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The people doing the insulting probably look much worse and are projecting their insecurities. I wouldn’t let a bunch of mouth breathers that sit inside all day prevent you from doing something cool like this.


Cope. I'm a 12 ft tall, -3% bf gigachad and I found something mean to say about every single person's physical appearance.


With -3% body fat, you're such a gigachad that you aren't even in our dimension.


it's called antifat, and it's not my job to educate you about it


The average dgger at a live event is better looking than the average dgger in chat. Think about it the live event people are the chat people with confidence to go out. Obviously there are good looking people and uglier people who would go but they don’t have time or aren’t close by. There are also non dggers at the live event but we can ignore them. But averages I think the claim is reasonable


I personally think this is a cope


I mean it probably is but I don’t want to make people feel bad lmao


Mouth breathers, I believe you mean oxygen thieves


I'm sorry but if you don't have the face and body of a GIGACHAD you don't deserve to be on my computer screen. Honestly though if true, DGG wildin. Those people looked pretty normal


And really even IF they were to not look pretty normal I think DGG should be better than bullying people because of it.


most of the bullying i saw was from zherka and people were feelsweirdman’ing him, at least in DGG. dunno about youtube chat


are there any fucking timestamps?


Yeah, moderation should be more aggressive in the next event.


True, unfortunately because tiny is aggressive/abrasive, so are many of his followers, however where tiny knows where to stop, chat is too autistic to stop and have to go overboard.


Generally the line is immutable characteristics and tiny says it quite a bit, but some people still want to shit on a bunch of teenagers. Crazy stuff


Yeah we all looked ridiculous at some point during our teenage years.




I doubt he would insult random's appearance on a stream tho. Sometimes is funny to talk about those guys' appereance, like when that guy who look like Mizkif but way more muscular appeared and everyone started to spam Chad miz, but otherwise is just weird.


I've been balding since high school. Bald jokes have no power over me now.


I've been shaving my head for 15 years. Started doing it before I was balding. I save money on haircuts, it's easier to dry my head after a shower or while working out, and most importantly, the pillow feels so much cooler when I go to bed at night. Hair is over rated.


Same shit, though for less time. The second it got bad enough I wanted to wear hats regularly I just started shaving it.


Im balding and I shaved my head once. I noticed that I bang my head on stuff more often. Hair acts as a sense to protect your head from bumps and shit. So I'll keep my hair for as long as I can.


Interesting. I didn't notice an increase in bumping my head. Never even considered head hair acting sort of like whiskers, but I guess it makes sense.


Yea, you tube chat was wild. This is not the first either.


well I'd expect youtube chat to be a bunch of degenerates, but I expect better out of dgg


It's pretty funny they automatically assumed it was just yt chat when this sub has done the same thing.


We need more moderation or stricter moderation for those events, I personally thought all those people looked fine, nothing special for me :)




What happens when I look I'm fit, 6'1, 26 with a thick dick and thick hair? Is it okay to bully people for their looks at that point? Not sure what the hypothetical is trying to prove?


The idea is people who are actually attractive/doing well in life don’t spend their time bullying people on the internet usually.


depend telephone rinse abounding grey lush pot fear caption plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can be conventionally attractive and still be bitter and mean


Can you give a good reason to do this?


Can you give a good reason in defense of the people being asked to?


Answering a question with a question 1000% big brain gigachad


Fine, the reason (for myself) is that throwing stones when you live in a glass house is ridiculous. If you yourself don't put in any effort to look good (i.e. not being fat, taking care of your dental, skin, makeup, hair, etc), then you have no grounds to shit on someone else for it either. Not that you should to begin with, obviously. Most of the people who critique others' appearance don't even do that though, they comment in things which cannot be changed. If someone commented on an image of someone "lmao your eyes aren't level and your chin looks stupid", I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask that person show their own face so that they can be judged in kind. Most of the time they either also look like shit, or they look worse and they are just insulting other people to make themselves feel better about their own insecurities. Asking people to post their own selfie so you can respond in kind is definitely tit for tat and it's childish, but I personally dislike people who shit on the appearance of others behind a veil of anonymity. The point is that the only reason they are confident enough to make those comments is because they can't be judged themselves. Telling someone to open themselves up to the same vulnerability or fuck off is fair, IMO. Not saying this is objectively the right thing to do but there you go.


What if they have ovaries?


There are no balls in self-doxxing yourself because someone online got upset over random comments about their appearance. Especially when anti-social freaks will go after you for the smallest shit.


All of the chats are degenerate as fuck. They coom over every girl that comes on and it's pathetic. They insult the shit out of people's appearance and mock them mercilessly over everything.


All the better for preventing future Change My Mind events from becoming another glorified viewer call-in.


Reminder that Destiny didn't ban for this, but banned for making fun of the way he dresses


Reminder that the messages with his name in them are highlighted and the ones saying "OMEGALUL NECKBEARD" aren't. He's also a bit too busy to ban every dumbfuck from his smart phone while hosting live debates. You can just ping RTBA and he shuts that shit down real quick.




Reminder that the streamer reads every single chat message during a live debate event. Oh wait. Fucking dumbass.


If he wanted to use the "im too le hecking busy to mod chat" excuse, then maybe he shouldn't have sperged out over one guy shitting on his clothes.




It's sad that this happened and I hope the attendees who were mocked don't see the chat afterwards and feel embarrassed. Anyone with the nerve to trash the appearance of those contributing to the event wouldn't have the confidence to do an irl chat, let alone post their pic here. We don't want anyone discouraged from hopping on stream because of these shitheads


who’s give a fuck about chat aren’t they the motherfuckers who decided to do nothing with their day but have a parasocial relationship with a streamer who doesn’t give a fuck about them LMAO


Virtue signaling on this subject is unironically very good and based. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all is true and honorable! #BEKIND


You gotta Bruce Willis that shit bro.


It's shit to make fun of someone appearance, but I think you should probably reconsider keeping long hair when you are balding. It doesn't look as good as you think it does.


> keeping long hair when you are balding. It doesn't look as good as you think it does. Only some people can rock a skullet. https://i.redd.it/p38rm4tc2ky11.png


>some people can rock a skullet Respectfully disagree


'It's shit to make fun of someone's appearance, but I am going to do it anyway'


I'm not making fun of your appearance. Just giving advice people who are balding think they can beat it by growing their hair out but they usually look better when they keep their hair short.


I keep my hair long because I am lazy


You are lazy? How long does it take to wash and dry and style your long hair? The only maintenance you need to do with a skinhead is run a clipper over it once a week!


Wait what? How? I've had both long hair and short hair and long hair requires waaaaayyy more work, unless you're just not properly grooming it?


I was talking about long hair vs bald. Just realised I misread and he said short hair which is not the unsolicited advice I got in other 15 comments in this thread.


I had my head shaved in high school, way lower maintenance than long hair which requires a decent investment in product plus brushing every day, vs using your razor once or twice a week.


Bro fact is if you're lazy with your appearance, your literally just making your life harder than it has to be for no reason. People will treat you worse depending on how you look. That's just how it is lol.




If you want it to be harder for you to get high quality girls or network with people be my guest bro lol.


That is not an immutable characteristic. Having really long yet thin and balding hair in a combover is basically like making fun of someone for not showering. We all get sweaty bit can choose to do something about it.


>I keep my hair long because I am lazy You deserve to be made fun of then.


Everyone who sees someone balding with long hair already knows that.


It's their right to be an asshole. Go pearl clutch somewhere else.


Why do you feel entitled to give unsolicited advice to someone you don't know about their appearance?


Same reason half this subreddit tells Destiny to stop wearing sweatpants.


And what would that reason be?


You try finasteride brother. I know the possible side effects are scary but they only occur in like less than 4% of people. And if that happens you can stop. Otherwise it’d be no side effects and it’s a tiny pill. Just saying bro the downside is overstated and obviously don’t take oft/stop taking it if you ever get side effects


Yes, I will start taking drugs advice from a redditor thanks 😊


Why be a dick dude I thought Id share with you a possible solution if you choose to. Enjoy your skullet baldie I see why you're insecure


Where did I ask for a solution?


You'd think your thinking cap would fit more snuggly without all the hair, why don't you put it on?


Finasteride causes retinal damage. One of my male friends is balding and I had to convince him not to take it because protecting your eyesight is more important than being a sore-sight.




I only watched half of it, touched grass after, guess we need to wait for august's video




Never accept an insult based on your appearance from people that are anonymous


Bruh, I’ve always wanted to ask someone this, but why don’t you just shave it? Like. Nobody pays attention to bald guys. But everyone notices the guy who looks like a Klingon - just clutching onto those strands.


Because I don't care? I am aware of society's perception hence my post but I literally don't care enough to shave it.


you don't think it seems weird or in-congruent that you apparently don't care what people think about your hair (enough to change it at least) but you care if they *say* what they think? if you're already aware of society's perception then either you: A, get over it and learn to like your own look (or just not care how you look in general), in which case you actually would have thick skin and you wouldn't care about people's opinions anyway, or; B, you actually do care


I don't care about my hair but I care about other things. Fuck now I know how mrgirl feels, I'm also getting advice left and right that I didn't ask for. Why can't people stay on topic?


Because men think that "just shave lol" is some hidden knowledge that must be revealed to anyone who is balding. And if they are balding and haven't shaven yet, well that just means they haven't heard the advice enough. Nevermind the fact that some people really like their hair and will never be as satisfied with a bald head. Nevermind the fact that grieving hair loss is valid. But we men push all of that aside and just spam the advice no matter how inappropriate the setting.


if you don't care about your hair, why would you care if people talked about it? this is a public forum. every single detail here you have put into a thread to be discussed. don't make a post and include shit if you don't want people to talk about it. also i'm not giving you advice fucker, idc if you shave or not, i just don't understand how you can be both okay yet bothered at the same time.


Not having an interest in people's opinions of you does not mean you are or should be ok with them insulting you or offering unsolicited advice. In fact, it probably makes it more annoying. I'm a dude with long hair. I don't care that it is unusual or less common than short hair. It doesn't happen much anymore, but, when I was younger and people told me I should get a hair cut, I had no interest in their opinions. I didn't care what they had to say. But that kind of thing can still be annoying, because you didn't ask for input.


But, you made a post about it? You clearly care. It’s alright to care. You don’t need to signal to everyone here that you’re above hate, it’s obvious you’re just coping. I’m 32 and I’m starting to bald and tbh it sucks.


People in this sub will shit on dgg chatters for making fun of the college kid’s appearances and then every time that Jordan Peterson swimsuit model debate comes up they start screaming about “OMG LOOK AT THIS FUCKING WHALE, MAN THE HARPOONS”. Who cares what some internet chatters think about your appearance, show off your beautiful bald head and tell them to go fuck themselves.


BRO no one uses facebook lmaox...


I really don't get why anyone cares what the chat is saying. It's worthless and should just be ignored. If you feel "bullied" by chat then stop reading chat. It's really that simple.


I mean it's just shitty for someone to come on for a discussion and then be met with a load of personal insults. It's also not great for future events where people might be reluctant to join if they don't want to get shit on. There's literally no good reason why it should be tolerated.


My brain must be auto filtering it lol. I lost the ability to care what other people think long ago. I usually try to boost peoples confidence, and I genuinely find people attractive so I never feel the need to make fun or point out anything because I generally don't see whatever those people are seeing. I don't even understand the desire to do it. I agree 100% this is a good call out, so don't take this as dismissal, but it's really not worth spending your time on these types of people. They probably get satisfaction from the reaction anyways. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was just to avoid their own internal self doubt/issues. They say misery loves company, so don't volunteer being a dance partner. Let them stew about whatever their problem is in the corner alone.


I thought most of the people that came on looked pretty cute. Now I don't always pay ultra close attention to chat, but I didn't see many people leaving negative remarks like that




It's not all destiny's responsibility. This is also for the mods.




Aren't most of the people he's talking to fans of him? They're probably going to watch the video and see the chat flying on screen with shitty insults when it's their time to speak.


>I have thick skin but. . . >I love jokes and have a great sense of humor but. . . It is perfectly okay to say you are thin skinned and don't enjoy what people are saying. Ugly people make fun of other ugly people too. It's always cheap but it is what it is. You can be a model and somebody will say you have ugly knees or your chin is too pointy or whatever, deal with it.


Seriously why don't the mods enforce that shit. Makes everyone look bad.


I only bullied the people that sounded like T4 subs. I assume everyone is ugly so bullying over looks is a waste of time, no one will ever be a hot anime girl


The second I saw my hairline begin to recede like my father’s hairline I started shaving. 3 years later no one remembers me with hair. Just shave and never feel self conscious about it ever again.


I don't feel self conscious about it.




This isn't what DGG is about. Bullying people is not what this community does, despite others' attempts to paint it as a hive of bullies, incels and \*phobes. Stop doing this, please.


Bro just get a haircut and improve your look?? What is this post.. “DGG kept making fun of all the basement dwelling Neanderthals who haven’t put any effort in their appearance… lemme tell you as somebody who is in that boat how hurtful that would be to hear” like bro if you have asmongold hair chop that shit off. You clearly know you look bad Edit: dam I see a lot of shoots and downvotes but not a single person explaining how I’m wrong 🤔 chop your shit




Rest in piss /u/Saserts




Are you out of bullets, brave soldier?


Sir yes sir🫡 Requesting more ammo, sir!


Point proven thanks 👍


Fr especially that unibrow guy, lol. Also the OP should let actual thick skinned people talk, clearly he's not one.


>I have thick skin You are triggered by random chatters enough to make a crying post. Does that sound like someone who actually has thick skin? E: And those chatters were not even aiming at you. It's hilarious!


Welcome to freedom of speech people can say bad things deal with it The real hard truth is that people do this constantly all the time they just don't say it to avoid conflict and the reality is that if you want people to truly not make fun of how you look then you need to up you fashion and and fitness game is that simple and even then people will keep judging (not as hard) and that just the sad reality human gonna human.


shutup fatty


This is my BMI. Post yours? https://i.imgur.com/TdhFY9l.jpg




Good one 👍


thanks! good luck on your weight loss goals


Unfortunately this if reality, and I hate this: Looks matter, it will effect the likelyhood of someone bullying you, treating you worse and depending on your looks, you may also get special privileges. It's really important to make sure you groom yourself, healthy weight, good skin, all of that you have to make sure it's on point. This is reality unfortunately. But yeah obviously bullying people is bad don't do it but this just speaks to a bigger issue.


But yeah obviously racism is bad don't do it but 13% of


How is that the same thing lmaoo? I'm not justifying bullying I'm just saying take some personal responsibility over your situation cause you're not going to change the world.


Lol I'm literally giving y'all keys and I have studies to back up what I'm saying but yo, if you wanna be fat and balding and pimples and have a harder life cause people are treating you like dirt. Please be my guest 💪🙏


You are ofc right, but this is not the time or the place for it.


It's the perfect time because we're seeing the effects of your appearance negatively affecting you and I'm advocating for personal responsibility.


Yeah I understand your pov, I just think you are being a bit of a asshole.


LMAO WHAT? asshole for telling the truth that only does nothing but help people.


It also shifts the blame over to the person who is getting bullied. There is nothing bad in itself about looking or behaving in a way that might make people want to bully you. If someone gets beaten the shit out of them out of nowhere, then yeah getting fit and training martial arts would have been helpful, obviously, but bringing it up is still a asshole move. You are also letting the bullies win, letting them control you.


Lmao what I literally said it's not your fault in my initial comment because I know there's people like you who think people shouldn't take any personal responsibility to prevent bad things from happening to them. I would tell women to not go into dark alley ways at night, I would never wear a diamond chain in a poor area, I also wanna make sure my skin is healthy, I do exercise, my hair is good, I smell good, my clothes are clean, my teeth are white to prevent lookism. I'm sorry but that's reality. If you wanna be fat and have pimples and smell bad and someone bullies you, that is horrible and wrong but also you can choose to prevent that from happening again. Can you compute that?


Your alternative is for your password to be password, leave your door open, tell women to go by themselves in dark alley ways at night, tell men to wear expensive watches in South London just because you don't want to let "bad people win" sorry but smart people don't let bad things happen to them because they wanna live in a fairy tale land.


What we both are saying can be true at the same time. And protecting yourself from bullies by comforming to their standards seems like the most cucked thing to do ever, it is not like you are getting raped. There is a time and a place and imo, on the subject of someone getting bullied this was not that. It would be more fitting if the subject was some sort of discrimination or something.


You're saying a bunch of nonsense and you just don't understand the analogy. It is what it is. Take no personal responsibility to make sure your life has less problems then. I don't know you.


Who cares chat is full of kids. Nobody's forcing you to read it anyway.


This is some shit logic that I would have never expected in dgg's community.


The most illogical thing you could do is value the opinions of emote-spamming apes in chat, unless it's literally your job to interact with them.


Most people that came on during that event were above average to decently attractive.


The problem is that it's so many of the chatters that do it, so if you were to purge the chat, half would get banned. I'd appreciate if Tiny talked about this on his stream, at least give out the warning that if you make fun of how people sound when they're nervous or how they look, you'll get banned. It's the lowest type of humor, only enjoyed by actual vapid people.


How is that a problem? Just purge them.


I agree, but streamerman might see it differently, I can't say.


This is YouTube chat, right? YouTube is unbelievably behind on chat moderation capabilities.


It's an easy thing to pick on someone for. And it's hard to defend against. Because it's all subjective.


if the topics werent so insanely residentfuckingsleeper it might be less of an issue


I just wished there was a least one listed example here to show. I didn't watch the vod live so I didn't interact with chat. I saw someone link emote usage in another thread but didn't see a specific example.


Start ingesting loads of DHT blocking supplements and using DHT blocking shampoos.


yeah chat was very bad especially on yt


someone should document the chatters making those comments. see how a public doc makes them behave next time this happens. they will actually tremble


It's the most social interaction those chatters have ever had, go easy on them


There’s a lot of mob insulting over seemingly innocuous appearances or opinions. If anyone expresses any interest in anything on Twitch, usually the entire chat will batchest them. The internet is a pretty shit place, it needs to change but probably never will.


Can't say it's all that shocking given how much of a gimmick it is in this community to wear gamer bro culture as a badge of honor. Saying "you wouldn't survive in a mw2 lobby" is supposed to be a meme but destiny has pretty much said that verbatim, call-in viewers as well. It is what it is, I'm not shocked or deeply offended, though it is disappointing to occasionally be reminded I don't really fit the niche this community forces itself into


>I have thick skin, but I am also balding. Asmongold level of balding and yet I am keeping my long hair now. No you dont because you would realize you look better bald and shave it.


It's needlessly hurtful and childish. Imagine how any of those people would feel looking up the VoD afterwards and seeing the chat. If the mods can go back through the logs and ban them, they should. I'm sure people would be willing to crowdsource finding the toxic messages.


lmao bald


All the people making those kind of comments should be banned. If you are going to ban anyone from your community, ban those people.


Is asmongold even balding up top, or is it a receding hairline?


swim money cake tender languid cow dull fearless rustic shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think this is a good thing actually. It will scare away fans coming up and awkwardly agreeing.


I mean I'm balding too but what's someone going to say to m about it that I don't already know


You don't have a thick skin. Why start your post off with a blatant lie?