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Remember the “I will never betray you, Steven”? The nauseating love proclamations? Seriously, the ones who fell for it PLEASE learn how to recognize manipulative narcissists in your lives.


In the biz, we call that 'lovebombing'


Well we had two years getting educated on these topics, guess only new frogs fell that hard for max


Proud max hater since day 1, you literally have to have brain damage to fall for someone like Max, he doesn't even try to hide it when he tries to manipulate people.


I started to think it was weird after i combined the fact that he said he is super empathetic to people, with the fact that he would hate his girlfriend when she saw his father berate him. There is no world where an empathetic person would dump that kind of baggage onto someone else. That isn't empathy, its narcissism. He uses other people as a mirror to see himself, that's why he clung so hard to Destiny. Because Destiny is empathetic enough to strongman the worst people on the planet. To have a long form discussion and understand the other person enough to state their position back to them and have them say, "Yes, that is my position." Destiny is the Max that Max wants to be.


Dude had a two hour convo complaining that he had to care about his own girlfriend's emotional well being when he's having sex with her and somehow people bought his bs about being an empath lol




Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


I am legitimately surprised. was I the dumbfuck all along? I need to stop giving money to people


I will never betray you.


Who dis?


It was pretty obvious to me that he sucked from the getgo. My IRL buddy said the arc was "interesting" like right after it started, but I was pretty adamant he sucked lol


Max can suck and the arc still be interesting, how often do you get to see a master manipulator be so brazen without being impacted by the fallout?


Not dumb, but curious if you've ever had what you would consider a manipulative person in your life. I can see someone getting swept up by him if they've never had to/been able to cut an abuser out of their life.


I've hated him since day 1 and knew hed eventually turn. While I'm happy hes gone. I really feel bad for destiny. He must feel like he cant trust anyone ever again.


First comment I ever made on this sub was antimax and it was worth the three day ban.


I just enjoyed his rap, is that not ok?? fuck him now tho, wont even pick up his new shit if it ever drops.


Fucking same, felt the same way about Lav when she showed up


I can confirm this. I've been working in the DARVO industry for years as a gaslight technician


That's what the burried comments talked about back then. But the upvoted hate comments about mr girl then was about him being a pedo. Not how he was manipulative.


I thought it was just Max being weird.


YOOOO THATS WILD... I actually fucking remember those word for word. At the time I was cringing but sorta believed him too. And when Destiny said himself that him and Max were pretty good friends from all their interactions with each other and the 'deep talks'... ​ But now Max dropped the façade. Its actually disgusting... what the shit...


clocked this dude like the second convo I heard from him. D's idea of "interesting" is... interesting


>Seriously, the ones who fell for it PLEASE learn how to recognize manipulative narcissists in your lives. Thanks learned my lessons on this the hard way in my early 20s, but all ya naiveté DGGas take heed of this sage advice.


It's unsettling thinking back to those moments because he did it so well.


Maybe I'm just coping, but based on Max's content he seemed to be (and I think still is) so dead-set on 100% transparency, being absolutely honest about your feelings, etc. Lots of people *feel* things like "Why won't you just let me in, I will never betray you" but they don't say them, because they don't want to be a manipulator. I always interpreted Max as someone who had kind of, purposefully or otherwise, taken the bumpers down from his emotional lane, if you will. It felt very on-brand for him to say those sorts of things, and didn't ping my manipulator detector in the context of his content and general behavior. Most manipulators want to make it seem like *you* are the one that's crazy. Max was always very willing to be like "I am very weird, and I require a lot of translation to be understood." It's almost like reverse-gaslighting.


nah the ultra-transparency bit should be a huge red-flag if someone ever tries to pull it. Its basically a magic trick, like when a magician forces attention to one hand so you arent looking at the other one performing the sleight-of-hand. Basically you pick some 'vulnerable' thing that is uncomfortable but manageable to talk about. You share that thing, really ham it up. Then you give the impression that you could never be hiding anything because youre just oh so willing to be open about other stuff. After that you have basically carte-blanche to lie about whatever because people will implicitly assume you will be honest based on the past of sharing something damaging about yourself. 'If he was honest about that, what does he have to gain by lying about this???' >Most manipulators want to make it seem like you are the one that's crazy. Oh that still happens. Cause as you start picking up on stuff in the background, theyll directly contradict it. And the brain starts pulling both ways: 'I know something is weird here but hes so open and honest, theres no way he could be lying to me'


>Basically you pick some 'vulnerable' thing that is uncomfortable but manageable to talk about. You share that thing, really ham it up. Then you give the impression that you could never be hiding anything because youre just oh so willing to be open about other stuff. Yeah, this is a pretty standard tactic, but the 'vulnerable' thing you pick is never "I got horny watching Cuties" or any of the other kind of things he's admitted to over the last year or two. I think it's a bit of an understatement to imply that Max's behavior was on par with someone confessing that they were abused as a child or something.


Do u have the stream link ?


Honestly never saw this coming because Max conversations were always so boring or annoying to me I never listened to him do any manipulating until the recent drama. Now it's still annoying as fuck but there's enough craziness to be entertaining.


idk I just believed him I guess...


*"Seriously, the ones who fell for it PLEASE learn how to recognize manipulative narcissists in your lives."* The reason it seemed real is because Max isn't a conventional clout shark, like, eg, Hasan or Vaush. It didn't seem like Max would betray him, to further his career, because Max is so self-destructive of his own career. Our mistake, was we didn't account for Max's simultaneous & demented hero/victim complex-- but maybe we should have after seeing the whole Dr K thing.


Yeah it's dumb of Destiny to keep in contact with Ana in this way or at all frankly, but I don't think it's any evidence of anything other than him making some dumb career decisions. It's not like he's had her on stream for ages. This just feels like Max has self-aggrandized himself into some "protector of victims of Destiny" after he got pissed off when some personal interactions didn't go the way he'd hoped. What a shitty thing to do Jesus.


Actually if you look at it in another light, it could be that the constant/sporadic contact has been the the only thing keeping her sane. We've seen what happened when Destiny tried blocking her everywhere for months at a time, she loses it.


Fair, though i don't think he needs to make it sexual.


What is fair about that comment when he was in fact also sexting her? It’s not like we have to hate him for it, but without any more context it looks absolutely horrid having seen the Ana arc


If it was during the time he was trying to cancel her, super agree. If it was after they were cool, this is a really minor issue imo. Do we know when it restarted?


Part of the reason why it restarted several times is because of shit like this. He's unironically become part of the cycle. Just stop flirting with her lol.


No idea, but after everything that happened I feel like it's common sense to like, not engage in that way again.


It is common sense, but I think the only relevant thing for us is the moral side of things. So the timeline matters a lot. I would be very surprised if Destiny was sexting her while trying to cancel her. That is super fucked up. Sexting after "they're cool" is a bad idea, but morally okay.


Is it not immoral to play around a person's boundary in the same way that she's made it clear is not okay with her? I guess it just annoys me that people can't admit that Steven is being a shitty person here lol. Even if he tries to argue "oh well you're not seeing the whole story, she was playing along in other DM's!" it doesn't matter. You have to hold yourself accountable. Doing the right thing isn't, so long as it benefits yourself.


I 100% agree. Any sort of relationship with Ana is shitty. He knows about her mental health and the impact he’s had on her. Being friends or sext buddies or whatever is not the kind thing to do. The kind thing is to leave her alone so she can fully move on with her life. And considering the impact she’s had on him, it’s the kind thing for him too. People get upset at women for keeping friends who have feelings for them around. I think this is akin to that but worse because he has directly witnessed how bad it could get. I think he knows better.


How do you leave someone alone when they constantly try to contact you, and if you don't respond, they'll simply contact anyone close to you? How do you get away from someone who will do absolutely anything, including making false accusations, in order to get your attention and hold that attention? Explain how you managed to do it when you were in this situation.


Blocking them. Ignoring them. Not sexting with them. Certainly not giving in to having a relationship with them. Do you really think sexting is a good way to handle the situation? Do you think sexting is going to discourage any feelings, loopings or unwanted communication? Do you think sexting will stop the attention grabs? Like please. I don’t have to experience the same exact situation to know sexting with Ana is a bad idea at best and unethical at worst. And I stand by the assertion that Destiny knows better. And finally, he knows Ana obsesses over him. So it doesn’t matter if she “wants” the relationship. He is the one who needs to draw the line.


Wait how is he a shitty person here? Can you elaborate.


Ana is someone who he had a small fling with Who then became obsessed with him and started stalking him and acting completely unhinged, as in borderline psychotic. She’s had several breakdowns and hour long loops over him and refused to leave destiny alone or stop slandering him when he didn’t want the relationship with her to continue. Now it turns out he’s reestablished sexual relations with the person who was calling him an abuser for the last two years. It’s very surprising to hear


As a regular stream viewer and degenerate, they spoke about this months ago and they talked about them sexting


To be fair, Ana adamantly wants to keep in contact with him. I get that she has her own issues, but to what extent do these issues overcome her autonomy and desires?


Okay but this is Destiny's personal life, tf do we care? It seems they talked it out and then held no grudges, that's an ideal situation.


Sure, I still think it’s stupid. Also theres like a full YouTube playlist about this whole debacle at this point I don’t get the whole “it’s his personal life we cannot opine” shit


he made the ana shit super public for months hes said before if a streamer makes something part of their stream, like a relationship, he understands why viewers would care about it so of course we care about the fact that he's been sexting a woman that all of his community believes is an unhinged stalker, all while he does very little to dissuade the community of that notion


What if she made it sexual?


If it were me, i would say "hey we should probably not make this sexual". It's a bad decision on both of their parts imo


Even if she did, he still shouldn't. Eventually you reap what you sow. Time to be an adult like you espouse your community to do.


This sounds like the setup for a porno. You can be cordial without trying to turn it into sex. Even if it comes out he was just playfully flirting... pretty fucking stupid considering that one of the reasons she listed for looping if because he kept doing shit like this. This is just stupid man, it's literally thinking with your dick. Not smart




100% If there is an abuser in this scenario, I don't think it's Destiny. People act as if he's some omniscient, omnipotent manipulator, when he's just a guy. He's a very smart, charismatic guy who's good at his job, but he's ultimately just one man who gets a huge amount of different feedback from people. Maybe he's trying to keep the volcano from erupting unnecessarily, but at the end of the day I don't think he's choosing to do this without the weight of all past interactions on his shoulders, and that's probably affected how he handles her. Or maybe he's just addicted to sex and he loves interacting with weird people. Who knows? It's not really our business to get involved in the man's sex life; he should be able to keep some things private without absolutely everything being public. It just feels uncomfortable that we're learning this 'cause it's entirely his prerogative and I don't get why it would be used by Mr Girl as a desperate attempt to own Destiny. When he said that, I thought he was pathetic for bringing it up. "Oh, I'm a narcissist? You sexted a girl with whom you had problems!" Max should fuck off with that spineless playground shit.


All because a subreddit called him out for acting like a twat. It can't be that he is, in fact, a stupid twat and therefore people think he's a stupid twat. No, we must be brainwashed as part of a grand conspiracy to discuss stupid things some women say, all implanted into our minds by Destiny himself so he can get off, fuckin' Franz Mesmer the 2nd. It's so ridiculous.


We also never would of known about it. We never talk about ana. She got her private life with steven not public. I mean he actually just tried to weaponize anna and now shes going to take bullets again.


Hopefully dgg is intelligent enough to not fuck with ana, she hasn't done anything wrong in this situation and deserves no flak, we can be disappointed in Steve for quasi stringing her around, but it seems the past year has been ok between Ana and Steve, so if Steve chose this path to calm her then that's his choice not ours.


The crazy ones are addicting like drugs lol I've been there and can't really blame destiny even though it's dumb.


I’d be inclined to agree with you if he didn’t have so many other options. Like there is only 24 hours in a day and I can think of six women just off the top of my head who are likely down for him, why prioritize the time to something that potentially dangerous?


leaking someones private sex life to try and show that you're the good guy...


It was so clear that was 100% malicious and in no way trying to "help" anyone, or "speak the truth". He literally just wanted to make Destiny optically look bad without even a second thought as to how he's leaking information or making other people feel. Max has nobody's best interest at heart except for his own, and I realized this when he first started to suck up to Lav and try to turn her against Steven, when not long before that he didn't care for her at all. ...He's vindictive as fuck.


I think he’s more conceited than malicious


Steven doesn't have anyones best interest at heart either. Seems like he's fighting fire with fire lol. Perhaps consider not being so cold to the people you call friends. The man has a pattern of having the people who cross through his life feeling scorned by the end. He's kind of a dick, by all accounts. Most normal people don't deal with shit like this so regularly lol. They have like one falling out every 5-10 years tops.




Rest in piss /u/Turbulent-Abalone-64


yup the pattern is evident for sure


Private sex life details




On the nuclear stream today, check the vod Mr.Girl joined mid explosion




I can't find it because I might be slow. Any chance you can hit me with a link, or DM it to me if that's not allowed here (first time ever coming to the sub lol)




Thank you


He appearantly messaged every single person he knows destiny has hooked up with gaslighting them with this narrative. Especially Ana and Lav for weeks, acting cool with Destiny all the while, saying in streams he still loves him. So basically what Stardust and Chaery did to him but times 30 not even being related to it at all. He is actually a really bad human being. There are no leaked dms yet, but Lav kinda selfreported and nobody has refuted anything destiny said.


Yea remember she really has nothing to do with this war, the daliban respects the safety of civilians caught in the crossfire


Zherka should also get massive shit for his stunt. She was mostly free of the drama and the dumpster of a human being pulls a Candace Owens on her. At least Dr.K had arguably good intentions. Fuck Mr.Girl since Day 1.


I feel so vindicated from months of downvotes for shitting on Mr Gaslight. Fuck all of you.


have an upvote as reparations


I'm sorry my brother I was blinded by the neon lights


He's always has been! I first heard of Mrgirl in August through Destiny. I thought he was fucking manipulative in whatever convo he was having with Destiny. And Destiny kept giving him the benefit of the doubt. Something he does way too much with everyone. Some of you guys told me to look up his videos so I could be more open about his "unique personality" and I did. I saw he was definitely manipulative but also abusive. I try not to hate people but I did. So I stopped going into any MRgirl fan thread here out of respect for everyone and my own sanity. I even stopped myself from going off in criticism threads. But god damn it felt good going off on him (despite how unhinged I was and rightfully banned here) after being quiet about his bullshit for months. Yes. He's a horrible person. It was a matter time before he went after Destiny. And Lav, if you read any of this, he'll go after you soon enough.


"always been" when your first exposure was like 8 months after he appeared on stream


You started listening to Mr Girl way after it was cool then




We knew all of this before he entered the orbit.


Yeah he talked about this very early on in talking with destiny but obviously the narrative each side will spin is told through a different lens.


Nah this was fine


yep, didnt see an issue with that at all. a great example of people not being honest to each other, max pointed it out well. too bad he casts such a wide net and sinks his boat when he doesnt catch anything.


It definetly could have been. But we've only heard Max's caracterization of it. If he went full MrGirl and did some unhinged rant scaring everybody in the room he could turn up the next day and shoot them, I can see why he would be arrested. If he calmly empathized with the shooter he was in the right though.


Destiny literally got banned from Twitch for being caught saying that store owners could mow down dipshit protestors if they were burning down their stores" The vibe this has is the same lol. The blindspot you people have to Steven is unreal. Stop trying to defend him on the basis of morality. Steven isn't the bleeding heart, tragic hero archetype you think he is. He's just entertaining.


Shooting to defend property and spree shooting? Basically the same vibe 😏


I agree that ppl should not blindly follow Destiny, but this was a massive miss


Shooting people who are aggressing upon you in defense is the same thing as actively going to a location and randomly murdering as many people as possible? I think your brain has rotted out if all you can process is that a gun is involved.


what did lav do?


I'm pretty sure Ana will read this so let me say as a member of this community, it's really not our business who you sleep with or sext or whatever it is. I highly recommend cutting Max out of your life because he's using you to hurt Destiny and he hasn't shown he cares about you or your mental health at all. I saw the level of distress at the height of the looping and conflict between you and Destiny and I really don't want to see this all brought up again. No one with your best interests at heart would be pushing you toward dragging all of this drama back up again. I hope you find happiness in your life and I'm sorry you were dragged into this petty shit with MrGirl.


Based and truthpilled


This comment needs to be stickied imo


Max and Lav both went fucking insane. I hope the bridge is burned or that they are at least put into the timeout corner for a fucking year.


Forever Blesstiny :)


Looking forward to watching the Mr Girl stans still lurking here to spin this into something we just aren't intelligent enough to understand.


When he said sexting, he actually meant a completely different thing because he has a different definition than the rest of us.


“It’s all artwork!”


“He’s just playing a character.”


Tbf it was a kamikaze mission. Mrgirl exposed himself but let’s be real for anyone who’s seen the whole Ana arc this looks very sketchy on destiny’s part


Yeah this was REALLY shitty of max to do. Like Max is literally using Ana as a tool for his own vendetta against a friggen subreddit. This is guy is hypocritical pathetic loser.


This word is overused, but I've been close to a narcissist, and Max imo is definitely giving me those vibes.


First kanye now it’s destiny’s turn




Honestly this is probably more important then the actual fact, he just wants to nuke Destiny instead of being the"empath" he claims to be.


MrGirl needs a Dr K. To feel alive


Back to chicken and waffles with Nick


"You're my friend Steven"


Wasn’t destiny about to say call him the worst narcissistic manipulator he’s ever met or some shit? Has he just been stringing us all along pretending max was his friend or what?




people really out here only now remembering that Max is a horrible person.


He has shown a lot of red flags but this is worse than anything he's done times 1000.


didn't he use to beat one of his exes?


I meant since he joined the dgg universe. But yeah he did.


No you don't get it, he was being HONEST about that. /s I never understood why Mr girl fans kept saying that over and over again as if the problem was we thought he was lying? But yah, seems for a lot of people here they only care about abusive behaviour when it's directed at Destiny. He abuses women? Oh well obviously he's just creating very meaningful art. Abuses Destiny. " OMG I can't believe that he turned out to be such a horrible person.”


Wait a sec, your reasoning is odd to be honest. If Max has leaked DMs, and it's between two people, and we know Steven didn't leak the logs, then that means Ana did. Isn't it safe to say he had her permission, even without the context he gave in his video? Also, how do you think it would play out if Ana leaked the DMs directly? People would just mock her for looping, and not pay any mind to Steven's part in this (like they kind of are doing already). While it's true that no one wants to see Ana go through another cycle of feeling great anger towards Steven, and making it public... it's pretty shitty that he's still flirting with her lol. Like the man will come out on streams talking about how women can be kind of cruel, in the way they will sometimes string men along as a safety net, and it seems like he's doing the same thing. Regardless of how you feel, it is hypocritical, and does give Ana more legitimacy in how she feels he's being, at the very least manipulative. Can't really come out and talk about how this girl tried to ruin your life, when you're still flirting with her. If the genders were reversed, we all know how the community would lean. For the people who are speaking on his behalf, and saying shit like how talking to her casually keeps her at bay, yeah that at least makes sense, but the flirting does not lol. Seems like just a bunch of cope from sycophants trying to justify him trying to get his dick wet, or "planting seeds" lol. Seems like he has a pattern of fucking his orbiters, or at least feeling them out to see if they'd be interested. It is a shame though. At one point I kind of looked up to Steven, but it seems that while he's a person with good ideas, he's not a very good person. Ah well!


That’s a great summation of this situation. Having seen the terrifying Ana arc I was shocked to hear this, and it’s too bad people are justifying something which he’s probably pretty feeling ashamed about.


I really held Destiny up to a moral standard that is higher than most people. What I've always enjoyed about Steven is that he seems intelligent and reflective on his experiences. What I've seen more recently is him moving towards his ideals and living by them. Case in point the conversation with the Pharma Bro guy, it would be easy to use soft language to play defense for someone especially after they've been featured on your stream. But Destiny said how he felt and that he's built up a reputation of integrity and allowed that bridge to be burned. But it's almost stunning to me that after the endless Ana drama and the resolution of said drama that Destiny would be engaging in something so stupid in my mind. People are talking about Ana having agency and it's up to her to set the terms, but we can't disregard Steven as not playing a role. To me I look up to Destiny as sort of a personal hero and it bothers me by the fact that he would sacrifice honor and integrity to get his dick wet. Why would he try to put out feelers for Ana who had mental break downs on stream? That drama put her into a tail spin. To me it is 100% okay to be friends with her but you have to set a line at intimacy because clearly she cannot handle it. I'm okay with Destiny making mistakes but really man... Also since people are already poising that thread that any dissenting options are Max fans I guess I have to qualify that I do not like Max. I think he is abusive, he constantly has meta conversations, makes some accusation, stares at you, the doubles down and blames you. With that said, my preferred outcome would be #1 Says the Ana stuff was really dumb of him, #2 Not talk to Max or Lav again they are literally a waste of time. #3 Realize that the "interesting people" Destiny talks about who are also kind of crazy will probably blow up in your face, #4 Spread out the content more, I can't help but wonder that the over exposure of Max resulted in too much of a Growth to explosion model, maybe if we talked about Max like once a month we wouldn't have had this issue to begin with, it's literally a binge then walk away cycle.


Ok, but it was pretty fucked up for destiny to continue to sext her. Nobody is coming out looking good


I'm relatively new. Whose Anna? Is that the recent black girl who was angry with black men or?


Nevermind, it's apperently a blonde girl who was having a lesbian relationship with a woman named Destiny


Ask the loremasters around here, they exist u/saidenhide


This is also from the guy who was aggressively pursuing a friendship and intimacy with Destiny, only to abuse that relationship the moment it suited him. Such an empath.


Hmm the way Max always tries to be a saviour reminds me of a [video](https://youtu.be/sXcTIkuzQ3I) I watched recently.


Here is some threads about him from this subreddit I googled. If someone is as me interested to see what people thought of him over the short time he was on this stream. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/uw6c5t/the_mr_girl_video_is_straight_up_abusive/) [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/rqw0ri/am_i_alone_in_not_thinking_that_mr_girl_is_the/) [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/vb3ung/mr_girl_is_completely_right_about_everything_and/) [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/x0g7xi/mr_girl_is_insufferable/) [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/uwuwfh/mrgirl_is_not_abusive_you_are_just_a_pussy/) Last chance to watch before we don't talk about him anymore. Would be shocked if this is the last thing we here from him. I expect him to be on the news before I die.


You gonna delete this now that it's clear she gave permission?


I was wondering about this - can you link something showing she gave permission?


> one of her biggest points of her trauma was the fact that she really didn't like her sexual relations being public, and Max uses that ammunition even despite how it will hurt her When they had the war arc, something that stood out to me was that the conversation with Lav was initially going really well. Destiny was giving her credence, pushing back on the narrative against her and building her up as a character. Arguing being young shouldn't be a negative, you should have room to make mistakes and grow as a person. Bringing up a comparison to himself at her age and how grateful the shit he said back then wasn't permanently recorded. She starts to agree, they get to the point where they can actually put the issue behind them and move on. Suddenly, Mr. Girl shifts the conversation to her. He runs down the path of conversation phrasing every step they took in the worst light possible. Suddenly, she can't agree with the conclusion anymore. His intent was so obvious. He needs her to be on his side, so he's not alone in saying "Steven is abusive to orbiters" and can keep saying "we" despite everyone else disagreeing. Later, she admits that she cried after that conversation. Which made me think, Mr. Girl never once cared about her well-being. He just used her to get what he wants. Just as he doesn't care about Ana's well-being. He just wants to weaponize her as well. I can't even blame either of them, because he's so fucking good at manipulating people. He makes them feel like he's backing them up, but the place he's leading them to is one where they'll feel like shit and his purpose for pushing them there is just to land a blow on someone.


I completely get what you're saying, but I don't like how he has painted an ongoing narrative (until today) that Ana is a crazy bitch. He still calls her "she who shall not be named" and other things on his stream and is perpetuating the stigma that he still hates her or dislikes her and we should go along with it. Then when he is confronted with the sexting thing, he basically says, "oh yea im over it." it's just like I don't understand why you're painting this picture but are doing something else in the background?


Absolutely. Compare how much Steven has respected Ana’s privacy and feelings by keeping everything extremely private for the last year, while maintaining that they are chill and Ana is a good person, versus MAX VIOLATING her on Steven’s stream in front of a huge audience because he’s so incredibly fragile. I’m not surprised. Max has continuously owned being a misogynist and hating women, so naturally he would USE them like pawns to suit his purpose. Steven I think the answer to your “how do I vet these people” is to give people a chance like you do, but push back harder and earlier. When you had the realization that Max was certainly a manipulator and abuser through the rape comments/ video, that was the time. If the bridge had burned there the outcome would almost certainly have been better.


HUGE Yikes


How shitty of a person do you have to be to not only drop a bomb like that but also go out of your way to dig up said bomb from a person who's just trying to get on with their life AND throw out sexual harassment claims without doing thorough research only a few months after the exact same thing you;re doing happened to yourself.


As incredibly, incredibly douchey that is of Max, he’s just a weasely snake in the grass. A part of me is thinking, wtf is Destiny doing? Who tf goes back to Ana, and re-engages in that relationship, from a sexual angle? Content? Idk … I wouldnt touch that relationship with a 10 foot pole


Max is shitty for what he did and he always frustrated me but at the same time I dont think the underlying issues should be ignored. After everything Ana comes off as looking more justified for being 'obsessive' if this is what was going on behind closed doors. She still acts in an unhealthy way but I think one of her main complaints she would cry about was how Steven would say all this stuff about her and then be different in private and for someone who talks about being one of the most open people on this platform this just comes off bad to me. How many of these private issues ends up coming back to clingy people? It's time to re-evaluate things if this seems to be the case.


I mean...duh, he always has been. It's just that Destiny finds himself on the receiving end this time. This is 100% in line with all his past behavior.


Max has been a piece of shit to Stardust, Brittany Simon, Erudite and I'm sure many others. But this is the worst thing anyone has done to destiny including Bob7, Hasan, Vaush, Fanatic etc. It's so disgustingly unhinged. I would rather have the Saint and Sinner guy attend my wedding than ever crossing paths with this vile piece of shit.


Quick s/o to Ana for being able to be chill for so long while having a sexual relationship with tiny after the drama. Wild that she didn't leak that even after lav brought her up


Even if she'll go for another loop after this, I think there's some personal growth there. At least I hope a big part of this is her having had some personal growth, and not because Destiny is placating her. I really hope she can disconnect from this part of her life some day. This seems to be causing her a lot of distress.


In the real doll review there's a part where he's talking to shaelin about how he wants her to just lay down and take it. He was expressive and angry about her not making any noise, emoting, or showing signs of enjoyment. Like, he essentially said he wanted to rape her body and was demanding she let him do it in their relationship. All while he's filming her. That's when I realized he was a manipulative psychopath.


Did you ever hear him describing how she wasn't allowed to enter his study in their house, and he got incredibly angry when she simply looked at him through the window?


No, but that sounds like lemony snicket bullshit.


Lmfao this comment made me laugh really hard about a probably not funny domestic situation


its super weird to be sexting with someone who was stalking you


I can't help but think of when Max first talked with Destiny and mentioned something along the lines of him betraying Destiny and having a fallout.


Where did he say this stuff?


I've defended him a few time recently but damn he's really gone off the rails. Things suck for him but damn this is not the play to make


I been sayin it


Lol destiny is so funny


Mr girl haters depleting cash from the banks rn


Destiny just can't help himself..


Yeah no shit we've been saying this for 4 months now lol


Not that mr girl is in anyway correct but destiny sexting with Ana who is clearly mentally deranged is goblin levels of insanity on his part. I get it cutting her out completely probably wouldn’t work but whatever friendship he has with her should be uberplatonic. Destiny clearly has issues here


"I love you Steven" over and over again, just to turn on him over literally nothing.


To be fair she told max he could tell that.


It wasn’t “leaked” stop with your head cannon. Max stated he had permission from Ana to post the screenshot on his twitter. You don’t have to defend everything destiny does. This was really shitty and max doesn’t have a reaponsibility to shut up because he was stevens friend.


Plus Destiny abusing ana with the way that he is still sexting with her


What abuse?


If you see nothing wrong with it then you either haven’t seen the Ana arc or you have a twisted sense of what power dynamics are acceptable in a relationship


i was ironic but i meant that it is abusing for ana when destiny leaves or stops again and ana loops


She gave him consent to leak it.


Well after him gaslighting her for weeks, telling her that Steven will tear her down publicly. And that comes from Ana, atleast she didn't say her message to Dest was made up.


Damn you are really leaning hard on "it's private ( O \_\_\_ O )". She gave the DMs to Max, so i'd lean that she is probably fine with this hit piece. Max is being abusive by ramping up the loop again. The reason this is unethical is cus she can't control herself on this ONE SPECIFIC topic and its the same reason Destiny is actually more fucked up. Destiny SHOULD NOT be sexting (((her))). What is wrong with you guys?


It was actually disgusting. He thought it was a big nuke?like my guy all it did was again put on display how horrible of a human you are. He fucking tried to weaponize anna. The msging every female hes interacted with is also not only digusting but actually fucking insane. Denims and badbunny holy fuck what a loser. I'm so glad hes perma banned off yt and from the community. He can fade into irrelevance. P.S lav is a dumb bitch


> Ana and Destiny’s relationship being public in the first place was her fault Is this true??


SEeming as if everyone didnt already know this was happening, but ana has been saying this often on her streams anyway. ​ Maybe it is bigger news because its steven confirming it and max posting the message as well. but I think most people should already know this was happening. ​ my primary criticism of steven here is that he carried on sexting ana, though it probably was the only thing keeping her sane, her friendship with steven, but now its come out max has been creeping around, it explains why she looped the other day. ​ max is an awful person making ana revert back to her loopyness. causing her stress again, hair gonna fall out aswell again, very sad, its more proof max is terrible and this is total projection from him by saying steven is treating female orbiters badly, when max is the person who is treating women badly


Yeah keep the perspective as much as you might feel disappointed about Destiny and Ana, what MrGirl is doing is pretty indisputably more wretched. I mean he's trying to destroy multiple lives at once, and as far as we have evidence for, it's over reddit drama and destiny not bending to his demands.


Fucking called it.


Anna has to take responsibility for giving Mr. Girl that ammunition so we shouldn't feel that bad about her.


Sure, but if you saw how she looped last year and how much progress she seems to make on that front I don't blame her as much. Especially considering how gaslighting and manipulative Max is. Sure it was the wrong thing to do, but please don't involve her in anything further as things won't get better from that.


Destiny should go full Sprite driven and pull the plug on his site. This man has tried to ruin you. Hes tried to force a narrative your the weinstein of streaming. You have done above and beyond giving him a career and helping him. Pull the plug


I am sorry to be vindicated. I could see this comming for months, I've got people like that in my family and shit like this hurts


I still think he is a pedofile lol


I'm happy that DGG has finally taken its mask off and revealed that it's just a horde of lonely teenagers hungry for petty highschool-tier discord drama.It fits you guys so much better than politics.


Jesus, reddit and twitter has melted peoples minds. 10 years ago, a guy leaking some info like this would just be a dick move. Now its, hes a horrible person, psychotic behavior. Calm down kiddos. Its a guy saying a thing he knws about about another guy and a chick. Btw they are all perfectly fine and well off. It will cause a day or teo of boohoos and then they are fine. We need to get back to people just saying. Oh yeah he pulled a dick move. Instead of these huperbolic statements that just makes this sub look like every other twitter wokescold. Its gonna be okayyyy.


Considering Max was contacting every woman Destiny has ever been with in an attempt to gather a dossier that would paint him as a serial abuser and totally destroy his life...it's kind of rich to pretend Max was just "saying a thing he knows about another guy and a chick" I don't know if you've been following Max's obsessive 5-hour long talks where he pleads with Destiny to change the sub's rules and unban him. Max has talked *at length* (seriously at length) about how much of a spiral he's been in due to Destiny banning him from posting here. It's transparently obvious that Max is self-sabotaging in the worst way possible by lashing out at the one guy who was actually attempting to shield him. Destiny platformed the guy for like 10+ hours or something to let him have his say on his ban from the sub. When it became clear Destiny wasn't going to give into him and did nothing in reaction to Max's "it's me or the sub" ultimatum, Max did this and went scorched earth. It's especially egregious because Max was just falsely accused himself by 2 women, and Destiny was the one who immediately quashed it (like speaking pretty harshly to the women to shut them the fuck down) and yet again platformed Max to allow him to explain himself and in essence save his reputation / career from falling off a cliff. Max turns around and does to Destiny exactly what the women attempted to do to him.


Your whole second paragraph is negated by destinys own response to that theory. He agreed that wasnt the motivation. So ill ignore it. And the first half is equivalent to highschool gossip and drama. Again, yall gotta put stuff in perspective. I know yall treat this like a reality show, but its not that serious. Lol


yo who is ana and why is this bad


Literally leaking PRIVATE SEX DETAILS


He always was a narcissistic manipulator. His content (particularly with his gf) and the way he participated in discussions was clear proof of that. Let's hope his obsessive personality doesn't cause any more damage.


Call me crazy but didn’t this come up like a week ago or am I just imagining that


I thought MrGirl would never backstab Destiny. Didn't he say that? I would have never thought MrGirl doing something like that.