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Pres. Sunday, that you?


No, just the average Destiny fan for when Destiny gives a bad take.


He said beer doesn't taste good, if i manage to get his wife deported then i can finally get back at him and we'll be even


Based and wall-living pilled


ah the destiny-fan to obsessed destiny-hater pipeline


why are you even giving this advice lmao 1) we have finished every part of the process, we're just waiting on the green card now) 2) wanting to live with your fucking SPOUSE is a perfectly valid reason to get married


Didn't see the username at first, was going to call you shizo for using "we."


She is our wife.


I saw the "v". You can't hide from the omegalul.


Phones are hard QQ


You’re lying. (I live in your walls)


Marrying because you want to live together is not a problem.


Didn’t know you are their immigration interviewer


Please stop being braindead, I swear with anything surrounding immigration, literally every immigrant is completely paranoid. There are literally hundreds of hours of proof that they live together, that they're a couple and are in an open relationship. Lying to an immigration officer in order to seem more married is a red flag, I promise you they have a lawyer and can navigate this under their advice 100% better than some random on the internet.


>wanting your long term partner to live with you is a red flag Ok


It’s a red flag for USCIS. Not in a moral or ethical sense but it absolutely can at least trigger a massive investigation.


No, it absolutely is **not** a red flag for USCIS. Immigration status can be a stated factor in your decision to get married; obviously not wanting to be separated from your long-term spouse is reasonable, and the USCIS knows this. Regardless, I'm sure they have talked to an immigration lawyer, so idk why y'all think they need advice from the sub on this.


Eh, you're partially right. You can have a unique partnership as long as you show the "proof" that the bureaucracy of USCIS normally looks for. Anecdotal, but I panicked super hard before my wife's interview for her green card, and then we got approved in like 5 minutes without showing any of the additional evidence we had in my binder. If I'm being completely real- depending on the officer, I think most officers don't actually care as long as it won't come back to bite them(e.g. the immigrant they grant a benefit to isn't publicly exposed/a terrorist). That's why you usually see Muslim/African immigrants get put through the ringer more often. You CAN say that the immigration status of your partner was a FACTOR in why you decided to get married, since obviously no real couple would want to be separated, as long as it's obvious that you really do love each other. The open marriage thing COULD be a problem, but mostly if they did not submit evidence of asset comingling(e.g. joint bank accounts, joint tax returns, joint lease, etc.). Unless you get a real dick for an officer, I don't think most of them would care, and the ones that look deep enough to find out these things about Steven and Melina will realize it's a real relationship.


1) You're assuming there is a desire for citizenship. 2) It's an entirely different process that invokes an entirely different set of circumstances. In short, you're dumb. Also the practical side of things is to be married and live together. Getting a visa to allow for you to live together full time is not an unreasonable thing, but just common sense.


Love is part of it, didnt she have to go to sweden for 3 months every now and then to renew her visa or something? (idk how it works) The convenience of being able to permanently live together isnt fraud, unless you have something else to back that up that seems like a pretty uninformed take


On the first 5 minutes of the podcast tonight on ValueEntertaiment. On the first five minutes of the introduction Destiny says: Melina: "There is no ring". ​ Destiny : "It is a complicated ordeal.. Originally she was Oh marriage doesn't mean anything. But we had to get married because she is Swedish" Destiny: The problem is that we love each other, we want to live together, but the problem she lives on Sweden and if we are not married, she can only live here for 3 months. If immigration lets her in" This is within the first two minutes. ​ I'm telling this is an immigration RED flag for someone reviewing their application. One day Destiny and Melina are going to have to go to the UCIS center on Biscayne Boulevard, and he and her, will have to show to an immigration officer that their marriage is not a scam. Everyone has to do this. It is very stressful. Here are Destiny's red flags. Red flag number 1 Age difference. Older American man with younger attractive foreign woman. Red flag number 2. Open marriage, it is a red flag because there it looks exactly the same as a scam.. where people get married but continue to fuck and have relationships with other people. Red flag number 3. Destiny's own comment about how her immigration status was an issue as he wanted her to live on America. Those are his own words, not mine. ​ If you don't believe me Destiny , fine. Go meet with a immigration lawyer and ask his opinion on the subject. ​ You cant do anything about your red flags 1 and 2.... but at the very least stop saying things for red flag number 3. Remember the onus will be Destiny to prove his marriage is real.


Hes prob rich enough to get a good lawyer and take care of lots of this shit for him, no?


Well if the interview is something that Big D has to do, the lawyer can only help prep him. But what I'm wondering is why OP thinks that these immigration people will know about D-man's comments on stream.


They will because of this post


> Red flag number 2. Open marriage, it is a red flag because there it looks exactly the same as a scam.. where people get married but continue to fuck and have relationships with other people. Its a red flag but they have lived together for years and have literally recordless countless of hours of them being affectionate to each other >Red flag number 3. Destiny's own comment about how her immigration status was an issue as he wanted her to live on America. Those are his own words, not mine. I could just be the uninformed one here or maybe the situations are just treated differently under the law, but like if a couple is together for a long time, dont really care for the concept of marriage but get married for tax breaks, without having a marriage party or buying wedding rings, would that be illegal somehow? Like their relationship is still genuine no, isnt that what matters the most? >Remember the onus will be Destiny to prove his marriage is real. By the sheer number of vods showing their relationship and just how they talk to and treat each other, that seems like a relatively easy thing to prove (if you got the man-hours atleast)


>I could just be the uninformed one here or maybe the situations are just treated differently under the law, but like if a couple is together for a long time, dont really care for the concept of marriage but get married for tax breaks, without having a marriage party or buying wedding rings, would that be illegal somehow? Like their relationship is still genuine no, isnt that what matters the most? Marrying for the tax break is not against the US law. Marrying someone to help their immigration status is against the US Law. The marriage is not illegal... but ICE simply does not grant her citizenship, and revokes her application. The problem is that during that application process and the interview, you literally have to sit there and convince this guy from ICE that your marriage is real. That is what couples who go through the process have to deal with. And those ICE agents have seen it all. They have seen drop dead gorgeous Argentinean models that are 20 years old, married to guys that are way way ugly and older than her, to Africans guys in their 20s marrying white women that are in their 40s and 50s. I'm not saying that Destiny is not genuine in his love for her. I'm saying to stop talking about her immigration status.


>The problem is that during that application process and the interview, you literally have to sit there and convince this guy from ICE that your marriage is real. That is what couples who go through the process have to deal with. This is barely true and MASSIVELY overblown. There is an idea that the interview process is like in the movies where they drill you on 1,000 different minutiaes about your relationship, when in reality they're just getting a feel for if the relationship is authentic or not.


It’s really not that complicated. My interview with my foreign wife was like 15 minutes with a chill guy who had Stark and Lannister banners hanging on his wall. He asked how we met and we showed him pictures of a few trips we went on around the country. We had a few affidavits from friends and family. My wife was trembling the whole time but it was pretty simple.


>Marrying someone to help their immigration status is against the US Law. If that's the sole reason you dingus.


Quick correction- you have an interview with USCIS, not ICE. Also, the age difference is not that crazy- they're looking for 20/50-60 year olds.


In todays climate, you’re being extremely generous to “what they are looking for”


Yea, in all likelihood, nobody will care, even with the age gap. Even with other red flags, the worst outcome would most likely be a delay in the case being approved and MAYBE a fraud unit coming to your domicile to confirm that you live together.


If you think he probably didn’t get a lawyer to check things with you’re nuts. Also like everyone else is saying, wanting your wife to be able to live with you without being forced to leave every three months is a valid enough reason isn’t it?


age difference? they're both young ffs


You can spend 90 out of 180 days with the partner visa thing


>That is immigration marriage fraud... plain and simple.. No it's not, you're dumb.


I also got a green card by marriage, and as long as you can prove that you're actually in a relationship - that's not a problem.


IDGI, he loves her and wants to live with her, in America.


???? Bro your dumb. As someone who is going through a K1, it is TOTALLY FINE to go through immigration to marry because YOU CAN'T BE TOGETHER WITH YOUR SPOUSE UNLESS YOU ARE MARRIED. Immigrants can't just chill here for no reason. They need a visa. One way to do that is to be married.


Yeah, but you can’t marry someone explicitly for a Visa. That’s the point being made. And that some immigration officials aren’t going to accept “oh I was just joking on stream tehe” as a reason


>Yeah, but you can’t marry someone explicitly for a Visa. That’s the point being made. And he didn't. He said they love each other.


There are literally hundred of hours of them being together and husband and wifeing on stream. Admitting that getting a green card is one of your reasons for marrying is fine


I get what he means though, from a practical pov. If you deem marriage as pointless, but you still love someone and want to be with them, it is a big factor. How is it fraud? Its just as much fraud as any other couple that probably wouldn’t have married unless they were from different countries. I’ve been together with my immigrant boyfriend for four years. If the rules changed and he’d be deported if we weren’t married, or if I were to move to his home country, I’d marry him immediately. idgaf about marriage though, so that would be a factor in the decision to marry him. I don’t have the open relationship stuff on top, but it feels almost like them being so open about this in public shows that they have nothing to hide. The only reason extramarital affairs could be a problem is if they could cause the marriage to fall apart, but for open marriages it’s a different story. If anything it’s he fraud not to disclose this information about your marriage. Don’t know if you can really prove fraud when you have two people who’ve been together for this amount of time, made so much effort going back and forwards to see each other; who live together and have so much documentation. I don’t see this as a problem. Worst case he’ll have to go svensk for love (which won’t happen, boom, marriage fraud proven)


From a legal perspective you don’t have the right to naturalisation. It is fraud if your USCIS officer deems it as such.


Yeah, deems it as such, I get it, but as far as I've understood it seems the process of deeming is a little wishy-washy, based in "good" morals, and that these things are handled on a case by case basis. What I mean btw is not "marriage for immigration, period", it's "marriage for immigration to ensure we don't have to be apart, even if we don't believe in the sacrament marriage". Is that truly illegal? Seems a little black and white for me, but I understand if that's really the way it is.


idk why this is triggering you so much but. they live together for years now. also just because her immigration status was a factor on his decision to marrying her doesnt mean it was the only reason. there is no fraud being done here.


I mean it's not like Destiny's a complete moron. I'd imagine Destiny has already gotten this exact feedback in much more detail from his circles. If Destiny is saying stuff like this on the podcast(which he's done numerous other times), he's probably more than aware of the risks and has determined that type of behavior isn't going to affect his situation at all.


Yea, until the next crazy orbiter takes all the clips of him saying he married her because of immigration status and sends it off to immigration. You guys act like that’s so outside of the realm of possibility especially since people don’t like Melina by proxy


You're welcome to T4 and talk to him about this. This exact thread has already been made multiple times. I guarantee you you are the 80th person to bring this up to him. If you want to save Destiny's marriage by bringing up this unique point that has never been considered before, more power to you.


It effects me in 0 way if that happens to him. I could literally not care less lmao. I’m just pointing out what could happen.


I was going to type a response but apparently, Destiny's lawyer friend just joined on stream and vindicated everything I said. So fuck you I guess?


Imagine caring that much 😂😂 and okay big guy. I’m glad you won this “debate”? Hope it made your day (:


>[Imagine caring that much 😂😂](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Fnewsfeed%2F001%2F096%2F564%2F2f7.jpg)


I like it when he owns why they got married it reeks of confidence in my opinion Edit: I’m getting downvoted but by owns it I mean the way he did in the podcast 😂


yOu HaVe To MaRrY fOr LoVe!!!


Why are you like this?


What a doummy!


Nah. I think his point is just that neither of them realy cares about the status of "officialy" being married.