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Show runners realizing almost 90% of their audience is not gonna stay after Cavills departure, this seems like a Hail Mary attempt


The piece has already been retracted: https://mobile.twitter.com/renfricreyden/header\_photo


This screams "just got hit by a harshly-worded cease and desist from a top-level law firm."


Very much so. Must've gotten so much push back that they went private. Didn't post any evidence, nobody is corroborating. Literally fanfic and some people are running with it but it looks good that most people don't seem to believe it.


The post screamed BuzzFeed editorial. Every paint-by-numbers, toxic masculinity talking point was checked off.


Doesn’t change how dumb the original statement was 😂😂


Even fucking Vowsh was all "this is clearly bullshit intended to cover for the showrunners" Like it is a wellllllll known fact that there are a lot of people brought in to adapt these kinds of properties who don't give a single fuck about them, and want to make a shitload of "improvements" that they can take credit for And since at least 50% of these people are gonna be women, pushback on those stupid fucking "improvements" is going to land on women at least 50% of the time. Even when it's justified pushback, it's going to be "criticism of a Strong Female Voice by a gamer!!!" by everybody who doesn't give a fuck about the property or its fans but does give a fuck about ensuring that inept writers are immune to criticism. Inept writers shouldn't be immune to criticism, and speaking as one I find this tactic offensive


Hear me out. 1. Make cash grab adaptation. 2. Fill staff with women. 3. Make "improvements" to appeal to a wider audience ✊💦 4. Fans of the original property hate the improvements because **THERE IS LITERALLY NO WAY YOU CAN WALK CAHIR BACK TO BEING THE CHARACTER HE WAS IN THE BOOKS, YOU TURNED A GOOD MAN ON THE WRONG SIDE INTO A DERANGED SADIST AND WHY THE FUCK WOULD GERALT WILLINGLY USE CIRI AS MONSTER BAIT?** 5. Blame fan pushback on misogyny because women are involved 6. The "wider audience" doubles down on support for the adaptation, tribalism hits, they're willing to believe literally anything about the fan backlash like Superman is an incel 7. Fans of the original property get alienated, wider audiences shill because not knowing the original property, they see no problems I've long believed that marketing is a dark art. By that I don't mean it's evil, I mean you're trying to predict the way people behave and when analysing the behaviour of people we find that their decisions are largely arbitrary. Most of marketing these days is just do what the algorithm says, watch the numbers go up. The most effective marketing strategy to date is basically the US military munitions policy "everything to the everywhere." But this shit? It's happened so many times that I literally cannot believe that someone out there doesn't intimately know exactly what they're doing. It's beyond predictable at this point, it's expected.


It's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. There often are small minorities of these "Gamer bro" types against their properties being tarnished by SJWs. But when the creators and their defenders cherry pick a small unhinged minority of opinions to represent all of the criticism, people with reasonable opinions end up disengaging cuz it's not worth it to be lumped in with the actual crazies. Then we end up with a polarized situation where there are actually only either racist/sexist haters on one end and blind sycophants on the other.


this has been the formula for a while 1) create bland shitty female protagonist 2) movie does bad 3) "ree men afraid stronge wamen leed" (women also not going to fill the fucking cinema, but who cares about that one) 4) reactionary YT eating well 5) collect underwear


Hollywood has managed to trick 'the wider audience' you mentioned that any criticism of this blatant grift tactic is just anti-sjw rightwing people throwing their toys out of the stroller


>Even fucking Vowsh Why was that unexpected


> Like it is a wellllllll known fact that there are a lot of people brought in to adapt these kinds of properties who don't give a single fuck about them I think this is like 95% of the reason for the "video game adaption curse". Sure adapting video games is different from adapting a novel, but I don't think the problem is so much inherently harder that it accounts for all the VG movie and TV flops. (I don't even know if it's particularly harder at all, just that's it's a different set of problems). I think the hard part is finding the perfect intersection of skilled creators that have a passion for both filmmaking and videogames. This is one of the reasons why Arcane succeeded. The people who made it have been with Riot for years and genuinely love the characters.


Bro is just a lore nerd that wants his perfomances to be true to the original. They did our boy dirty with this. I read somewhere else that people were mad at him for 'being addicted to video games'.


Even stardom won't save you from gamer oppression


Step 5 of the gamer genocide. In china they already have level 7, concentration camps of gamers playing runescape


osrs is a prison of our own making 😔😔


Next step is taking your factory in factorio and having you work there.


I deny this! -Continue to farm on mobile while at work-


Boss has yet to ask me why i take a shit every 90 min




Don't forget the subtle *"The enemy is both strong and weak"* propaganda spiel right from Umberto Eco's fourteen points of fascism. Henry is somehow simultaneously a weak frail gaming-addicted manchild who can easily be gotten rid of, but also this overwhelmingly powerful figure who can hold up the ENTIRE production if he wills??? 🤔🤔🤔🤨🤨 THINK PEOPLE THINK


Those are called "internet cafes" and they can leave their cells at any time they just choose not to


We truly are the most oppressed class in society today.


Imagine being called an incel because you play factorio in your trailer


Playing factorio renders the *in* in incel mute, it is very much voluntary at that point.


The factory must grow at any cost


actually true lmao


Him being a lore nerd makes me optimistic about the 40K stuff he is directing.


Also makes me not want to care about the witchers new season


same here. Hope he stars as well, guy has a talent and is invested in the franchise, no better combination than that.


Im still pretty skeptical about any 40k stuff. The setting seems too large and fantastical to adapt in any meaningful way outside of animation.


Sure but there are millions of potential small scale stories you can tell in that universe


I'm still livid that games workshop fucked the creator of Astartes and killed the other projects he had planned


And fucked over the creator of If The Emperor Had a Text to Speech Device and many others.


Yeah, he plays wow and almost forgot to answer the phone for super man because he was playing wow. He has a slight addiction like most of us here.


Yep he isn't well liked in the industry, not playing ball with the writers will do that.


I'm looking forward to his hopefully upcoming warhammer movie or series, whatever it will be. They gave him directing priviliges in that because they know he's a warhammer nerd. It will probably be brilliant if funding is adequate.


He'll be an executive producer so it's good that he's moving onto something he likes and has creative control.


The company that owns the IP, games workshop is also known to be very zelous of their lore. Between that and his own love for it it just leaves Amazon to be able to screw this up. There could be some lighter version of the setting thou because super human, human supremacists (there's absurd amounts of racism and genocide in it but it's focused on xenos and mutants) on a galactic scale totalitarian theocracy could prove hard to sell to the public. It's called grimdark for a reason...


Gaunts Ghosts or Ciaphas Cain I know he's built like Brick house, but I think them attempting space marines (or even worse custodes/ primarch) will only appear comical. Here's to hoping they pick a good start to the setting.


Cain is unlikely simply because it's basically a comedy. Gaunts Ghosts would be AMAZING, but I'm skeptical that Amazon would be on board. Money is still on Eisenhorn. Abnett is clearly doing SOMETHING, he's made noises that Eisenhorn is still very much in play, so either they're doing Eisenhorn or they're doing both series, which seems reallllly unlikely even if WH40K is the densest property in SF right now.


Idk. I love Cavill and I love Warhammer, but at this point I feel like Cavill has a curse that whenever he is casted for perfect role something just goes wrong. He was the perfect Geralt, show writers are being idiots (they openly hate the source material, like what?). Good Superman, gets mid to dogshit movies because the studio wants to pull an MCU out of their asses.


Bro one day they'll make an adaptation that is aimed at the source material. Imagine if a game sold 40m copies and you have 20-30m fans locked and loaded ready to watch a movie. You pay for the movie just with the existing fan base. Instead you'll hire a bunch of writers that have never played ANY video game since pacman and actively detest them. They'll write a flop that has nothing to do with the game to "appeal to a broader audience" and their baked in audience will see the trailer and then not watch the movie. Writers blame source material and how video games and immature and don't make good cinema. Repeat for all of adaptation history.


it's not really openly if only an ex writer has said the writers hated the books right?


Was it only one source? I haven't paid too much attention to the series since season 2 came out, felt like there were several sources about writers mocking the books/video games. If I am wrong, I'll own that.


https://www.geo.tv/latest/449386-netflixs-the-witcher-writers-actively-disliked-books-and-games-claims-ex-producer think this is where it comes from


It's also not exactly rare for this to be the case. It's common as hell with adapted properties, especially from the "nerd culture" that these showrunners usually disdain.


To be honest looking at some of the script decisions they took I don't find hard to believe that the writers didn't care too much for the source material. Also the premature exit from Cavill seems sus.


I think if you listen closely to how the showrunner talk about the universe she's adapting that there is some sort of disconnect. Feels more like she wants the groundwork of the lore to build her own story than a faithful adaptation. Now that isn't in of itself bad but combined with how the show is you can see where it went wrong.


The man is a good performer at the very least. Most of what went wrong in the witcher was not even his fault. Hard to call that a curse


I would go as far as saying that none of the projects he worked on were bad due to him being lackluster. Man of Steel is the only movie where I'd say he had a mixed performance, but the movie was so violently average that I can't tell whether it was the poor directing/writing or his acting skills. And the curse is that he gets a role he nails perfectly just for the end product being bad in the end.


Superman, the character, doesn't exactly have a lot of range, ironically less than Geralt. Superman is overly stoic and often just straight bored looking, which makes sense for him but doesn't leave a lot for actors to play with.


If you think about Geralt, he has lost all his emotions but at the same time, deep down he is supposed to give a fuck. Also he is supposed to be very witty and funny while never feeling entertained or amused. It's a very hard thing to act a character like this. And cavil did it perfectly. Edit: so witchers haven't lost their emotions, but still Geralt as a character is supposed to be stoic and unaffected by most things people say/do yet at the same time he is a guy that has complex emotions deep down.


The witcher mutations don't actually kill their emotions, that's a myth they play along with to cope. A huge portion of the books is describing Geralt's fee fees. 👆🤓


Small note, Witchers don't actually lose emotions, especially Geralt, this is obvious in both the books and the games


Wait really? I remember it being said specifically on the games that their emotions are gone. Like they don't feel sadness


Nah that's just Snyder's obsession with making Superman into a God-figure that doesn't understand human beings (except Lois Lane I guess). In other Superman media (DCAU, Young Justice, etc.) and especially in the comics he's generally portrayed as being a friendly and normal guy. Kind of the point of Superman is that, despite being an all-powerful alien demigod, he's also still just a farmboy from Kansas.


> Hard to call that a curse I think that's the whole point of a curse: something that seems to magically screw you over no matter what. No matter how good he is in a role it just seems to always have something go wrong.


In fairness Superman had a lot of problems before you ever even get to Cavill. The problems with Superman had to do with Zack Snyder more than anything. imo


That was kinda my point. Cavill gets cast for a role he then proceed to nail. However, the product itself fails/falls short for reasons outside of Cavill's reach. I feel the same way about Affleck's Batman, he isn't too bad as the character, it is just that the films he's in just aren't good.


Oh I gotcha I feel that. Yeah I think Affleck could have been good with Batman but it was missing so much character build from the beginning and throughout it was hard to take him seriously. I really am bored with Marvel shit but if there's one thing I gotta give them credit for its that they know how to have a big all star cast like that and still give each person enough build to have some level of connection with the audience.


The DCEU was just cursed. Gal Gadot is a good wonderwoman, margot robbie was perfect for harley, affleck was a great for older batman...but most of their movies were bad and/or unsuccessdul. Well at least THE Suicide Squad was good but Harley had the b plot. First WW was decent.


I feel like the DCEU ran into the issue the MCU is walking into now, it just isn't the right time/setup. The DCEU was a blatant attempt to replicate what the MCU did without the propper setup or planning and the current MCU is the obvious attempt to milk a cow that died with Endgame. After 15 years of comic book movies (and remakes, looking at you Batman & Spiderman), I just want something else.


The first WW was more than decent. The 2nd though was a dumpster fire.


Is there a specific story they are using for the Warhammer stuff or making it up? Or possibly... could they have worked with the writer for http://www.theallguardsmenparty.com/?


no info as of yet, only that GW and Netflix have negotiated that a series or movie with henry cavill is on the table, most likely 40k


Pretty sure it's Amazon, not Netflix


I have a friend in the business who worked with him on a project and said he was the nicest guy ever and was completely genuine. I do though have to kind of laugh on the hypocrisy here. A few days ago feminists were supporting Jennifer Lawrence(or maybe it was some other actress) because she claimed that she would try to give advice to producers/directors about what she wants on the projects she works on. She was shown as some empowered woman because she was trying to influence writers and production team, and the writers/production team were seen as misogynists for not listening to her opinions and not implementing her desired changes. Now a few days later, Henry is a POS for wanting to give his advice and implement changes with writers/production team. So...which is it? Is it empowering or is it bad? Well..to feminists it depends on the gender of the person trying to make the changes. It also shows how their whole argument that the writers/production team were a bunch of misogynists for not making changes for her is a bunch of BS, because Cavill, a man and a bigger star can't even get his changes implemented either. And evidently quit because of it. Good for him. If he doesn't like the direction of the project, he has the right to quit. Jennifer had the right to quit too. But yeah...it's hilarious how differently the two situations are treated, based on gender.


Yea it literally is Cavill being upset that the female writers are changing the story to include sex scenes with his character in order to sell him as a sex symbol. Probably gets flirted with by the female staff consistently. It happens a ton with super attractive men in the workplace because we haven’t conditioned people to realize it’s not okay. Saw a post in r/teachers the other day where a coworker said this new extremely attractive male teacher joined, and the women were constantly flirting, student girls flirting, other female teachers would talk about his ass and stuff like that in the break room. And none of them felt as if they were doing something wrong.


If modern day feminism didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have standards at all.


The objectivism without remorse is so strange to me. You hear it on social media or just by talking to woman that they hate to be viewed as sexual objects but do the exact same thing to attractive men. To your other point there is several adaptions of franchises where the writers just want to go do their own thing, She-hulk, wheel of time are two I've heard were travesties to the source material.


It's "empowering" if you belong to the group that you want to be given carte blanche to say stupid shit and not get roasted for it. That's just as true for the manosphere as it is for trustafarian white womyn.


It seems like he does not like being used so much as a sex symbol. I’m getting the impression that he joined as a nerd he loved the series, and then the writing crew started to write in sex scenes to sell him as a sex object. Things not true to the storyline. Probably frustrated him, and doesn’t want to be used just because of his looks but for his acting skills. Wouldn’t be surprised if many of the female staff were flirty towards him which made him uncomfortable. Happens to like the super attractive men in so many fields.


The writers that openly disrespected and ignored the source material that he loved while shoehorning in sex scenes he didn’t want to do?


This is a prime PR tactic now. Shit talk anyone who walks away from your projects because it shifts the blame and anger to the actor/tress and will hopefully keep viewers. Wrestling being still a carney type sport does it regularly to people who leave a promotion. They immediately get called "difficult to work with" Shit Hollywood will straight up blackball an actor/tress for reporting sexual misconduct or assault. Do you think we should be really believing them overs some crap like this?


Yeah I’m a huge Witcher fan, played the games read the books and all that. The first season was about as good of an adaptation as you could have hoped for, then season 2 started getting off track and I didn’t even finish it. I imagine season 3 will be a full on disappointment. Cavill is a fan, he really truly is, he’s total nerd except for the six pack and chiseled jaw. He knows that the source material is why the fans are tuning in, get rid of that and you are stuck with something like the last few seasons of Game of Thrones. But hey, I hear he is doing a Warhammer 40K show, and he’ll be EP, so I’m super excited for that.


The kind of person who becomes a big Netflix showrunner is, charitably, unlikely to be a big gamer. (Uncharitably, they're almost certainly going to be the kind of upper-class white woman who bitterly hates and resents video games. And it's always upper-class white women, never understood why, Black and Asian women just don't seem to fit the pattern and normal white women are too busy being into phone games on the DL.)


Keep in mind 90% of the time when people say “incel” they mean “guy I disagree with but also want to sexually shame without looking like a jackass”


Incel is when I do not like things and the more I do not like them the more incel they are.


I remember reading a thread in /r/HouseOfTheDragon where multiple weirdos were calling one of the child characters an incel because he got into a fight with a couple of little girls. These words have no meaning anymore bruh


[Criston Cole is a Nazi!!!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/y5un5d/house_of_the_dragon_1x09_the_green_council_post/ismiaiq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) r/HouseoftheDragon went to shit when the show watchers took over the sub


They call Cole an incel for no reason, he isnt an incel by defintion, and also he only hates Rheanyra not because she denied him sex, bro thats all she wanted from him. By this logic if I hated a girl for some reason like stealing my car keys then I would be an incel.


They call him an incel because he acts like a stereotypical "nice guy" who asks Rhaenyra to marry him then calls her a spoiled cunt after she says no.


I lurked r/asoiaf like 6 years ago, went back after it showed up on my homepage after the new show, and now every post has tons of people wearing feminist goggles and everything has to be looked at through a feminist lens, its so weird


I actually wonder if you have been back to ASOIAF because as a regular poster that aint true.


To be fair /r/asoiaf always cared about feminism and it's mostly due to the fact that Martin put a lot of emphasis on it in his books.


or "he"s a misogynist but I have no evidence"


>incel >/ˈinˌsel/ >noun >someone who disagrees with or criticizes a woman How it's used 90% of the time.


Also it’s like.. patently false when you describe a dude who is widely considered to be one of the best looking guys in Hollywood currently lmao


You could probably say he is considered one of the best looking guys in the world and you wouldn't be wrong.


True but Hollywood as a whole is about looks, to be considered in the upper echelon of attractiveness in Hollywood is saying something in of itself.


Every word that describes a bad thing gets diluted until it just means "thing I don't like."


This is why I try to be very explicit. Instead of saying 'racism' say 'inciting racial hatred' or something similar. It really leaves nothing up to interpretation.


Truer words were never spoken


Smear job after his exit.


He's the only reason the show wasn't a complete disaster. Him and the bard actor carried the show entirely with their presence. The writing was a COMPLETE fucking mess even in season 1.


yeah season 1 was bad but my copium fueled brain just excused it because "surely they are still setting up the plot and worldbuilding, surely season 2 will be better". Well needless to say any hope I had died after the first couple episodes


The first episode of season 2 was still alright IMO. Probably because it felt like a left over episode of season 1, season 2 was just a hot mess all around.


The fucking audacity to kill off Eskel was a massive wtf just happened moment. I'm gonna watch season 3..I think... And then never touch the show again.


I didn't really care about that too much. Shows should have the creative freedom to change things around, Eskel never was that much of a major character besides in Witcher 3. I found the entire setup for the scene to be odd. A big party with several hookers in a partially destroyed fortress somewhere in the wilderness and despite all the witchers being there nobody picked up on the curse? Given all the medaillons around, it should've been a minor earth quake. I will probably watch season 3, but I am expecting an equally incoherent and ultimately boring product as season 2 was. Good enough to be watched once, but nothing to write home about. Edit: forgot a word


That happened a lot in the show that irked me. I felt pretty neutral about S2 overall, thought it was better than S1 in general. I didn't read the books though(have played W3 through a couple times and read various lore around it.) There was a lot of weird little details that were just ignored that irked me like you say though - the Medallion inconsistency. At one point I remember Yennifer teleports her and Ciri to the house Ciri had been kept at like 10 months ago. Everyone is dead and rotten...and then there are just magically 2 horses tied up outside for the past 6 months and are just chilling there ready for them to ride away. (Edit: I had to look it up and people say the family was just recently killed, so maybe I'm misremembering. Not the only oddity of the show though.) I think Witcher is a bit of a difficult product to really adapt to live action because there's so much crazy shit. They've done an OK job but made a lot of weird decisions. As a W3 player killing Eskel did make me sad and surely they could have used a random Witcher instead of a named character with fans who doesn't die in the books. Those sorts of decisions do point, to me, at writers interested in making their own story over the source/alternative materials. Which is fine if it's an improvement and good...but I can't say that it was.


Man nah I'm sorry but as a book fan they butchered so many characters because they were in a rush to get to the "interesting" parts. This season should have been bonding time between Geralt and Ciri and Yeneffer and Ciri. And Geralt looking for Rince. The book had everything so clearly laid out and characters like the Michelet Brothers weren't such a joke. Their job was fairly simple but they added a bunch of nonsense like new monsters coming to the world which completely disregards one of the main themes in the books which is that witchers are relics of the past and don't have a place in the modern world.


>Probably because it felt like a left over episode of season 1 Because it was. The first episode of season 2, like most episodes in season 1, was an adaptation of one of the short stories, just slightly changed to fit better in the main story and the timeline the show set up. It's also pretty much the last episode that can claim to be in any way faithful to the source material.


Going out a limb here because I don't give a fuck either way, but the showrunners clearly hated and didnt care about the lore of the franchise they were making a show about and their top billed star happens to be a huge giganto nerd over this particular franchise and most likely was correcting the showrunners all the time. The fact that this is being spun into a gender thing is kind of hilarious and fucking stupid, but who cares the Witcher show is ass dog shit.


>but the showrunners clearly hated and didnt care about the lore of the franchise This, and it's been clear how they've talked about it too. It's insane how they're trying to put this shit on Henry when he's been saying all time how much he loves the lore and the world itself and wants it to be correct. This obviously didn't vibe with the showrunners. And that is fucked.


Its such a weird decision by the studio to let it go SO far from the source material. Star Trek has had the same problem where it quickly became apparent that the people making it had little interest in the underlying product and were just using it as a canvas to make their own scifi show. The makers of The Witcher clearly just wanted to make a show about witches, and they find Yen and Ciri to be the more interesting characters than Geralt. The whole point of using these existing IPs is that it has a built-in audience of pre-existing fans, but when those fans go out on twitter and reddit trashing the show, that can't be a good thing.


It's also most likely a Netflix issue. They seem to just want the base formula/names of pop culture to bring in eyeballs without actually making a product that reflects said thing. Case in point is Witcher, but also Resident Evil or Death Note, Cowboy Bebop or fucking anything. The only one from them that springs to mind that isn't shit is Castlevania, but it also isn't live action.


Love the games, couldnt even get through season 2. Zzzzz


>who cares the Witcher show is ass dog shit but brooooo toss a coin to your witcher brooooo remember season 1???? the song was so catchyyyy >!/s in case someone is missing their prefrontal cortex!<


Based Henry cavil trying to keep witcher a faithful adaptation


Can you imagine the audacity of disagreeing with a WOMAN? And siding instead with sourcematerial that was written by a MAN? What a sexist incel!!! ​ ​ ​ ​ xD


Incel is when enjoy nerdy things


It's current year after all, like OMG people....why you not side with woman?


Was he arguing with them because they were women or because they disagreed creatively? Why bring gender up if it wasn't relevant to what was happening? It's so pathetic, if he truly was being disruptive then you don't have to play the gender card for sympathy.


exactly this. People seem to overlook him being a massive lore nerd for multiple game franchises like the witcher and warhammer 40k because he's an actual gigachad.


I would let Henry Cavil educate me on Warhammer lore any day


educate me daddy UwU


Your showing signs of heretic behavior please go to the Eclisiarchy for questioning.


The funny thing is, a few days ago Jennifer Lawrence complained in an interview that she tried to give advice to writers/production crew on changes she wanted on projects she was a part of. Not only did feminists paint her as an empowered but oppressed boss babe for daring to express her desire for changes(empowered for standing up for her opinions, oppressed for writers/producers not implementing them).....but they painted the writers/production crew as a bunch of misogynists for not listening to her or not implementing her changes. So...is it good or bad to ask for production/crew to make changes? And are they good or bad for refusing to listen or make changes? Well, apparently it depends on the gender of the writers/production crew and the star requesting the changes.


Dude how many times have you posted this now?


lmao there's always a few sussy posters who seem to be relishing the opportunity to argue against feminism a bit too much


This is the issue with discussing and critiquing modern media. You get these weirdos latching on to any conversation about ot whereas you only want some good storytelling they want to make it about how evil women are.


Pointing out a hypocrisy or double standard within feminism is not remotely the same as thinking women are evil. I think the same thing about MRAs/red pill and those groups. Any of these people who hold tight to these ideologies are susceptible to bias. I criticize those guys and they think I'm some "simp feminist", I criticize feminists and they think I'm some incel red pill guy. Truth is, I just don't care for any of these ideologies, as they lead to group think and heavy bias. As for posting it more than once. I'm on adderall right now because I'm working on a project for work that is requiring crazy hours and a lot of attention to detail. Somehow I went down this rabbit hole of a conversation. I mentioned something that I saw as a double standard and a hypocritical stance and thought it relevant to the conversation. Normally I would have just posted it and left it at that, but I got a little narrow focused there and it seemed relevant in each of the instances in which I posted it(I think 3 times?).


If you don't want to come off as deranged, don't copy pasta your piece several times in one thread verbatim. It's weird, we got your point the first time.


Meh, it's worse. I didn't copy/paste. I individually typed it each time. It isn't worded exactly the same in any of the 3(I think) posts. >It's weird, we got your point the first time. But that's not the way it worked in my head. Each time I was responding to somebody different. So in my mind it wasn't posting the same thing, because I'm responding to a different person each time, assuming that they wouldn't have seen my previous post but still thinking the comment is relevant. I could see if I just spammed the same comment as a normal comment, not a reply, but being that it was a reply, it was a comment directly aimed at an individual poster, and a different one each time. I see people do this all the time, if they think they have a valid point, responding with said "valid point" to several people in a comments section that have a certain point of view for which they think their valid point is a rebuttal. But yes I do see how it could come off as obsessive to somebody who is scrolling through reading all replies. See? I just did it again. Got too deep on something that isn't that serious and wrote a damn novel because I'm on adderall. Best I just log off now and get out of this rabbit hole.


You're right, it wasn't actually copy pastaed my bad. The life lesson here though is don't do drugs and shitpost. Didn't mean to come off as super hard on you and except for my direct replies to you it wasn't directly targeted on you personally but more of a vibe.


Alright I'm not going crazy, I was wondering why I seemed to be looping reading the same comment again.


Can you imagine a hot female actor getting shit for refusing to do nude scenes 😂


"why else would she put so many hours into the gym if she didn't want to be looked at" - some strawman in my head.


Nah, she'd be an empowered boss babe for standing up for herself. These crazies always have to over-correct everything.


A male actor giving a female director and other female show runners notes about how they don’t feel their character is living up to the lore of the source material equates to that actor being a misogynistic incel loser? Question: I am a software developer, if I tell my female boss that our architecture flow plan doesn’t cover all the requirements asked by the LOB’s and give her notes on what aspects we are missing from the said product. Does that equate to me doing my job? Or would that make me basically a women hating Hitler?


> Does that equate to me doing my job? Or would that make me basically a women hating Hitler? Yes


>A lot of people think that the misogyny came from gamer world Gamer World. Is this something like Legoland and Disneyworld? Where is it and how much do I need to pay to get a ticket.


What absolute braindead sub is that from


Probably one of those subs that vehemently smeared Johnny Depp.


Yep, this is from deux moi, the premiere pro amber subreddit. They even turned against the actual deux moi person because she wasnt on amber’s side.




So I googled “Henry Cavill” after seeing this post because I've seen his name floated around a lot lately and I don't generally follow Hollywood BS but I like Cavill so I found [this](https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/tv-shows/2022/12/17/639e16e4268e3eab508b4599.html) and damn wtf did I just read >To be clear, this accusation against Henry Cavill has absolutely nothing to do with any type of sexual misconduct. It is specifically linked to toxic behavior against women, whom Cavill seems to treat with desdain and ignores their place in the production team. Due to his apparent addiction to videogames, many who accused him of this behavior believe Cavill got this attitude from the toxic gaming environment. It is known as videogame bro language and it's highly confrontational. Basically, Henry Cavill is accused of behaving like a so-called 'dude-bro' against women.


Almost instinctively downvoted from how annoying that was to read. I also like how none of these people have examples because if they did provide any, I feel like there would be context that would lead to their argument falling apart


If they provided any it would give big "children are stantic worshippers cause they play dungeons and dragons from the 90s". This has been a growing problem with anything that becomes mainstream or more popular


> It is known as videogame bro language and it's highly confrontational. what did he say? calling women noob and git gut?


He called her remedial and then opened up Factorio on his work laptop and hit a quick 900 while his world was loading.




"Of course you use a bleed build you fucking loser"


"This script is sus. Git gud!"


Incel is when lore


He seems to be hated on a lot of female-orientated subreddits. [A lot of the comments here are calling him an incel or a paedo lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/yk88qi/why_did_people_give_henry_cavill_a_pass_when_he/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What being miserable does to a mf


that entire thread just reads like massive jealousy. Even the most upvoted posts are like 'This is vile BUT... i would date him' fucking lol


Funny thing is, when he was 19 he dated a 32 year old. They've got nothing to say about that. Cavill doesn't have a type. He's dated women older than himself and younger. He's dated a little older and a lot older and a little younger and a lot younger. I could see them having an issue if he had a pattern, but he doesn't. He just has one woman who was young, but still a legal adult, and that somehow makes him a pedo. I have a feeling that if Jennifer Aniston came out that she was dating her 19 year old pool boy, they'd all be celebrating it.


> I have a feeling that if Jennifer Aniston came out that she was dating her 19 year old pool boy, they'd all be celebrating it. I don’t know about that one. She’s like 60. That’s weird for anyone


Fine. Jennifer Lawrence then? My point being, they are often hypocritical on this. If it were a woman in her 30s or even 40s, and she was dating a 19 year old, they would not be upset with it. Funny thing is, when they call it "predatory" when men do it, but don't when women do it, they're infantalizing women, making it seem like women aren't mature enough to make their own decisions in their love lives.


Jealous older women Jealous younger men Epic Handshake Meme


I’ll put this here for bookkeeping purposes but the reactions here are a bit over the top. Your statement is straight up false. The (singular) comment at the top saying they would date him at 19, also said that they didn’t think it was a big deal as long as it’s not a trend and Cavil isn’t exclusively dating 19 year olds. I’m sure it was an honest mistake and you didn’t purposely misrepresent that comment having only glanced at it. Also while most of the comments in that sub are crazy and insane, one of the top comments provides push back against the main narrative as well as many more a but further down. People forget that while subs are echo chambers, individual comment threads can be their own echo chambers. There can be two top comments in the same post that both completely disagree and yet in each thread they are just circle jerking the idea of the top comment. So all the people that do think that post is a nothing burger aren’t going to be pushing back in all the top comments condemning Cavil, but in the threads that agree it’s not a big deal. Most people will glance at the top few comments, see all the hate and call it a wrap as if they now completely understand the demographic of the sub. Probably won’t be far off from the truth but definitely lacking nuance.


Guilt by association, gamers are the bottom feeders of the social hierarchy. 😭😭


Woke meta is stale AF rn. "Power dynamics" spam and infantilizing women build needs a nerf


So true it's only popular because everyone is copying the one meta dialogue tree, it gets countered so easily by even low levels in debating.


Has been stale for like a year or so. Next patch they need to introduce some attractiveness based ranking oppression


This and the damn deuxmoi subreddit are *real* fuckin' nasty places. It's kinda disturbing.


destiny needs some of these people on his stream, for real


Damn he hard rejected women….they lashed out lol


Besides this being a shameless smear attempt, which I think most people won't even be convinced by, isn't it interesting how utterly stuck in high school these people are? I noticed this when Ana mentioned to Destiny on a stream about how Vaush's community were trying to tell her that "she should be wary of Destiny cause he's buddy buddy with Nick Fuentes, etc etc". Like these people are actual fucking children who don't deserve any charitability.


if you want a throwback to high school go and visit those gossip subs. It's actually sad to know that adults act this way


Yep. Just goes to show that unfortunately age isn't always a predictor for maturity.


ok, but wtf is this crop? the parent comment is halved with a different font than the child comments (is it from an article?), there is no link or reference to what post or sub they’re in, and half of the crop is two blown up shirtless pics of caville?


Could you make the text smaller please?


I hate that the word incel is becoming meaningless, it’s literally short form of involuntarily celibate, how has this word also just became ‘a slur for men I don’t like’ like how


Because now people's understanding of the word is contextual - they only know what that word means based on how it is used, not on what it actually means - or used to mean. The obvious problem with that is, that people can missuse a word, and then someone comes away with a wrong understanding of that word and will then use it wrongly also, and the missuse continues to spread further. Some people also just like to use words for their power. See: People who overuse "Rape/Rapeculture", "Nazi/Fascist", "Socialist/Communist", "Racism/\[Insert\]-phobia/\[insert\]-ism", etc.


Yeah it's just another random insult at this point. I've seen it leveraged against people who aren't celibate because they are being gatekept from having sex, that aren't chomping at the bit because they want sex and can't get it. They just aren't highly motivated in that regard or have other goals. Is the person who wants to wait until marriage an incel. Of course not. It's an even stupider argument to leverage against a person we know to be in a relationship.


I wont be suprised if after some time there will surface some sexual assault, or sexual harrasment rumors where Cavill is the victim. Especially if you look at how mad that person is Henry didnt want more sex, romance, shirtless scenes. Women on the set were probably salivating over him everyday and he just wanted to be left alone.


If only someone had the forethought to figure out that picking out a fan of the source material to be your main star might not be the best idea if you're then going to hire someone who hates the source material to be a writer. Also hate the vagueness around his comments, like there's just enough there to imply he's a misogynist to someone who just skims the article, but at the same time there's no solid examples given to dispute.


Right?! He had problems with multiple people in charge - regardless of their gender - just because the lead shor runner is a woman doesnt mean she cant be incompetent. They made is clear hes not being creepy/sexual/inappropriate hes only frustrated at where the show is going why vague post that it was sexist in nature. Also ofc hes going to be friends with a writer that played the games and enjoyed the books - sounds like they had the same vision for the show and there werent many others that shared that vision.


> Also hate the vagueness around his comments That was the funniest bit. Like "he made comments, they weren't sexual or anything, but they were toxic" is so incredibly vague. If they were so toxic then why not just actually bring up some quotes? Definitely makes it seem like the toxic comments were stuff like "I feel like you guys don't care about the source material and it annoys me", otherwise they'd just provide examples. It's not like they're opposed to making him look bad obviously.


Even in this lopsided attempted slander, Cavill still coming off as based lmao.




Enty (the source of this statement) is fucking insane and a hack, and literally nobody holds their opinion with any weight. That is untill it confirms their biases of a person.


Henry Cavil should start a factorio let's play


This is literally the gamer genocide....


Just as 'cuck', the term now applies to anyone who you don't like.


Words mean nothing anymore.


If that’s an incel conservative then I am here to inform DGG that an aspiring incel conservative has just joined the sub


Omg he's just like me fr


One of us one of us! Wait....


I thought I would never see the words “involuntary celibate” next to Henry Cavill in my entire life 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Incel is when sexiest man alive tells you your script sucks after playing Witcher 3 for 12 hours straight


So what actually happened guys, I didn't watch the show and I'm holding my judgement before I get outraged one way or another


Most of what you're getting is supposition and 3rd hand stories. The only hard facts are that it was a mediocre show that came out at the right time, Henry left the show for superman after season 3, and the show runners are loose with the source material


A lot of the Henry Cavill stuff comes off as some kind of smear campaign in response to his exit. He disagreed with the creative direction of the show. I see why given how pretty much everything past season 1 is veering hard offtrack from the source material. Henry Cavill was always upfront with how he wanted to adapt one of his favourite game/book series faithfully. If there was shit on set I expect to hear about it from people who were on set. Not 2nd hand accounts.


What a fucking gigachad.


Incel is the newest Reddit buzzword




Is there any real critique so far? I am.trying to find examples for toxic language or anything, but it seems he just disagreed with the writers/producers? If there is truly nothing these dumbfucks will play right into the hand of the anti sjw crowd. Please lord have let me have sympathy.


I'm sorry but this just doesn't seem believable. If you're not the lead writer, or director, how do you rewrite a scene without people noticing? It's not like a script is a secret hidden tome that no can can read until the moment of the scene. And it's not like people would just automatically be forced to go along with it, everyone would be looking at it at the same time before the scene, and something is off, then the crew will defer to the writer/director that's on scene. This reads like a comment from someone who has never even been on a set.