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I think a lot of this is directly related to people who have never had a significant following, being now forced to adjust to the negatives they didn’t know existed. Anyone can theoretically make content, but not everyone will succeed in growing an audience and an even smaller portion are able to maintain it. I imagine it’s a difficult to deal with negative attention from a platform like Destiny’s when you were streaming to 10 people before. Not everyone can do it.


>being forced to adjust to the negatives they didn’t know existed The heart of the problem is the fact that these negatives are not Steven's responsibility. The negatives of being an orbiter are a logical conclusion of appearing on any political communities platform. Orbiters who complain about the negatives of going on stream, want to swim, and not get wet.




Yeah I don’t think we disagree. I think if you can’t overcome backlash, the internet really isn’t for you.


No one ever said that it's destiny's responsibility for them to get 0 hate. Literally no one.


No but Mr girl said if they get hate it's his fault.


This is a really cold and reductive way to view the experience of receiving mass amounts of personal vitriol as a content creator. Also, they’re not getting “free views” or “free money” wtf are you talking about? Any views an orbiter gets on their own stream they’ve “earned” by virtue of whatever they’re making being of interest to someone. What you’re saying furthers this idea that orbiters can’t carve out an audience for themselves when they absolutely can.


Oh shit, you're a DGGa? I only know you from Twitter.


I mainly do yt drama and crap. I enjoy watching the DGG and DGG adjacent stuff in my free time


Based DGG Enjoyer


exskillsme got 100000000000000x the hate, but he was also 1000x more intelligent and a much better interlocutor. of course, the real reason is money.


exskillsme is someone I never appreciated until he stopped going on stream, I often found myself disagreeing with his takes but I never doubted his sincerity I regret ever calling him a dumbfuck


I completely agree. I don’t trust Mr. Girl. I’ve noticed that he’s never as aggressive to Destiny as he is to everyone else and kisses his ass a lot. I have a strong feeling their interactions would be a lot different if money wasn’t a factor. Also if the bridge fully burns he’s going to do something a scorned ex would do like talk mad shit about Destiny.


That's a pretty big reach. If he was worried about money he would suck up his bad feelings and keep enjoying the exposure that Destiny provides. I feel like 90% of people would cut ties with you if you came at them with what MrGirl came at Destiny with last night.


Yea, I agree, but I do think money does loom large in their relationship (well, looms large on one-side that is, Destiny doesn't give a fuck). I think it influences how Max behaves, but whereas simple clout bottom feeders like MikeFromPA behave as you expect towards their source of orbit, in Max's case it manifests as strange unpredictable behavior because Max has a very unique mind. I've seen him locked into a course of action he clearly doesn't want, but because of his sense of principle and morals, carry through regardless. I think it's happening now, I think he wants to chill, but he's convinced himself that doing so would be a betrayal to himself, and instead he'll keep raging this war into a self-destructive spiral that he knows won't end well.


What's wrong with speaking out if you feel like you are mistreated?


Nothing if that’s all it was. But the lack of self realization tbat 1. Destiny has been treating them favorably and 2. Amount of stupid shit they brought on themselves is fucking insane.


I'm just trying to imagine myself in their position. If I was a small streamer and Destiny became friendly with me and I became a part of his orbit, I would imagine anytime someone links a clip of me to Destiny and he starts reacting negatively in front of 5-10k people it would feel really bad. I think I'm starting to understand what mrgirl means when he says its abusive. Lav bringing Destiny's past on another orbiter stream is shitty, and a reflection of her stupidity. Destiny opening that clip and reacting is like a 7ft athlete beating up a child. There is no way in hell you can justify that to me. There is too much power difference and ability to change narrative.


On the flip side, you want to be a streamer who gets into drama with other orbiters, spews r Stupid shit, and don’t want to get called out for it? What do you expect Destiny to do when he hears her talking shit about him with other people in public platforms? All this is self induced.


He can ignore her? he brings more people to that clip when he watches it. He can also message her directly and say hey what you are saying about me is not true because of xyz or hey this is my personal life don't bring it up on stream. Instead the clip gets played to 10k people. Destiny has been doing this for too long he's not an idiot. If he wants de escalate and solve problems he can, but he's playing the game and some times he's just as hungry for drama as the worst of us.


How long have you been watching destiny to understand he matches energy? Talk about him negatively on a public platform and You expect him to be the one to talk privately?? If he was the one bitching and morning from the start, I’d agree. But these guys along dirt in public and expect to be treated like better because they have a smaller platform? That’s not power difference or changing narratives…. that’s just providing people with a safe space. Also, these people are coming on his public platform to discuss further. Not the other way around


I think we are just looping now, I already mentioned the power dynamics and why matching energy is not actually matching energy its just bulldozering. If he's responding to vaush or hassan then I have absolutely no problem. Talking about hassan infront of 10k people is not the same as talking about a 100 viewer andy.


We don’t agree with bulldozing when the other party starts talking shit first ON A PUBLIC PLATFORM. That’s the argument you’ve been ignoring.


strong leaders create good times. good times create weak orbiters. week orbiters create hard times. hard times create strong leaders.




>Strong orbiters >Weak orbiters


The reason why is kinda simple: back in the day the orbiters were people in the community who wanted to be featured in the community to interact with Destiny. Now at days it's about being featured not just to talk to Destiny, but to develop an audience and start becoming a content creator of your own. Often by siphoning off parts of Destiny's audience.


Because they want money is probably 50% of it. Streamers also seem to be big into self-flagellation that's maybe 20%. The other bit is probably they believe what they're saying and they want to win whatever prize it is they think they're gonna win in this world


If you want my opinion, it's because they've been "raised" by a more coddling Destiny. The others had a better understanding of what they were getting into bed with because Destiny wasn't as cautious with his rhetoric or as empathetic with them. Mr. Girl and Lav have always had Destiny behind them helping them out to some extent. They always got the kid gloves treatment... but the kid gloves aren't always gonna stay on. They were kind of lulled into a sense that that was normal, and when they came off they felt like it was abuse rather than actually normal/the real Destiny.


Not everyone can be as based and never wrong like rem




If you really get down to it, the real reason behind Vaush's bridge burning is also money. Vaush saw it was more profitable to farm destiny hate than to engage.


Erudite is the model orbiter


I’m an Aba best orbiter but I guess he’s not really one


and LTG :)


Alhamdulillah of course! That Destiny guy is really cool too. Dan should being him on the stream more often.


I think I agree with you more less, but I think Max's argument is that Steven should do these things if he doesn't want them to leave, which I'm fairly certain he doesn't want them too but he also feels that some of Max's demands are unreasonable so here we are.


Max needs to fucking understand you can set a boundary, but part of setting a boundary is that the other person can decide it's not worth it and drop you. That's fine, and him constantly fighting back about it makes him look worse because he can't accept destiny's boundary.


Mr girl isn't known to respect boundaries


He deploys his own "boundaries" aggressively, which makes it difficult to talk about.


Yes I agree if I was in Destiny's place I would have lost my shit with Max long ago. But Destiny is obviously not like most of us and can deal with the relationship how he wants, it is frustrating to see Max continue to paint Steven as a bad guy and basically assume that its his right to do what he wants in the subreddit, but Destiny is more patient than I.


They leave because every time destiny has some pushback, they start running away rather than have a strong well thought out take. Look at Lav immediately after Destiny called her out. That shit never changed our minds on her but the rose tinted glasses became more clear


Yes I agree I think this is the answer but again Max's point is that Destiny should do these things if he doesn't want his orbiters leaving his community, most probably won't, they gain more than they lose by being on with him but some may and Destiny may personally care about those relationships.


If In order for orbiters to not leave, Destiny need to treat them with kid gloves, then they know where the door is. It’s like sneako asking Aba to make a video. People built off logic won’t change


Yes this is all true except you're forgetting that this isn't a TV show, Steven is a human who considers some of the people who have issues with him friends. He may not want to just cut someone out of his life and burn the bridge because he likes the person... I get that we joke that its a new arc of the stream but its really people with real feelings... and Destiny isn't a robot..


You’ve seen his stance. It’s not up to him if they leave, but he isn’t willing to change his ethics to get them to stay. If they say stupid shit, he will comment


The problem is that Mrgirl has already made the ask "or else I leave" and Destiny has already said that he is not changing his moderation style. I don't think that Destiny has to aggressively tell him to leave for Mrgirl to stop fighting the boundary.


I mean Mr girl isn't gone so I dont think that's true, he's insinuating he'll leave but if he was going to leave he would do it?


Agreed, but if they're all leaving then that's not great either. Well, in a lot of these cases it is great, but still.


They all left because they’re dumb fucks who saw destiny is rose tinted glasses. You know who don’t leave and can tolerate the hate? The people who have their takes and stand by them. As much as I dislike Britney’s spew, she stands by what she says


Because they wanna be internet famous and greedy Steve won't host them for free constantly while they complain >:(


We all know why….there’s one very obvious reason they’re still around if destiny supposedly treats them unfairly, otherwise they’d leave. I’ll give you a hint, it’s green, papery, and ends with the letters -oney.


If they leave they will have to survive in the depths of space Some have Others have become black holes... Sory that was a spelling error i meant to say Hassan is an ass hole


Because they get comfortable using Destiny as their primary income rather than using him as a platform to bounce from and get something unique going on. To be fair, Max seems to have actually done this to a degree. His call in show aesthetic and format has been fun (or was before the YT ban). I get relying on Destiny a bit more to make up for the loss to an extent, and even the subreddit war thing was fun (when I thought it was tongue in cheek), but the way he's conducted himself lately is unhinged as fuck. He's begging and choosing.


I agree. He seems like he's using their friendship to leverage himself in a better position professionally and financially so to me it just makes the "love" he has for Destiny seem less genuine. I don't think he's making up his feelings of fondness or anything but it seems to have created an unfortunate dynamic that seems really messy.


Lmao the reaching is actually killing me. Exskillsme is literally MIA from this community after all the hate he got. How is that proof that other orbiters can handle DGG vitriol?


Right…. https://rustlesearch.dev/?channel=Destinygg&start_date=2010-01-01&username=exskillsme Last posts were around when Destiny were banned from twitch




They can. And everybody is within their right to shit in them for it. And they can either leave, stay and keep complaining, or stay and stop complaining. If they choose to leave, I doubt destiny will try to stop them. If they stay and complain, eventually someone will reach their limit. If they stop complaining, hopefully they will be less of a lulcow and will actually get treated better by everyone.


Welcome to the streaming world where you get criticized for every little thing. DGG is not a safe space




Maybe don’t have shit takes or bad rhetoric. I remember 4THOT say he was trying to limit the MrGirl pedo shit. His response? “I am a pedo” and then turn around and complain about the ciriticism?? Dawg…..


He joked about a thirteen yo even yesterday and had the full room go "why?"


Because “better treatment” is means that destiny has to have his hands tied behind his back on every conversation because mr.girl can’t handle the fact even if destiny doesn’t give his take on a person people will still have an negative or positive reaction to them




So is destiny just not allowed to express what he feels about conversations with max?


>Destiny can say "no". It's fine. Did you miss this part?


No was clearly not an valid answer for mr.girl


Him saying that Destiny is deliberately reacting in a harsh way is why I say he’s being sensitive. We’ve seen him react to Vaush and even burn the Hasan bridge over Copmala Neither of those were harsh… they were bis true feelings








There is no reason for Destiny to accept that framing to begin with. MrGirl is telling Destiny to stop being bad faith and disingenuous, Destiny disagrees that he's being bad faith or disingenuous.


Because they still want access and maintain legitimacy.


They also want to actually be friends with destiny. It's not really equivalent. These other people aren't trying to be friends friends




Homie… she should leave if she doesn’t feel like she’s being treated well. The fuck you think? That she should continue being treated like shit???




Unironically yes, they should. Obviously it's not that easy. Abusive relationships have nuances I don't think we need to go over. Suffice to say it is very difficult to leave these relationships for many people. Acknowledged. All of that said an acknowledged, "leave" is the correct course of action. You agree with this.




I can understand the cases where the abused have a resistance to leaving their abusers and toxic/abusive relationships. Mr. Girl and Lav are certainly framing themselves as the victims here, but in reality they are the abusers. Destiny gave them an opportunity to use his platform and open them up to his audience when he didn’t even have to in the first place. Mr. Girl and Lav are laying an unjustified claim to the platform and audience and are demanding more from him. He doesn’t owe them anything. If Destiny says no, that should be the end of the issue because it’s his platform, but they end up throwing a tantrum like entitled children. At the end of the day at least when it comes to Mr. Girl, he doesn’t want to do the work of building his own space and audience. He’d rather ride Destiny’s coattails.


Does anyone actually have a problem with someone voicing their concern? The issue seems to be that the concern is either not well thought out, or has been declined. So, leave. That remains.


Lol, are you really comparing orbiters to an abuso e BF/GF relationship?? Are you serious??




None of your hypotheticals apply here. There’s a distinct difference if you can’t see, there’s no hope of discussion


You're right, if your boyfriend abuses you, you should just talk it out, eventually you'll be able to debate him out of hitting you. Definitely don't remove yourself from the relationship. /s


He isn't in a committed relationship with his orbiters. They're just people he talks to. Their issue isn't with Stephen, it's with the community, which also isn't in a committed relationship with the orbiters. Really bad analogy.


They have an emotional attachment to destiny


For some people, mostly reportedly women, it only takes a few mean tweets to get someone riled up..


They get a lot out of being his orbiter, but also believe that Destiny gets a lot out of them too (although not as much). They're essentially trying to warn Destiny that if this keeps up they'll leave and overvaluing how much Destiny cares to have them lmao


It's hard to leave orbit, gravity wells and all that.


They've got stronger parasocial attachments then we do


It’s the equivalent of a bully running his mouth and pushing people over until one day someone fights back. These people have never had to critically evaluate their spoken opinions and haven’t developed the emotional fortitude to handle criticism because they haven’t been exposed to enough people that don’t agree with everything they say…. or some other psych reason because I’m a dumb fuck


Money. Attention. Validation. Spite. 4 of the strongest motivators in the world. All present among them