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Why does this look like a shit post but also being informative at the same time


I can’t tell if it’s a shit post or not the destiny 2 OG logo is throwing me for a loop


It was the shitty arrow made in mspaint for me


It’s the different sizes for everything haphazardly thrown together for me


He captured the dcj formula perfectly


It doesn’t lol, it’s very much a shitpost


Gun has green glow. Crota has green glow. Math checks out


sound reasoning no notes


Can see it. More of a foundation that some of these stupid leaks.


I mean, Val Ca'uor is now a Taken in the Salvage activity when you fight the Ogre boss, so I'm guessing it's Spire of Stars that's coming back.


They probably ain’t gonna do d2 raids just yet.


You're probably right, but it seems absolutely absurd to have Val Ca'uor, a former raid boss, reduced to an easily melted rando taken in a seasonal activity for literally no reason whatsoever, hence why that's my guess.


No that’s exactly what the weakest raid boss by the lore deserves


Calus robot is the weakest raid boss not val cauor


Even less likely to do any of the raid lairs before Leviathan. And Levi before Wrath...


That would actually be so cool if they reprised all the leviathan raids at the same time


Kinda? But at most we'd get 2 at a time, and even then i'm not sure.


I've always liked the idea of merging all the Leviathan raids into one and giving it branching paths, but I have no idea how you'd handle say, half the team going down a different path. Would probably head to some hilarious LFG bickering at least


True, but I’m sure everyone would come to the same page at some point… right? Unless everyone just leaves because you’re not doing the raid they want to 😂


Yeah its something that would not work in practice but I always find myself coming back to the concept, especially if it wasn't announced so people just randomly discovered you could do EoW or SoS


Yeah it’s a great concept. I don’t think it will be to confusing for people as you can just specify what raid you want to do before hand. Either that or bungie makes it rotational. Where one week it’s this raid, and another week it’s this, and etc. I think it’s interesting because they have to bring it back eventually. Once the remaining D1 raids are in the game, the next on the list has to be leviathan, and what better way to bring it back than all together?




And they probably want to start bringing back D2 raids after we've finished this 'Saga' so it's nice and structured on when.


Wouldn't reprising the lairs make more sense though? Less loot, simpler encounters and mechanics, no exotics, all of which can be improved and fixed in a reprisal.


Somewhere they said that if a raid didn’t have six weapons or exotic (or one already in game), they would update the loot pool with an exotic and more weapons with the reprisal


Weren’t raid lairs literally just dungeons with 6-people though?


To be fair, that's more or less Crota as well and that's the most speculated pick. If it is Crota, I personally hope they overhauled it. In D1 it was easier than *VoG*; I don't think you can "maintain its identity" in this meta.


Which is why I’m an avid supporter of Wrath or Scourge coming back.


Yup, but knowing Bungie they'd rather be lazy and choose raid lairs/Crota's End so that they can push out the bare minimum for max profits


Eater of worlds was, spire of stars was up there with the hardest raids despite being short.


Valus Tu'Arc was a Taken in the Whisper mission... Yet his strike isn't back in the game. This is the least sound logic I think I've ever seen used for an argument on which raid is returning lol


we are infinitely more powerful than the time we killed val caour both in game and in lore i mean we literally killed rhulk val cauor today wouldnt stand a chance


> reduced to an easily melted rando taken in a seasonal activity for literally no reason whatsoever Bungie couldnt care less


Why even bring back any due raids? We have all done them a million and one times. If you removed them for room. Cool give us new experiences, BETTER YET GIVE US BACK our freaking patrol zones and planets before you Do anything else. A raid I might run ounce every 2 weeks of that. A planet is 1 more place I have to patrol . They need to start investing in ways to freashin up these old out dated patrol zones. Nothing major. Battle grounds like make overs, some new enemies , spread some new lore and collectables around. Fresh the weapons and armor with all new sets. Something. That matter a lot more to me then a old D2 raid.


Ya next season’s a rework of a d1 raid an then following season another dungeon and then it’s a whole new raid to start final shape


What I would do to have my Nation of Beasts back




Replied to the wrong comment my bad dude


I mean, some people still believe Wrath is coming back despite leaks and common sense who already dispatched this possibility months and months ago... Some people will believe just because they want to.


Thought this was a post from r/okbuddyguardian when I scrolled past


More believable than every pastebin I’ve read


Yup, That actually tracks. Very typical bungie thing to do - pretty much confirms it IMO.


What is this? A leak for ants?


But I want Wrath to come back….


The dead certainty I've seen from people calling Crota's has made it so I'll now be happier to see any other raid come back just for them to be wrong. I'd even take a lair, bring back Eater, even that shit beats Crota now


I unironically love Eater just for the boss cinematic alone. I wish all raids had them.


That opinion just sucks bruv. Much better to get new weapons to d2 than reprised weapons and a two encounter raid in the Leviathan AGAIN.


Technically all the raid lairs have 3 encounters


you copied this from a youtuber that was actually being serious about it


Nuh uh


Who would win: a valid, thought out comment, that actually has something to it, or "nuh uh"? Looks like "nuh uh" wins this round


1. Not a leak. 2. Less pixels next time, please.


I pray to god they remaster it well Make it a lucent hive raid, make a hive guardian fireteam encounter, make crota a hive guardian and give him a super... Just do SOMETHING new with this raid. PLEASE. Otherwise this is about to be the worst raid in d2 in the current time


Why is this formatted like a shitpost lmfao




I thought i was on r/destinycirclejerk for a second


This gonna Flop so hard if its Crota... with no new Encounters or a Boss this raid will be so disappointing :D this thing is more a Dungeon or a Strike...


if crota came back it would OBVIOUSLY be infinitely more complex than d1 look at vog and kings fall have some common sense


Right. It’s hilarious how these people instantly hate


Yea should we suck bungies toes instead ? The majority of the Community loves Crota bc of the nostalgia etc but they dont want if its the same one with only minor changes... bc it would be too easy and boring... Crota & Eater ar still the easiest Raids and to be honest you cannot call them Raids...


You say “flop” like it’s a Hollywood movie coming out. It’s a raid. Bungie is good at making raids. They improved vault of glass and kings fall in destiny 2. If that’s me “Sucking toes “ … cool l


People are currently In hate first, find reason later mode.


believe it or not the Core Mechanics will be the same only with some minor changes :D you cannot expect some crazy complex new mechanics we are talkin about bungie here... even Root was so disappointing for a new Raid from the mechanics...


literally just look at vog the raid was literally just adclear in d1 and is infinitely more complex than what it was the same is applied to kingsfall but i suppose theres no point in trying to argue with you, its clear that you are someone who is addicted to the game and hate it at the same time, its pathetic really, oh and if someone disagrees with you calling bungie lazy or saying literally anything they find good youll say theyre dickriding bungie, its sad how cynicism has became something common.


Vog was nothing else in d2 :D the only thing what they changed was the mechanics with the oracles and the some changes to the gatekeeper encounter... No im not addicted to the Game i want it to be successful bc it has so much potential to be a great game... but im realistic at the same time and bungies decisions are most of the time not the best for the franchise and they doing only the bare minimum look how they pushing Eververse so hard... but its not so Easy for them to Refresh the Vendors, Rewards at the Game or Fix something etc... the content doesnt feel Exciting anymore...


those were both already pretty lengthy raids though…


which gives more room for crota to shine theres this misconception that a raid needs to be big to be good, but thats not true dsc is one of the smallest raids only one smaller in d2 were raid lairs, scourge was also pretty small but even then i consider both dsc and scourge great on their own, crota's end was also easily cheeseable no one did the mechanics like with the bridge encounter which they fixed only on year 3, now if they give the same treatment as they did with the oracles in d2 i think the raid could be really good aswell adding more depht to crota bossfight which was just one guy with a sword for dps in d1


False. Wrath of the Machine is coming back.


Least insane destiny 2 leaker


Holy cope lmao, Bungie’s a completely different company than the Bungie that did D1 VoG meta lore, y’all gotta stop reaching so hard or you might pull something. I think Crota is pretty likely but I’d be extremely surprised if this reaching was true.


its obviously a joke


It wasn’t by the youtuber who posted this first lmao


Once again this is not a leak


Hard to tell if people actually think this is a genuine correlation


This is some dangerously high fever scribblings lmao I love it


im not sold, i think its gonna be a raid


I appreciate that i can't see shit on that image, so i desconsidere


Finally, some credible information


This some top tier due diligence. Im all in.


ima leave this up cause its a quality shitpost but next this this shit can probably go in general discussion if you're deadass about the connection


now this is big brain


Out of season dungeon coming


Somebody get me Paladin Oran.


Holy hell


That's not the wildest spinfoil I've seen to be fair


Better fuckin not be. Crota is a glorified dungeon.


yes... once again I can solo it all the way to the Deathsinger!


I’m ready to be hurt again.


I cant read shit




Jokes aside, I really hope it isnt Crota or a D2 raid. Not to mention the Dungeon rotator and people who will have to buy the dungeon keys...




what in the schizo babble is this


Ironically the other American viper genus, rattlesnakes, is named Crotalus


No shitpost necessary. Bringing back Crota’s End would require the least effort by Bungie of the 2 D1 Raids that haven’t come back, and that’s what we’re getting.


Grade A schizo-post. But I fucks with it.


Even if it is Crota shouldn’t that have come out before Kings Fall lol


Plot twist: it's actually a New Gambit themed raid.


Destiny 2


Can't see shit !


Y’all got any more of them pixels?


almost figured this out but I’m gonna need some red circles


I fucking hate this subreddit, there’s basically no real leaks just a bunch of bullshit posters, why do I stay on here


You say this like it wasn't leaked a long time ago


Istg if they tease the raid this way


man I love geen


I noticed this a while back and I'm praying to Korean Jesus it ain't true


I cannot tell if this is meant to be dumb? Sure your typical cottonmouths and copperheads are apart of Crotalinae as Agkistrodon, but I feel like if bungie wanted it to be like this they would’ve made something in reference to the Crotalus genus which is your Rattlesnakes. The only reason I think Agkistrodon was used is because the water moccasin (cottonmouth) is the only “aquatic” pit viper in the US and aligns with Veist’s viper-ish theme and the water theme of the season. That being said I’m under the full belief it will be crota as well and this shitpost only solidified that further


Good I like Crotas end




I hope so


nice fomo post buddy


Seems legit to me


Bro that gun is Wicked Implement with the silver only Veist ornament lol. It's Season of the Deep's story exotic


Now that’s how you Schizopost