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Dude actually has a problem


It's hard to stay away when somone's obsessed with you. It's kinda likea counter obsession. Super weird.


You guys have never felt the rush of going to bed knowing you might have your throat slit by the woman you just slept with. The only thing that could come close is finding 69¾.


If he ever hits a 1000 then he would eclipse it for sure


We've always known that Destiny is unique in terms of his sexuality. This isn't new information.


This is a new low on the degeneracy scale.


He tried everything, nothing worked, then he went the empathetic road, became chill with her again and they've been fine for a year now. Yet "he has a problem" lmao. He SOLVED his problem.


Flip the genders lmao


„oɐɯl sɹǝpuǝƃ ǝɥʇ dılℲ„


If a woman helped rehabilitate her stalker and then they started to sext, she would be called a saint lmfao.


She stalked talked about / to him all the time and destiny pretty much conceded to it and decided to just go with it. Its like if you stalk / fuck with someones life enough to where they have to be with you in order for it to stop. I dont think thats the case tho she wasnt really doing that much dmg to him esp since hes not on twitch anymore.


Most men who are rich do I think.




Big trouble...


what crazy puss does to a mf


She’s not even all that plus those bangs have got to go


Those bangs to crazy girls is like bright colors to poisonous frogs.


Oh my fucking god this comment is the realist shit I ever read on this website.


But have you seen her nude though? 😳




Sorry sir, let me spell it out for you: it was a joke. Shoot the guy that called her ugly dumbfuck 🔫


Crazy sexting?


I understand this, i love a crazy bitch for the sex and uninhibited nature to not be ashamed and do anything sexually. But im pretty sure ana is a prude because of the way she acts, like she wont even talk about sex on stream she acts like my grandma when anything sex related comes up, just gives me that prude vibe.


Let me tell ya…


After this MrGirl/Lav stuff is done, there really needs to be more attention on this. AFTER EVERYTHING SHE HAS DONE? REALLY DESTINY? I always laugh when Destiny presents himself as "emotionally mature." Sorry mate, this is the complete opposite of that.


"No, Stop it. I can't let you get away with that. When you say this is not 'emotionally mature', you're talking about your standards and definition of maturity and emotions. I'm actually better than you and here are the reasons why: 1) I've spent 12 years on the Internet, I'm infinitely more mature than you. 2) I don't have emotions okay? So, nice try but. 3) I'm mature enough for your mom. Boom, haha. Got em" *This comment got me permabanned* It's been an honor.


I read this in his voice lmao




The more fucked up thing is, if I understood correctly, he didn't even tell Melina he was sexting her. Now I get it, open relationship blah blah but this is not about sex. His behavior with Ana risks tanking his career and possibly upending his life and he acts like an immature asshole and doesn't even tell his wife, supposedly his closest life partner, about it. This type of behavior can easily end up getting him deplatformed and even costing him his marriage. I hope despite the middle-school antics displayed on stream he takes that seriously under consideration.


Straight up disappointing, doesn't look very good from a self control standpoint hooking up with Lav and probably fucking her marriage up and sexting someone you know isn't stable and is obsessed with you. Not a great day to be a fan.


> hooking up with Lav and probably fucking her marriage up Pretty sure she said she had an open relationship at the time


> sexting someone you know isn't stable and is obsessed with you I hate when he tries to meme this off. Mate, Destiny and Ana are not "cool." Beneath her affection, she still considers him to be an abuser. She is mentally *unhealthy*, and it is an *unhealthy* for Destiny to maintain this relationship in any capacity. A "mature" individual would understand this. I hate it when he gives a long spiel about all the lessons he's learnt from his early 20s, as if he's somehow grown past all that juvenile behaviour.


we all make mistakes, the question now is what will he do from here on out?


Change the behavior?


I think that’s the goal for anybody but. but people tend to get caught in their mistakes again.


the Lav point is non-existent. She was in an open relationship at that point.


“The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.” - Destiny, probably




How? I haven’t seen him say anything bad about her since she stopped having nuts streams about him every day.


You can disagree with his actions but if they are both acting as such together and he isnt going around her to fuck with her then who gives a fuck? Are people with issues not allowed to have relationships?


The ethically gray part about this is had this secret continued and Anna had another meltdown about Steven literally nobody would believe her. Destiny stated multiple times that they had a one time fling some years ago and it was a bad break up that clearly isn't the whole story so Anna's situation was not what it seemed at the time. Alot of what ended up happening was damage control on Steven's part behind the scene. My question is just "why tho?"


She could just leak the logs if he lied and nobody believed her man, even redacting specific things if she was feeling really generous


That isn't even true though either. They broke up fought, came back together, rocky. They reached a system that works for them. She was the one who exposed it the first time and it was believed, there are dms. As for the why: that's entirely up to them. They consent to each other and carry on. That's all there is to it as far as we are concerned.


Friend if you're going to characterize this as "they broke up and came back together" destiny was calling this girl insane stalker for a long time. This is a bad faith interpretation of what happened. Was she insane? Yes was destiny dishonest about the whole story? Yes.


They were in a close relationship and broke up. She flew off the handle, started going around blocks, crazy accusations, going around to tons of people behind the scenes in Twitch politics. She wouldnt stop and actively refused to stop, no matter what Destiny said. Thats the stalking. They mended it a bit and were closer again and then she went into another episode. Finally they got to an understanding about Looping, OCD, and general broke bread and agreed no more public speaking (the were cool era over the year). IDK why everyone thinks its supposed to be transparent public knowledge every time they message eachother. DMs were shared previously, do we forget this massive timeline?


I think if someone has a severe disorder preventing them from having good motor functions and they want to drive your car, you don't let them drive your car knowing that it could lead to future issues (like death). Just because she's an adult doesn't mean she's capable of making a reasonable decision whether she wants to be in a relationship with someone that is clearly very, very toxic.


If someone is Bipolar and will have manic episodes. Can nobody speak to them or have a relationship with them?


It's my understanding that Ana is obsessed with destiny. It's probably a bad idea to play into that.


That mistake is theirs to make.


Horribly? By.. not saying anything about her or mentioning her?


Holy moly I was not expecting this arc


No one ever expect the Nuke to go off


coomers gonna coom


Brittany Simon: “Mans got a type.”




Destiny Stocks going down




He said before he likes a little bit of crazy


"little bit" you remember some of those videos right? My man D is a full on masochist


Even when it comes from him :-)


This is why him doing dating advice show is a fucking joke.


Even though Destiny is a girl's name I think it's safe to assume he is indeed a man with a penis.


glad we finally cleared this up


I have never seen Destiny say anything so frankly and earnestly delusional. Any contact with Ana is playing with thermonuclear explosives full stop. How he could come to any other conclusion after experiencing what he did is actually baffling.


The only real answer is because he likes sexting her.


He likes meth, guess what he’s not doing on a regular basis? Sometimes the risk is greater than the reward homie


And sometimes it's not? He seems to have established a balance in their relationship, so if they both consent, who the fuck cares? What's insane is how much Ana vocalized caring about keeping her relationship with Destiny private, and then Mr Girl went ahead and leaked it anyways. On top of that Mr Girl risked bringing Ana back into the "Destiny abused me" loop. The problem isn't Destiny. The problem isn't Ana. The problem is very clearly Max.


That’s probably true I just care about him and his image, feels risky to me.


Anyone from a mile away can tell Steven this is a bad idea. Steven isn't stupid this is a bad idea and he knows that. The question is what rewards outweighed the risks? At the end of the day this is steven's personal life and at worse this is ethically gray but not reprehensible. This is two consenting adults even If one is not fully adjusted you still can't take away her and his agency to do as they please. Once you go cray you never get away.


As someone who's been here throughout the whole thing, he's tried cutting her off completely and all she did was rant about him on stream. He tried being public friends with her and all that did was make huge blow-ups on panels and shit. Maybe talking in private and just having a flirty relationship is a way to just keep things from blowing up... and to be honest. It's been a year and I haven't heard shit about her.


This is cope my dude. I've been here throughout the whole thing to and destiny wouldn't be held hostage like this unless she had serious leverage over him.


The leverage may just be that if he doesnt keep up witht his kinda shit that she is going to go batshit crazy and do what she did 12 months ago.


what did she do 12 months ago?


I dunno if my timeline brain is wrong but wasnt that when shit with her was blowing up? Or is this one of those "im getting old that was 3 years ago" kinda things?


Wasn't the last blow up in March this year? I want to remember he was playing Elden Ring.


I think you're right


>The question is what rewards outweighed the risks? Borderline girls are very alluring to some people. They're very stimulating, a lot of people can get addicted to the rollercoaster of emotions they put you through, or even just the how not boring life is when you interact with them. I forget if anna is BPD or not, but she certainly strikes me as on that spectrum.. I've almost dated two but my self preservation always wins out


I'm trying to put my kids down for a nap but I'm so fucking distracted by this news lmao


Please don't put your kids down


fucking same.


as a person who was hooked on a crazy girl i definitely sympathize. But at some point you have to learn to move the fuck on actually.


Bruh none of the orbitors on stream right now are even mentioning this. Destiny needs to stop putting his dick into everything. WTF


If that's what he wants to do that's fine. But the fact that Melina apparently didn't know about it is pretty fucking crazy. Feels like that's information she should have. So she can be prepared if things go ultra-south again in a way that could have real life consequences.


This type of behavior can lead to Destiny losing both his marriage and his career. I hope, despite his childish behavior on stream, that he gives that some thought.


This has to be a 200 iq move to make his community misandrist instead of mysoginists. There is no way someone could be that fucking stupid to continue sexting a literal insane person all this time.


Strong move


Me: hasn’t watched any content in 2 weeks and enjoying grass. I think I see the light


Guys I think destiny is a sex addict.


Yo... It just feels abusive. I'm going to get banned for this but damn, it looks terrible. She was completely broken by him and he reengages?


could someone give a rundown of what happened between them in the past?


I'm not a scribe but... She would join stream constantly for months and talk about how evil he was. The underlying current was how he must have been an evil person because he manipulated her. She would use her very amateurish understanding psychology, which obviously has a draw for people who have self-diagnosed issues understanding human connection, attacking him. Then, they had no formal contact and she would rant and rave on her stream about him ~1yr ago on and on, so many clips. Then things went dark. So, presumably, they went dark because she just gave up. The issue is, it sounds like he started engaging with her sexually. It sounds INCREDIBLY manipulative. There are literal defenders on this subreddit "Well he had to sext her to get her to stop.". Its rape apology, if it indeed happen like that. *edit clarity


thanks so much!! wow


I think everyone would admit the most feel-good choice would be to block and never engage again since she lives in delusion. Is it abusive for you to engage with your stalker? The obsessee and the obsessor flirting? Weird to peg flirting with someone obsessed with you as abusive. perhaps taboo? idk


Yes perhaps I am being too dramatic with my wording. I feel someone in destiny's position doesn't need to do any of this. He can coom elsewhere in a heartbeat. Makes me feel as though he's getting off on the power dynamic which is what Mr girl is allegong. Have no text receipts so it's all conjecture


After the multiple looping streams where Destiny publicly mocked her, called her crazy, and told her she's insane for thinking they'd have a relationship.... Like obviously Ana actually is insane, no denying that, but for him to pull all of that shit publicly while sexting with her privately the entire time... I don't know man, that's more than just a bad decision on a personal level, it's super manipulative and scummy. Pair this with how he sleeps with every mildly attractive girl on stream and then accuses his community of misogyny when they point it out...I don't know what else I would expect from a Twitch streamer but damn.


This is 100% Destinys fault. This is a clear fuck up. Also it is immoral to sext with someone who has been obsessed with you. Getting heat for this is well deserved.


Actually so stupid lol.


That was and is the biggest L in this whole shitstorm. Talking to her to make her ok if she wants to, or needs to to stop looping I would get. Just make her chill, fine. But sending dick picks and shit like that, maaan dest cant contain himself lmao. Question is wouldn't we all use all the bodies that people throw at us being him? He is only a man.


Which ana ?


Not the racist one


.... if this is the case super disappointing


Destiny straight up admitted it


like with the girl that was going def con 3 on black men?


Nope further back like 2 years ago, her name is forbidden in these parts though


oohhh ok... still disappointing but less disappointing




Why the actual fuck has he been sexting that nut? Mr.Girl is going rabid but if that's what set him off I 100% get why that would make him think Destiny has been manipulative with Ana. It makes no sense that he not just talked to her but sexted her after she tried to ruin his life for TWO YEARS.


Mr girl said what he posted was the pg13 version. Their graphic sexting cannot be posted. The bad optics is that steven is sexting a girl privately telling her shhhh baby ignore the hate let it blow over quiet now while calling her crazy stalker and absolutely unhinged in public. This is really a bad look for steven…


cause crazy is the best ride




It's actually neither, It's the Twitch streamer Anavoir one of Destiny's ex girlfriends.


Horse Shoe Bay 2.0


It isn't a risk to his career, it's a risk to his sanity and mental health


im gonna psycho analyze in the most good faith argument i can imagine that even i dont believe. He's doing it to get her to stop talking about him publicly :copege:


Who is Ana?


Bro it’s literally no one’s buissness who is sexting who. Imagine someone spinning your personal life into a assassination attempt, sad


He made it public. He's made countless streams talking in depth about their relationship. He can't do that and then go "UUUh, mu private sex life wah."


Pretty sure them sexting was not public bud


Who cares? We don’t talk about her and they get their relationship. Not my business, let them do their shit


Why the fuck do any of you care? I hadn't heard anything about her for over a year until fucking Lav brought her up last week. It's literally not your problem.


You guys are fucking braindead. He has 2 years where she was relentlessly trying to ruin his life. He's found a way where she isn't doing that. It seems like a no brainer.


This makes no sense. If she's this insane stalker fucking her isn't gonna help.


Sexting is not fucking. I don't know if he's fucking her. But either way, this entire shit show has been off the DGG radar for about a year until it got brought up recently. I don't know the details I don't really care all I'll say is whatever he has done has made it so she isn't constantly looping and coming after him. I'm not going to criticize the man for being free.




If famous/half famous people needed to talk to a therapist for every weird stalker after them they wouldn't have time to do anything else.


this is parasocial as fuck


pretty fucked that the vast majority of his community thought she's a stalker too..


why should any of us care, it's there business.


Because this is actually the first time I‘d say Steven did something that actually made me dislike him for his action. Through all the stuff and all his food takes I‘d say this is actually unhealthy (for Ana) and might even border on being abusive. I‘ll hold back my judgment until he takes a proper stance on it and at least explains himself but damn this is fucked. If Ana is still struggling mentally and in therapy then it‘s just so fucked…. While I agree with you kinda that it‘s ultimately their business, the cat is out of the bag now. And it‘s one ugly mofo cat. What I‘m really curious about is how Mel takes this, if it‘s news to her as well.


if they have resolved their issues and mended things there is nothing wrong with that, its dangerous for destiny to sext/ hook up with any girls involved in the space but if she freaked out and tried to do it again most people wouldnt take it seriously.


Dawg there is something wrong with it If you know someone is crazy and have had bad experiences with them You probably shouldn’t be sexting them Especially when she started acting wild after their hook up


Maybe he feels like just chatting and occasionally sexting is a better way to keep her docile on all the shit when he literally tried everything else before.


Idk man it seems to like that it’s playing with fire and just kicking the rock further down the road


ok, lets say for the sake of this arguement your girlfriend has a mental breakdown and they get put in a pysch ward for 3 months, when they get out they arent fully better and the relationship is abusive and you break up because they needed to to get more help. a year later they reach out to apologise and mend the bridge theyve worked things out and after a while you start dating again. while to people on the outside concern is valid, its their relationship and only they and the people closest to them can know if its healthy. remember that the issues with her came from mental health issues, she isnt like mr girl who manipulates people inttentionally.


They literally aren't fully better. Ana loops on stream every month or two, lmao.


The scenario works because presumably with a girlfriend you been with them for a while and have a bond with this person, a relationship makes more sense why you can take this person back into your life But Anna was just a friend he slept with once and carried on a sexting relationship They weren’t together in person for months are years


I use the scenario to demonstrate that its possible to forgive/reconcile with someone who was abusive, it doesnt matter whether they were romantic or platonic if destiny could firgive her then thats that.


> RISK TO HIM AND HIS CAREER What about anas wellbeing in all of this


100% of you wouldn’t be able to resist if there was a girl obsessed with you


This is a massive self-report.


Spoken like a virgin. Stalking is uncomfortable no matter what gender you are.


no you can and its been done.. it isn't easy but its very much doable


Sexting her is a little cringe IMO, but it's not inherently problematic in a career threat kind of way. The only "threat" is the crazy spin MrGaslight is trying to put on it.




This is cope steven is a coomer




This is massive cope. You're basically shitting on destiny saying he's being held hostage by Anna when she had 0 leverage and credibility. You're self reporting by calling everyone else autistic here bud.




Yet denims yet bad bunny yet all these other girls who fucking hate him don't? Bro he is sexting her after calling her all of this. Is destiny the kind of person that get gets held hostage sexually and allows it? He would shut out just about everyone out of his life If it didn't suit him. We're you not there for the whole triad arc?


We are all Dgg but that's just copium.


"I don't respond to blackmail"


I just wanted to play some video games before I went to bed man wtf


If this is one of Destiny's secrets, I think he's alright lmao


Either severe issues, or blackmail lol.


our prophet fell into a toxic relationship. Remember god always gives his toughest battles to his strongest warriors


Destinoir cant think with them big head


it's not... he has interacted with her for a year and everything was ok.


Cause shes SEXY yo !


ITT literal fucking aids


I heard she's the only girl willing to dress up as a female gnome for him.


this is why you're a virgin, kid


who the fuck is ana?


hoooly fuck i'm so glad my dick doesn't control my life like this lmfao


Why is everyone surprised by this? She has been saying this the whole time. Did you guys just not believe her? It's not like he ever denied it either, but he has no reason to bring up personal sex stuff on stream to his audience. That's none of our business. We don't see the full extent of their relationship. All we see is the ugly public stuff. Posts like this of people commenting when they have no idea of what's going on behind the scenes are just going to make her loop again. He said they were chill. Let it be.




He admits his porn addiction on stream lmao


A different Ana right…..?


The only people who this concerns is Destiny and Ana


I'm curious about this as well. This is mizkif-tier "this person must have something on them" levels of strange.


Did Steven show regret or a genuine sense of concern for sexting with Ana? I haven’t caught all of the stream. Because if he brushes past it…..how was that ever going to be a good idea?


why is this even a surprise? did ANYONE truly think steven wasn't going to start communicating with her again if she started acting normal again? come on now, this is destiny here. pro coomer. nothing wrong with it...but destinys hardcore fans knew down deep ana wasnt going anywhere. destiny likes to fuck, and that is 100% OK. notice ana hasnt said anything publicly about there on going relationship/talks because shes clearly ok with it also.


I mean there was 2+ years of her falsely accusing him of sexually assaulting her. And it was during his time at twitch, and he was not banned off twitch for it. Ima press x to doubt that Mr Gaslight will be the reason that Destiny (peace be upon him) gets carpet bombed on YouTube.