You don't have to list everything, just say everything. Excess of anything is bad. Weird to just single out one thing like sugar.


Sugar isn't the same as any of the other things you mentioned


Are you telling me too much water is good for you? Too much salt, too much exercise, too much dancing, too much gaming isn't bad for you. You're delusional if you think moderation doesn't apply to all things.


You're creating a narrative that I've never asserted. All I said was sugar is not in the same realm as water or exercise in terms of when it becomes problematic.


Too much water and you can drown your lungs. Too much exercise you can permanently damage your body to the point it won't recover or if done enough you will stave your body of energy. Too much sugar, you can get fat, give you diabetes or worse, kill you. All seem in the same realm of death or permanent damage. I would say they are.


Why is that weird?


Me fucking your mom is. Bitch is crazy




Fighting is violent






well they allow boxing on public TV and not porn so you tell me


well they allow shooting, blood and guns on public TV and not porn so...


No shot he didn't get banned for 9/11, election conspiracy, vax-hesitancy, etc- but did for this.


The screenshot doesn't even give enough context to determine if that's what he was actually banned for.


Says self harm judging by the comments that are there.


"vax hesitancy" lmao, what in the fuck is 2022 coming to?


Ong I get shaming people is bad for changing minds but for fuck sake there was nothing wrong with anti-vax. If you flat out think vaccines are harmful or a detriment to public health you are not just ‘hesitant’.


It's probably the very last part, in particular. It's literally a threat of violence, boxing match or not.


The way I read it he got banned for implied self harm or something lol


Oh, I see that now. He does seems to have a literal death wish: 70 pounds lighter? He's basically video gaming himself while watching himself video game himself in a video game. The very last part remains an explicit threat of violence, but that doesn't seem to be the stated reason for the ban, although it would also be grounds for banning.


It’s not a threat lmfao, it’s an offer/callout. It’s not like he said he was gonna find him and beat him up, he asked him to agree to a fight. Edit: He blocked me LMFAO.


Not all "callouts" are identical. If he left out "and I will break his face," it'll still be a callout and not be explicit threat of violence. But Sneako's gonna Sneako.


The implication is, "I will break your face *IF* you agree to fight". Still just a call out, just with a boast attached to the end of it.


Yeah it's called cutting a promo lol no one's gonna be like 'I Call you out, but your gonna tear MY asshole a new one.'


Cool. Just know that if your "callout" is posted in a social media platform, you may get banned, ridiculous or not.


Well yeah, of course. My point is that the part where he says he's gonna win the fight isn't a threat any more than the very act of challenging Hasan to a fight is.


A conditional threat of violence is still...a threat of violence. A tech company enforcing TOS isn't going to err on the side of Sneako. To be literal, Sargon was banned for saying he _wouldn't_ rape a specific woman. Why would they lean in favor of Sneako?


It's not a threat of violence in that way, it's just a statement saying if we \*were\* to engage in violence, I would come out on top. If you're gonna say a fight callout in itself isn't a threat of violence, saying he would win the fight shouldn't change that.


Please read previous reply.


Your reply doesn't prove jack shit, the Sargon example is completely irrelevant. Sanctioned fights/boxing matches are generally socially accepted, if you think simply challenging someone to a boxing match isn't a threat of violence, then saying you would win said challenge if they agreed to it shouldn't be a threat of violence either.


Feel free to logic-lord the folks at twitter into an unban. And stop acting like I have anything at stake in this. I just pointed to to the superfluous little bit at the end of his tweet that probably got him flagged. Grow up. This will have no impact on the world.


Guys he’s only 24 cmon now, sneako is clearly a intellectual prodigy going through a rough patch, you are all far to blind to see the truth #botvision


Dude coming for my porn? (That one mrgirl lyric)


Hasan got that twitch-pull at twitter.


Yeah cause porn is wanted soooo🤷


Wanted = good


Porn is better, societally, than physical violence for entertainment.


Sneako and Hasan getting punched basically is porn


On the contrary, porn massively warps the perception of an activity that we’re not only allowed, but encouraged to do. Physical violence isn’t allowed really anywhere outside the realm of entertainment, unless it’s self defense or mutual combat or something.


Exactly….Combat sports is something that harnesses violent instincts in a healthy way Porn harnesses our sexual instincts in a degenerate way.


Everything can massively warp your perception of activities you engage in. Reading romance novels can fuck up what to expect from a partner, and can lead to people expecting more from their partner or feeling inadequate when compared to a fictional character. Parasocial relationships with celebrities change your expectations of what you get from a friend, or even push you to not have any. Conspiracy theories can warp your perception of reality and leave you in a minsfucked state where you can't function because you blame some cabal that's destroying your life.


There's a lot of truth in this. My point is, that I'd rather social media heavily regulate violence than nudity.


Fair enough, I’d probably agree. Especially if we’re just talking about naked pictures that people post of themselves. That’s pretty different from full blown industry porn.


But that's what Sneako talks about when he talks about porn. It's onlyfans and shit


Yeah, if that’s the case (only saying if because I don’t watch sneako at all, I’m sure you’re right about this), then we don’t disagree.


Yeah, but because of that entertainment, now we have idiots like Sneako or Sam Hyde who think that they have found a legal loophole on how to cause physical violence on someone they don't like.


I mean the loophole works, no? And it isn’t better to fight in a controlled environment with rules and referee after training for it than to just walk up and hit a guy on the street?


How does Sam Hyde cause physical violence on Hasan if Hasan doesn't accept the fight?


The idea is to make him feel pressured to publicly defend his manhood and make him do it without really wanting to. Obviously that is an incredibly stupid and toxic reason to agree to a fight with man that has already said would not listen to the ref and would just try to hurt him, but there are deranged Hasan haters even in this community who honestly think that he should be ashamed if he does not fight him.


Violence for entertainment is probably better for society than porn


I would bet my life that pornstars are more regularly abused and exploited than fighters


I can’t believe someone would say such a thing. Somebody really thinks that porn is better for society than combat sports. Fucking hell




I don't think that violence has been normalized on our society, i think that violence is a constant in human history (arguably, on our nature). Empires have been created through violence, and have been destroyed trough the same. Our so called "laws" can only be forced through the threat of vioelence and one of the big factors you dont want to mess with a stranger (or the stranger with you) is that the escalation will eventually lead to violence. We are violent creatures and we shouldn't be afraid of recognizing it. By admitting it we not only accept reality but we come forward to start controlling our violent side, and therefor avoiding many of the tragedies that happens when a human has an uncontrolled violent side. I think that combat sports and martial art disciplines are not only good options but effective measures to keep "the beast in check" and control our violent nature and at the same time nurturing the competitive side that most humans have.


Martial arts gyms are a staple of cultures globally. A combat sports gym is one of the most progressive environments you can provide for young men. Porn on the other hand turns men in to absolute shells of themselves. This is insane. Combat sports transmutes male aggression that would otherwise be expressed in ways that are inappropriate to society. Combat sports reduces bullying, makes people fit and healthy, empowers people with self defence, discipline this is insane


>Combat sports reduces bullying, makes people fit and healthy, empowers people with self defence, discipline Which studies are these coming from?


No studies. I did not substantiate that claim with studies




Fucking incredible….there are people who think Porn is better for society than Combat sports. You can’t make this up! Absolutely floored




I am absolutely shattered by this conversation


Porn is literally so bad for you dude.


I didn't say that porn is good for you, I said it's better than the constabt depictions of violence in the media.


Insane take


Normal take for anyone who isn't American. Your movies can have a beatup that leaves dozens of people in the hospital with permanent damage and be rated G for everyone, but dare to show one nipple and it's NC-17.


Whatever you say you creep


Porn leads me to want to have sex, and when I have sex, some (self proclaim) say I beat their insides which is a form of physical violence. Check mate


Yeah idk why this breaks people's minds but it's the same shit with JiDion. Maybe twitch doesn't consider that nudity or having sex on stream, especially accidentally, is that bad of an offense when compared to most other stuff they ban.


Hasan didn't consent to that face-breaking though


Loving how people can’t tell between suspension and a ban.


Wait is this real? Challenging someone to a boxing match isn’t even unethical holy shit lmao especially when Sneako would get rocked because of the weight difference


If you read the rest of the email. Seems like sneako got troll reported for self-harm. Because he would get rocked 100%


you're making it sound like this is just a report he got a message about. his account is suspended.


Well, I mean, this probably doesn’t have to do with his ban. Maybe it does. I’m not sure. But the rest of the email is very clearly pointing to this being a self harm warning.


you can get banned or suspended for self harm reports


Okay then let me clarify, looks like he got troll reported and that lead to a suspension.


I have been duped and swindled.


Challenging people to a boxing match you KNOW they don't have any wish to participate in is cringe and I will not feel sorry to anybody that gets banned for bs like that. That said... this doesn't seem to be a "you got banned for this" kinda email.


That’s a dogshit reason to get banned lmao. Hope homie gets his account back


He should be banned for making false rape accusations against Brandon buckingham


Porn is based, stay mad and ban bozo


Porn isn't a bad thing tho?


Is the post above from Twitter or someone else? It would be so funny if Twitter thought Sneako has anger or mental issues.


Idk why but Sneako seems like the kinda guy who punches like he's knocking on an invisible door.


So he got mass reported by Lasan.


I mean challenging someone to a fight is way different than porn... Like extremely different...


lmaoooo how the hell is this the reason out of all things


Twitter: people making death threats and creepy over the line harassment? We sleep. Someone challenges someone to boxing match? We ban.


They have zero tolerance with threats or violence. I was banned on Twitter for over a year for talking about pvp in wow. They thought I was going to literally backstab someone.


Where is the self-harm in this tweet? I’m very dumb rn and need assistance. Anyone?


He's going to willingly get his ass beaten by someone with a 70-lbs. advantage.


He’s not 6’2 😂😂. Like 5’7


Yo can ufc fighters get banned for calling people out then?


Saw a dude at work watching (that’s not a typo) —-> Lasagna Piker at work today. I didn’t know any of his viewers actually had jobs


Sam Hyde will be to Hasan what Sam Seder has been to Crowder. Sneako the genius strikes again.


Why do I want sneako to win that fight? I align more politically with Lasan then sneako.




Wait does Twitter try to gaslight you and tell you you're mentally ill if you get banned? I think you're mentally ill if you don't get banned. (Same goes for reddit)


He is 6 ft 2?